
PMID(sorted ascending)
vaccination against feline pneumonitis.a commercially available modified live chlamydial vaccine against feline pneumonitis was tested in 26 cats for its ability to protect against aerosol challenge exposure to the feline pneumonitis strain of chlamydia psittaci. after cats were challenge exposed (30 days after vaccination), pyrexia of greater than 40.0 c occurred in 81% of nonvaccinated (control) cats and in 13% of vaccinated cats (principals). evidence of upper respiratory tract disease and the presence of the agent in ocular fluid ...1977921030
toxicity of low and moderate multiplicities of chlamydia psittaci for mouse fibroblasts (l cells).when mouse fibroblasts (l cells) were infected in suspension or in monolayer with 10 to 100 50% infectious doses (id(50)) of chlamydia psittaci (6bc) per host cell, they showed signs of damage 24 to 48 h later. host-cell injuries were termed multiplication dependent when both the ingestion and subsequent reproduction of c. psittaci were required; when only ingestion but not replication was needed, the injuries were considered to be multiplication independent. the time that the injury was first a ...1977924681
experimental chlamydiosis in wild and domestic lagomorphs.chlamydia psittaci (strain m56, the agent of epizootic chlamydiosis of muskrats and hares) was highly lethal for the snowshoe hare (lepus americans) following intravenous inoculation, whereas the agent was much less virulent for cottontail (sylvilagus floridanus) and albino domestic rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus). tissue titres of strain m56 were generally higher after 96 hr in the snowshoe hare than in tissues of the other lagomorphs. spleen, liver and bone marrow were apparently the chief sit ...1976933312
utilization of exogenous thymidine by chlamydia psittaci growing in the thymidine kinase-containing and thymidine kinase-deficient l cells.the incorporation of [3h]thymidine into the deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) of chlamydia psittaci (strain 6bc) growing in thymidine kinase (adenosine 5'-triphosphate-thymidine 5'-phosphotransferase, ec l cells, l(tk+), and thymidine kinase-deficient l cells, lm(tk-), was examined by autoradiography. label was detected over c. psittaci inclusions in l(tk+) but not lm(tk-) cells. no evidence for a chlamydia-specific thymidine kinase activity in either l(tk+) or lm(tk-) cells was o ...1976942715
autoradiography of [3h]thymidine-labeled chlamydia psittaci 6bc in mononuclear phagocytes.incorporation of tritiated [3h]thymidine by chlamydia psittaci 6bc was achieved by growing the parasites in chick embryo yolk sac explants which were exposed to exogenous labeled thymidine. these labeled, purified chlamydiae were next observed by autoradiography within mouse peritoneal macrophages. the number of silver grains remained constant in the cytoplasm of macrophages throughout the developmental cycle of the parasite. the proliferation of labeled chlamydiae in macrophages was confirmed b ...1976943214
alterations in the ultrastructure of chlamydia psittaci 6bc harvested from the allantoic fluid of chick embryos.the allantoic fluid of chick embryos infected with chlamydia psittaci is routinely used as a source of material for the study of the chemical and biological properties of the chlamydiae. we have examined pellets recovered from this allantoic fluid by low- and high-speed centrifugation, as well as high-speed pellets which had been stored at -70 degrees c, and we find that all of the pleomorphic forms of the chlamydiae are present in these materials. the reticulate bodies and large intermediate bo ...1976943217
characterization of miniature pig kidney cells and their resistance to chlamydial infection.a miniature pig kidney cell line has been established from porcine fetuses taken aseptically by hysterectomy and maintained for more than 50 passages in eagle's minimal essential medium containing 10% heat-inactivated newborn calf serum. cell transfers were performed each week. primary and serially passaged cells were found to be highly refractory to infection by chlamydia trachomatis strains tw-3, bour, and lgv 440l and chlamydia psittaci strains meningopneumonitis and 6bc and insusceptible to ...1976944002
[a case of psittacosis treated with rifampicin (author's transl)].a 45-year-old male who had looked over pet-birds at a bird shop 11 days before, developed a high fever with chills. without any response to cephalexin, he was admitted to the hospital, with the chief complaints of high fever and sever headache on the 8th day of illness. the chest x-ray films taken then revealed a fun-shaped ground glass-like shadow extending over s10 of the right lung. after the oral administration of 450 mg rifampicin on the 9th day of illness, he became a febrile within one da ...1976957515
detection of dna polymerase activity in chlamydia psittaci.dna polymerase activities of intact and disrupted suspensions of the mature infectious, extracellular elementary bodies of the meningopneumonitis strain of chlamydia psittaci were studied. intact elementary bodies failed to incorporate labeled thymidine triphosphate (ttp), but homogenates of the organisms did incorporate ttp into the acid insoluble fraction; the reaction continued at a linear rate for 60 min and the newly synthesized dna hybridized exclusively with dna derived from c. psittaci e ...1976957524
differences in physicochemical and antigenic properties of chlamydial strains.antigenic analysis of chlamydia psittaci, c. trachomatis, and lymphogranuloma venereum (lgv) revealed basic physicochemical differences among the three chlamydial strains. these were manifested in structural, isoelectric points, absorption spectra, and in the characteristics of the chromophobe-containing proteins. the effective period of sonication for c. psittaci and c. trachomatis is around 60 min during which the linkages most susceptible to external sonication forces were broken, releasing a ...1976963615
requirements for ingestion of chlamydia psittaci by mouse fibroblasts (l cells).ingestion of 14c-amino acid-labeled chlamydia psittaci (6bc) by mouse fibroblasts (l cells) was inhibited when the host cells were incubated for 30 min at 37 degrees c in earle salts containing 10 mug of crystalline trypsin per ml. tryptic digestion also inhibited the ingestion of 1-mum polystrene latex beads. trypsin-treated l cells almost completely recovered their ability to ingest chlamydiae after 4 h at 37 degrees c in medium 199 with 5% fetal calf serum. cycloheximide (10 mug/ml) blocked t ...1976965090
immediate toxicity of high multiplicities of chlamydia psittaci for mouse fibroblasts (l cells).one hour after suspensions of mouse fibroblasts (l cells) were exposed to 500 to 1,000 l-cell 50% infectious doses of chlamydia psittaci (6bc), the l cells failed to attach to and spread out on solid substrates, phagocytosed polystyrene latex spheres at reduced rates, incorporated less [14c]isoleucine into protein, and had smaller soluble pools of nucleoside triphosphates. the infected l cells began to die at 8 h and were all dead by 20 h. lower multiplicities of infection took correspondingly l ...1976985806
infectivity titration of guinea-pig inclusion conjunctivitis agent in irradiated mccoy cells.estimation of the infectivity of the agent of guinea-pig inclusion conjunctivitis for irradiated mccoy cells, assayed as inclusion-forming units, was influenced by the age of cells after irradiation, the maturation time of the inclusions, the centrifugal force and the centrifugation temperature. agent passaged through irradiated mccoy cells or guinea-pig conjunctivae showed a greater capacity to infect irradiated mccoy cells without centrifuging than agent grown in a chick embryo. the nature of ...1976986419
phagocytic and chlamydiae-inhibiting activities of stimulated and nonstimulated periotneal mouse macrophages.phagocytic and chamydiacidal properties of nonstimulated and stimulated mouse mononuclear cells for two chlamydia psittaci 6bc strains were investigated. it was determined that macrophages kept in monolayer culture (i.e. stimulated phagocytes) developed much more efficient chlamydiacidal ability than did cells kept in suspension directly after harvest (i.e. nonstimulated phagocytes). a thousandfold decrease of chlamydial infectivity was observed 60 min after induction of phagocytosis in stimulat ...1976986871
ornithosis in domestic pigeons gone wild in bratislava. 1976987103
ornithosis in domestic pigeons gone wild in bratislava. 1976987114
observations on the involvement of wildlife in an epornitic of chlamydiosis in domestic an investigation of potential wildlife reservoirs of chlamydia psittaci at the site of an acute, highly fatal epornitic of chlamydiosis in domestic turkeys in texas, various species of wild birds and rodents were captured and tested for chlamydial serum antibodies and chlamydiae in their tissues. thirteen (65%) of 20 blackbirds (agelaius sp), 4 (44%) of 9 killdeer (oxyechus vociferus), 3 (27%) of 11 sparrows (passer sp) and 1 of 4 mourning doves (zenaidura macroura) were seropositive, but chl ...1976988009
some physical properties of a sheep pneumonia strain of chlamydia psittaci. 1976997192
ultrastructural changes in host cellular organelles in the course of the chlamydial developmental cycle.different stages in the chlamydial developmental cycle were correlated with cytopathic changes in host cellular organelles by ultrastructural analysis of infected cultured cells and cells of the intestinal mucosa of newborn calves. four distinct morphologic forms of chlamydial development can be distinguished: elementary bodies, dispersing forms, reticulate bodies and condensing forms which proceed to form elementary bodies. from the stage of elementary body uptake through formation and multipli ...19761015025
antigenic analysis of chlamydiae by two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis. i. antigenic heterogeneity between c. trachomatis and c. psittaci.tw0-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis was used for the antigenic analysis of chlamydia. antigens of chlamydiae were found to be successfully solubilized with the nonionic detergent triton x-100. nineteen and 16 distinct components were observed for chlamydia trachomatis strain l2/434/bu and c. psittaci strain meningopneumonitis/cal-10, respectively. the triton-solubilized antigens of chlamydiae differ strikingly between species since only one strong reciprocal cross-reacting antigen was observed ...19751080772
chlamydiae as agents of sexually transmitted diseases.chlamydiae are being increasingly recognized as an important cause of human disease. the known geographical distribution of lymphogranuloma venereum and the role of chlamydiae as agents of sexually transmitted diseases are reviewed. the presence of chlamydiae in the urethra and the cervix, and their etiological relationship to genital infections, first recognized in connexion with ocular infections, have been proved in a number of studies in selected populations in a few countries. chlamydiae ap ...19761088107
lysosomes and the "toxicity" of rickettsias. vi. in vivo response of mouse peritoneal phagocytes to l-cell-grown chlamydia psittaci 6bc strain.the l-cell-grown 6bc strain of c. psittaci inoculated intraperitoneally in mice induced an injurious effect on mononuclear phagocytes and their lysosomes; the influx of polymorphonuclear phagocytes (pmn's) increased markedly and the pmn's showed karyorrhexis and lysis. cytochemical methods failed to detect chlamydial forms in peritoneal fluids from day 1 and up to 6 days after inoculation of mice. chlamydial infectivity was not detected in either the cell-bound or the cell-free fractions of peri ...19751090349
competition between chlamydia psittaci and l cells for host isoleucine pools: a limiting factor in chlamydial multiplication.l cells (mouse fibroblasts) supported the multiplication of the obligately intracellular parasitic bacterium chlamydia psittaci (strain 6bc) when incubated in fresh growth medium (medium 199 + 5% fetal calf serum). when incubated in the medium supernatant from a 24-h-old culture of uninfected l cells (24-h used medium), uninfected cells did not divide and infected cells did not provide an adequate environment for the multiplication of c. psittaci, which persisted in a noninfectious latent state ...19751095493
immunofluorescence of peritoneal phagocytes after infection of mice with l-cell-attenuated chlamydia psittaci 6bc.large amounts of particulate antigen of chlamydia psittaci 6bc attenuated by growth in l cells were phagocytized by peritoneal mononuclear phagocytes during the 1st h after intraperitoneal inoculation. the phagocytes subsequently destroyed the immunofluorescent (if) properties of the chlamydial antigens. it is suggested that the early damage of phagocytes by lysosomal enzymes activation induced by chlamydiae contributed to the relatively early disappearance of if antigens from the peritoneal flu ...19751097065
[detection of the antigens of the causative agent of enzootic ovine abortion by an immunoperoxidase method]. 19751108388
[study of the specificity of various classes of immunoglobulins (igm and igg) v techenie ornitoznoĭ infektsii].studies of the specificity of immunoglobulins of different classes in the course of both experimental and natural orinthosis infection showed igg antibody to possess a wide spectrum of activity: group-, species- and strain-specific, but specificity to group antigenic components was predominant. igm antibodies were species-specific, however, population of gammam-immunoglobulins of animal sera in approximately 7 and 14 days after infection antibody suggested a method for the study of the antigenic ...19751108451
an epornitic of fatal chlamydiosis (ornithosis) in south carolina unusual epornitic of fatal chlamydiosis occurred in a flock of 10,283 domestic turkeys in south carolina. total mortality over a 2-week period was 483 birds (4.7% of the flock). the principal gross lesion was severe pericarditis, but there was little or no airsacculitis, an observation at variance with many previous reports of chlamydiosis. furthermore, an unusually heavy infestation of the turkeys with sanguivorous black flies (simulium slossonae and s congareenarum) was observed at the time ...19751112744
protein profiles of dense-centered forms of five chlamydial strains of animal origin.purified dense-centered form of 1 bovine strain (lw613) and 3 ovine strains (b577, 034-eye, and 047-eye) of chlamydia psittaci and 1 murine strain of chlamydia trachomatis (mopn) were dissociated in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (sds) and 2-mercaptoethanol. the number of polypeptides detected in the 5 strains varied between 17 and 20, with a molecular weight range of 29,000 to 120,000. two polypeptides predominated and comprised approximately a third of the total protein in each of the ...19751147351
electron microscopy of the in vivo internalization of virulent chlamydia psittaci 6bc strain.the internalization of virulent chlamydia psittaci 6bc particles by wandering mononuclear phagocytes in the peritoneal cavity of intraperitoneally inoculated mice occurred asynchronously, i.e., fragile reticulate bodies (rb) appeared to be more readily phagocytized than the rigid elementary bodies (eb). early damage of mononuclear phagocytes occurred after internalization of chlamydiae. this was followed by a decreased uptake of particles, and may explain the relatively long persistence (up to ...19751148946
utilization of l-cell nucleoside triphosphates by chlamydia psittaci for ribonucleic acid synthesis.long-term, 32-p-labeled l cells were infected with the obligately intracellular parasite chlamydia psittaci (strain 6 bc). at 20 h postinfection, [3-h]uridine was added, and the infected cells were sampled at intervals for incorporation of the labels into the uridine triphosphate (utp) and cytidine triphosphate (ctp) pools of the host l cell and the uridine monophosphate (ump) and cytidine monophosphate (cmp) in 16s ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rna) of the parasite. the specific activity of the n ...19751168632
ultrastructural cytochemical evidence for the activation of lysosomes in the cytocidal effect of chlamydia psittaci.the cytopathic effect of the polyarthritis strain of chlamydia psittaci was studied in cultured bovine fetal spleen cells and found to be mediated by the release of lysosomal enzymes into the host cytoplasm during the late stages of chlamydial development. ultrastructural cytochemical analysis and cell fractionation studies of infected cells revealed a close relationship between the stage of chlamydial development, fine structural features of the host, and localization of lysosomal enzyme activi ...19751172486
chlamydiosis in a beef herd.chlamydial infection in a large beef herd is illustrated and discussed. the pre-natal and post-natal losses that occurred during 1972 are highlighted. total pre-natal losses for the nine calving herds comprising 2,915 animals varied between 3,7% and 12,4%. between 1,2% and 11,4% of the calves born alive in the nine herds died before weaning with 70% of the losses occurring within the first three weeks of life. chlamydial organisms were demonstrated in pre-natal and post-natal losses from all nin ...19751195268
[obtaining hyperimmune serum for the diagnosis of enzootic ovine abortion]. 19751209918
insidious endocarditis caused by chlamydia psittaci. 19751212580
[micromethod for the ha and hi tests in ornithosis].the possibility of using the ha and hi tests in micromethod modifications in ornithosis was studied. the hemagglutinating activity of various antigens was tested. by the employment of the micromethod antihemagglutinins were found in sera from patients, immunized animals (donkey and guinea pigs) as well as from pigeons and ducks. no antibody was found in control sera and sera from tortoises. the results of the ha and hi tests performed by macro- and micromethod were similar. the micromethod is as ...19751216842
[production of a noninfectious ornithosis hemagglutinin preparation].one of the main obstacles to introduction of the hi test in to extensive use is the high infectivity of the causative agent suspensions used as the source of hemagglutinin (ha). the sterilizing effect of uv-rays, high temperature (56 -60 degrees c) and beta-propiolactone was studied in attempts at preparation of noninfectious ornithosis ha. only bpl was found to be effective. by this method of treatment of the allantoic fluid a noninfectious preparation of ornithosis ha was obtained which was hi ...19751226714
[experimental infection of guinea pigs with chlamydia. 1. pathomorphological studies].the changes that occurred following nasal instillation of a bovine strain of chlamydia psittaci were characterized by hypertrophy and proliferation of epithelial cells and exudates containing polymorphonuclear leukocytes, with acute bronchopneumonia and less intense inflammatory reactions in nasal and tracheal mucosa, spleen and pulmonary lymph nodes. the intestines, liver, kidney and brain were scarcely affected. there was little prospect of complete recovery from the clinically mild, or even s ...19751227428
[morphological ultrastructural and immunological studies of a rickettsia isolated from a parrot (author's transl)].a rickettsia isolated from a parrot was found by use of electron microscopic and serological technic to be a coxiella burneti. in cell culture one can see a dramatic polymorphism and a gram negative-like structure of the cell wall. they divide by binary fission with no appearance of a complexe cycle of development like the one described for chlamydia psittaci. many myelinic fibrils and altered coxiella suggest that the host cell react very deaply.19751238044
ultrastructural studies of chlamydia psittaci 6bc in situ in yolk sac explants and l cells: a comparison with gram-negative bacteria.chlamydia psittaci (6bc) was grown in yolk sac explants and in l cells and fixed by perfusion in situ to provide undamaged material for comparison with gram-negative bacteria. reticulate, intermediate, and elementary bodies were all seen to lack a well-defined periplasmic space; intermediate and elementary bodies showed condensations of the nucleoid which differ from common bacterial configurations; and the cytoplasm of highly condensed elementary bodies was much more electron dense than that of ...19751238156
the effect of purification on the ultrastructure and infectivity of egg-attenuated chlamydia psittaci (6bc).a procedure is described for the purification of mixed populations of the three different morphological forms of chlamydia psittaci (6bc) from infected yolk sac membranes. elementary bodies and small intermediate bodies are not perceptibly damaged during purification which involves homogenization of the host cells, differential centrifugation, sedimentation through 20% sucrose, and treatment with trypsin. the observation that elementary bodies undergo plasmolysis in 20% sucrose is interpreted as ...19751238157
detection of igm antibodies to chlamydia trachomatis, chlamydia pneumoniae, and chlamydia psittaci from japanese infants and children with pneumonia.chlamydia trachomatis (c. trachomatis) is now well established as a pathogen of neonatal inclusion conjunctivitis and infantile pneumonia. c. pneumoniae (twar) and c. psittaci also cause pneumonia and other respiratory infections. serum samples from 223 japanese infants and children with pneumonia were tested for igm antibodies to c. trachomatis, c. pneumoniae and c. psittaci. igm antibodies to c. trachomatis were measured by an enzyme immunoassay (eia) and by a microimmunofluorescence (mif) tes ...19921296808
purification of chlamydia psittaci antigen by affinity chromatography on polymyxin b agarose for use in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa).the purification of cell wall antigens of chlamydia psittaci by affinity chromatography on polymyxin b agarose is described. chlamydial cell wall antigens were prepared using different methods: heat treatment, ultrasonication and sodium deoxycholate treatment. the antigens were subsequently purified by gel chromatography. the highest amount of cell wall antigens was obtained by heat treatment of the chlamydiae at 90 degrees c and ph 8.5. the purified antigens showed molecular weights of 450 kda ...19921303687
evaluation of the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for detection of chlamydia psittaci in abortion material from ewes.the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was evaluated as a diagnostic tool for detection of chlamydia (c.) psittaci in abortion material from 40 ewes. for this purpose, pcr results of 87 samples were compared with direct microscopic identification after chemical staining, cell culture isolation and a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). the value for sensitivity as compared to cell culture was 97.7% whereas the specificity-value was calculated to be 84.1%.19921303688
serological survey for bovine bacterial and viral pathogens in captive arabian oryx (oryx leucoryx pallas, 1776).tests for antibodies to bovine bacterial and viral pathogens were conducted on 239 sera from 128 arabian oryx (oryx leucoryx) from seven locations (taif, riyadh and mahazat as said, saudi arabia; san diego, united states of america [usa]; shaumari, jordan; qatar; and bahrain). no antibodies to pasteurella multocida type e or epizootic haemorrhagic disease 1 virus were found. antibodies to brucella abortus, p. multocida type b, p. multocida type d, lumpy skin disease virus and akabane virus were ...19921305861
similarity of chlamydia pneumoniae strains in the variable domain iv region of the major outer membrane protein gene.dna was amplified by polymerase chain reaction from the gene encoding the major outer membrane protein (momp) of chlamydia pneumoniae in order to examine the relatedness of strains isolated from diverse geographical regions. primers for this reaction were chosen to span a 207-bp region comparable to that of the fourth variable segment of the momp gene of chlamydia trachomatis. among c. trachomatis, sequence heterogeneity is characteristic within variable sequence domain iv (vdiv) and correlates ...19921339411
[biological products and laboratory reagents dehydrated by a rapid direct vacuum desiccation method. vi. studies of the preservation of microbial strains (c. burnetii, chlamydia psittaci, mycoplasma pneumoniae) and a laboratory reagent (para-nitrophenyl phosphate) by vacuum desiccation]. 19921340260
biological properties and genetic analysis of the ompa locus in chlamydiae isolated from swine.eight strains of chlamydia psittaci isolated from swine with pneumonia, pleuritis, pericarditis, and enteritis were characterized through analysis of the major outer membrane protein gene ompa by a two-step polymerase chain reaction, by their interactions with cells in culture, and by the morphologic features and ultrastructure of intracellular inclusions. amplified chlamydial ompa dna fragments were differentiated by restriction endonuclease digestion. chlamydial isolates were separated into 2 ...19921358014
pcr detection and differentiation of chlamydia pneumoniae, chlamydia psittaci and chlamydia trachomatis.a pcr-based system was developed for the detection and differentiation of chlamydia trachomatis, chlamydia psittaci and chlamydia pneumoniae. a conserved 145 bp fragment of the chlamydial omp1 gene was amplified from all three species. the three species were then differentiated from each other by digestion of this pcr product with restriction enzymes eco ri and either hind iii or pst i. the system was shown to work for two strains of c. pneumoniae, 11 strains of c. psittaci and 10 serovars of c. ...19921361961
distinguishing chlamydia species by restriction analysis of the major outer membrane protein gene.clinical isolates of chlamydia pneumoniae from diverse geographic locations and strains of other chlamydia species were typed by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) amplification of the major outer membrane protein (momp) gene followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the product. use of synthetic primers corresponding to highly conserved regions of the momp gene resulted in amplification of a 1070 bp product in laboratory strains and clinical isolates of c. pneumoniae, c. tra ...19921361962
a synthetic glycoconjugate representing the genus-specific epitope of chlamydial lipopolysaccharide exhibits the same specificity as its natural counterpart.the tetrasaccharide 3-deoxy-alpha-d-manno-2-octulosonic acid (alpha-kdo) (2----8)-alpha-kdo(2----4)-alpha-kdo(2----6)-beta glcnac, a partial structure of chlamydial lipopolysaccharide (lps) representing a genus-specific epitope, was synthesized and covalently linked to bovine serum albumin, resulting in an artificial glycoconjugate antigen. mice were immunized with the glycoconjugate to prepare chlamydia-specific monoclonal antibodies. they were selected with chlamydia-specific lps antigens and ...19921372290
identification of chlamydia pneumoniae by dna amplification of the 16s rrna gene.chlamydia pneumoniae is an important cause of respiratory disease in humans, but diagnosis of c. pneumoniae is hindered by difficulties in the in vitro growth of the organism. in order to improve detection and identification, we recently developed a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay which uses oligonucleotide primers specific for c. pneumoniae. the nucleic acid sequence was determined for the 16s rrna of c. pneumoniae, and regions in which c. pneumoniae differed from both chlamydia psittaci ...19921374077
immunoelectron microscopy of chlamydia psittaci with monoclonal immunoelectron microscopic study was performed to determine the distribution of antigenic components on particles of chlamydia psittaci and infected cells using a number of monoclonal antibodies (mabs). of three anti-lipopolysaccharide (lps) antibodies (4d5, a2 and 4g5), two antibodies (4d5 and a2) reacted with the surface of reticulate bodies (rbs) but not with that of elementary bodies (ebs). the other antibody (4g5) reacted with both ebs and rbs. examination of infected cells in thin secti ...19921374830
detection and antigenicity of chlamydial proteins that bind eukaryotic cell membrane proteins.chlamydia psittaci proteins capable of binding eukaryotic cell membranes were identified and antigenically characterized. cell membrane proteins (cmp) of noninfected cells were labeled with biotin (b-cmp), then were extracted with 1% triton x-100. nitrocellulose membrane strips containing sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-resolved proteins of chlamydial elementary bodies (eb) were reacted with the b-cmp extract, followed by addition of streptavidin-conjugated horse radish ...19921378251
keratitis in free-ranging koalas (phascolarctos cinereus) on magnetic island, townsville.seventy free-ranging koalas (phascolarctos cinereus) from magnetic island (queensland, australia) underwent an ocular examination, blood collection and serological examination for chlamydia psittaci antibodies, and an examination of their teeth and genitalia. in 12 koalas long-standing unilateral keratitis was noted and in another 10 animals long-standing bilateral keratitis was observed. all animals were seronegative for chlamydia psittaci and apart from some nasal discharge and a variety of as ...19921380994
chlamydial endocarditis: a report on ten cases.over the period 1983-1990, 10 cases of infective native-valve endocarditis as a result of chlamydia were seen. all patients were men, with a mean age of 42 years, and none had a history of exposure to chlamydia psittaci. symptoms, such as weight loss and anorexia, with fever in eight cases, had persisted for at least 2 months before admission. haemodynamic failure was present in seven patients, and neurological signs in four. the aortic valve was involved in seven cases, the mitral valve in one ...19921396819
prevalence of chlamydia psittaci infection among persons who work with birds. 19921399508
[familial outbreak of pneumonia by psittacosis].a familial outbreak (4 cases) of pneumonia by psittacosis in vall de uxó (castellón) during the month of april in 1990 is described. in addition to the epidemiologic, clinical and serologic (complement fixation) studies carried out a survey and serology of 11 healthy controls (neighbors, and employees from a bird shop) were performed. the serum of a parrot recently acquired by the patients (positive at 1/8) was analyzed. the habit of petting the animal was significantly associated with the disea ...19921405807
human psittacosis linked to a bird distributor in mississippi--massachusetts and tennessee, 1992.during april-may 1992, cdc was notified of a possible outbreak of psittacosis involving members of two families in massachusetts and tennessee who had recently purchased birds as pets. in the subsequent investigation of this problem, human psittacosis was defined as a fourfold rise in complement-fixing antibody titer to > or = 32 or a single titer of > or = 32 in a patient with fever and/or respiratory symptoms. this report summarizes the investigation of this problem.19921406575
protection against chlamydia psittaci in mice conferred by lyt-2+ t cells.a murine model was used to study the respective roles of l3t4+ and lyt-2+ t cells in protection against chlamydia psittaci. donor mice were intravenously (i.v.) infected with 1 x 10(5) plaque-forming units (pfu) per mice of live c. psittaci. one month after inoculation, splenic cells from donors were transferred into syngenic recipients (5 x 10(7) cells/mouse). as measured by splenic colonization on day 6 after i.v. challenge (1 x 10(5) pfu/mouse), transfer with primed (untreated) cells conferre ...19921427980
acquisition and synthesis of folates by obligate intracellular bacteria of the genus chlamydia.we undertook studies focused on folate acquisition by chlamydia trachomatis l2, chlamydia psittaci 6bc, and c. psittaci francis. results from in situ studies, using wild-type host cells, confirmed that c. trachomatis l2 and c. psittaci 6bc are sensitive to sulfonamides whereas c. psittaci francis is resistant. in addition c. trachomatis l2 and c. psittaci francis were inhibited by methotrexate in situ whereas c. psittaci 6bc was not. in contrast to c. trachomatis, neither c. psittaci strain was ...19921430206
[study on the bacteriological examination of sputum and bronchoscopy specimens from 31 cases with pneumonia due to chlamydia psittaci].we carried out the bacteriological examination of sputum and bronchoscopy specimens from 31 cases with pneumonia due to c. psittaci. the results obtained were as follows: 1. the positive culture of sputum and bronchoscopy specimens were 38.7% (12/31). 2. the organisms detected from them were 13 strains of gram-negative bacilli, 2 of gram-positive cocci and one gram-positive bacillus. 3. significant differences were observed in the white blood cell count between the cases of positive culture and ...19921431354
culture of sheep chlamydia in a sheep fibroblast cell culture.abortion and enteric isolates of chlamydia psittaci from sheep differed in their growth in a fibroblastic cell culture derived from the small intestine of a lamb. twenty abortion isolates, each from a different farm, produced large inclusions which could be passaged several times whereas 10 enteric isolates each from different farms (but from some of the farms of origin of the abortion isolates) produced sparse inclusions which could not be passaged. this appears to be a rapid method of distingu ...19921439220
[epidemiology of micro-organisms responsible for community-acquired pneumonia].pneumonias occupy a prominent situation among lower respiratory tract infections where they are remarkable for their potential mortality and for our relative knowledge of the responsible micro-organisms. analysis and synthesis of each series published must answer several questions, such as: what are the lung diseases considered? which investigations have been performed? which criteria of imputability have been used? in which patients has the study been carried out? in which place, which period a ...19921439460
enzyme electrophoretic polymorphism differentiates invasive from non-invasive chlamydia psittaci ruminant isolates.a group of 24 chlamydia psittaci strains isolated from ruminants, belonging to serotype 1 and previously classified as invasive in a mouse model of virulence, was compared to a group of 10 non-invasive strains belonging to serotype 2 by using determination of glucose-6-phosphate and l-malate dehydrogenase zymotypes resulting of the infection of cells by these strains. the serotype 1 or invasive isolates represent a homogeneous group by sharing a unique zymotype which was not observed in the non- ...19921448629
establishment of a particle-counting method for purified elementary bodies of chlamydiae and evaluation of sensitivities of the ideia chlamydia kit and dna probe by using the purified elementary evaluate the sensitivity of commercially available test kits for detection of chlamydiae, we established a method of purifying chlamydia trachomatis and chlamydia pneumoniae elementary bodies (ebs). we then subjected the purified ebs, together with the purified ebs of chlamydia psittaci, to the ideia chlamydia (ideia) and dna probe test kits to determine the eb numbers at the detection limits. the sensitivities of the test kits were thus compared. the results can be summarized as follows. (i) ...19921452662
comparison of nine antigen detection kits for diagnosis of urogenital infections due to chlamydia psittaci in koalas.chlamydia psittaci is the major cause of infectious disease in the koala (phascolarctos cinereus). it causes four disease syndromes in the koala, namely, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, cystitis, and infertility (females only). diagnosis of chlamydial infections in koalas relies primarily on isolation of the organism in cell culture. serology has generally not been useful, and little use has previously been made of the commercially available antigen detection kits. we examined the sensitivity, specifi ...19921452703
isolation of chlamydia psittaci from pleural effusion in a dog. 19921457552
preparation and use of a monoclonal antibody to detect chlamydia psittaci antigen in paraffin-embedded tissue sections.a murine monoclonal antibody prepared against an ovine abortion isolate of chlamydia psittaci (a22/teramo) revealed specific binding to a 57 kda chlamydial antigen in immunoblotting studies. the monoclonal antibody was able to detect intracytoplasmic chlamydial inclusions and scattered elementary bodies in infected mccoy cell culture, and on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections both from experimentally infected mice and from fetal membranes of cases of ovine enzootic abortion.19921465516
[the signal transduction mechanism responsible for interferon-gamma-inducible indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (ido) gene expression in t98g cells].the interferon (ifn)-gamma-induced indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (ido) is implicated in the inhibition of intracellular pathogens, e.g. chlamydia psittaci and toxoplasma gondii. the intracellular signaling molecules responsible for the induction of ido gene expression were investigated by the quantitative polymerase chain reaction. the gene expression was inhibited by a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, genistein. being consistent with this, ifn-gamma induced increased tyrosine phosphorylation and this w ...19921469778
specificity of the microimmunofluorescence assay for the serodiagnosis of chlamydia pneumoniae infections.chlamydia pneumoniae infections are mostly confirmed using an indirect microimmunofluorescence test for which potential cross-reactions between antigens from different chlamydial species are not well documented. using this assay, 928 sera (507 subjects) submitted for chlamydia pneumoniae serology were tested for specific igm and igg to this bacteria using the tw-183 antigen. igm and igg reactivities to chlamydia trachomatis serotypes c, d, e, and l2 and chlamydia psittaci strain 6bc antigens wer ...19921477792
chlamydial infections of the heart.chlamydiae are common human pathogens, causing a broad spectrum of infectious diseases. chlamydial infections involving the heart have been described in numerous previous reports. these organisms are documented to cause endocarditis, myocarditis and pericarditis. furthermore, chlamydia pneumoniae, the recently discovered respiratory pathogen, has also been implicated in coronary artery disease. for the first time the literature on involvement of the heart in chlamydial infections is reviewed. in ...19921486883
[bilateral pneumonia caused by chlamydia psittaci. description of a clinical case].a mortal case of atypical pneumonia due to chlamydia psittaci with acute respiratory distress, septic shock and multiple organ failure is described. infection has been caused by an ill parrot imported clandestinely. antibody titration with the immunofluorescence technique allowed diagnosis.19921508365
[infection by avian chlamydiosis in breeding pigeons in new caledonia].an epidemiological survey on avian chlamydiosis, carried out by serological probing in 8 pigeon breeders representative of new caledonian livestock, combined with bacteriological research on pigeon organs and droppings was set up in new caledonia in order to determine the prevalence rate of this infection and to adapt sanitary regulations concerning pigeon imports. all sera collected (230) were analysed by complement fixation test (cft). the organs were diluted in sucrose solution, then stored f ...19921510340
ophthalmologic examination of the normal eye of the koala.the ophthalmic examination of the koala (phascolarctos cinereus) was undertaken to describe the normal in vivo structure. twenty-two of 28 koalas examined were found to have normal eyes. slit-lamp examination revealed unusual lamellae in the cornea, and mean keratometric readings were 59.3 +/- 3 diopters, corneal endothelial cell area of 381.4 microns2 +/- with a standard deviation of 46.8 microns2. no particular features were seen which would explain the susceptibility of this animal to ocular ...19921512874
serologic survey for selected arboviruses and other potential pathogens in wildlife from mexico.during 1988 and 1989, a serologic survey of wildlife was conducted in northeastern mexico to determine the presence, prevalence, and distribution of arboviruses and other selected disease agents. eighty mammal specimens were tested. antibodies to vesicular stomatitis-indiana, venezuelan equine encephalitis-mena ii, rio grande virus, and vesicular stomatitis-new jersey were detected predominantly in small mammals. deer and mouflon (ovis musimon) had antibodies to bluetongue and epizootic hemorrha ...19921512876
monoclonal antibody based capture elisa/elifa for the detection of chlamydia psittaci in veterinary clinical specimens.a capture elisa/elifa system based on monoclonal capture and biotinylated monoclonal detection antibody with specificity for an epitope on chlamydial lipopolysaccharide (lps) is described. the assay is fast, specific and detects a minimum dose of approximately 2000 chlamydial particles (c. psittaci). unlike other commercially available test kits, it comprises a proteinase k treatment to exclude non-specific binding of antibodies to fc receptors. in contrast to the sophisticated and cumbersome is ...19921520968
pneumonia due to legionella bozemanii and chlamydia psittaci/twar following renal transplantation.chlamydia and legionella are recognized causes of atypical pneumonia. a case of pneumonia due to chlamydia psittaci/twar and legionella bozemanii following renal transplantation is described. legionella bozemanii infection was diagnosed by a rise in antibodies and by isolation of the organism from bronchoscopy specimens. it is unusual to find pneumonia caused concomitantly by two such agents. this case, despite the fatal outcome, emphasises the necessity for a comprehensive approach to the diagn ...19921522325
ovine chlamydiosis in an abattoir worker.the strain of chlamydia psittaci causing enzootic abortion in ewes (the eae strain) may cause serious infection in pregnant women, often resulting in hepatic and renal dysfunction, disseminated intravascular coagulation and fetal loss. the first case of such an infection in an abattoir worker is described and the possibility of human-to-human transmission considered. direct handling of sheep or their products of conception can usually be established but this is not always so. there is much still ...19921522332
coxiella burneti endocarditis in a patient with positive chlamydial serology.a 41-year-old man who habitually slept in a car park presented with a culture-negative endocarditis. serological tests indicated infection with both coxiella burneti and chlamydia psittaci. he was treated with doxycycline and clindamycin and required aortic valve replacement. culture of the excised value for both agents was negative but electron microscopy was suggestive of coxiella endocarditis.19921522334
the differentiation of chlamydia species by antigen detection in sputum specimens from patients with community-acquired acute respiratory amplified enzyme immunoassay (ideia iii: dako diagnostics ltd) for detecting genus-specific chlamydia antigen was evaluated prospectively on 286 respiratory specimens from 275 patients presenting with community-acquired pneumonia or persistent chest infection. nineteen patients had evidence of recent chlamydial infection, having two or more positive sputum or serological markers. sputa from two other patients were elisa-positive in the absence of other positive criteria and were regarded as f ...19921522342
a comparison of the seroepidemiology of chlamydial infection in pigeon fanciers and farmers in the u.k.a detailed comparative seroepidemiological study of antibody responses was performed in 271 pigeon fanciers and 100 farmers. overall 73% of pigeon fanciers had igg antibodies at a titre greater than or equal to 16 to chlamydia pneumoniae, 39% to chlamydia psittaci, and 6.6% to chlamydia trachomatis. the prevalence of chlamydial antibodies was significantly lower in the farmers at 47% for c. pneumoniae, 6% for c. psittaci, and 2% for c. trachomatis. both populations were exposed to complex microb ...19921522344
community-acquired pulmonary infection due to chlamydia in tropical using enzyme immunoassay and immunofluorescence antigen detection techniques on sputum specimens, four of 260 patients with pulmonary infection resident in tropical queensland were found to be infected with chlamydia. all four chlamydial infections were community-acquired and there was no history of close contact with birds by any of the four patients. one woman was deemed to be suffering with chlamydia pneumonia, while the role of the organism in the pathogenesis of respiratory disease in th ...19921523467
detection of chlamydia pneumoniae by polymerase chain reaction.while criteria for serodiagnosis of chlamydia pneumoniae infection are well established, isolation of the organism is often difficult. to increase detection of this organism, c. pneumoniae-specific sequences were identified to permit amplification of c. pneumoniae by polymerase chain reaction (pcr). a cloned c. pneumoniae 474-bp psti fragment was shown by dot blot and southern hybridization to differentiate c. pneumoniae from the other chlamydia spp., react with all c. pneumoniae isolates tested ...19921537913
l-arginine-dependent reactive nitrogen intermediates and the antimicrobial effect of activated human mononuclear phagocytes.the l-arginine-dependent generation of reactive nitrogen intermediates (rni) has been identified as a key intracellular antimicrobial mechanism of activated mouse macrophages. to determine the role of this mechanism in the activity of human mononuclear phagocytes, monocyte-derived macrophages activated in vitro by interferon (ifn)-gamma and monocytes from patients receiving ifn-gamma as therapy were treated with ng-monomethyl-l-arginine (nma) or arginase. neither competitive inhibition of l-argi ...19921538156
a prolonged outbreak of ornithosis in duck 1985 an outbreak of ornithosis affected 13 of 80 (16%) workers in a duck-processing plant. new employees were three times more likely to become cases than established employees. the highest attack rate was in those on the production line. following the outbreak, an occupational health scheme was set up to monitor the health of new recruits to the company. serological evidence of recent infection was demonstrated in 18 of 37 (49%) new employees tested in the first 3 months of employment. five ...19921547838
interspecies structural diversity among chlamydial genes encoding histone h1.recently, a eukaryotic histone h1-like protein has been detected in chlamydia trachomatis serovar l2 [hackstadt et al., proc. natl. acad. sci. usa 88 (1991) 3937-3941; tao et al., j. bacteriol. 173 (1991) 2818-2822]. we have cloned the corresponding gene from c. trachomatis serovar j and the chlamydia psittaci strain mn. sequencing demonstrated absolute gene identity between the two c. trachomatis serovars l2 and j, but divergence in the c. psittaci strain mn. these differences resulted in alter ...19921551591
brief report: chlamydia psittaci endocarditis diagnosed by blood culture. 19921557094
antigenic and morphological differentiation of placental and intestinal isolates of chlamydia psittaci of ovine origin.ewe placental and lamb intestinal isolates of chlamydia psittaci recovered from flocks affected with ovine enzootic abortion were examined by inclusion morphology, indirect immunofluorescence (iif) and immunoblot analysis. chlamydiae recovered from the faeces of sheep from two flocks free of clinical disease were also examined. in cell culture ovine abortion (oa) and intestinal isolates were distinguishable by inclusion development and morphology. similarly, in two-way iif tests with one week mo ...19921557895
[multicausal infectious respiratory tract disease of young fattening turkeys].the outbreak of the disease occurred in a large multiple-age farm with about 50,000 meat turkeys, where groups of 6-8000 one-day-old birds were stalled up every 14 days. all the turkey poults housed were affected mostly in the 1.-3. week of the life. the respiratory disease spread rapidly within the flocks and were characterised clinically by inclination of huddle, ruffled feathers, anorexia, stunted growth, swelling of the infraorbital sinus and nasal discharge. the clinical apparent disease la ...19921559465
pathogenesis of endometritis and salpingitis in a guinea pig model of chlamydial genital infection.the development of tubal obstruction and subsequent infertility is a major sequelum of upper genital tract infection with chlamydia trachomatis; however, little is known about the pathogenesis of the infection. in this investigation, the authors present a detailed study of the progression of ascending chlamydial infection in female guinea pigs resulting from intravaginal inoculation of the chlamydia psittaci agent of guinea pig inclusion conjunctivitis (gpic). isolation of chlamydiae from differ ...19921562052
effects of interferons beta or gamma on neopterin biosynthesis and tryptophan degradation by human alveolar macrophages in vitro: synergy with lipopolysaccharide.interferons can induce neopterin biosynthesis and tryptophan degradation in monocytic cells. indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (ido), an inducible cellular enzyme, metabolizes tryptophan to n-formyl-l-kynurenine. tryptophan degradation has been linked to interferon-mediated inhibition of replication by intracellular pathogens and inhibition of cancer cell proliferation. we evaluated the ability of the recombinant human interferons beta ser and gamma to stimulate neopterin production and tryptophan deg ...19921591013
chlamydiosis in a red-tailed hawk (buteo jamaicensis).a red-tailed hawk (buteo jamaicensis) with signs of respiratory distress and diarrhea was captured in the manchac wildlife management area, louisiana (usa) and died the following day. at necropsy, the carcass was emaciated and there were splenomegaly, and fibrinous pericarditis, airsacculitis, and perihepatitis. microscopically, there were fibrinous pericarditis and airsacculitis, myocardial necrosis, necrotizing hepatitis, splenic necrosis with reticuloendothelial cell hyperplasia, interstitial ...19921602582
[rational means of the determination of costs and etiological diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia].the cost and effectiveness of examinations (sputum staining and culturing, antitest determination for influenza a and b, rsv, adenovirus, chlamydia psittaci and pneumoniae, coxiella burnetii, mycoplasma pneumoniae and legionella pneumophila, and determination for streptococcus pneumoniae antigen) performed to explore the aetiology of community-acquired pneumonia in the case of 258 hospitalised patients were analysed. the aetiology could be determined in 44.2% of the cases. on the basis of prevai ...19921608606
chlamydia psittaci infection in horses: results of a prevalence survey and experimental challenge.nasal and conjunctival swabs were obtained from 300 horses and chlamydia psittaci was isolated from 15 of them (5 per cent). eleven nasal swabs and six conjunctival swabs were positive on culture, but there was no association between the isolation of the organism and the presence of clinical ocular or respiratory disease. six ponies were challenged with an equine isolate of c psittaci into the eye, nasal cavity or bronchial tree. the organism could be isolated from nasal and conjunctival swabs t ...19921609475
evaluation of a commercial solid-phase enzyme immunoassay for the detection of ovine chlamydia psittaci. 19921616986
diagnosis of avian chlamydiosis: specificity of the modified giménez staining on smears and comparison of the sensitivity of isolation in eggs and three different cell cultures.for the diagnosis of chlamydiosis in dead and live birds different methods were compared for their sensitivity and specificity. the specificity of the modified giménez staining and the direct immunofluorescence (dif) test for direct demonstration of chlamydia psittaci in organ, cloacal and/or conjunctival smears was examined. the sensitivity of the isolation of chlamydia psittaci in 6 days embryonated specific pathogen free (spf) chicken eggs, buffalo green monkey (bgm) cell line, mccoy cell lin ...19921621472
acute glomerulonephritis following infection with chlamydia psittaci. 19921621687
[latent chlamydia infections as the cause of health disorders in swine, cattle and sheep breeders in czechoslovakia].for a twelve year period the health condition of a large group of pig-, cattle- and sheep-breeder was controlled and at the same time an inquiry was carried out why these people suffer from high occurrence of specific health problems which among the rest of the population appear in smaller extent. the performed investigation shows that the primary cause of the specific problems is a latent infection caused by the chlamydia microorganism, namely by the chlamydia trachomatis group, that can be tra ...19921622377
[results of studies with aborted cattle fetuses].the laboratory of the animal health service of south holland investigated 2410 cases of spontaneous abortion (twins (112) were considered one case). seventy-eight afterbirths without foetuses were also examined. the aim of the study was not only to find the cause of abortion but also to see whether there was a relation between the results of the different bacteriological, virological and histological tests used. the presence of igg in the blood of foetuses older than 5 months was also determined ...19921626316
restriction endonuclease analysis of dna from ruminant chlamydia psittaci and its relation to mouse virulence.dna from 20 pathogenic or non-pathogenic ruminant strains of chlamydia psittaci was compared by restriction endonuclease analysis. the strains could be easily differentiated according to their invasiveness for mouse, whatever their pathological origin. dna patterns of invasive strains were similar, whereas those of non-invasive strains were distributed in two groups.19921626375
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 2314