
PMID(sorted ascending)
effect of pretest temperature on aerosol penetration and clearance in donkeys.pretest temperature and humidity were correlated with tracheobronchial particle penetration and clearance data from donkeys housed in unheated outdoor facilities and tested after spending 1-2 h in a temperature- and humidity-controlled laboratory. the animals inhaled an inert insoluble radioisotope-labeled monodisperse aerosol for several minutes. its retention was monitored continuously for 3 h by external gamma detection. aerosol deposition pattern and bronchial clearance were linearly correla ...19761002646
[onchocerca raillieti n.sp. (filarioidea) from a domestic donkey in africa].onchocerca raillieti sp. n. (filarioidea), from the domestic donkey (equus asinus) in africa, is described. the species is compared to o. bohmi (supperer, 1953) n.comb, o. reticulata diesing, 1841, o. cervicalis railliet et henry, 1910, o. flexuosa (wedl, 1856) and o. armillata railliet et henry, 1909 and can be differentiated by numerous characters of which the most important are the anterior region of the female (which is straight and slender, 6 to 8 cm long, and bears longitudinal striae) and ...19761010927
particle deposition in the trachea: in vivo and in hollow casts.the pattern of deposition within the respiratory tract of potentially harmful particulates is a major factor in assessing any risk from individual and community exposures. although the trachea is the most easily observed of the conductive airways, very little information concerning its particle collection characteristics is available, information which is essential for a complete and realistic description of particle deposition patterns within the entire respiratory tract. data on tracheal depos ...19761013939
[on setaria spp; (nematoda, , filarioidea, setariidae) from the peritoneal cavity of equine spp.: two new sub-species, setaria equina theilerae from wild zebra of africa, and setaria equina dafaallai from horse and donkey of southern sahara area (author's transl)].1) setaria equina (abildgaard, 1789) is from the horse and donkey of eurasia (and of america and the coastal stripe of north africa). 2) setaria equina theilerae n.sub.sp. is from the zebra of africa. 3) setaria equina defaallai n.sub. sp. is from the horse and the donkey of southern sahara area of the ethiopean region of africa, from the nile valley till to the western coast. 4) crossing between s. equina and s. e. theilerae may be possible, as their host spp. does with the resultant bastard of ...19761020892
the role of wild animals in the spread of exotic diseases in australia.the distributions of the following feral animals are given -- cattle, buffalo, pig, goat, deer, camel, horse, donkey, fox, dog and cat -- and the native dingo. the possible role these and the native rodents, marsupials and monotremes would play should an exotic disease of livestock enter australia is discussed. it is considered that feral animals would be important in creating foci from which the disease would spread.19761021109
horse, ass, and mule chromosomes.karyotypes of the horse with 64 chromosomes, the ass with 62 chromosomes, and the mule with 63 chromosomes are presented. the chromosome complements of each species and their mule hybrid are analyzed and compared.19761021594
fatal fat embolism following severe donkey bites. 19761022845
[hemorrhagic-purulent, necrotizing meningo-encephalitis in the donkey; a cerebral nematode disease?]. 19761034343
specific cleavage analysis of mammalian mitochondrial dna.mitochondrial dna from several mammalian species has been digested with a site-specific restriction endonuclease (haeiii) from haemophilus aegyptius. a quantitative analysis of the resulting specific fragments indicates that the mtdna of any individual mammal is predominantly a single molecular clone. gel analysis of specific cleavage products has proven quite sensitive in detecting differences in mtdna: mtdnas from the more distantly related mammals studied (e.g., donkey and dog) are found to h ...19751060130
the influence of fetal genotype upon endometrial cup development and pmsg and progestagen production in equids.the influence of fetal genotype upon gonadotrophin (pmsg) and progestagen production in mares and donkeys during the first half of pregnancy was examined. the production of pmsg was greatly reduced in mares carrying mule conceptuses and greatly increased in donkeys carrying hinny conceptuses. fetal genotype had no obvious influence upon progestagen production in mares, but donkeys carrying hinny conceptuses showed extremely high peripheral plasma progestagen concentrations when serum pmsg levels ...19751060815
subpopulations of mouse spleen lymphocytes. ii. immunological reactivity of spleen cells fractionated on bsa density gradients.we found in previous experiments that fractionation of non-immune mouse spleen cells on bovine serum albumin density gradients yields two subpopulations of t cells, one of high, the other of low density. both subopopulations could be stimulated in corporate thymidine by the t cell-specific mitogen concanavalin a (con a). in the present investigation, spleen cells of mice immunized to sheep red cells (src) were similarly fractionated and the fractions recovered were assayed for: (a) reactivity to ...19751079200
[anatomical basis for the irrigation of the lacrimal ducts of donkeys (equus africanus f. asinus - macedonian dwarf donkey]. 19751098898
the contribution of the mule to scientific thought.the infertility of the mule has proved a continuing challenge to scientific thought. since the chromosomal differences between the two parental species are so great as to render normal meiosis impossible, it is postulated that all mules and hinnies are sterile. the problem now is to explain how mules and hinnies can occasionally produce spermatozoa or ova. the appearance of the mule was sufficient to persuade the ancients that both parents, not just the male, must contribute to the make-up of th ...19751107543
studies on equine immunoglobulins. iv. immunoglobulins of the donkey.donkey igga was isolated in purified form from normal and immune donkey sera by column chromatography on deae-cellulose. isolated donkey igga and mixtures of (igga+iggb) were used as antigens to prepare rabbit reagents specific for equine igga or iggb. antibodies present in sera obtained from a single donkey at various times during the course of hyperimmunization with bsa were isolated by immuno-adsorption. the class or subclass of immunoglobulins present among isolated, donkey anti-bsa antibodi ...19751116869
[preparation and comparative evaluation of experimental anthrax diagnostic sera in experiments on animals].the authors present the results of studies on obtaining and comparative assessment of experimental anthrax diagnostic sera in experiments on various animals. donkeys, sheep, horses, rabbits and monkeys (papio hamadryas) were immunized with the sti-i vaccine by a single scheme. the activity of the obtained sera was tested in the diffuse precipitation reaction by the amount of the detected antibodies and the titre. the most active sera were obtained from donkeys and sheep: their titre was 5.5 and ...19751124613
streptothricosis in the domestic donkey (equus asinus asinus). ii. bacteriological and immunological relationships of the strains of dermatophilus congolensis isolated. 19751125751
streptothricosis in the domestic donkey (equus asinus asinus). ii. prevalence in aaria, north-central state of nigeria. 19751125752
evaluation in donkeys on an inactivated venezuelan equine encephalitis vaccine. 19751130149
[preliminary studies on the incidence of filaziae in equidae in the netherlands (author's transl)].biopsies of the skin of the umbilical area were taken from ninety-nine horses and one donkey, all reared in the netherlands. the biopsy specimens were examined for the presence of microfilariae by a recovery procedure. microfilariae were identified in eight horses. these were microfilariae of the species onchocerca cervicalis in each case.19751154357
[inhibition of platelet aggregation under estrogen-treatment in patients with carcinoma of the prostate (author's transl)].in patients with carcinoma of the prostate treated with estrogens platelet aggregation is increased. patients with increased platelet aggregation have a high incidence of cardio-vascular and thrombo-embolic diseases. platelet aggregation was measured by the platelet-aggregation test (pat). platelet aggregation was inhibited by administration of acetyl-salicylic acid (ass) 2 times 500 mg daily. an aggregation inhibiting effect was found in all 38 patients. to reduce the cardio-vascular complicati ...19751154559
enrichment of memory cells carrying receptors for a protein antigen (hsa). ii. improved enrichment technique, using bsa density gradient separation.mice primed to human serum albumin (hsa) by means of an hsa--sheep red cell conjugate, developed a high level of memory to hsa, with little concomitant antibody production ('pure priming'). the proportion of hsa-specific antigen-binding cells was determined in the spleens of the primed mice by means of a rosette technique, using an hsa-donkey red cell conjugate. the specificity of the rosette-forming cells (rfc) was confirmed by the ability of soluble hsa to inhibit rosette formation. highly enr ...19751165105
sweat gland function in isolated perfused skin.1. a technique for perfusion of skin has been used to investigate a possible neurochemical basis for the different patterns of sweating in domestic animals. evaporative water loss was measured from excised trunk skin, ears or tails perfused with a nutrient krebs solution, to which drugs were added as required. perfused skin was observed to sweat in response to administration of sudorific drugs, and some features of the patterns of sweating were similar to those which could be induced by heating ...19751177153
letter: cardiac myopathy in a donkey foal. 19751179628
trigeminothalamic fibre connections in the donkey (equus asinus) studied by means of the retrograde cell degeneration this study the left thalamus of seven very young donkeys was transected and the trigeminothalamic fibre connections were investigated by means of the retrograde cell degeneration method. the animals were allowed to survive for a period of 15-45 days and the paraffin sections of the brain stem were stained according to the klüver-barrera and the thionine methods. it was found that the principal sensory trigeminal nucleus exhibited retrograde cell changes and cell losses, in its dorsal part, on ...19751189893
gastrin activity along the gastrointestinal tracts of some ruminants and the donkey. 19751193363
calf blood extract in treatment of equine foot lesions.a deproteinized calf blood extract (solcoseryl: solco basle, ltd, switzerland) enhanced healing of induced and naturally-occurring lesions in the feet of 30 horses and donkeys.19751196296
morphology of epididymal spermatozoa in the ass (equus asinus) and stallion (equus caballus). 19751199484
effects of fluorocarbons 11 and 12 on tracheobronchial particle deposition and clearance in donkeys.donkeys were exposed to trichlorofluoromethane (fc11), dichlorodifluoromethane (fc12) and an equivolume mixture of the two to determine their effects on tracheobronchial particle deposition and mucociliary clearance. there was no statistically significant evidence of changes beyond those variations observed in corresponding air control tests.19751211361
epidural anaesthesia in donkeys.epidural anaesthesia was tested on 40 donkeys. the second intercoccygeal space was found suitable for satisfactory induction and a dose of 8 to 10 ml of 1 per cent procaine hydrochloride was recommended for inducing posterior epidural anaesthesia and 30 ml of 2 per cent for anterior epidural anaesthesia.19751216437
[micromethod for the ha and hi tests in ornithosis].the possibility of using the ha and hi tests in micromethod modifications in ornithosis was studied. the hemagglutinating activity of various antigens was tested. by the employment of the micromethod antihemagglutinins were found in sera from patients, immunized animals (donkey and guinea pigs) as well as from pigeons and ducks. no antibody was found in control sera and sera from tortoises. the results of the ha and hi tests performed by macro- and micromethod were similar. the micromethod is as ...19751216842
relation of antigen-binding cells to immunological memory.priming of mice with a conjugate of hsa with sheep red cells induced a high level of memory to hsa, with very little antibody production ("pure priming"). hsa specific antigen binding cells in the spleens of the primed mice were assayed by means of a rosette technique, using hsa conjugated to donkey red cells. rosette formation was almost completely inhibited by soluble hsa, thus confirming that the rfc were specific for this antigen. spleens of primed mice contained up to 0.6% rfc, as compared ...19761266674
[the clinical importance of magnesium during neonatal life (author's transl)].by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (ass) the magnesium levels in the serum of 50 mothers, their mature healthy infants and the umbilical vein and the umbilical artery were determined. the differences between maternal and neonatal levels and between umbilical vein and umbilical arteries are statistically significant. the results were as follows: antecubital venous blood of the mother 1.41 +/- 0.38 mval/1, umbilical vein serum 1.59 +/- 0.35 mval/1, umbilical artery 1.65 +/- 0.36 mval/1, neonat ...19761269892
insulin-like growth factor binding proteins of equine serum.ligand blotting analysis of serum from the horse using radiolabelled igf-i revealed a protein at 96 kda which was not present in serum from goat, cow, sheep, deer or donkey. these latter species all displayed five labelled bands in the range 24 to 41 kda. conversely, these were only weakly labelled in serum from the horse. size exclusion chromatography of horse serum pre-incubated with radiolabelled igf-i revealed reduced binding in the 130-kda peak compared with goat plasma, and ligand blotting ...19921282797
a survey of mites on farm animals in 1985-1988, 2287 farm animals (cattle, camels, sheep, goats, horses, donkeys, dogs and rabbits) suspected of carrying parasitic mites were examined at 58 farms throughout libya. mites were identified on 1303 of these animals. the commonest parasites on cattle were psoroptes and chorioptes, on camels and sheep were sarcoptes and psoroptes, and on goats were sarcoptes and demodex. infested horses carrier psoroptes or chorioptes, and one donkey carried sarcoptes. otodectes was common on dogs, but ...19921288436
equine infectious anemia virus gene expression: characterization of the rna splicing pattern and the protein products encoded by open reading frames s1 and s2.the utilization of predicted splice donor and acceptor sites in generating equine infectious anemia virus (eiav) transcripts in fetal donkey dermal cells (fdd) was examined. a single splice donor site identified immediately upstream of the gag coding region joins the viral leader sequence to all downstream exons of spliced eiav transcripts. the predominant 3.5-kb transcript synthesized in eiav-infected fdd cells appears to be generated by a single splicing event which links the leader sequence t ...19921316461
the plasma membrane of epididymal epithelial cells has a specific receptor which binds to androgen-binding protein and sex steroid-binding protein.the binding of [3h] delta 6-testosterone photoaffinity-labelled rat androgen-binding protein (rabp) has been studied in an enriched fraction of plasma membranes of epithelial epididymal cells in immature (15 days) and adult rats (40 days). the binding was maximal in less than 30 min and more rapid at 4 degrees c than at 34 degrees c. it was calcium and ph dependent. scatchard plots of the binding data gave curvilinear plots with two types of binding sites corresponding to a k(ass1) of 18.2 nm-1 ...19921318734
radioimmunocytochemical localization of corticotropin-releasing factor and adrenocorticotropin in the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system of the rat: effects of adrenalectomy.various radioimmunocytochemical approaches have been utilized to localize primary antibody-antigen complexes. here we examined the binding properties of three different radioiodinated compounds for their ability to label the antibody-antigen complex, including: donkey anti-rabbit immunoglobulin, donkey anti-rabbit f(ab')2-igg, and a biotinylated goat anti-rabbit secondary antibody followed by [125i]-avidin. these probes were used to localize rabbit primary antisera against corticotropin-releasin ...19921318895
specific identification of collagens and their fragments by clostridial and anti-collagenase antibody.a method specific for identification of collagens irrespective of type, species, or tissue origin, and of their derived fragments of molecular weight more than 10,000, is described. the method is based on the low-temperature affinity between clostridial collagenase and almost all types of collagens as well as on the affinity between collagenase and its antibodies. various collagens or fragments derived from them by treatment with cnbr were separated by sds-page and immobilized onto a nitrocellul ...19921321568
immunokinetics of equine herpesvirus 1 in donkey mares: suppression of secondary cell-mediated study the immunokinetics of equine herpesvirus 1 (ehv1), donkey mares were immunised with a laboratory strain of ehv1, or with recommended doses of pneumabort-k vaccine (ehv1 army 183 strain, formalin-inactivated, with an oil adjuvant) and a booster was given after three months. humoral immune responses were studied by employing a virus neutralisation (vn) test. a leucocyte migration inhibition test (lmit) was employed for the assay of cellular immune responses. the vn antibody titre reached ...19921335311
construction of a gt polymorphism map of human construct a framework map of human chromosome 9 consisting of highly informative markers, we identified 36 cosmid clones from chromosome 9 that contained long gt repeat sequences. the cosmids were found to cluster on the long arm of the chromosome, particularly in the q32-34 region. thirteen highly informative polymorphisms from 9q were identified, with median observed heterozygosity 0.75 and median calculated heterozygosity based upon allele frequencies of 0.75. these new gt repeat polymorph ...19921339384
[parasitic helminths of the cecum and colon of equidae in italy].intestinal helminths from coecum and colon were studied in 93 equidae including 40 horses, 36 donkeys and 17 mules. a total of 38 species, 36 nematodes and 2 cestodes, were identified as follows: 1) triodontophorus serratus, 2) triodontophorus brevicauda, 3) strongylus equinus, 4) strongylus edentatus, 5) strongylus vulgaris, 6) cyathostomum tetracanthum, 7) cyathostomum coronatum, 8) cyathostomum labiatum, 9) cyathostomum labratum, 10) cyathostomum alveatum, 11) cyathostomum pateratum, 12) cyat ...19921339978
prevalence of complement-fixing antibody to the african horse sickness virus in domestic animals in nigeria.the occurrence of antibodies against the african horse sickness virus was investigated in 246 domestic animals (horses, donkeys, camels, dogs) in various regions of nigeria by means of the complement-fixing rate. 34% of the sera tested were positive: 75% in donkeys, 68% in horses, 19% in camels, and 9% in dogs. among the horses, those of 6 to 15 years of age had higher than average prevalence rates than the other age groups. stallions from the northern regions had higher prevalence rates than ma ...19921340757
strong allelic association between the torsion dystonia gene (dyt1) andloci on chromosome 9q34 in ashkenazi jews.the dyt1 gene responsible for early-onset, idiopathic torsion dystonia (itd) in the ashkenazi jewish population, as well as in one large non-jewish family, has been mapped to chromosome 9q32-34. using (gt)n and rflp markers in this region, we have identified obligate recombination events in some of these jewish families, which further delineate the area containing the dyt1 gene to a 6-cm region bounded by loci ak1 and ass. in 52 unrelated, affected ashkenazi jewish individuals, we have found hig ...19921347197
a simple, sensitive technique for classification of apolipoprotein(a) isoforms by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.lipoprotein(a) (lp(a)) is a lipoprotein containing a unique glycoprotein, apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)), which shows considerable heterogeneity of apparent molecular mass on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page). a unifying classification of isoform has been lacking. a simple sensitive procedure for classifying apo(a) isoforms was developed in which the relative mobility of apo(a) on sds-page was related to that of apolipoprotein (apo) b-100 (rf vs b). after western ...19921356662
experimental transmission of venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus by a strain of aedes albopictus (diptera: culicidae) from new orleans, louisiana.experimental studies were undertaken to ascertain the vector competence of a strain of aedes albopictus (skuse) collected in new orleans, la, (gentilly strain) for an epizootic (trinidad donkey) strain of venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (vee) virus. this strain of ae. albopictus was significantly more susceptible to infection with vee virus than were any of the four strains tested previously, including two from north america and two from south america. likewise, dissemination (148 of 180) (8 ...19921404258
comparative infections of epizootic and enzootic strains of venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus in amblyomma cajennense (acari: ixodidae).to compare the potential for an enzootic or an epizootic strain of venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (vee) virus to infect amblyomma cajennense (f.), larval ticks were fed on guinea pigs (strain 13) inoculated with an enzootic viral strain of variant i-e (68u201) or on guinea pigs inoculated with an epizootic strain of variant i-a (trinidad donkey). peak viremias were 10(5.2) plaque-forming units (pfu)/ml and 10(7.3) pfu/ml in guinea pigs infected with enzootic and epizootic viral strains, res ...19921404262
a genetic linkage map of human chromosome 9q.a genetic linkage map of human chromosome 9q, spanning a sex-equal distance of 125 cm, has been developed by genotyping 26 loci in the venezuelan reference pedigree. the loci include 12 anonymous microsatellite markers reported by kwiatkowski et al. (1992), several classical systems previously assigned to chromosome 9q, and polymorphisms for the genes tenacin (hxb), gelsolin (gsn), adenylate kinase 1 (ak1), arginosuccinate synthetase (ass), abl oncogene (abl1), abo blood group (abo), and dopamin ...19921427899
adaptation and recovery from adaptation of the auditory nerve neurophonic (ann) using long duration tones.the time course of the interaction between adaptation and the recovery from adaptation of the auditory nerve neurophonic (ann) responses was examined. the interaction between the process of recovery and the adaptation process of long probe tones which follow a masker, the so called whole tone recovery, was determined for the ann response for different silent intervals between masker offset and probe onset. the auditory nerve neurophonic (ann) reflects the ensemble response of phase-locked firing ...19921429255
in vitro culture of the strobilar stage of echinococcus granulosus of sheep and donkey origin from jordan.protoscolices of echinococcus granulosus isolated from hydatid cysts of sheep and donkeys in jordan were cultured in vitro using a modified diphasic culture system. protoscolices from these two sources manifested differences in the mode of development, evagination and growth rates. protoscolices isolated from sheep cysts grew in vitro in the polyzoic direction up to the three- to four-segmented mature worms, reaching a length of 2.9 mm. in contrast, donkey protoscolices failed to develop beyond ...19921438153
cutaneous leishmaniasis in western venezuela caused by infection with leishmania venezuelensis and l. braziliensis variants.between 1975 and 1987, epidemiological studies were carried out in several rural and urban communities in the central part of western venezuela, especially in the state of lara. 115 positive cultures were obtained from human cases and identified by their reactivity patterns to a cross-panel of specific monoclonal antibodies using a radioimmune binding assay; 53 were leishmania venezuelensis and 62 were l. braziliensis. most of these stocks were also characterized by isoenzyme electrophoresis, wh ...19921440772
genetic evidence that epizootic venezuelan equine encephalitis (vee) viruses may have evolved from enzootic vee subtype i-d important question pertaining to the natural history of venezuelan equine encephalitis (vee) virus concerns the source of epizootic, equine-virulent strains. an endemic source of epizootic virus has not been identified, despite intensive surveillance. one of the theories of epizootic strain origin is that epizootic vee viruses evolve from enzootic strains. likely enzootic sources of vee virus occur in colombia and venezuela where many of the epizootic outbreaks of vee have occurred. we have d ...19921448915
high sensitivity of human melanoma cell lines to the growth inhibitory activity of mycoplasmal arginine deiminase in vitro.arginine deiminase (ad) is a potent growth inhibitor for some but not all tumour cell lines in vitro. as ad catalyses the direct conversion of l-arginine to l-citrulline, the ad-sensitivity of various tumour cells might be attributed to the levels of urea cycle enzymes involved in l-arginine biosynthesis. this study demonstrated that human melanoma cells were highly sensitive to the growth inhibitory activity of ad. five melanoma cell lines tested also exhibited reduced argininosuccinate synthet ...19921450673
studies on rhinoestrus purpureus (diptera: oestridae) larvae infesting donkeys (equus asinus) in egypt. iii. pupal duration under controlled conditions.the pupal duration of rhinoestrus purpureus was studied under variable degrees of temperature and relative humidity (rh). it was found that pupal duration was affected by temperature but not by rh. an increase in the temperature above 22 degrees c decreased the pupal duration: 26-27 days at 22 degrees c, 16-24 days at 27 degrees c, 13-15 days at 32 degrees c. at 37 degrees c, the pupated larvae failed to pupate and died. the deformity ratio of emerged flies was 25-30% at 22-32 degrees c, but it ...19921466135
epidemiological observations on stomach worms of donkeys in morocco.over two consecutive years, weekly examinations for the presence of nematodes were conducted on 185 stomachs from donkeys originating mainly from the rabat, casablanca and settat regions of morocco. all the animals, except one, were infected by at least one of four helminth species. trichostrongylus axei was found in 93.5%, habronema muscae in 89.7%, h. majus in 85.4% and draschia megastoma in 1.1% of donkeys. most animals were infected by two (23.8%) or three (71.9%) species. high burdens of t. ...19921466146
the amino-acid sequence of two isoforms of alpha-lactalbumin from donkey (equus asinus) milk is identical.the complete primary structure of donkey alpha-lactalbumin a and b has been determined by sequencing of the peptides obtained after tryptic, glu-c proteinase or cyanogen bromide cleavage. although preparative purification of alpha-lactalbumin by flat-bed isoelectric focusing gave two protein fractions a and b, their amino-acid sequence revealed no differences. donkey alpha-lactalbumin shows two, four and five differences in comparison to the horse alpha-lactalbumin a, b and c. thus donkey alpha- ...19921466791
elevated gene expression of argininosuccinate synthetase in peripheral lymphocytes from systemic lupus erythematosus (sle) patients.argininosuccinate synthetase (ass) is a rate-limiting enzyme of urea cycle and functions primarily in the liver, whereas ass activity is hardly detected in normal lymphocytes. in this study, we examined the level of ass gene expression in peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbl) from human sle patients by amplification of reverse-transcribed mrna using the polymerase chain reaction. we have demonstrated that (a) approximately 40% of sle patients exhibited 2.5 to 5 times higher expression of ass gene i ...19921467433
molecular evidence for the origin of the widespread venezuelan equine encephalitis epizootic of 1969 to 1972.venezuelan equine encephalitis (vee) virus is a mosquito-borne pathogen that has caused encephalitis in equine species and humans during sporadic outbreaks in the western hemisphere. the last, and most widespread, vee outbreak occurred in south america, central america, mexico and the u.s.a. (texas) during 1969 to 1972. we have cloned and sequenced the genome of a virulent vee subtype i-ab virus, strain 71-180, isolated in texas in 1971. thirty-four nucleotide differences were detected between t ...19921469368
african horse sickness in spain.the aetiology, pathogenesis and epizootiology of african horse sickness (ahs) are reviewed with special reference to recent outbreaks in the iberian peninsula. ahs is a highly fatal insect-borne viral disease of equidae. it is caused by an orbivirus (family reoviridae) and nine serotypes are recognised. outbreaks occurred in central spain in 1987 and in southern regions of the iberian peninsula in 1988, 1989 and 1990. all were associated with serotype 4 of the virus, whereas other occurrences of ...19921481352
the psychoanalytic setting as the instrument of the container function.different settings reveal the operation of different psychical mechanisms; for this reason i try in this paper to take a fresh look at the psychoanalytic setting which underlies the specificity of what we psychoanalysts call psychoanalysis and helps to distinguish it from other forms of therapy--in particular, psychotherapy. in my view, the analyst's creative container function is expressed particularly through the setting. this setting is not an inert vessel, a mere juxtaposition of rules, but ...19921483843
[median-term (4 months) treatment with glibenclamide + metformin substituting for glibenclamide + fenformin lowers the lacticemia levels in type-2 diabetics (niddm)].60 niddm patients, mean age (68 +/- 3 years), bmi (25 +/- 5.1 kg/m2), fasting blood glucose (fg) (170 +/- 10 mg/dl), mean daily blood glucose (mdbg) (180 +/- 10 mg/dl), daily glycosuria (glu) (15.6 +/- 9 g/24 hours), hba1c (7.9 +/- 0.6%), basal (1.2 +/- 0.2 ng/ml) and stimulated (3.89 +/- 1.3 mg/ml) c peptide (cp) treated by ass (7.5 +/- 75 mg), after a strict 4 months follow-up period, were assigned to g + m treatment (7.5 +/- 1.500 mg) during a 4 months period. during g+m treatment fg (171 +/- ...19921493670
[the selenium content in the blood of newborn sheep and goats--equally contributing to the effect of supplemental oral selenium as a prophylaxis].the article is based on the analysis of selenium concentration in blood plasma of 9 goats and their kids (n = 17), from two different places, as well as of 12 sheep and their lambs (n = 19) from several flocks. the selenium concentration was measured using ass. in addition, the activity of ck was determined enzymatically. there was a low plasma selenium level in lambs and goat kids immediately post-natal depending on the selenium state of the mothers. after application of vitamin e and selenium ...19921496519
epidemiological observations on gasterophilus intestinalis and g. nasalis in donkeys from morocco.during a 24 month period, 198 donkeys were examined for gasterophilus intestinalis and gasterophilus nasalis larvae. gasterophilus intestinalis was found in 97.5% and g. nasalis in 95.5% of donkeys. the third instars (l3) of both species occurred during all months of the year and so did the second instars (l2), except in april (g. nasalis) and may (g. intestinalis). over 75% of the animals had up to 200 larvae and 1.5% had over 600 larvae. the maximum number of both l2 and l3 larvae found in any ...19921502790
[surgical removal of a pedunculated uterine tumor in a donkey mare].the unusual incidence of a pedunculated fibrosarcoma in the uterus of a donkey is reported. the tumor caused colic-like symptoms and blood tinged vaginal discharge. the diagnosis was made by ultrasound and rectal examination. the patient was successfully treated surgically, by ovariohysterectomy.19921509483
last chance for british ass? 19921522874
[risks and benefits of thrombendarterectomy in bilateral internal carotid artery stenosis].among the patients who were operated for cerebrovascular insufficiency, one third suffered from bilateral stenoses of the internal carotid artery. in a retrospective analysis of 47 patients who were operated in consecution and of 28 patients who refused operation and were treated conservatively, the outcome was compared to cases with a one-sided stenosis. 31 patients were operated on one side and 16 on both sides. 28 of the surgically treated cases were followed up for an average of 32 months. t ...19921529632
the 'natural' hybrid haemoglobin from mule. interrelationships with its parent haemoglobins from horse and donkey.the equilibrium o2-binding properties of the hybrid haemoglobin (hb) present in vivo in erythrocytes from mule and of its parent hbs from horse and donkey were compared with special reference to the effect of heterotropic ligands such as cl-, d-glycerate 2,3-bisphosphate (dpg) and inositol hexakisphosphate. all these hbs display a decreased effect by polyphosphates, confirming that what has been observed for horse hb [giardina, brix, clementi, scatena, nicoletti, cicchetti, argentin & condò (199 ...19921546974
transmission of venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus by aedes sollicitans and aedes taeniorhynchus (diptera: culicidae).experimental studies compared the vector competence of aedes sollicitans (skuse) and ae. taeniorhynchus (wiedemann) collected on assateague island, va., for an epizootic strain (trinidad donkey) of venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (vee) virus. infection rates were significantly higher in ae. sollicitans (101/107, 94%) than in ae. taeniorhynchus (103/175, 59%), even though both species fed concurrently on the same infected hamsters. similarly, dissemination and transmission rates were signific ...19921552530
lysinuric protein intolerance presenting deficiency of argininosuccinate synthetase.a 35-yr-old woman, who suffered from relapsing coma with hyperammonemia for 17 yr, was diagnosed to have lysinuric protein intolerance (lpi). increased urinary dibasic amino acids (lysine, arginine and ornithine) and impaired absorption of orally administered lysine and arginine proved the defects of renal tubular and intestinal transport of dibasic amino acids. these defects are the primary cause of impaired urea cycle metabolism in lpi. further, the level of argininosuccinate synthetase (ass), ...19921568044
enhanced clearance of radiolabeled murine monoclonal antibody by a syngeneic anti-idiotype antibody in tumor-bearing nude mice.a syngeneic anti-idiotype monoclonal antibody (mab) (cm-11) directed against an anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (cea) murine mab (np-4) was evaluated as a second antibody (sa) to promote the rapid clearance of radiolabeled np-4 from the blood. initial studies confirmed that cm-11 igg removed 131i-np-4 igg from the blood as effectively as a polyclonal donkey anti-goat igg removed 131i-goat igg. however, use of an f(ab')2 in place of either the np-4 or cm-11 igg was not as effective in removing prim ...19921568794
the application of a novel biotinylated affinity label for the detection of a cathepsin b-like precursor produced by breast-tumour cells in this report we demonstrate how the recently developed biotinylated affinity label biotinyl-phe-ala-diazomethane (bio-phe-ala-chn2) [cullen, mcginty, walker, nelson, halliday, bailie & kay (1990) biochem. soc. trans. 18, 315-316; walker, cullen, kay, halliday, mcginty & nelson (1992) biochem. j. 283, 449-453] can be used for the detection of a precursor form of a cathepsin b-like enzyme produced by breast-tumour cells in culture. thus the cell lines mda-mb-436, zr-75-1 and t47-d produce a solu ...19921575692
normal and abnormal sexual behavior.this article includes a brief description of the reproductive patterns and specific behaviors comprising courtship and copulation in equids. the author then focuses on breeding behavior of the domestic stallion. descriptions of normal breeding behavior under a variety of domestic management systems, comments on sexual behavior of donkeys and exotic equids, and the most common types and treatments of sexual behavior dysfunction are included.19921576555
radioimmunoassay that measures serum vitamin develop a specific radioimmunoassay for the routine determination of serum vitamin b12.19921577970
cloning and characterization of the cdna encoding human adenylosuccinate synthetase.adenylosuccinate synthetase (as) catalyzes the first committed step in the conversion of imp to amp. a cdna was isolated from a human liver library which encodes a protein of 455 amino acids (m(r) of 49,925). alignments of human, mouse, dictyostelium discoideum and e. coli as sequences identify a number of invariant residues which are likely to be important for structure and/or catalysis. the human as sequence was also 19% identical to the human urea cycle enzyme, argininosuccinate synthetase (a ...19921592113
use of ass' milk in multiple food allergy.we report a study of realimentation techniques in 9 unweaned infants with multiple food hypersensitivity. the patients had presented severe symptoms of cow's milk allergy and successive attempts using milk containing soy protein and/or a semielemental formula in their alimentation did not improve their clinical condition, due to the onset of hypersensitivity to these allergens as well. after a short period of parenteral alimentation the infants were refed per os with ass' milk (250 ml/kg/day) + ...19921593372
argininosuccinate synthetase gene expression in leukemias: potential diagnostic marker for blastic crisis of chronic myelocytic leukemia.argininosuccinate synthetase (ass) activity is hardly detected in human lymphocytes. in this study, we examined the ass gene expression of various leukemia cells by a polymerase-chain-reaction method. we demonstrate here that (a) acute lymphocytic and acute myelocytic leukemia cells exhibit the highly elevated expression of the ass gene and (b) chronic myelocytic leukemia (cml) in blastic crisis also exhibits the increase of ass gene expression while cml in chronic phase, chronic lymphocytic leu ...19921625473
arthrodesis for congenital flexural deformity of the metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints.a llama, a miniature horse, and a miniature donkey with severe bilateral congenital flexural deformities of the metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints were treated successfully by arthrodesis with dynamic compression plating or external skeletal fixation. the flexor tendons were more taut than the suspensory ligaments and were transected. in the llama, the suspensory ligament was transected, and overcorrection caused ischemic necrosis of one distal limb and subluxation of the other f ...19921626399
hysteroscopic sterilization.after a brief history of sterilization, this article is devoted to hysteroscopic techniques and instrumentation, and a presentation of hysteroscopic sterilization techniques: electrocoagulation techniques, hysteroscopic injection of chemicals, and hysteroscopically directed placement of intratubal mechanical devices (ceramic plugs, polyethylene plugs, preformed silicone plugs, nylon intratubal plugs, and formed-in-place silicone rubber plugs. problems are identified that are common to all hys ...19921638821
avian leukosis virus and selection on oviposition interval in australorp lines.1. shedding of group-specific antigen of avian leukosis virus (alv) into egg albumen was determined in three australorp lines: as line that had been selected primarily for short oviposition interval, ass line that had been derived from the as line and developed as a commercial dam line for egg laying, and ac line that had been kept as a randombred control. 2. the proportion of shedders was 13.1 to 16.7% in the as line in 1984-88, 16.3% in the ass line in 1984 (before culling of the shedders), an ...19911651152
adaptation and recovery from adaptation in single fiber responses of the cat auditory nerve.this study examined the time course of adaptation and recovery from adaptation of single auditory-nerve fiber responses. the conditions studied were: (1) adaptation response using low level, 800 hz or characteristic frequency (cf) stimuli; and (2) onset recovery and whole tone response recovery of a probe tone following a masker of equal frequency with variable silent intervals between the masker offset and probe onset. single unit responses to 290 ms long, 800 hz or cf tones presented at 10-30 ...19911652600
on the collateral sesamoidean (suspensory navicular) ligament of equines: topographic relations and sensitive innervation.the origin and course of the collateral sesamoidean (suspensory navicular) ligament of the horse and ass and its attachment to the distal sesamoid bone were studied by means of dissection. particular attention was given to the topographic relations between this ligament and the deep digital flexor tendon. numerous sensitive nerve endings are present in this anatomical district. the free and encapsulated nerve endings, displayed by impregnating techniques, are mostly concentrated in the ligament ...19901669681
[restriction fragment length differences of genomic repetitive dna from five sibling species of anopheles hyrcanus group].genomic dna were prepared from 5 sibling species of anopheles hyrcanus group including an. sinensis (ass), an. anthropophagus (ala), an. liangshanensis (als), an. crawfordi (acw) and an. xiaokuanus (axk). high molecular weight dna from each species were cut with three restriction endonucleases (bgl ii, hae iii and pst i) and the dna fragments analysed by agarose gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. three enzymes (bgl ii, hae iii and pst i) produced unique fragments in all sibling s ...19911676618
analysis of horse and donkey gonadotrophin genes using southern blotting and dna hybridization techniques.the number of genes encoding the common alpha-subunit and hormone-specific beta-subunits of the equine gonadotrophins (fsh, lh and cg) were investigated in the horse (equus caballus), donkey (e. asinus) and 2 horse x donkey hybrids (the mule and hinny). the southern technique, involving restriction enzyme digestion, blotting and dna hybridization to 32p-labelled dna probes was used to estimate the copy number for each gene and to assess the extent to which equids resemble primates, the only othe ...19911686622
localization and high-resolution imaging of cortical neurotransmitter compartments using confocal laser scanning microscopy: gaba and glutamate interactions in rat cortex.this report compares the application of confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy with standard epifluorescence microscopy for the simultaneous localization of the neurotransmitters gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate in rat cerebral cortex. with this approach, sections of fixed rat brain are treated with primary antibodies against gamma-aminobutyric acid (rabbit-derived) and glutamate (mouse-derived), followed by treatment with fluorescein isothiocyanate-tagged donkey anti-rabbit and rh ...19911687109
clinical features of sickle cell disease in eastern saudi arab children.the clinical features of sickle cell disease (scd) in saudi arab children of eastern origin are presented. one hundred and seventy-three children were diagnosed at birth and followed prospectively from 3 months to up to 4 years of age. there were 87 boys and 86 girls. genotype distribution included 146 sickle cell anemia, 24 sickle beta +-thalassemia, two sickle beta 0-thalassemia, and one sickle hemoglobin c disease. of our patients, 7% presented in the first 12 months of age and 27% remained a ...19901689968
characterization of the major glycoproteins of equine herpesviruses 4 and 1 and asinine herpesvirus 3 using monoclonal antibodies.a panel of 14 monoclonal antibodies (mabs) was used to characterize the high abundance glycoproteins of equine herpesviruses 4 (ehv-4) and 1 (ehv-1), and asinine herpesvirus 3 (ahv-3). the specificities of the mabs, which had been determined previously for strains of ehv-4 and -1 from the u.s.a., in general were confirmed by elisa for australian strains of these viruses. of the 14 mabs seven were ehv-4 and -1 type-common and cross-reacted with ahv-3. of the five mabs that were ehv-1 type-specifi ...19911716650
synthetic peptides of the e2 glycoprotein of venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus. ii. antibody to the amino terminus protects animals by limiting viral replication.a peptide composed of the amino-terminal 25 amino acids of the e2 glycoprotein of the virulent trinidad donkey (trd) strain of venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus was found to protect peptide-immunized mice from lethal trd virus challenge (hunt et al., 1990). viral growth in peptide-immunized animals was found to be limited in comparison to that in nonimmunized controls. although both treated and control groups of mice responded to virus challenge by producing neutralizing antibody, only i ...19911718085
investigation of antigenic structure of attenuated and virulent venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus by means of monoclonal antibodies.a comparative study of the antigenic structure of virulent strains and attenuated vaccine strains of venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus (veev) by means of monoclonal antibodies has made it possible to investigate the antigenic structure of the envelope glycoproteins e1 and e2, and to specify their role in the development of antiviral immunity. on the e1 glycoprotein there are five nonoverlapping antigenic sites consisting of eight epitopes that are recognized by monoclonal antibodies; six ...19911726775
muscarinic activity of the thiolactone, lactam, lactol, and thiolactol analogues of pilocarpine and a hypothetical model for the binding of agonists to the m1 receptor.pilocarpine isosteres have been synthesized and characterized with regard to their in vitro muscarinic properties. the results indicate that the carbonyl oxygen of the lactone function of pilocarpine is of primary importance for agonist activity with the ether oxygen being of lesser or secondary importance. an x-ray structure determination for the hydrogen o,o'-ditoluoyltartrate salt of thiolactone pilocarpine isostere 2a has been performed. this compound has an unusual pharmacological profile e ...19921732522
evaluation of the properties and reliability of a clinical severity scale for acute asthma in children.the inter-observer agreement (reliability) and validity of a clinical asthma severity scale (ass) derived from separate scores of wheeze, heart rate and accessory muscle use (each on a 4-point scale) were studied in 60 children aged between 6 months and 17 years (mean 5.4 years). independent assessments of these clinical parameters were made by two paediatricians, and they also rated patients as having a mild, moderate, severe or very severe acute episode (clinical judgement rating, cjr). oxygen ...19921738014
biventricular bypass: alternative to univentricular bypass and total artificial heart-bridge.left ventricular and biventricular bypasses (lvbs, bvbs) were performed in 102 experiments in sheep, goats, and donkeys. biventricular bypass was performed in the assisted circulation mode or in the paracorporeal artificial heart bridge (pcahb) mode when the natural heart fibrillates. during implantation of artificial ventricles instead of a heart-lung bypass, counterpulsation was used. several types of connective conduits were developed and tested in experiments. the conduits included bifurcati ...19911741677
congenital hyperammonemia: symptomatic carrier girl patient and her asymptomatic heterozygous mother for ornithine transcarbamylase (otc) deficiency: specific enzyme diagnostic and kinetic investigations for the detection of heterozygous genostatus.activities of the specific enzymes of the inherited hyperammonemic syndromes (carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase cps), ornithine transcarbamylase (otc), arginine-succinate-synthetase (ass), arginine-succinate-lyase (asl) and arginase (ase) were measured in a liver biopsy specimen of a 2 years-old girl suffering from chronic hyperammonemia and in the erythrocyte- and leukocyte-homogenisate of her parents. the activity of otc in liver homogenisate of the patient was 62.9 percent; in the leukocytes of ...19911742044
distribution of argininosuccinate synthetase-like immunoreactive neurons in the rat myenteric plexus: a whole mount study.the distribution of argininosuccinate synthetase (ass)-like immunoreactive neurons in the myenteric plexus of the rat alimentary tract were immunocytochemically studied using whole-mount tissues. the present study revealed ass-like immunoreactive meshworks of ganglia and interconnecting nerve strands in the myenteric plexus of almost all parts of the alimentary tract. ass-like immunoreactive neurons constituted about 11% of the myenteric cell.19911758685
immunocytochemical localization of argininosuccinate synthetase in the rat brain.the neuronal distribution of argininosuccinate synthetase (ass) was mapped in the rat brain. argininosuccinate synthetase is one of the enzymes of the arginine metabolic pathway and catabolizes the synthesis of argininosuccinate from aspartate and citrulline. since arginine is the precursor of nitric oxide, argininosuccinate synthetase may act as part of the nitric oxide producing pathway. argininosuccinate is also suggested to have a messenger function in the nervous system. therefore, the loca ...19911761746
[75 mg roxatidine nocte protects human gastric mucosa against 300 mg acetylsalicylic acid nocte].in a randomized double-blind parallel study the gastroduodenal tolerability of 300 mg ass nocte (8 p.m.) has been evaluated in the presence of 75 mg roxatidine nocte (8 p.m.) or placebo in 20 healthy volunteers using upper gi-endoscopy. the treatment periods lasted 14 days. endoscopic controls were performed at entry, and repeated at day 7 and day 14. at entry the mean endoscopic score averaged 0.9 +/- 0.1 in the ass/placebo-group and 0.9 +/- 0.1 in the ass/roxatidine-group. the median values we ...19911771935
clonidine--a horse or an ass? 19911781520
[the correlation of consciousness level and the concentration of csf ammonia in a patient with adult-type citrullinemia].a 29-year-old man who had a taste for peanuts frequently showed abnormal behaviors. physical examination revealed consciousness disturbance associated with flapping tremor, hypotonus in the extremities, and hypoactive deep tendon reflexes. laboratory examination showed hyperammonemia with mild liver injury. a level of serum citrulline was 14 times higher than the upper limit of normal. a diagnosis of type 2 citrullinemia (seheki et al) was established by the decreased argininosuccinate synthetas ...19911786664
[a micromethod for determination of serum zinc and copper concentration in infants aged 1-3 months in chengdu].a micromethod for the measurement of serum zinc and copper concentration of peripheral blood by wave-oscillopolarography is introduced in this article. the method is superior to the commonly used flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (aas) in its simplicity in sampling and operating and in its inexpensiveness. yet the results are identical with those obtained by ass, the method is good enough to replace ass in clinical work, especially in the field of pediatrics. serum zinc and copper concen ...19911786961
expression of major histocompatibility complex (mhc) class 1 molecules on early trophoblast.the expression of class i major histocompatibility complex (mhc) molecules by early trophoblast of intraspecific horse and donkey, interspecific mule and extraspecific donkey-in-horse conceptuses was determined using a rat monoclonal antibody (mac 291) in a peroxidase anti-peroxidase immunohistochemical technique. most non-invasive allantochorion of horse, donkey and mule conceptuses did not express class i mhc molecules at any stage of gestation except in small isolated patches of pseudostratif ...19911795291
pasture mating behaviour of donkeys (equus asinus) at natural and induced oestrus.the mating behaviour of 2 jacks, each with 21 non-pregnant jennies, was studied when the jennies were in natural oestrus and simultaneously induced oestrus. the main observations were: efficient pasture breeding at natural and induced oestrus, a territorial sociosexual structure, prolonged pre-copulatory interaction, gradual increase of mating activity up to 2 days before ovulation, a copulatory sequence similar to that of horses, vocalization of the jack as a conspicuous behaviour initiating pr ...19911795305
ocular histoplasmosis due to histoplasma farciminosum in egyptian this study 19 donkeys suffering from face excoriations below the medial canthas and lesions in the lacrymal apparatus were subjected to clinical radiological and microbiological investigations. also histopathological examination of biopsy materials from ocular lesions were made. eleven out of 19 donkeys (57.9%) showed specific lesions in the lacrymal apparatus. mycological examination revealed the isolation of histoplasma cells from 10 out of 19 examined cases. the isolated histoplasma cultur ...19911795725
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 3488