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arctic trichinosis: two alaskan outbreaks from walrus meat.the arctic form of trichinella spiralis that infects terrestrial and marine mammals is of importance in public health because persons living in arctic regions still depend on wild animals for economic subsistence. in 1975, an extended common-source epidemic of trichinosis attributed to consumption of walrus meat involved 29 persons in barrow, alaska. of those persons eating this meat, 64% became ill, and the rate of infection of persons eating meat prepared with little or no cooking was four tim ...1979571446
helminth parasites of fisher martes pennanti (erxleben) from manitoba, species of helminths were recovered during a survey of 162 fisher (martes pennanti) from four areas of manitoba: baylisascaris devosi in 52 fisher; taenia sibirica in 25; physaloptera sp. in nine; alaria mustelae in two; metorchis conjunctus in one; trichinella spiralis in one of 81; molineus sp. in one. b. devosi was the most prevalent parasite and differences in its geographical distribution were possibly related to population density of fisher. the prevalence of other parasites did not ...1979574167
[specialization of the ovocytic endoplasmic reticulum near the contact of the hind gut in trichinella spiralis (author's transl)].in trichinella spiralis, the bigger ovocytes show contacts with the cuticula of the hind gut. near these contacts, the ovocytic endoplasmic reticulum is hypertrophied. this device is described with details and compared to that one of the stichocytes; its possible role is discussed.1979575472
relationship between the antitrichinellous effect of seven derivates of benzimidazolecarbamates and their chemical structure.the efficacy of seven more recently developed anthelmintics of the benzimidazolecarbamate group, i. e., parbendazole, mebendazole, fenbendazole, oxibendazole, cambendazole, oxfendazole and albendazole, has been tested in a series of experiments on white mice artifically infected with trichinella spiralis. our results disclosed a relationship between their anthelmintic effect and their chemical structure. this finding might be of importance in a targeted synthesis of new, effective, derivates of ...1979583335
transfer of anaphylactic antibodies from mother to young in the rat.the transfer of anaphylactic antibodies of classes ige and igga from immunized female rats to babies was examined during primary and secondary immunization by injection, and also in rats infested with trichinella spiralis. ige antibodies were never detected in the blood of the babies, although they were sometimes detected in the milk in their stomachs. similarly, no ige antibodies were found in the serum of babies from mothers infested with trichinella spiralis during pregnancy. igga antibodies ...1977591001
antineoplastic effects of long-term trichinella spiralis infection on b-16 melanoma.oral infection of mice with trichinella spiralis has been shown to induce a potentiation of the delayed hypersensitive (dth) response to bcg. the present investigation was initiated to determine whether nematode-induced potentiation of dth influenced the induction and progression of a transplantable mouse tumor. b6d2f1/j mice were orally infected with 200 t. spiralis larvae 176 days preceding subcutaneous administration of 5 x 10(5) viable b-16 melanoma cells. the antineoplastic effects of long- ...1977591108
in vitro responses of spleen cells from trichinella spiralis-infected mice.the in vitro cellular immune responses of spleen cells from mice infected with trichinella spiralis and immunized with bcg have been investigated. icr/cd-1 mice were originally infected with 200 t. spiralis larvae 22 days prior to infection with 4 x 10(6) viable or heat-killed mycobacteria. analysis of the splenic cell populations indicated that significant increases in adherent cells (macrophages) were noted only in groups previously infected with the nematode; the concentration of non-adherent ...1977591109
low dosages of trichinella spiralis antigen in delayed hypersensitivity. 1977592048
effect of the expulsion phase of trichinella spiralis on hymenolepis diminuta infection in mice.the rapid elimination of the intestinal phase of trichinella spiralis in nih mice is associated with progressive inflammation of the intestinal tract. the non-specific effects of this inflammation were studied in mice concurrently infected with an unrelated parasite, hymenolepis diminuta, which does not stimulate a visible inflammatory response but is also immunologically rejected by this strain of mice. it was demonstrated that the rejection phase of t. spiralis infection had a marked effect up ...1977593730
immunity to trichinella spiralis. 1977596526
trichinella spiralis: immunosuppression in challenge infections of swiss mice. 1977598446
trichinella spiralis in wild boars (sus scrofa).during the period 1.7. 1972--31.6. 1977 muscle samples from 137 wild boars were examined for trichinella spiralis. larvae of t. spiralis were demonstrated in 4 animals. the major part (83) of the wild boars examined, including the 4 positive ones, originated from one particular game park. the rate of infection with t. spiralis in the game park concerned was 4.8%. calculated on the basis of the total of animals examined, the rate of infection was 2.9%.1977600694
the influence of cell transfers (mesenteric lymph nodes, bone marrow) from animals infected with trichinella spiralis on the course of trichinellosis in recipient mice. 1977607585
recovery of trichinella spiralis larvae. 1977608070
trichinella spiralis: incidental finding. 1977614130
trichinella spiralis: skeletal muscle membrane potentials in infected and uninfected mice. 1978627276
immunity against newborn trichinella spiralis larvae in previously infected mice. 1978627967
suppressed rejection of trichinella spiralis in immunized rats concurrently infected with eimeria nieschulzi. 1978627979
sylvatic trichinosis in british columbia: potential threat to human health from an independent cycle.the results of a 3-year study of trichinosis in british columbia wild-life, based on the testing of more than 9,000 tissue specimens from a large variety of animal species, indicated that trichinosis is widespread among wild mammals in the southern and central parts of british columbia. this continuing survey has established that the disease is carried by at least 15 species of terrestrial mammals including 3 species of rodents. the finding of trichinella spiralis in ground squirrels and nonsyna ...1978635095
efficacy of mebendazole and albendazole against trichinella spiralis in mice.changes in the sensitivity of trichinella spiralis to anthelmintic treatment during the first 3 days of infection in mice were studied. oral administration of either mebendazole or albendazole at 6.25 mh/kg 2 hr after exposure to infection eliminated 95-100% of the worms as determined at necropsy on day 7 postinoculation. beyond the first day of infection the sensitivity of the parasite to benzimidazole therapy was much reduced and an oral dose of 50 mg/kg was only partially but significantly ac ...1978641662
[facts that explain the host specificity of helminths].extracts from larvae of trichinella spiralis, mature ascaridia galli and ascaris suum and blood sera of their possible hosts (rats, pigs, chicks, guinea pigs, mice and men) were investigated by the method of electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel. the protein component was found to be most identical in helminth and its obligate host. the host specificity is supposed to depend on the community of the protein content of the parasite and its host. the data on the difference in protein spectra are gi ...1978643309
[parasites in the gdr.1. studies on helminths occurrence in european wild pigs (sus scrofa)].in two different hunting-grounds in the north-eastern part of the gdr from november 1972 to march 1974 the authors tested a series of 102 killed wild boars, aged mostly from 7 month to 3 years by means of helminthological dissection and by coprological methods for helminthic stages. from more than 30 well known species of helminths the following 10 species were found: cysticercus tenuicollis, echinococcus hydatidosus, ascaris suum, ascarops strongylina, physocephalus sexalatus, globocephalus uro ...1978646175
effect of trichinella spiralis infection on structure of the surface of the small intestines in germfree or conventional mice. 1978656982
metabolite levels and activities of some enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism in tissues of conventional and mono-associated mice in the course of trichinella spiralis infection. 1978656983
trichinella spiralis: site selection by the larva during the enteral phase of infection in mice. 1978658219
survival of trichinella spiralis larvae in sewage sludge anaerobic digesters.the survival of some bacteria, viruses, protozoans, and helminths through the sewage digestion process has been a question of considerable concern among researchers throughout the world. among the most resistant organisms are some of the pathogenic roundworms and tapeworms. encysted larvae of trichinella spiralis are sometimes present in animal tissues discarded as waste from slaughterhouses, restaurants or other sources. in experimental anaerobic sewage digesters, encysted larvae of t. spiralis ...1978660381
[immunobiology of trichinella spiralis]. 1978664694
the role of mastomys natalensis (smith) in trichinella spiralis transmission. 1978664697
[comparative studies on the course of the intestinal phase of trichinella spiralis invasion in various species and strains of rodents]. 1978664698
[trichinella spiralis: immune factors inhibiting the production of larvae. i. in vivo and in vitro demonstration in the mouse]. 1978668837
[trichinella spiralis: immune factors inhibiting the production of larva. ii. first in vitro analysis of active humoral and secretory factors in the infected or immunized mouse, rat and piglet]. 1978668838
stage-specific antibody-dependent eosinophil-mediated destruction of trichinella spiralis. 1978672989
trichinella spiralis: alterations of blood chemistry in the mouse. 1978680083
modification of immune competence by parasitic infections. i. responses to mitogens and antigens in mice treated with trichinella spiralis extract.spleen cells from mice pretreated with a trichinella spiralis extract (tse-mice) showed severe depression of the response to lipopolysaccharide (lps) and to concanavalin a (con a), slight depression to phytohemagglutinin (pha) and normal response to tuberculin purified protein derivative (ppd) as compared to saline-pretreated controls. mice pretreated with bovine serum albumin (bsa-mice) revealed greatly reduced responses to lps, somewhat reduced response to con a, and normal responses to pha an ...1978682066
[trichinosis: epidemiology, clinical features and diagnosis (author's transl)].after ingestion of wild boar meat 58 patients developed typical clinical signs and symptoms of trichinosis. all patients had marked blood eosinophilia. in 45% of the patients got and gpt and in 62% hbdh were moderately increased, while in 76% ldh and in 86% creatine-kinase showed abnormally high values. ck-mb was increased in three patients. 92% of muscle biopsies showed typical morphological changes in skeletal muscles. latexagglutination, complement-fixation and agar-gel diffusion tests were n ...1978699765
[serum antibody findings in trichinosis (author's transl)].serum samples of 66 persons who had eaten meat from a wild boar were tested two to three times within 11 months for antibodies against extracts from trichinella larvae. watery extract of trichinella spiralis larvae served as antigen. complement-fixation was of little use because of its lack of sensitivity. indirect haemagglutination and the elisa test (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) gave uncertain results only in individual cases. there was a relationship between the clinical picture and the ...1978699766
trichinella spiralis infection in mice. mechanism of the resistance in animals genetically selected for high and low antibody production.mice genetically selected according to their capacity to produce antibody were orally infected with fifty muscle larvae. after 1 month, the number of larvae found in low responder mice was twice the number found in high responder mice. following a second infection, low responder mice were completely protected while high responder mice showed only partial protection. it is suggested that the better resistance of high responder mice after a primary infection is due to their high and rapid antibody ...1978700780
[host immune response to trichinella parasitization and its alteration under the influence of of mebendazole. i. the development of cellular and humoral immune reactions in mice infested with trichinella spiralis]. 1978703692
the susceptibility to trichinella spiralis of inbred lines of mice differing at the h-2 histocompatibility locus. 1978722471
[host immune response to trichinella parasitization and its alteration under mebendazole exposure. ii. the cellular and humoral immune reactions of mice infected with trichinella spiralis after mebendazole treatment]. 1978723803
a new technique for demonstration of trichinella spiralis larvae in suspensions of digested muscle tissue. 1978727089
ultrastructural study of the immune interaction between peritoneal cells and larvae of trichinella spiralis. 1978731634
the effects of 5-benzamido-2 (4-thiazolyl) benzimidazole on trichinella spiralis. 1978734731
the role of prostaglandins in expulsion of adult trichinella spiralis. influence of indomethacin on the course of experimental trichinellosis in mice. 1978735103
[effect of cyclophosphamide and streptomycin on the level of vitamin a in the liver of mice infected with trichinella spiralis]. 1978735104
a new method of artificial production of immunity in mice by footpad injection of a crude larval extract of trichinella spiralis. 1978739314
observations on a trichinella spiralis isolate from a polar bear. 1978739315
oxatomide protects trichinella spiralis infected mice from lethal anaphylaxis.infection with trichinella spiralis in mice was accompanied by allergic sensitization as evidenced by anaphylactic death after intravenous injection of the antigen. pre-treatment of the animals with oxatomide, a new orally active anti-allergic drug, resulted in significant protection of the animals; the lowest effective dose of the compound was 1.25 mg/kg orally. in contrast to cyproheptadine, oxatomide offered little protection against serotonin toxicity in mice. the present data suggest that, ...1978742554
recovery of trichinella spiralis larvae from frozen muscle samples. 1978742569
trichinella spiralis: delayed rejection in mice concurrently infected with nematospiroides dubius. 1978743341
the effect of concurrent infection with trichinella spiralis on hymenolepis microstoma in mice.the intestinal changes brought about by rejection of trichinella spiralis from mice were studied in relation to their effects on a concurrent infection with hymenolepis microstoma, a cestode not normally rejected from mice. the rejection phase of t. spiralis was associated with a marked stunting of growth of h. microstoma given just before, during, or just after rejection of the nematode. the survival of h. microstoma was affected only when rejection of t. spiralis coincided with the intestinal ...1978748836
reliability of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the serodiagnosis of trichinella spiralis infections in conventionally raised enzyme innunoassay using horse radish peroxidase as teh marker enzyme for the detection of antibodies to trichinella spiralis in pigs was described. in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) quantitation os specific antibodies is obtained by means of peroxidase labeled anti-species-immunoglobulin in antigen-coated tubes. the enzyme remaining in the tube after wasging provides a measure of the amount of specific antibodies in the serum. a crude saline extract of t. spiralis muscle larva ...1976766300
proceedings: a modified indirect fluorescent antibody test for trichinella spiralis. 1975766323
specific release of neutrophillic- and eosinophilic-stimulating factors from sensitized lymphocytes.mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes recently have been shown to release colony-stimulating activity (csa), a stimulator of granulopoiesis in vitro. whether csa release is a result of specific antigen-lymphocyte interactions has been investigated by determining the ability of spleen lymphocytes isolated from trichinella spiralis and bacille calmette guerin (bcg) infected mice to release csa. lymphocytes were incubated with different antigens to obtain conditioned media (cm). conditioned media prepared ...1976769865
depression of the plaque-forming cells to sheep red blood cells by the new-born larvae of trichinella spiralis.the number of plaque-forming cells (pfc) per spleen is reduced in mice experimentally infected with 200 trichinella larvae at 14 and 28 days after infection, whereas no difference is shown at days 7 and 56. the worms of the three different phases of the life cycle of trichinella have been isolated and kept alive in vitro at 37 degrees in the inner compartment of a marbrook chamber. the outer compartment of the chamber contained normal spleen cells and sheep erythrocytes. after 4 days, the spleen ...1976773811
a comparative study of the immunohistological and serological response of intact and t cell-deprived mice to trichinella spiralis.thymectomized, lethally irradiated cba mice reconstituted with anti-theta-serum-treated bone-marrow cells (txb) were infected with t. spiralis at the age of 11 weeks. intact, age-matched t. spiralis infected and non-infected cba mice served as controls. sera were collected up to 26 days after infection and examined for the presence of total and class-specific antibodies by indirect immunoflourescence. mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen and axillary lymph nodes were examined by conventional histopath ...1976780017
the eosinophil stimulation promoter test in murine and human trichinella spiralis infection.a test for the lymphokine eosinophil stimulation promoter (esp) has been adapted to the study of trichinella spiralis infections in mice and has been used as an aid in the diagnosis of trichinosis in a patient. with use of soluble antigen extracted from t. spiralis larvae and peritoneal exudate cells rich in eosinophils obtained from mice with trichinosis of four weeks' duration, a dose-response curve was constructed and analyzed. the soluble larval antigens greatly enhanced the migration of eos ...1976789785
[fluorescence serologic studies for the detection of trichinella spiralis].attempts were made to find out, if trichinella (tr.) spiralis could be detected by means of immunofluorescence. an applicable trichinella antigen was prepared by applying pepsin digestion to trichinous muscular tissue of experimentally infected guinea pig. different quantities of trichinae were orally administered to guinea pig and rabbit, and even parenteral infection of rabbit was attempted, with the view to obtain immune sera. oral infection was followed by the occurrence of antibody titres, ...1976791176
serological studies on the antibody response of germfree, gnotobiotic and conventional mice infected with larvae of trichinella spiralis. 1976797434
serology of capillaria philippinensis infection: reactivity of human sera to antigens prepared from capillaria obsignata and other helminths.the reactivity of sera from 151 confirmed human cases of capillaria philippinensis infection was examined by double diffusion and indirect hemagglutination (iha) tests chiefly against capillaria obsignata antigen because of the present unavailability of c. philippinensis antigen. antigens from additional parasites and other human and animal sera representing a variety of helminthic infections were used for comparison. of 71 pre-treatment human sera, 56.3% were reactive by double diffusion test a ...1975804269
immunological sequelae of trichinella spiralis infection in mice: effect of viability and route of bcg administration on nematode-induced immunopotentiation.mice were infected with 200 trichinella spiralis 22 days preceding administration of 4 times 10-6 viable or heat-killed bcg. the effect of the route of bcg administration on the subsequent delayed hypersensitivity response to old tuberculin was investigated by injecting the bacteria either intravenously, intraperitoneally, or subcutaneously. animals of the various groups were tested for delayed hypersensitivity footpad responses 28 days after bcg inoculation. infection with t. spiralis was found ...1975804446
intracellular (muscle-fiber) habitat of ancylostoma caninum in some mammalian hosts.the persistence and precise location of ancylostoma caninum larvae in tissues of vertebrate paratenic hosts and the nature of host responses were studied in mouse, cat, and monkey. mice were infected percutaneously and examined at various intervals up to 260 days after exposure. long-persisting larvae were found only in the muscles. histologic sections revealed that within 4 hr after exposure some larvae had migrated through the skin and had entered individual fibers of the underlying muscles. a ...1975809563
ige-mediated anaphylactic bronchoconstriction in the guinea pig and the effect of disodium cromoglycate.using guinea pigs, the development of anaphylactic hypersensitivity with time after trichinella spiralis infection has been studied, the response being assessed in terms of bronchoconstriction at 5, 12, 19 and 26 days after infection. in addition, the susceptibility of these reactions to treatment with disodium cromoglycate (dscg) has been determined. at 12 days after infection, dscg significantly reduced the severity of anaphylactic bronchoconstriction, suggesting that ige competes with igg1 an ...1976814102
[studies of the humoral reactivity of piglets with experimental trichinelliasis].studied were pigs with experimental trichinella spiralis infection by means of biopsy, the complement-fixation test, the tube precipitation reaction, the double diffusion technique after ouchterlony, and the microimmunoelectrophoresis after scheidegger, using an antigen obtained by the method of tanner and gregory as modified by the authors. highest titers established by the c. f. test and the tube precipitation reaction were observed on 30th--60th day after the infection. complement-fixing anti ...1975814699
[unusual aspects of domestic trichinosis in regard to a familial infestation discovered in montreal].an outbreak of domestic trichinosis occurred in an italian family living in montreal. all patients had a fever, facial edema and extreme eosinophilia, and results of serologic tests were positive. larvae of trichinella spiralis were seen in a muscle biopsy from one of the patients. the discussion emphasizes some characteristic clinical, serologic and histopathological aspects.1976816445
course of infection with enteric parasites in hosts shifted from enteral to total parenteral nutrition.two groups of rats were kept on an oral diet after infection with 10(4) trichinella spiralis or 10 hymenolepis diminuta larvae. sixteen days and 2 days after infection with h. diminuta and t. spiralis, respectively, 8 rats from each group were switched to intravenous (iv) alimentation, while the remaining animals were retained on oral nutrition as controls. rats were killed during the following 21 days. the number of t. spiralis recovered from iv-fed rats was significantly higher than in control ...1976819643
[detection of trichinella spiralis infection in spontaneously infected pigs intended for slaughter using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) (author's transl)].in a study of seventy-seven pigs intended for saughter, from two farms on which trichinella infections had previously been detected by trichinoscopy, the sensitivity of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was compared with that of two direct (trichinoscopy and digestion) and three indirect (serological) methods of detection (fluorescent antibody technique, counter-electrophoresis and ouchterlony's agar gel diffusion method). in five out of seventy-seven pigs, the digestion procedure re ...1976822533
response to immunized, parenterally nourished rats to challenge infection with the nematode, trichinella spiralis.experiments were desinged to test the hypothesis that structural and chemical changes in the small intestine associated with total parenteral nutrition (tpn) alter relationships between hosts and enteric parasites. parenteral feeding of rats immunized to trichinella spiralis (nematoda) led to a decrease in gut mass. this was reflected by a significant drop in gut wet weight and reductions in mucosal dry weight, dna, protein, carbohydrate and lipid. these changes were accompanied also by lowered ...1976823311
[phototaxis in the parasite trichinella spiralis]. 1976824790
angiostrongylus cantonensis: phospholipase in nonsensitized and sensitized rats after challenge.rats given an initial infection with angiostrongylus cantonensis had moderately elevated phospholipase b activity in the lungs at 8 and 15 days after challenge, and greatly elevated levels were evident at 35, 43, and 49 days. in the brain, the values were elevated at 15 through 35 days. these periods of increased activity in the lungs and brain coincided with the migration patterns of the third stage larvae and the adult worms in this host. the elevated enzyme levels also were were correlated wi ...1977832897
effect of trichinella spiralis infection on passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in mice.infection of cfw mice with trichinella spiralis induced a state of relative unresponsiveness to passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (pca) induced with hen egg albumin and its corresponding antibodies. the unresponsiveness was to pca produced either with immunoglobulin g1 (igg1) or ige type of antibodies, but was more pronounced with the latter. as few as 25 larvae given by stomach tube 20 days before induced this resistance, although 400 larvae induced a greater resistance. when 400 to 600 larvae were ...1977832910
nippostrongylus brasiliensis and trichinella spiralis: localization of lymphoblasts in the small intestine of parasitized rats. 1977838026
trichinella spiralis: alteration of gastrocnemius muscle kinetics in the mouse. 1977838028
the in vivo and in vitro analysis of immunity to trichinella spiralis in mice and rats.wistar-furth strain male rats and cfw strain male mice were immunized against trichinella spiralis using an antigenic fraction derived from a cell-free homogenate of mature muscle larvae. in rats, animals immunized with 250 mug of antigen harboured significantly fewer (135000) muscle larvae 30 days after oral challenge than controls (231000). further 7-day-old adult worms derived from immunized rats shed 48% fewer (p less than 0.001) newborn larvae over a 24h period in vitro than adult worms fro ...1977840494
[antibody mediated adherence of rat peritoneal exudate cells to trichinella spiralis larvae].washed peritoneal exudate cells from rats firmly adhere to trichinella spiralis larvae in the presence of serum containing anti-trichinella antibodies. this effect is observed when muscle larvae, cells and dilutions of antisera are incubated for 1 h at 37 degrees c.. no adherence takes place at 4 degrees. whole serum or its gammaglobulin fraction are active and the effect is inhibited by the addition of trichinella antigens. complement is not essential since antiserum heated for 2 h at 56 degree ...1977848880
response of nonsensitized and sensitized lactating mice to infection with trichinella spiralis. 1977858654
variation in serum immunoglobulin levels in acute early rise in serum ige levels was observed in five of seven patients with acute primary trichinosis. parallel increases in the total igg, igm, and iga levels, as well as specific igg and igm antibody titres to trichinella spiralis larval antigen, were detected in two. the elevated levels persisted long after the clinical recovery of the patients.1977864221
macrophage potentiation by trichinella spiralis. 1977869616
thymus dependence and independence of intestinal pathology in a trichinella spiralis infection: a study in congenitally athymic (nude) mice.the hypothesis that non-specific histopathological gut changes are thymus-dependent was tested in a helminth infection--the nematode trichinella spiralis. the study was performed in congenitally athymic (nu/nu) mice and their thymus-bearing heterozygous litter-mates (+/mu). the non-specific histopathological changes of the small intestine were judged on villus/crypt ratio and mitotic index; for the specific (= immunological) reaction the number of pyroninophilic cells in the small intestine was ...1977871379
transfer of immunity to trichinella spiralis in the mouse with mesenteric lymph node cells: time of appearance of effective cells in donors and expression of immunity in recipients.cells capable of transferring immunity to trichinella spiralis, i.e. of accelerating adult worm expulsion, were present in the mesenteric lymph nodes of mice infected for 4, 6 or 8 days, but not in mice infected for only 2 days. the time-course of worm expulsion in mice infected on the day of transfer was similar in recipients of day 4 or day 8 cells, expulsion becoming marked only when the recipients had been infected for at least 6 days. transfer of cells 4 or 6 days after infection did not re ...1977876678
evidence for the involvement of a bone marrow-derived cell population in the immune expulsion of trichinella spiralis.when mice were irradiated immediately before infection with trichinella spiralis there was a profound and long-lasting interference with their ability to expel adult worms from the intestine. irradiation given after the fifth day of infection was progressively less effective in this respect. the ability to expel worms was not restored when mesenteric lymph node cells (mlnc) were transferred (a) on the day of infection in mice irradiated one day previously, or (b) on day 7 of an infection in mice ...1977876679
dynamics of circulating antibodies against trichinella spiralis after application of anthelmintics.formation and dynamics of circulating antibodies were studied in mice experimentally inefected with t. spiralis and treated with mebendazole. latex-fixation tube was used in the experiment. in the control group of untreated mice the antibodies were detected on the 21st day after infection. the antibody level reached the maximum on day 76 and low titres were found still on day 207 after infection. in mice treated with mebendazole in the intestinal phase of trichinellosis, the antibodies were dete ...1977881141
trichinella spiralis: taxes of first-stage migratory larvae. 1977885215
immunity to trichinella spiralis. vii. resistance stimulated by the parenteral stages of the three experiments mice were given three intravenous injections of trichinella spiralis newborn larvae produced in vitro. following a challenge infection of newborn larvae the mice were shown to be on the average 85% resistant i.e., only 15% of the challenge larvae developed to encysted muscle stage larvae in these mice; when the challenge consisted of normal muscle larvae administered per os, the mice were 51% resistant. neither the number nor longevity of adult worms in the intestines was af ...1977886409
reactivity and specificity of trichinella spiralis fractions in cutaneous and serological tests.six diethylaminoethyl-cellulose fractions of a larval trichinella spiralis extract, an ascaris suum extract, and a nonrelated protein were used for cutaneous tests in guinea pigs with 8-, 14-, and 73-day-old t. spiralis infections, in guinea pigs with 13-day-old a. suum infections, and in normal guinea pigs. a selected t. spiralis fraction was used in hemagglutination (ha) tests with sera of 8 t. spiralis-infected rabbits, 41 sera of trichinellosis patients positive by bentonite agglutination te ...1977908745
kinetics of immunological responses, resistance to reinfection, and pathological reactions to infection with trichinella spiralis.changes in immune responses, resistance to reinfection, and pathological reactions were studied serially in mice that had been infected for four to 40 weeks with 150 larvae of trichinella spiralis. immediate footpad hypersensitivity reactions to antigens of trichinella were present throughout the period of observation. delayed hypersensitivity reactions 48 hr after injection of antigen were first seen in mice infected for 14 weeks and gradually increased in size thereafter. intestinal adult worm ...1977908853
trichinella spiralis infection in congenitally athymic (nude) mice. parasitological, serological and haematological studies with observations on intestinal six experiments the course of a trichinella spiralis infection in congenitally athymic (nu/nu) mice and their heterozygous thymus-bearing littermates (+/nu) was followed. in the +/nu mice worms were expelled at day 10 post infection. in nu/nu mice worms remained in the intestine until the end of the observation period (83 days post infection). in testing the yield of muscle larvae in +/nu and nu/nu mice 4--5 times more muscle larvae were isolated from nu/nu mice than from infected +/nu mice. ...1977924522
increased resistance in the rat to strongyloides ratti following immunization against trichinella spiralis. 1976932925
an investigation of north atlantic whales for 1971, 81 finback (balaenoptera physalus), 119 sei (b. borealis), two piked (b. acutorostrata), 15 humpback (megaptera novaeangliae) and one sperm whale (physeter catodon) taken in the north atlantic off the newfoundland and nova scotia coasts were examined for the presence of trichinella spiralis. all 218 whales were negative for trichinosis.1976933319
the prevalence of trichinella spiralis in foxes (vulpes vulpes) and other game species in denmark.a survey of the rate of infection with trichinella spiralis among game animals in denmark is given with special regard to foxes. a total of 5084 foxes and 293 mustelidae were examined, most of them by a combined digestion and baermann technique. deep-frozen samples were examined by a method including digestion, filtration, and sedimentation. four foxes were found infected (cf. fig. 1). three of them were shot inside or just outside a fenced area within which wild boars had previously been found ...1976934811
a re-evaluation of the slide flocculation test for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis with adult worms as antigen.the present study was conducted to determine whether extracts from adult schistosoma mansoni could be coated onto cholesterol-lecithin crystals. of particular interest was the use of stunted schistosomes (ss) recovered from rabbits. the reactions obtained with this antigen in this slide flocculation (sf) test were compared with those employing antigens from cercariae and mature adult worms. the stunted schistosome sf test (sfss) showed a high sensitivity and specificity while cercarial antigen s ...1976937633
production of different classes of immunoglobulins in rats infested with trichinella spiralis. 1976939584
effect of lactation on cell-mediated immunity of swiss mice to trichinella spiralis. 1976949745
altered small bowel propulsion associated with parasitism.experiments were designed to test the hypothesis that alterations of intestinal motility accompany enteric helminth infections. motility was measured in rats during the intestinal phase of infection with the nematode trichinella spiralis by following the transit of radioactive chromium through the gut. intraduodenal catheters were surgically implanted in rats. one week after the operation one group of animals was infected with 8 x 10(3) t. spiralis larvae and a second group was infected with 16 ...1976955350
accelerated expulsion of adult trichinella spiralis in mice given lymphoid cells and serum from infected donors.immunity to the adult stage of trichinella spiralis, assessed by an acceleration of worm expulsion, was transferred to recipient mice with mesenteric lymph node cells (mlnc) or serum taken from infected donors. immunity was transferred most effectively by mlnc taken from donors infected for 8 days, i.e. donors actively responding to infection. transfer of both mlnc and serum brought about a marked acceleration of worm expulsion in all cases, even where mlnc or serum given separately failed to tr ...1976967521
the stichosome and its secretion granules in the mature muscle larva of trichinella spiralis.the stichosome of the mature muscle larva of trichinella spiralis consists of a single row of 45 to 55 stichocytes. each stichocyte is about 25 mum in diameter and possesses a single nucleus. a duct leads from each stichocyte to the lumen of the esophagus. the stichocyte cytoplasm contains mitochondria, structures resembling golgi-complexes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and usually 1 of 2 types of secretory granules. the alpha-granule measures about 800 mn in diameter, contains a prominent inclu ...1976978367
the hematopoietic microenvironment of the bone marrow: an ultrastructural study of the stroma in rats.the bone marrow contains branching vascular sinuses lying in a fibroblastic stroma which supports hematopoiesis. this paper describes the stroma and vascular sinuses by scanning and transmission electron microscopy and in freeze-fracture etch replicas in normal fat femoral marrow and in rats made eosinophilic by larvae of trichinella spiralis. the stroma consists primarily of reticular cells which ensheath sinuses as adventitial cells and branch into the surrounding hematopoietic space. they for ...1976984472
[the immune elimination of trichinella spiralis in rats. 1. characterization of the elimination of worms]. 1976998060
effects on murine trichinosis of niridazole, a suppressant of cellular but not humoral immunological responses.two groups of mice infected with trichinella spiralis were treated with niridazole (100 mg/kg), one on alternate days, the other daily. both regimens failed to influence the numbers of adult worms in the intestines or larvae in the muscles compared with untreated control mice. mice treated with niridazole daily, but not those treated on alternate days, showed a significant reduction in the inflammatory reaction to larvae in the muscles. immediate footpad swelling in response to injection of solu ...1976999358
habitat and reproductive behavior of trichinella spiralis.the normal niche of trichinella spiralis adults was found to be in the epithelial layer of the mucosa of the small intestine of its host. most worms were found in the epithelium at the base of the villi and in the glandular crypts. copulation and insemination occurred between 30 and 32 hr postinfection, all although these acts were never observed, it was concluded that copulation and insemination took place in the epithelial layer of the mucosa. a majority of the adults were found to be complete ...19761003275
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