
PMID(sorted ascending)
studies on the occurrence of peptococcus indolicus and corynebacterium pyogenes in abscesses in swine, and on the occurrence of pc. indolicus in apparently normal skin and mucous membranes of piglets.pc. indolicus was isolated from 42.7% and cb. pyogenes from 48.7% of 150 pus-samples from abscesses in pigs (slaughter-house material, table i). in 41 specimens the two organisms were found together. further, pc. indolicus was demonstrated in 22.4% of 290 swabs from apparently normal skin and mucous membranes of piglets (autopsy material, table ii). by gel diffusion analysis the strains of pc. indolicus were referred to the serotypes b, c, d, e, or f. the type distribution (table iii) possibly r ...197898755
consistency of autoradiographic dna repair in cells treated "in vitro" with n-diazoacetylglycine amide. a preliminary approach to quantitate the absolute amount of dna repair. 200198772
[immunological relations between mother and child during pregnancy (author's transl)].the relations between the maternal and foetal organisms during pregnancy are partly very complicated and remain inexplicable. blastocyst, trophoblast, embryo and foetus have membrane antigens at a very early stage, and the immunocompetence of the foetus develops already during the second third of the pregnancy period. many non-specific factors are involved in preventing the castingoff reaction of the foetal organism. the trophoblastic tissue is probably of central importance. the focal point of ...197898927
interferon inducing activity of polyinosinic acid.although poly(i) is generally considered to be inactive as an interferon inducer, we have found several authentic poly(i) preparations to be effective inducers. their interferon inducing ability varied considerably from one cell system to another. in human diploid fibroblasts, primed with interferon and superinduced by cycloheximide and actinomycin d, all active poly(i) samples proved nearly as effective in inducing interferon as poly(i).poly(c). in primary rabbit kidney cell cultures, the activ ...197899486
salvizol as an intracanal antiseptic for endodontic use. 197899707
the relationship between intracellular and extracellular potassium in normal and malnourished subjects as studied in leukocytes.leukocyte potassium has been measured in normal subjects and in malnourished children with and without edema both on admission and during recovery. in nonedematous malnourished children the potassium content was low (328 mmol/kg dry solids) and took 2-3 weeks of rehabilitation to return to normal (374 mmol/kg dry solids). leukocytes from edematous children had normal intracellular potassium values. however, 5 days on a maintenance diet reduced the intracellular potassium in the children with kwa ...199999717
electrophoretic strand separation of long dnas with poly (u,g) in agarose gels.we have found that binding of poly(u,g) to single-stranded dna decreases its mobility in 0.3% agarose gels. differential binding to the complementary strands of denatured duplex dna provides a simple method for strand separation. the method is shown to work with bacteriophage lambda dna, adenovirus dna and mtdna for tetrahymena pyriformis. in all cases the strand that binds more poly(u,g) in cscl gradients also binds more in gels. the separated strands can be directly blotted from the gel onto n ...197899728
behavioral measurement measurements of excitability changes in reward sites in the dog: a frequency dependent effect. 197899757
[treatment of acute diabetic ketoacidosis by administering small insulin doses into the serum]. 199999774
morphology of freeze-etched treponema refringens (nichols).the freeze-etch technique was used to study the morphology of treponema refringens (nichols). there is a single band of cytoplasmic fibrils which follows a path in the form of a right-handed helix with a periodicity of 1500 nm around the body of the treponeme just below the cytoplasmic membrane. there are two major fracture planes, one located in the interior of the outer envelope and the second in the interior of the cytoplasmic membrane. the "blebs" or "surface protuberances", which are quite ...1978100069
the diet and feeding behaviour of cercopithecus aethiops tantalus.the feeding behaviour of representative groups of tantalus monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops tantalus) was observed during 1974-1975 in three habitats in cameroon. observations took place during the wet and dry seasons in sahelian savannah, guinea savannah and farmed forest. the tantalus monkeys were similar to other races of c.aethiops that have been studied in that they were omnivorous and lacked any narrow specialisations of either diet or feeding techniques. the dietary range was similar in al ...1978101428
purification and characterization of allergens from parietaria officinalis pollen. 1978101439
cyanobacterial phycobilisomes. characterization of the phycobilisomes of synechococcus sp. 6301.a procedure is described for the preparation of stable phycobilisomes from the unicellular cyanobacterium synechococcus sp. 6301 (also known as anacystis nidulans). excitation of the phycocyanin in these particles at 580 nm leads to maximum fluorescence emission, from allophycocyanin and allophycocyanin b, at 673 nm. electron microscopy shows that the phycobilisomes are clusters of rods. the rods are made up of stacks of discs which exhibit the dimensions of short stacks made up primarily of phy ...1978101538
clinical studies on pipemidic acid. 1978101691
l-form of pseudomonas aeruginosa. 1. an effective method for the production of stable l-forms. 1978101700
[carbon metabolism in methylotrophic bacteria isolated from activated sludge]. 1978101747
genital herpes zoster: a case resembling primary herpes progenitalis with distal urethral involvement. 2000101907
[pituitary reserve of thyrotrophic hormone in hypothyroid children]. 1999103634
analysis of the yolk proteins in drosophila melanogaster. translation in a cell free system and peptide analysis. 1999103753
the fate of transplanted pancreatic islets in the rat.syngeneic pancreatic islets transplanted into the liver or the spleen reverse streptozotocin-induced diabetes in the rat, but allogeneic islets function only briefly and are rejected. shortly after transplantation, thrombi often form around transplanted tissue, particularly around nonislet tissue that contaminates islet preparations. these thrombi are a source of transient liver injury in recipients of intrahepatic grafts. a few days after transplantation, syngeneic islets injected into the port ...1979104625
characteristics of drosophila rhodopsin in wild-type and norpa vision transduction mutants.the properties of the major visual pigment of drosophila melanogaster were evaluated. the visual pigment was isolated from other protein components using acrylamide gel electrophoresis and spectral identification. sodium dodecyl sulfate (sds) acrylamide gels of the isolated visual pigment gave a single protein subunit with a mol wt of 37,000 daltons. the rhodopsin480 molar extinction coefficient was 35,000 liter/mol-cm (+/- 2,700 se). the metarhodopsin580 molar extinction coefficient was approxi ...1998105082
implications for adult roles from differential styles of mother-infant bonding: an ethological study.ethological observations of maternal and infant behaviors of nine vervet monkey pairs (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) showed the effects of differential styles of early maternal responsiveness on later infant competence. those infants receiving the least amount of maternal responsiveness and the most time-off the mother in the first 3 months of development were more socially competent at 6 months of age. the results are discussed within current ethological "attachment" theories. the detachment ...1979105083
treated stage iib hodgkin's disease complicated by late paraplegia. 1998105595
fetal heart rate during a maternal grand mal epileptic seizure.although maternal ingestion of antiepileptic drugs is strongly suspected of causing congenital defects, particularly oral clefts, the effect of epilepsy itself or a combined effect of drug intake and epilepsy have not been excluded as etiological factors. very little is known about fetal oxygenation during a maternal grand mal epileptic seizure. we describe two cases in which fetal heart rate was recorded during a maternal epileptic seizure during labor. the first fetus became clearly asphyctic ...1998106102
[life at a leprosarium. 4. life of leprosy patients in 1950's]. 1998106170
polychlorinated biphenyl-induced morphologic changes in the gastric mucosa of the rhesus monkey.the early morphologic events in polychlorinated biphenyl-induced lesions of the gastric mucosa of immature male rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta) were studied in serial biopsies taken during consumption of diets containing 3, 10, 30, and 100 mg. per kg. (p.p.m.) of aroclor 1242. the severity of the lesions correlated directly with both the duration and the level of exposure. the first changes were seen after ingestion of 30 and 100 mg. per kg. for 2 weeks; changes were not seen until 10 weeks at 3 ...1979106183
[isolation and general characteristics of a group of pseudomonas aeruginosa temperate phages].eighteen temperate phages were isolated from 38 natural strains of pseudomonas aeruginosa. the phages belong to five heteroimmune groups according to the ability of lysogenic variants of the strains pao1 and pat2 to exclude the growth of the superinfecting phage. phages of the ii and v immunity groups are serologically similar; the remaining phages are not inactivated by antisera against phages b26 (ii group) and k1338 (v group). prophages of the ii, iv, and v groups are induced by uv for vegeta ...1979106221
[xerophytic microorganisms multiplying under conditions close to martian ones].the xerophytic cultures bacillus megaterium and mycococcus ruber can grow in the imitated martian conditions. therefore, they are resistant to the extreme factors of the environment: the composition of atmosphere, low pressure, the maximum hygroscopicity of a substrate, periodic freezing-thawing.1979106224
catheter cervical vertebral venography.cervical vertebral venography using catheterzation via the femoral vein was carried out in 78 cases. in disc disease the internal vertebral venous plexus (ivvp) are interrupted at single or multiple levels, and sometimes completely blocked. in ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament, the ivvp are separated bilaterally and interrupted at multiple levels due to centrally situated ossification and associated osteophytes. venography helps to determine the upper and lower limits of laminectom ...1998106325
pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency in spinocerebellar study the incidence of abnormalities of the pyruvate (pdh) or ketoglutarate (kgdh) dehydrogenase complexes in patients with spinocerebellar degenerations, we measured the activities of pdh and kgdh in platelet-enriched preparations from the blood of 14 patients. low pdh was found in 6 of the 14 patients; low kgdh was found in 2 of the 6. pdh-normal and pdh-abnormal patients could not be distinguished by clinical criteria. these results extend previous studies, which suggested abnormalities of ...1998106330
approaches to sequence analysis of 125i-labeled rna.a method is described for the initial steps of sequence analysis of rnase t1-and pancreatic rn-ase-resistant oligonucleotides of rna containing cytidylate residues labeled in vitro with 125i. in many cases an oligonucleotide sequence can be deduced from a consideration of (i) its relative position in the two-dimensional fingerprint (with deae thin layer homochromatographic second dimension), (ii) its electrophoretic mobility on deae paper at ph 1.9, and (iii) identification of its products of fu ...1998106369
on the question of the tumoricidal dose in non-hodgkin's lymphomas. 1998106447
staging of myeloma. a preliminary study of staging factors and treatment in different stages.attempts were made to find prognostic factors in myeloma. in 16 deceased patients, urinary light chains, skeletal lesions, and the quantity of the monoclonal protein fraction in the serum were correlated to prognosis, in contrast to the electrophoretic mobility of the monoclonal fraction, the hemoglobin, the serum creatinine value, the serum calcium, or the intestinal calcium absorption. skeletal calcium uptake was only numerically higher in mild myeloma than in advanced myeloma. since these fin ...1998106448
the metabolism and disposition of 3,4,4'-trichlorocarbanilide in the intact and bile duct-cannulated adult and in the newborn rhesus monkey (m. mulatta). 1978106490
[present concepts of ultrastructure of gonococcus]. 1979106576
[determinaton of intracellular immunoglobulins by means of immunofluorescence. 1. the standardization of monospecific luminescent antisera against human g-, a- and m-class immunoglobulins in bone marrow preparations from patients with paraproteinemic hemoblastosis].to assess the specificity and the activity of fluorescent antisera against human g-, a-, m-classes the authors used in the capacity of a substrate, containing specific antigen preparations, bone marrow cells of patients with paraproteinemic hemoblastosis. the method of making the preparations used permitted sufficiently objective assessment of the activity and specificity of the mentioned monospecific fluorescent conjugates. as revealed, the bone marrow preparations could be stored at -70 degree ...1978106607
ct metrizamide myelography for intraspinal and paraspinal neoplasms in infants and children.computed tomography (ct) metrizamide myelography is an accurate and satisfactory method for examining the spinal cord in infants and children with suspected intraspinal neoplasms. it was performed in 13 infants and children and in one adult with intra- and paraspinal neoplasms. ct metrizamide myelography in paraspinal masses provides the total geography of the mass; that is, possible intraspinal extension, as well as the paraspinal portion itself. as such, it is superior to conventional myelogra ...1998106638
rapid and accurate diagnosis of acute cholecystitis with 99mtc-hida cholescintigraphy.technetium-99m dimethyl acetanilide iminodiacetic acid (hida) cholescintigraphy was performed on 90 patients with suspected acute cholecystitis. visualization of the gallbladder established patency of the cystic duct and excluded the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis in 50 of 52 patients. nonvisualization of the gallbladder with visualization of the common bile duct was diagnostic of acute cholecystitis in 38 patients, all subsequently proven at surgery. the observed accuracy of this procedure is ...1998106679
a behavioral program for the treatment of chronic patients.the authors report the development of a short-term behavioral therapy program for chronically hospitalized schizophrenic patients who had responded only minimally in a therapeutic community. the basic program was a token economy, which concentrated on personal care activities, productive activities, and leisure activities, combined with drug treatment. during the first 9 months of the program 105 patients were admitted and 79 were discharged--24 to nursing or group homes and 47 to their own home ...1998106739
[surgically treated chronic aortic valve insufficiency. long term results. surgical indications].the timing of surgery in chronic aortic regurgitation depends to a large extent on the operative results that may be expected in this type of valve disease. in 88 cases of chronic aortic regurgitation submitted to surgery there were 6 operative deaths (6.8%). five years after operation the actuarial survival was 58% for the whole of the group and 68% for cases of rheumatic aortic regurgitation. analysis of the causes of failures, late deaths, persistence or recurrence of severe impairment of act ...1998106793
platelet aggregation in experimental spinal cord injury. ultrastructural observations.endothelial alterations occur as early as 1 1/2 minutes following impact injury to the primate spinal cord. separation of the endothelial junctions and exposure of microvascular basal lamina result in platelet adhesion and aggregations that cover defects in the vessel wall and may progress to complete vascular occlusion. this occurs during the first six hours following injury. platelets also adhere to the surface of damaged endothelium. hemostasis resulting from platelet thrombus formation is re ...1998106810
neutrophil chemotaxis: physiology and pathology. 1998107086
symposium on lipoxygenase: its biochemistry, products, and role in plant and animal chemistry. 1998107206
shattuck lecture--in the public interest. 1998107452
radical scavenging as the mechanism for stimulation of prostaglandin cyclooxygenase and depression of inflammation by lipoic acid and sodium iodide.certain radical-trapping reducing agents have been shown to stimulate prostaglandin biosynthesis in vitro (1--6) and to depress phorbol myristate acetate-induced mouse ear edema (16). the increased prostaglandin synthesis resulted from influences on the cyclooxygenase. to ascertain whether these alterations were due to direct interaction with the enzyme or to indirect scavenging of the oxidant released during pgg2 reduction, we report the effects of lipoic acid and sodium iodide. both of these a ...1978107544
fat-induced jejunal inhibition of gastric acid secretion and release of pancreatic glucagon, enteroglucagon, gastric inhibitory polypeptide, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in man.the effect of intrajejunal (i.j.) infusion of fat on meal-stimulated gastric acid secretion and release of pancreatic glucagon (pg), enteroglucagon (eg), gastric inhibitory polypeptide (gip), and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (vip) was studied in seven healthy volunteers. i.j. fat markedly inhibited meal-stimulated acid secretion as compared to a control study with i.j. saline infusion. the acid inhibition was accompanied by augmental plasma concentrations of eg, gip, and vip but not of pg, ...1979107575
a three month inhalation toxicity study in the squirrel monkey (saimiri sciureus) with terbutaline sulfate (bricanyl).a study of the subacute toxicity of inhaled terbutaline sulfate was performed in the squirrel monkey (saimiri sciureus). 3 groups of monkeys were exposed 1 h daily 7 days/week for 3 months to terbutaline sulfate aerosols at concentrations of 0.039, 0.185 and 0.799 mg terbutaline/litre of air respectively. a fourth group was a chamber control receiving air only. the following clinical parameters were evaluated: physical appearance and behavior, weight gain, ophthalmoscopic appearance, electrocard ...1978107616
experimental transmission of wuchereria bancrofti to monkeys.infective larvae of wuchereria bancrofti from laboratory-raised culex pipiens fatigans and aedes togoi mosquitoes fed on human volunteers in jakarta, indonesia (j strain) and kinmen island, china (k strain) were introduced into taiwan monkeys (macaca cyclopis) by subcutaneous inoculation, by foot puncture, or by permitting infected mosquitoes to feed weekly on the monkeys. some animals were splenectomized and others were treated with varying regimens of immunosuppressants. necropsy was done on m ...1979107818
[principles of hemophilia self-treatment. discussion of experience at german hemophilia centers heidelberg, january 22 and june 3--4, 1977]. 1998107986
mechanism of folate transport in lactobacillus casei: evidence for a component shared with the thiamine and biotin transport systems.lactobacillus casei cells have been shown previously to utilize two separate binding proteins for the transport of folate and thiamine. folate transport, however, was found to be strongly inhibited by thiamine in spite of the fact that the folate-binding protein has no measurable affinity for thiamine. this inhibition, which did not fluctuate with intracellular adenosine triphosphate levels, occurred only in cells containing functional transport systems for both vitamins and was noncompetitive w ...1979108244
demonstration and characterization of specific binding sites for factor viii/von willebrand factor on human platelets.the presence of specific factor viii/von willebrand factor (fviii/vwf) binding sites on human platelets has been demonstrated by using 125i-fviii/vwf and washed human platelets. binding is ristocetin-dependent and increases in proportion to the concentration of ristocetin from 0.2 to 1 mg/ml. binding of 125i-fviii/vwf to platelets can be competitively inhibited by unlabeled human or bovine fviii/vwf, but not by human thrombin, fibrinogen, alpha 2-macroglobulin, equine collagen, or a lectin of ri ...1979108291
microscopic changes in rat tongue following experimental cryosurgery.histological changes were studied in the rat tongue for varying periods of time up to 14 days following the application of a cryoprobe to the dorsal surface of rat tongue. within minutes of the application, focal subepithelial vesiculation and hyperemia occurred. at 3 h there was evidence of damage to capillary walls, resulting in hemorrhage. arterioles and venules were thrombosed and there were degenerative changes in the muscle layer of their walls. at 6 h ventral epithelium showed evidence of ...1979108379
effects of calcium on the intensity-response curve of toad rods. 1998108600
[current therapeutic trends in hemometakinetic syndromes. preliminary note]. 1998108627
probenecid-induced increase of 5-hydroxytryptamine synthesis in rat brain, as measured by formation of 5-hydroxytryptophan.probenecid blocks the efflux of 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-hiaa) from the central nervous system, and has therefore been used for turnover measurements of central 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-ht). this substance also elevates tryptophan (tp) levels in rat brain. in this investigation, the time courses of probenecid and tp levels in rat serum and brain after administration of probenecid were studied. maximal levels of probenecid were reached within 15 min, followed by 50% decrease of serum tp and a ...1979108699
long term survival following firearm injury to the head. 2000110996
feeding parameters with two food textures after chlordiazepoxide administration, alone or in combination with d-amphetamine or fenfluramine.chlordiazepoxide (5.0, 10.0 mg/kg) reduced the rate of eating and extended the duration of feeding in a 10 min feeding test. it also reduced the latency to feed. both fenfluramine (1.0 mg/kg) and d-amphetamine (0.25 mg/kg) acted to reduce food intake, but by differing mechanisms. fenfluramine reduced eating rate without affecting eating duration, whilst d-amphetamine reduced eating duration without reducing eating rate. the effects of chlordiazepoxide on feeding parameters were generally additiv ...1979111292
differences in length of hospital stay for medicaid and blue cross patients and the effect of intensity of services. 2002113844
an ethological perspective on social behavior in long stay hospitalized psychiatric patients.ethological methods were employed to gather normative data on social behavior in long stay male inpatients in the ward environment. most were diagnosed schizophrenic. social bheavior was categorized into four main types: altruistic, assertive, cigarette, and verbal. patients (n = 24) were divided into three groups on the basis of the amount of social interaction (top, middle, and bottom thirds of the interactional scale). with the use of these divisions, results indicated: a) marked variability ...1999115964
[the role of the auxilliary health personnel in the prevention of iatrogenic quadriceps contracture]. 2002120064
[oculomotor reflex evoked by vibrassae stimulation in the cat].the oculomotor effects of vibrissae stimulation have been studied in the "encéphale isolé" non-anaesthetized cat. intracellular recording of lateral rectus motoneurones showed an excitatory projection via the ipsilateral infraorbital nerve to these motoneurones. the afferent fibers are type a alpha, recuited with a low threshold (0.2-0.5 ma) and convey information about vibrissae displacement.1979120789
editorial: health care crisis. 2002124076
a comparison between the free grafting of sliced and intact muscles in the rat-1.transverse slicing is a new technique whereby a mammalian muscle can be freely grafted with success. this method eliminates contamination of the early graft by surviving muscle fibres and allows one to measure the development of contractile properties on a uniform population of regenerating muscle fibres.?ioauthor1975124664
[pancreatic carcinoma on endoscopic retrograde pancreatico-cholangiogram (author's transl)].the pancreaticographic appearances of carcinoma of the pancreas have been divided into two types: 1. canalicular carcinoma arising from the duct system. if arising from the main pancreatic duct, it occludes this, or causes displacement or deformity of its branches in the immediate neighbourhood. if arising from branches, it causes cystic ectasia of the minor ducts; these appear fragmented and deformed while there is stenosis and displacement of the main duct. simultaneous origin from the main an ...1998124684
immunofluorescent localization of glycogenolytic and glycolytic enzyme proteins and of malate dehydrogenase isozymes in cross-striated skeletal muscle and heart of the rabbit.specific antisera against glycogen phosphorylase, phosphofructokinase, aldolase, glyceraldehyde-phosphate dehydrogenase, enolase, lactate dehydrogenase, cytosolic and mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase from rabbit muscle were obtained from sheep. the gamma-globulins were used for indirect immunofluorescent localization of the respective enzymes in rabbit skeletal muscle and heart. in stretched skeletal muscle a cross-striation like distribution was observed for all enzymes studied. in the case o ...1975124716
[influence of culture on evolution of biological structures in human groups]. 1975126716
[an invariant of plasma viscosity].determination of "m" invariant cannot lead to an absolute measurement of plasmatic viscosity, because "m" increases with temperature. it allows however to compare data determined in various conditions.2002126722
tightness and orientation of vesicles from guinea-pig kidney estimated from reactions of adenosine triphosphatase dependent on sodium and potassium order to study the "sidedness" of the ligands of the na+, k+-atpase in the phosphorylation from [32p]atp, tight vesicles were prepared from guinea pig kidney and partially purified by a two-stage sucrose and ficoll gradient centrifugation procedure. these vesicles were derived presumably from plasma membrane fragments resealed after the initial disruption of the cells during homogenization. tightness of the vesicles was estimated according to activation by the nonionic detergent, triton x-100 ...1975126864
direct and utilization of metabolic energy for transport processes within proximal convolution. 1975127689
[recurrence in soft tissues of a giant cell tumor of the femoral condyle].a case of recurrence with osteogenesis only in the soft tissues of a giant cell tumour is reported.2002128069
editorial: subunits of myosin. relations to atpase activity and mechanical function of muscle.under certain conditions the specific atpase activity of myosin of a given muscle can be altered. the cause of this alteration can only lie in the myosin molecule itself. to produce an enzymatic activity of myosin, an interaction between their light and heavy chains is necessary. however, the specific activity appears to be determined mainly by light chains. hence, one ought also to look for a basis of the changed activity in changes of the subunits of myosin. there are strong indications that t ...1975128346
[work of the department of children's ophthalmological services concerning the treatment of strabismus and amblyopia]. 2002128723
[2 cases of sudden death of twins with idiopathic cardiomegaly]. 2002129892
water-treated stimulatory cells in the unidirectional mixed lymphocyte culture. 2002129896
[organization of the veterinary service of a dairy complex]. 1975129913
[prevention of helminthiasis in sheep in kazakhstan]. 1975129934
[camera-cinematography of the heart (author's transl)].by "camera-cinematography" of the heart, we mean an isotope method which permits detailed observation of cardiac mechanics without the use of a catheter. all that is necessary is an intravenous injection of 10 to 15 mci 99mtc human serum albumen followed after ten minutes by a five to ten minute period of observation with a scintilation camera. at this time the isotope has become distributed in the blood. variations in the precordial impulses correspond with intra-cardiac changes of blood volume ...1975130292
studies on in vitro carcinogenesis. i. autoradiographic and biochemical study on the incorporation of labelled methylcholantrene into mouse embryonic cells.the incorporation of radioactive labelled methylcholanthrene into cba/t6t6 mouse embryonic fibroblast cultures was studied by using light and electronmicroscopic autoradiographic and also liquid scintillation counting techniques. during 24 hrs treatment time at the applied methylcholanthrene concentrations (0.01-2.5 mug/ml) the proportion of cells labelled with 3h-methylcholanthrene and the number of grains above the cells showed a relationship with the duration of treatment and also with the do ...1976130740
[treatment of serous otitis]. 2002134426
[influence of microflora on the metabolism of l-threonine at the level of the rat digestive tract].intestinal tissues are found to incorporate l threonine 14cu at faster rate in the absence of microflora. most of the radioactivity of the digestive contents occurs in the tca soluble compounds, except in the coecum and large intestine of the conventional rats where the microflora synthetized its own proteins from the labelled digestive material. free threonine is the main labelled soluble compound in the conventional rats digestive contents. in the other hand, in the germfree rats digestive con ...1976134804
[synchronous electric activity with inspiration in the vastus lateralis muscle of the anesthesied dog breathing spontaneously].in the dog, under chloralose or pentobarbitone anesthesia and breathing spontaneously, a muscular electrical activity of low voltage synchronous with respiration was observed in m. vastus lateralis. the mean maximum amplitude of this activity is inversely linked with respiratory rate. when the respiratory frequency is equal or exceeds 25 cycles per minute this activity disappears. such a phenomenon seems to be related to the activity of the respiratory centre.1976134813
clinical comparison between glibornuride (glutril) and tolbutamide in maturity-onset diabetes: a controlled double-blind trial. 2002134878
long-term treatment with beta-blockers after myocardial infarction.162 patients discharged from hospital after mycardial infarction were randomly allocated to two groups, one received alprenolol 400 mg daily and the other served as the control. the period of follow-up was two years and all other treatment given was standardized. the two groups did not differ with respect to risk factors for myocardial infarction, the course of the acute infarct or treatment during follow-up. after two years one patient in the group treated with alprenolol had died suddenly as c ...2002134897
[acid glycosaminoglycans in localized pleural mesothelioma--histochemical and biochemical study]. 2002135110
[details of a denounced physician (e.n.t.) suspected of bodily injury, and the following expert judgement (author's transl)].an otologist was denounced and the patient's case history was confiscated because after tonsillectomy an absecess and a thrombosis of the vena jugularis interna had developed. the procedure and the medical aspect how at first being judged by the lawyer and the public prosecutor are described. on the base of the given medical opinion the court quashed proceedings. because of the growing number of denouncements this casuistic paper ends with four guiding principles to protect against unjustified m ...2002135139
angiographic demonstration of bleeding into a pancreatic pseudocyst with venous drainage. 2003143416
[multifactorial diagnosis and treatment of low back pain (author's transl)].as a rule chronic or acute low back pain has not one, but a number of pathogenetic factors. disturbances of the supporting and locomotor systems, the cerebrospinal and autonomic nervous systems, the viscera, posture and the psyche are to be recognized and delimited. the therapeutic aim is the extinction, suppression or elimination of disturbing factors in the supporting and locomotor systems, in the peripheral voluntary and autonomic nervous systems and the psyche, in order to enable the organis ...2003143614
a case of giant cavernous hemangioma of the liver complicated by intravascular coagulopathy.a case of liver hemangioma complicated by intravascular coagulopathy is presented because of the rarity of the association. hemangioma of the liver was suspected by palpation of the liver tumor, scintigraphy and x-ray examination, and confirmed by selective hepatic arteriography in combination with exploratory laparotomy. intravascular coagulopathy was established by demonstrating secondary fibrinolysis and consumption of platelets and coagulation factors. unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia due to ...2003148835
[vectorcardiographic aspects of complete right bundle branch block following ventriculotomy (author's transl)]. 2003148862
occupational allergic contact dermatitis to isophorone diamine (ipd) used as an epoxy resin hardener.three patients employed in the manufacture of plastic tennis rackets developed allergic contact dermatitis to isophorone diamine (ipd), an epoxy resin hardener, and concomitantly to epoxy resin. patch tests were positive to ipd at 1, 2 and 5% in olive oil and to ipd at 1, 2 and 5% in ethanol. investigations were conducted in control subjects to confirm the allergic nature of reactions. a review of the literature about ipd and related compounds is presented.2003149629
the bulletin turns forty. 2003150055
alcohol units up cure rate, census. 2003152391
[biochemistry of myocardium taken at autopsy. preliminary report].the findings after biochemical analysis of heart muscle taken at autopsy are given in this preliminary communication. human myosin is made up of two heavy sub-units and two light sub-units: it is similar to cardiac myosin found in other mammals, but is different in certain characteristics, particularly immunological ones. tropomyosin is made up of two different sub-units. the normal human heart contains 1 mg of collagen and 130 microgram of desoxyribonucleic acid (dna) per 100 mg of fresh tissue ...1978152617
an interview with robert l. clyman. the role of the pedodontist. 2003154075
[in memoriam professor erich zdansky]. 2003154440
[effectiveness of the comprehensive treatment by rhonidase electrophoresis and tbilisi sulfide baths of elderly patients suffering from osteoarthrosis deformans]. 2003154769
from the clinic: back school. 2003155392
[interaction of antithymocyte globulin and immunopotentiating activity of schizophyllan (author's transl)]. 2003155747
isolation and characterization of actin and myosin from b-lymphocytic guinea pig leukemia cells.actin and myosin have been isolated from a guinea pig b cell leukemia line, l2c. the m.w. and amino acid compositions of these proteins are similar to actin and myosin from other nonmuscle cell types. l2c actin polymerizes to form filaments and activates the atpase activity of skeletal muscle myosin. actin in crude lymphocyte extracts does not polymerize as well as predicted from the critical concentration of purified lymphocyte actin suggesting that other factors in lymphocyte extracts regulate ...1979156229
circular dichroism and ultraviolet absorbance of calf thymus dna in presence of ch3hgoh. 1979156470
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 3837