Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
development and evaluation of a panel of filovirus sequence capture probes for pathogen detection by next-generation sequencing. | a detailed understanding of the circulating pathogens in a particular geographic location aids in effectively utilizing targeted, rapid diagnostic assays, thus allowing for appropriate therapeutic and containment procedures. this is especially important in regions prevalent for highly pathogenic viruses co-circulating with other endemic pathogens such as the malaria parasite. the importance of biosurveillance is highlighted by the ongoing ebola virus disease outbreak in west africa. for example, ... | 2014 | 25207553 |
ebola then and now. | 2014 | 25207624 | |
trial of ebola virus vaccine is due to start next week. | 2014 | 25209382 | |
ebola: time to act. | 2014 | 25209760 | |
make diagnostic centres a priority for ebola crisis. | 2014 | 25209763 | |
the herv-k human endogenous retrovirus envelope protein antagonizes tetherin antiviral activity. | endogenous retroviruses are the remnants of past retroviral infections that are scattered within mammalian genomes. in humans, most of these elements are old degenerate sequences that have lost their coding properties. the herv-k(hml2) family is an exception: it recently amplified in the human genome and corresponds to the most active proviruses, with some intact open reading frames and the potential to encode viral particles. here, using a reconstructed consensus element, we show that herv-k(hm ... | 2014 | 25210194 |
why should high-income countries help combat ebola? | 2014 | 25210838 | |
evaluating novel therapies during the ebola epidemic. | 2014 | 25211645 | |
diagnostic schemes for reducing epidemic size of african viral hemorrhagic fever outbreaks. | viral hemorrhagic fever (vhf) outbreaks, with high mortality rates, have often been amplified in african health institutions due to person-to-person transmission via infected body fluids. by collating and analyzing epidemiological data from documented outbreaks, we observed that diagnostic delay contributes to epidemic size for ebola and marburg hemorrhagic fever outbreaks. | 2014 | 25212079 |
ebola virus disease in west africa - an unprecedented outbreak. | 2014 | 25213844 | |
infectious disease. ebola vaccines racing forward at record pace. | 2014 | 25214582 | |
interview. ebola: 'wow, that is really tough'. | 2014 | 25214583 | |
genomic surveillance elucidates ebola virus origin and transmission during the 2014 outbreak. | in its largest outbreak, ebola virus disease is spreading through guinea, liberia, sierra leone, and nigeria. we sequenced 99 ebola virus genomes from 78 patients in sierra leone to ~2000× coverage. we observed a rapid accumulation of interhost and intrahost genetic variation, allowing us to characterize patterns of viral transmission over the initial weeks of the epidemic. this west african variant likely diverged from central african lineages around 2004, crossed from guinea to sierra leone in ... | 2014 | 25214632 |
ebola and other viral haemorrhagic fevers: a local operational approach. | 2014 | 25216168 | |
ebola control measures and inadequate responses. | 2014 | 25217114 | |
cuba pledges 165 health workers to treat ebola patients in sierra leone. | 2014 | 25217171 | |
epidemiological dynamics of ebola outbreaks. | ebola is a deadly virus that causes frequent disease outbreaks in the human population. in this study, we analyse its rate of new introductions, case fatality ratio, and potential to spread from person to person. the analysis is performed for all completed outbreaks and for a scenario where these are augmented by a more severe outbreak of several thousand cases. the results show a fast rate of new outbreaks, a high case fatality ratio, and an effective reproductive ratio of just less than 1. | 2014 | 25217532 |
ebola in west africa. | 2014 | 25218096 | |
respiratory protection for healthcare workers treating ebola virus disease (evd): are facemasks sufficient to meet occupational health and safety obligations? | 2014 | 25218265 | |
ebola: a failure of international collective action. | 2014 | 25218774 | |
hsa-mir-1246, hsa-mir-320a and hsa-mir-196b-5p inhibitors can reduce the cytotoxicity of ebola virus glycoprotein in vitro. | ebola virus (ebov) causes a highly lethal hemorrhagic fever syndrome in humans and has been associated with mortality rates of up to 91% in zaire, the most lethal strain. though the viral envelope glycoprotein (gp) mediates widespread inflammation and cellular damage, these changes have mainly focused on alterations at the protein level, the role of micrornas (mirnas) in the molecular pathogenesis underlying this lethal disease is not fully understood. here, we report that the mi-rnas hsa-mir-12 ... | 2014 | 25218824 |
fighting ebola with zmapp: spotlight on plant-made antibody. | 2014 | 25218825 | |
meeting report: 27th international conference on antiviral research, in raleigh, nc, usa. | the 27th international conference on antiviral research (icar) was held in raleigh, north carolina, usa from may 12 to 16, 2014. this article summarizes the principal invited lectures. john drach (elion award) described the early days of antiviral drugs and their novel modes of action. piet herdewijn (holý award) used evolutionary pressure to select dna polymerases that accept nucleoside analogs. replacing thymine by 5-chlorouracil led to the generation of a new form of escherichia coli. adrian ... | 2014 | 25218950 |
letters in the time of ebola. | 2014 | 25219797 | |
ebola, fear and preparedness. | 2014 | 25220146 | |
compassionate use of experimental drugs in the ebola outbreak. | 2014 | 25220192 | |
vulnerability, hysteria and fear - conquering ebola virus. | 2014 | 25222449 | |
don't be scared, be angry: the politics and ethics of ebola. | the current outbreak of ebola virus disease in west africa is the worst so far. the unprecedented extent of mortality and morbidity in this outbreak has followed more from imposition of neoliberal economic policies on the countries affected than from the biological virulence of ebola virus. the lack of vaccines and medications for ebola virus disease is evidence that markets cannot reliably supply treatments for epidemic diseases. we attribute the current difficulties in containment chiefly to t ... | 2014 | 25222463 |
ebola in an unprepared africa. | 2014 | 25224647 | |
how the current west african ebola virus disease epidemic is altering views on the need for vaccines and is galvanizing a global effort to field-test leading candidate vaccines. | 2015 | 25225675 | |
safety and immunogenicity of dna vaccines encoding ebolavirus and marburgvirus wild-type glycoproteins in a phase i clinical trial. | ebolavirus and marburgvirus cause severe hemorrhagic fever with high mortality and are potential bioterrorism agents. there are no available vaccines or therapeutic agents. previous clinical trials evaluated transmembrane-deleted and point-mutation ebolavirus glycoproteins (gps) in candidate vaccines. constructs evaluated in this trial encode wild-type (wt) gp from ebolavirus zaire and sudan species and the marburgvirus angola strain expressed in a dna vaccine. | 2014 | 25225676 |
ebola update. | 2014 | 25226049 | |
ebola nurse calls on pm for special treatment centres. | the british nurse who became the first person in the uk to contract the deadly ebola virus in sierra leone has pledged to return to the country. | 2014 | 25227341 |
ebola in a stew of fear. | 2014 | 25229794 | |
africa: ebola virus control needs local buy-in. | 2014 | 25230645 | |
determination of specific antibody responses to the six species of ebola and marburg viruses by multiplexed protein microarrays. | infectious hemorrhagic fevers caused by the marburg and ebola filoviruses result in human mortality rates of up to 90%, and there are no effective vaccines or therapeutics available for clinical use. the highly infectious and lethal nature of these viruses highlights the need for reliable and sensitive diagnostic methods. we assembled a protein microarray displaying nucleoprotein (np), virion protein 40 (vp40), and glycoprotein (gp) antigens from isolates representing the six species of filoviru ... | 2014 | 25230936 |
ebola and adverse circumstances. | 2014 | 25231284 | |
a new approach for monitoring ebolavirus in wild great apes. | central africa is a "hotspot" for emerging infectious diseases (eids) of global and local importance, and a current outbreak of ebolavirus is affecting multiple countries simultaneously. ebolavirus is suspected to have caused recent declines in resident great apes. while ebolavirus vaccines have been proposed as an intervention to protect apes, their effectiveness would be improved if we could diagnostically confirm ebola virus disease (evd) as the cause of die-offs, establish ebolavirus geograp ... | 2014 | 25232832 |
containing ebola virus infection in west africa. | 2014 | 25232918 | |
early transmission dynamics of ebola virus disease (evd), west africa, march to august 2014. | 2014 | 25232919 | |
micrornas: the novel targets for ebola drugs. | 2014 | 25234109 | |
us plans to deploy 3000 army personnel to tackle ebola in west africa. | 2014 | 25234127 | |
infectious disease. ebola vaccine: little and late. | 2014 | 25237082 | |
ebola--an ongoing crisis. | 2014 | 25237780 | |
mapping ebola in wild animals for better disease control. | identifying the regions where wild animal populations could transmit the ebola virus should help with efforts to prepare at-risk areas for future outbreaks. | 2014 | 25238569 |
when the rubber meets the road: dealing with a returning traveler from west africa during the ebola outbreak of 2014. | 2014 | 25239405 | |
potential clinical treatment for ebola pandemic. | 2014 | 25239448 | |
arthropods as a source of new rna viruses. | the discovery and development of methods for isolation, characterisation and taxonomy of viruses represents an important milestone in the study, treatment and control of virus diseases during the 20th century. indeed, by the late-1950s, it was becoming common belief that most human and veterinary pathogenic viruses had been discovered. however, at that time, knowledge of the impact of improved commercial transportation, urbanisation and deforestation, on disease emergence, was in its infancy. fr ... | 2014 | 25239874 |
preparing for critical care services to patients with ebola. | 2014 | 25244048 | |
the ebola emergency--immediate action, ongoing strategy. | 2014 | 25244185 | |
ebola virus disease in west africa--the first 9 months of the epidemic and forward projections. | on march 23, 2014, the world health organization (who) was notified of an outbreak of ebola virus disease (evd) in guinea. on august 8, the who declared the epidemic to be a "public health emergency of international concern." | 2014 | 25244186 |
safe management of patients with serious communicable diseases: recent experience with ebola virus. | 2014 | 25244492 | |
ebola and human rights in west africa. | 2014 | 25245179 | |
the rising tide of ebola. | 2014 | 25246355 | |
could interferon help treat ebola? | 2014 | 25246419 | |
preparedness for prevention of ebola virus disease. | 2014 | 25246733 | |
who meeting chooses untried interventions to defeat ebola. | 2014 | 25247221 | |
clinical trials of ebola treatment to start in africa. | 2014 | 25248787 | |
former nurse is the first to volunteer for ebola trial. | 2014 | 25249086 | |
doing today's work superbly well--treating ebola with current tools. | 2014 | 25251518 | |
ebola virus disease--current knowledge. | 2014 | 25251632 | |
environmental airborne contact dermatoses. | this chapter is complementary to chapter 4 published in the same series. airborne contact dermatitis (abcd) is considered a prototype in the field of environmental dermatology. it is often underestimated in most textbooks of general dermatology, despite its frequent occurrence in daily life. abcd may be irritant, allergic, phototoxic, or photoallergic. airborne contact urticaria is another example. a particular clinical aspect is the "head and neck dermatitis", which occurs in atopic adult patie ... | 2014 | 25252746 |
liberia and sierra leone could see 1.4 million ebola cases by january. | 2014 | 25252773 | |
ebola in west africa: be aware and prepare. | 2014 | 25253023 | |
global ebola response kicks into gear at last. | 2014 | 25254453 | |
estimating the future number of cases in the ebola epidemic--liberia and sierra leone, 2014-2015. | the first cases of the current west african epidemic of ebola virus disease (hereafter referred to as ebola) were reported on march 22, 2014, with a report of 49 cases in guinea. by august 31, 2014, a total of 3,685 probable, confirmed, and suspected cases in west africa had been reported. to aid in planning for additional disease-control efforts, cdc constructed a modeling tool called ebolaresponse to provide estimates of the potential number of future cases. if trends continue without scale-up ... | 2014 | 25254986 |
the hajj in the time of an ebola outbreak in west africa. | 2014 | 25257580 | |
infectious diseases. testing new ebola tests. | 2014 | 25258059 | |
early transmission dynamics of ebola virus disease (evd), west africa, march to august 2014 - euro surveillance 17 september 2014. | 2014 | 25259536 | |
feedback from modelling to surveillance of ebola virus disease. | 2014 | 25259537 | |
rig-i self-oligomerization is either dispensable or very transient for signal transduction. | effective host defence against viruses depends on the rapid triggering of innate immunity through the induction of a type i interferon (ifn) response. to this end, microbe-associated molecular patterns are detected by dedicated receptors. among them, the rig-i-like receptors rig-i and mda5 activate ifn gene expression upon sensing viral rna in the cytoplasm. while mda5 forms long filaments in vitro upon activation, rig-i is believed to oligomerize after rna binding in order to transduce a signal ... | 2014 | 25259935 |
case fatality rate for ebola virus disease in west africa. | 2014 | 25260235 | |
clinical features and pathobiology of ebolavirus infection. | there has clearly been a deluge of international press coverage of the recent outbreak of ebolavirus in africa and is partly related to the "fear factor" that comes across when one is confronted with the fact that once infected, not only is the speed of death in a majority of cases rapid but also the images of the cause of death such as bleeding from various orifices gruesome and frightening. the fact that it leads to infection and death of health care providers (10% during the current epidemic) ... | 2014 | 25260583 |
[alert - epidemic due to the ebola virus]. | 2014 | 25261916 | |
priorities for ebola virus disease response in west africa. | 2014 | 25262343 | |
ebola virus disease: potential use of melatonin as a treatment. | the purpose of this report is to emphasize the potential utility for the use of melatonin in the treatment of individuals who are infected with the ebola virus. the pathological changes associated with an ebola infection include, most notably, endothelial disruption, disseminated intravascular coagulation and multiple organ hemorrhage. melatonin has been shown to target these alterations. numerous similarities between ebola virus infection and septic shock have been recognized for more than a de ... | 2014 | 25262626 |
ebola: an open letter to european governments. | 2014 | 25263575 | |
optimization of interventions in ebola: differential contagion. | 2015 | 25265478 | |
the cyanobacterial lectin scytovirin displays potent in vitro and in vivo activity against zaire ebola virus. | the cyanobacterial lectin scytovirin (svn) binds with high affinity to mannose-rich oligosaccharides on the envelope glycoprotein (gp) of a number of viruses, blocking entry into target cells. in this study, we assessed the ability of svn to bind to the envelope gp of zaire ebola virus (zebov) and inhibit its replication. svn interacted specifically with the protein's mucin-rich domain. in cell culture, it inhibited zebov replication with a 50% virus-inhibitory concentration (ec50) of 50 nm, and ... | 2014 | 25265598 |
identification of ebola virus micrornas and their putative pathological function. | ebola virus (ebov), a member of the filovirus family, is an enveloped negative-sense rna virus that causes lethal infections in humans and primates. recently, more than 1000 people have been killed by the ebola virus disease in africa, yet no specific treatment or diagnostic tests for ebov are available. in this study, we identified two putative viral microrna precursors (pre-mirnas) and three putative mature micrornas (mirnas) derived from the ebov genome. the production of the ebov mirnas was ... | 2014 | 25266153 |
containment in sierra leone: the inability of a state to confront ebola? | 2014 | 25266710 | |
are we prepared for ebola and other viral haemorrhagic fevers? | 2014 | 25269974 | |
fragile economies in west africa are being devastated by ebola. | 2014 | 25270481 | |
professional responsibilities for treatment of patients with ebola: can a healthcare provider refuse to treat a patient with ebola? | 2014 | 25271667 | |
[potential vaccine candidates against ebola and the first vaccine against chikungunya virus infection]. | 2014 | 25272676 | |
coordinating the clinical management of imported human cases suspected of being infected with a highly pathogenic virus such as ebola. | 2014 | 25273076 | |
ebola is diagnosed in traveler to us. | 2014 | 25274102 | |
ebola virus disease outbreak - west africa, september 2014. | cdc is assisting ministries of health and working with other organizations to control and end the ongoing outbreak of ebola virus disease (ebola) in west africa. the updated data in this report were compiled from ministry of health situation reports and world health organization (who) sources. total case counts include all suspected, probable, and confirmed cases as defined by each country. these data reflect reported cases, which make up an unknown proportion of all actual cases. the data also ... | 2014 | 25275331 |
ebola virus disease outbreak - nigeria, july-september 2014. | on july 20, 2014, an acutely ill traveler from liberia arrived at the international airport in lagos, nigeria, and was confirmed to have ebola virus disease (ebola) after being admitted to a private hospital. this index patient potentially exposed 72 persons at the airport and the hospital. the federal ministry of health, with guidance from the nigeria centre for disease control (ncdc), declared an ebola emergency. lagos, (pop. 21 million) is a regional hub for economic, industrial, and travel a ... | 2014 | 25275332 |
importation and containment of ebola virus disease - senegal, august-september 2014. | on august 29, 2014, senegal confirmed its first case of ebola virus disease (ebola) in a guinean man, aged 21 years, who had traveled from guinea to dakar, senegal, in mid-august to visit family. senegalese medical and public health personnel were alerted about this patient after public health staff in guinea contacted his family in senegal on august 27. the patient had been admitted to a referral hospital in senegal on august 26. he was promptly isolated, and a blood sample was sent for laborat ... | 2014 | 25275333 |
characterization of uncultivable bat influenza virus using a replicative synthetic virus. | bats harbor many viruses, which are periodically transmitted to humans resulting in outbreaks of disease (e.g., ebola, sars-cov). recently, influenza virus-like sequences were identified in bats; however, the viruses could not be cultured. this discovery aroused great interest in understanding the evolutionary history and pandemic potential of bat-influenza. using synthetic genomics, we were unable to rescue the wild type bat virus, but could rescue a modified bat-influenza virus that had the ha ... | 2014 | 25275541 |
ebola virus disease - a global threat. | 2014 | 25276664 | |
[is the world health organization guilty of delaying the fight against ebola?]. | 2014 | 25277008 | |
could the devastation from ebola occur in asia? | 2014 | 25277081 | |
ebola: a call for blood transfusion strategy in sub-saharan africa. | 2014 | 25277678 | |
cuts in aid are linked to ebola crisis, say mps. | 2014 | 25277801 | |
infectious diseases. when ebola protection fails. | 2014 | 25278588 | |
biomarker correlates of survival in pediatric patients with ebola virus disease. | outbreaks of ebola virus disease (evd) occur sporadically in africa and are associated with high case-fatality rates. historically, children have been less affected than adults. the 2000-2001 sudan virus-associated evd outbreak in the gulu district of uganda resulted in 55 pediatric and 161 adult laboratory-confirmed cases. we used a series of multiplex assays to measure the concentrations of 55 serum analytes in specimens from patients from that outbreak to identify biomarkers specific to pedia ... | 2014 | 25279581 |
ebola obstructs malaria control. | 2014 | 25279895 | |
ebola in west africa: from disease outbreak to humanitarian crisis. | 2014 | 25282665 |