
PMID(sorted ascending)
bilateral diffuse choroiditis and exudative retinal detachments with evidence of lyme disease. 19883282440
borreliosis in equids in northeastern united states.during 1982 and 1985, blood samples from 705 equids were examined for antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi. by indirect immunofluorescence staining, igm and total immunoglobulin (igm and igg) antibodies were detected in 37 (5.3%) and 90 (12.8%) serum specimens, respectively. the geometric mean titer for igm antibody (140.4) was highest during july, whereas total immunoglobulin ranged from 94.1 in october to 338 in may. eighty-six equids with total immunoglobulin to b burgdorferi lived in areas of ...19883282461
borrelia burgdorferi borreliosis. 19883284861
[from tick bite to lyme disease: evolution of a clinical concept]. 19883287542
antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi in dogs in north indirect immunofluorescence assay was used to detect antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi in sera from 600 dogs in 1983 and 402 dogs in 1985. in 1983, the overall prevalence rate of dogs with b burgdorferi titers greater than or equal to 1:64 was 3.6%, whereas in 1985, the prevalence rate was 2.7%. an unexplainable higher seroprevalence was detected in 1 group of dogs tested in 1983. these dogs were from the southern coastal plains of north carolina. in the dogs tested in 1985, this region ...19883288020
tick-borne diseases.tick-borne diseases have their peak incidence in the spring and summer. the different infections caused by tick vectors have certain geographic locations and unique clinical presentations. the most common tick-transmitted infection is lyme disease. early diagnosis of tick-borne disease is essential so that effective and, in some cases, lifesaving antibiotic therapy can be instituted. preventive measures are simple.19883289344
[the spectrum of lyme borreliosis from the dermatologic viewpoint].erythema chronicum migrans, lymphadenosis benigna cutis and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans represent the dermatological manifestations of the multi-organ disease lyme borreliosis. koch's requirements of evidence for an infectious disease, demonstration of the bacterium, transfer, and culture have proven borrelia burgdorferi to be the causative agent of the above mentioned skin diseases. this justifies a penicillin therapy, that has been administered in europe empirically for the last 30 yea ...19883289873
the urinary bladder, a consistent source of borrelia burgdorferi in experimentally infected white-footed mice (peromyscus leucopus).white-footed mice, peromyscus leucopus, were experimentally infected in the laboratory with borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease. after mice were infected by intraperitoneal or subcutaneous inoculation or by tick bite, attempts were made to culture spirochetes from the urinary bladder, spleen, kidney, blood, and urine. spirochetes were most frequently isolated from the bladder (94%), followed by the kidney (75%), spleen (61%), and blood (13%). no spirochetes were isolated fr ...19883290239
use of an autologous antigen in the serologic testing of patients with erythema migrans of lyme disease.we attempted to detect an early rise in antibody titers to borrelia burgdorferi in the serum of patients with erythema migrans of lyme disease by utilizing b. burgdorferi isolates obtained from patients' own skin lesions instead of the b31 reference strain. b. burgdorferi was isolated from nine of 23 skin biopsy specimens submitted for culture. elevated antibody titers were not detected in any of the 23 acute serum samples by immunofluorescence assay. the antigens derived from patient isolates w ...19883290287
[tick-borne borrelia burgdorferi--frequent causative agent of peripheral facial paralysis]. 19883290791
lyme disease: the latest great imitator.lyme disease is caused by the spirochete b. burgdorferi. like its counterpart syphilis, it causes multisystem disease particularly affecting the skin, nervous system, heart and musculoskeletal system. it is endemic in several areas of the united states as well as in europe. the prompt recognition of this disease and its diverse manifestations should lead to early treatment and resolution. prevention is aimed at avoidance of the tick vector.19883292999
early detection and persistence of antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi in persons with lyme indirect immunofluorescence antibody (ifa) test and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) were used during 1984 to detect total immunoglobulins (ig) or igm and igg antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi. of the 139 serum samples tested by ifa, representing 110 persons with erythema chronicum migrans (ecm), 84 (60%) had either or both class-specific immunoglobulins. serologic confirmation was made for 64 (58%) patients; serum specimens from 54 (49%) of these had elevated levels of igm antib ...19873296563
the significance of controls in lyme arthritis of order to better define the specificity of lyme disease (ld) seropositivity and seronegativity during a study of lyme arthritis in a pediatric rheumatology population, three groups of controls are in the process of being developed. children with other rheumatic disorders. siblings and parents of children with lyme arthritis. individuals with intense environmental exposure to ld. sera from each have been tested for antibody to borrelia burgdorferi (bb), by indirect immunofluorescence assay (ifa ...19873296564
antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi in bavarian forest workers.the sera of 496 forest workers (fw), 44 customs officials and 20 other persons in outdoor professions from different areas of bavaria were tested for antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi (strain b 31) by indirect immunofluorescence. in sera previously absorbed with treponema phagedenis ultrasonicate, significantly elevated igg antibody titers were found in 69 cases, in 68 fw (13.7%) and 1 custom agent. in accordance with previous observations the distribution of positive results showed a dist ...19873296565
serodiagnostic of erythema chronicum migrans (lyme disease) in cases initially suspected as caused by arboviruses. 19873296567
cross-reactivity in serological tests for lyme disease and other spirochetal infections.serum specimens from 163 persons with lyme disease, tick-borne or louse-borne relapsing fever, yaws, syphilis, leptospirosis, or rocky mountain spotted fever were analyzed to assess the specificity of indirect fluorescent antibody (ifa) tests, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), and microscopic agglutination (ma) procedures. strong cross-reactivity occurred when sera from individuals with lyme disease, tick-borne relapsing fever, and louse-borne relapsing fever were tested against hete ...19873298452
prevalence of borrelia burgdorferi in white-footed mice and ixodes dammini at fort mccoy, wis.borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease, was isolated from 15 of 17 white-footed mice (peromyscus leucopus) and 54 of 82 subadult ixodes dammini from fort mccoy, wis. of the 47 isolates tested, all reacted in indirect fluorescent-antibody tests with monoclonal antibodies directed against a surface protein of b. burgdorferi (approximate molecular weight, 31,000) and flagellins that are common to all borrelia species. indirect fluorescent-antibody reactions were variable when an ...19873305566
cutaneous manifestations of neurologic infections in children.neurologic infections in children are frequently accompanied by cutaneous findings that may direct the physician toward the correct diagnosis. in some instances, the appearance of an eruption (such as erythema chronicum migrans and lyme disease) is specific or a rapid bedside diagnostic test (tzanck preparation for herpes simplex) is extremely helpful in sorting out the differential diagnosis of a child's illness. in this article, cutaneous clues to some of the more important childhood infection ...19873306337
localized scleroderma (morphea) and antibody to borrelia burgdorferi.enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and immunofluorescence assay (ifa) were performed in 25 and 32 cases of morphea, respectively. the more sensitive and specific elisa was positive in only 1 of 25 cases and the mean value was lower in cases of morphea than in controls. ifa showed minimally reactive titers in 6 (19%) of 32 cases. there were an additional six cases with borderline titers. these data indicate that there is no specific association between borrelia burgdorferi infection and mo ...19873308981
[acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans and lyme disease]. 19873316103
histological evidence for spirochetal origin of morphea and lichen sclerosus et order to elucidate the possible spirochetal origin of morphea and lichen sclerosus et atrophicans (lsa), we investigated biopsy specimens from 13 patients with morphea and 13 patients with lsa. four patients with acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (aca), three with erythema chronicum migrans (ecm), and 11 patients with other inflammatory dermatoses served as controls. formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections were stained by an avidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase method, using serum of a patient ...19873318532
[lyme disease, a new term for a forgotten pathologic complex]. 20123318631
clinical and serologic studies of canine borreliosis.during 1984 and 1985, blood samples were obtained from 271 dogs that were suspected of having borreliosis. the dogs lived in areas known to be infested with ticks and had been examined because of limb/joint disorders or for unknown illnesses marked by fever, anorexia, or fatigue. lameness had been the most frequently reported clinical manifestation. analyses of serum specimens, by an indirect fluorescent antibody (ifa) method or by an elisa, detected antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi, the etiol ...19873319989
evaluation of a quantitative fluorescence immunoassay (fiax) for detection of serum antibody to borrelia burgdorferi.a quantitative, indirect, fluorescence immunoassay (fiax; whittaker bioproducts, inc.) was compared with the conventional indirect fluorescent-antibody test for detection of serum antibody to borrelia burgdorferi. fiax correlated well with the indirect fluorescent-antibody test (r = 0.72). fiax is a convenient and dependable means of measuring serum antibody to b. burgdorferi.19873320090
[lyme disease: a recently known multiple systemic disease]. 19873322709
characterization of borrelia burgdorferi strains isolated from ixodes pacificus ticks in a survey of 1,714 adult ixodes pacificus ticks collected in northern california, 24 (1.4%) were found to be infected with spirochetes that reacted with an anti-borrelia burgdorferi polyvalent conjugate in direct immunofluorescence tests. eleven isolates of b. burgdorferi from these ticks were characterized by monoclonal antibody, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and western blot (immunoblot) analyses. ten of the isolates had molecular and antigenic characteristics similar to those of other ...19873323225
the emergence of lyme disease in a changing environment in north america and central europe.lyme disease has recently begun to emerge as a significant threat to human health, both in europe and the united states. late sequellae, resembling those of neurosyphilis and multiple sclerosis, may occur many years after initial infection. spontaneous abortion accompanies arthritis, carditis and neuritis as burdensome short-term sequellae. thousands of new infections are recognized each year on each side of the atlantic, although reporting may be incomplete. the disease was described in europe ...19863330512
lyme disease: epidemiology, etiology, clinical spectrum, diagnosis, and treatment. 19863331275
skin and nail changes in the arthritic foot.the arthritic process is unlikely to be confined to the foot; similarly the cutaneous lesions associated with the arthritic foot are often widespread. careful examination of the skin and nails, particularly the finger nails, may be helpful in the differential diagnosis when the patient presents with a painful foot joint. conversely, certain cutaneous lesions may alert the physician to the possibility of joint disorders presenting at some later date. in this chapter, it is not possible to mention ...19873331326
lyme disease.lyme disease is a complex multisystem disorder recognized on three continents, which is epidemic in some regions during spring, summer, and fall seasons. it primarily affects skin, nervous system, heart, and joints. it is an infectious disease caused by a spirochete borellia burgdorferi, which is transmitted chiefly by ixodes dammini and pacificus ticks in the united states and ixodes ricinus in europe. diagnosis is based on patient contact with an endemic area, one or more characteristic clinic ...19873332882
bilateral keratitis as a manifestation of lyme 11-year-old girl developed bilateral keratitis, which we believe was a manifestation of lyme disease. she had had several attacks of lyme arthritis and was twice treated with parenteral penicillin. the keratitis developed five years after the initial episode of lyme arthritis at a time when there were no other manifestations of lyme disease. it cleared completely in both eyes after topical corticosteroid therapy.19883337196
[vasculitic neuropathy in the garin-bujadoux-bannwarth syndrome. a contribution to the understanding of the pathology and pathogenesis of the neurological complications in lyme borreliosis].clinical examinations and nerve biopsies were performed on four patients with meningoradiculoneuritis and positive serology for borrelia (garin-bujadoux-bannwarth syndrome). three patients had a painful multiplex mononeuropathy, while one presented with a picture resembling a guillain-barré syndrome. nerve biopsy in two patients revealed marked perivasculitis, in part with thrombosis of the epineural vasa nervorum. in the other two patients there were small pericapillary infiltrates in the endon ...19883338392
measurement of antibodies to the borrelia burgdorferi flagellum improves serodiagnosis in lyme disease.the isolation of borrelia burgdorferi flagella and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for detection of immunoglobulin g (igg) and igm to the b. burgdorferi flagellum are described. the diagnostic performance of the flagellum elisa for serodiagnosis of lyme disease was compared with the performance of a traditional whole cell b. burgdorferi sonic extract elisa. we examined sera and cerebrospinal fluid (csf) from 56 patients with lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (bannwarth's syndrome), the ...19883343329
[prevalence of lyme borreliosis in a swiss population at risk].the epidemiology of "lyme borreliosis" in europe and the significance of positive antibody titers against borrelia burgdorferi is not well known. since "orienteering", a competitive cross country sport with a map and a compass, usually in forests, elevates the risk of being bitten by ticks and infected by b. burgdorferi, nearly 1000 orienteerers were included in a prospective study. - in this population the prevalence of positive igg-antibodies (immunofluorescence technique) was almost 20% and o ...19883344410
lyme disease treatment needs further preventive measures. 19883347018
acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans.two cases of acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans associated with borrelia burgdorferi infection are reported; to our knowledge these are the first cases reported in children.19883348655
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the detection of class-specific immunoglobulins to borrelia burgdorferi.enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were developed to detect immunoglobulin m (igm) and immunoglobulin g (igg) antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of lyme disease. of the 135 blood samples obtained during 1985-1986 from persons in connecticut with erythema migrans or other clinical manifestations of this spirochetosis, 106 (79%) contained igm antibody. in separate tests for igg antibody, 106 (83%) of 128 specimens were considered positive. to assess the specificity of these as ...19883354546
prevalence of ixodes dammini near the homes of lyme disease patients in westchester county, new york.cases of lyme disease that occurred in westchester county, an affluent suburb north of new york city, in 1983 were investigated in 1983 and 1984 to determine the presence of ixodes dammini (acari: ixodidae) in the vicinity of the patients' homes. small mammal trapping, drag cloth, and carbon dioxide-baited tick traps were used to sample ticks. in all but one of 11 cases investigated, i. dammini was found on or near well-maintained lawns in the immediate vicinity of the residences. a mark-release ...19883354547
pattern of lyme arthritis in europe: report of 14 cases.fourteen cases of lyme arthritis are reported. the most frequent picture was that of oligoarthritis appearing in that part of the leg where the cutaneous or neurological complications, or both, of lyme disease had developed before the arthritis. in most cases recovery followed a single 10 day course of intravenous (iv) penicillin therapy. arthritis was the presenting feature of lyme disease in three cases.19883355251
plasmid analysis of borrelia burgdorferi, the lyme disease agent.a simple procedure for extraction of plasmid-enriched dna from borreliae was used in a plasmid analysis of 13 strains of the lyme disease agent, borrelia burgdorferi. the extracted dna was subjected to low-percentage agarose gel electrophoresis and examined either directly by ethidium bromide staining or after hybridization of the plasmids in situ with a dna probe for the gene encoding the major outer membrane protein ospa. each isolate had four to seven discernible plasmids of various sizes. on ...19883356787
fatal adult respiratory distress syndrome in a patient with lyme disease.a dry cough, fever, generalized maculopapular rash, and myositis developed in a 67-year-old woman; she also had markedly abnormal liver function test results. serologic tests proved that she had an infection of recent onset with borrelia burgdorferi, the agent that causes lyme disease. during a two-month course of illness, her condition remained refractory to treatment with antibiotics, salicylates, and steroids. ultimately, fatal adult respiratory distress syndrome developed; this was believed ...19883357244
multiple sclerosis is a chronic central nervous system infection by a spirochetal agent.multiple sclerosis (ms) is a chronic central nervous system (cns) infection similar to lyme disease or neurosyphilis in its latency period, pathogenesis, symptoms, histopathology and chronic cns involvement. it does not have as yet a fully identified spirochetal etiological agent. much research and clinical support for this hypothesis was published before 1954 and is based on silver staining of neural lesions, animal isolation of the etiologic agent and the characteristic symptoms and pathogenes ...19883357458
hepatitis due to recurrent lyme disease. 19883358572
[schoenlein-henoch purpura in borrelia burgdorferi infection].in a 24-year-old patient suffering from recurrent purpura schoenlein-henoch, there were found positive lyme-spirochete ift. due to the motion of titres in immune fluorescence examinations the purpura seems to be likely one form of a late manifestation in borrelia infection.19883360463
[infiltrating lymphadenosis benigna cutis as borreliosis of the skin].forms of lymphadenosis benigna cutis (lbc) which run an unusual course may present considerable problems and are sometimes difficult to distinguish from malignant lymphomas of the skin on the basis of the clinical and histological picture. the case of a female patient is reported, who presented with plaque-like infiltrative lesions on both lower arms. the lesions were interpreted as being malignant lymphomas of the skin. after a progressive course of 6 years' duration, the diagnosis of an unusua ...19883360600
immunoblot analysis of immunoglobulin g response to the lyme disease agent (borrelia burgdorferi) in experimentally and naturally exposed dogs.immunoblots were used to study the immunoglobulin g response to borrelia burgdorferi in experimentally and naturally exposed dogs. adsorption studies confirmed that the antibodies were specific for b. burgdorferi. experimentally exposed dogs were asymptomatic. naturally exposed dogs included both asymptomatic animals and animals showing signs compatible with lyme disease. naturally exposed dogs were from four geographic regions of the country. no differences were detected between immunoblot patt ...19883366860
chronic central nervous system involvement in lyme borreliosis.we describe four patients with marked chronic meningoencephalomyelitis caused by tick-transmitted borrelia burgdorferi infection. imaging techniques showed either ms-like lesions or evidence of vascular involvement, as in other spirochetal infections, especially in meningovascular syphilis.19883368066
[lyme disease in pregnancy]. 19883370692
lyme disease presenting as heart block.lyme disease is now recognized as an infectious process capable of involving multiple organs including the cardiovascular system. we recently treated a boy whose complaints on admission related only to symptomatic heart block that was severe enough to require transvenous pacing. this boy was subsequently determined to have had lyme disease after his medical testing was reevaluated for possible tick exposure. in rare instances symptomatic heart block may be the sole presenting complaint of lyme d ...20123370908
persistent intrathecal secretion of oligoclonal, borrelia burgdorferi-specific igg in chronic the cerebrospinal fluid igg of five patients with lymphomeningoradiculitis (bannwarth's syndrome) and radiculomyelitis studied by immunoblot technique an oligoclonal pattern was found. most of these oligoclonal bands were specific for borrelia burgdorferi. in patients suffering from chronic meningoradiculomyelitis, repeated csf examination by this technique showed persistent secretion of identical igg bands. thus, the specific humoral immune response and the disease activity could be document ...19883373242
borreliosis in free-ranging black bears from wisconsin.blood, kidney and tick samples were obtained from 18 hunter-killed black bears (ursus americanus) from three sites in northern wisconsin. a borrelia sp., morphologically and antigenically similar to borrelia burgdorferi, was isolated from the blood of two of the animals, and from the kidney of a third. ixodes dammini and dermacentor variabilis were found on the bears. this is the first report of borreliosis in the ursidae, and of the primary vector of lyme disease, i. dammini, from this host.19883373646
[the epidemiology of borrelia burgdorferi infections. a pilot study from the männedorf area].only a few investigations have been conducted into the incidence of lyme borreliosis and the prevalence and clinical value of increased antibody titers against borrelia burgdorferi. we prospectively examined 241 persons and found increased titers in 23 (9.5%); only two of them had a history of lyme borreliosis. the concentrations of increased igg-antibody titers in healthy persons were comparable to those in patients with actual lyme borreliosis. in the latter, igm-antibodies were frequently abs ...19883375784
borrelia infections of ruminants in europe.the occurrence of borrelia spirochaetes in cattle in the netherlands is reported for the second time, and in red deer and roe-deer in austria for the first time. it is postulated that these spirochaetes are borrelia burgdorferi rather than b. theileri. the reservoir role of ruminants in the epidemiology of human disease caused by b. burgdorferi in europe should be investigated.19883376412
treatment of lyme disease. 19883380058
[immunochemical analysis of the immune response in late manifestations of lyme borreliosis].compared to american strains, european borrelia burgdorferi strains revealed considerable heterogeneity of major proteins. four strains isolated from ticks, human skin and human csf were selected from our 23 borrelia burgdorferi isolates. these strains and the american type strain b31 were characterized by sds-page (coomassie blue staining) and western blots (using rabbit immune sera against two of the strains and two monoclonal antibodies (h5323 and h3ts) against a major outer surface protein ( ...19883381603
serologic analyses of peromyscus leucopus, a rodent reservoir for borrelia burgdorferi, in northeastern united enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and indirect fluorescent-antibody test were used to detect antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease, in peromyscus leucopus (white-footed mouse). of the 661 mice captured in connecticut, rhode island, and new york during 1980 and 1983 to 1987, 166 (25.1%) had antibodies to b. burgdorferi by elisa. comparative analyses of 210 serum specimens, collected in areas where lyme disease is endemic, revealed a threefold differenc ...19883384925
shulman syndrome associated with borrelia burgdorferi and complicated by carpal tunnel syndrome. 19883385049
travails of travel. subtle and obscure causes of illness.knowledge of patients' travel history is an important facet of diagnosis. malaria, chagas' disease, toxoplasmosis, lyme disease, arboviruses, and many other relatively unusual diseases can be contracted while the patient is traveling, and the symptoms, which may mimic another disease, may not become obvious until the patient returns. the roman philosopher marcus aurelius antoninus alerts us to easier resolutions of our daily diagnostic dilemmas: "look within and let neither the peculiar quality ...20123387351
lyme myositis: muscle invasion by borrelia burgdorferi. 19883389608
[polymyalgia rheumatica following borrelia infection].the case of a 84-year old woman is presented who developed a polymyalgia rheumatica/giant cell arteritis (pmr/gca)-syndrome following a tick bite. elevated titers of igg-antibodies (indirect immunofluorescence and elisa) as well as igm (immunoblot) against borrelia burgdorferi antigens were found in her serum. when a total of 19 patients with pmr/gca-syndrome was tested serologically, elevated or borderline igg-titers against borrelia antigens were detected in 12 of them (= 63%). hence, borrelia ...19883391633
lyme disease in canada. 19883395939
changes in infectivity and plasmid profile of the lyme disease spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi, as a result of in vitro vitro cultivation of borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of lyme spirochetosis, allows for the isolation and growth of this bacterium from infected tissues. however, continuous cultivation in modified kelly medium causes a reduction in the number of detectable plasmids and the loss of infectivity in the white-footed mouse, peromyscus leucopus. in an unpassaged culture of b. burgdorferi, nine plasmids were present, including seven linear plasmids ranging in size from 49 to 16 kilobases ( ...19883397175
basal meningovasculitis and occlusion of the basilar artery in two cases of borrelia burgdorferi infection.we present two cases in which a meningovasculitis and occlusion of the basilar artery were found in young adults with a borrelia burgdorferi infection. we introduce the designation "neuroborreliosis," because both the central and peripheral nervous systems can be involved in the infection.19883399082
incompetence of deer as reservoirs of the lyme disease determine whether deer may serve as reservoir hosts for the lyme disease spirochete, we sought evidence of infection in nymphal ixodes dammini derived from larvae that had engorged on white-tailed deer. a total of 19 deer were shot in two lyme disease foci in massachusetts during september 1986, the season in which larvae were most abundant. an average of 342 larval ticks of this species were collected from each deer. of those that developed to the nymphal stage, the gut contents of 185 were ...19883400797
renal lesions associated with borrelia burgdorferi infection in a dog.borrelia burgdorferi infection was diagnosed serologically in a dog with lethargy, stiffness, and anorexia. treatment with ampicillin and chloramphenicol did not alleviate the signs. azotemia, proteinuria, cylindruria, pyuria, and hematuria developed over a 3-month period. antibody titer for b burgdorferi remained high (1:8,192) during this time. renal histopathologic findings included severe, chronic, diffuse, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and moderate chronic, multifocal, interstiti ...19883403355
the neurological complications of borrelia burgdorferi in the new forest area of hampshire.the neurological complications of borrelia burgdorferi infection have only recently been recognised in the united kingdom. eight cases are reported which were all contracted in the new forest area of hampshire. the majority of patients had bannwarth's syndrome though meningism and parenchymal lesions also occurred. all patients made a virtually complete neurological recovery in contrast to some patients with lyme disease.19883404167
borrelia burgdorferi in tick cell culture: growth and cellular adherence. 19883404544
deer ticks, ixodes dammini (acari: ixodidae), and lyme disease spirochetes, borrelia burgdorferi, in maine. 19883404548
lyme disease: epidemiological characteristics in maryland, 1984-1986. 19883405041
lyme disease. 19883405519
anticardiolipin antibodies in lyme disease.sera from 28 patients with lyme disease were tested for the presence of anticardiolipin antibodies (acla). seven serum samples had elevated levels of igm acla, and 4 had elevated levels of igg acla. higher igm acla positivity tended to be associated with neurologic disease, and igm acla levels correlated with the specific igm response to the infecting spirochete (p less than 0.01). absorption experiments indicated that acla and antispirochete antibodies are largely separate populations. thus, ac ...19883408508
induction of lyme arthritis in lsh studies of experimental lyme disease, a major obstacle has been the unavailability of a suitable animal model. we found that irradiated lsh/ss lak hamsters developed arthritis after injection of borrelia burgdorferi in the hind paws. when nonirradiated hamsters were injected in the hind paws with b. burgdorferi, acute transient synovitis was present. a diffuse neutrophilic infiltrate involved the synovia and periarticular structures. the inflammation was associated with edema, hyperemia, and ...19883410540
first experience with elisa serosurvey for tick-borne borreliosis (lyme disease) in czechoslovakia.antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi were searched for in the sera from two groups of hospital patients and one group of healthy agricultural workers. the antibody response was measured by the authors' own modification of the elisa method employing the antigen prepared from borrelia recurrentis strain propagated in laboratory mice. positive antibody titres to borrelia were demonstrated in 5 out of the 44 patients admitted to the infectious diseases clinic, in 8 out of the 32 patients from the neur ...19883411118
susceptibility of the gray wolf (canis lupus) to infection with the lyme disease agent, borrelia burgdorferi.four juvenile gray wolves (canis lupus) were inoculated with live borrelia burgdorferi. one received an intravenous inoculum, a second was inoculated subcutaneously, and two more were fed peromyscus maniculatus sucklings which had earlier been inoculated with b. burgdorferi. the intravenously inoculated wolf developed a generalized lymphadenopathy and a persistent serum antibody titer to the spirochete which peaked at 1:512. borrelia burgdorferi was visualized in liver sections of this wolf usin ...19883411709
lyme disease patients' serum contains igm antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi that cross-react with neuronal antigens.serum from patients with neurologic manifestations of lyme disease had serum igm antibodies that bound to normal human axons, whereas binding was absent or weak in patients without neurologic findings. antiaxonal binding could be eliminated by absorption with borrelia burgdorferi. a murine monoclonal antibody to the borrelial flagellin also bound to human axons.19883412593
lyme disease involving the temporomandibular joint.lyme disease is an increasingly common problem that has spread rapidly across the united states. a case of the disease and its correlation to tmj pain and dysfunction in a 35-year-old female is described. the patient was diagnosed and cured of her symptoms with antibiotics, possibly sparing her from surgery.20123422274
[a current infection: lyme disease]. 19873423471
[tick bite meningoradiculitis and other neurological aspects of lyme disease].in the majority of cases, meningoradiculitis consecutive to tick bite most probably belongs to lyme disease caused by borrelia burgdorferi. the disease may be limited to the primary, though inconstant, stage of cutaneous migratory erythema, or it may develop into cardiac and, mostly, neurological disorders. the nervous system involvement, which we observed in 7 patients, mainly consists of peripheral motor neuropathy of moderate severity and sometimes limited to the cranial nerves, associated wi ...19873423473
[cardiac involvement in lyme disease. 2 cases].lyme disease is a systemic bacterial infection involving several organs. cardiac involvement predominantly consists of disorders of conduction which may be associated with pericarditis, although this rarely occurs. cardiac lesions in lyme disease (disorders of conduction, myocarditis, pericarditis) are usually observed during the second stage of the disease. in the two cases reported here, the myocardial and pericardial signs suggested lyme disease and in view of the context, pointed to the diag ...20123423474
lyme disease during pregnancy. 19873425250
[cases of borreliosis (lyme disease) in western pomerania]. 19873432570
[serologic diagnosis of borrelia burgdorferi infection]. 19873433272
lymphocytic meningoradiculitis and encephalomyelitis due to borrelia burgdorferi: a clinical and serological study of 18 cases.clinical features of 18 patients with either lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (n = 17) or chronic encephalomyelitis (n = 1) due to borrelia burgdorferi are reported. arthropod bites were recorded in only seven patients. high titres of anti b burgdorferi antibodies were detected in sera from all patients and in csf from 12 out of 17 patients tested. all patients had csf abnormalities especially pleocytosis and oligoclonal bands. a falsely positive syphilitic serology was observed in the csf from th ...19873437290
cerebral angiopathy and recurrent strokes following borrelia burgdorferi infection. 19873437311
[a case of lyme disease due to tick bite]. 19873441026
[the tick ixodes persulcatus schulze--a new vector of borrelia burgdorferi]. 19873446473
[pericardial manifestations of lyme disease].among cardiac manifestations of lyme disease, pericardic involvement, as the main symptom, seems to be exceptional. we report two cases of pericarditis with typical clinical features. in both cases, pericarditis was the only clinical sign of the disease. diagnosis was based on significant high serological antibodies levels with no evidence of any other etiological factor. penicillin was administered and lead in one case to negativation of the serology. as cardiac involvement can occur without an ...19873450205
lyme disease masquerading as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. 20123462524
lyme disease: a review. 19873468679
stillbirth following maternal lyme disease. 19873480464
erythema chronicum migrans: evidence for cellular immune reaction in the skin biopsy specimens from 9 patients with erythema chronicum migrans (ecm) were studied immunohistochemically using a series of monoclonal antibodies. in biopsy specimens taken from the erythematous peripheral portion of ecm the perivascular infiltrates were composed predominantly of leu-4+ t cells. leu-3a + helper/inducer t cells were more numerous than leu-2a + cytotoxic/suppressor t cells. of particular interest was the high number of leu-6+ langerhans cells in the epidermis and dermis of sp ...19873493926
a role for interleukin-1 in the pathogenesis of lyme disease.interleukin-1 (il-1) is the major immunoregulatory molecule produced by macrophages in response to a variety of environmental insults including chemicals, phagocytosis, bacteria, and bacterial products. macrophages stimulated by borrelia burgdorferi produced large quantities of il-1 when spirochetes were added to macrophages at a ratio of 10 spirochetes per macrophage. the release of il-1 was dose dependent: a single spirochete per macrophage was sufficient to produce significant quantities of i ...19863495083
adherence of lyme disease spirochetes to rat the present work, the capacity of lyme disease (ld) spirochetes to spontaneously adhere to rat lymphocytes has been evaluated. borrelia organisms adhere to thymus, spleen, payer's patches and peripheral blood lymphocytes in a higher frequency than that observed with salmonella minnesota r345 (rb) used as reference strain. employing enriched splenic t and b cell populations, spirochete binding to b lymphocytes is more elevated than that obtained with salmonella, while similar percentage of t c ...19863495084
lyme disease. 19873496660
lyme disease: infectious in origin, rheumatic in expression. 19863511614
experimental inoculation of peromyscus spp. with borrelia burgdorferi: evidence of contact order to determine if peromyscus spp. could become infected with the lyme disease spirochete (borrelia burgdorferi) by direct inoculation and to determine the duration of spirochetemia, 4 p. leucopus and 5 p. maniculatus were inoculated by the intramuscular, intraperitoneal, and subcutaneous routes with an isolate of b. burgdorferi obtained from the blood of a trapped wild p. leucopus from camp mccoy, wisconsin. all of the mice developed antibodies to b. burgdorferi which reached a peak indir ...19863513648
lyme disease: a review.lyme disease has protean manifestations. the causative agent is borrelia burgdorferi, a recently discovered spirochete. the disease has been found on three continents. the initial major clinical feature is a characteristic skin eruption known as erythema chronicum migrans. subsequent main clinical manifestations are meningopolyneuritis and arthritis. however, clinical expressions of the disease vary widely. some patients have very mild disease and others develop severe and prolonged illness. spe ...19863516428
a borrelia-specific monoclonal antibody binds to a flagellar immunofluorescence assays monoclonal antibody h9724 recognized eight species of the spirochetal genus borrelia but not representatives of the genera treponema, leptospira, and spirochaeta. we examined the reactivity of h9724 against subcellular components of borrelia hermsii, an agent of relapsing fever, and b. burgdorferi, the cause of lyme disease. h9724 bound to isolated periplasmic flagella of the two borreliae. in western blots the antibody reacted with the predominant protein in flagell ...19863516878
peromyscus leucopus and microtus pennsylvanicus simultaneously infected with borrelia burgdorferi and babesia microti.borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of lyme disease, and babesia microti, the causative agent of human babesiosis, were isolated from 71 and 57%, respectively, of 14 specimens of peromyscus leucopus and microtus pennsylvanicus collected from prudence and patience islands, r.i. both pathogens were isolated from five individual rodents. the presence of these two infectious organisms in the same mammal suggests that individual larval ixodes dammini may ingest both pathogens and subsequently t ...19863517038
borrelia burgdorferi in joint fluid in chronic lyme arthritis.although indirect evidence suggests that chronic lyme arthritis is caused by persistent infection with borrelia burgdorferi, direct visualization has been lacking. we report the demonstration of b. burgdorferi from synovial fluid aspirated from the right knee of a 31-year-old man with lyme arthritis for more than 1 year. after 6 days, culture medium inoculated with synovial fluid showed one motile and several nonmotile spirochetes. direct immunofluorescence staining showed reactivity with anti-b ...19863518562
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