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exposure to graphene oxide at environmental concentrations induces thyroid endocrine disruption and lipid metabolic disturbance in xenopus laevis.graphene oxide (go) has become a topic of increasing concern for its environmental and health risks. however, the potential toxic effects of go on wildlife remain limited. the present study chose the xenopus laevis tadpole as a model to assess the thyroid endocrine disruption as well as the lipid metabolic disturbance of go. tadpoles at the 51 stage were exposed to go (0, 0.01, 0.1, and 1 mg/l) for 21 days, when tadpoles were undergoing an extremely complicated phase of morphological changes and ...201931549672
odontomas in frogs.odontomas are variably differentiated, hamartoma-like proliferations of odontogenic epithelium, pulp ectomesenchyme (odontoblasts), and dental matrix. frogs are polyphyodont and homodont. their teeth also differ from mammals in that they are restricted to the upper jaw in adults and lack a periodontal ligament and cementum, attaching directly to the underlying bone. odontomas were identified in an african clawed frog (xenopus laevis), a false tomato frog (dyscophus guineti), and a tomato frog of ...202031551010
morpholino studies in xenopus brain development.antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (mos) have become a valuable method to knockdown protein levels, to block with mrna splicing and to interfere with mirna function. mos are widely used to alter gene expression in development of xenopus and zebrafish, where they are typically injected into the fertilized egg or blastomeres. here we present methods to use electroporation to target delivery of mos to the central nervous system of xenopus laevis or xenopus tropicalis tadpoles. briefly, mo electr ...202031552666
emodepside has sex-dependent immobilizing effects on adult brugia malayi due to a differentially spliced binding pocket in the rck1 region of the slo-1 k channel.filariae are parasitic nematodes that are transmitted to their definitive host as third-stage larvae by arthropod vectors like mosquitoes. filariae cause diseases including: lymphatic filariasis with distressing and disturbing symptoms like elephantiasis; and river blindness. filarial diseases affect millions of people in 73 countries throughout the topics and sub-tropics. the drugs available for mass drug administration, (ivermectin, albendazole and diethylcarbamazine), are ineffective against ...201931553770
structural determinants underlying permeant discrimination of the cx43 hemichannel.connexin (cx) gap junction channels comprise two hemichannels in neighboring cells, and their permeability is well-described, but permeabilities of the single cx hemichannel remain largely unresolved. moreover, determination of isoform-specific cx hemichannel permeability is challenging because of concurrent expression of other channels with similar permeability profiles and inhibitor sensitivities. the mammalian cx hemichannels cx30 and cx43 are gated by extracellular divalent cations, removal ...201931554662
bap1 regulates epigenetic switch from pluripotency to differentiation in developmental lineages giving rise to bap1-mutant cancers.the bap1 tumor suppressor is mutated in many human cancers such as uveal melanoma, leading to poor patient outcome. it remains unclear how bap1 functions in normal biology or how its loss promotes cancer progression. here, we show that bap1 is critical for commitment to ectoderm, mesoderm, and neural crest lineages during xenopus laevis development. bap1 loss causes transcriptional silencing and failure of h3k27ac to accumulate at promoters of key genes regulating pluripotency-to-commitment tran ...201931555735
in vitro reconstruction of xenopus oocyte ovulation.progesterone is widely used to induce maturation of isolated fully grown oocytes of the african clawed frog, xenopus laevis. however, the hormone fails to release oocytes from the layer of surrounding follicle cells. here, we report that maturation and follicle rupture can be recapitulated in vitro by treating isolated follicular oocytes with progesterone and low doses of the matrix metalloproteinase (mmp), collagenase, which are ineffective in the absence of the steroid. using this in vitro ovu ...201931561408
electrophysiological studies revealed cam1-mediated regulation of the arabidopsis calcium channel cngc12.the arabidopsis cyclic nucleotide-gated channel (cngc) family consists of 20 members, which have been reported to participate in various physiological processes, such as pathogen defense, development, and thermotolerance. although cngc11 and cngc12 have been identified a decade ago and their role in programmed cell death is well studied, their precise channel regulation has not been studied electrophysiologically. here, we determined the channel activities of cngc11 and cngc12 utilizing the two- ...201931572412
identification of lysine histidine transporter 2 as an 1-aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid transporter in arabidopsis thaliana by transgenic complementation approach.1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (acc), a biosynthetic precursor of ethylene, has long been proposed to act as a mobile messenger in higher plants. however, little is known about the transport system of acc. recently, our genetic characterization of an acc-resistant mutant with normal ethylene sensitivity revealed that lysine histidine transporter 1 (lht1) functions as a transporter of acc. as amino acid transporters might have broad substrate specificity, we hypothesized that other amino a ...201931572413
distinct host-mycobacterial pathogen interactions between resistant adult and tolerant tadpole life stages of xenopus laevis.mycobacterium marinum is a promiscuous pathogen infecting many vertebrates, including humans, whose persistent infections are problematic for aquaculture and public health. among unsettled aspects of host-pathogen interactions, the respective roles of conventional and innate-like t (it) cells in host defenses against m. marinum remain unclear. in this study, we developed an infection model system in the amphibian xenopus laevis to study host responses to m. marinum at two distinct life stages, t ...201931591148
cytosolic gaba inhibits anion transport by wheat almt1.anion transport by aluminium-activated malate transporter (almt) proteins is negatively regulated by gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba), which increases in concentration during stress. here, the interaction between gaba and wheat (triticum aestivum, ta) taalmt1 heterologously-expressed in xenopus laevis oocytes was investigated. gaba inhibited anion transport by taalmt1 in membrane patches from the cytosolic, not extracellular membrane face, via a reduction in open probability (npopen ), not an inhi ...202031591723
extracellular lysine 38 plays a crucial role in ph-dependent transport via human monocarboxylate transporter 1.human monocarboxylate transporters (hmcts) are expressed in many tissues and mediate the transport of various substrates across the plasma membrane. among hmcts, hmct1-4 cotransport h+ with monocarboxylates such as pyruvate and l-lactate, implying that these proteins recognize both substrate and h+. however, the mechanism of translocation, and particularly that of hmct1 ph-dependent transport, remains largely unknown. this study aimed at identifying residues involved in the ph dependence of hmct ...202031593685
[exploring the mysteries of megakaryocytopoiesis and thrombopoiesis through comparative hematology].in modern hematology, research on hematopoiesis and blood cells in vertebrates, such as birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish, is lagging. this is because there are many experimental constraints when selecting subjects other than humans and mice as research subjects. currently, the availability of flow cytometry to count classified nucleated blood cells and utilization of whole genome information have led to novel findings. for example, in case of amphibian hematopoiesis studies, megakaryocytes ...201931597828
embryogenesis of marsupial frogs (hemiphractidae), and the changes that accompany terrestrial development in frogs.the developmental adaptations of the marsupial frogs gastrotheca riobambae and flectonotus pygmaeus (hemiphractidae) are described and compared with frogs belonging to seven additional families. incubation of embryos by the mother in marsupial frogs is associated with changes in the anatomy and physiology of the female, modifications of oogenesis, and extraordinary changes in embryonic development. the comparison of early development reveals that gene expression is highly conserved. however, the ...201931598865
lin28b increases neural crest cell migration and leads to transformation of trunk sympathoadrenal precursors.the rna-binding protein lin28b regulates developmental timing and determines stem cell identity by suppressing the let-7 family of micrornas. postembryonic reactivation of lin28b impairs cell commitment to differentiation, prompting their transformation. in this study, we assessed the extent to which ectopic lin28b expression modulates the physiological behavior of neural crest cells (ncc) and governs their transformation in the trunk region of developing embryos. we provide evidence that the ov ...202031601998
popdc3 gene variants associate with a new form of limb girdle muscular dystrophy.the popeye domain containing 3 (popdc3) gene encodes a membrane protein involved in cyclic adenosine monophosphate (camp) signaling. besides gastric cancer, no disease association has been described. we describe a new muscular dystrophy associated with this gene.201931610034
identification of crucial residues in α-conotoxin ei inhibiting muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.α-conotoxins (α-ctxs) are small disulfide-rich peptides from venom of conus species that target nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nachrs). the muscle-type nachrs have been recognized as a potential target for several diseases, such as myogenic disorders, muscle dystrophies, and myasthenia gravis. ei, an α4/7-ctx, mainly blocks α1β1δε nachrs and has an extra n-terminal extension of three amino acids. in this study, the alanine scanning (ala-scan) mutagenesis was applied in order to identify key ...201931623211
biochemical responses revealed in an amphibian species after exposure to a forgotten contaminant: an integrated biomarker assessment.vanadium is a metal whose toxicity towards terrestrial and aquatic species has been under-reported to date.. the biochemical responses of vanadium in amphibian species have not been determined. to establish the effects of vanadium (v) on exposed adult xenopus laevis, acute and chronic exposures were conducted, and biomarker analyses were performed on liver and muscle tissues from exposed frogs. biomarkers of exposure, such as acetylcholinesterase (ache) and metallothioneins (mt), were analysed. ...202031629886
kif2a scales meiotic spindle size in hymenochirus boettgeri.size is a fundamental feature of biological systems that affects physiology at all levels. for example, the dynamic, microtubule-based spindle that mediates chromosome segregation scales to a wide range of cell sizes across different organisms and cell types. xenopus frog species possess a variety of egg and meiotic spindle sizes, and differences in activities or levels of microtubule-associated proteins in the egg cytoplasm between xenopus laevis and xenopus tropicalis have been shown to accoun ...201931630945
an optimized screen reduces the number of ga transporters and provides insights into nitrate transporter 1/peptide transporter family substrate determinants.based on recent in vitro data, a relatively large number of the plant nitrate transporter 1/peptide transporter family (npf) proteins have been suggested to function as gibberellic acid (ga) transporters. most ga transporting npf proteins also appear to transport other structurally unrelated phytohormones or metabolites. several of the gas used in previous in vitro assays are membrane permeable weak organic acids whose movement across membranes are influenced by the ph-sensitive ion-trap mechani ...201931632416
n-glycosylation of trek-1/hk2p2.1 two-pore-domain potassium (k2p) channels.mechanosensitive htrek-1 two-pore-domain potassium (hk2p2.1) channels give rise to background currents that control cellular excitability. recently, trek-1 currents have been linked to the regulation of cardiac rhythm as well as to hypertrophy and fibrosis. even though the pharmacological and biophysical characteristics of htrek-1 channels have been widely studied, relatively little is known about their posttranslational modifications. this study aimed to evaluate whether htrek-1 channels are n- ...201931635148
nucleoplasmin is a limiting component in the scaling of nuclear size with cytoplasmic nuclear size is regulated relative to cell size is a fundamental cell biological question. reductions in both cell and nuclear sizes during xenopus laevis embryogenesis provide a robust scaling system to study mechanisms of nuclear size regulation. to test if the volume of embryonic cytoplasm is limiting for nuclear growth, we encapsulated gastrula-stage embryonic cytoplasm and nuclei in droplets of defined volume using microfluidics. nuclei grew and reached new steady-state sizes as a funct ...201931636119
azi-medetomidine: synthesis and characterization of a novel α2 adrenergic photoaffinity ligand.agonists at the α2 adrenergic receptor produce sedation, increase focus, provide analgesia, and induce centrally mediated hypotension and bradycardia, yet neither their dynamic interactions with adrenergic receptors nor their modulation of neuronal circuit activity is completely understood. photoaffinity ligands of α2 adrenergic agonists have the potential both to capture discrete moments of ligand-receptor interactions and to prolong naturalistic drug effects in discrete regions of tissue in vi ...201931638765
bioinformatics screening of genes specific for well-regenerating vertebrates reveals c-answer, a regulator of brain development and regeneration.the molecular basis of higher regenerative capacity of cold-blooded animals comparing to warm-blooded ones is poorly understood. although this difference in regenerative capacities is commonly thought to be a result of restructuring of the same regulatory gene network, we hypothesized that it may be due to loss of some genes essential for regeneration. we describe here a bioinformatic method that allowed us to identify such genes. for investigation in depth we selected one of them encoding trans ...201931644900
nutrient restriction causes reversible g2 arrest in xenopus neural progenitors.nutrient status affects brain development; however, the effects of nutrient availability on neural progenitor cell proliferation in vivo are poorly understood. without food, xenopus laevis tadpoles enter a period of stasis during which neural progenitor proliferation is drastically reduced, but resumes when food becomes available. here, we investigate how neural progenitors halt cell division in response to nutrient restriction and subsequently re-enter the cell cycle upon feeding. we demonstrat ...201931649012
fluorescence lifetime imaging reveals heterogeneous functional distribution of egfp expressed in xenopus oocytes.the oocytes from xenopus laevis are well known for their polarity, presenting a distinct animal and vegetal pole. other heterogeneities are less known. to study the heterogeneity of the xenopus oocyte, we expressed egfp and analyzed the protein distribution with fluorescence lifetime microscopy. the vegetal pole exhibited higher levels of fluorescence, than the animal pole. however, the fluorescence lifetimes between the two areas were indistinguishable, suggesting similar environments. in contr ...201931658452
the role of ambient temperature and body mass on body temperature, standard metabolic rate and evaporative water loss in southern african anurans of different habitat specialisation.temperature and water availability are two of the most important variables affecting all aspects of an anuran's key physiological processes such as body temperature (tb), evaporative water loss (ewl) and standard metabolic rate (smr). since anurans display pronounced sexual dimorphism, evidence suggests that these processes are further influenced by other factors such as vapour pressure deficit (vpd), sex and body mass (mb). however, a limited number of studies have tested the generality of thes ...201931660269
identification and characterization of the atlantic salmon peptide transporter 1a.peptide transporter 1 (pept1) mediates the uptake of dietary di-/tripeptides in vertebrates. however, in teleost fish gut, more than one pept1-type transporter might operate, because of teleost-specific whole gen(om)e duplication event(s) that occurred during evolution. here, we describe a novel teleost di-/tripeptide transporter, i.e., the atlantic salmon (salmo salar) peptide transporter 1a [pept1a; or solute carrier family 15 member 1a (slc15a1a)], which is a paralog (77% similarity and 64% i ...202031664857
identification and characterisation of two high-affinity glucose transporters from the spoilage yeast brettanomyces bruxellensis.the yeast brettanomyces bruxellensis (syn. dekkera bruxellensis) is an emerging and undesirable contaminant in industrial low-sugar ethanol fermentations that employ the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae. high-affinity glucose import in b. bruxellensis has been proposed to be the mechanism by which this yeast can outcompete s. cerevisiae. the present study describes the characterization of two b. bruxellensis genes (bht1 and bht3) believed to encode putative high-affinity glucose transporters. in v ...201931665273
single-cell proteomics in complex tissues using microprobe capillary electrophoresis mass measurement of proteins produced by single cells promises to expand our understanding of molecular cell-to-cell differences (heterogeneity) and their contribution to normal and impaired development. high-resolution mass spectrometry (hrms) is the modern technology of choice for the label-free identification and quantification of proteins, albeit usually in large populations of cells. recent advances in microscale sample collection and processing, separation, and ionization have extended t ...201931668233
spontaneous emergence of cell-like organization in xenopus egg extracts.every daughter cell inherits two things from its mother: genetic information and a spatially organized complement of macromolecular complexes and organelles. the extent to which de novo self-organization, as opposed to inheritance of an already organized state, can suffice to yield functional cells is uncertain. we used xenopus laevis egg extracts to show that homogenized interphase egg cytoplasm self-organizes over the course of ~30 minutes into compartments 300 to 400 micrometers in length tha ...201931672897
complement c1q subunit molecules from xenopus laevis possess conserved function in c1q-immunoglobulin interaction.complement component 1q (c1q), together with c1r and c1s to form c1, recognize and bind immune complex to initiate the classical complement pathway. in this study, c1q subunit molecules (xlc1qa, xlc1qb, xlc1qc) were cloned and analyzed from xenopus laevis (x. laevis). the open reading frame (orf) of xlc1qa is 819 bp of nucleotide sequence encoding 272 amino acids, the orf of xlc1qb is 711 bp encoding 236 aa, and the xlc1qc is consists of 732 bp encoding 243 aa. the deduced amino acid sequences c ...202031678076
simple method to characterize the ciliary proteome of multiciliated cells.motile cilia of multiciliated epithelial cells have important roles in animal development and cell homeostasis. although several studies have identified and reported proteins localized in this complex organelle and the related immotile primary cilia from various cell types, it is still challenging to isolate high quantities of ciliary proteins for proteomic analysis. in this study, african clawed frog (xenopus laevis) embryos, which have many multiciliated cells in the epidermis, were treated wi ...202031689115
the hkt transporter hvhkt1;5 negatively regulates salt tolerance.maintaining low intracellular na+ concentrations is an essential physiological strategy in salt stress tolerance in most cereal crops. here, we characterized a member of the high-affinity k+ transporter (hkt) family in barley (hordeum vulgare), hvhkt1;5, which negatively regulates salt tolerance and has different functions from its homology in other cereal crops. hvhkt1;5 encodes a plasma membrane protein localized to root stele cells, particularly in xylem parenchyma cells adjacent to the xylem ...202031690708
trpc1 as the missing link between the bmp and ca2+ signalling pathways during neural specification in amphibians, the inhibition of bone morphogenetic protein (bmp) in the dorsal ectoderm has been proposed to be responsible for the first step of neural specification, called neural induction. we previously demonstrated that in xenopus laevis embryos, the bmp signalling antagonist, noggin, triggers an influx of ca2+ through voltage-dependent l-type ca2+ channels (ltccs), mainly via cav1.2, and we showed that this influx constitutes a necessary and sufficient signal for triggering the expression ...201931690785
the role of nitric oxide during embryonic wound healing.the study of the mechanisms controlling wound healing is an attractive area within the field of biology, with it having a potentially significant impact on the health sector given the current medical burden associated with healing in the elderly population. healing is a complex process and includes many steps that are regulated by coding and noncoding rnas, proteins and other molecules. nitric oxide (no) is one of these small molecule regulators and its function has already been associated with ...201931694542
descubrimiento de la proteína reguladora de apoptosis 2 como determinante en la muerte de células tumorales.cancer is a multifactorial disease that constitutes a serious public health problem worldwide. prostate cancer advanced stages are associated with the development of androgen-independent tumors and an apoptosis-resistant phenotype that progresses to metastasis. by studying androgen-independent lymphoid nodule carcinoma of the prostate (lncap) cells induced to apoptosis by serum elimination, we identified the activation of a non-selective cationic channel of 23ps conductance that promotes incomin ...201931695224
pannexin 1 activation and inhibition is permeant-selective.the large-pore channel pannexin 1 (panx1) is expressed in many cell types and can open upon different, yet not fully established, stimuli. panx1 permeability is often inferred from channel permeability to fluorescent dyes, but it is currently unknown whether dye permeability translates to permeability to other molecules. cell shrinkage and c-terminal cleavage led to a panx1 open-state with increased permeability to atomic ions (current), but did not alter ethidium uptake. panx1 inhibitors affect ...202031698505
repression of inappropriate gene expression in the vertebrate embryonic ectoderm.during vertebrate embryogenesis, precise regulation of gene expression is crucial for proper cell fate determination. much of what we know about vertebrate development has been gleaned from experiments performed on embryos of the amphibian xenopus laevis; this review will focus primarily on studies of this model organism. an early critical step during vertebrate development is the formation of the three primary germ layers-ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm-which emerge during the process of gastr ...201931698780
serotonin and mucxs release by small secretory cells depend on xpod, a ssc specific marker gene.mucus secretion and ciliary motility are hallmarks for muco-ciliary epithelia (mce). both, mammalian airways as well as the less complex epidermis of xenopus embryos show cilia-driven mucus flow to protect the organism against harmful effects by exogenous pathogens or pollutants. four cell types set up the epidermal mce in xenopus. multi-ciliated cells (mccs) generate an anterior to posterior flow of mucus. ion secreting cells (iscs) are characterized by the expression of ion transporters, presu ...202031705622
arabidopsis pic30 encodes a major facilitator superfamily transporter responsible for the uptake of picolinate herbicides.picloram is an auxinic herbicide that is widely used for controlling broad leaf weeds. however, its mechanism of transport into plants is poorly understood. in a genetic screen for picloram resistance, we identified three arabidopsis mutant alleles of pic30 (picloram resistant30) that are specifically resistant to picolinates, but not to other auxins. pic30 is a previously uncharacterized gene that encodes a major facilitator superfamily (mfs) transporter. similar to most members of mfs, pic30 c ...202031710151
toward decoding bioelectric events in xenopus embryogenesis: new methodology for tracking interplay between calcium and resting potentials in vivo.although chemical signaling during embryogenesis is readily addressed by a plethora of available techniques, the developmental functions of ionic signaling are still poorly understood. it is increasingly realized that bioelectric events in nonneural cells are critical for pattern regulation, but their study has been hampered by difficulties in monitoring and manipulating them in vivo. recent developments in visualizing electrical signaling dynamics in the field of neuroscience have facilitated f ...202031711960
cell type-specific transcriptome analysis unveils secreted signaling molecule genes expressed in apical epithelial cap during appendage regeneration.wound epidermis (we) and the apical epithelial cap (aec) are believed to trigger regeneration of amputated appendages such as limb and tail in amphibians by producing certain secreted signaling molecules. to date, however, only limited information about the molecular signatures of these epidermal structures is available. here we used a transgenic xenopus laevis line harboring the enhanced green fluorescent protein (egfp) gene under control of an es1 gene regulatory sequence to isolate we/aec cel ...201931713234
iron nanoparticle bio-interactions evaluated in xenopus laevis embryos, a model for studying the safety of ingested nanoparticles.iron nanoparticles (nps) have been proposed as a tool in very different fields such as environmental remediation and biomedical applications, including food fortification against iron deficiency, even if there is still concern about their safety. here, we propose xenopus laevis embryos as a suitable model to investigate the toxicity and the bio-interactions at the intestinal barrier of fe3o4 and zerovalent iron (zvi) nps compared to fe(ii) and (iii) salts in the 5 to 100 mg fe/l concentration ra ...202031718350
the flavor enhancer maltol increases pigment aggregation in dermal and neural melanophores in xenopus laevis tadpoles.melanophores are pigmented cells that change the distribution of melanosomes, enabling animals to appear lighter or darker for camouflage, thermoregulation, and protection from ultraviolet radiation. a complex series of hormonal and neural mechanisms regulates melanophore pigment distribution, making these dynamic cells a valuable tool to screen toxicants as they rapidly respond to changes in the environment. we found that maltol, a naturally occurring flavor enhancer and fragrance agent, induce ...202031721268
tomato roots have a functional silicon influx transporter but not a functional silicon efflux transporter.silicon (si) accumulation in shoots differs greatly with plant species, but the molecular mechanisms for this interspecific difference are unknown. here, we isolated homologous genes of rice si influx (sllsi1) and efflux (sllsi2) transporter genes in tomato (solanum lycopersicum l.) and functionally characterized these genes. sllsi1 showed transport activity for si when expressed in both rice lsi1 mutant and xenopus laevis oocytes. sllsi1 was constitutively expressed in the roots. immunostaining ...202031724184
in vitro modeling of batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection of the amphibian skin.the largest current disease-induced loss of vertebrate biodiversity is due to chytridiomycosis and despite the increasing understanding of the pathogenesis, knowledge unravelling the early host-pathogen interactions remains limited. batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (bd) zoospores attach to and invade the amphibian epidermis, with subsequent invasive growth in the host skin. availability of an in vitro assay would facilitate in depth study of this interaction while reducing the number of experiment ...201931725762
ligand binding characteristics of the ku80 von willebrand domain.the n-terminal von willebrand domain of ku80 supports interactions with a ku binding motif (kbm) that has been identified in at least three other dna repair proteins: the non-homologous end joining (nhej) scaffold aplf, the modulator of retrovirus infection, mri, and the werner syndrome protein (wrn). a second, more recently identified ku binding motif present in xlf and several other proteins (kbmx) has also been reported to interact with this domain. the isolated ku80 von willebrand antigen do ...202031733588
overexpression of ataap1 increased the uptake of an alanine-chlorantraniliprole conjugate in arabidopsis thaliana.transporters play an important role in the uptake and redistribution of agrochemicals to the site of insect feeding. the product of the arabidopsis thaliana gene ataap1 substantially contributes to inorganic nitrogen acquisition under ecologically relevant amino acid concentrations. here, the transporter ability of ataap1 to a chlorantraniliprole-alanine conjugate (cap-ala-1) was tested both in planta and in vitro. thirty-day-old and 15-day-old plants overexpressing ataap1 increased the uptake o ...201931741272
effect of triadimefon and its metabolite on adult amphibians xenopus laevis.the decrease in the population of amphibians all over the world has raised concerns. adult x. laevis frogs were exposed to 0, 1 and 10 mg/l triadimefon and triadimenol. after 14 or 28 days exposure, we collected male and female specimens to study swimming activity, lactic dehydrogenase (ldh) and antioxidant enzyme activity in blood samples, histopathology of liver and thyroid tissue, thyroid hormone levels and thyroid hormone-related gene expression levels in brains. our results showed that tria ...202031743868
a prototype of the mammalian sulfotransferase 1 (sult1) family in xenopus laevis: molecular and enzymatic properties of xlsult1b.s.the cytosolic sulfotransferase 1 (sult1) proteins are a family of highly divergent proteins that show variable expansion in different species during vertebrate evolution. to clarify the evolutionary origin of the mammalian lineage of the sult1 family, we compiled xenopus laevis and x. tropicalis sult1 (xsult1) sequences from public databases. the xsult1 family was found to comprise at least six subfamilies, which corresponded in part to five mammalian sult1 subfamilies but only poorly to zebrafi ...201931748465
impact of copper in xenopus laevis liver: histological damages and atp7b downregulation.copper is an essential micronutrient but its excess in the dietary can be toxic. both copper deficiency and abundance can occur in natural conditions and can lead to pathological dysfunctions. many of the toxic effects of copper, such as increased lipid peroxidation in cell membranes and dna damage, are due to its role in the generation of oxygen free radicals. copper is released into the environment by both natural sources and human activities and it can damage organisms and ecosystems. in the ...202031757510
apple almt9 requires a conserved c-terminal domain for malate transport underlying fruit acidity.malate accumulation in the vacuole largely determines apple (malus domestica) fruit acidity, and low fruit acidity is strongly associated with truncation of ma1, an ortholog of aluminum-activated malate transporter9 (almt9) in arabidopsis (arabidopsis thaliana). a mutation at base 1,455 in the open reading frame of ma1 leads to a premature stop codon that truncates the protein by 84 amino acids at its c-terminal end. here, we report that both the full-length protein, ma1, and its naturally occur ...202031772076
optimized photo-stimulation of halorhodopsin for long-term neuronal inhibition.optogenetic silencing techniques have expanded the causal understanding of the functions of diverse neuronal cell types in both the healthy and diseased brain. a widely used inhibitory optogenetic actuator is enphr3.0, an improved version of the light-driven chloride pump halorhodopsin derived from natronomonas pharaonis. a major drawback of enphr3.0 is related to its pronounced inactivation on a time-scale of seconds, which renders it unsuited for applications that require long-lasting silencin ...201931775747
a glimpse of the peptide profile presentation by xenopus laevis mhc class i: crystal structure of pxela-uaa reveals a distinct peptide-binding groove.the african clawed frog, xenopus laevis, is a model species for amphibians. before metamorphosis, tadpoles do not efficiently express the single classical mhc class i (mhc-i) molecule xela-uaa, but after metamorphosis, adults express this molecule in abundance. to elucidate the ag-presenting mechanism of xela-uaa, in this study, the xela-uaa structure complex (pxela-uaag) bound with a peptide from a synthetic random peptide library was determined. the amino acid homology between the xela-uaa and ...202031776204
molecular characterization of the orphan transporter slc16a9, an extracellular ph- and na+-sensitive creatine transporter.human monocarboxylate transporters (hmcts) mediate the transport of monocarboxylates across plasma membranes. one such transporter, hmct9, has been shown to be related to serum uric acid levels and the risk of renal overload gout. however, the functional characteristics of hmct9 remain unknown. the aim of this study was to investigate the expression and localization of hmct9 using a xenopus laevis oocyte heterologous expression system and characterize its transport properties. kinetic analysis o ...202031784090
studying in vivo retinal progenitor cell proliferation in xenopus laevis.the efficient generation and maintenance of retinal progenitor cells (rpcs) are key goals needed for developing strategies for productive eye repair. although vertebrate eye development and retinogenesis are well characterized, the mechanisms that can initiate rpc proliferation following injury-induced regrowth and repair remain unknown. this is partly because endogenous rpc proliferation typically occurs during embryogenesis while studies of retinal regeneration have largely utilized adult (or ...202031786778
role of trka signaling during tadpole tail regeneration and early embryonic development in xenopus laevis.neurotrophic signaling regulates neural cell behaviors in development and physiology, although its role in regeneration has not been fully investigated. here, we examined the role of neurotrophic signaling in xenopus laevis tadpole tail regeneration. after the tadpole tails were amputated, the expression of neurotrophin ligand family genes, especially ngf and bdnf, was up-regulated as regeneration proceeded. moreover, notochordal expression of the ngf receptor gene trka, but not that of other ne ...202031788928
mathematical model explaining the role of cdc6 in the diauxic growth of cdk1 activity during the m-phase of the cell this paper we propose a role for the cdc 6 protein in the entry of cells into mitosis. this has not been considered in the literature so far. recent experiments suggest that cdc 6 , upon entry into mitosis, inhibits the appearance of active cdk 1 and cyclin b complexes. this paper proposes a mathematical model which incorporates the dynamics of kinase cdk 1 , its regulatory protein cyclin b, the regulatory phosphatase cdc 25 and the inhibitor cdc 6 known to be involved in the regulation of ac ...201931795221
the tff peptides xp1 and xp4 appear in distinctive forms in the xenopus laevis gastric mucosa: indications for different protective functions.the gastric secretory trefoil factor family (tff) peptides xp1 and xp4 are the xenopus laevis orthologs of mammalian tff1 and tff2, respectively. the aim of this study was to analyze the molecular forms of xp1 and xp4 in the x. laevis gastric mucosa by fplc. xp1 mainly occurred in a monomeric low-molecular-mass form and only a minor subset is associated with the mucus fraction. the occurrence of monomeric xp1 is unexpected because of its odd number of cysteine residues. probably a conserved acid ...201931801293
analysis of clcnkb mutations at dimer-interface, calcium-binding site, and pore reveals a variety of functional alterations in clc-kb channel leading to bartter syndrome.pathological missense mutations in clcnkb gene give a wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes in bartter syndrome type iii patients. molecular analysis of the mutated clc-kb channels can be helpful to classify the mutations according to their functional alteration. we investigated the functional consequences of nine mutations in the clcnkb gene causing bartter syndrome. we first established that all tested mutations lead to decreased clc-kb currents. combining electrophysiological and biochemical m ...202031803959
d-glucuronolactone attenuates para-xylene-induced defects in neuronal development and plasticity in xenopus tectum in vivo.xylene and its derivatives are known to be neurotoxic to the central nervous system of animals. our previous work has shown that para-xylene (px) can cause an increase in apoptotic cells and abnormal avoidance behavior in xenopus laevis. however, the mechanism underlying the impact of px on neuronal structural and functional plasticity is less clear. here, we examined the effects of px on neuronal development and plasticity in the developing optic tectum. we found that huc/d-positive neurons wer ...202031811891
the chalcone lonchocarpin inhibits wnt/β-catenin signaling and suppresses colorectal cancer proliferation.the deregulation of the wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway is a central event in colorectal cancer progression, thus a promising target for drug development. many natural compounds, such as flavonoids, have been described as wnt/β-catenin inhibitors and consequently modulate important biological processes like inflammation, redox balance, cancer promotion and progress, as well as cancer cell death. in this context, we identified the chalcone lonchocarpin isolated from lonchocarpus sericeus as a wnt ...201931817828
desensitization of nmda channels requires ligand binding to both glun1 and glun2 subunits to constrict the pore beside the activation gate.n-methyl-d-aspartate (nmda) receptor channels are activated by glutamate (or nmda) and glycine. the channels also undergo desensitization, which denotes decreased channel availability, after prolonged exposure to the activating ligands. glycine apparently has a paradoxical negative effect on desensitization, as the increase in ambient glycine in concentrations required for channel activation would increase sustained nmda receptor currents. we hypothesized that this classical "glycine-dependent d ...202031821563
insights regarding skin regeneration in non-amniote vertebrates: skin regeneration without scar formation and potential step-up to a higher level of wounds are among the most common injuries in animals and humans. vertebrate skin is composed of an epidermis and dermis. after a deep skin injury in mammals, the wound heals, but the dermis cannot regenerate. instead, collagenous scar tissue forms to fill the gap in the dermis, but the scar does not function like the dermis and often causes disfiguration. in contrast, in non-amniote vertebrates, including fish and amphibians, the dermis and skin derivatives are regenerated after a deep skin ...202031831357
endoplasmic reticulum transmembrane protein tmtc3 contributes to o-mannosylation of e-cadherin, cellular adherence, and embryonic gastrulation.protein glycosylation plays essential roles in protein structure, stability, and activity such as cell adhesion. the cadherin superfamily of adhesion molecules carry o-linked mannose glycans at conserved sites and it was recently demonstrated that the transmembrane and tetratricopeptide repeat-containing proteins 1-4 (tmtc1-4) gene products contribute to the addition of these o-linked mannoses. here, biochemical, cell biological, and organismal analysis was used to determine that tmtc3 supports ...202031851597
characterization of spinal cord damage based on automatic video analysis of froglet swimming.xenopus laevis frogs are a widely used organism to study aspects of modern biology ( harland and grainger, 2011). its central nervous system is particularly interesting, because in certain stages of metamorphosis the spinal cord can regenerate after injury and recover swimming. with this in mind, automatic gait analysis could help evaluate the regenerative performance by means of a method that automatically and quantitatively establishes the degree in froglets' limb movement. here, we present an ...201931852668
organ-specific requirements for thyroid hormone receptor ensure temporal coordination of tissue-specific transformations and completion of xenopus metamorphosis.background: thyroid hormone (triiodothyronine [t3]) is essential for the development throughout vertebrates. anuran metamorphosis mimics mammalian postembryonic development, a period around birth when plasma t3 level peaks and many organs/tissues mature into their adult forms. compared with the uterus-enclosed mammalian embryos, tadpoles can be easily manipulated to study the roles of t3 and t3 receptors (trs) in tissue remodeling and adult organ development. we and others have previously knocke ...202031854240
insights into the assembly and activation of the microtubule nucleator γ-turc.microtubules are dynamic polymers of α- and β-tubulin and have crucial roles in cell signalling, cell migration, intracellular transport and chromosome segregation1. they assemble de novo from αβ-tubulin dimers in an essential process termed microtubule nucleation. complexes that contain the protein γ-tubulin serve as structural templates for the microtubule nucleation reaction2. in vertebrates, microtubules are nucleated by the 2.2-megadalton γ-tubulin ring complex (γ-turc), which comprises γ-t ...202031856152
applying tensile and compressive force to xenopus animal cap tissue.over many years, the xenopus laevis embryo has provided a powerful model system to investigate how mechanical forces regulate cellular function. here, we describe a system to apply reproducible tensile and compressive force to x. laevis animal cap tissue explants and to simultaneously assess cellular behavior using live confocal imaging.202031857437
the γ-hydroxybutyric acid (ghb) analogue ncs-382 is a substrate for both monocarboxylate transporters subtypes 1 and 4.the small-molecule ligand (e)-2-(5-hydroxy-5,7,8,9-tetrahydro-6h-benzo[7]annulen-6-ylidene)acetic acid (ncs-382) is an analogue of γ-hydroxybutyric acid (ghb) and is widely used for probing the brain-specific ghb high-affinity binding sites. to reach these, brain uptake is imperative, and it is therefore important to understand the molecular mechanisms of ncs-382 transport in order to direct in vivo studies. in this study, we hypothesized that ncs-382 is a substrate for the monocarboxylate trans ...202031866563
bupropion inhibits serotonin type 3ab heteromeric channels at clinically relevant concentrations.bupropion, a food and drug administration-approved antidepressant and smoking cessation aid, blocks dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake transporters and noncompetitively inhibits nicotinic acetylcholine and serotonin (5-ht) type 3a receptors (5-ht3ars). 5-ht3 receptors are pentameric ligand-gated ion channels that regulate synaptic activity in the central and peripheral nervous system, presynaptically and postsynaptically. in the present study, we examined and compared the effect of bupropion a ...202031871303
modeling ocular lens disease in xenopus.ocular lens clouding is termed as cataract, which depending on the onset, is classified as congenital or age-related. developing new cataract treatments requires new models. thus far, xenopus embryos have not been evaluated as a system for studying cataract.202031872467
transformation of receptor tyrosine kinases into glutamate receptors and photoreceptors.receptor tyrosine kinases (rtks) are key regulators of cellular functions in metazoans. in vertebrates, rtks are mostly activated by polypeptides but are not naturally sensitive to amino acids or light. taking inspiration from venus kinase receptors (vkrs), an atypical family of rtks found in nature, we have transformed the human insulin (hir) and hepatocyte growth factor receptor (hmet) into glutamate receptors by replacing their extracellular binding domains with the ligand-binding domain of m ...202031872568
distinct m6a methylome profiles in poly(a) rna from xenopus laevis testis and that treated with atrazine.recent discovery of reversible n6-methyladenosine (m6a) methylation on messenger rna (mrna) and mapping of m6a methylomes in mammals, plant and yeast revealed potential regulatory functions of this rna modification. however, the role of the m6a methylomes in amphibious is still poorly understood. here, we examined the m6a transcriptome-wide profile in testis tissues of xenopus laevis (x. laevis) with and without treatment with 100 μg/l atrazine (az) through m6a sequencing analysis using the late ...202031877456
expression and ion transport activity of rice oshkt1;1 variants.oshkt1;1 in rice, belongs to the high-affinity k+ transporter family, has been found to be involved in salt tolerance. oshkt1;1 in japonica rice (nipponbare) produces mrna variants, but their functions remain elusive. in salt tolerant rice, pokkali, eight oshkt1;1 variants (v1-v8) were identified in addition to the full-length oshkt1;1 (fl) cdna. absolute quantification by qpcr revealed that accumulation of oshkt1;1-fl mrna is minor in contrast to that of oshkt1;1-v1, -v2, -v4, and -v7 mrnas, al ...201931877741
heparan sulfate proteoglycans regulate bmp signalling during neural crest induction.bone morphogenetic protein (bmp) signalling is key to many developmental processes, including early regionalisation of the ectoderm. the neural crest is induced here by a combination of bmp and wnt signals from nearby tissues with many secreted factors contributing to its initial specification at the neural plate border. gremlin 1 (grem1) is a secreted bmp antagonist expressed in the neural crest in xenopus laevis but its function here is unknown. as well as binding bmps, grem1 has been shown to ...202031883440
active emigration from climate change-caused seawater intrusion into freshwater habitats.ecological risk assessment associated with seawater intrusions has been supported on the determination of lethal/sublethal effects following standard protocols that force exposure neglecting the ability of mobile organisms to spatially avoid salinized environments. thus, this work aimed at assessing active emigration from climate change-caused seawater intrusion into freshwater habitats. to specific objectives were delineated: first, to compute median 12-h avoidance conductivities (ac50,12h) for ...202031883492
cfap43 modulates ciliary beating in mouse and xenopus.malfunctions of motile cilia cause a variety of developmental defects and diseases in humans and animal model organisms. defects include impaired mucociliary clearance of the airways, sperm immotility, hydrocephalus and organ laterality. here, we characterize the evolutionary conserved cfap43 gene by loss-of-function experiments in the mouse and the frog xenopus laevis. cfap43 is expressed in tissues carrying motile cilia and acts as a target gene of the transcription factor foxj1, which is esse ...202031884020
autophagy induction by hdac inhibitors is unlikely to be the mechanism of efficacy in prevention of retinal degeneration caused by p23h rhodopsin.we previously found that valproic acid (vpa) and other histone deacetylase inhibitors (hdacis) ameliorate retinal degeneration (rd) caused by p23h rhodopsin in xenopus laevis larvae and hypothesized that this may be due to enhancement of autophagy. here we use x. laevis expressing an autophagy marker to assess effects of hdacis on autophagy. we also assess the effects of non-hdaci activators and inducers of autophagy on rd caused by p23h rhodopsin.201931884645
prominin-1 and photoreceptor cadherin localization in xenopus laevis: protein-protein relationships and function.retinal degenerative diseases are genetically diverse and rare inherited disorders that cause the death of rod and cone photoreceptors, resulting in progressive vision loss and blindness. this review will focus on two retinal degeneration-causing genes: prominin-1 (prom1) and photoreceptor cadherin (prcad). we will discuss protein localization, potential roles in photoreceptor outer segment disc morphogenesis, and areas for future investigation.201931884658
several phosphate transport processes are present in vascular smooth muscle cells.we have studied inorganic phosphate (pi) handling in rat aortic vascular smooth muscle cells (vsmc) using 32p-radiotracer assays. our results have revealed a complex set of mechanisms consisting of 1) well-known pit1/pit2-mediated sodium-dependent pi transport; 2) slc20-unrelated sodium-dependent pi transport that is sensitive to the stilbene derivatives 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (dids) and 4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonate (sits); 3) a sodium-independe ...202031886722
the influence of long-term cadmium exposure on the male advertisement call of xenopus laevis.cadmium (cd) is a non-essential environmental endocrine-disrupting compound found in water and a potential threat to aquatic habitats. cd has been shown to have various short-term effects on aquatic animals; however, evidence for long-term effects of cd on vocal communications in amphibians is lacking. to better understand the long-term effects of low-dose cd on acoustic communication in amphibians, male xenopus laevis individuals were treated with low cd concentrations (0.1, 1, and 10 μg/l) via ...202031889288
the peptide transporter 1a of the zebrafish danio rerio, an emerging model in nutrigenomics and nutrition research: molecular characterization, functional properties, and expression analysis.peptide transporter 1 (pept1, alias slc15a1) mediates the uptake of dietary di/tripeptides in all vertebrates. however, in teleost fish, more than one pept1-type transporter might function, due to specific whole genome duplication event(s) that occurred during their evolution leading to a more complex paralogue gene repertoire than in higher vertebrates (tetrapods).201931890051
genome-wide analysis identifies cis-acting elements regulating mrna polyadenylation and translation during vertebrate oocyte maturation.most cells change patterns of gene expression through transcriptional regulation. in contrast, oocytes are transcriptionally silent and regulate mrna poly(a) tail length to control protein production. however, the genome-wide relationship of poly(a) tail changes to mrna translation during vertebrate oocyte maturation is not known. we used tail-seq and polyribosome analysis to measure poly(a) tail and translational changes during oocyte maturation in xenopus laevis we identified large-scale poly( ...202031896558
generation, coordination, and evolution of neural circuits for vocal many species, vocal communication is essential for coordinating social behaviors including courtship, mating, parenting, rivalry, and alarm signaling. effective communication requires accurate production, detection, and classification of signals, as well as selection of socially appropriate responses. understanding how signals are generated and how acoustic signals are perceived is key to understanding the neurobiology of social behaviors. here we review our long-standing research program foc ...202031896561
xenopus embryos show a compensatory response following perturbation of the notch signaling an essential feature of development, robustness ensures that embryos attain a consistent phenotype despite genetic and environmental variation. the growing number of examples demonstrating that embryos can mount a compensatory response to germline mutations in key developmental genes has heightened interest in the phenomenon of embryonic robustness. while considerable progress has been made in elucidating genetic compensation in response to germline mutations, the diversity, mechanisms, and l ...202031899211
reciprocal matched filtering in the inner ear of the african clawed frog (xenopus laevis).anurans (frogs and toads) are the most vocal amphibians. in most species, only males produce advertisement calls for defending territories and attracting mates. female vocalizations are the exceptions among frogs, however in the african clawed frog (xenopus laevis) both males and females produce distinct vocalizations. the matched filter hypothesis predicts a correspondence between peripheral auditory tuning of receivers and properties of species-specific acoustic signals, but few studies have a ...202031907715
developmental and lethal effects of glyphosate and a glyphosate-based product on xenopus laevis embryos and tadpoles.effects of pure glyphosate and a glyphosate-based product were evaluated comparatively using two embryonic development stages of xenopus laevis as model system. when pure glyphosate was applied in ph adjusted media, lethal or developmental effects were not observed at concentrations up to 500 mg l-1. the 96 h lc50 values for the commercial herbicide, in contrast, were 32.1 and 35.1 mg active ingredient l-1 for embryos and tadpoles, respectively. since pure glyphosate has no effect on the selecte ...202031932905
biochemical reconstitution of branching microtubule nucleation.microtubules are nucleated from specific locations at precise times in the cell cycle. however, the factors that constitute these microtubule nucleation pathways and their mode of action still need to be identified. using purified xenopus laevis proteins we biochemically reconstitute branching microtubule nucleation, which is critical for chromosome segregation. we found that besides the microtubule nucleator gamma-tubulin ring complex (γ-turc), the branching effectors augmin and tpx2 are requir ...202031933480
convergent extension in the amphibian, xenopus laevis.this review is a comprehensive analysis of the cell biology and biomechanics of convergent extension in xenopus.202031959291
hydrogen sulfide impairs meiosis resumption in xenopuslaevis oocytes.the role of hydrogen sulfide (h2s) is addressed in xenopuslaevis oocytes. three enzymes involved in h2s metabolism, cystathionine β-synthase, cystathionine γ-lyase, and 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase, were detected in prophase i and metaphase ii-arrested oocytes and drove an acceleration of oocyte meiosis resumption when inhibited. moreover, meiosis resumption is associated with a significant decrease in endogenous h2s. on another hand, a dose-dependent inhibition was obtained using the h2 ...202031963573
invasive american bullfrogs and african clawed frogs in south america: high suitability of occurrence in biodiversity hotspots.fabiana g. barbosa, camila both, and miguel b. araújo (2017) invasion of protected areas by non-native species is currently one of the main threats to global biodiversity. using an ensemble of bioclimatic envelope models we quantify the degree of exposure of south american protected areas to invasion by two invasive amphibian species. we focus on protected areas that coincide with global biodiversity hotspots. the species modeled, lithobates catesbeianus and xenopus laevis, have been reported to ...201731966227
expression of α3β2β4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by rat adrenal chromaffin cells determined using novel conopeptide antagonists.adrenal chromaffin cells release neurotransmitters in response to stress and may be involved in conditions such as post-traumatic stress and anxiety disorders. neurotransmitter release is triggered, in part, by activation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nachrs). however, despite decades of use as a model system for studying exocytosis, the nachr subtypes involved have not been pharmacologically identified. quantitative real-time pcr of rat adrenal medulla revealed an abundance of mrnas for ...202031967330
subcellular localization of the tff peptides xp1 and xp4 in the xenopus laevis gastric/esophageal mucosa: different secretion modes reflecting diverse protective functions.the tff peptides xp1 and xp4 from xenopus laevis are orthologs of tff1 and tff2, respectively. xp1 is secreted as a monomer from gastric surface mucous cells and is generally not associated with mucins, whereas xp4 is a typical secretory peptide from esophageal goblet cells, and gastric mucous neck and antral gland cells tightly associated as a lectin with the ortholog of mucin muc6. both tff peptides have diverse protective functions, xp1 as a scavenger for reactive oxygen species preventing ox ...202031979419
cav2.1 c-terminal fragments produced in xenopus laevis oocytes do not modify the channel expression and functional properties.the sequence and genomic organization of the cacna1a gene that encodes the cav2.1 subunit of both p and q-type ca2+ channels are well conserved in mammals. in human, rat and mouse cacna1a, the use of an alternative acceptor site at the exon 46-47 boundary results in the expression of a long cav2.1 splice variant. in transfected cells, the long isoform of human cav2.1 produces a c-terminal fragment, but it is not known whether this fragment affects cav2.1 expression or functional properties. here ...202031981388
evaluation of the effects of low concentrations of bisphenol af on gonadal development using the xenopus laevis model: a finding of testicular differentiation inhibition coupled with feminization.developmental exposures to estrogenic chemicals possibly cause structural and functional abnormalities of reproductive organs in vertebrates. bisphenol af (bpaf), a bisphenol a (bpa) analogue, has been shown to have higher estrogenic activity than bpa, but little is known about the effects of bpaf on gonadal development, particularly gonadal differentiation. we aimed to determine whether low concentrations of bpaf could disrupt gonadal differentiation and subsequent development using xenopus lae ...202031991354
tectal crfr1 receptor involvement in avoidance and approach behaviors in the south african clawed frog, xenopus laevis.animals in the wild must balance food intake with vigilance for predators in order to survive. the optic tectum plays an important role in the integration of external (predators) and internal (energy status) cues related to predator defense and prey capture. however, the role of neuromodulators involved in tectal sensorimotor processing is poorly studied. recently we showed that tectal crfr1 receptor activation decreases food intake in the south african clawed frog, xenopus laevis, suggesting th ...202032001211
structural basis of the fanconi anemia-associated mutations within the fanca and fancg complex.monoubiquitination of the fanconi anemia complementation group d2 (fancd2) protein by the fa core ubiquitin ligase complex is the central event in the fa pathway. fanca and fancg play major roles in the nuclear localization of the fa core complex. mutations of these two genes are the most frequently observed genetic alterations in fa patients, and most point mutations in fanca are clustered in the c-terminal domain (ctd). to understand the basis of the fa-associated fanca mutations, we determine ...202032002546
organelle size scaling over embryonic development.cell division without growth results in progressive cell size reductions during early embryonic development. how do the sizes of intracellular structures and organelles scale with cell size and what are the functional implications of such scaling relationships? model organisms, in particular caenorhabditis elegans worms, drosophila melanogaster flies, xenopus laevis frogs, and mus musculus mice, have provided insights into developmental size scaling of the nucleus, mitotic spindle, and chromosom ...202032003549
Displaying items 16801 - 16900 of 17138