
PMID(sorted ascending)
child abuse and deprivation: soul murder.soul murder involves the deliberate traumatization or deprivation by an authority (parent) of his charge (child). the victim is robbed of his identity and of the ability to maintain authentic feelings. soul murder remains effective if the capacity to think and to know has been sufficiently interfered with--by way of brainwashing. questions are raised about pathogenesis. some suggestions are made about treatment of those whose pathogenic fantasy life has been so influenced by traumatic reality. t ...2004512287
the lipid composition of rat brain aggregating cell cultures during development.the lipid and fatty acid composition of rat brain was studied during its development both in vivo and in an aggregating cell culture system. although the amount of lipid present in the cultures was very low, the increase in glycolipid content corresponded closely to the period of intense myelin formation. very long chain fatty acids (hydroxylated and unsubstituted) were present in 41-day cultures. in comparison to the in vivo situation, myelination was delayed in vitro and, after 40 days in cult ...1979514541
scanner performance to overcome efficiency problems in three-dimensional scintigraphy by gamma-gamma-coincidences. 2004515173
clash on veterinary supervision in slaughterhouses. 2004516317
a fatal case of wesselsbron disease in a dog. 1979516330
external ocular toxicity of dipivalyl epinephrine.of 26 patients enrolled in a study designed to assess the usefulness of dipivalyl epinephrine 0.1%, administered topically at 12-hour intervals, for lowering intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma and ocular hypertension, six patients (23.1%) developed adverse external ocular side effects severe enough to require that the drug be discontinued. four of these six patients had a history of previous intolerance to epinephrine. the other two had successfully used epinephrine hcl 2% for more t ...2004517603
collaborative evaluation of a proposed reference dilution method of susceptibility testing of anaerobic agar dilution method for susceptibility testing of anaerobic bacteria was evaluated to determine whether results obtained would be consistent enough to recommend it as a reference method. the study was conducted in 10 laboratories where the minimum inhibitory concentrations of six antibiotics (carbenicillin, cefoxitin, chloramphenicol, clindamycin, penicillin g, and tetracycline) were determined against 10 bacterial strains on wilkins-chalgren agar prepared by three manufacturers. minimum inh ...1979518079
in vitro activity of ly127935.ly127935 is a unique new beta-lactam antibiotic. its activity against 536 clinical isolates was studied by using microdilution methods of susceptibility testing and compared with the activities of cefamandole, cefoxitin, and cephalothin. the lowest concentrations required to inhibit at least 90% of strains tested (mic(90)s) of ly127935 for staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pyogenes, streptococcus agalactiae, and streptococcus pneumoniae ranged from 2 to 8 mug/ml. the mic(90)s for other staphy ...1979518080
bacteroides infection in fibroids during the puerperium. 1979519275
[rupture of the ventricular septum in acute myocardial infarction]. 2004520925
susceptibility of aerobic and anaerobic gram-negative rods to cefoxitin and related compounds. 1979521267
psychological tests and borderline patients.psychological tests of 32 borderline or nonborderline (psychotic) patients were compared with the structural diagnoses arrived at on the basis of two kinds of clinical-research interviews: the dib (following gunderson's criteria) and the structural interview (following kernberg's criteria). test results were reported in terms of the diagnosis based on the full test battery, as well as in terms of the structural diagnosis implied by the presence or absence of thinking disturbances on the (structu ...2004521887
the effect of situational contingencies on female retaliative behavior.most studies that have found sex differences in aggression have reported that males are more aggressive than females. recent evidence, however, suggests that the expectation of female nonaggressiveness may be unwarranted. the present study attempted to reconcile these differences by considering the contingencies of female aggression. thirty females competed in a task designed to measure aggression (a) alone, (b) in the presence of a silent observer, or (c) in the presence of a supportive observe ...2004521901
inactivation of neurohypophysial hormone release in the rat by substitution of saline solution for drinking water [proceedings]. 1979522005
studies on selective induction of lysosomal enzyme activities in mouse peritoneal macrophages. 1979522087
interactions of folch-lees proteolipid apoprotein with planar lipid bilayers.water-soluble folch-lees proteolipid apoprotein from bovine cns white matter induces a voltage-dependent conductance in black lipid membranes. na+ is required for the induced conductance change but the established conductance has very low ionic selectivity. the induced conductance fluctuates with a minimum amplitude of 10(-11)--10(-10) mho. the magnitude of the conductivity change is dependent on protein concentration and on the composition of lipid bilayers. at a fixed voltage the induced condu ...1979522128
[problems of the disease due to mycobacteria other than tubercle bacilli: surgical treatment and indication (author's transl)]. 1979522352
[exercise electrocardiogram in children]. 2004523203
macular oedema in the reattached retina. 2004525278
chemotaxis or migration inhibition of rabbit peritoneal polymorphonuclear leukocytes caused by chemoattractants at various concentrations.purified lipopolysaccharide (lps) from veillonella incubated in normal rabbit serum was tested for chemotactic activity on rabbit polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmns) in modified boyden chambers. in doses above those giving optimal response (over-optimal dose), a decrease of the pmn migration activity was found. this decrease also correlated well with an increase in the migration inhibition of the pmns as demonstrated with the capillary tube assay. the pmn chemotactic factor isolated from lps-ind ...1979525354
prognistic relevance of radiation induced immune suppression in breast carcinoma.the extent of radiation induced immune suppression was analysed in 100 patients with carcinoma of the breast. the relative changes of lymphocyte counts and stimulations by pha and ppd were similar in patients who differed with regard to age, size of tumour and its malignancy grade or axillary node condition. moreover, no difference in the degree of radiation induced immune suppression existed between patients who developed recurrent disease and those who remained free of disease during a follow- ...2004525447
[autofermentation method of decreasing the nucleic acid content in saccharomyces carlsbergensis yeasts]. 2004525458
inactivation of cephalosporins by bacteroides.we investigated the relationship between beta-lactamases of bacteroides fragilis organisms and their resistance to cephalosporins. timed killing curves were used to study the in vitro activity of three cephalosporins, cephalothin, cefazolin, and cefamandole, and a semisynthetic cephamycin, cefoxitin. measurements of residual antibiotic concentrations in culture supernatants were made, and they were compared with the beta-lactamase activity of the microorganism. a cephalosporin-susceptible strain ...1979525995
variability in the susceptibility pattern of bacteroides fragilis in four detroit area hospitals.recent clinical isolates of bacteroides fragilis selected at random from four detroit area hospitals were collected over a 3-month period, and the minimum inhibitory concentrations were determined within several days. the levels of antimicrobial agents used in this survey breached the concentration attainable in the patient's serum. the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of these isolates to five antimicrobial agents suggest that there is a 20% variation in the resistance to clindamycin and a ...1979526009
protective efficacy of immunization with capsular antigen against experimental infection with bacteroides fragilis.the protective efficacy afforded by immunization with the capsular antigen of bacteroides fragilis against abscess formation and bacteremia due to this organism was studied in an experimental rat model of intraabdominal sepsis. of unimmunized animals, animals immunized with methylated bovine serum albumin and complete freund's adjuvant, and animals immunized with lipopolysaccharide of bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, greater than 90% developed abscesses when challenged intraperitoneally with strain ...1979528789
diffusion of anions and cations in the extracellular micro-environment of the brain [proceedings]. 1979529139
[discitis in small children (author's transl)].discitis was diagnosed in 5 children under 3 years of age, the initial clinical manifestations being difficulty in walking and abdominal pains in one case. diagnosis was not made before periods varying from 8 days to 3 months, and no etiological basis for the disease was discovered. pinching of the disc was always present in the first radiographic image, and the vertebral plate was ill-defined in 3 cases. repeat radiological examinations were carried out in 3 children after 6 months, 2 and 5 yea ...2004529226
[how does one calculate the activity of a radiodiagnostic service?]. 2004529236
synthesis of alpha-ketoglutarate by reductive carboxylation of succinate in veillonella, selenomonas, and bacteriodes species.evidence for reductive carboxylation of succinate to synthesize alpha-ketoglutarate was sought in anaerobic heterotrophs from the rumen and from other anaerobic habitats. cultures were grown in media containing unlabeled energy substrates plus [14c]succinate, and synthesis of cellular glutamate with a much higher specific activity than that of cellular asparate was taken as evidence for alpha-ketoglutarate synthase activity. our results indicate alpha-ketoglutarate synthase functions in selenomo ...1979533772
the disposition of cyclophosphamide in a group of myeloma patients.the disposition of cyclophosphamide and its alkylating metabolites was investigated in a group of myeloma patients with varying degrees of renal function impairment. no correlation between renal function and clearance of cyclophosphamide or its alkylating metabolites was found. no evidence of accumulation of cyclophosphamide or alkylating activity was found in four patients receiving radiolabelled cyclophosphamide. renal function was found to be related to the reciprocal of the area under curve ...2004535136
the multiple methodologies for creatine kinase isoenzymes - the final answer? 2004535150
a rational approach to the treatment of patellofemoral pain.chondromalacia of the patella should be considered a separate entity and not the necessary precursor of osteoarthrosis. it is rarely associated with significant discomfort. isolated softening, fibrillation of the central medial facet, and a diagnosis of chondromalacia of the patella should be limited, in our view, to isolated fibrillation occurring in the central medial facet and is probably asymptomatic. symptomatic patellar pain can be treated by realignment if the patella is malaligned, by la ...2004535212
bipartite trapezium with adduction contracture of the thumb: a case report.this is a case report on bipartite trapezium in a 12-year-old girl that presented as a painless protrusion at the base of the first metacarpal bone associated with an adduction contracture of the thumb. this seems to be the first such case to have been reported in an adolescent. the condition bears no resemblance to the numerous descriptions in the literature on accessory bones about the trapezium.2004535274
[peripheral nerve function in patients with long-term anticonvulsant therapy (author's transl)]. 2004535298
the distribution, bionomics and control of onchocerciasis vectors (diptera: simuliidae) in eastern africa and the yemen. 2005538821
[electric stimulation in psychiatry. myths and realities]. 2005538855
[sisomicin dosage in renal failure]. 2005538909
[classification of stomach and duodenal ulcers].the working classification of the ulcerous disease after melikova is suitable for the differentiated demonstration of the gastric and duodenal ulcers. in connection with this principle of subdivision essential features of the disease, such as localisation of the ulcer, clinical course, morphological characteristics of the ulcer and the ulcer-carrying organ, gastro-intestinal functional parameters and complications of the ulcer are demonstrated.2004539010
[microionophoretic study of the mechanism of action of gamma-hydroxybutyrate].the effect of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (ghba) on the extracellularly registered spontaneous electrical activity of nervous cells of the rabbit brain sensomotor cortex was studied using the microionophoretic technique. ghba decreased the frequency of action potential in the majority of the neurons studied. a specific gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) blocking agent bicuculline prevented gbha inhibitory effect. ghba is suggested to interact with central gaba-receptors. the frequency of discharges in ...1979540145
[clindamycin levels in the cervical mucus after intramuscular administration of the drug (author's transl)].female genital tract is a major area of anaerobic infections. clindamycin has been used as a highly active antibiotic against both gram positive and negative anaerobic pathogens including bacteroides fragilis. concentration of clindamycin in cervical mucus has been tested in 30 women after administration of one single dose (600 mg) of the antibiotic intramuscularly. antibiotic levels were tested by agar diffusion method employing a strain of alpha-hemolytic streptococcus. levels of clindamycin i ...1979541482
the long term prospects of rehabilitation in cerebral palsy in singapore. 2005545704
organochlorinated pesticides in the argentine antarctic sector and atlantic coastline waters.the presence of organochlorinated pesticides in water samples drawn in the argentine antarctic sector and atlantic coastline has been proved. in general, these samples showed quantities that varied between a few hundredths of a ppmm to slightly more than 1 ppmm, although in some cases and for certain pesticides, depending on the locations, the levels found were definitely higher. with the exception of dieldrin, which appeared in only one sample/in what would seem to be its course few hundredths ...1979546680
[classification of cases of abnormal sexual development]. 2005547281
induction of tk polyagglutination by bacteroides fragilis culture supernatants. associated modifications of a b h and i i transformed red blood cells were obtained in vitro by treatment with supernatants from cultures of three different bacteroides fragilis strains. the reactions of these cells with ab sera show that tk is different from other known types of polyagglutination. beside the already known modifications of a b h antigens, we found that tk activated cells have an important modification of i and i antigens: both are reduced, and can even be completely destroyed.1979547352
surface antigens as virulence factors in infection with bacteroides fragilis.organisms of the genus bacteroides represent the major group of obligate anaerobes involved in human infections. bacteroides usually cause either bacteremia or localized abscesses. of the numerous species of bacteroides, bacteroides fragilis is the single most frequent clinical isolate. b. fragilis and bacteroides melaninogenicus have chemically incomplete lipopolysaccharides as compared with the lipopolysaccharides (endotoxins) of aerobic bacteria, and the lipopolysaccharides of bacteroides lac ...1979549184
the chemotactic effect of bacteroides fragilis lipopolysaccharide.the atypical bacteroides fragilis lipopolysaccharide is chemotactic for polymorphonuclear leukocytes. the chemotactic activity is mediated by complement activated through the alternative pathway. this mediator has been isolated. it is a polypeptide with a molecular weight of 16,000 and is most likely the complement component c5a.1979549186
participation of immunoglobulin and the alternative complement pathway in opsonization of bacteroides fragilis and bacteroides thetaiotaomicron.studies were conducted to determine the requirements for immunoglobulin and complement in opsonization of bacteroides fragilis and bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. the ability of human sera depleted of immunoglobulin or of components of complement to promote the phagocytosis and intracellular killing of the two strains of bacteroides by human leukocytes was measured in vitro under anaerobic conditions. neither hypogammaglobulinemic sera nor pooled normal human serum that was heated at 56 c for 30 ...1979549187
[schistosomiosis infection produced by human and wild strains from the rio paraiba do sul valley sp (brazil), in isogeneic mice]. 1979549223
[a study of the protecting device for an implantable pacemaker (author's transl)]. 1980550982
hippocampal afterdischarges and their post-ictal sequelae in rats: a potential tool for assessment of cns neurotoxicity.two types of ad and post-ad sequences are described. type 1, which were most common (83%), are followed by a profound post-ictal depression (pid). pids can be quantitatively measured by integrating the eeg. the post-ictal eeg power normally returned to 75% of its prestimulation power within 4-5 min. pids are usually interrupted by a brief rebound ad, occurring about 1.5 min after the end of the ad. wet dog shakes (wdss) often punctuate the end of the ad and the end of the rebound ad. type ii ads ...1979551303
neck and macular labyrinthine influences on the purkinje cells of the cerebellar vermis. 1979551449
composition and ecology of the human intestinal flora.longitudinal quantitative cultures of fecal flora of 20 newborns, 4 older babies and 10 healthy adults were carried out to study the composition and development of the intestinal flora. in all newborns the same sequence of colonization was observed. the numbers of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria fluctuated and reached finally numbers of 10(10)/g wet weight. in adults the flora was in balance with 10(5)-10(7) aerobic and 10(10)-10(11) anaerobic bacteria/g wet weight. interaction experiments in vit ...1979552810
antibiotic sensitivity of anaerobic bacteria.antibiotic sensitivity tests on most anaerobic organisms isolated from a given patient are seldom of use to that individual. this is because both isolation and sensitivity testing of this group of bacteria take so long. it is thus vital that the microbiologist should be able to supply to the clinician the cumulated results of past experience, ideally his own, but if not, then the experience of others, taking into account geographical variations whenever possible. because of the possibility of ge ...1979553477
[applications of gas chromatography in the diagnosis of anaerobic infections].the isolation and identification of anaerobic bacteria by biochemical tests take long time, so it is very useful the gas-chromatography to detect the volatile fatty acids produced from their metabolism. this technique can give rapidly a presumptive diagnosis of anaerobic infection so that it is possible to start immediately a correct antibiotic therapy. in this study we have examined many samples of pus and exudate, and the results have been compared with those obtained from the culture. we have ...1979553479
[cefuroxime. pharmacokinetic aspects in man after intravenous administration under different conditions]. 1979554803
[bacteroides fragilis (author's transl)]. 1977559144
[anaerobic bacterial infections (author's transl)]. 1977560553
office treatment of anaerobic infections. 1977561288
lethality for mice and chick embryos, pyrogenicity in rabbits and ability to gelate lysate from amoebocytes of limulus polyphemus by lipopolysaccharides from bacteroides, fusobacterium and veillonella.phenol-water extracted lipopolysaccharides (lps) from veillonella, fusobacterium nucleatum, bacteroides fragilis and bacteroides melaninogenicus were lethal for mice and 11-days-old chick embryos, pyrogenic in rabbits, and gelated limulus amoebocyte lysate. mouse lethality was considerably enhanced by actinomycin-d. in all test systems the endotoxin activity of veillonella and fusocbacterium lps was comparable to that of lps from salmonella enteritidis, which was included as a reference endotoxi ...1977564596
[isolation of anaerobic bacteria from clinical specimens and the drug susceptibility of bacteroides fragilis].in the routine bacteriological examination of 8,423 clinical specimens, 906 strains of anaerobic bacteria were isolated at national taiwan university hospital between april 1972 and april 1976. most of the strains were isolated from sites allied to the abdominal cavity and genito-urinary tract. bacteroides fragilis was the most commonly isolated pathogen. the minimal inhibitory concentrations of 10 different antimicrobial agents to 74 clinical isolates of b. fragilis were determined by an agar d ...1977578133
doxycycline in abdominal surgery.twenty patients undergoing urgent or emergency surgical procedures where intra-abdominal infection was suspected were treated with doxycycline hyclate. wound infections involving anaerobic, aerobic, or facultative bacteria developed in four of 11 patients treated with doxycycline alone. nine other patients received higher doses of doxycycline plus gentamicin sulfate. five of these had postoperative infections primarily involving anaerobic organisms. bacteremia with a doxycycline-resistant bacter ...1977578553
susceptibility to erythromycin of anaerobes of the genera bacteroides, fusobacterium, sphaerophorus, veillonella, clostridium, corynebacterium, peptococcus, peptostreptococcus.the minimal inhibitory concentrations (mic) of erythromycin were determined by broth dilution tests for 313 anaerobic strains, most of which were clinical isolates. all the gram-positive anaerobes tested (84 peptococcaceae, including 21 peptostreptococcus anaerobius and 15 peptococcus variabilis; 65 corynebacterium acnes and 29 clostridium strains, including 13 c. perfringens) were sensitive (mic values 0.012 through 3.12 microgram erythromycin/ml); so were 111 cultures of gram-negative anaerobe ...1977580038
[anaerobic infections]. 1977584899
[in vitro activity of mezlocillin, azlocillin and carbenicillin against bacteroidaceae with particular reference to bacteroides fragilis (author's transl)].the in vitro susceptibility of approximately 90 bacteroidaceae strains to the the new broad-spectrum penicillins mezlocillin and azlocillin was determined by tube dilution tests and compared to susceptibility to carbenicillin. bacteroides fragilis and bacteroides thetaiotaomicron predominated among the strains tested. these strains are particularly important as pathogens and are known to produce beta-lactamase. at concentrations of 16 microng/ml or less, mezlocilin inhibited 81% of the bacteroid ...1977585371
susceptibility of bacteroides to noxythiolin. 1977589283
the degradation of cholic acid and deoxycholic acid by bacteroides species under strict anaerobic conditions. 1977598575
an h.p.l.c. assay for cephalosporinase activity. 1977599089
bactericidal activity of metronidazole, tinidazole and ornidazole against bacteroides fragilis in vitro. 1977599119
discrepant behaviour of clotrimazole against bacteroides fragilis in liquid and solid media. 1977599124
erythromycin and anaerobic infection.the theoretical basis of the use of erythromycin in peri-operative prophylaxis after bowel surgery will be discussed and the results of the use of erythromycin in such patients and the sensitivity to the antibiotic of isolates from human peritonitis described. this work will be related to results obtained in a rabbit experimental model for the study of peritonitis.1977601557
the role of bacteroides fragilis in abcesses of the central nervous system: implications for therapy. 1978624699
enhancement of experimental anaerobic infections by blood, hemoglobin, and hemostatic agents.certain foreign materials have been demonstrated to enhance the infectivity of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. whole blood and other protein compounds encountered in surgical settings or trauma were tested for their effect on infectivity of nonsporeforming anaerobic bacteria. infectious synergistic mixtures of bacteroides fragilis plus peptostreptococcus anaerobius and bacteroides melaninogenicus plus fusobacterium necrophorum were each diluted to a barely noninfectious or minimally infectious c ...1978631883
adherence of bacteroides fragilis in vivo.the ability of the encapsulated species bacteroides fragilis to adhere to rat peritoneal mesothelium was compared to the adherence of unecapsulated strains of bacteroides (b. distasonis, b. vulgatus, b. thetaiotaomicron, b. ovatus, and b. "other"). adherence was assayed by attaching plexiglas plates containing 8-mm holes to the peritoneal mesothelium of anesthetized rats. cell suspension (0.25 ml) was incubated in each well, after which the suspension was aspirated, and a 4-mm punch biopsy was r ...1978640723
encapsulation of bacteroides species.capsules were detected by the india ink method in cultures of bacteroides fragilis, b. vulgatus, b. thetaiotaomicron, and b. ovatus. no capsules were found in the five strains of b. distasonis examined.1978640724
[infections caused by bacteroides fragilis resistant to clindamycin: 2 further cases]. 1978643586
use of high-pressure liquid chromatography to determine plasma levels of metronidazole and metabolites after intravenous administration.a rapid and sensitive high-pressure liquid chromatography assay for metronidazole and its two principle metabolites, 1-(2-hydroxyethyl-2-hydroxymethyl)-5-nitro-imidazole [hydroxy metabolite] and 1-acetic acid-2-methyl-5-metronidazole [acid metabolite], was developed. the retention times observed were 5.7, 3.3, and 4.5 min, respectively. a reverse-phase muc(18) bondapak column using a solvent system of methanol, acetonitrile, and 0.005 m ph 4 potassium dihydrogen phosphate (4:3:93, vol/vol) was u ...1978646342
bacteroides fragilis endotoxin-induced histopathological lesions in mice and rabbits. 1978647432
breakdown of psyllium hydrocolloid by strains of bacterioides ovatus from the human intestinal tract.strains of bacteroides ovatus from human feces produced extracellular enzymes which degraded psyllium hydrocolloid. other species of saccharolytic bacteria which are found in high concentrations in human feces did not degrade psyllium.1978647481
a study of the surface and somatic antigens of bacteroides fragilis.antisera against live cultures of 20 strains of bacteroides fragilis produced in rabbits agglutinated homologous whole-cell as well as o-antigen suspensions with several cross-reactions. pure specific antisera were produced by absorbing cross-reacting antigens. o-antisera reacted against o-antigens but failed to do so against most whole-cell suspensions, suggesting the presence of surface structures which might have blocked the reactions. the titres of the whole-cell antisera were not significan ...1978649950
inactivation of penicillin g during experimental infection with bacteroides animal model implanted with intraperitoneal plastic reservoirs was used for study of the penetration of penicillin g into sites infected with bacteroides fragilis. penicillin g was given to rabbits, and its concentration in uninfected reservoirs and in those infected with b. fragilis was determined. the mean percentage penetration ([concentration in capsule divided by peak concentration in serum] x 100) of penicillin into uninfected capsules was 19.9%, whereas that into heavily infected capsu ...1978649987
clinical experience with cefamandole for treatment of serious bone and joint infections.the safety and efficacy of treatment with cefamandole were evaluated in 30 patients (from 18 institutions) with serious bone and joint infections. five of the subjects were children. the antibiotic was given intramuscularly or intravenously in doses ranging from 2 to 12 g daily for five to 44 days. twenty-six of the 30 patients responded satisfactorily. fourteen of the fifteen infections due to staphylococcus aureus were among the successful cases. other pathogens were streptococci, escherichia ...1978649996
a case of septic arthritis in multiple joints due to bacteroides fragilis in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.a case of arthritis in multiple joints due to b. fragilis ssp. fragilis is described. the patient was a 55-year-old man badly disabled by rheumatoid arthritis. the patient's immune response to the isolated strain was studied and a significant titre reduction during the course of the disease was observed. the serum antibodies of the patient cross-reacted with heterologous strains of b. fragilis ssp. fragilis. it is suggested that indirect immunofluorescence tests against a certain number of b. fr ...1978654904
quantitative gas chromatography of bacteroides species under different growth conditions.from 56 strains of strictly anaerobic gram-negative rods isolated from stool and purulent lesions the fermentation products in the presence and absence of hemin were determined by quantitative gas-solid chromatography, using a simple and more rapid chromatographic procedure. with hemin the fermentation products were propionic, acetic, lactin and succinic acid. without hemin no or little succinic acid was formed and the main products were lactic and acetic acid. in both groups the distribution of ...1978655693
new medium for selection and presumptive identification of the bacteroides fragilis group.a medium, bacteroides fragilis bile-esculin (bbe) agar, was designed for the selection and, presumptive identification of the b. fragilis group. bbe agar contains bile, esculin, ferric ammonium citrate, hemin, and gentamicin in a trypticase soy agar base. growth in the presence of 20% bile and esculin hydrolysis, detected by blackening of the medium, provide presumptive evidence for the identification of the b. fragilis group. in addition to stimulating the growth of many strains of the b. fragi ...1978659574
gas-lipuid chromatographic analysis of metabolic products in the identification of bacteroidaceae of clinical interest.the acid end-products of 185 isolates from the family bacteroidaceae were separated and analysed by gas-liquid chromatography on broth cultures. different media were evaluated and definitive studies were performed in a fully supplemented complex medium. the limitations of this approach to the identification of a wide range of strains from various clinical sources were determined and the results were compared with those of a series of morphological, biochemical, tolerance and antibiotic-resistanc ...1978660640
bacteriologic culture results obtained before and after elective midtrimester urea abortion.twenty patients undergoing elective midtrimester abortion by urea amnioinfusion had bacteriologic culture data obtained before and after the procedure. despite the presence of pathogens in the vagina and cervix prior to the procedure, only 20% of patients exhibited endometrial growth following abortion. factors that seem to favor such endometrial growth include increased injection-abortion intervals and the requirement for curettage to manage incomplete abortion.1978668370
[microbiological evaluation of cefoxitin, a new beta-lactamase resistant cephamycin antibiotic, compared to cephalothin, cephaloridine and cefazolin].cefoxitin (mefoxitin), cephaloridin, cephalothin and cefazolin were tested in vitro against 380 clinical isolates of staph. aureus and enterobacteriaceae using the tube dilution procedure. of the gramnegative microorganisms a selection of 150 strains was examined regarding susceptibility to the antibiotic combinations cefoxitin/gentamicin and cefoxitin/sisomicin in comparison to cephalothin/gentamicin and cephalothin/sisomicin. cefoxitin has a broad antimicrobial spectrum and a high beta-lactama ...1978669547
the role of bacteroides fragilis in abscesses of the central nervous system: implications for therapy. 1978670122
susceptibility of the bacteroides fragilis group of anaerobes to carbenicillin and ticarcillin. 1978670123
[bacteroides fragilis bacteremias: clinical and evolutive features about 33 cases (author's transl)].the frequency of non soil dwelling anaerobic infections is increasing. the authors report 33 cases of bacteroides fragilis bacteremias, and study the responsabilities of different factors of prognosis (especially age and underlying conditions). nitroimidazoles are very active against all bacteroides fragilis. this therapy is the drug of choice for such infections.1978673771
metronidazole treatment of liver abscess due to bacteroides fragilis.a 67-year-old woman with a liver abscess due to bacteroides fragilis was treated with metronidazole 0.4 g orally every 8 h for 6 weeks. there was a rapid clinical improvement even though no surgical drainage was performed. by the indirect immunofluorescence technique using the patient's own strain as an antigen the antibody titer declined from 5120 to 80 in 6 months, suggesting eradication of the infecting agent.1978675165
[postoperative necrotizing enteritis with ristella septicemia. apropos of a case followed by recovery]. 1978677497
in vitro studies of piperacilin, a new semisynthetic penicillin.piperacillin, a new semisynthetic penicillin, was compared with other semisynthetic penicillins, cephalosporins, and aminoglycosides by the agar dilution method against 3,600 isolates of facultative gram-negative bacilli, bacteroides fragilis, and enterococci. at 64 mug/ml, piperacillin inhibited 90% of the isolates in each group of organisms tested except for escherichia coli (83% inhibited by 64 mug/ml). compared with carbenicillin, piperacillin had a 16-fold increase in activity by weight aga ...1978677861
antibiotic therapy of endometritis following cesarean section. treatment successes and failures.a prospective clinical and microbiologic study was carried out on 413 indigent patients undergoing cesarean section. operative site infection developed in 160 (38.5%). initial treatment with penicillin and kanamycin was successful in 125 of these 160 infections (78%). thirty-five patients (22%) failed to respond to penicillin and kanamycin and were treated with clindamycin or chloramphenicol. twenty-eight of the 35 responded promptly to the additional antibiotic therapy. the remaining 7 patients ...1978683627
bacteroides fragilis endocarditis, bacteremia and other infections treated with oral or intravenous metronidazole. 1978686012
in vitro activity and beta-lactamase stability of bl-s786 compared with those of other vitro activity of bl-s786, a new parenterally semisynthetic cephalosporin, was investigated against 570 bacterial isolates. bl-s786 inhibited most escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumoniae, proteus mirabilis, and salmonella. it inhibited some enterobacter and indole-positive proteus, but it was less active against these later species than was cefamandole, cefuroxime, or cefoxitin. it was not active against serratia marcescens, pseudomonas aeruginosa, or bacteroides fragilis. bl-s786 was the lea ...1978686701
veterans administration cooperative study on bowel preparation for elective colorectal operations: impact of oral antibiotic regimen on colonic flora, wound irrigation cultures and bacteriology of septic complications.a ten hospital cooperative study comparing prophylactic oral neomycin and erythromycin base versus placebo demonstrated clinical efficacy of the antibiotics in preventing septic complications following elective colon operations. the present report concerns microbiological studies accomplished during this trial. cultures of colon contents during surgery showed the antibiotic prep reduced concentrations of both aerobes and anaerobes by approximately 10(5) bacteria/ml. virtually all major bacterial ...1978686893
in vitro activity of tiamulin (81.723 hfu), a new pleuromulin derivative, against clinically significant anaerobes.the susceptibility of more than 40 strains of gram-negative and gram-positive anaerobes to tiamulin (sandoz 81.723 hfu), a new pleuromulin (pleuromutilin) derivative, was determined by broth dilution and agar dilution tests. the influences of density of the inoculum upon mics was studied by a specially designed pour plate-technique. bacteroides fragilis, b. vulgatus, b. splanchnicus, b. oralis, b. asaccharolyticus, b. melaninogenicus, fusobacterium fusiforme (f. nucleatum), sphaerophorus necroph ...1978690009
the bacteriology and chemotherapy of otogenic cerebral abscesses. 1978690058
the distribution of bacteroides fragilis serotypes amongst clinical strains.three hundred and twenty-two strains of bacteroides fragilis isolated from infected patients at three different hospitals were tested against 20 type specific b. fragilis antisera using the tube agglutination technique. of these strains 41.3% were assigned to a single o-serotype, a further 20.5% were agglutinated by several antisera and could not be classified and the remainder showed no reactions. three different serotypes were prevalent in the three hospitals and minor geographical variation w ...1978690426
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