
PMID(sorted ascending)
[respiratory syncytial virus]. 19684874221
the cell to cell infection of respiratory syncytial virus in hep-2 monolayer cultures. 19684878437
an immunofluorescent study of respiratory-syncytial virus. 19684881900
towards the isolation of respiratory syncytial virus from the environment. 19684883088
[clinical characteristics of respiratory syncytial virus infections in children during the first year of life in a children's collective]. 19674886520
temperature-sensitive mutants of respiratory syncytial virus.four conditional-lethal temperature-sensitive mutants of rs virus were detected among the progeny of 454 plaques derived from virus grown in the presence of 10(-4)m 5-fluorouridine. these mutants were stable (reversion frequency, 10(-5.0) or less and failed to produce plaques at 38 or 39 c. plaquing efficiency was depressed 100-fold or more at 37 c. variable suppression of growth at the restrictive temperature of 39 c was observed, ranging from 16-fold to complete suppression. the temperature-se ...19694890619
[comparative value of the immunofluorescence method and serologic methods in the diagnosis of respiratory-syncytial virus infections in children]. 19684892409
speculation on pathogenesis in death from respiratory syncytial virus infection.the lungs of three infants, two with bronchiolitis and one with pneumonia, were examined by fluorescent antibody techniques for the distribution of respiratory syncytial (r.s.) virus, and also for the presence of human globulin. in bronchiolitis the lungs contained little virus, whereas in pneumonia virus was abundant and widespread; and, paradoxically, while in bronchiolitis human globulin had the same scanty distribution as virus it was absent in pneumonia. it is suggested that the essential p ...19704906701
pathological changes in virus infections of the lower respiratory tract in children.the pathological changes are described in 22 children with proven or suspected virus infection of the lower respiratory tract. two main patterns of disease were found: acute bronchiolitis and interstitial pneumonia. particular viruses were not specifically associated with particular histological changes. the prime importance of the respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) as a cause of disease and death in young infants is again shown. structural lesions and clinical dysfunction correlate fairly well; ...19704909103
virus infections in children. clinical comparison of overlapping outbreaks of influenza a2-hong kong-68 and respiratory syncytial virus infections. 19704912425
the use of cough-nasal swabs in the rapid diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus infection by the fluorescent antibody technique.thirty-five consecutive infants admitted into hospital in newcastle upon tyne with acute respiratory disease had cough/nasal swabs and nasopharyngeal secretions taken. both types of specimens were examined by the fluorescent antibody technique for respiratory syncytial virus; isolation techniques were also used. twenty-eight specimens of nasopharyngeal secretion were positive, as were 26 of the corresponding cough/nasal swab preparations. respiratory syncytial virus was isolated from all but one ...19704914089
respiratory syncytial virus infection of the an outbreak of respiratory syncytial (r.s.) virus infection in a maternity hospital the respiratory illness was of a mild nature and the virus was not found in infants without respiratory symptoms. this confirms the suggestion that r.s. virus can infect infants at a very early age. rapid diagnosis was achieved by applying the direct fluorescent antibody technique to cells in nasal secretions. this proved to be more sensitive than culture techniques where there was delay between the onset of r ...19704914436
a double blind trial of prednisolone in epidemic bronchiolitis due to respiratory syncytial virus. 19694916176
fluorescent cell counting as an assay method for respiratory syncytial virus.the fluorescent cell-counting technique was applied to the enumeration of cell-infecting units of respiratory syncytial (rs) virus in human fetal diploid (hfd) cover-slip cell cultures; it was a sensitive, precise, and rapid assay method. approximately 2 hr was required for maximal adsorption of rs virus to hfd cell monolayers. however, about 15% of the infectious virus in the inoculum remained unadsorbed; this percentage was not significantly reduced even when the adsorption period was extended ...19674918238
[titration of antibodies to respiratory syncytial virus by the indirect fluorescent antibody technic]. 19704919460
the late detection of respiratory syncytial virus in cells of respiratory tract by immunofluorescence.paired nasopharyngeal secretions were studied in 27 infants infected with respiratory syncytial virus, one taken at onset of illness and one about 7 days later. both specimens were examined by immunofluorescence and tissue culture for respiratory syncytial virus. in 25 out of 27 (93%) specific fluorescence was still present in cells of the convalescent specimen but was much duller. virus was difficult to isolate in convalescent specimens; only 8 out of 27 (26%) proved to be positive. eight singl ...19704923568
rapid diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus infection in children by the immunofluorescent technique.the immunofluorescent examination of nasopharyngeal secretions has been compared with conventional cell culture for the diagnosis of respiratory syncytial (rs) virus infection in children under the age of 2 years in newcastle upon tyne and manchester. two hundred and sixty-eight identifications of rs virus were made by the fluorescent method, of which 258 (96%) were confirmed culturally. in 267 children from whom virus was isolated in cell culture a positive diagnosis was made by the fluorescent ...19714933660
evaluation of a temperature-sensitive mutant of respiratory syncytial virus in adults. 19714940177
[antigenic dissociation of the morphologic structures and heterogenicity of antibodies detected by immunofluorescence with respiratory syncytial virus]. 19714944789
[production of immune sera to respiratory syncytial virus]. 19684971966
the adjuvant effect of powdered ferric oxide: enhancement of response to mycoplasma pneumoniae and respiratory syncytial virus vaccines. 19694976970
respiratory syncytial virus neutralizing activity in nasal secretions following natural infection. 19694977750
identification of respiratory syncytial virus antigens by agar gel diffusion and immunoelectrophoresis. 19704984192
respiratory syncytial virus tissue culture immunofluorescence as a laboratory aid. 19704993580
attempts to demonstrate hemagglutination and hemadsorption by respiratory syncytial virus.extensive attempts to demonstrate a hemagglutinin of respiratory syncytial virus by both hemagglutination and hemadsorption tests failed. hemagglutination tests were performed with red blood cells from 12 different animal species and at various temperatures and ph.19714998352
growth of respiratory syncytial virus in suspension cell culture.respiratory syncytial virus, burnett strain, adsorbed efficiently and grew to high titers in suspension cultures of hep-2 and ma-160 cells. our results compared favorably with previous experience with the growth of respiratory syncytial virus in monolayer cell cultures. the use of suspension cell cultures provides a convenient and simple procedure for producing high-titering respiratory syncytial virus pools.19715002897
respiratory syncytial virus in hospital cross-infection. 19725008363
isolation of respiratory syncytial virus from cattle in britain. 19715091097
experimental respiratory syncytial virus infection of adults. possible mechanisms of resistance to infection and illness. 19715091954
[anticomplementary and antigenic properties of complement-fixing antigens of respiratory syncytial virus]. 19715105628
pathogenesis of respiratory syncytial virus diseases in infancy. 19715118060
the role of the interferon system in respiratory syncytial virus infections. 19715131599
[obtaining rubella and respiratory syncytial virus complement-fixing antigen of increased activity]. 19715137549
[comparative studies with the neutralization test and complement fixation test in the diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus infections]. 19715157476
respiratory syncytial virus infection in children in west bengal. 19715161563
[role of the respiratory syncytial virus in the etiology of respiratory infections in children]. 19685195864
ultrastructural studies of the multiplication of rs (respiratory syncytial) virus. 19705275087
respiratory syncytial virus neutralizing activity in nasopharyngeal secretions.nasopharyngeal secretions were taken during the acute phase of illness from 30 children admitted to hospital with lower respiratory tract infections. the presence of neutralizing activity in secretions taken at the onset of illness was demonstrated in 11 out of 15 patients (73%) with bronchiolitis caused by r.s. virus, as compared with 4 out of 9 patients (44%) with r.s. virus infections other than bronchiolitis, and 1 out of 6 without r.s. virus infection. second secretions were taken 7 days la ...19705276332
antibodies to respiratory syncytial virus in human sera from different regions of the world.since it was first isolated in 1956, respiratory syncytial (rs) virus has been found in many parts of the world, generally in association with human respiratory illness, especially of young children. previous studies have examined the frequency of serological evidence of infection in certain countries. the present study is a more general survey, dealing with the prevalence of rs virus antibody in sera from 14 different countries widely separated geographically. there was evidence of infection in ...19655294309
who respiratory disease survey in children: a serological study.this paper is a report on the first (serological) phase of a study organized by who in collaboration with the who international reference centre for respiratory virus diseases other than influenza in bethesda, md., usa, to define the viral etiology of severe respiratory infections in children, particularly in tropical areas. paired sera from 528 children up to 5 years old admitted to hospital with severe respiratory illness of probable viral etiology were collected in 10 countries and sent froze ...19675301380
inactivation of respiratory syncytial virus in air. 19695310454
isolation of bovine respiratory syncytial virus. 19705313158
[respiratory syncytial virus]. 19655320804
an immunofluorescent staining method for rapid identification of respiratory syncytial virus. 19655322294
[multiplication of respiratory-syncytial-virus in lung cell cultures of tortoises of the species testudo graeca]. 19695358862
kinetics of the respiratory syncytial virus growth cycle in hela cells. 19695369728
[titration of neutralizing antibodies against the respiratory syncytial virus by means of the syncytium inhibition technic]. 19695397604
[behavior of neutralizing antibodies and complement fixing antibodies against the respiratory syncytial virus in relation to age]. 19695397605
[the antigenic behavior of established cell lines and their varied usefulness for the production of a complement-fixing respiratory syncytial virus antigen]. 19705420886
[peculiarities of the course of respiratory-syncytial virus infection in newborn infants and young children]. 19705462970
[clinical study of acute respiratory diseases in children caused by respiratory syncytial virus]. 19705482123
temperature-sensitive mutants of respiratory syncytial virus: in-vivo studies in hamsters. 19705489074
[experimental reproduction of infections caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae and respiratory syncytial virus in suckling cotton rats]. 19705505409
[the interaction of influenza a2 virus and respiratory syncytial virus in mixed infections]. 19705505410
[the mechanism of respiratory-syncytial virus interference by influenza a2 virus]. 19705507879
[studies on the proliferation of respiratory syncytial virus by the cell adsorption reaction]. 19705515580
[conditions for plaque formation by respiratory-syncytial virus in monolayer tissue cultures]. 19705518644
respiratory syncytial virus in hospital cross-infection.during an epidemic of respiratory syncytial (r.s.) virus in newcastle upon tyne 13 children developed r.s. virus infections while in hospital with other conditions. r.s. virus infection was also noted in four members of the staff. in two of the hospital wards outbreaks developed. all children infected with r.s. virus developed symptoms. the symptoms varied with age; two children aged 2 months or less developed colds, as did five children over 1 year of age. one child of 15 months with werdnig-ho ...19715569549
respiratory syncytial virus infection in infancy and childhood in a community in chandigarh. 19715574375
[demonstration of the growth of respiratory syncytial virus (rs) in cell cultures with the aid of the mixed hemadsorption test]. 19675594921
[isolation of the respiratory syncytial virus from children with acute respiratory infections]. 19675598516
respiratory syncytial virus isolation by combined continuous flow-isopycnic banding centrifugation.a new zonal centrifuge rotor (b-ix) which combines continuous sample flow centrifugation with isopycnic banding has been used to isolate and concentrate respiratory syncytial virus from liter volumes of culture fluid. this isolation technique utilizes a sucrose density gradient to trap and isopycnically band the virus particles, and permits recovery of the particles from the rotor in an unaggregated condition.19675621468
[epidemic cases of respiratory syncytial virus infection in a nursery. 1. epidemiological and clinical studies]. 19675624246
interaction of respiratory syncytial virus with polyions: enhancement of infectivity with diethylaminoethyl dextran. 19685656685
the stabilizing effect of sucrose upon respiratory syncytial virus infectivity. 19685663265
effect of complement and viral filtration on the neutralization of respiratory syncytial virus.the addition of 10 hemolytic units of guinea pig complement has been shown to enhance the neutralizing capacity of respiratory syncytial (rs) immune sera produced in guinea pigs and ferrets. this same immune sera, when tested without complement, had little or no neutralizing capacity. the addition of complement to rs immune horse serum did not significantly increase its neutralizing capacity. immune horse serum effectively neutralized rs virus without complement. other studies indicated that a 5 ...19685664124
[characteristics of the growth of respiratory syncytial virus (rs) in various tissue cultures]. 19685686850
[otitis media in infants caused by the respiratory syncytial virus]. 19685688185
[studies on the multiplication of the respiratory syncytial virus in primary monolayer cell cultures from calf kidney]. 19685698995
cytological investigations on the changes in the cells of model cultures of calf kidney infected with a respiratory-syncytial virus. 19685698996
the preparation of very potent complement-fixing antigens from respiratory syncytial virus. 19685700447
[complement-fixing antigen of respiratory syncytial virus]. 19685702153
[acute pneumopathies and infections caused by respiratory syncytial virus. case reports]. 19685736026
on the plaque-forming capacity of the respiratory syncytial virus in primary mono-layer cell cultures from calf kidney. 19685751967
[preliminary observations on the incidence of respiratory syncytial virus infection in acute respiratory diseases in childhood. statistics of the pediatric clinic, november 1967-april 1968]. 19685761105
a comparison of hep 2 cells and a continuous line of human amnion cells for the primary isolation of respiratory syncytial virus. 19695785368
[observation of respiratory syncytial virus infections in children and adults in hospitals]. 19695793980
an outbreak among children of respiratory illness caused by respiratory syncytial virus. a serological and clinical study. 19655832143
respiratory syncytial virus infection. 19655835473
inner component of respiratory syncytial virus. 19655854596
respiratory syncytial virus infection and its serologic epidemiology. 19655854688
serological studies with respiratory syncytial virus. 19655858543
[respiratory syncytial virus infections in childhood. virologic studies]. 19665900940
[respiratory syncytial virus infections in childhood. clinical aspects and pathological anatomy]. 19665902650
use of human diploid cell cultures for primary isolation of respiratory syncytial virus. 19665902934
biophysical studies of respiratory syncytial virus. i. density of respiratory syncytial virus and associated complement-fixing antigens in cesium chloride density gradient.coates, helen v. (national institute of allergy and infectious diseases, bethesda, md.), ben r. forsyth, and r. m. chanock. biophysical studies of respiratory syncytial virus. i. density of respiratory syncytial virus and associated complement-fixing antigens in a cesium chloride density gradient. j. bacteriol. 91:1263-1269. 1966.-concentrated fluids from respiratory syncytial (rs) virus-infected tissue cultures (hep-2 and bek) were subjected to equilibrium sedimentation in cesium chloride. when ...19665929754
biophysical studies of respiratory syncytial virus. ii. identification of two soluble complement-fixing antigens of respiratory syncytial virus.forsyth, ben r. (national institute of allergy and infectious diseases, bethesda, md.), helen v. coates, and robert m. chanock. biophysical studies of respiratory syncytial virus. ii. identification of two soluble complement-fixing antigens of respiratory syncytial virus. j. bacteriol. 91:1270-1276. 1966.-column chromatography of concentrated preparations was used to separate two antigenic components from the "soluble complement-fixing (cf) antigen" of respiratory syncytial (rs) virus. these ant ...19665929755
an antigenic analysis of respiratory syncytial virus isolates by a plaque reduction neutralization test. 19665933417
respiratory syncytial virus infections in childhood. 19665950003
[respiratory syncytial virus infections in finland]. 19665950729
acceleration of the growth of respiratory syncytial virus by proflavine. 19665956258
isolation of respiratory syncytial virus from middle ear exudates of infants. 19665957733
isolation of respiratory syncytial virus from middle ear exudates of infants. 19665963002
experimental inoculation of guinea pig's middle ear with respiratory syncytial virus. 19665992680
[detection of complement fixing antibodies against respiratory syncytial virus in inhabitants of the city of são paulo]. 19665994234
influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, and pneumonia in glasgow, 1962-5. 19676017521
influence of glutamine on multiplication and cytopathic effect of respiratory syncytial virus. 19676017798
respiratory syncytial virus: isolation from middle-ear exudates of infants. 19676022188
respiratory syncytial virus infections in hospitalized children. evaluation of the virus isolation and complement fixation techniques in the virological diagnosis. clinical and epidemiological characteristics. 19676033102
the role of respiratory syncytial virus in otitis media in children. 19676037896
Displaying items 1401 - 1500 of 11972