
PMID(sorted ascending)
[immuno-precipitation of various antigen fractions of fixed and street rabies virus maintained on young mouse brain]. 19714998332
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, measles, rabies and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. 19715000224
purification of rabies virus from tissue culture. 19715000804
effective protection of monkeys against death from street virus by post-exposure administration of tissue-culture rabies vaccine.three series of experiments on rabies vaccines were carried out on rhesus monkeys using suckling-mouse-brain vaccine, rabbit-brain vaccine, duck-embryo vaccine, and purified, concentrated tissue-culture vaccine. the latter was prepared in a human diploid cell strain and inactivated with beta-propiolactone, and consisted of tissue-culture fluid concentrated 200-fold with a final infectivity titre of 10(9.8) plaque-forming units per ml before inactivation. in the first two series of experiments, s ...19715004004
experimental rabies infection in wild rodents. 19725007906
characterization of subviral components resulting from treatment of rabies virus with tri(n-butyl) phosphate. 19725011265
[serologic study of persons vaccinated with hempt's vaccine. 3]. 19725011685
growth and attenuation of rabies virus in cell cultures of reptilian origin. 19725023328
mokola virus. further studies on iban 27377, a new rabies-related etiologic agent of zoonosis in nigeria. 19725025622
immunogenicity of rabies virus inactivated by -propiolactone, acetylethyleneimine, and ionizing irradiation.ionizing radiation, beta-propiolactone, and acetylethyleneimine were compared for their ability as virus-inactivating agents for the preparation of rabies vaccine. each agent reduced viral infectivity exponentially; ionizing radiation also destroyed viral hemagglutinin. the vaccine prepared by ionizing radiation was equal or superior to that prepared by beta-propiolactone in its ability to protect mice from rabies infection. the acetylethyleneimine-treated vaccine was a less potent immunogen.19725031561
a human case of unsuspected rabies in saskatchewan diagnosed by virus isolation. 19725039129
localized rabies infection in mice. 19725039374
rabies virus neuronitis in humans. 19725040639
observations on some natural-focal zoonoses in alaska. 19725055675
recovery of protective activity in rabies virus vaccines concentrated and purified by four different methods.rabies vaccines concentrated by ultrafiltration, zinc acetate precipitation, ammonium sulfate precipitation, or aluminum phosphate gel adsorption were compared with respect to recovery of protective activity and purity, as measured by protective activity per mg of protein. vaccine obtained by ammonium sulfate precipitation had a better recovery rate and a higher purity than those prepared by the other methods. potent vaccines were also obtained by the zinc acetate precipitation and aluminum phos ...19725057372
isolation of a rabies related virus from the cerebrospinal fluid of a child with 'aseptic meningitis'. 19725061272
[experimental measles encephalitis in comparison with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis]. 19725061956
recovery from rabies. a case report. 19725063659
rabies. the epidemiology of a fickle virus. 19715102283
rabies vaccination in cats. 19715103497
primary stimulation of specific neutralizing antibodies in sheep by active fixed rabies virus in lipoid adjuvant. 19715104223
isolation of rabies-like virus from murine rodents. 19715104231
susceptibility of carnivora to rabies virus administered orally. 19715104866
[rabies--a general concept of neurotropic viruses]. 19715106851
[morphology of rabies virus replication]. 19715106852
an improvement in the plaque assay of rabies virus in chick embryo cells. 19715111316
[virus infections of the central nervous system]. 19715114810
zonal-centrifuged purified duck embryo cell culture rabies vaccine for human vaccination.rabies virus produced in duck embryo cell culture was concentrated from volumes of 14 to 30 liters to 400 to 800 ml by zonal centrifugation. virus titers of peak fractions were from 100- to 1,000-fold greater than those of the starting material. vaccines were prepared by combining fractions with peak virus titers and diluting back to 10 times concentration. the resulting beta-propiolactone-inactivated vaccines, when prepared as lyophilized vaccines with alpo(4) adjuvant diluents, were low in pro ...19715119204
[rabies. theoretical data for practical knowledge. 6 cases of human rabies in fort-lamy (chad)]. 19715129415
[concentration of rabies virus by polyethylene glycol]. 19715143089
rabies vaccines: duration-of-immunity study in dogs. 19715153870
[distribution and isolation of the virus in rabies]. 19715158659
rabies in raccoons in the southeastern united states. 19715165034
structural proteins of rabies virus.purified rabies virions, unlabeled or labeled with radioactive amino acids or d-glucosamine, were dissociated into their polypeptides by treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate in a reducing environment and fractionated by electroiphoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate-containing polyacrylamide gel. the molecular weights of individual polypeptides were estimated by comparison of their rate of migration with that of protein markers of known molecular weight. purified viral nucleocapsid and a mixture of ...19715165090
[immuno-peroxidase. a new specific technic for demonstration of intra- and extra-cellular rabic antigen by optical microscopy]. 19715165366
euderma maculatum from california infected with rabies virus. 19715167113
release of envelope glycoprotein from rabies virions by a nonionic detergent.treatment of rabies virus with the nonionic detergent nonidet p-40 resulted in solubilization of viral lipids and in a preferential release of the envelope glycoprotein. the other viral proteins and the viral ribonucleic acid remained associated in "core" particles sedimenting at a rate similar to that of intact virions. after fractionation of treated virus by velocity centrifugation in a sucrose density gradient, the amount of residual glycoprotein recovered in the "core" particle fraction and ...19715167273
[simultaneous demonstration of some antigens and enzymes in tissues and cells (rickettsia connori; rabies virus)]. 19715171539
[antigenicity of anti-rabies vaccine inactivated by acetyl-ethylen-imine, beta-propiolactone and phenol]. 19715173322
a formalinized and adjuvanted rabies vaccine of tissue culture origin. 19685188327
an outbreak of post-vaccinal rabies (rage de laboratoire) in fortaleza, brazil, in 1960. residual fixed virus as the etiological agent.the repeated isolation of fixed rabies virus from the cns tissues of victims of an acute and lethal outbreak of encephalomyelitis in fortaleza, brazil, in november 1960, following vaccination with a locally produced killed-virus anti-rabies vaccine of the fermi type is considered as definitive evidence of the rabic etiology (vaccinal fixed-virus rabies, rage de laboratoire) of this outbreak. eighteen persons were affected, all of whom died.the clinical picture of paralytic rabies was recognizabl ...19655294589
studies on the pathogenesis of fixed rabies virus in rats.investigations were made on the spread of fixed rabies virus after its inoculation into the rear foot-pads of rats. the presence of rabies virus in the central nervous system was first detected in the lumbar segment of the spinal cord. removal of the sciatic nerve or of its fasciculus, either before or soon after challenge, drastically lowered mortality, thus giving evidence of a rapid neural spread of the infection. neither the perineural structures nor the axons appeared to be involved. althou ...19655295402
an intracerebral assay procedure in mice for chemical inactivation of rabies intracerebral assay technique in mice is described for testing chemical disinfectants acting on the rabies virus. the assay determines whether more than 99% of 10 000 mouse intracerebral ld(50) of virus are inactivated within 1-2(1/2) minutes. by this test, several substances usually available for the treatment of animal bite wounds were found to be effective. they are: 1%-20% soap solutions; 43%-70% alcohol; 1:1000 (0.1%) or lower dilutions of two quaternary ammonium compounds, benzalkonium ...19665296135
a preliminary report on rabies in suspected equine encephalomyelitis cases in the united arab republic. 19665296239
rapidity and magnitude of antibody response to duck-embryo rabies vaccine administered as a pre-exposure regimen.rabies virus appears in the central nervous system within hours after it is introduced peripherally. it has been suggested that rapidity of appearance is an important factor in providing immunity against rabies. since pre-exposure vaccination of man against this disease is performed in high-risk occupational groups, it is important to know the time-interval between administration of vaccine and appearance of antibody. this report shows that persons who received a booster inoculation of duck-embr ...19675301735
the pathogenesis of street rabies virus in rats.investigations were made on the spread of street rabies virus after its inoculation into the left hind foot-pads of rats. the virus isolate used was selected because disease was produced after 2 to 3 weeks of incubation. the presence of rabies virus in the central nervous system was first detected in the lubar segment of the spinal cord on the sixth day after inoculation, yet a minimal amount of virus was detected in the pooled sciatic nerves from the inoculated side at 96 hours. before this tim ...19685302288
present trends and the future in rabies research.until very recently, rabies research had made few notable advances since the time of pasteur, but during the past few years the use of modern virological techniques has led to rapid progress in research on the rabies virus. this article summarizes the present state of knowledge of pathogenesis, immunology, cultivation in tissue culture, cell-virus relationships, and physicochemical properties of the is now possible, and opportune, to undertake the study of basic problems in the biology ...19685302330
isogeneic versus allogeneic antiserum in the prophylaxis of experimental rabies.with a view to establishing whether rabies antiserum derived from a species genetically identical to a challenged recipient would increase or decrease its effectiveness compared with that of allogeneic antiserum, rabies immune sera produced in an inbred strain of mice and in donkeys were tested, either alone or with a course of vaccine inoculations, in mice of the same strain a few hours after intramuscular challenge with fixed cvs rabies virus. surviving mice were bled at intervals over a year ...19685302331
passive haemagglutination test for antibodies against rabies virus.all the procedures now available for the measurement of rabies virus antibodies in serum have certain disadvantages. the serum neutralization test (sn), whether carried out by assay in mice or by the plaque-reduction technique, requires several days before the titrations are completed, necessitates special facilities for keeping large numbers of animals and tissue-culture plates, and is relatively expensive. a complement-fixation test is very insensitive, giving low titres in comparison with sn ...19715317009
inhibitory effect of passive antibody on active immunity induced against rabies by vaccination.the administration of rabies-immune serum in addition to regular vaccination has been recommended as routine treatment in man after severe exposure to rabies virus. the inhibitory effect of passive antibody on active immunity induced against rabies by vaccination was investigated in rabbits. it was demonstrated that a dose of rabies-immune serum could completely block the neutralizing antibody response engendered by a very potent rabies vaccine. the inhibitory effect could be partially overcome ...19715317010
the nature of the negri body. 19655328376
[rabies and rabies virus; today's problems]. 19665330469
[specific fluorescence and infectivity in the course of experimental rabies infection of mice]. 19665338375
[use of fluorescent antibodies for the detection of rabies virus]. 19665342103
[additional case of rabies in a bat in hamburg]. 19695347960
the cornea test; a new method for the intra-vitam diagnosis of rabies. 19695351200
[compared production of neutralizing antirabies antibodies, after immunization of guinea pigs with 3 different lyophilized vaccines]. 19695363517
[modifications of the habel test]. 19695379826
[virus excretion from guinea pigs infected with street rabies virus after vaccination]. 19695384478
[complement fixation test. application to rabies virus]. 19695387006
[use of cultural rabies vaccine in the therapeutic immunization of humans]. 19695392789
[preparation of cell cultures of kidneys of stunted unweaned piglets for the study of aujeszky's disease]. 19695393337
[pathobiology of rabies]. 19695398804
[seasonal variations in the incidence of rabies, and relationships between rabies in foxes and their age and sex]. 19695407835
[rabies in children. new methods of virological diagnosis and therapeutic attempts]. 19705419578
rabies vaccines for veterinary use. 19705422529
prolonged incubation period of rabies in a naturally infected insectivorous bat, eptesicus fuscus (beauvois). 19705424435
antigenic and immunogenic properties of components contained in rabies virus-infected tissue culture fluids. 19705433693
effects of corticosteroids on rabies virus infections in various animal species. 19705445384
purified rabies vaccine (suckling rat brain origin).a 10% suckling rat brain rabies vaccine free from encephalitogenic activity was prepared and inactivated with 1:8,000 beta-propiolactone (bpl), or ultraviolet light, or a combination of ultraviolet light and bpl, or 1% phenol. potency was excellent in all samples, with the exception of the phenolized product which was marginal. a purified suckling rat brain (srb) vaccine prepared by zonal centrifugation and inactivated with 1:8,000 bpl contained about 0.01 the amount of protein nitrogen of the u ...19705456012
antibody responses in cattle vaccinated with various rabies vaccines. 19705469726
[rct40-marker of fixed rabies virus]. 19705470914
experimental infection of golden hamster with hógyes' fixed strain of rabies virus. 19705501614
[in vivo inhibition of rabies virus multiplication by an endogenous interferon]. 19705503581
[ribonuclease effects on rabies fixed virus]. 19705519070
[physiopathology of rabies]. 19705519370
two african viruses serologically and morphologically related to rabies virus.lagos bat virus and an isolate from shrews (iban 27377), both from nigeria, were found to be bullet-shaped and to mature intracytoplasmically in association with a distinct matrix. they were related to, but readily distinguishable from, rabies virus and each other by complement fixation and neutralization tests. the three viruses, including rabies, form a subgrouping within the rhabdoviruses.19705530013
[various epidemiologic aspects of human exposure to the risk of infection by rabies virus in são paulo, brazil]. 19705535342
[rabies immunity of dogs vaccinated with the flury hep vaccine prepared on chick embryo]. 19705535879
isolation of temperature-sensitive conditional lethal mutants of "fixed" rabies an attempt to induce temperature-sensitive (ts) conditional lethal mutants of rabies virus, stocks of a plaque-purified substrain of strain cvs fixed rabies virus were subjected to mutagenesis by hno(2), 5-fluorouracil, or 5-azacytidine. it was necessary to prepare virus stocks from clones of mutagenized virus selected at random and to test subsequently each stock for possible ts characteristics by measuring its relative capacity for growth at permissive (33 c) and nonpermissive (40.5 c) temp ...19715550101
treatment of controlled pore glass with poly(ethylene oxide) to prevent adsorption of rabies virus. 19715551919
rabies. s.n. bhansali lecture delivered at the bombay medical union for the year 1969. 19715572990
[on viral etiology of multiple sclerosis. cell specific studies with lyssa virus]. 19675592461
[on the detectability of rabies virus strain flury-lep in the brain of vaccinated dogs]. 19675594427
[studies on the pathogenesis of rabies in fowls after intracerebral infection]. 19675597720
[interference between vaccinia virus and rabies virus; possible role of an interferon]. 19675602138
[fermi vaccine]. 19675602217
[preparation of phenollized rabies vaccine with the fixed rabies virus strain l. pasteur-saigon]. 19675602218
[experimental studies on the use of fixed virus (strain p. v. 1) for the determination of the immunizing ability in guinea pigs of rabies vaccines prepared in chick embryo (flury l.e.p. strain)]. 19675602219
bats and their relation to rabies in the united arab republic. 19675602222
[advantages of culturing rabies virus in roller-suspensioncultures of cell line bhk-21 when using subculture methods and mixed cultures of infected and non-infected cells]. 19675602536
[action of bee venom on fixed rabies virus]. 19675605450
[in vitro effect of the rabies virus on the structure of human chromosomes]. 19675607467
["in vitro" neutralization of rabies virus by tissues of guinea pigs recovered from infectious rabies]. 19675607711
[prophylaxis of human rabies]. 19675615746
[study of the mechanism of the action of desoxyribonuclease on rabies virus]. 19675618109
[ecological study of street rabies virus in wild carnivora]. 19675628169
epidemiology of paralytic bovine rabies and bat rabies. 19675628826
[isolation of rabies virus from the kidney, heart and brain of cattle in natural infection]. 19675629852
action of bayer preparation a 139 on rabies virus. 19675629906
Displaying items 1401 - 1500 of 5712