
PMID(sorted ascending)
paralysis of recurrent laryngeal nerve in lyme disease. 19882903968
potential for exposure to tick bites in recreational parks in a lyme disease endemic area.eight recreational parks located in a lyme disease endemic area of southern new york state were surveyed for the presence of ticks during the summer of 1985 by drag sampling. ixodes dammini, the primary vector of lyme disease in the northeast, was found in all but one park and accounted for 580 (91.8 per cent) of the 632 ticks collected. of these, 18 per cent were larvae, 80 per cent were nymphs, and 2 per cent were adults. an i. dammini encounter distance, defined as the mean number of meters t ...19892909174
the continuing saga of lyme disease. 19892909192
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for lyme disease: reactivity of subunits of borrelia burgdorferi.we prepared fractions of borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of lyme disease, from cultured spirochetes and used them as antigen in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for igg antibody. polystyrene plates coated with an extract containing major proteins with apparent molecular masses of 34, 39, 59, and 68 kilodaltons had comparable sensitivity but greater specificity than plates coated with whole cells. of the 33 serum specimens from individuals with lyme disease that reacted with ...19892909642
spirochetes in the spleen of a patient with chronic lyme disease.a 54-year-old man had intermittent evening fever, arthralgia, transient erythematous macular eruption on the skin, and splenomegaly of two year's duration. immunofluorescence tests for borrelia burgdorferi serum antibodies had positive results, but g-penicillin treatment was ineffective. splenectomy with lymph node biopsy was performed to rule out lymphoproliferative disorders. borrelia-like spirochetes were identified histologically in the spleen; this finding was consistent with persistence of ...19892910019
rapid emergence of a focal epidemic of lyme disease in coastal massachusetts.we describe a focal epidemic of lyme disease, which spread from a nature preserve and affected an adjacent community of permanent residents in coastal massachusetts. the attack rate from 1980 through 1987 was 35 percent among 190 residents living within 5 km of the nature preserve and was greatest (66 percent) among those living closest to the preserve. the risk of infection bore little relation to sex or age. late lyme disease, which clustered near the preserve, occurred mainly in residents inf ...19892911294
increased risk of lyme disease for cat owners. 19892911299
lack of antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 19892911315
the expanding ophthalmologic spectrum of lyme disease. 19892912121
pseudotumor cerebri syndrome associated with lyme disease. 20102912122
antigenically variable borrelia burgdorferi isolated from cottontail rabbits and ixodes dentatus in rural and urban areas.spirochetes were isolated from 71 subadult ixodes dentatus removed from cottontail rabbits captured in millbrook, n.y., and in new york, n.y. spirochetes were also cultured from kidney tissues of six rabbits. while all isolates reacted with monoclonal antibody h9724, which identifies the spirochetes as borreliae, more than half did not bind with antibody h5332 and even fewer reacted with h3ts, both of which were produced to outer surface protein a of borrelia burgdorferi. sodium dodecyl sulfate- ...19892913024
detection of antigens in urine of mice and humans infected with borrelia burgdorferi, etiologic agent of lyme disease.lyme disease is a seasonal tick-borne malady which has worldwide distribution. early and accurate diagnosis of lyme disease is essential for successful antibiotic therapy. symptoms are too vague to make an early diagnosis based on conventional criteria. we report the detection of antigens of borrelia burgdorferi, causative agent of lyme disease, in the urine of infected mice and humans. this technique may eventually provide a rapid diagnostic test for the early and accurate detection of this ill ...19892913036
borrelia burgdorferi and localized scleroderma. 19892913967
adult ixodes dammini on rabbits: development of acute inflammation in the skin and immune responses to salivary gland, midgut, and spirochetal components.rabbits exposed to female ixodes dammini (both uninfected and infected with borrelia burgdorferi) or injected with b. burgdorferi showed an acute inflammatory response in the skin. granulocytes and monocyte-histiocytes were the predominant infiltrating cells. spirochetes were detected in the tick feeding cavities in the deep dermis. the inflammatory process was accompanied by polyclonal antibody responses to tick salivary gland components. western blots showed that immune rabbit serum reacted wi ...19892915155
an outbreak of ehrlichiosis in members of an army reserve unit exposed to outbreak of unexplained illness occurred in members of an army reserve unit after field training in an area of new jersey endemic for lyme disease. nine (12%) of the 74 who attended the exercise had serological evidence of ehrlichia infection, defined as a single rise in titer of antibody to ehrlichia canis greater than or equal to 1:160 four weeks after training. two reservists with early serum samples had documented seroconversion, defined by a four-fold or greater increase in titer of anti ...19892915168
incompetence of catbirds as reservoirs for the lyme disease spirochete (borrelia burgdorferi).we compared the relative infectivity to vector ticks of gray catbirds (dumetella carolinensis) and white-footed mice (peromyscus leucopus) for the lyme disease spirochete (borrelia burgdorferi). of 28 catbirds captured in a site enzootic for this agent, 18 were infested by immature ixodes dammini, the tick vector. by comparison, each of 32 mice sampled concurrently from the same site was infested, and by about 10 times as many ticks as were found infesting the 3 most commonly netted bird species ...19892918445
[intestinal spirochetes].we report a case of intestinal spirochaetosis. the bacteria were seen by light microscopy and reacted in an indirect immunofluorescence test on the biopsy material with serum with high levels of igg antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi. the patient's own serum had no detectable antibody activity against the bacteria. no inflammatory response was observed. aspects of these findings are discussed.19892919380
infants born to mothers with antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi at delivery.a serological survey over a 1-year period of 1416 mothers at delivery and their 1434 offspring for the presence of anti-borrelia burgdorferi antibodies revealed a prevalence of 0.85%. clinically active lyme disease during pregnancy was found in 1 of these 12 women with elevated titres and the child was born with a ventricular septal defect. of six affected children, two had hyperbilirubinaemia, one muscular hypotonia, one was underweight for gestational age, one was macrocephalic, and one had su ...19892920747
meningitis due to borrelia burgdorferi in the initial stage of lyme disease.borrelia burgdorferi (b.b.) was isolated from cerebrospinal fluid from two children with aseptic meningitis. serology for b.b. was initially negative or borderline and became positive during the subsequent course. children with aseptic meningitis of unknown origin should be re-evaluated within 1 month to detect possible increasing antibody titres to b.b. aseptic meningitis may be a stage 1 manifestation of lyme disease.19892920748
interaction of lyme disease spirochetes with cultured eucaryotic cells.the association of the lyme disease spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi, with cultured human endothelial cells was investigated. attachment was time and temperature dependent, with optimal adherence occurring after 4 h of incubation at 37 degrees c. pretreatment of borreliae with heat, immune human serum, or monoclonal antibodies directed against outer surface protein b (ospb) reduced the attachment of organisms to host cell monolayers. these results suggest that the adherence of b. burgdorferi may ...19892925254
is lyme disease a health threat for your students? 19892926029
lyme disease: a case report. 19892926030
borrelia burgdorferi attachment to mammalian cells. 19892926175
lyme disease: an elusive diagnosis.lyme disease presents health care practitioners with a complex set of challenges. the history, physical assessment, and clinical evaluation must all be meticulously performed, as lyme disease can prove to be an exceptionally elusive entity. this article details the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, nursing history, and health care implications of lyme disease. education is emphasized as the key to both the detection and prevention of this rapidly increasing syndrome.20102926609
joint pain in children. when is it serious?diagnosis of the cause of joint pain in children depends on the physician's ability to distinguish benign from more serious joint conditions. benign conditions include trauma, overuse syndromes, hypermobility syndrome, chondromalacia patellae, benign recurrent limb pains, and psychogenic rheumatism. conditions that require further evaluation and ongoing therapy include lyme disease, rheumatic fever, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, neoplastic disease, various orthopedic conditions, infection, sero ...19892928285
be ready for lyme disease in your own backyard. 19892928693
prevalence of borrelia burgdorferi in ixodes ricinus ticks in berlin (west).in 1986, 1711 nymphal and adult ixodes ricinus orginating from berlin (west) forests were examined individually or in pools of up to 10 ticks for the presence of borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of lyme borreliosis. detection of borreliae was carried out by means of a culture method using modified barbour-stoenner-kelly-medium (bsk ii). tick populations from 14 out of 15 locations contained positive specimens. the calculated minimal infection rate of pooled ticks was 2.5% in nymphs (n = ...19892929194
[lyme disease without arthritis: presence of antiborrelia burgdorferi antibodies in meningoradiculitis following chronic erythema migrans]. 19852931689
[meningitis from lyme disease, diagnosed in marseilles]. 20102931714
[lyme disease: 2 new cases confirmed serologically]. 19852933718
[acute auriculo-ventricular block associated with lyme disease. a case confirmed by serology]. 19852933731
proliferative responses of mononuclear cells in lyme disease. reactivity to borrelia burgdorferi antigens is greater in joint fluid than in 27 patients with early lyme disease, the mean response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) to lyme spirochetal borrelia burgdorferi antigens (723 counts per minute) was similar to that of control subjects. during convalescence, 2-3 weeks later, the patients' mean response was significantly higher (2,075 cpm, p less than 0.008). compared with those with early disease, the pbmc of 22 patients with lyme arthritis reacted even more to b burgdorferi (2,923 cpm, p less than 0.0004), and, b ...19862941022
[acute atrioventricular block: lyme disease or coxsackie virus infection?]. 19862942903
[recurrent chronic erythema following treatment of lyme disease]. 19862947121
[fatal meningoradiculoneuritis in lyme disease]. 19862949237
[2 severe neurologic forms of lyme disease]. 20162949299
[european aspects of lyme disease. 8 cases].a case of meningo-radiculitis consecutive to tick bite with isolation, for the first time in france, of a borrelia burgdorferi strain prompted us to review the records of patients admitted to our hospital department with lyme disease. meningo-radiculitis was the predominant feature of the clinical syndrome. it seems to be one of the usual forms of lyme disease in europe.19872949308
[neurologic aspects of lyme disease].the neurological manifestations of lyme disease--a condition caused by a spirochete (borrelia burgdorferi) and transmitted by a tick ixodes dammini)--consist of chronic lymphocytic meningitis, cranial neuritis and radiculoneuritis associated to varying degrees. the tick-borne meningoradiculitis well known in europe (garin-bujadoux-bannwarth syndrome) appears, with very slight differences, as equivalent to the neurological manifestations of lyme disease. lesions of the central nervous system, whi ...19872949311
[lyme disease: diagnostic value of quantitative determination of antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid]. 19872950472
cellular immune response in lyme disease: the response to mitogens, live borrelia burgdorferi, nk cell function and lymphocyte subsets.although some manifestations of lyme disease may be secondary to the presence of b. burgdorferi, the immune system appears to play a significant role in the clinical manifestations of the disease. the humoral response is well characterized, however the cellular response remains poorly defined. to further define cellular immunity in lyme disease, the responses of lymphocytes from patients with active lyme disease were assessed to con a, pha, pwm, tetanus toxoid, and whole live b. burgdorferi. in ...19862953150
[lyme disease. unfavorable course after treatment with amoxicillin]. 19872955311
[lyme disease of a neurological form. apropos of 2 new cases of meningoradiculitis]. 19872956669
[lyme disease disclosed by urticaria]. 19872959929
[results of the detection of lyme disease in the central bohemian region. preliminary report]. 19872961474
[borrelian meningoencephalomyelitis. a case].a 22-year old man had spastic paraparesis and cerebellar syndrome of 5 months duration. csf showed lymphocytosis, elevated protein content, hypoglycorachia, hypochlorurachia and oligoclonal banding. ct scan and mri were normal. extensive laboratory procedures disclosed no bacterial, viral, fungic, parasitic or inflammatory disease. anti-borrelia burgdorferi antibodies were present in blood (1/4000) and in csf (1/1024). with antibiotics (penicillin g 20 millions units per day for 10 days, followe ...19872962086
[multiple plaque scleroderma with seroconversion for borrelia burgdorferi]. 19872962112
[inflammatory polyenthesopathy, an unusual manifestation of lyme disease]. 19872962148
molecular cloning of treponema pallidum outer envelope fibronectin binding proteins, p1 and p2.phages directing the synthesis of treponema pallidum fibronectin binding adhesin proteins, p1 and p2, were isolated from an embl-3 bacteriophage lambda library of t pallidum deoxyribonucleic acid (dna). the recombinant phages were identified using antisera generated to treponemal proteins purified in fibronectin-sepharose. recombinant p1 and p2 proteins possessed the same relative molecular weights as the native surface polypeptides of spirochaetes. the structural genes for these proteins were s ...19872962928
lyme disease. a neuro-ophthalmologic view.lyme borreliosis is a spirochetal infection with a potential to produce a clinical disease in the human host with protean manifestations as diverse as the spectrum of disease caused by treponema pallidum. neuro-ophthalmologic manifestations of lyme borreliosis are emphasized in this short review. a brief historical chronicle of lyme disease is offered. potential pitfalls in the diagnosis of lyme disease with an emphasis on false negative serology and currently available diagnostic modalities are ...19872963023
[crossed reactions in lyme disease. value of the western blot]. 19882965350
[lyme disease--a new infection from natural foci]. 19882965619
[lyme disease with multiple joint involvement and a major inflammatory syndrome]. 19882966360
[identification and initial results of the study of lyme disease in northwestern ussr]. 19882966893
[meningoradiculoencephalitis in lyme disease. a case with major regressive mental disorders]. 19882966957
[lyme disease manifested by polyradiculoneuritis without hypercytosis of the cerebrospinal fluid]. 19882969555
[lyme disease]. 19882977898
[comparative evaluation of 2 methods for demonstrating borrelia in ticks--the vectors of lyme disease]. 19882978047
absence of spirochaetes (borrelia burgdorferi) and piroplasms (babesia microti) in deer ticks (ixodes dammini) parasitized by chalcid wasps (hunterellus hookeri).an entomophagous wasp (hunterellus hookeri howard) parasitizes about a third of the host-seeking nymphal ixodes dammini spielman et al. ticks on naushon island in massachusetts (u.s.a.) where the agents of lyme disease (borrelia burgdorferi johnson et al.) and human babesiosis (babesia microti franca) are enzootic. following blood-feeding, wasp-parasitized ticks are destroyed by the developing wasp. the prevalence of either human pathogen in host-seeking ticks collected in wasp-infested sites is ...19872979518
lyme disease spirochetes induce human and murine interleukin 1 1 is a major immunoregulatory molecule produced by macrophages, and it appears to be the molecular orchestrator of nonspecific host defense mechanisms against a variety of environmental insults. many investigators have used artificial agents to stimulate macrophages to produce il 1. we now report production of large quantities of il 1 after a physiologic stimulus. the lyme disease spirochete, recently isolated and adapted for growth in vitro, was used to stimulate p388d1 cells or human periph ...19852984284
[meningoradiculitis caused by a spirochete (borrelia burgdorferi) after arthropod bite].eight cases of meningoradiculitis (garin-bujadoux-bannwarth's syndrome) are presented; the first case followed an "unidentified insect" bite and erythema chronicum migrans, whereas the second and third cases were not preceded by any documented insect bite or erythema; they occurred during summer in 1984 and 1985 and were characterized by cranial or radicular neuritis, lymphocytic meningitis, positive serology by immunofluorescence against borrelia burgdorferi and a good response to penicillin (2 ...19853008294
[double infection with early summer meningoencephalitis virus and borrelia burgdorferi].a 68-year-old woman developed a meningoencephalitis 18 days after a tick bite. igg and igm antibodies against tick-encephalitis virus were demonstrated, by enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay, in both serum and cerebrospinal fluid (csf). lymphoplasmocytic pleocytosis was present in csf for over six weeks, as was an increased igm level. three weeks after the onset of neurological symptoms and clearing of the encephalitis there occurred multiple peripheral pareses in the left leg which were slow t ...19863011378
organization of genes encoding two outer membrane proteins of the lyme disease agent borrelia burgdorferi within a single transcriptional unit.ospa and ospb are major outer membrane proteins and antigens of the lyme disease spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi. we examined the organization of ospa and ospb, the genes encoding these proteins. the location and direction of transcription of each osp gene was determined by subcloning, deletion analysis, and transposon tn5 mutagenesis. transposon tn5 insertions within the ospa gene abrogated expression of ospb, suggesting that these genes are transcribed from a common promoter. northern blot an ...19863019889
unusual manifestations of nervous system borrelia burgdorferi infection.borrelia burgdorferi infection may show disease manifestations in different organ systems, including the skin, heart, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and joints. we report two hitherto unknown (to our knowledge) disease manifestations, an arteritis in the central nervous system, and a neuromyopathy of 11 years' duration. diagnoses were made by demonstrating specific antibodies against b burgdorferi in the cerebrospinal fluid, and elevated specific antibody index. both patients ...19873036051
[lyme disease: the computed tomographic and mr tomographic images]. 20113039613
clinical and serologic evaluations of induced borrelia burgdorferi infection in beagles were used to evaluate clinical signs and serologic response after inoculation with, or exposure to, borrelia burgdorferi. an indirect immunofluorescent assay (ifa) and 2 elisa were used to monitor the serologic response to b burgdorferi. feeding infected ticks on 4 dogs (group 1) failed to cause seroconversion, and sc inoculation with 500 organisms caused minimal seroconversion in 2 of 4 dogs (group 2). at 56 days, approximately 3.01 x 10(8) b burgdorferi organisms were injected iv ...19883041881
[serodiagnosis of lyme borreliosis].there are various serodiagnostic tests available for the detection of antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi. an indirect hemagglutination assay, which can detect both igm and igg antibodies, was developed for antibody screening. regarding the confirmation and differentiation of igm and igg, we use the indirect immunofluorescence assay (most specific when performed with sera previously absorbed with treponema phagedenis) as well as the elisa test. the detection of significantly elevated antibod ...19883043955
serodiagnosis of early lyme disease: analysis of igm and igg antibody responses by using an antibody-capture enzyme immunoassay.we used an antibody-capture enzyme immunoassay (eia) to evaluate the early antibody responses to borrelia burgdorferi in paired sera from 30 patients with erythema chronicum migrans. during acute disease, 20 (67%) patients had elevated specific igm responses, and by convalescence (one to four weeks after treatment), 28 (93%) patients had increased igm or igg responses. in acute specimens, elevated igm responses correlated with disseminated infection; however, by convalescence, most patients with ...19883049839
seronegative lyme disease. dissociation of specific t- and b-lymphocyte responses to borrelia burgdorferi.the diagnosis of lyme disease often depends on the measurement of serum antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi, the spirochete that causes this disorder. although prompt treatment with antibiotics may abrogate the antibody response to the infection, symptoms persist in some patients. we studied 17 patients who had presented with acute lyme disease and received prompt treatment with oral antibiotics, but in whom chronic lyme disease subsequently developed. although these patients had clinically activ ...19883054554
lyme disease: acute focal meningoencephalitis in a child. 19883054790
[lyme disease. clinical, biological and developmental aspects. 29 cases in the orléans region].the description of lyme's disease (ld) in 3 stages (like syphilis), has now become classical. 29 cases of ld, between june 1981 and november 1986, have been recorded at the hospital in orleans. the first twelve patients that were clinically diagnosed before the serology was introduced in france, have been recalled in order to search for possible late forms and assay their antibody level of anti-borrelia burgdorferi. the preponderance of neurological forms (22 cases) and the scarcity of periphera ...19883055243
modulation of natural killer cell activity by borrelia burgdorferi. 19883056196
serologic diagnosis of lyme disease.indirect fluorescent antibody tests and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays are being used as laboratory aids for the diagnosis of lyme disease and related disorders. depending on the needs, polyvalent or class-specific reagents can be used to detect total immunoglobulins (ig) or igm and igg antibodies. the sensitivities of these assays are relatively low when serum samples are obtained from patients within 3 weeks after onset of erythema migrans and are tested by either the ifa method or elisa. ...19883056197
mammalian and avian reservoirs for borrelia burgdorferi. 19883056198
synovial fluid eosinophilia in lyme disease.we describe three 14-year-old boys who developed synovial fluid eosinophilia associated with lyme disease. one patient, with arthritis that began in 1975, had the first documented case of lyme disease in new jersey. lyme disease should be considered when eosinophilia is noted on analysis of synovial fluid from patients with undiagnosed arthritis.19883056421
clinical and neuroimmunological findings in chronic borrelia burgdorferi radiculomyelitis (lyme disease). 19883058745
[lesions of the joints in lyme disease]. 19883062804
lyme disease.lyme disease is being increasingly diagnosed in the uk. the clinical picture, laboratory diagnosis and treatment of the disease are described and aspects of the pathology and epidemiology are highlighted.20103067814
lyme disease: a world-wide borreliosis. 20173067922
lyme disease: a historical perspective. 19883068078
lyme disease. a review. 19883068778
laboratory aspects of lyme borreliosis.lyme borreliosis (lyme disease), a common tick-borne disorder of people and domestic animals in north america and europe, is caused by the spirochete borrelia burgdorferi. following the discovery and initial propagation of this agent in 1981 came revelations that other tick-associated infectious disorders are but different forms of lyme borreliosis. a challenge for the clinician and microbiology laboratory is confirmation that a skin rash, a chronic meningitis, an episode of myocarditis, or an a ...19883069200
[intermittent fever attacks. lyme disease without erythema chronicum migrans]. 19883069790
[lyme disease]. 19883070497
[multiple neurologic manifestations of borrelia burgdorferi infection].the neurological spectrum of borrelia burgdorferi infections is still enlarging. we review epidemiological, pathological and serological data of lyme disease. the course of the disease is divided in three stages: stage 1 during the first month is characterised by erythema chronicum migrans and associated manifestations; stage 2 includes not only the classical european meningoradiculitis but also less specific neurological symptoms: isolated lymphocytic meningitis with an acute or even relapsing ...19883070690
[a new type of spirochete infection: lyme disease]. 19883071626
[cutaneous b cell lymphoma in chronic borrelia burgdorferi infection. report of 2 cases and a review of the literature].low-grade malignant b-cell lymphomas of the skin can be distinguished from lymphadenosis benigna cutis (bäfverstedt) by immunohistological methods developed in the last few years. its coexistence with borrelia burgdorferi infection can be shown by clinical and serological findings. in the chronic stage of this infection, lymphocytic cell infiltrations consistent with histological and immunohistological findings of malignant b-cell lymphoma can be found. predominantly at the extremities, multiple ...19883072322
[identification of borrelia isolated in the ussr from ixodes persulcatus schulze ticks].the data on the identification of 7 spirochetal isolates from ixodes persulcatus ticks collected in leningrad province and the khabarovsk territory are presented. these isolates, studied with the use of monoclonal antibodies, have been shown to belong to borrelia burgdorferi.19883072807
lyme disease in canada? 19863079659
lyme disease in a hampshire child--medical curiosity or beginning of an epidemic? 19863087517
lyme disease in a hampshire child. 19863089417
treating erythema chronicum migrans of lyme disease.the efficacy of antibiotic treatment of 117 patients with erythema chronicum migrans of lyme disease was evaluated in terms of the necessity for retreatment and the prevention of the late manifestations of lyme disease. fifty-six patients with a minor form of the illness did not require retreatment and did not develop late manifestations following antibiotic treatment. three pregnant patients were included in this group. fourteen of sixty-one patients with a major form of the illness required re ...20113093544
[a new cause of acute transitory auriculoventricular block: lyme disease].a young man developed syncopal complete paroxysmal atrioventricular block (avb) over a 36 hour period, on a background of 1st degree avb which persisted for 6 weeks. during the 3rd week, electrophysiological studies showed an isolated prolonged ah interval. this episode followed skin and articular manifestations occurring one month after being bitten by a tick in corsica. the clinical picture suggested lyme's disease which was confirmed serologically. this condition transmitted bu ixodes ricinus ...19863096254
[sinoatrial and atrioventricular conduction disorders in lyme disease. apropos of 2 case reports].lyme's disease due to borrelia burgdorferii is a rare cause of acute atrioventricular block (avb) which is the commonest cardiac complication. cutaneous, neurological and articular involvement complete the clinical picture of this condition. these two cases, confirmed by serology, support previously reported data describing the favourable prognosis of these conduction defects (suprahisian and/or hisian in our 2 cases) which regress completely, irrespective of their degree of severity. the author ...19863101641
from new to old england: the progress of lyme disease. 19873103755
three further cases of lyme disease. 19873103771
oligoclonal antibodies in csf of patients with meningopolyneuritis garin-bujadoux-bannwarth: ig class, light chain type and specificity.detection of intrathecally produced antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid (csf) of patients with meningopolyneuritis garin-bujadoux-bannwarth (mpn-gbb) is well documented. analysis of csf has revealed the oligoclonal nature of these antibodies. we investigated oligoclonal antibodies (oa) in csf and serum of mpn-gbb patients with regard to immunoglobulin class, light chain type and specificity and compared the findings with those in other neurological diseases (ond). for this purpose an immunofixatio ...19873109143
treatment of lyme disease.we compared phenoxymethyl penicillin, erythromycin, and tetracycline, in each instance 250 mg four times a day for 10 days, for the treatment of early lyme disease (stage 1). none of 39 patients given tetracycline developed major late complications compared with 3 of 40 penicillin-treated patients and 4 of 29 given erythromycin (p = 0.07). however, with all three antibiotic agents, nearly half of patients had minor late symptoms. for neurologic abnormalities (stage 2), 12 patients were treated w ...19873109144
treatment and course of erythema chronicum migrans.72 patients with erythema chronicum migrans were treated with phenoxymethyl penicillin, 1,5 mill. iu p.o. three times a day for 14 days. two children got the same therapy, but in a dosage of 400,000 iu three times a day for 10 days. in three of 15 skin samples, taken from the periphery of ecm lesions, spirochetal organisms were isolated. of the 72 patients 16 had raised igg (greater than or equal to 128) and 9 had raised igm (greater than or equal to 64) titers to borrelia burgdorferi. under tre ...19873109145
lyme disease. 19873109587
[lyme disease]. 19863110978
Displaying items 1401 - 1500 of 15661