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a new method based on ceemd combined with iterative feature reduction for aided diagnosis of epileptic the clinical diagnosis of epileptic diseases, the intelligent diagnosis of epileptic electroencephalogram (eeg) signals has become a research focus in the field of brain diseases. in order to solve the problem of time-consuming and easily influenced by human subjective factors, artificial intelligence pattern recognition algorithm has been applied to eeg signals recognition. however, at present, the common empirical mode decomposition (emd) signal decomposition algorithm does not consider the ...202032695761
first molecular subtyping and phylogeny of blastocystis sp. isolated from domestic and synanthropic animals (dogs, cats and brown rats) in southern iran.blastocystis sp. is a common intestinal protist that infects humans and many animals globally. thus far, 22 subtypes (sts) have been identified in mammalian and avian hosts. since various sts are common to humans and animals, it was suggested that some human infections might arise from zoonotic transmission. therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the presence of blastocystis sp. in domestic (dogs and cats) and synanthropic animals (rats) of fars province, iran, and to genetically charact ...202032698882
secondary palate development in the dog (canis lupus familiaris).to investigate the gestational timing of morphologic events in normal canine secondary palate development as a baseline for studies in dog models of isolated cleft palate (cp).202032705901
sparse-fcm and deep convolutional neural network for the segmentation and classification of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.leukaemia detection and diagnosis in advance is the trending topic in the medical applications for reducing the death toll of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (all). for the detection of all, it is essential to analyse the white blood cells (wbcs) for which the blood smear images are employed. this paper proposes a new technique for the segmentation and classification of the acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. the proposed method of automatic leukaemia detection is based on the deep convol ...202032706747
enhancing electronic nose performance by feature selection using an improved grey wolf optimization based algorithm.electronic nose is a kind of widely-used artificial olfactory system for the detection and classification of volatile organic compounds. the high dimensionality of data collected by electronic noses can hinder the process of pattern recognition. thus, the feature selection is an essential stage in building a robust and accurate model for gas recognition. this paper proposed an improved grey wolf optimizer (gwo) based algorithm for feature selection and applied it on electronic nose data for the ...202032707788
epidemiological and clinical characteristics of trypanosoma cruzi infection in dogs (canis lupus familiaris) from a chagas disease-endemic urban area in the last few years, an unusual increase in the number of acute chagas disease outbreaks, presumably due to oral transmission, has been reported in urban areas in santander, colombia. given the importance of dogs (canis lupus familiaris) as reservoir hosts and sentinels of t. cruzi infection across different regions of america, we carried out a serological and molecular survey on t. cruzi infection in 215 dogs from the metropolitan area of bucaramanga, santander. serological detection was carr ...202032712412
multiple fgf4 retrocopies recently derived within canids.two transcribed retrocopies of the fibroblast growth factor 4 (fgf4) gene have previously been described in the domestic dog. an fgf4 retrocopy on chr18 is associated with disproportionate dwarfism, while an fgf4 retrocopy on chr12 is associated with both disproportionate dwarfism and intervertebral disc disease (ivdd). in this study, whole-genome sequencing data were queried to identify other fgf4 retrocopies that could be contributing to phenotypic diversity in canids. additionally, dogs with ...202032717834
combining stable isotopes, morphological, and molecular analyses to reconstruct the diet of free-ranging consumers.accurate estimates of animal diet composition are essential to untangle complex interactions in food webs. biomarkers and molecular tools are increasingly used to estimate diet, sometimes alongside traditional dietary tracing methods. yet only a few empirical studies have compared the outcomes and potential gains of using a combination of these methods, especially using free-ranging animals with distinct foraging preferences.we used stable isotopes, morphological, and molecular analyses to inves ...202032724540
molecular characterization of ascaridoid parasites from captive wild carnivores in china using ribosomal and mitochondrial sequences.despite the public health importance of toxocariasis/toxascariasis, only a few species of these ascaridoid parasites from wild canine and feline carnivores have been studied at the molecular level so far. poor understanding of diversity, host distribution and the potential (zoonotic) transmission of the ascaridoid species among wild animals negatively affects their surveillance and control in natural settings. in this study, we updated previous knowledge by profiling the genetic diversity and ph ...202032727607
dental pathology of the wild iberian wolf (canis lupus signatus): the study of a 20th century portuguese museum collection.for some wild canids, such as the iberian wolf, there is a lack of in-depth knowledge about dental pathology. we aimed to evaluate it, in a standardized manner, in specimens from a portuguese museum collection. sixty-five deceased specimens of wild iberian wolves, 61 complete skulls and 4 mandibles, collected in portugal between 1977 and 1995, were analyzed. sample comprised 18 females, 24 males and 23 individuals of undetermined sex. teeth were evaluated by visual observation and dental radiogr ...202032734110
development of novel hybridized models for urban flood susceptibility mapping.floods in urban environments often result in loss of life and destruction of property, with many negative socio-economic effects. however, the application of most flood prediction models still remains challenging due to data scarcity. this creates a need to develop novel hybridized models based on historical urban flood events, using, e.g., metaheuristic optimization algorithms and wavelet analysis. the hybridized models examined in this study (wavelet-svr-bat and wavelet-svr-gwo), designed as i ...202032737384
retreat of large carnivores across the giant panda distribution both a flagship and umbrella species, the giant panda (ailuropoda melanoleuca) is one of the most heavily invested species in conservation. here, we report the wide distribution range retreat of the leopard (panthera pardus, 81% loss), snow leopard (p. uncia, 38%), wolf (canis lupus, 77%) and dhole (cuon alpinus, 95%) from protected areas in the giant panda distribution range since the 1960s. the present findings indicate the insufficiency of giant panda conservation for protecting these larg ...202032747773
automatic eye blink artifact removal from eeg signal using wavelet transform with heuristically optimized threshold.this paper proposes an automatic eyeblink artifacts removal method from corrupted-eeg signals using discrete wavelet transform (dwt) and meta-heuristically optimized threshold. the novel idea of thresholding approximation-coefficients (acs) instead of detail-coefficients (dcs) of dwt of eeg in a backward manner is proposed for the first time for the removal of eyeblink artifacts. eeg is very sensitive and easily gets affected by eyeblink artifacts. first, the eyeblink corrupted eeg signals are i ...202032750902
covid-19 optimizer algorithm, modeling and controlling of coronavirus distribution process.the emergence of novel covid-19 is causing an overload on public health sector and a high fatality rate. the key priority is to contain the epidemic and reduce the infection rate. it is imperative to stress on ensuring extreme social distancing of the entire population and hence slowing down the epidemic spread. so, there is a need for an efficient optimizer algorithm that can solve np-hard in addition to applied optimization problems. this article first proposes a novel covid-19 optimizer algor ...202032750974
morphological and immunohistochemical description of a splenic haemangioma in a captive european wolf (canis lupus lupus) and a review of the current literature.neoplastic diseases are rarely described in wild carnivores; only a few reports have been published on this topic. here, we describe the histological and immunohistochemical features of a haemangioma in the spleen of a grey wolf (canis lupus lupus) and we compare the results with the dog (canis lupus familiaris). additionally, we list the different publications found in the literature with neoplastic lesions in wolves. our results show similar immunohistochemical features to dogs, in which neopl ...202032756451
training differences predict dogs' (canis lupus familiaris) preferences for prosocial others.humans evaluate other agents' behavior on a variety of different dimensions, including morally, from a very early age. for example, human infants as young as 6-months old prefer prosocial over antisocial others and demonstrate negative evaluations of antisocial others in a variety of paradigms (hamlin et al. in nature 450(7169):557, 2007; dev sci 13(6):923-929, 2010; proc natl acad sci 108(50):19931-19936, 2011). while these tendencies are well documented in the human species, less is known abou ...202032757105
transcriptome profiling and differential gene expression in canine microdissected anagen and telogen hair follicles and interfollicular epidermis.the transcriptome profile and differential gene expression in telogen and late anagen microdissected hair follicles and the interfollicular epidermis of healthy dogs was investigated by using rnaseq. the genes with the highest expression levels in each group were identified and genes known from studies in other species to be associated with structure and function of hair follicles and epidermis were evaluated. transcriptome profiling revealed that late anagen follicles expressed mainly keratins ...202032759649
large-scale patterns of seed removal by small mammals differ between areas of low- versus high-wolf occupancy.because most tree species recruit from seeds, seed predation by small-mammal granivores may be important for determining plant distribution and regeneration in forests. despite the importance of seed predation, large-scale patterns of small-mammal granivory are often highly variable and thus difficult to predict. we hypothesize distributions of apex predators can create large-scale variation in the distribution and abundance of mesopredators that consume small mammals, creating predictable areas ...202032760518
genotyping-free parentage assignment using rad-seq reads.parentage assignment is defined as the identification of the true parents of one focal offspring among a list of candidates and has been commonly used in zoological, ecological, and agricultural studies. although likelihood-based parentage assignment is the preferred method in most cases, it requires genotyping a predefined set of dna markers and providing their population allele frequencies. in the present study, we proposed an alternative method of parentage assignment that does not depend on ...202032760564
forensic validation of a panel of 12 snps for identification of mongolian wolf and dog.wolf (canis lupus) is a species included in appendices of cites and is often encountered in cases of alleged poaching and trafficking of their products. when such crimes are suspected, those involved may attempt to evade legal action by claiming that the animals involved are domestic dogs (c. l. familiaris). to respond effectively to such claims, law enforcement agencies require reliable and robust methods to distinguish wolves from dogs. reported molecular genetic methods are either unreliable ...202032764603
bifidobacterium canis sp. nov., a novel member of the bifidobacterium pseudolongum phylogenetic group isolated from faeces of a dog (canis lupus f. familiaris).a fructose-6-phosphate phosphoketolase-positive strain (gsd1fst) was isolated from a faecal sample of a 3 weeks old german shepherd dog. the closest related taxa to isolate gsd1fst based on results from the ezbiocloud database were bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis atcc 25527t, bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis dsm 10140t and bifidobacterium anseris lmg 30189t, belonging to the bifidobacterium pseudolongum phylogenetic group. the resulting 16s rrna gene identities (compared length of ...202032804603
deep learning disease prediction model for use with intelligent robots.deep learning applications with robotics contribute to massive challenges that are not addressed in machine learning. the present world is currently suffering from the covid-19 pandemic, and millions of lives are getting affected every day with extremely high death counts. early detection of the disease would provide an opportunity for proactive treatment to save lives, which is the primary research objective of this study. the proposed prediction model caters to this objective following a stepw ...202032834174
metabolome of canine and human saliva: a non-targeted metabolomics study.saliva metabolites are suggested to reflect the health status of an individual in humans. the same could be true with the dog (canis lupus familiaris), an important animal model of human disease, but its saliva metabolome is unknown. as a non-invasive sample, canine saliva could offer a new alternative material for research to reveal molecular mechanisms of different (patho)physiological stages, and for veterinary medicine to monitor dogs' health trajectories.202032840693
do dogs eavesdrop on human interactions in a helping situation?eavesdropping is the acquisition of information by observing third-party interactions. considering dogs' (canis lupus familiaris) dependence on humans, it would be beneficial for them to eavesdrop on human interactions to choose an appropriate partner to associate with. previous studies have found that dogs preferred a human who acted generously or cooperatively towards another human over one who acted selfishly or non-cooperatively, however they often did not control for potential location bias ...202032845903
a wolf from gravettian site pavlov i, czech republic: approach to skull pathology.describe pathological features on internal and external aspects of the skull of an ancient grey wolf.202032866768
complex ecological interactions across a focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in eastern colombia: novel description of leishmania species, hosts and phlebotomine fauna.this study aimed to analyse the patterns of diversity, blood sources and leishmania species of phlebotomines in a focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in arboledas, eastern colombia. in total, 1729 phlebotomines were captured in two localities (62.3% siravita and 37.7% cinera) and five environments of norte de santander. we identified 18 species of phlebotomines: pintomyia ovallesi (29.8%), psychodopygus davisi (20.3%), pi. spinicrassa (18.5%) and lutzomyia gomezi (15.8%) showed the highest abundanc ...202032874625
wolf howling and emergency sirens: a hypothesis of natural and technical convergence of aposematic signals.acoustic signals serving intraspecific communication by predators are perceived by potential prey as warning signals. we analysed the acoustic characteristics of howling of wolves and found a striking similarity to the warning sounds of technical sirens. we hypothesize that the effectivity of sirens as warning signals has been enhanced by natural sensory predisposition of humans to get alerted by howling of wolves, with which they have a long history of coexistence. psychoacoustic similarity of ...202032876792
hybrid harris hawks optimization with cuckoo search for drug design and discovery in of the major drawbacks of cheminformatics is a large amount of information present in the datasets. in the majority of cases, this information contains redundant instances that affect the analysis of similarity measurements with respect to drug design and discovery. therefore, using classical methods such as the protein bank database and quantum mechanical calculations are insufficient owing to the dimensionality of search spaces. in this paper, we introduce a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm ...202032879410
machine-learning strategies for testing patterns of morphological variation in small samples: sexual dimorphism in gray wolf (canis lupus) crania.studies of mammalian sexual dimorphism have traditionally involved the measurement of selected dimensions of particular skeletal elements and use of single data-analysis procedures. consequently, such studies have been limited by a variety of both practical and conceptual constraints. to compare and contrast what might be gained from a more exploratory, multifactorial approach to the quantitative assessment of form-variation, images of a small sample of modern israeli gray wolf (canis lupus) cra ...202032883273
molecular epidemiology of a fatal sarcoptic mange epidemic in endangered san joaquin kit foxes (vulpes macrotis mutica).in 2013, sarcoptic mange, caused by sarcoptes scabiei mites, precipitated a catastrophic decline of the formerly stable urban population of endangered san joaquin kit foxes (vulpes macrotis mutica) in bakersfield, california, usa. in 2019, a smaller sarcoptic mange outbreak affected kit foxes 58 km southwest of bakersfield in the town of taft, california. to determine whether the taft outbreak could have occurred as spillover from the bakersfield outbreak and whether epidemic control efforts mus ...202032894172
comparing the tractability of young hand-raised wolves (canis lupus) and dogs (canis familiaris).dogs live in 45% of households, integrated into various human groups in various societies. this is certainly not true for wolves. we suggest that dogs' increased tractability (meant as individual dogs being easier to control, handle and direct by humans, in contrast to trainability defined as performance increase due to training) makes a crucial contribution to this fundamental difference. in this study, we assessed the development of tractability in hand-raised wolves and similarly raised dogs. ...202032895422
lamb3 missense variant in australian shepherd dogs with junctional epidermolysis a highly inbred australian shepherd litter, three of the five puppies developed widespread ulcers of the skin, footpads, and oral mucosa within the first weeks of life. histopathological examinations demonstrated clefting of the epidermis from the underlying dermis within or just below the basement membrane, which led to a tentative diagnosis of junctional epidermolysis bullosa (jeb) with autosomal recessive inheritance. endoscopy in one affected dog also demonstrated separation between the e ...202032906717
whale optimization algorithm for multiconstraint second-order stochastic dominance portfolio the field of asset allocation, how to balance the returns of an investment portfolio and its fluctuations is the core issue. capital asset pricing model, arbitrage pricing theory, and fama-french three-factor model were used to quantify the price of individual stocks and portfolios. based on the second-order stochastic dominance rule, the higher moments of return series, the shannon entropy, and some other actual investment constraints, we construct a multiconstraint portfolio optimization mo ...202032908478
an innovative excited-acs-idgwo algorithm for optimal biomedical data feature selection.finding an optimal set of discriminative features is still a crucial but challenging task in biomedical science. the complexity of the task is intensified when any of the two scenarios arise: a highly dimensioned dataset and a small sample-sized dataset. the first scenario poses a big challenge to existing machine learning approaches since the search space for identifying the most relevant feature subset is so diverse to be explored quickly while utilizing minimal computational resources. on the ...202032908920
venous hepatic segmentation in dogs (canis lupus familiaris-l. 1758).the external shape of the liver is varied and determines specific vascular arrangements. this morphological relationship is important to establish hepatic segmentation in different species submitted to surgeries that aim to preserve a larger area of liver parenchyma. after observing 60 livers injected with neoprene latex and three plastic moulds obtained by corrosion, eight hepatic venous segments were identified, drained by six hepatic veins agrouped into segmental veins, which drained one sect ...202032960487
dirofilaria immitis in wolves recolonizing northern italy: are wolves competent hosts?wild carnivores such as the grey wolf (canis lupus), red fox (vulpes vulpes) and golden jackal (canis aureus) are recognized hosts of dirofilaria immitis. however, few studies have focused on their actual role in the epidemiology of heartworm infection. this study describes the prevalence and distribution of d. immitis in wolves in a heartworm-endemic area in northern italy where wolves have recently returned after long-time eradication, and investigates the fertility status of the collected adu ...202032962753
humans dominate the social interaction networks of urban free-ranging dogs in india.research on human-animal interaction has skyrocketed in the last decade. rapid urbanization has led scientists to investigate its impact on several species living in the vicinity of humans. domesticated dogs (canis lupus familiaris) are one such species that interact with humans and are also called man's best friend. however, when it comes to the free-ranging population of dogs, interactions become quite complicated. unfortunately, studies regarding free-ranging dog-human interactions are limite ...202032982880
effect of different starch sources in a raw meat-based diet on fecal microbiome in dogs housed in a shelter.a dietary intervention study was assessed to determine if different sources of starch in homemade diets could significantly modify fecal microbiome of dogs. twenty-seven adult dogs were enrolled and fed a diet based on a mixture of rice and pasta with fresh raw meat (cd). after 90 d, 8 dogs continued to receive cd diet, 10 dogs received a diet made of a raw meat and a complementary food with rice as the main source of starch (b1), and 9 dogs were fed a diet with the same raw meat and a complemen ...202033005769
the effectiveness of conditioned aversion in wolves: insights from experimental has been suggested that conditioned food aversion (cfa) could be a potential non-lethal intervention by which to deter attacks on livestock by large carnivores. cfa occurs when an animal associates the characteristics of a food with an illness, thus rejecting that food in subsequent encounters. cfa can be associated with an artificial odour during conditioning. despite the debate surrounding the use of this intervention, more studies evaluating the effectiveness of cfa are necessary. we exper ...202033011270
quantitative proteomics of cerebrospinal fluid using tandem mass tags in dogs with recurrent epileptic seizures.this prospective study included four dog groups (group a: healthy dogs, groups b: dogs with idiopathic epilepsy under antiepileptic medication (aem), c: idiopathic epilepsy dogs without aem administration, d: dogs with structural epilepsy). the purpose of the study was to compare the proteomic profile among the four groups. samples were analyzed by a quantitative tandem mass tags approach using a q-exactive-plus mass-spectrometer. identification and relative quantification were performed using p ...202033011347
harnessing genomics to trace the path of a viral outbreak in african lions.predicting the emergence of novel infectious diseases requires an understanding of how pathogens infect and efficiently spread in alternative naïve hosts. a pathogen's ability to adapt to a new host (i.e. host shift) oftentimes is constrained by host phylogeny, due to limits in the molecular mechanisms available to overcome host-specific immune defences (longdon et al., 2014). some pathogens, such as rna viruses, however, have a propensity to jump hosts due to rapid mutation rates. for example, ...202033012001
occurrence of the tetracycline resistance gene teta(p) in apennine wolves (canis lupus italicus) from different human-wildlife interfaces. 202033022422
wild and domestic canids and their interactions in the transmission cycles of trypanosoma cruzi and leishmania spp. in an area of the brazilian cerrado.trypanosoma cruzi and leishmania spp. are parasites that infect multiple hosts including canids, considered bioaccumulators of parasites. deforestation in the cerrado biome has resulted in the exposure of wild canids to anthropized areas, where they may establish ecological and epidemiological relationships with domestic dogs. we evaluated the infection by trypanosomatids in canids from a cerrado agroecosystem between 2013 and 2017. samples of wild canids (blood, bone marrow and skin) and dogs ( ...202033036238
identification of a non-host semiochemical from miniature pinscher, canis lupus familiaris, that repels rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (acari: ixodidae).it is already known that the beagle breed of domestic dogs produces semiochemicals capable of repelling the brown dog tick, rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (s.l.). with a view to discovering new non-host semiochemicals as tick repellents, we compared the semiochemicals produced by a putative tick-resistant breed of dog, miniature pinscher, with known tick-resistant (beagle) and tick-susceptible (english cocker spaniel) breeds. two non-host compounds produced by beagles, i.e. 2-hexanone and b ...202033038704
mh-covidnet: diagnosis of covid-19 using deep neural networks and meta-heuristic-based feature selection on x-ray images.covid-19 is a disease that causes symptoms in the lungs and causes deaths around the world. studies are ongoing for the diagnosis and treatment of this disease, which is defined as a pandemic. early diagnosis of this disease is important for human life. this process is progressing rapidly with diagnostic studies based on deep learning. therefore, to contribute to this field, a deep learning-based approach that can be used for early diagnosis of the disease is proposed in our study. in this appro ...202133042210
community-level modelling of boreal forest mammal distribution in an oil sands landscape.anthropogenic landscape disturbances are known to alter, destroy, and fragment habitat, which typically leads to biodiversity loss. the effects of landscape disturbance generally vary among species and depend on the nature of the disturbances, which may interact and result in synergistic effects. western canada's oil sands region experiences disturbances from forestry and energy sector activities as well as municipal and transportation infrastructure. the effects of those disturbances on single ...202033049527
an evaluation of different bio-inspired feature selection techniques on multivariate calibration models in spectroscopy.herein, two new swarm intelligence based algorithms namely; grey wolf optimization (gwo) and antlion optimization (alo) algorithms were presented, for the first time, as variable selection tools in spectroscopic data analysis. in order to assess the performance of these algorithms, they were applied along with the recently introduced firefly algorithm (ffa) and the well-established genetic algorithm (ga) and particle swarm optimization (pso) algorithm on four different spectroscopic datasets of ...202033065451
nucleolin as a potential biomarker for canine malignant neoplasia.human nucleolin (ncl) is a multifunctional protein that is involved in diverse pathological processes. recent evidences have shown that ncl is markedly overexpressed on the surface of most human cancer cells when compared to normal cells, being overexpressed in several malignant cells. based on the exposed, the purpose of this pilot study is to investigate the expression pattern of ncl in canine malignant neoplasia and control groups. ncl expression at both messenger rna and protein levels in th ...202033077166
multiple factors influence local perceptions of snow leopards and himalayan wolves in the central himalayas, understanding of local perceptions of carnivores is important for conservation and management planning. in the central himalayas, nepal, we interviewed 428 individuals from 85 settlements using a semi-structured questionnaire to quantitatively assess local perceptions and tolerance of snow leopards and wolves. we used generalized linear mixed effect models to assess influential factors, and found that tolerance of snow leopards was much higher than of wolves. interestingly, having experienced ...202033088621
amended gwo approach based multi-machine power system stability enhancement.the conception of electromechanical oscillations initiates in the power network when there is an installation of the generator in parallel with the existent one. further, the interconnection of multiple areas, extension in transmission, capricious load characteristics, etc. causes low-frequency oscillations in the consolidated power network. this paper proposes variants of a booming population-based grey wolf optimization (gwo) algorithm in the tuning of power system stabilizer parameters of a m ...202033092864
the dog-human connection.this special issue of the anatomical record is the end result of a rare convergence of researchers scattered around the globe who came together to explore the mystery of the dog-human connection. many of the discussions at the 12th international congress of vertebrate morphology in prague (july 23, 2019) are echoed within this issue. the enigmatic origins of dog domestication (as well as feralized descendants such as the dingo) are discussed, including phases of domestication that we might infer ...202033098272
what the dingo says about dog domestication.worldwide, dogs (canis familiaris) are certainly the most common domesticate (900 million according to the world atlas) and are sometimes used as a proxy for human presence. dogs were the first and therefore arguably most important species ever to be domesticated. it is widely accepted that the domestic dog is a descendent of pleistocene gray wolves (canis lupus), possibly of a population now extinct. how can an extant canid, the dingo (canis dingo or canis familiaris), whose status as a species ...202033103861
forecasting spread of covid-19 using google trends: a hybrid gwo-deep learning approach.the recent outbreak of covid-19 has brought the entire world to a standstill. the rapid pace at which the virus has spread across the world is unprecedented. the sheer number of infected cases and fatalities in such a short period of time has overwhelmed medical facilities across the globe. the rapid pace of the spread of the novel coronavirus makes it imperative that its' spread be forecasted well in advance in order to plan for eventualities. an accurate early forecasting of the number of case ...202033110297
genomes of pleistocene siberian wolves uncover multiple extinct wolf lineages.extant canis lupus genetic diversity can be grouped into three phylogenetically distinct clades: eurasian and american wolves and domestic dogs.1 genetic studies have suggested these groups trace their origins to a wolf population that expanded during the last glacial maximum (lgm)1-3 and replaced local wolf populations.4 moreover, ancient genomes from the yana basin and the taimyr peninsula provided evidence of at least one extinct wolf lineage that dwelled in siberia during the pleistocene.35 ...202033125870
nsdhl frameshift deletion in a mixed breed dog with progressive epidermal nevi.loss-of-function variants in the nsdhl gene have been associated with epidermal nevi in humans with congenital hemidysplasia, ichthyosiform nevi, and limb defects (child) syndrome and in companion animals. the nsdhl gene codes for the nad(p)-dependent steroid dehydrogenase-like protein, which is involved in cholesterol biosynthesis. in this study, a female chihuahua cross with a clinical and histological phenotype consistent with progressive epidermal nevi is presented. all exons of the nsdhl ca ...202033143176
the intensity of physiological and behavioral responses of horses to predator vocalizations.predatory attacks on horses can become a problem in some parts of the world, particularly when considering the recovering gray wolf populations. the issue studied was whether horses transformed by humans and placed in stable-pasture environments had retained their natural abilities to respond to predation risk. the objective of the study was to determine the changes in cardiac activity, cortisol concentrations, and behavior of horses in response to the vocalizations of two predators: the gray wo ...202033167961
reintroduced wolves and hunting limit the abundance of a subordinate apex predator in a multi-use effects of apex predators are modulated by human impacts on community composition and species abundances. consequently, research supporting top-down effects of apex predators occurs almost entirely within protected areas rather than the multi-use landscapes dominating modern ecosystems. here, we developed an integrated population model to disentangle the concurrent contributions of a reintroduced apex predator, the grey wolf, human hunting and prey abundances on vital rates and abundanc ...202033171087
the first records of spirometra erinaceieuropaei (cestoda: diphyllobothriidae), a causative agent of human sparganosis, in latvian wildlife.diphyllobothriid tapeworms of the genus spirometra are causative agents of sparganosis, food-borne zoonotic parasitic disease. they have been recorded in broad spectrum of hosts, including humans, in all continents except antarctica. spirometra tapeworms have been intensively studied in several asian countries; however, they have been rather neglected in europe. the aim of this study was to provide a pilot screening of spirometra spp. in latvia, where data on sparganosis are not available. tapew ...202033174072
foot-and-mouth disease virus infection in the domestic dog (canis lupus familiaris), iran.foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) is a highly infectious viral disease, recognised to affect animals in the order artiodactyla. the disease is rarely fatal in adult animals, however high mortality is associated with neonatal and juvenile infection.202133526020
wolf (canis lupus) as canine adenovirus type 1 (cadv-1) sentinel for the endangered cantabrian brown bear (ursus arctos arctos).canine adenovirus type 1 (cadv-1) causes infectious canine hepatitis (ich) and has recently been described as a cause of death among endangered populations of european brown bear (ursus arctos arctos) in the cantabrian mountain range in asturias, spain. sympatric wild and domestic carnivores can act as reservoirs of the virus and likely spread it into the environment and subsequently transmit it to brown bears. the present work investigates the prevalence and geo-temporal distribution of cadv-1 ...202133527683
structural analysis of covid-19 spike protein in recognizing the ace2 receptor of different mammalian species and its susceptibility to viral infection.the pandemic covid-19 was caused by a novel coronavirus-2 (sars-cov-2) that infects humans through the binding of glycosylated sars-cov-2 spike 2 protein to the glycosylated ace2 receptor. the spike 2 protein recognizes the n-terminal helices of the glycosylated metalloprotease domain in the human ace2 receptor. to understand the susceptibility of animals for infection and transmission, we did sequence and structure-based molecular interaction analysis of 16 ace2 receptors from different mammali ...202133552834
patterns and processes of pathogen exposure in gray wolves across north america.the presence of many pathogens varies in a predictable manner with latitude, with infections decreasing from the equator towards the poles. we investigated the geographic trends of pathogens infecting a widely distributed carnivore: the gray wolf (canis lupus). specifically, we investigated which variables best explain and predict geographic trends in seroprevalence across north american wolf populations and the implications of the underlying mechanisms. we compiled a large serological dataset o ...202133580121
evaluating angiotensin-converting enzyme 2-mediated sars-cov-2 entry across species.the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2) pandemic represents a global threat, and the interaction between the virus and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ace2), the primary entry receptor for sars-cov-2, is a key determinant of the range of hosts that can be infected by the virus. however, the mechanisms underpinning ace2-mediated viral entry across species remains unclear. using infection assay, we evaluated sars-cov-2 entry mediated by ace2 of 11 different animal species ...202133610551
automated detection of covid-19 from chest x-ray scans using an optimized cnn architecture.the novel coronavirus termed as covid-19 has taken the world by its crutches affecting innumerable lives with devastating impact on the global economy and public health. one of the major ways to control the spread of this disease is identification in the initial stage, so that isolation and treatment could be initiated. due to the lack of automated auxiliary diagnostic medical tools, availability of lesser sensitivity testing kits, and limited availability of healthcare professionals, the pandem ...202133649705
gradient-based grey wolf optimizer with gaussian walk: application in modelling and prediction of the covid-19 pandemic.this research proposes a new type of grey wolf optimizer named gradient-based grey wolf optimizer (ggwo). using gradient information, we accelerated the convergence of the algorithm that enables us to solve well-known complex benchmark functions optimally for the first time in this field. we also used the gaussian walk and lévy flight to improve the exploration and exploitation capabilities of the ggwo to avoid trapping in local optima. we apply the suggested method to several benchmark function ...202133814731
the gut viral metagenome analysis of domestic dogs captures snapshot of viral diversity and potential risk of coronavirus.the close relations between dogs (canis lupus familiaris) and humans lay a foundation for cross species transmissions of viruses. the co-existence of multiplex viruses in the host accelerate viral variations. for effective prediction and prevention of potential epidemic or even pandemic, the metagenomics method was used to investigate the gut virome status of 45 domestic healthy dogs which have extensive contact with human beings. a total of 248.6 gb data (505, 203, 006 valid reads, 150 bp in le ...202134307533
a stochastic bi-objective simulation-optimization model for plasma supply chain in case of covid-19 of march 24, 2020, the food and drug administration (fda) authorized to bleed the newly recovered from coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19), i.e., the ones whose lives were at risk, separate plasma from their blood and inject it to covid-19 patients. in many cases, as observed the plasma antibodies have cured the disease. therefore, a four-echelon supply chain has been designed in this study to locate the blood collection centers, to find out how the collection centers are allocated to the tem ...202134335121
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