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acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-associated kaposi's sarcoma and human herpesvirus 8 dna detection in serial peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8) dna was amplified from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmcs) using pcr in 120 hiv-seropositive in- and outpatients who were enrolled in a cohort study between january 1994 and june 1995. risk factors for hiv infection were homosexuality/bisexuality alone in 64 cases (30 with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and 34 without ks, 4 of whom had ks lesions that appeared during follow-up in the cohort), heterosexual contact alone in 32 cases (among whom 1 woman with ks who was the ...19979498013
human herpesvirus 8 seroprevalence in blood donors and lymphoma patients from different regions of italy. 19989498490
human herpesvirus 8 variants. 19989500364
human herpesvirus 8 variants. 19989500365
human herpesvirus 8 variants. 19989500366
serologic association of human herpesvirus eight with posttransplant kaposi's sarcoma in saudi arabia.this study investigates the association between human herpesvirus eight (hhv8) and kaposi's sarcoma (ks), the most common cancer occurring in renal transplant recipients in saudi arabia.19989500639
glutathione depletion associated with the hiv-1 tat protein mediates the extracellular appearance of acidic fibroblast growth factor.primary murine embryonic fibroblasts transfected with hiv-1 tat demonstrated decreased levels of high energy phosphates (atp, gtp, utp/ctp), adenine nucleotides (atp, adp, amp), and both nad+/nadh redox pairs, resulting in a substantial loss of redox poise. a greater than 50% decrease in intracellular reduced glutathione (gsh) concentration was accompanied by the extracellular appearance of acidic fibroblast growth factor (fgf-1). addition of either n-acetyl-l-cysteine or glutathione ester (gse) ...19989501919
pathogenesis of aids-related lymphomas: molecular and histogenetic heterogeneity. 19989502401
successful treatment of multicentric castleman's disease in a patient with human immunodeficiency virus infection. 19989502499
clinical manifestations and therapies of aids associated tumors.we are giving an overview over the clinical features and different therapeutic options of hiv associated malignancies. there are three aids-defining malignancies: - kaposi's sarcoma - non-hodgkin's lymphoma (nhl) - cervical cancer. in kaposi sarcoma there is a broad therapeutic spectrum from cryotherapy to systemic chemotherapy depending on the site and stage of the kaposi sarcoma. in nhl early therapeutic intervention is necessary because of the fast progress of the tumor. the cervical cancer i ...19989502754
the evaluation of human herpesvirus 8 (kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) in cutaneous lesions of kaposi's sarcoma: a study of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue.the etiologic role of human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8) in kaposi's sarcoma (ks) remains controversial. this polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-based study was undertaken to evaluate the relationship of hhv8 in ks from our geographical region and to determine its utility in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded biopsy specimens. forty-two biopsy specimens were studied, including nine aids-associated cases and four from classic ks. of the 39 patients included, 21 were hiv+ and 18 had no clinical evidence of hi ...19989504662
phase ii trial with dose titration of paclitaxel for the therapy of human immunodeficiency virus-associated kaposi's investigate the antitumor activity and safety of paclitaxel in patients with advanced human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated kaposi's sarcoma (ks).19989508198
interleukin-6 in multiple myeloma and related plasma cell dyscrasias.since the discovery a decade ago that interleukin-6 is a growth factor for human multiple myeloma (mm) cells, great strides have been made in understanding the relationship of this cytokine to multiple myeloma. a plethora of studies on this topic has confirmed that interleukin-6 is a key growth and survival factor for myeloma cells, as well as a major morbidity factor for patients with mm. their is strong evidence for both an autocrine (in mm cells) as well as a paracrine sources of interleukin- ...19989515202
mechanisms of growth control of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus-associated primary effusion lymphoma cells.primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is a distinct clinicopathologic entity associated with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (kshv). several cytokines, including interleukin-6 (il-6), basic fibroblast growth factor (bfgf), and platelet-derived growth factor (pdgf) may be important for survival of ks cells. however, little is known about the interaction of cytokines with kshv-infected lymphocytes from pel. therefore, we investigated what cytokines were produced by kshv-infected pel cell lines ...19989516148
human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) in the pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma and other diseases.the discovery of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus/human herpesvirus-8 (kshv/ hhv-8) and subsequent studies of this virus have provided a body of evidence that support the concept that this is an etiologic agent for kaposi's sarcoma (ks). several studies have indicated that this virus may also be a causal agent for primary effusion lymphoma (pel) and castleman's disease as well. first generation serologic assays for hhv-8 have now been developed. the preponderance of data suggest that the ...19989517497
thiol redox modulation of tumor necrosis factor-alpha responsiveness in cultured aids-related kaposi's sarcoma cells.both clinical and experimental evidence indicates that aids-related kaposi's sarcoma (aids-ks) has a multifactorial pathogenesis with factors such as hiv viral load, latent virus induction, and opportunistic infections contributing to disease progression. however, a consistent feature that unites these apparently diverse putative etiologic agents is sustained serum elevations of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (tnf-alpha). while virtually every cell responds to tnf ...19989518260
multiple myeloma: the cells of origin--a two-way street.multiple myeloma results from an interplay between the monoclonal malignant plasma cells and supporting nonmalignant cells in the bone marrow. recent studies suggest that the final transforming event in this b cell disorder occurs at a late stage of b cell differentiation based on the characteristics of the immunoglobulin genes expressed by the malignant clone as well as surface markers present on the tumor cells. recently, an increasing pathogenic role in this malignancy by the nonmalignant cel ...19989519771
detection of human herpesvirus-8 dna in kaposi's sarcomas from iatrogenically immunosuppressed patients.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) accounts for more than 5% of malignancies in immunosuppressed organ transplant patients (oks). a new herpesvirus (hhv-8) was identified with high prevalence in biopsy specimens of aids-ks, endemic ks, and classic ks and in oks. ks has also been associated with other underlying diseases in patients treated with corticosteroids, but this subset of ks has been reported to contain hhv-8 in only a few case reports.19989520025
kaposi's sarcoma of the parotid gland in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.parotid gland enlargement is common in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. although parotitis is the usual histopathological feature in such cases, patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome are at high risk of developing both lymphoma and kaposi's sarcoma of the parotid gland. human immunodeficiency virus, however, is not detected within the parotid parenchyma even in the presence of kaposi's sarcoma. the pathway of the virus' entry into the saliva remains unknown.19989520819
sexual transmission and the natural history of human herpesvirus 8 infection.although human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) has been suspected to be the etiologic agent of kaposi's sarcoma, little is known about its seroprevalence in the population, its modes of transmission, and its natural history.19989521982
reactivities of human sera with human herpesvirus-8-infected bcbl-1 cells and identification of hhv-8-specific proteins and glycoproteins and the encoding cdnas.the reactivates of human sera with uninduced and phorbol ester (tpa)-induced human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8)-infected bcbl-1 cells were examined by immunofluorescence assay (ifa) and by radioimmunoprecipitation reactions (rip). the seroprevalence of hhv-8 infections is low in the united states general population and only low levels of hhv-8 antibodies were detected in the seropositive sera. in contrast, high levels of antibodies against hhv-8 lytic and latent antigens were detected by ifa in the ser ...19989527930
emerging emerging virus is a term applied to a newly discovered virus, one that is increasing in incidence or with the potential to increase in incidence. many viruses fit into this definition. hiv is the clearest example of a previously unknown virus that has now produced one of the largest pandemics in history. recent advances have occurred in the identification and understanding of new hantaviruses in the americas, causing an acute respiratory disease. the possible causal role of human herpesvirus ...19989529635
dendritic cells cultured from mononuclear cells and cd34 cells in myeloma do not harbour human herpesvirus 8.dendritic cells (dc) are antigen-presenting cells with the potential to be a powerful adjuvant in the immunotherapy of haematological malignancy, including myeloma. recently, human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) infection of dendritic cells in the long-term bone marrow stromal cultures of patients with myeloma has been reported. this finding is of great potential importance regarding oncogenesis in myeloma in addition to having significant implications for the use of dc in the immunotherapy of this disea ...19989531351
human herpesvirus 8 in premalignant and cancerous skin lesions in a japanese patient with adult t-cell leukaemia. 19989531356
human herpesvirus 8 group b and c variants circulating in são paulo, brazil. 19989535001
molecular and pathologic characterization of an aids-related body cavity-based lymphoma, including ultrastructural demonstration of human herpesvirus-8: a case report.body cavity-based lymphoma, also known as primary effusion lymphoma, is a newly recognized acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids)-related lymphoma that has been linked to the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv/hhv-8). to date, direct visualization of the virus in a clinical sample has not been demonstrated. we have performed an extensive clinical, histologic, immunophenotypic, ultrastructural, and molecular genetic correlative study on multiple tissue samples obtained premortem and ...19989537479
[human herpesvirus 8].human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8, kshv) is a novel virus for which fragments of genomic sequence were identified in 1994. this was done by means of a differential amplification technique applied to the dna of kaposi's sarcoma lesions and normal tissues obtained from the same individual. the analysis of nucleotide sequence has shown that hhv-8 is closely related to herpesvirus saimiri and epstein-barr virus, two members of gammaherpesvirinae sub-family. the virus has been observed by means of electron ...19979538414
human herpesvirus 8 in kaposi's sarcoma and kaposi's sarcoma-mimicking vascular tumors.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) had been a rare and unusual vascular tumor until a recent epidemic of a disseminated and fulminant form of ks in aids patients. infectious agents have been suspected of causing ks, and recently partial genomic dna sequences of human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8) have been identified in aids-associated ks lesions. since then, genomic dna sequences of hhv8 have been isolated in other forms of ks. although the partial genomic dna sequence of hhv8 was reported to be, if rare, identified ...19989539320
primary effusion lymphoma containing human herpesvirus 8 dna in two aids patients with kaposi's sarcoma.primary effusion lymphomas (pels) containing kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (human herpesvirus 8/hhv-8) dna sequences represent a distinct but heterogeneous group of rare non-hodgkin's lymphomas of null-cell phenotype/b-cell origin. we aimed to describe the clinicopathologic features of two human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-related pels occurring in homosexual men with kaposi's sarcoma (ks).19989542317
infection of primary dermal microvascular endothelial cells by kaposi's sarcoma-associated develop an in vitro model for infection of primary human cells with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) herpesvirus (kshv).19989543444
seroprevalence of human herpesvirus-8 in healthy subjects and patients with aids-associated and classical kaposi's sarcoma in france. 19989543459
high seroprevalence of human herpesvirus-8 in pregnant women and prostitutes from cameroon. 19989543461
effects of a urinary factor from women in early pregnancy on hiv-1, siv and associated disease.the effects of clinical grade crude preparations of human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg) on kaposi's sarcoma, hiv, siv and hematopoiesis were examined in vitro and in vivo. in contrast to previous studies, we report that the antiviral activity of hcg associated factors is not due to the native hcg heterodimer, including its purified subunits or its major degradation product, the beta-core. using gel permeation chromatography of the clinical grade hcg and urine concentrates from pregnant women, we ...19989546788
deregulation of cell growth by the k1 gene of kaposi's sarcoma-associated a position equivalent to the gene encoding the saimiri transforming protein (stp) of herpesvirus saimiri (hvs), kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) contains a distinct open reading frame called k1. although kshv and hvs are related members of the rhadinovirus subgroup of gamma herpesviruses, k1 and stp exhibit no similarity in amino acid sequence or in structural organization. since stp is required for the oncogenic potential of hvs, we investigated the functional consequence of k1 ...19989546789
[new herpesviruses hhv 6, 7 and 8 and their clinical significance]. 19989553303
consistent polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorphism pattern of human herpesvirus-8 in the course of classical kaposi's sarcoma assumes its clonal origin.there is emerging evidence that kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv or hhv-8) has a central role in the pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma (ks). the occurrence of hhv-8 in classical ks biopsies is reported irrespective of its clinical stage (patch, plaque, nodular). hhv-8 was detected in 25 of 28 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded classical ks samples by nested polymerase chain reaction. in addition, in six patients multiple tumors were available (n = 21). single-strand conformation polymo ...19989557296
haematological changes in human immunodeficiency virus infection. part i: review article.this review attempts to put together the changes in the blood and bone marrow observed in those who are infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). these are contribution of many published and unpublished data and experience on; blood counts, blood film and bone marrow films prepared and stained by maygrunwald-giemsa or leishman stain. some changes in haemostasis are also included. the salient changes are cytopaenias; leucopaenia, anaemia, thrombocytopaenia, and bone marrow hypoplasia, alt ...19979557449
haematological changes in human immunodeficiency virus infection. part ii.this second part of the review looks at change seen in the bone marrow haemostasis and malignancies found in hiv infection. examination of bone marrow is requested in the presence of cytopaenias, splenomegaly, lymphomas and myelodysplasia. the findings include marrow hypocellularity, myelodysplasia and poor marrow recovery. dysmegakaryocytpoiesis is found in 88% while dyserythropoeisis in 83% of cases. mechanisms leading to these pertubations include direct hiv effect on marrow progenitor cells, ...19979557450
site-directed mutagenesis probing the catalytic role of arginines 165 and 166 of human cytomegalovirus protease.human cytomegalovirus (cmv) is a member of the herpesviridae family of viruses that also includes herpes simplex viruses (hsv-1 and hsv-2), varicella-zoster virus (vzv), human herpes virus-6, 7, and 8 (hhv-6, hhv-7, and hhv-8), and epstein-barr virus (ebv). each member of this family encodes a serine protease that is a potential target for antiviral therapeutic intervention. we recently reported the crystal structure of cmv proteases [qiu, x., culp, j. s., dilella, a. g., hellmig, b., hoog, s. s ...19989558326
oral manifestations of hiv infection in 600 south african patients.oral lesions associated with hiv infection, as classified by the ec-clearinghouse on oral problems related to hiv infection and the who collaborating centre on oral manifestations of the immunodeficiency virus, were studied in 600 consecutive hiv-infected patients in cape town, south africa. one or more lesions were seen in 60.4% of cases. combined candidal lesions were evident in 37.8%, hairy leukoplakia in 19.7% and combined gingival/periodontal lesions in 8.5% of patients seen. lesions less c ...19989563573
detection of herpesvirus-like sequences in kaposi's sarcoma from heart transplant recipients.herpesvirus-like dna sequences have been found in lesions from patients with kaposi's sarcoma in its several forms, suggesting that this tumor may be caused by a new herpesvirus, referred to as kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus or human herpesvirus 8.19989563605
aids-related primary lymphoma of the pleural cavity. a case report.pleural effusions are common in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). their most frequent causes are kaposi's sarcoma and mycobacterial infections. we report cytologic, immunophenotypic and molecular features of a primary pleural non-hodgkin's lymphoma (nhl) that represent an uncommon cause of isolated pleural effusion in patients with aids.19989568138
interferon-alpha: evolving therapy for aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma.this article reviews developments over nearly 15 years in the application of interferon-alpha (ifn-alpha) to the treatment of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). the initial success of ifn treatment for selected patients with aids-associated ks occurred before identification of the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and in the absence of any coherent view of ks pathogenesis. a more comprehensive understanding of the biology of both aids and ks, toget ...19989568721
lack of involvement of known oncogenic dna viruses in epstein-barr virus-negative hodgkin's disease.epstein-barr virus (ebv) is associated with around one-third of cases, but young adult cases are rarely ebv associated. in this study, known oncogenic dna viruses, including human adenoviruses, papovaviruses and the human herpesviruses-6 (hhv-6) and -8 (hhv-8) were not detected in hodgkin's disease lesions. these results suggest that an as yet unidentified infectious agent is involved in the pathogenesis of non-ebv-associated hodgkin's disease.19989569037
demonstration of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus cyclin d homolog in cutaneous kaposi's sarcoma by colorimetric in situ hybridization using a catalyzed signal amplification system.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (kshv)/human herpes virus 8 (hhv8) dna sequences have been demonstrated in kaposi's sarcoma (ks), as well as in some acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids)-related non-hodgkin's lymphomas (nhl) and in multicentric castleman's disease. although kshv dna generally is abundant in kshv-associated lymphomas, few copies of the virus are present in ks, a property that confounds detection by in situ methods. previous in situ studies, which identified kshv in l ...19989573020
identification of kaposin (open reading frame k12) as a human herpesvirus 8 (kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) transforming gene.the recently identified human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8, or kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) has been implicated in the etiology of both kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and primary effusion (body cavity-based) lymphoma (pel) (y. chang et al., science 266:1865-1869, 1994; p. s. moore et al., j. virol. 70:549-558, 1996). an important feature of the association of hhv-8 with these malignancies is the expression of an abundant, latency-associated 0.7-kb transcript, t0. 7 (w. zhong et al., proc. natl. acad. ...19989573267
limited transmission of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus in cultured cells.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) (also called human herpesvirus 8) is a novel gammaherpesvirus strongly implicated in the pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma. although virions can be produced in high yield from latently infected b-cell lines treated with phorbol esters, little is known about the infectivity of such virus, and efficient serial propagation of kshv has been problematic. here we report on the infectivity of kshv produced from phorbol-induced bcbl-1 cells, employing an ass ...19989573290
kaposi's sarcoma and protection from hiv dementia. 19989575077
head and neck manifestations of aids in adults.head and neck manifestations of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) are among the most common complications of this disease. some of these manifestations are the initial signs of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection, and others are associated with full-blown aids. otologic manifestations include otitis externa, otitis media, kaposi's sarcoma and sensorineural hearing loss. nasal and oral manifestations of aids are more common than otologic manifestations and range from infections, ...19989575321
[importance of molecular biology in retrovirus and herpesvirus infections].molecular biology has long been used as a tool for basic research in virology. its medical use is recent and has been supported both by numerous technical improvements and the discovery of new human viruses. this is illustrated by the emergence of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-1, hiv-2, human t-cell leukemia virus (htlv)-i/ii, and human herpesviruses (hhv) 6, 7 and 8. polymerase chain reaction (pcr) gave a major boost to an extended use of molecular biology techniques. this resulted in a be ...19989577878
human herpesvirus 8 is not detectable by polymerase chain reaction in angiosarcoma. 19989580820
an unusual localisation of kaposi's sarcoma: the external auditory canal.the epidemic form of kaposi's sarcoma is associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection. cutaneous and mucosal manifestations are frequently reported in the ent sphere, mostly involving the oral cavity. the external and middle ear are only rarely concerned with only one case of a mastoid lesion without extension to the external auditory canal (eac) being reported to this day. the present article describes the first case of involvement of the eac with extension to adjacent structures. thi ...19989581194
regression of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related pulmonary kaposi's sarcoma after highly active antiretroviral therapy.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is the most common neoplasm affecting people with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. the skin is the most common site of disease; however, ks can also involve visceral organs such as the lungs, leading to severe morbidity and contributing to death in almost 30% of patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). new antiretroviral strategies incorporating combination nucleoside analogues with a protease inhibitor lead to increased circulating cd4+ ...19989581584
enhanced detection of human herpesvirus-8 and cytomegalovirus in semen of hiv-seropositive asymptomatic heterosexual men living in central africa. 19989583611
kaposi's sarcoma in liver transplant recipients on fk506. 19989583882
cancer in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children: a case series from the children's cancer group and the national cancer describe the spectrum of malignancies in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected children and the clinical outcome of patients with these tumors.19989586885
prospective randomized trial of two dose levels of interferon alfa with zidovudine for the treatment of kaposi's sarcoma associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection: a canadian hiv clinical trials network study.interferon alfa alone has shown antitumor activity against kaposi's sarcoma (ks), and phase i and ii clinical trials showed that interferon and zidovudine could be administered safely to patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated ks. these observations led to our trial of zidovudine with two dose levels of interferon alfa.19989586886
absence of human herpesvirus 8 dna sequences in vascular tumors of the liver.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (kshv), also designated human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8), has been detected consistently in kaposi's sarcoma, body cavity lymphoma and multicentric castleman's disease, both in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-positive and -negative patients. identification of kshv/hhv8 dna sequences in various benign and malignant vascular tumors in hiv-negative patients was reported in one study, but was not confirmed in several other studies. the vascular lesions, other th ...19989588771
malignant melanoma in an hiv-infected man: a case report and literature review.although it is not proven by causative association, several studies indicate that patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) have a high risk for developing cutaneous malignancies, especially lymphoma and kaposi's sarcoma. other malignant cutaneous lesions seen in this patient population include basal-cell carcinoma, squamous-cell cancer, bowen's disease, and rarely, malignant melanoma. we review the clinical course of a human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected man with a superf ...19989589030
foscarnet decreases hiv-1 plasma evaluate the effect of foscarnet on hiv-1 replication in vivo.19989593457
emerging pathogens: the hong kong experience. 19979594216
antiviral activity of tumor-suppressor pathways: clues from molecular piracy by kshv.a common feature of many tumor viruses is that they possess genes that produce specific proteins to inhibit major cellular tumor-suppressor pathways. despite intensive studies, the reasons why these diverse and unrelated viruses have independently evolved oncogenes remains obscure. kaposi-sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv or hhv8) has pirated a number of recognizable cellular genes that are key to cell survival and proliferation. in this review, we provide an overview of the known activities ...19989594662
pyothorax-associated lymphoma: relationship with epstein-barr virus, human herpes virus-8 and body cavity-based high grade lymphomas.pyothorax-associated lymphoma (pal) is a newly-described entity developing several decades after artificial pneumothorax treatment for pulmonary or pleural tuberculosis. it is known to be associated with epstein-barr virus (ebv) with constant expression of the two latent membrane proteins: latent membrane protein (lmp)-1 and ebv-associated nuclear antigen (ebna)-2. we are reporting three new cases of pal. all of the tumours were of b-cell lineage and classified as large-cell diffuse lymphomas ac ...19989596137
multiple myeloma and hhv8 infection. 19989596692
detection of human herpesvirus-8 dna in bone marrow biopsies from patients with multiple myeloma and waldenström's macroglobulinemia. 19989596693
abatement of cutaneous kaposi's sarcoma associated with cidofovir treatment. 19989597261
[kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection of dendritic cells in bone marrow in patients with myelomatosis]. 19989599525
herpes virus-like dna (hhv-8) in immunosuppressive therapy-related, hiv-related and classical kaposi's sarcoma in norwegian patients.the recently discovered human herpes virus 8 (kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma. using polymerase chain reaction we detected dna sequences of this herpes virus in 11 of 14 biopsy specimens from kaposi's sarcoma in norwegian patients, including the immunosuppressive therapy-related type (3 of 3), the hiv-related type (4 of 5), and the classical type (4 of 6). the results support the hypothesis of a role for human herpes virus 8 i ...19989602228
transient angiolymphoid hyperplasia and kaposi's sarcoma after primary infection with human herpesvirus 8 in a patient with human immunodeficiency virus infection. 19989603796
lack of serologic association between human herpesvirus-8 infection and multiple myeloma and monoclonal gammopathies of undetermined significance. 19989605649
distinguishing the states of latency and reactivation is important for human herpesvirus 8. 19989606337
high prevalence of antibodies to human herpesvirus 8 in relatives of patients with classic kaposi's sarcoma from sardinia.a survey for antibodies to a recombinant small viral capsid antigen (svca) of human herpesvirus type 8 (hhv-8) was conducted in sardinia, one of the world's highest incidence areas for classic kaposi's sarcoma (ks). prevalence of antibodies to hhv-8 svca was greatest in patients with ks (95%), followed by family members (39%) and a sardinian control population age- and sex-matched to the relatives (11%). within families, prevalence of antibodies was about equal among spouses, children, and sibli ...19989607855
[alpha interferons--new therapeutic modalities].interferons are naturally occurring substances. in fact, interferons are intercellular signalling proteins produced by cells in response to various biological and synthetic stimuli. three major classes of interferons have been identified: interferons alpha, beta and gamma. interferons originate from natural sources and are products of recombinant technology. two forms of recombinant alpha-interferons, 2a and 2b, are available. alpha-interferons are secreted and synthetised by leucocytes and lymp ...19989611956
kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus/human herpesvirus 8. 19979612713
new directions in molecular techniques for pathogen identification. 19989614340
recent progress in the biology of multiple myeloma and future directions in the treatment.a great amount of scientific information, accumulated over recent years on the biology of multiple myeloma (mm), has fuelled speculation about the origin of malignant plasma cells, about a purported critical role played by the bone marrow stroma, and further still, on cytokine interactions and in particular that of il-6 and its relationship with the immune system. among the growth factors secreted by stroma cells, il-6 is a potent stimulator of myeloma cells in vitro but does not induce a malign ...19989615247
[kaposi disease]. 19979615706
distribution of human herpesvirus 8 dna in tumorous and nontumorous tissue of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome with and without kaposi's sarcoma.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) dna is present in virtually all kaposi's sarcomas (kss). conflicting results, however, exist with respect to the presence of hhv-8 in nontumorous tissue samples. to define the specificity and predictive value of hhv-8 dna detection in ks, we analyzed autopsy-derived tissue samples from patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) with and without ks for the presence of hhv-8 dna, using single-step and nested polymerase chain reaction. semiquantitative analy ...19989619592
clinical and biological impact of antiretroviral therapy with protease inhibitors on hiv-related kaposi's evaluate the clinical and biological impact of protease inhibitors on hiv-associated kaposi's sarcoma.19989619797
seroprevalence of hhv-8 antibodies in hiv-positive homosexual men without kaposi's sarcoma and their clinical follow-up.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) has been associated with kaposi's sarcoma (ks). because ks is most frequently seen in hiv-positive homosexual men, we retrospectively evaluated the seroprevalence of hhv-8 in this risk group and compared the clinical history and clinical course of the hhv-8-negative and hhv-8-positive groups. the study was performed by analyzing banked serum samples from asymptomatic hiv-positive men. hhv-8 seropositivity was determined by an indirect immunofluorescence test. a total ...19989620039
mapping and serodiagnostic application of a dominant epitope within the human herpesvirus 8 orf 65-encoded protein.a dominant epitope within the human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8) orf 65-encoded protein was mapped to an 8-amino-acid (aa) sequence (rkppsgkk [aa 162 to 169]) by an amino acid replacement method. using a 14-aa peptide (p4) encompassing this epitope as the antigen, we developed an enzyme immunoassay for hhv8 antibodies. the presence of p4 antibodies in a panel of 61 human serum specimens was highly correlated with biopsy-confirmed kaposi's sarcoma. the homologous epstein-barr virus peptide derived from b ...19989620379
high human herpesvirus 8 seroprevalence in the homosexual population in switzerland.the seroprevalence of human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) in the swiss population was investigated. by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, sera reactive to the recombinant hhv-8 antigen orf 65.2 were found in 24% of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-positive patients without and in 92% of hiv-positive patients with kaposi's sarcoma. surprisingly, 20% of homosexual hiv-negative men, versus only 7% of heterosexual hiv-negative individuals and 5% of blood donors, had antibodies to hhv-8.19989620422
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus viral interferon regulatory factor.interferons (ifns) are a family of multifunctional cytokines with antiviral activities. the k9 open reading frame of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) exhibits significant homology with cellular ifn regulatory factors (irfs). we have investigated the functional consequence of k9 expression in ifn-mediated signal transduction. expression of k9 dramatically repressed transcriptional activation induced by ifn-alpha, -beta, and -gamma. further, it induced transformation of nih 3t3 cells ...19989620998
human immunodeficiency virus tat modulates the flk-1/kdr receptor, mitogen-activated protein kinases, and components of focal adhesion in kaposi's sarcoma cells.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) spindle cell growth and spread have been reported to be modulated by various cytokines as well as the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) gene product tat. recently, hiv-1 tat has been shown to act like a cytokine and bind to the flk-1/kdr receptor for the vascular endothelial growth factor a (vegf-a), which is expressed by ks cells. we have characterized signal transduction pathways stimulated by hiv-1 tat upon its binding to surface receptors on ks cells. we observed that ...19989621077
human herpesvirus 8 in the prostate glands of men with kaposi's sarcoma.the epidemiology of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated kaposi's sarcoma (ks) resembles that of a sexually transmitted pathogen. however, human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8), the proposed cause of ks, is found in semen only infrequently and at low titers. to determine whether hhv-8 was present in the urogenital tract, transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsies were obtained from six men with ks (five with concurrent hiv infection) and four without ks (three with concurrent hiv) and assaye ...19989621094
cloning and functional analysis of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus dna polymerase and its processivity factor.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), or human herpesvirus 8, is a newly identified virus with tumorigenic potential. here, we cloned and expressed the dna polymerase (pol-8) of kshv and its processivity factor (pf-8). pol-8 bound specifically to pf-8 in vitro. moreover, the dna synthesis activity of pol-8 was shown in vitro to be strongly dependent on pf-8. addition of pf-8 to pol-8 allowed efficient synthesis of fully extended dna products corresponding to the full-length m13 templat ...19989621095
identification of hhv8 in early kaposi's sarcoma: implications for kaposi's sarcoma pathogenesis.kaposi's sarcoma is a vascular tumour of uncertain pathogenesis possibly caused by an infectious agent, identified in high risk groups. accumulating solution phase polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and seroepidemiological data suggest that a previously undescribed herpes dna virus (human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8)) is the causative agent. using a unique cohort of early kaposi's sarcoma, the precise cell type infected with hhv8 in such lesions was identified to elucidate further the role of hhv8 in the p ...19989624414
treatment of classical kaposi's sarcoma with intralesional injections of cidofovir: report of a case.the effect of intralesional injections of cidofovir, a nucleotide analog with potent in vitro activity against human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8), was studied in vivo in an hiv-negative patient with classical kaposi's sarcoma (ks). after five weekly injections of the drug, no clinical, histological, immunohistological, or virological changes could be detected in comparison with saline-injected lesions. these findings suggest that, once the ks tumor has developed, active viral replication is no longer i ...19989624609
fibronectin modulates the effects of hiv-1 tat on the growth of murine kaposi's sarcoma-like cells through the down-regulation of tyrosine tat plays a role in the pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma. we therefore investigated the effect of tat on the growth of murine kaposi's sarcoma-like spindle (ttb) cells derived from dermal lesions. we observed that tat and a peptide corresponding to the carboxyl-terminal region (tat65-80) containing an rgd sequence inhibit ttb cell proliferation only when cells are cultured on fibronectin. this inhibitory effect correlates with redistribution of the alpha(v) integrin subunit on the surface ...19989626063
highly active antiretroviral therapy in human herpesvirus-8-related body-cavity-based lymphoma. 19989631153
restricted expression of epstein-barr virus (ebv)-encoded, growth transformation-associated antigens in an ebv- and human herpesvirus type 8-carrying body cavity lymphoma line.a body cavity lymphoma-derived cell line (bc1), known to carry both epstein-barr virus (ebv) and human herpes virus type 8 (hhv-8; or kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, kshv), was analysed for the expression of ebv-encoded, growth transformation-associated antigens and cellular phenotype by immunofluorescence staining, western blotting, rt-pcr and flow cytometry. a similar phenotypic analysis was also performed on another body cavity lymphoma line, bcbl1, that is singly infected with hhv-8 ...19989634087
hiv-1-associated kaposi's sarcoma in a predominantly black population at an inner city hospital.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) associated with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) is the most common malignancy in patients with aids. it has been most commonly reported in white homosexual men, though a few cases have been reported in blacks.19989634116
association of kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (kshv) dna in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of hiv infected individuals with bronchoscopically diagnosed tracheobronchial kaposi's determine the frequency of detection of kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (kshv), also known as human herpesvirus (hhv) type 8, dna in bronchoalveolar lavage (bal) fluid from hiv infected individuals with and without ks and to compare this with the detection rate in peripheral blood. also to identify whether kshv was associated with specific cell types in lavage fluid.19989634297
detection and titration of human herpesvirus-8-specific antibodies in sera from blood donors, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients, and kaposi's sarcoma patients using a whole virus enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.a human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) with a whole virus lysate as antigen was developed and used to measure the seroprevalence rate and levels of igg antibodies to hhv-8 in sera/plasma of various patient groups and blood donors. the virus antigen was prepared from the ks-1 cell line, which produces lytic virus, and therefore contains a broad array of viral proteins. seroprevalence studies using this elisa showed the following: 10 of 91 blood donors (11%) had an ...19989639499
the effectiveness of intermittent hyperbaric oxygen in relieving drug-induced hiv-associated neuropathy.this 3-month study evaluated the effects of hyperbaric oxygen on drug-induced neuropathies in 22 patients with human immunodeficiency virus. all patients included in the study had been taking an antiretroviral medication for at least 12 months and had subjective symptoms of numbness or tingling, lethargy, and a decrease in deep tendon reflex. patients with an active substance abuse history or kaposi's sarcoma were excluded. of the 20 patients who completed the series, 17 had significant improvem ...19989640906
multiple myeloma: vi international workshop, june 14-18, 1997, boston, massachusetts, usa.the vi international workshop on multiple myeloma was organised by professor kenneth c anderson, dana farber cancer institute, and held on june 14-18, 1997, in boston, ma, usa. more than 500 participants from all over the world joined this workshop. several subjects were introduced and one of the most exciting items of news was the identification of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus in the bone marrow stromal cells of patients with mm. the aim of this overview is to give a glimpse of the ...19989643523
immunosuppressive drugs and hhv-8 in a patient with a renal transplant and kaposi's sarcoma. 19989643691
retinoids promising in kaposi's sarcoma trials. 19989643704
the challenge of designing clinical trials for aids-related kaposi's sarcoma.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a frequent cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. several characteristics of ks pose challenges for the conduct of clinical trials. kaposi's sarcoma patients often have multiple, irregularly shaped lesions, making accurate assessment of tumor size difficult. the lesions may have varying degrees of nodularity. involvement of the lung or other visceral organs often consists of multiple irregular lesions. conventional ...19989644686
human herpesvirus 8 in italian hiv-seronegative patients with kaposi evaluate the prevalence of human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) dna detection in a large series of human immunodeficiency virus-seronegative patients with and without kaposi sarcoma (ks) from the central and southern regions of italy where classic ks is prevalent.19989645637
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