
PMID(sorted ascending)
immunofluroescence study on the pathogenesis of fixed rabies virus respiratory infection in suckling mice. 19714395769
[determination of rabies virus antibodies after postexposure vaccination with an interference test]. 19714400121
adaptation to the laboratory mouse of rabies-like viruses isolated from wild rodents. 19724401072
pathogenicity of "wild-mouse" rabies-like strains for laboratory animals. 19724401073
[on the surface structure of rabies virus]. 19724402407
eriochrome black, a means for reduction of nonspecificity in immunofluorescence. 19724404842
non-fatal rabies in white mice. 19744420437
effects of high ambient temperature on various stages of rabies virus infection in mice.effects of high ambient temperatures on various stages of rabies virus infection have been studied. ambient temperature increased within the tolerated range was found to have little effect upon body temperature of normal mice, but caused marked elevation of temperature during illness. temperatures at onset of patent illness in mice were lower than normal. increased body temperature in the higher thermic ambience during the incubation period was associated with decreased mortality and frequent ab ...19744426698
plasticity of phenotypic characters of rabies-related viruses: spontaneous variation in the plaque morphology, virulence, and temperature-sensitivity characters of serially propagated lagos bat and mokola viruses. 19744427078
control of bovine rabies through vampire bat control. 19744436917
[electron microscopic study of human acute encephalomyelitis virus]. 19744446560
[study of rabies virus strains circulating in nature]. 19744446570
rabies in wild carnivores in central europe. ii. virological and serological examinations. 19744446874
a case of rabies with unusual clinical manifestations. 19744448515
experimental bovine paralytic rabies--"derriengue". 19744450419
[serological relations of the rabies virus with other viruses]. 19744453940
biological studies and plaquing of mokola virus (rabies serogroup) in porcine kidney (ps) cells. 19744465332
[purification and concentration of the rabies virus with polyethylene glycol]. 19744466044
[rabies in nutria (experimental studies)]. 19744466052
[extraction of a soluble antigen (a glycoprotein) from rabies tissue culture vaccines using triton x100. immunization and protection experiments (author's transl)]. 19744468748
rabies vaccines and interferon.samples of fermi, semple, modified semple, duck embryo and tissue culture rabies vaccine were inoculated by different routes and in different doses into rabbits, mice and hamsters. the vaccines induced neither detectable interferon nor immediate protection against lethal challenge with cvs rabies virus.under similar conditions, high but transient levels of interferon were induced in control animals of the same species with the polynucleotide complex poly i.c. hamsters but not mice were protected ...19724506993
humoral and cellular immune responses of mice to rabies and smallpox vaccines. 19734512409
a rapid reproducible test for determining rabies neutralizing antibody.rabies neutralizing antibody levels in human and animal sera were tested by a rapid fluorescent focus inhibition technique, in which bhk-21 cells were infected with tissue-culture-adapted rabiesvirus. the results, obtained in 24 hours, were comparable with those of the standard mouse neutralization test.19734544144
changes in central nervous system neurons in white mice under the influence of some neurotropic viruses. 19744546749
[ultrastructure of the rabies virus in the nervous system of man]. 19734548209
nonfatal rabies in an enzootic area: results of a survey and evaluation of techniques. 19724551249
rabies virus in nasal mucosa of naturally infected bats.rabies virus was demonstrated in the olfactory mucosa of naturally infected bats by staining with fluorescent antibody and by isolation of the virus from the nasal tissues. the olfactory mucosa is a potential portal of entry and exit for airborne rabies virus in bat caves.19724551426
an outbreak of non-bite transmitted rabies in a laboratory animal colony. 19724551654
the dynamics of the formation of virus-neutralizing, complement-fixing and immunofluorescent antibodies to the rabies virus in guinea pigs. 19724552831
rabies in rabbits and mice: protective effect of polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid. 19724553077
a model in mice for the pathogenesis and treatment of rabies. 19724554109
temperature-sensitivity characteristics distinguishing substrains of fixed rabies virus: lack of correlation with plague-size markers or virulence for mice. 19724556571
unusual laboratory exposure to a rabid skunk. 19724560277
electron microscopic studies on the structure of rabies virus. 19724561658
role of interferon induction in the protective activity of rabies vaccines. 19724561726
[culture of human and aminal nerve tissue and its use for the study of central nervous system diseases]. 19724563841
rabid dogs in bangkok--thonburi. a preliminary study. 19724563991
standardization and quantitation of immunofluorescence in the rabies fluorescent-antibody test.the standardization and quantitation of immunofluorescence with a farrand microphotometer in the rabies fluorescent-antibody technique were determined. the system is useful in maintaining the quality of examinations for rabies in a public health laboratory since quantitation of reagent, equipment performance, and specificity of reaction can be evaluated. an analysis of the results demonstrates the high degree of reproducibility and the accuracy of the techniques described.19724564045
[current views on the pathogenesis of rabies]. 19724564326
diagnosis of rabies by immunofluorescent staining of frozen sections of skin. 19724565073
validity of spinal cord examination as a substitute procedure for routine rabies diagnosis.a significant portion of specimens received by this laboratory for rabies diagnosis is unsatisfactory for testing due to decomposition of the brain, or severe mutilation of the head when the animal was killed. examination of the spinal cord was therefore explored as a possible alternative method when standard brain examination was not possible. in this study, both brain and spinal cord of 248 rabies-suspect animals were examined to assess the reliability of the spinal cord method. brain and spin ...19724565635
[viruses of the rabies group]. 19724566841
antigenic properties of rabies virus components. 19734568184
early events of rabies virus replicaton in tissue cultures. an electron microscopic study. 19734569118
transplacental transmission of bovine rabies after natural infection. 19734569806
evaluation of the corneal test as a laboratory method for rabies diagnosis.the corneal test (ct) for rabies diagnosis was evaluated in samples from 313 subjects of different species. some of the subjects were inoculated experimentally and others were naturally infected. when the ct was compared with immunofluorescence staining and mouse inoculation tests on brains of the same subjects, a sensitivity of 41.7% and a specificity of 100% were found. the authors conclude that a positive ct result would confirm the diagnosis of rabies, but a negative one would not exclude th ...19734571654
[aujeszky's disease (a review)]. 19734579862
comparative pathogenesis of rabies and rabies-like viruses: infection of the central nervous system and centrifugal spread of virus to peripheral tissues. 19734580585
cultivation of the fixed rabies virus strain hep flury in vitro. i. adaptation of the hep flury strain to the human diploid cell line hel. 19734582962
epizootiologic aspects of raccoon rabies in florida. 19734583405
inapparent rabies virus infection of the central nervous system. 19734583866
inactivated rabies vaccine produced from the flury lep strain of virus grown in bhk-21 suspension cells.suspension cultures of bhk-21 cells maintained at 32 to 33 c were infected with the flury lep strain of rabies virus. by using a cell concentration of 2.0 x 10(6) to 2.5 x 10(6) cells per ml infected at a multiplicity of 0.05, high titers of extracellular virus were reached in 96 to 120 h, and potent inactivated vaccines were prepared from culture fluids harvested between 96 to 168 h. the addition of 1% bovine serum to the maintenance medium resulted in an increase in virus yields and vaccine po ...19734588193
a case of human rabies with prolonged survival. 19734589643
immunopathologic aspects of infection with lagos bat virus of the rabies serogroup. 19744590821
the epidemiology and control of rabies. 19734592179
use of inoculated eggs as a vehicle for the oral rabies vaccination of red foxes (vulpes fulva).the era vaccine strain of rabies virus propagated on continuous porcine kidney tissue culture cells (pk15) was inoculated into the yolk sac of embryonated chicken eggs for the purpose of oral vaccine distribution. two inoculated eggs were subsequently fed to each of 12 serologically rabies-negative foxes. six (50%) of the foxes developed demonstrable rabies serum-neutralizing antibody within 4 weeks of vaccination and resisted challenge to street virus 14 weeks postvaccination. testing of inocul ...19744595757
[some immunity parameters in different physiological conditions and following infection of sheep with rabies virus. 3. effect of infection with rabies virus]. 19734596011
human rabies. diagnosis, complications, and management. 19744600621
rabies. 19744608103
further studies on the replication of rabies and rabies-like viruses in organized cultures of mammalian neural tissues.organized cultures of mammalian spinal and dorsal root ganglions were used for a comparative study of the neurocytopathology caused by rabies and so-called rabies-like viruses. electron microscopy and titration of infectivity revised earlier data in which no difference could be demonstrated between street and fixed-virus infection. in the present study, fixed virus produced inclusion bodies without apparent virus assembly. sequential electron microscopy revealed that the main sites of virus asse ...19744608225
[coupled cytoenzymologic and immunofluorescent technic (author's transl)]. 19744613252
[the rabies virus]. 19744616382
[prevention of rabies]. 19744617284
production of rabies fluorescent conjugate by immunization of rabbits with purified rabies antigen.fluorescein-labelled antirabies virus conjugate was produced by hyperimmunizing rabbits with a purified rabies virus (cvs-27). the conjugate had a working dilution of >/=1: 500 in the rabies fluorescent antibody test. stability under lyophilization was satisfactory.19744619062
[the preparation of rabies virus nucleocapsid specific igg and its purification and conjugation with peroxidase or fluorescein isothiocyanate (author's transl)]. 19744619766
vaccination and challenge of mice with viruses of the rabies serogroup. 19724622712
[current findings in rabies research]. 19724623067
[long-term passages of street rabies virus (mochalin strain) in tissue culture and its genetic markers]. 19724623860
[action of interferon on the replication cycle of the rabies virion]. 19724624875
rabies antibody determination by immunofluorescence in tissue culture.a tissue culture (tc)-fluorescent antibody (fa) technique for the measurement of rabies-neutralizing antibody was found to be reliable and comparable to the standard mouse serum neutralization test. this test was performed with bhk-21 cells infected with the era vaccine virus strain on lab-tek tc chamber slides. a flury high egg passage (hep) rabies virus strain grown on continuous line of african green monkey (vero) and on bhk-21 cells was investigated to determine its utilization in a tc-fa ne ...19724628958
pathogenesis of rabies and rabies-like viruses. 19724632949
immune response in primates vaccinated with duck embryo cell culture rabies rhesus monkeys (macaca mulata) were vaccinated with four inactivated rabies vaccines, including two cell culture vaccines, one zonal purified cell culture vaccine, and a 10% extracted duck embryo vaccine. the vaccines were potency tested by both national institutes of health (nih) and habel methods and passed one or both tests. however, a vaccine having acceptable potency by one method frequently failed or was marginal by the other procedure. groups of three monkeys were inoculated with ea ...19734633422
singh's aedes albopictus cell cultures as helper cells for the adaptation of obodhiang and kotonkan viruses of the rabies serogroup to some vertebrat cell cultures.multiplication of rabies serogroup viruses, obodhiang and kotonkan, was induced in vertebrate cell cultures by using singh's aedes albopictus cell cultures as "helper cells."19734633481
in vitro and in vivo study of rifampicin on replication of vaccinia virus. 19724660535
[isolation of a neurotropic virus from gophers]. 19724666157
atypical rabies in dogs in ethiopia. 19724670472
failure to transmit rabies to rats and mice by ingestion and contact. 19724671468
heterogeneity in the phospholipid content of purified rabies virus (era strain) particles. 19724672385
[rabies. etiology, occurrence, laboratory diagnosis, therapy and prevention]. 19734691027
rabies. 19734694411
isolation of rabies virus outside the human central nervous system. 19734707313
[aspects of experimental rabies infection with babes fixed virus in newborn sheep destined for obtainment of variants of non-encephalitogenic rabies vaccine for production. clinical, cytological and histopathological study. i]. 19734711738
[changes of immunoglobulins in subjects vaccinated with hempt vaccine]. 19734714506
the effect of anti-lymphocytic serum of infection by congo virus (crimean haemorrhagic fever virus related) and mokola virus (rabies virus related). 19734718269
era strain rabies vaccine--intracerebral passage in dogs. 19734718373
[epidemiology and prevention of rabies]. 19734740823
comparison of rabies virus strains by means of the plaque reduction test. 19734748295
modified live-virus rabies vaccine produced from flury high egg-passage virus grown on an established canine-kidney cell line: three-year duration-of-immunity study in dogs. 19734748726
in vivo enhancement of rabies infection by diethylaminoethyl-dextran. brief report. 19734749261
[anti-rabies immunity]. 19734755558
rabies: a review of current problems and trends. 19734770903
ultrastructure of the negri body in human rabies. 19734772395
mokola virus: experimental infection and transmission studies with the shrew, a natural host. 19734772939
rabies. 19734785456
[inactivation of cultured antirabies vaccine by uv rays]. 19734786161
comparison of the lipids of intracellular and extracellular rabies viruses.the lipid composition of both intracellular and extracellular forms of the era strain of rabies virus grown in bhk/21 cells was determined. the lipids from purified preparations of both intracellular and extracellular virus yielded 57 and 58% neutral lipid, respectively. the phospholipids of the intracellular and extracellular virus constituted 43 and 42%, respectively. triglyceride and cholesterol appear to be the major neutral lipids, whereas sphingomyelin, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosph ...19734797265
cultivation of the fixed rabies virus strain hep flury in vitro. ii. study of immunogenic variability of the hep flury strain during serial propagation in the human diploid cell line hel. 19734799193
changes in the central nervous system after experimental rabies infection and immunization. 3. an electron microscopy study. 19734799194
airborne rabies transmission in a laboratory worker. 19734800498
[electron microscope study of the development and morphology of rabies virus]. 19734804573
Displaying items 1201 - 1300 of 5712