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clonal organization of proliferating spermatogonial stem cells in adult males of two species of non-human primates, macaca mulatta and callithrix jacchus.the present study examines the existence of clonogenic patterns in the proliferation and differentiation of spermatogonial stem cells in two species of non-human primates, the marmoset and the rhesus monkey. we developed a novel approach to detect proliferating spermatogonial clones in whole mounts of seminiferous tubules. dual fluorescence labeling of bromodeoxyuridine and acrosin in conjunction with confocal microscopy allows the description of the clonogenic and spatial arrangement of prolife ...200515355878
reproductive output, maternal age, and survivorship in captive common marmoset females (callithrix jacchus).common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) demonstrate significant variation in reproductive output on both a yearly and lifetime basis in comparison to other anthropoid primates. we explore the factors that may be most important in determining reproductive variation in captive common marmosets. studies have found that maternal age, maternal condition, and dam survivorship are related to reproductive output; however, these reports are not in agreement and are far from conclusive. with the use of a la ...200415356862
modelling of multiple sclerosis: lessons learned in a non-human primate.the many, highly specific, biological therapies for immune-based diseases create a need for valid preclinical animal models. the wide immunological gap between human beings and laboratory mouse or rat models makes many disease models in these species invalid. in this review, we report a non-human-primate model of chronic multiple sclerosis (ms)-experimental autoimmune encephalitis (eae) in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus)-that can help bridge this wide gap. the genetic and immunological ...200415380155
new technique for studying reaction forces during primate behaviors on vertical substrates.recording reaction forces from primates during behaviors on vertical substrates, such as leaping, climbing, or biting trees, typically requires the design and construction of customized recording devices or mounting commercially available force platforms in a vertical position. the technical difficulties imposed by either option have hindered in vivo research on the kinetics of primate behaviors on vertical substrates. we describe a simple, inexpensive apparatus for recording forces from primate ...200415386253
fmri of generalized absence status epilepticus in conscious marmoset monkeys reveals corticothalamic activation.a nonhuman primate model of generalized absence status epilepticus was developed for use in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri) experiments to elucidate the brain mechanisms underlying this disorder.200415461678
[the pharmacological and rational theory for the drug development of parkinson's disease].the basal ganglia in the brain contains glutamate, dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline, cck, adenosine, opioid, cannabinoid, etc. these agents contribute to keep motor control and modulation of the agent may be a cue to the treatment of movement disorders. d1 or d2 dopamine receptor agonists increase locomotor activity in mptp-treated common marmosets which showed decreased locomotor activity and decreased number of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra. using this model of parkinsonism, nmda ...200415462380
expression of neuron-specific markers by the vomeronasal neuroepithelium in six species of primates.vomeronasal organ (vno) morphology varies markedly across primate taxa. old world monkeys display no postnatal vno. humans and at least some apes retain a vestigial vno during postnatal life, whereas the strepsirrhines and new world monkeys present a morphologically well-defined vno that, in many species, is presumed to function as an olfactory organ. available microanatomical and behavioral studies suggest that vno function in these species does not precisely duplicate that described in other m ...200415470676
fetal and infant head circumference sexual dimorphism in primates.studies have shown that after controlling for the effects of body size on brain size, the brains of adult humans, rhesus monkeys, and chimpanzees differ in relative size, where males have a greater volume of cerebral tissue than females. we assess whether head circumference sexual dimorphism is present during early development by evaluating sex differences in relative head circumference in living fetuses and infants within the first year of life. head circumference is used as a proxy for brain s ...200515472898
distribution of olfactory epithelium in the primate nasal cavity: are microsmia and macrosmia valid morphological concepts?the terms "microsmatic" and "macrosmatic" are used to compare species with greater versus lesser olfactory capabilities, such as carnivores compared to certain primates. these categories have been morphologically defined based on the size of olfactory bulb and surface area of olfactory epithelium in the nasal fossa. the present study examines assumptions regarding the morphological relationship of bony elements to the olfactory mucosa, the utility of olfactory epithelial surface area as a compar ...200415472902
novel restraint system for neuroendocrine studies of socially living common marmoset monkeys.we describe a novel soft jacket and sling-harness restraint that permits species-typical postures for small-bodied primates, such as the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus), during long-term (>6 h), continuous restraint. the restraint system is straightforward to use and manipulate, it is easily repaired, and the materials used are readily available. the soft jacket allows for increased versatility and longevity, and the sling-harness provides for greater movement and much longer duration of co ...200415479554
endocrine changes in full-term pregnancies and pregnancy loss due to energy restriction in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).common marmosets, a new world primate, respond to a modest energy restriction with early termination of the pregnancy. within female marmosets, comparisons (n = 6) between a normal, term pregnancy and a restriction-induced aborted pregnancy were used to establish cortisol, free estradiol, and chorionic gonadotropin (cg) as urinary markers of placental and fetal function under these two conditions. abortions occurred 11-47 d after a 25% energy reduction during midpregnancy for all females. cortis ...200515483089
multiple small doses of levodopa plus entacapone produce continuous dopaminergic stimulation and reduce dyskinesia induction in mptp-treated drug-naive primates.long-acting dopamine agonist drugs induce a lower incidence of dyskinesia in mptp-treated primates and patients with parkinson's disease compared to pulsatile treatment with levodopa, supporting the concept of continuous dopaminergic stimulation as a means of dyskinesia avoidance. we examined the effects of l-dopa administered with or without the comt inhibitor entacapone on dyskinesia induction in previously untreated mptp-treated common marmosets. administration of l-dopa (12.5 mg/kg p.o.) plu ...200515490461
diurnal cycle in salivary cortisol levels in common marmosets.a noninvasive method of saliva sampling was used to assess the diurnal cortisol rhythm from 0900 to 1700 hr in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus). the levels of cortisol were highest in the morning and declined significantly over the day. individual marmosets varied in the magnitude of the cycle, and the greatest individual variability occurred in the morning levels. the decrease in cortisol levels was more rapid after than before the midday feeding period in subordinate marmosets (aged 53 ...200415505795
eye preferences in common marmosets (callithrix jacchus): influence of age, stimulus, and hand preference.eye preferences of the common marmoset ( callithrix jacchus ) were examined, taking into account age, arousal, and hand preference. monocular eye use for looking through a small hole at a stimulus was recorded. of 21 marmosets, 20 displayed right-eye preferences for viewing a piece of familiar food. in subjects tested at 3-8, 12, 15-18, and 22 months, eye preferences were consistent across age. a group bias, indicative of right-eyedness, was also found for viewing other stimuli. the stimuli incl ...199815513078
teat preference for suckling in common marmosets: relationship to side of being carried and hand preference.mother-infant interaction in common marmosets ( callithrix jacchus jacchus ) was scored for the first 60 days post parturition. teat preference was compared to hand preference for picking up and holding food over the same ages and at 18 months. all infants, except one, exhibited strong preferences for one of the mother's teats. preference for a teat was maintained when twins suckled separately as well as together. infants suckled separately for a mean 42% of the time of all suckling bouts being ...199815513089
leading-limb preferences in marmosets (callithrix jacchus): walking, leaping and landing.the leading-limb preferences of 17 common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) when they initiated and terminated locomotion were determined from video recordings of the subjects walking on, leaping off, and landing on a plexiglas platform. in a majority of sequences, 11 of 17 subjects landed with the right hand and foot contacting the plexiglas substrate before the left hand and foot. of the 17 subjects, 8 initiated leaping with the right side of the body, whereas only 3 subjects significantly prefer ...200215513194
serologic survey in a colony of captive common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) after infection with herpes simplex type 1-like outbreak of herpesvirus caused the death of four of five common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) in a private colony. gross lesions included acute ulcerative gingivitis, glossitis, and enlarged mandibular lymph nodes. histologically, all fatal cases showed meningoencephalitis and eosinophilia with intranuclear inclusion bodies in neurons and glial cells. a herpes simplex-like virus was cultured from the brain and was identified as herpes simplex type 1 virus or a closely related virus by immuno ...200415526895
energy restriction initiated at different gestational ages has varying effects on maternal weight gain and pregnancy outcome in common marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus).with relatively high fertility and short lifespan, marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus) may become useful primate models of prenatal nutritional effects on birth condition and adult disease risk. the present study determined the effects of energy restriction to 75% of expected ad libitum consumption during mid- (day 66) or late (day 99) gestation on maternal weight, fetal growth and pregnancy outcomes in this species. mid-restriction reliably induced the loss of pregnancy before term, at 92 d, ...200415533274
environmental enrichment techniques in non-human primates. the case of this paper, we discuss issues concerning the welfare of non-human primates used in laboratory research from an eco-ethological standpoint and suggest means of improving welfare. following a brief review of the use of non-human primates in european countries and of the legislation that governs this use, we illustrate how a thorough eco-ethological knowledge of the species being studied can play a vital role in improving both its conditions and the quality of the experimental protocols, arguing ...200415536268
refinement techniques in experimental protocols involving callitrichids.the invasiveness of biomedical experiments on laboratory animals should be limited to the greatest extent possible yet without sacrificing the quality of the data collected. to this end, refinement techniques can be used. in the present work, we describe some of these techniques, focussing on the familiarity of the experimental environment, alternative sampling techniques (including the use of positive training), telemetry, and methods for improving ethological experiments. as a model, we have c ...200415536276
investigation of marmoset hybrids (cebuella pygmaea x callithrix jacchus) and related callitrichinae (platyrrhini) by cross-species chromosome painting and comparative genomic hybridization.we report on the cytogenetics of twin offspring from an interspecies cross in marmosets (callitrichinae, platyrrhini), resulting from a pairing between a female common marmoset (callithrix jacchus, 2n = 46) and a male pygmy marmoset (cebuella pygmaea, 2n = 44). we analyzed their karyotypes by multi-directional chromosome painting employing human, saguinus oedipus and lagothrix lagothricha chromosome-specific probes. both hybrid individuals had a karyotype with a diploid chromosome number of 2n = ...200515545729
development of prolactin levels in marmoset males: from adult son to first-time father.previous studies have found a clear relationship between prolactin (prl) and paternal care in various vertebrate taxa. in new world monkeys, it has been demonstrated in several species that fathers have high prolactin levels even during periods without infant rearing. in this study, we followed the reproductive careers of common marmoset males as they transitioned from being an adult son within their native family to fathering their own offspring for the first time. specifically, we examined the ...200415555510
the carboxyterminal peptide of chorionic gonadotropin facilitates activation of the marmoset lh receptor.luteinizing hormone (lh) and chorionic gonadotropin (cg) are heterodimeric glycoprotein hormones acting on the luteinizing hormone receptor (lhr). in the lhr, which is genomically encoded by eleven exons, exon 10 encodes for the hinge region and its elimination impairs lh action, while cg maintains normal activity. the two gonadotropins differ in the carboxyterminal peptide (ctp) present in cg but absent in lh. since the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus) lhr naturally lacks exon 10 (lhr type ...200415578332
neuroendocrine response to female ovulatory odors depends upon social condition in male common marmosets, callithrix jacchus.male mammals show rapid behavioral and hormonal responses to signals from sexually receptive females. however, rapid endocrine responses to female signals have not been observed in a nonhuman primate. here, we tested the behavioral and hormonal response of male common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) to isolated scent secretions from ovulatory females or to vehicle control scent. fifteen males were tested in their home cage for behavioral and hormonal responses. these males showed increased invest ...200515579266
effect of 5-ht1b/d receptor agonist and antagonist administration on motor function in haloperidol and mptp-treated common interaction between brain serotonergic and dopaminergic systems involving 5-ht(1b) receptors may contribute to motor complications arising from the drug treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders. this study assessed the effects of treatment with a non-selective 5-ht(1b/d) receptor agonist and a selective 5-ht(1b) receptor antagonist on akinesia induced in marmosets by long-term treatment with haloperidol and on motor disability and l-3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (l-dopa)-induced dysk ...200415582011
flow cytometric sorting of non-human primate sperm nuclei.pre-determination of the sex of offspring has implications for management and conservation of captive wildlife species, particularly those with single sex-dominated social structures. our goal is to adapt flow cytometry technology to sort spermatozoa of non-human primate species for use with assisted reproductive technologies. the objectives of this study were to: (i) determine the difference in dna content between x- and y-bearing spermatozoa (ii) sort sperm nuclei into x- and y-enriched sample ...200515589288
differential signatures of protein expression in marmoset liver and thymus induced by single-dose tcdd treatment.2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tcdd) is an ubiquitously distributed environmental pollutant. health effects have been studied intensively, but low-dose effects are quite complex and not yet fully understood. in many studies, the immune system was identified as the most sensitive target. here, we demonstrate changes of protein expression in liver and thymus of male marmosets (callithrix jacchus) which were subjected to a single dose of a subcutaneous injection of 100 ng/kg body weight tcdd. ...200515590107
experimental norovirus infections in non-human primates.noroviruses, with norwalk virus as the prototype strain, are the most common cause of viral gastroenteritis in people of all ages. limited information on the immunology of norovirus infections has been obtained by studies both in the natural setting and in experimentally infected volunteers. interpretation of these studies is difficult due to the lack of information on the history of norovirus exposure and the cross-reactivity of antibodies. an animal model for norovirus infections would be impo ...200515602728
recovery from experimental parkinson's disease in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine hydrochloride treated marmoset with the melatonin analogue ml-23.a new mechanism has been recently proposed, whereby melatonin may participate in the ongoing process of neuronal degeneration in models of neurodegenerative disorders, such as parkinson's disease (pd). antagonism of the melatonin receptor in rats using constant light or pinealectomy induced recovery and reduced the mortality typically associated with dopamine (da) degeneration. in additional studies, employing ml-23 in the 6-ohda-treated rat, remission from experimental pd was achieved using thi ...200415652376
repeated administration of the monoamine reuptake inhibitor bts 74 398 induces ipsilateral circling in the 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned rat without sensitizing motor behaviours.bts 74 398 (1-[1-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)cyclobutyl]-2-(3-diaminethylaminopropylthio)ethanone monocitrate) is a monoamine reuptake inhibitor that reverses motor deficits in mptp-treated (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) common marmosets without provoking established dyskinesia. however, it is not known whether bts 74 398 primes the basal ganglia for dyskinesia induction. in this study, the ability of bts 74 398 to sensitize 6-hydroxydopamine (6-ohda)-lesioned rats for the production of ...200515654855
diminished maternal responsiveness during pregnancy in multiparous female common marmosets.common marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus) live in small groups in which, usually, only a single female breeds and all group members provide infant care. when two females breed concurrently, however, they may commonly kill one another's infants, especially during the peripartum period. to investigate the mechanisms underlying infanticide by breeding females, we characterized responses of multiparous females to infants and determined circulating hormone levels in adult females during early preg ...200415664018
fecal androgen levels in common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) males living in captive family captive common marmoset groups, the reproductive inhibition observed in subordinate female seems to be a result of olfactory, visual and behavioral cues from the dominant female. however, few studies have examined the relationship among adult males living in the same social group. these studies have shown that reproductive failure among peer males seems to be based on hormonal and behavioral mechanisms. new insights on sexual strategies in primates have been shown using fecal steroids, but so ...200515665991
continuous low-level glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor delivery using recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors provides neuroprotection and induces behavioral recovery in a primate model of parkinson's disease.the therapeutic potential of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (gdnf) for parkinson's disease is likely to depend on sustained delivery of the appropriate amount to the target areas. recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors (raavs) expressing gdnf may be a suitable delivery system for this purpose. the aim of this study was to define a sustained level of gdnf that does not affect the function of the normal dopamine (da) neurons but does provide anatomical and behavioral protection ag ...200515673656
evidence for altered monoamine activity and emotional and cognitive disturbance in marmoset monkeys exposed to early life common marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus, order primates), infants aged 2-28 days were deprived of parental care for 30-120 min/day in order to investigate the long-term effects of this neglect-stress model on affect and cognition in a primate species. basal morning levels of urinary cortisol across the first year of life were unaffected in early deprived marmosets relative to their sibling controls. basal morning levels of urinary dopamine were chronically increased. this peripheral incre ...200415677420
effects of the mglur2/3 agonist ly354740 on computerized tasks of attention and working memory in marmoset monkeys.ly354740 is a recently developed metabotropic glutamatergic receptor 2 and 3 (mglur2/3) agonist. a high density of mglur2 has been reported in terminal fields of the perforant path in rodents and humans, suggesting its involvement in cognitive functions mediated by the temporal lobe, including memory. a small number of in vivo studies in rodents have assessed the effects of ly354740 on memory tasks, reporting the induction of impaired memory for spatial orientation in a water maze task and for d ...200515678362
resolving the organization of the new world monkey third visual complex: the dorsal extrastriate cortex of the marmoset (callithrix jacchus).we tested current hypotheses on the functional organization of the third visual complex, a particularly controversial region of the primate extrastriate cortex. in anatomical experiments, injections of retrograde tracers were placed in the dorsal cortex immediately rostral to the second visual area (v2) of new world monkeys (callithrix jacchus), revealing the topography of interconnections between the "third tier" cortex and the primary visual area (v1). the data indicate the presence of a dorso ...200515678474
septicemia and peritonitis in a colony of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) secondary to klebsiella pneumoniae infection.six common marmosets from a colony of 50 died over a period of 3 weeks, with the predominant finding of gram-negative bacterial septicemia. four of these animals died peracutely; the other two were found when they were moribund, and they subsequently died despite clinical intervention. gram-negative bacterial rods were present in the blood vessels of stained tissues from five of the six marmosets. three marmosets also had severe fibrinopurulent peritonitis. in addition, one of the marmosets with ...200515697197
two breeding females within free-living groups may not always indicate polygyny: alternative subordinate female strategies in common marmosets (callithrix jacchus).the mating system of callitrichids has been reported to be monogamous, polygynous and polyandrous. in callithrix jacchus, groups with 2 breeding females and groups with 1 breeding female have been reported. our purpose was to evaluate the occurrence of occasional reproduction by subordinate females in free-ranging c. jacchus groups characterized as monogamous. four groups were monitored at a field site of ibama-brazil for between 20 and 72 months. we recorded the birth of 7 sets of twins to subo ...200615711070
experimental leptospirosis in marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus): a new model for studies of severe pulmonary leptospirosis.experimental infection of marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus) with leptospira interrogans serovar copenhageni showed microscopic patterns of tissue reactions comparable to those seen in the severe forms of human leptospirosis, including intra-alveolar hemorrhage. the most impressive microscopic changes were seen in the lung and kidney of animals killed at days 6 and 12 after inoculation. there were extensive and irregular areas of hemorrhage predominating around main bronchial branches or diff ...200515728860
severe t-cell depletion from the pals leads to altered spleen composition in common marmosets with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (eae).recent data suggest that the spleen is a crucial component of the immune system in the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (eae) in marmoset monkeys. using immunohistochemistry, we investigated changes in the distribution of leukocytes in the spleen associated with clinical symptoms of eae. animals without eae displayed well-developed t- and b-cell areas, germinal centers and red pulp. in contrast, a marked depletion of periarteriolar t cells with preservation of other eleme ...200515748941
systemic aa amyloidosis in the common marmoset.the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) is a small new world primate native to brazil that has been used extensively in biomedical research. a retrospective analysis of archived hematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue sections and clinical records was conducted at the new england primate research center on 86 marmosets more than 1 year of age that were euthanized during the past decade because of morbidity and failure to thrive. approximately 17% (15 of 86) were found to have amyloid deposits in o ...200515753464
plasticity in primary auditory cortex of monkeys with altered vocal production.response properties of primary auditory cortical neurons in the adult common marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus) were modified by extensive exposure to altered vocalizations that were self-generated and rehearsed frequently. a laryngeal apparatus modification procedure permanently lowered the frequency content of the native twitter call, a complex communication vocalization consisting of a series of frequency modulation (fm) sweeps. monkeys vocalized shortly after this procedure and maintained ...200515758157
transplantation of human neural stem cells for spinal cord injury in primates.recent studies have shown that delayed transplantation of neural stem/progenitor cells (nspcs) into the injured spinal cord can promote functional recovery in adult rats. preclinical studies using nonhuman primates, however, are necessary before nspcs can be used in clinical trials to treat human patients with spinal cord injury (sci). cervical contusion scis were induced in 10 adult common marmosets using a stereotaxic device. nine days after injury, in vitro-expanded human nspcs were transplan ...200515772979
establishment of graded spinal cord injury model in a nonhuman primate: the common marmoset.most previous studies on spinal cord injury (sci) have used rodent models. direct extrapolation of the results obtained in rodents to clinical cases is difficult, however, because of neurofunctional and anatomic differences between rodents and primates. in the present study, the development of histopathologic changes and functional deficits were assessed quantitatively after mild, moderate, and severe spinal cord contusive injuries in common marmosets. contusive sci was induced by dropping one o ...200515772980
a modified mptp treatment regime produces reproducible partial nigrostriatal lesions in common marmosets.standard mptp treatment regimens in primates result in > 85% destruction of nigral dopaminergic neurons and the onset of marked motor deficits that respond to known symptomatic treatments for parkinson's disease (pd). the extent of nigral degeneration reflects the late stages of pd rather than events occurring at its onset. we report on a modified mptp treatment regimen that causes nigral dopaminergic degeneration in common marmosets equivalent to that occurring at the time of initiation of moto ...200515787691
ejaculates from the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) contain semenogelin and beta-microseminoprotein but not prostate-specific antigen.human seminal plasma contains high concentrations of prostatic acid phosphatase (pap), prostate-specific antigen (psa), beta-microseminoprotein (msp), semenogelin i (sgi), and semenogelin ii (sgii), whereas only pap and msp are present in rodents. in order to gain a better understanding of the evolution and function of semen proteins, we have studied ejaculates from the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus)-a new world monkey. semen samples were analyzed with sds-page, western blotting, and isoel ...200515791587
species differences in the metabolism of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (dehp) in several organs of mice, rats, and clarify species differences in the metabolism of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (dehp) we measured the activity of four dehp-metabolizing enzymes (lipase, udp-glucuronyltransferase (ugt), alcohol dehydrogenase (adh), and aldehyde dehydrogenase (aldh)) in several organs (the liver, lungs, kidneys, and small intestine) of mice (cd-1), rats (sprague-dawley), and marmosets (callithrix jacchus). lipase activity, measured by the rate of formation of mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (mehp) from dehp, differ ...200415798888
adult-infant food transfer in common marmosets: an experimental study.infant marmosets and tamarins obtain solid food items from adults during and after the time of weaning. in addition to providing nutrients, food transfers may provide infants with the opportunity to learn about diet. the aim of this study was to investigate patterns of begging and food transfer in captive groups of common marmosets during tests with 1) palatable novel food, 2) unpalatable novel food, and 3) familiar food. infants may gain an opportunity to learn about diet breadth by preferentia ...200515834892
postnatal development of alkaline phosphatase activity correlates with the maturation of neurotransmission in the cerebral cortex.we have shown previously that the tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (tnap) is selectively expressed in the synaptic cleft of sensory cortical areas in adult mammals and, by using sensory deprivation, that tnap activity depends on thalamocortical activity. we further analyzed this structural functional relationship by comparing the developmental pattern of tnap activity to the maturation of the thalamocortical afferents in the primate brain (callithrix jacchus). cortical expression of alkal ...200515844208
postnatal ontogeny of hippocampal expression of the mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in the common marmoset monkey.the mineralocorticoid receptor (mr) and glucocorticoid receptor (gr) are nuclear transcription factors that mediate many of the basal and stress functions and effects of the corticosteroid hormones, including those related to brain development. despite this, relatively little is known about the postnatal ontogeny of mr and gr gene and protein expression in the central nervous system, and this is particularly true of the primates, including humans. here we describe the postnatal ontogeny of centr ...200515845080
autonomic arousal in an appetitive context in primates: a behavioural and neural analysis.central to many emotional responses is the accompanying peripheral somatic and autonomic arousal, feedback from which has been hypothesized to enhance emotional memory and to contribute to appraisal processes and decision making, and dysfunction of which may contribute to antisocial behaviour. whilst peripheral arousal may accompany both positive and negative emotional contexts, its relationship with the former is poorly understood, as are the neural mechanisms underlying such a relationship. th ...200515845101
functional response properties of neurons in the dorsomedial visual area of new world monkeys (callithrix jacchus).the dorsomedial visual area (dm), a subdivision of extrastriate cortex located near the dorsal midline, is characterized by heavy myelination and a relative emphasis on peripheral vision. to date, dm remains the least understood of the three primary targets of projections from the striate cortex (v1) in new world monkeys. here, we characterize the responses of dm neurons in anaesthetized marmosets to drifting sine wave gratings. most (82.4%) cells showed bidirectional sensitivity, with only 6.9% ...200615858163
comparison of the effects of percoll and puresperm on the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) semen.density gradient centrifugation is a widely used technique for the separation of motile from non-motile sperm, for the removal of contaminating agents such as bacteria and viruses, and for the removal of seminal plasma or cryoprotectant. in the choice of a density gradient medium for a new species, it is important to perform toxicity tests. the present study was carried out to evaluate the potential toxic effects of two silica-based density gradient products (percoll and puresperm), on the sperm ...200515860114
retinal projections to the midline and intralaminar thalamic nuclei in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).in this study, we report the identification of a hitherto not reported direct retinal projection to midline and intralaminar thalamic nuclei in the marmoset brain. after unilateral intravitreal injections of cholera toxin subunit b (ctb), anterogradely transported ctb-immunoreactive fibers and presumptive terminals were seen in the following thalamic midline nuclei: paraventricular, rhomboid, interanteromedial, and reuniens, and thalamic intralaminar nuclei: central medial, central lateral, cent ...200515862516
treatment with chimeric anti-human cd40 antibody suppresses mri-detectable inflammation and enlargement of pre-existing brain lesions in common marmosets affected by mog-induced eae.common marmosets, a neotropical monkey species, are protected against clinical and neuropathological consequences of experimentally induced autoimmune encephalomyelitis (eae) by prophylactic treatment with ch5d12, a humanized antagonist antibody against human cd40. in the current study we have tested whether ch5d12 acts therapeutically against the enlargement and inflammatory activity of existing (brain) white matter lesions using serial magnetic resonance imaging (mri). the results show in all ...200515885306
proteasomal activity in brain differs between species and brain regions and changes with age.age-related increase in protein oxidation in brain coupled to an impairment of proteasomal activity may underline neuronal loss but differences in susceptibility between species and brain regions remain unexplained. we now investigate differences in proteasomal activity, measured as chymotrypsin-, trypsin- and peptidylglutamyl-like hydrolysing activities between brain regions in rats, mice and common marmosets. in aged rats and mice, proteasomal activity was decreased in the cortex, striatum, ce ...200515888331
a simple method for assessing muscle function in common marmosets.a novel method of assessing muscle function in the common marmoset was developed as part of a multidisciplinary long-term study. the method involved home cage presentation of a weight-pulling task. over a 4-5 month period, 38 of 42 animals were successfully trained to displace weights of up to 920 g (mean 612+/-20 g). performance, following initial training, was stable and independent of gender or body weight.200515901359
sustained firing in auditory cortex evoked by preferred has been well documented that neurons in the auditory cortex of anaesthetized animals generally display transient responses to acoustic stimulation, and typically respond to a brief stimulus with one or fewer action potentials. the number of action potentials evoked by each stimulus usually does not increase with increasing stimulus duration. such observations have long puzzled researchers across disciplines and raised serious questions regarding the role of the auditory cortex in encoding on ...200515902257
functional organization and hemispheric comparison of primary auditory cortex in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).hemispheric fine-grain maps of primary auditory cortex (ai) were derived from microelectrode penetrations in the temporal gyrus of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) to 1) compare the functional organization of ai in the marmoset with other mammalian species and 2) compare the right and left ai maps in individual monkeys. frequency receptive fields (frfs) were recorded with pure tones. five frf parameters were analyzed: characteristic frequency, threshold, sharpness of tuning 10 db and 40 ...200515906314
the response to visual form deprivation differs with age in characterize the effects of visual form deprivation by diffuser in marmoset monkey eyes across a range of ages.200515914598
localization of glycine receptor alpha subunits on bipolar and amacrine cells in primate retina.the major inhibitory neurotransmitter glycine is used by about half of the amacrine cells in the retina. amacrine cells provide synaptic output to bipolar, ganglion, and other amacrine cells. the present study investigated whether different bipolar and amacrine cell types in the primate retina differ with respect to the expression of glycine receptor (glyr) subtypes. antibodies specific for the alpha1, alpha2, and alpha3 subunits of the glyr were combined with immunohistochemical markers for bip ...200515924342
extra-hepatic vitamin a concentrations in captive rhesus (macaca mulatta) and marmoset (callithrix jacchus) monkeys fed excess vitamin a.recent work examining vitamin a (va) status of rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta) used as models for human biomedical research has revealed subtoxic hepatic va concentrations. livers of marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus), another experimental animal, were also high in va as was serum retinyl ester concentration. both species consumed common research diets that provided up to four times the amount of va (retinyl acetate) as currently recommended by the national research council. to further define ...200515929633
poly(adp-ribose) polymerase-1 activation in a primate model of multiple sclerosis.multiple sclerosis (ms) is an immune-mediated disabling neurological disorder involving inflammation, demyelination, axonal damage, and neurodegeneration. poly(adp-ribose)polymerase-1 (parp-1), a nuclear enzyme linked to dna repair, has been shown to regulate the cellular inflammatory response through interactions with nuclear factor-kappab. extensive parp-1 activation can, by separate mechanisms, also cause cell death. parp-1 activation in brain occurs in several settings associated with oxidat ...200515931673
density, proportion, and dendritic coverage of retinal ganglion cells of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus jacchus).we performed a quantitative analysis of m and p cell mosaics of the common-marmoset retina. ganglion cells were labeled retrogradely from optic nerve deposits of biocytin. the labeling was visualized using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) histochemistry and 3-3'diaminobenzidine as chromogen. m and p cells were morphologically similar to those found in old- and new-world primates. measurements were performed on well-stained cells from 4 retinas of different animals. we analyzed separate mosaics for i ...200515933786
identification of helicobacter sp. in gastric mucosa from captive marmosets (callithrix sp.; callitrichidae, primates).the aim of this study was to identify the presence of helicobacter sp. in the gastric mucosa of captive marmosets (callithrix sp.). histologic specimens from the fundic, corpus, and antral gastric regions of six callithrix jacchus, 12 c. kuhli, and 12 c. geoffroyi specimens were evaluated. the sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (h&e) and the warthin-starry silver impregnation method, and immunostained with rabbit anti-h. pylori polyclonal antibody. helicobacter-like organisms (hlos) an ...200515940705
micronucleated erythrocyte frequencies in old and new world primates: measurement of micronucleated erythrocyte frequencies in peripheral blood of callithrix jacchus as a model for evaluating genotoxicity in primates.nonhuman primates are of particular relevance in evaluating the potential toxicity of drugs and environmental agents. we have used previously published information and data from the present study to establish a relationship for new world (nw) and old world (ow) primates on the basis of the frequency of spontaneous micronucleated erythrocytes (mnes) observed in peripheral blood. data on spontaneous mnes in peripheral blood from 15 species of primates, including humans, indicate that nw primates h ...200515971258
molecular evolution of prolactin in primates.pituitary prolactin, like growth hormone (gh) and several other protein hormones, shows an episodic pattern of molecular evolution in which sustained bursts of rapid change contrast with long periods of slow evolution. a period of rapid change occurred in the evolution of prolactin in primates, leading to marked sequence differences between human prolactin and that of nonprimate mammals. we have defined this burst more precisely by sequencing the coding regions of prolactin genes for a prosimian ...200515983870
secondary pneumatization of the maxillary sinus in callitrichid primates: insights from immunohistochemistry and bone cell distribution.the paranasal sinuses remain elusive both in terms of function and in the proximate mechanism of their development. the present study sought to describe the maxillary sinuses (mss) in three species of callitrichid primates at birth, a time when secondary pneumatization occurs rapidly in humans. the mss were examined in serially sectioned and stained slides from the heads of two callithrix jacchus, one leontopithecus rosalia, and two saguinus geoffroyi. specimens were examined microscopically reg ...200515983987
behavioral and histopathological analysis of domoic acid administration in induce status epilepticus (se) followed by the subsequent onset of spontaneous recurrent seizures, thus characterizing a new model of temporal lobe epilepsy in a nonhuman primate.200515987270
reduced prevalence of epstein-barr virus-related lymphocryptovirus infection in sera from a new world primate.the recent discovery of an epstein-barr virus (ebv)-related lymphocryptovirus (lcv) naturally infecting common marmosets demonstrated that gamma-1 herpesviruses are not limited to human and old world nonhuman primate hosts. we developed serologic assays to detect serum antibodies against lytic- and latent-infection marmoset lcv antigens in order to perform the first seroepidemiologic study of lcv infection in new world primates. in three different domestic colonies and in animals recently captur ...200516014968
non-human primate models of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: variations on a theme.despite years of intensive research into multiple sclerosis (ms) scientists have not yet succeeded in developing an absolute therapy for the treatment of this disabling disease of the human central nervous system. the wide immunological gap between inbred rodent strains and the heterogeneous human population is probably the single most important factor that hampers the translation of scientific principles developed in rodents into effective therapies for ms. because of the closer immunological p ...200516023737
immunoautoradiographic analysis of nmda receptor subunits and associated postsynaptic density proteins in the brain of dyskinetic mptp-treated common marmosets.l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine methyl ester (l-dopa)-induced dyskinesia in parkinson's disease may result from aberrant glutamatergic stimulation of the striatum due to synaptic plasticity in the motor cortex or striatum as a consequence of adaptation of striatal output pathways. this might result from changes in nmda receptor subunit or nmda receptor associated postsynaptic density (psd) scaffold protein expression. using immunoautoradiography the expression levels of nr1 and nr2b subunits of the ...200516026462
s-cones do not contribute to the off-midget pathway in the retina of the marmoset, callithrix is well established that in primate retina both medium- and long-wavelength-sensitive cone types provide input to the midget-parvocellular pathway. the question, however, whether short-wavelength-sensitive (s or 'blue') cones provide input to the off-division of the midget-parvocellular pathway is still controversial. in the present study, we investigated the connections of nearly 400 s-cones with off-midget bipolar cells in central and peripheral retina of a new world monkey, the marmoset. h ...200516045497
pneumonitis and multi-organ system disease in common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) infected with the severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus.severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars) is a significant emerging infectious disease. humans infected with the etiological agent, sars-associated coronavirus (sars-cov), primarily present with pneumonitis but may also develop hepatic, gastrointestinal, and renal pathology. we inoculated common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) with the objective of developing a small nonhuman primate model of sars. two groups of c. jacchus were inoculated intratracheally with cell culture supernatant containing sa ...200516049331
radiographic anatomy of the thorax and abdomen of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).a standard radiographic procedure was developed for the thorax and abdomen in the common marmoset. a description and reference values for the corresponding radiographic anatomy are given. radiographs were obtained from 17 anaesthetized healthy mature marmosets ranging from 1.5 to 9 years and 328 to 506 g. left-to-right lateral recumbent and ventrodorsal whole-body radiographs made at end inspiration are recommended. images of the heart, lungs, liver, gastric axis, and at least one kidney could b ...200616050279
transcutaneous ultrasonography of the abdomen in the normal common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).ultrasonographic examinations were performed on 17 clinically healthy adult common marmosets to gain information about the normal abdominal echoanatomy. the marmosets were 1.5-9 years of age and weighed between 328 and 506g. marked species-specific differences compared with the cat or dog were noted. good images of the kidneys, bladder, spleen, adrenal glands, liver, and the gastrointestinal tract could be obtained. the pancreas, caecum, and abdominal lymph nodes were not seen. the spleen was th ...200516050285
mobbing vocalizations as a coping response in the common marmoset.using a non-invasive method of sampling saliva followed by assay for cortisol levels, we found that common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) show a decrease in cortisol levels after seeing a snake-model stimulus that reliably elicits mobbing (tsik) calls. in fact, there was a significant positive correlation between the number of tsik vocalizations made and the magnitude of the decrease in the cortisol concentrations. furthermore, marmosets with higher levels of cortisol prior to being exposed to t ...200616102763
establishment of novel embryonic stem cell lines derived from the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).the successful establishment of human embryonic stem cell (hesc) lines has inaugurated a new era in regenerative medicine by facilitating the transplantation of differentiated escs to specific organs. however, problems with the safety and efficacy of hesc therapy in vivo remain to be resolved. preclinical studies using animal model systems, including nonhuman primates, are essential to evaluate the safety and efficacy of hesc therapies. previously, we demonstrated that common marmosets are suita ...200516109758
hormonal changes related to paternal and alloparental care in common marmosets (callithrix jacchus).the physiological mechanisms of parental and alloparental care in cooperatively breeding nonhuman primate species such as the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) are poorly known. in this study, we examined prolactin and cortisol plasma levels of fathers and older offspring of both sexes, with and without previous experience in infant carrying, around parturition and during infant carrying. blood samples were collected from fathers and older offspring and prolactin and cortisol were measured by ...200616126204
casa as an aid to selecting sperm suspensions for artificial insemination in callithrix jacchus.the ability to use sperm motility parameters, obtained by computer-assisted sperm motility analysis (casa), as an aid to selecting sperm samples for artificial insemination (ai) would have considerable benefits for commercial organizations and for the captive breeding of endangered species. in this study the hobson sperm tracker (hst) was validated for use with spermatozoa from callithrix jacchus, the common marmoset, by comparing values for straight line velocity by casa with those obtained by ...199716130273
sensory-motor interactions modulate a primate vocal behavior: antiphonal calling in common marmosets.a fundamental issue in neuroscience pertains to how different cortical systems interact to generate behavior. one of the most direct ways to address this issue is to investigate how sensory information is encoded and used to produce a motor response. antiphonal calling is a natural vocal behavior that involves individuals producing their species-specific long distance vocalization in response to hearing the same call and engages both the auditory and motor systems, as well as the cognitive neura ...200616133500
meiotic abnormalities in in vitro-matured marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus) oocytes: development of a non-human primate model to investigate causal factors.meiotic abnormalities are thought to be a major causal factor of low embryo development rates, for embryos developed from in vitro-matured oocytes. a new non-human primate model, in the common marmoset, is being developed to facilitate investigation of the mechanisms involved.200616143640
light-dark cycle synchronization of circadian rhythm in blind primates.recently, several papers have shown that a small subset of retinal ganglion cells (rgcs), which project to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn) and contain a new photopigment called melanopsin, are the photoreceptors involved in light-dark entrainment in rodents. in our primate colony, we found a couple of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) that had developed progressive and spontaneous visual deficiency, most likely because of retinal degeneration of cones and/or rods. in this study, we evaluat ...200516144547
behavioral strategies and hormonal profiles of dominant and subordinate common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) females in wild monogamous insights into the mating systems of common marmosets suggest that they are mainly monogamous, although polygyny and polyandry occasionally occur. long-term monitoring of wild common marmosets has shown that some reports of polygynous groups (i.e., groups that contain more than one reproducing female) in fact indicate an unbalanced reproductive output associated with extragroup copulation. in this study we describe the behavioral and hormonal profiles of common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) f ...200516163713
cross-reactivity of anti-human chemokine receptor and anti-tnf family antibodies with common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) leukocytes.the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) is a new world primate species frequently employed for immunological models of human disease. we used flow cytometry to screen a panel of new anti-human antibodies from the hlda8 workshop to establish cross-reactivity with marmoset peripheral blood mononuclear cells. seventy-seven antibodies were screened of which nine antibodies showed binding. cross-reactivity of anti-human monoclonal antibodies with cc and cxc chemokine receptors ccr3, ccr6, ccr7, and ...200516165115
a long-term study of the effects of diazinon on sleep, the electrocorticogram and cognitive behaviour in common marmosets.the long-term sequelae of exposure to low doses of organophosphate compounds are ill defined, with effects variously reported on a range of indices of central nervous system functions such as sleep, cognitive performance and electroencephalogram (eeg). these indices were examined in common marmosets exposed to a range of doses of the organophosphorous sheep dip, diazinon. cognitive performance was assessed by means of elements from the cambridge neuropsychological test automated battery (cantab) ...200516166182
a continuous smooth map of space in the primary visual cortex of the common marmoset.we examined the fine-scale mapping of the visual world within the primary visual cortex of the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus) using differential optical imaging. we stimulated two sets of complementary stripe-like locations in turn, subtracting them to generate the cortical representations of continuous bands of visual space. rotating this stimulus configuration makes it possible to map different spatial axes within the primary visual cortex. in a similar manner, shifting the stimulated lo ...200516178151
gonadotropin-releasing hormone ii stimulates female sexual behavior in marmoset monkeys.gnrh ii (pglu-his-trp-ser-try-gly-leu-arg-pro-glynh2), an evolutionarily conserved member of the gnrh family, stimulates reproductive behavior in a number of vertebrates. to explore a role for gnrh ii in regulating primate sexual behavior, eight adult female common marmosets, each fitted with an indwelling intracerebroventricular (icv) cannula, were ovariectomized, implanted subcutaneously with empty (n = 4) or estradiol-filled (n = 4) silastic brand capsules, and pair housed with an adult male ...200616179411
mossy cells and different subpopulations of pyramidal neurons are immunoreactive for cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide in the hippocampal formation of non-human primates and tree shrew (tupaia belangeri).cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide mrna was discovered in the rat striatum following cocaine and amphetamine administration. since both psychostimulants elicit memory-related effects, localization of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide in the hippocampal formation may have functional importance. previous studies demonstrated different cellular localizations of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide in humans and in rodents. mossy cells were coc ...200516181735
gnrh-ii receptor-like antigenicity in human placenta and in cancers of the human reproductive organs.we have recently demonstrated that the antiproliferative activity of gnrh-ii on human endometrial and ovarian cancer cell lines is not mediated through the gnrh-i receptor. a functional receptor for human gnrh-ii has not yet been identified. in this study, we have generated a polyclonal antiserum to the putative human gnrh-ii receptor using a peptide (ysptmltevppc) corresponding to the third extracellular domain coupled to keyhole limpet haemocyanin via the cys residue. a database search showed ...200516189182
unilateral pallidotomy in 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-treated common marmosets exhibiting levodopa-induced dyskinesia.pallidotomy paradoxically reduces the intensity of levodopa-induced dyskinesia without worsening motor symptoms. the reasons for this are not clear and no experimental study has investigated this phenomenon. the objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effects of unilateral pallidotomy on locomotor activity, motor disability and levodopa-induced dyskinesia in 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-treated levodopa-primed common marmosets. animals were primed to exhibit dyskinesi ...200516190886
review on testicular development, structure, function, and regulation in common marmoset.the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) is a new world primate that has been used increasingly in toxicological evaluations including testing for testicular toxicity of pharmaceutical and environmental chemicals. information on structural and functional characteristics of the testis in common marmosets ("marmoset" in this review) is critical for designing experiments, interpreting data collected, and determining relevance to humans in risk assessment.200516193499
virtual vocalization stimuli for investigating neural representations of species-specific vocalizations.most studies investigating neural representations of species-specific vocalizations in non-human primates and other species have involved studying neural responses to vocalization tokens. one limitation of such approaches is the difficulty in determining which acoustical features of vocalizations evoke neural responses. traditionally used filtering techniques are often inadequate in manipulating features of complex vocalizations. furthermore, the use of vocalization tokens cannot fully account f ...200616207780
mosaic properties of midget and parasol ganglion cells in the marmoset retina.we measured mosaic properties of midget and parasol ganglion cells in the retina of a new world monkey, the common marmoset callithrix jacchus . we addressed the functional specialization of these populations for color and spatial vision, by comparing the mosaic of ganglion cells in dichromatic ("red-green color blind") and trichromatic marmosets. ganglion cells were labelled by photolytic amplification of retrograde marker ("photofilling") following injections into the lateral geniculate nucleu ...200516212698
spatial coding and response redundancy in parallel visual pathways of the marmoset callithrix jacchus.many neurons in the primary visual cortex (area v1) show pronounced selectivity for the orientation and spatial frequency of visual stimuli, whereas most neurons in subcortical afferent streams show little selectivity for these stimulus attributes. it has been suggested that this transformation is a functional sign of increased coding efficiency, whereby the redundancy (or overlap in response properties) is reduced at consecutive levels of visual processing. here we compared experimentally the r ...200616212705
optical imaging of functional organization of v1 and v2 in marmoset visual cortex.using optical imaging of intrinsic cortical signals, we examined the functional organization of visual cortical areas v1 and v2 of the marmoset (callithrix jacchus). previous studies have reported that adult marmosets do not have ocular dominance columns (odcs); however, recent studies have called this into question. using optical imaging methods, we examined whether odcs could be detected in adult marmosets. we found evidence for functional odcs in some marmosets but not in others. the activati ...200516235264
will travel for food: spatial discounting in two new world monkeys.nonhuman animals steeply discount the future, showing a preference for small, immediate over large, delayed rewards. currently unclear is whether discounting functions depend on context. here, we examine the effects of spatial context on discounting in cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus) and common marmosets (callithrix jacchus), species known to differ in temporal discounting. we presented subjects with a choice between small, nearby rewards and large, distant rewards. tamarins traveled fart ...200516243033
the common marmoset monkey as a model for implantation and early pregnancy research.this chapter describes methods used to investigate implantation in the common marmoset monkey, callithrix jacchus. a reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction-strategy with which to detect transcripts for steroid receptors and enzymes involved in estradiol biosynthesis is described, and an immunohistochemistry approach for detecting proteins within the implantation site is presented.200616251739
a modified technique for high-resolution staining of myelin.this report describes a new modification of the gallyas method for staining myelin in fixed brain tissue and compares results of multiple myelin-visualizing techniques in normal common marmoset (callithrix jacchus), normal macaque monkey (macaca mulatta), and a human with multiple sclerosis. the new modification involves immersion in 10% formalin following impregnation in ammoniacal silver nitrate, and the use of a low concentration of 4% paraformaldehyde in the developer. this improved techniqu ...200616310256
the seminiferous epithelium cycle length in the black tufted-ear marmoset (callithrix penicillata) is similar to humans.marmosets are new world small primates phylogenetically close to humans and are commonly used in biomedical research. although the reproductive biology of the common marmoset callithrix jacchus is fairly well investigated, there are few data available for testis function for its close relative, callithrix penicillata. in this regard, the present study was performed to investigate testis structure, spermatogenic cycle length, and spermatogenic and sertoli cell efficiencies in eight captive c. pen ...200616319285
Displaying items 1201 - 1300 of 2762