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the use of tritiated horseradish peroxidase for defining neuronal pathways: a new application. 1976990928
the precise localization of nigral afferents in the rat as determined by a retrograde tracing technique.afferent innervation of the rat substantia nigra (sn) was studied by the retrograde horseradish peroxidase (hrp) method. high concentrations of hrp were deposited in discrete subregions of the sn by means of a microiontophoretic delivery system. using this technique it was possible to demonstrate that the caudatonigral projection system is arranged topographically; all portions of the caudate-putamen except for a central medial core were found to contain hrp positive cells, indicative of retrogr ...1976990939
axonal projections of spinal interneurones excited by group i afferents in the cat, revealed by intracellular staining with horseradish peroxidase. 1976990947
intracellular staining of purkinje cells and their axons with horseradish peroxidase. 1976990950
lymphocyte emigration from high endothelial venules in rat lymph nodes.sequential events during lymphocyte emigration from high endothelial venuses (hev) were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy combined with regional perfusion techniques. the results indicate that blood lymphocytes selectively adhere to hev surfaces through microvilli which attach to shallow pits on the luminal surfaces of high endothelial cells. these intercellular contact points resist hydrodynamic and osmotic shearing forces, but can be disrupted by treatments which remove ...1976992709
pinocytic rates of macrophages from mice immunized against toxoplasma gondii and macrophages stimulated to inhibit toxoplasma in vitro.the rate of pinocytosis by macrophages when measured by uptake of horseradish peroxidase was significantly reduced during toxoplasma infection of the cells in vitro when the macrophages were from toxoplasma-immune mice and when control cells were stimulated in vitro to inhibit toxoplasma multiplication. there was, however, no direct correlation between reduced pinocytosis in this model and inhibition or enhancement of toxoplasma multiplication. we conclude that a reduced pinocytic rate is a feat ...1976992866
a histochemical and morphologic study of postobstructive diuresis in the rat.renal functional abnormalities constituting the syndrome of postobstructive diuresis imply both altered tubular and glomerular membrane properties. to determine the morphologic and ultrastructural correlates of this disorder a rat model was developed and 32 postobstructed kidneys were studied by light and electron microscopy at the midpoint of diuresis and compared to 22 controls. the abnormal morphology was: dilated distal tubules and collecting ducts, isolated proximal and distal tubule cells ...1976992966
time sequence and site of fluid accumulation in experimental neurogenic pulmonary edema.the initial phase of pulmonary edema development following intracranial pressure elevation was studied by means of transmission electron microscopy. using perfusion fixation and application of a blood tracer (hrp horseradish peroxidase) the time sequence and site of fluid leakage out of pulmonary vessels was demonstrated: - passage of edema fluid through intercellular clefts of alveolar capillary endothelium - edema accumulation in alveolar interstitial tissue - draining of edema fluid from the ...1976996374
electron microscopic cytochemical localization of intravenously injected liposome-encapsulated horseradish peroxidase in rat liver cells. 1976998408
kinetics of horseradish peroxidase migration through cerebral cortex.this study provides a semiquantitative description of the migration of the extracellular space marker, horseradish peroxidase (hrp), through the cerebral cortex. following a continuous subarachnoid infusion of hrp, this marker was fixed rapidly within the cortical extracellular space (ecs) by intravascular aldehyde perfusion fixation. microscopic measurements of the maximum depth of penetration of hrp into the cortex perpendicular to the pial surface were taken from coronal whole brain sections ...19761000288
covalent structure of the glycoprotein horseradish peroxidase (ec 19761001465
cytochemical localization of glycoconjugate in mitochondria.complex carbohydrates and cations have been localized by cytochemical methods in mitochondria of mammalian leukocytes, hepatocytes and oyster gill epithelium. glycoconjugate of acidic nature was visualized with the dialyzed iron method in or on the outer membrane and inner boundary membrane and in the outer intermembrane space but not on the membranes of cristae or in the intracristate space, or matrix. sulfated glycoconjugate was demonstrated with the high iron diamine method in a similar distr ...19761002972
arterial hypotension induced by horseradish peroxidase in various rat strains.the influence of various commercial preparations of horseradish peroxidase upon the arterial pressure has been investigated using direct intra-arterial pressure recordings in nembutal anesthetized rats of different strains. a marked hypotension was noted in wistar and sprague-dawley rats when sufficiently high doses (5-10 mg/100 g body weight) were injected intravenously. this effect was observed with both highly purified (sigma type vi, boehringer reinheitsgrad i) as well as less pure preparati ...19761002975
cerebrovasculature permeability changes following experimental cerebral angiography. a light- and electron-microscopic study.morphological alterations of the cerebral vasculature as related to the permeability of plasma proteins and angiographic contrast media following unilateral cerebral angiography were studied. both evans blue albumin and horseradish peroxidase were employed as protein tracers for light and electron microscopy investigation respectively. grey matter regions of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum corpus striatum, hippocampus and midbrain showed the most extensive and consistent leakage of these protein ...19761003253
penetration of protein tracers into the epiretinal portion of the optic nerve in the rabbit nerve.horseradish peroxidase and fluorescein-labelled globulin were injected into the vitreous of adult and 11- to 13-day-old new zealand albino rabbits. both tracers diffused rapidly into the myelinated nerve fibre layer (the "medullary rays"), which extends over a long distance within the retina in these animals. the tracers penetrated also for some distance into the optic nerve beyond the lamina cribosa, where they were incorporated into a large number of cells in the nerve. this finding of a rapid ...19761003255
polysaccharides in lung alveoli.rat lung alveolar surfaces and contents were studied after using concanavalin a as a bifunctional agent to link exposed sugars to horseradish peroxidase, in accordance with a technique developed by bernhard and avrameas ('71). the graham and karnovsky ('69) diaminobenzidine procedure then was used to provide and electron-dense reaction product so as to define the distribution of complex carbohydrates in alveoli. a layer of very dense raction product was intimately associated with the outer leafl ...19761008038
horseradish peroxidase tracing of the lateral habenular-midbrain raphe nuclei connections in the rat.connections of the habenular complex to the nuclei of the midline in the midbrain (interpeduncularis, medianus raphe, and dorsalis raphe) have been studied classically by anterograde degeneration in the monkey, the cat, and marsupials. passing fibers from the medial septal nucleus and lateral preoptic area, however, have also been demonstrated which can complicate interpretation of these results. in this paper the habenular projections were studied in the rat by the retrograde axonal transport o ...19761009445
thalamic projections to visually responsive regions of parietal cortex.thalamic efferents to visually responsive regions of parietal cortex of the cat were investigated by experimental retrograde tracing techniques. two classes of photically evoked potentials recorded from the middle suprasylvian gyrus could be distinguished on the basis of waveform and latency. type 1 responses were recorded from the clare-bishop area at the lateral border of the suprasylvian gyrus and type 2 responses were recorded from association response areas on the crown of the suprasylvian ...19761009447
the development of the isthmo-optic nucleus.the nucleus of origin of centrifugal fibers to the retina (the so-called isthmo-optic nucleus - ion) has been used as a model for the study of the major features of neural development, from the period of cell proliferation until after the formation of its afferent and efferent connections. 3h-thymidine autoradiography has established that in the chick cells of the ion are generated (i.e., become post-mitotic) between the middle of the 5th and the end of the 7th days of incubation. the first-form ...19761016847
physiological properties and receptive fields of mechanosensory neurones in the head ganglion of the leech: comparison with homologous cells in segmental ganglia.a study of the head ganglion of the leech was made to compare the properties of specific sensory cells in this ganglion with those of homologous neurones in the segmental ganglia. 1. in the head ganglion, cells were identified that had electrical properties, sensory modalities and adaptation properties similar to those of touch (t), pressure (p) and nociceptive (n) cells in the segmental ganglia. the cell bodies of these neurones were situated in characteristics positions that could be correlate ...19761018276
receptive fields, geometry and conduction block of sensory neurones in the central nervous system of the leech.1. in segmental ganglia of the leech, the cutaneous mechanosensory neurones responding to to touch innervated the skin of their own segment and of part of the anterior and posterior adjacent segments. each touch receptive field could be divided into three non-overlapping areas: a central part innervated by the branches of the cell which ran in the nerve roots of the ganglion containing the cell body, and anterior and posterior parts innervated by its branches which ran in the nerve roots of the ...19761018277
[ultrastructural studies on the permeability of the amnion-epithelium for peroxidase and ferritin. contribution on paraplacental metabolism].by means tracer substances (horseradish peroxidase, ferritin) the permeability of human amnion and umbilical cord (2. to 6. lunar month) has been investigated ultrastructurally. the structure of intercellular cleft permits a passiv transfer of the water and electrolytes in both ways. the findings indicated, that the passage of proteins with a molecular weight of peroxidase predominantly takes place through the intercellular clefts less by means of pinocytosis. ferritin particles can not penetrat ...19761020513
[stabilization of polyacrylamide gel immobilized horseradish peroxidase by its covalent coupling to albumin].pretreatment of peroxidase by its covalent coupling to inert proteins and albumin by means of glutaraldehyde considerably increases the thermostability and specific activity of polyacrylamide gel (paag) immobilized peroxidase. the effects of paag composition on the catalytic properties of the immobilized oligomers: peroxidase-inert proteins-albumin, are studied. the oligomers immobilized in 40% paag (10% n,n'-methylenebisacrylamide) possess the maximal specific activity (4.5 nmol/g). the effects ...19761024581
[origin of afferent axons in the striate cortex of the albino rat: a study with horseradish peroxidase]. 19761031505
coronary microcirculatory factors and cardiac muscle cell injury.coronary artery ligation with or without reperfusion was carried out in wistar rats to study the role of coronary microcirculatory factors and membrane permeability alteration of cardiac muscle cell in the evolution of cardiac muscle cell injury by using the fine structural extracellular protein tracer, horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the findings were compared with those obtained in noncoronarogenic myocardial injury models following administration of norepinephrine, a pressor, and isoproterenol, ...19761032011
the relationship between storage and secretion of specific antibody by immune lymphoid cells: ultrastructural localization of anti-peroxidase antibodies in plaque-forming cells of the rabbit popliteal lymph node.the ultrastructure of antibody-forming cells (afc) has been studied in the lymph node cell population from rabbits locally immunized with horseradish peroxydase (po) incorporated in complete freund's adjuvant, and the kinetics of afc development followed from day 7 to day 18 after one injection of po. identification of the afc was done by local hemolysis assay, using carboxymethyl cellulose solidifying medium and po-coated sheep erythrocytes. afc were thereafter transferred by micromanipulation ...19761033066
effect of 2450 mhz microwave radiation on horseradish peroxidase. 19751041592
a general method for the introduction of enzymes, by means of immunoglobulin-coated liposomes, into lysosomes of deficient cells.phagocytes of the smooth dogfish (mustelus canis) contain no endogenous peroxidase within their lysosomes and constitute models for cells genetically deficient in lysosomal enzymes such as myeloperoxidase. we have obtained uptake of over 50% of exogenous horseradish peroxidase, provided the enzyme is exhibited to cells after incorporation into liposomes coated with heat-aggregated (62 degrees, 10 min), isologous igm. trapping of horseradish peroxidase (ec by liposomes was established b ...19751054517
ectopic neurons and aberrant connections during neural development.during the normal development of the nucleus of origin of centrifugal fibers to the chick retina (the so-called isthmo-optic nucleus) a significant number of neurons are misrouted during their migration from the neural epithelium in which they are generated. like the cells in the isthmo-optic nucleus, these ectopic neurons can be identified by the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (donor: hydrogen peroxide oxidoreductase, ec injected into the eye. between 500 and 600 such ...19751060126
surface membrane carbohydrate alterations of a flagellated protozoan mediated by bacterial endosymbiotes.crithidia oncopelti, a parasitic trypanosomatid protozoan of insects, normally contains intracellular symbiotic bacteria. as shown earlier, the protozoa can be rid of their endosymbiotes by chloramphenicol, producing a symbiote-free cell line. here surface-membrane carbohydrate ligands of the symbiote-containing and symbiote-free strains were compared by lectin-mediated agglutination, lectin-ultrastructure localization. [3h] lectin-binding, and fluorescent lectin staining. symbiote-free organism ...19761062797
the effects of prolonged repetitive stimulation in hemicholinium on the frog neuromuscular junction.1. cutaneous pectoris nerve-muscle preparations from the frog were stimulated for prolonged periods in solutions with curare alone, curare and hemicholinium no. 3 (hc-3), or curare and glucose plus choline. end-plate potentials (e.p.p.s) and miniature end-plate potentials (m.e.p.p.s) were recorded intracellularly. black widow spider venom (bwsv) was applied to determine the degree of depletion of the transmitter stores. 2. the ultrastructure of the neuromuscular junctions was studied in the elec ...19751079538
mesencephalic porjections of the rectus lateralis muscle afferents in the cat.responses to passive stretch applied to the rectus lateralis muscle (rl) were recorded with a microelectrode from the mesencephalic nucleus of the fifth nerve (mes v) in cat encéphale isolé preparation. the necessary conditions to attribute the unit response to an eye muscle stretch are the followings: i) respond neither to jaw movements nor to pressure applied to the eye ball: ii) be activated with a short latency, following stretch of the eye muscles; iii) be excited by a light touch applied t ...19751080407
trigeminal representations of the masticatory and extraocular proprioceptors as revealed by horseradish peroxidase retrograde transport.horseradish peroxidase has been injected in the masticatory and extraocular muscles in newborn and adult cats to identify the cells of origin for the muscle endings. labeled motoneurons in the nuclei of the iii, iv, v and vi nerves have been observed. they are the parent cells of the motor terminals taking up the enzyme in the muscle injected. labeled ganglionic cells have been found scattered all along the ipsilateral mesencephalic nucleus of the v nerve after injection of both the jaw closing ...19751081052
an electron microscopic study on the blood-optic nerve and fluid-optic nerve barrier.utilizing horseradish peroxidase as a tracer, electron microscopic studies were done on the blood-optic nerve and fluid-optic nerve barrier to the peroxidase diffusion. following intravenous injection the peroxidase was observed to fill the lumen of the capillaries of the laminar, prelaminar and orbital portions of the optic nerve but there was no penetratation of the capillary walls. the obstruction of the tracer diffusion out of capillary walls was attributed to the tight junctions between the ...19751082256
uptake of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) by the endothelium of the short-term stored rabbit vitro study of the uptake of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) by the corneal endothelium was carried out on rabbit corneae which were stored in a preserving medium for various periods. the stored corneae were incubated in hrp solution with or without adenosine triphosphate (atp). the number of pinocytotic vesicles decreased as the storage time was prolonged. addition of atp to the hrp solution led to an increase in the pinocytotic vesicles in all storage periods. the pinocytosis in the 12-day sto ...19761083694
synaptic activity of frog retinal photoreceptors. a peroxidase uptake study.the uptake of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into membranous structures, detectable by light and electron microscopy, is used here to monitor the synaptic activity of photoreceptors of isolated frog retinas maintained in the dark or under various illumination conditions. the major findings are: (a) neurotransmission from photoreceptor terminals seems to involve the same types of endocytic membrane-retrieval processes that occur at other nerve terminals. presumably, the endocytic processes compensa ...19761084350
interdigitating reticulum cells in the popliteal lymph node of the rat. an ultrastructural and cytochemical study.electronmicroscopic and cytochemical studies were performed to localize interdigitating reticulum cells (idc) in the popliteal lymph node of the rat. the morphological features of the idc of the rat correspond to those described for other species, but also show similarities to normal macrophages in the rat. this is considered to be an argument in favour of the common origin of idc's and macrophages. ultrahistochemical studies with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) reveal no phagocytotic capacity of i ...19761084780
permeability of the amphibian pars intermedia to peroxidase injected study the penetration of protein from the blood into and through the pars intermedia of anurans, the electron-dense tracer, horseradish peroxidase (hrp), was injected into the vascular system of the frog, rana pipiens. pinocytotic vesicles were seen along plasma membranes of the stellate cells abutting the pericapillary spaces between the pars intermedia and pars nervosa. the hrp was seen within both the pericapillary spaces and these pinocytotic vesicles. in addition, the hrp was very promin ...19761086719
identification of corticotectal cells of the visual cortex of cats by means of horseradish peroxidase. 19751089457
immunoelectron microscopic identification and localization of streptococcus sanguis with peroxidase-labeled antibody: localization of surface antigens in pure indirect method of localizing antigens with horseradish peroxidase-labeled antibody was used to identify and localize surface antigens of streptococcus sanguis at the ultrastructural level. an electron dense layer surrounding the cell wall could be distinguished without any additional electron microscope staining. this labeled layer represents an immune complex consisting of bacterial surface antigens, specific rabbit antisera, and peroxidase-labeled goat anti-rabbit globulins. although with ...19751090524
the pulmonary inflammatory response. cellular events in experimental pulmonary arterial hypersensitivity disease.horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or bovine serum albumin (bsa) were covalently linked to polyacrylamide or agarose beads and were injected into control syrian hamsters and hamsters previously immunized with either hrp or bsa. animals sensitized to soluble antigen and subsequently challenged intravenously with the same antigen immobilized on beads developed an acute focal inflammatory response within 2 to 6 hours after injection. the acute response involved local deposition of igg and complement (bet ...19751092187
ultrastructural visualization of surface carbohydrate structures on mycoplasma membranes by concanavalin a.surface carbohydrates of mycoplasma mycoides var. capri were made visible by the cytochemical staining procedure with concanavalin a, horseradish peroxidase, and diaminobenzidine.19751104592
editorial: the primary glomerular filtration barrier--basement membrane or epithelial slits?in 1961, based on results obtained with the particulate tracer ferritin, farquhar, wissig and palade [15] proposed a functional model for the glomerulus and defined a role for each of its components in the filtration process: a) the basement membrane as the main filter; b) the endothelium as a valve, which by the number and size of its fenestrae, controls access to the filter; c) the epithelium as a monitor which partially recovers proteins that leak through the filter; and d) the mesangium whic ...19751104965
demonstration of immunoglobulin containing deposits in glomerular basement membrane in experimental chronic serum sickness using horseradish peroxidase labelled antiserum.horseradish peroxidase (hrp) labelled antibodies were used in rabbit glomerulonephritis to obtain localization of immunoglobulins in the glomerulus at a light and electron microscope level. better localization of deposits was obtained with peroxidase labelled antiserum than with immunofluorescence at the light microscope level. ultrastructurally, immunoglobulin localization was seen to correspond to the electron dense deposits demonstrated in and on the glomerular basement membrane by convention ...19751106748
the topographical distribution of s-100 and gfa proteins in the adult rat brain: an immunohistochemical study using horseradish peroxidase-labelled antibodies.the cytological and topographical distribution of s-100 and glial fibrillary acidic (gfa) proteins in the adult rat brain has been compared using the horseradish peroxidase-labelled antibody technique. both proteins are present in astrocytes and structures composed of astrocytic processes, namely the glial limitans and the perivascular membranes, but the cytological localization varies between the two proteins. s-100 is found in the nucleus and cytoplasm whereas gfa protein is confined to the cy ...19761107363
morphology of the breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier in the ciliary processes of the rabbit eye after prostaglandin e2.protaglandin e2, administered topically to the rabbit eye, causes disruption of the blood-aqueous barrier resulting in a large increase in the protein content of the aqueous humor. the route of plasma proteins into the aqueous humor was studied with the electron microscope, using horseradish peroxidase as a protein tracer. the tracer penetrated the tight junctions of the nonpigmented layer of the ciliary epithelium, filling the lateral intercellular clefts and staining the internal limiting mem ...19751110133
chorioretinal diffusion processes following pigment epithelial degeneration.we studied the effect of sodium iodate-induced pigment epithelial degeneration on chorioretinal diffusion processes. rabbits received two intravenous injections of sodium iodate at the retinotoxic dose of 22.5 mg. per kilogram over a six- to eight-hour period. combined horseradish peroxidase tracing technique and electron microscopy were used to compare diffusion processes over a five-week period. ultrastructural examination of retina twenty-four hours after iodate administration revealed pigmen ...19751110139
subcortical afferents to the frontal lobe in the rhesus monkey studied by means of retrograde horseradish peroxidase transport. 19751111842
a combined horseradish peroxidase-autoradiographic investigation of reciprocal connections between superior temporal gyrus and pulvinar in squirrel monkey. 19751111845
permeability properties of the postcapillary high-endothelial venules in lymph nodes of the mouse.the permeability of the postcapillary high-endothelial venules in mice was investigated by light and electron microscopy. experiments with intravenously injected horseradish peroxidase demonstrated a pronounced intercellular passage of this tracer. vesicular transport was not observed. additional experiments with lanthanum and tannic acid showed that no continous tight junctions sealed the intercellular spaces. however, some focal membrane appositions were observed.19751113511
basal forebrain and hypothalamic connection to frontal and parietal cortex in the rhesus monkey.horseradish peroxidase was injected in different parts of the frontal and parietal cortex in 17 rhesus monkeys. in all cases the enzyme was transported retrogradely to neurons in the substantia innominata and hypothalamus as well as in the thalamus. these new findings demonstrate that these cortical areas receive direct afferent fibers from limbic basal forebrain areas concerned with emotion and motivation.19751114317
acquisition of host antigens by young schistosoma mansoni in mice: correlation with failure to bind antibody in vitro.young schistosomes collected after penetration through isolated mouse skin (3 h schistosomula) were cultured in medium containing immune rhesus monkey serum with a high titre of antibody known to kill schistosomula in the presence of complement. morphological signs of damage in electron micrographs were confined to the surface tegument of the schistosomula. antibodies in immune rhesus serum were shown to bind to the surface membrane of 3 h schistosomula using an antibody-enzyme bridge technique ...19751118189
permeability of ovarian follicles and capillaries in mice.the permeability of ovarian capillaries and follicles in prepubertal and sexually mature (proestrus and metestrus) randomly bred swiss albino female mice (sch:ars ha icr strain) was studied by intravenous injection of either ferritin or horseradish peroxidase (hrp), followed by examination with light and electron microscopes. the study revealed that capillaries in the interstitial and perifollicular regions were provided with a continuous endothelium that had constant permeability characteristic ...19751119413
increased penetration of horseradish peroxidase across the blood-brain barrier induced by metrazol seizures. 19751122393
lymphocyte differentiation and antibody synthesis in the secondary immune response of peroxidase stimulated lymph nodes of rat.lymphocyte differentiation and specific antibody synthesis were studied in the course of the secondary immune response of horseradish-peroxidase immunized rat popliteal lymph nodes by electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. from primary immunization, mature plasma cells containing specific antibody remained as long as 10 months. antihorseradish peroxidase antibodies were localized in lymphocytic blast cells on day 3 after restimulation with antigen. in the subsequent days blast cells were stil ...19751122527
an ultrastructural quantitative method for the evaluation of the permeability to horseradish peroxidase of cerebral cortex endothelial cells of the rat.a quantitative method for the evaluation of the importance of pinocytotic phenomena in cerebral cortex capillaries is proposed. the method involved the counting of labeled "caveolae intracellulares" in endothelia cells with the use of horseradish peroxidase as a tracer molecule. a mean pinocytotic value per capillary is then computed. it is demonstrated that the value obtained after irradiation of the brain is higher than in control animals. this information may provide an ultrastructural quanti ...19751122535
h2o2 release from human granulocytes during phagocytosis. i. documentation, quantitation, and some regulating factors.the extinction of fluorescence of scopoletin during its oxidation by horseradish peroxidase (hpo) provides a highly sensitive and specific assay for small quantities of peroxide in solution. with this assay, the release of free h2o2 into the extracellular medium by phagocytizing human granulocytes has been documented and quantitated, and some of the regulating factors have been determined. under basal conditions granulocytes released less than 0.01 nmol/ml of h2o2 (2.5 x 10-6 polymorphonuclear l ...19751123431
horseradish peroxidase. xix. a photochemical reaction of compound i at 5 degrees k. 19751125021
application of immunoperoxidase techniques to localize horseradish peroxidase-tracer in the central nervous system.immunoperoxidase techniques are presented which can be used to localize horseradish peroxidase-tracer in paraffin-embedded tissues of the central nervous system. compared to histochemical methods using frozen sections, these immunologic techniques allow the use of stored, serial paraffin sections, and appear more sensitive for the demonstration of intraneuronal horseradish peroxidase after retrograde transport. the immunoperoxidase bridge techniques from reaction products of high quality which c ...19751127219
sympathetic preganglionic neurons of the cat spinal cord: horseradish peroxidase study. 19751131693
absorption and transport of ferritin and exogenous horseradish peroxidase in the opisthonephric kidney of the sea lamprey. i. the renal corpuscle. 19751131752
absorption and transport of ferritin and exogenous horseradish peroxidase in the opisthonephric kidney of the sey lamprey ii. the tubular nephron.the tubular nephrons in the opisthonephric kidney of the sea lamprey, petromyzon marinus l., were demonstrated to absorb and transport exogenous protein. the proximal convoluted segment is the major site of protein absorption from the tubular lumen and the process involved is similar to that described for the proximal convoluted segment in the kidneys of other vertebrates. the lateral intercellular spaces are a possible channel for the transport of intact proteins in this segment. the cilated ne ...19751131856
diffusion of horseradish peroxidase perfused through the lateral ventricle of the chick telencephalon.horseradish peroxidase, perfused into the lateral ventricle of chick brain, freely and slowly diffuses through the cerebral extracellular spaces. the layer of astrocytic end-feet surrounding blood capillaries does not consitute a barrier to the tracer which permeates the basal lamina, diffuses between the pericytic cells and finally accumulates in the intercellular space beneath the tight junctions between contiguous endothelial cells. no evidence was found for transport by micropinocytotic vesi ...19751131857
the results of freezing and dehydration of horseradish peroxidase. 19751132241
distribution of ultrastructural tracers in crustacean axons.ruthenium red and horseradish peroxidase were used to compare the uptake of exogenous molecules into crayfish motor axons and their sheaths in severed and intact peripheral nerves. both tracers penetrated the axonal sheath and were subsequently seen lining small vesicles and tubules in the axoplasm. tracer appeared to enter the axon via pinocytotic vesicles. there were no perceptible quantitative or qualitative differences in ruthenium red uptake between intact and severed axons. however, counts ...19751133229
effects of contrast agents on the blood-brain barrier. an electron microscopic determine if contrast agents after the blood-brain barrier by opening tight junctions between endothelial cells and by increasing pinocytosis, the distribution of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was evaluated after intracarotid injections of contrast media. hrp did not cross the endothelium of cerebral blood vessels. tight junctions remained closed. there was increased endothelial cell pinocytosis and swelling of astrocyte end-feet.19751138267
titration study of guaiacol oxidation by horseradish peroxidase.titration of guaiacol by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a catalytic amount of horseradish peroxidase shows that the reduction of hydrogen peroxide proceeds by the abstraction of two electrons from a guaiacol molecule. in the same way, it can be demonstrated that 0.5 mol of guaiacol can reduce, at low temperature, 1 mol of peroxidase compound i to compound ii. moreover, the reaction between equal amounts of compound i and guaiacol at low temperature produces the native enzyme. a reaction sc ...19751139404
the effect of portocaval anastomosis on the permeability to horseradish peroxidase of cerebral vessels of the rat.the blood-brain barrier to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was tested in rats with hepatic encephalopathy induced by portocaval anastomosis. an increased number of vesicles containing hrp was seen in endothelial cells. basement membranes of some vessels and the adjacent neuropil were filled with hrp. astrocytes showed swollen end-feet. the cytoplasm of astrocytes adjacent to hrp containing basement membranes was evenly filled with hrp. this phenomenon could be caused either by cellular hyperactivit ...19751146553
photochemical reactions of horseradish peroxidase compounds i and ii at room temperature and 13 degrees k.some photochemical reactions of horseradish peroxidase compounds i and ii (hrp-i and hrp-ii, respectively) have been studied by electronic absorption spectroscopy over the temperature range 297 degrees k-10 degrees k. in glassy matrices below 80 degrees k hrp-i is rapidly converted to hrp-ii when irradiated with low power white light. the native enzyme and hrp-ii are not photochemically active at these temperatures with low power irradiation. at room temperature the spontaneous decay of both hrp ...19751148197
kinetic evidence of horseradish peroxidase oxidation by compound i.the kinetics of compound ii formation, obtained upon mixing a highly purified horseradish peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide, was spectrophotometrically studied at three wavelengths in the absence of an added reducing agent. our experiments confirm george's finding that more than one mole of compound ii is formed per mole of hydrogen peroxide added. the new mechanism that we propose, contrary to the mechanism of george, is only valid when compound ii is obtained in the absence of an added donor. m ...19751148326
the ultrastructure of normal and glycerol treated muscle in the ghost crab, ocypode cursor.the ultrastructure of normal and glycerol treated fibers of the closer muscle of the ghost crab, ocypode cursor, was studiedmthe muscle is composed of presumably phasic (short sarcomeres) and tonic (long sarcomeres) fibers, the latter greatly predominating. horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used as an extracellular tracer to delineate the tubular system (ts), and to determine to what extent this system becomes detached from the extracellular space as a result of glycerol treatment. sarcolemmal cl ...19751149103
some aspects of the organization of the thalamic reticular complex.anatomical methods which depend upon the anterograde axonal transport of isotopically labeled neuronal proteins or the retrograde axonal transport of the enzyme, horseradish peroxidase, have been used to elucidate the relationships between the reticular complex and the dorsal thalamus and cerebral cortex. injections of tritiated amino acids in the dorsal thalamus or cerebral cortex in rats, cats and monkeys, show that as the bundles of thalamo-cortical and cortico-thalamic fibers joining a parti ...19751150923
pathogenesis of acute arterial fat deposition in spontaneously hypertensive rats.the selectively-bred substrains of spontaneously hypertensive rats with a greater vulnerability to vascular lesions rapidly developed arterial fat deposition within 1 or 2 weeks as well as a greater hypercholesterolemic response when fed on high fat cholesterol diet including 20% of suet, 5% of cholesterol and 2% of cholic acid. the ring-like arterial fat deposition at the branches of superior mesenteric arteries and cerebrobasal arteries, which was found to be good indices for the deposition of ...19751152192
evidence for bidirectional dendritic transport of horseradish peroxidase. 19751155260
observations on cortical neurons retrogradely labeled with horseradish peroxidase. 19751155261
the appearance of dendrites of callosal and corticothalamic neurons in somatosensory cortex of immature rats demonstrated by horseradish peroxidase. 19751155262
absorption of intact protein by colonic epithelial cells of the rat.colonic absorption of intact protein was examined in adult rats using histological and ultrastructural procedures. horseradish peroxidase was introduced into ligated colonic loops and retained therein for 5, 10, 20, or 30 minutes prior to excision of the loops, and their processing for microscopy. morphological evaluation revealed evidence of peroxidase absorption via pinocytosis. tracer particles were observed adherent to the mucosal border, in apical pinocytotic vesicles, in vesicles adjacent ...19751155414
demonstration of a somatotopically organized projection onto the paramedian lobule and the anterior lobe from the lateral reticular nucleus: an experimental study with the horseradish peroxidase method.using the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase, the projection from the lateral reticular nucleus (nrl) to the cerebellar anterior lobe and paramedian lobule has been studied in 13 cats. both the anterior lobe and the paramedian lobule receive a somatotopically organized projection from the nrl. the projection to the paramedian lobule is nearly exclusively ipsilateral and originates mainly in the dorsal part of nrl, while the projection to the anterior lobe is bilateral (with ip ...19751156873
the pontocerebellar projection onto the paramedian lobule in the cat: an experimental study with the use of horseradish peroxidase as a tracer.horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into cerebellar cortex of the paramedian lobule in 12 cats, and the ensuing distribution of labeled cells in the pontine nuclei was mapped in some detail. the cells in the pontine gray which give origin to fibers to the paramedian lobule lie together, in part in groups, and in part in columns. the columns are situated both medial and ventrolateral to the peduncle, as well as in the dorsolateral pontine nucleus. the projection is bilateral with a clearcut ...19751156877
the projections of different morphological types of ganglion cells in the cat retina.the central projections of the retinal ganglion cells of the cat were examined using the method of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. peroxidase was injected into the lateral geniculate nucleus and into the superior colliculus by means of a recording micropipette. after injections at retinotopically homologous points in these two structures in separate animals, tha patterns of retinal ganglion cell labeling were compared. we found that there were three populations of ganglion cells: ...19751159111
the projections of cells in different layers of the cat's visual cortex.the projection of cells in different layers of several cortical visual areas in the cat were studied using the method of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. injections of the enzyme were made through a recording micropipette, making it possible to localize the injection site by physiological criteria. we found that layer vi cells projected to the alteral geniculate nucleus, while a distinct population of cells in layer v projected to the superior colliculus. cells in layers ii and ii ...19751159112
studies on the structure and permeability of the microvasculature in normal rat lymph nodes.the structure and permeability of the microvasculature in normal rat lymph nodes was studied by regional perfusion techniques. the results indicated that characteristic vascular units supplied each cortical lobule of lymphatic tissue. numerous arteriovenous communications and venous sphincters innervated by unmyelinated nerve fibers were found in this vascular bed. these specialized vascular structures permitted regional control of blood flow through high endothelial venules. lymphocytes migrate ...19751163637
impermeability of sertoli cell junctions to prolonged exposure to peroxidase.the competence of the occluding junctional complexes between sertoli cell has been studied after continuous exposure of the testis to a high concentration of peroxidase for periods of 30 minutes to 4 hours. horseradish peroxidase in buffered saline solution (10 mg/ml) infused through an indwelling polyethelene tube implanted interstitially in the testis becomes widely distributed throughout the organ via the extensive system of lymphatic sinusoids. all the components of the testicular interstiti ...19751163825
macromolecular transport by the middle ear and its lymphatic system.the macromolecular transport in the middle ear mucosa of the guinea pig was investigated by means of light and electron microscopy using tracer substances such as evans blue, india ink, and horseradish peroxidase (hrp). hrp particles were readily taken up by the middle ear mucosa and eustachian tube. they were absorbed by all cell types, including ciliated, secretory and nonsecretory cells. the particles were first taken up by the pinocytotic vesicles and then transported into the intercellular ...19751166775
immunoelectron microscopic identification and localization of streptococcus sanguis with peroxidase-labeled antibody: localization of streptococcus sanguis in intact dental plaque.streptococcus sanguis has been localized ultrastructurally within intact dental plaque by means of an indirect technique which utilizes horseradish peroxidase-labeled antibody. the technique allows for complete diffusion of the reagents to all portions of the plaque specimens. control procedures can be carried out on serial sections of plaque with a bacterial composition similar to that of the experimental specimen. the 30-mum-thick sections can be examined in the light microscope to localize ar ...19751167846
synthesis of antibody and immunoglobulins without detectable antibody function in cells responding to horseradish peroxidase.the kinetics of immunoglobulin-synthesizing cells (ifc) and antibody-forming cells (afc) are compared in the popliteal nodes of mice challenged, in the hind footpads, with horseradish peroxidase (po) in freund's complete adjuvant. a rise in the number of ifc without antibody function precedes the appearance of afc. ifc reach peak numbers 7 days before afc. control experiments show that the majority of ifc without antibody function are responding to po and not to adjuvant. kinetic and radioautogr ...19751168220
endogenous peroxidase: specific marker enzyme for tissues displaying growth dependency on derived from a correlated morphological and biochemical study suggest the following: (a) estradiol-17beta, diethylstilbestrol, the estrogen antagonists nafoxidine (upjohn 11,000), and parke davis c1628 induce synthesis of an endogenous peroxidase in the epithelium of target tissues like the vagina, the cervix, the uterus, and in the acinar cells of the estrogen-dependent rat mammary tumor; (b) peroxidase is a "specific" secretory protein of the estrogen-sensitized uterine endometrium; (c) p ...19751171106
anti-horseradish peroxidase associated with golgi complex of antibody-forming cells.observations are reported on the localization of anti-horseradish peroxidase in antibody-forming cells in popliteal lymph nodes following a single injection of antigen. reaction product, marking the site of antibody, was observed not only in the ergastoplasm and cisternae of the golgi complex, but also in globules associated with the golgi complex.19751171612
permeability of rabbit corneal epithelium to horseradish peroxidase after the influence of benzalkonium chloride.a tight barrier against permeation of horseradish peroxidase into the corneal epithelium exists at the corneal surface adjacent to the tear film. the present light and transmission electron microscopic study reveals that the cationic surfactant, benzalkonium chloride, which is commonly added to eye drops as a preservative, breaks down this barrier. lysis of the cell membranes was demonstrated, resulting in a leakage of the tracer into and underneath the superficial cells. the grade of cellular d ...19751174396
magnocellular nuclei of the basal forebrain project to neocortex, brain stem, and olfactory bulb. review of some functional correlates.horseradish peroxidase was injected into the neocortex of squirrel monkeys, rats, tree shrews and one opossum, in the brain stem of one squirrel monkey and rats, and in the olfactory bulb, the corpus vitreum or the vascular system of rats. following the cortical, brain stem and bulbar injections labeled cells were found (predominatly ipsilaterally) in the magnocellular nuclei of the basal forebrain: nucleus of the diagonal band, the magnocellular preoptic nucleus and nucleus basalis. these nucle ...19751174977
delineation of dorsal lateral geniculate afferents from the cat brain stem as visualized by the horseradish peroxidase technique. 19751174981
similarities and differences of five peroxidases from turnip and horseradish. peptide mapping studies on glycoproteins.four isoperoxidases of turnip root and isoperoxidase c of horseradish root were digested with trypsin, and their peptide maps, prepared by high-voltage paper electrophoresis, were compared. all five tryptic digests were completely soluble at ph 8. the maps were developed with a variety of general and specific reagents: ninhydrin, histidine, tyrosine, tryptophan and arginine reagents. cystine peptides and cysteic acid derivatives have also been characterized. all detected half-cystine residues se ...19751175650
circulation and turnover of synaptic vesicle membrane in cultured fetal mammalian spinal cord neurons.intact neurons in cultures of fetal rodent spinal cord explants show stimulation-dependent uptake of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into many small vesicles and occasional tubules and multivesicular bodies (mvb) at presynaptic terminals. presynaptic terminals were allowed to take up hrp during 1 h of strychnine-enhanced stimulation of synaptic transmitter release and then "chased" in tracer-free medium either with strychnine or with 10 mm mg++ which depresses transmitter release. tracer-containing ...19751176531
different targets of different neurons in nucleus gracilis of the cat.efferent projections of neurons in the cat nucleus gracilis to the ventrobasal complex (vb) of the thalamus and the dorsal accessory portion of the inferior olive (iod) were studied using tracing techniques that exploit neuronal orthograde and retrograde intra-axonal transport processes. these projections were studied in order to determine if the heterogeneity of the morphology, physiology and afferent input of the nucleus gracilis is paralleled by a similar heterogeneity in its efferent project ...19751176641
localization of masticatory motoneurons in the cat and rat by means of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase.topographical localization of monotoneurons supplying the masticatory muscles was investigated in the cat and rat, utilizing retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. following injection of horseradish peroxidase in each masticatory muscle, motoneurons labelled with peroxidase were seen to be aggregated into a cluster within the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. such clusters of peroxidase-motoneurons innervating each masticatory muscle were demarcated more sharply in kittens t ...19751176649
ultrastructural studies on cerebrovascular permeability in acute hypertension.acute hypertension, experimentally induced by intravenous injection of metaraminol in adult rabbits, rapidly induced a damage of the blood-brain barrier in the cerebral cortex, as visualized by evans-blue-conjugated albumin and horseradish peroxidase. extravasation of these two exogenous tracers was demonstrated to occur in arterioles, in capillaries and, rarely, in venules. peroxidase passed the endothelial cell into the nervous tissue in either or three different ways, i.e. through channels, o ...19751180001
mössbauer investigations of high-spin ferrous heme proteins. i. cytochrome p-450.anaerobically reduced samples of cytochrome p-450 from pseudomonas putida were studied by mössbauer spectroscopy. in the presence of an applied magnetic field the high-spin ferrous heme iron showed an intricate pattern of electric and magnetic hyperfine interactions which could be parametrized successfully in terms of a spin hamiltonian formalism. the results imply a very low (triclinic) symmetry of the heme iron. the effects of the ligand environment and of spin-orbit coupling result in a large ...19751182094
mössbauer investigations of high-spin ferrous heme proteins. ii. chloroperoxidase, horseradish peroxidase, and hemoglobin.reduced samples of chloroperoxidase, horseradish peroxidase, and deoxyhemoglobin were studied by mössbauer spectroscopy in strong magnetic fields. the intricate paramagnetic spectra of chloroperoxidase were evaluated in detail in the framework of a spin hamiltonian pertinent to high-spin ferrous iron. the studies strongly suggest that, in their reduced states, chloroperoxidase from caldariomyces fumago and cytochrome p-450 from pseudomonas putida have similar, if not identical ligand structures ...19751182095
the origin of the annulo-olivary tract with notes on other mesencephalo-olivary pathways. a study by the horseradish peroxidase method. 19751182508
the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase from the developing limb of the chick embryo.chick embryos ranging in age from 4.0 to 18 days of incubation and 1-2-day-old hatchlings received injections of hrp solutions directly into the leg musculature. after survival periods of from 5 to 25 h motoneurons and cells in the spinal sensory ganglia were found to be stained with the hrp reaction product. it was found that the first appearance of a positive hrp reaction coincided with the time when nerve processes are first detected in the limb-bud by silver techniques (i.e. at 4.5 days of i ...19751182520
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