
PMID(sorted ascending)
blood agar and mycobacterium tuberculosis: the end of a dogma.incidental blood agar-based recovery of mycobacterium tuberculosis led us to further investigate this routine medium for primary isolation and culture of m. tuberculosis. fifteen respiratory tract and eight lymph node ziehl-neelsen-positive specimens were inoculated in parallel into tubes containing egg-based medium and 5% sheep blood agar. colonies appeared sooner on this medium than on the egg-based medium, but this difference was not significant (p = 0.11, analysis of variance [anova] test). ...200312682165
characterization of the human autoimmune response to the major c-terminal epitope of the ribosomal p proteins.autoantibodies to the ribosomal phospho (-p) proteins p0, p1, and p2, collectively referred to as rib-p, are specifically found in 10-40% of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (sle). these antibodies are believed to be correlated with lupus nephritis, hepatitis, and central nervous system involvement. the major immunoreactive epitope of these ribosomal antigens has been localized to the carboxy terminus, which is a highly conserved domain of all three proteins and contains two phosphoryl ...200312682728
urban trench fever and cat scratch disease. 200312684929
bartonella henselae: association with the development of transient lupus anticoagulant and asymptomatic prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin time. 200312693573
detection and characterization of feline bartonella henselae in the czech republic.the aims of the study were to characterize isolates of bartonella henselae and to determine the prevalence of bacteremic domestic cats in urban and suburban parts of prague, czech republic. five (18%) gram-negative fastidious bacterial single-cat isolates were recovered from 27 hemocultures incubated without previous freezing. four of these isolates originated from flea infested stray cats (n=6) and one from a shelter cat without any ectoparasites (n=21). none of the 34 previously frozen specime ...200312695049
[systematics of the lutzomyia species of the verrucarum theodor group, 1965 (diptera: psychodiadae)].the verrucarum group of phlebotomine sand flies includes vectors of leishmania spp. and bartonella bacilliformis, and from the perspective of public health is considered as one of the most important groups of neotropical phlebotomine sand flies. due to marked morphological similarity among species constituting this group, the identification based on conventional taxonomic characters can be difficult. consequently, the verrucarum group has been the focus of numerous taxonomic comparisons which ha ...200312696402
[kinetics of bartonella spp. igg antibodies in cat-scratch disease and in asymptomatic hiv-infected patients].our goal was to investigate the kinetics of serum igg antibodies against bartonella spp. in patients with cat-scratch disease and in hiv-infected indiviuals.200312716542
[non henselae bartonella neuroretinitis]. 200312716551
[possible bacterial etiologies for diseases of unknown origin]. 200312717985
[cat scratch disease]. 200312722263
immune responses of immunocompetent and immunocompromised mice experimentally infected with bartonella henselae.the aim of this study is to understand host immune responses in immunocompetent and immunocompromised mice against bartonella henselae infection. balb/c and nude (balb/c nu/nu) mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with 10(8) colony forming units of b. henselae (houston-1 strain). blood, brain, liver, spleen, kidney and bone marrow samples were collected 0, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after infection and submitted to bacteriological, serological and genetical examinations. b. henselae was isolated ...200312736430
chronic osteomyelitis associated with cat-scratch disease (csd) is usually a self-limited illness, though atypical presentations of infection with bartonella henselae can occur, including osteomyelitis, oculoglandular syndrome, and granulomatous hepatitis. we describe a 6-year-old boy who had atypical csd osteomyelitis of the left proximal femoral metaphysis due to a cat scratch. this is the second paper to report serial serology of b henselae, and the second paper to identify plasma cells on histologic examination, compatible with ...200212741593
rapid polymerase chain reaction-based confirmation of cat scratch disease and bartonella henselae scratch disease (csd) commonly occurs secondary to bartonella henselae infection, and the diagnosis has traditionally been made by microscopic findings, the identification of organisms by cytochemistry, and clinical history. however, cytochemical analysis tends to be very difficult to interpret, and histology alone may be insufficient to establish a definitive diagnosis of csd.200312741894
[severe retinal phlebitis in ocular bartonellosis].purpose/methods: to report the clinical case of a 34-year-old male with atypical ophthalmic manifestations of cat-scratch disease (ocular bartonellosis), including an extensive retinal phlebitis, as well as the evolution of the clinical picture with treatment. results/conclusions: the clinical diagnosis of ocular bartonellosis was serologically confirmed. oral treatment with ciprofloxacine healed the phlebitis and the neuroretinitis, with a residual optic disk pallor. this case exemplifies the d ...200312743848
[extraction and characterization of the lipopolysaccharide of bartonella quintana]bartonella quintana has been reported as the cause of trench fever, persistent endocarditis, bacteriaemia and has been isolated with an increasing incidence in clinical specimens from aids patients. one of the main pathogenic factors of gram-negative bacteria, including b. quintana, is the lipopolysaccharide (lps). however, very little information is available on the features of bartonella lps. the aim of the present study was to extract, purify and characterise b. quintana lps. the effect of th ...199912759589
monoclonal and biclonal gammopathy in two patients infected with bartonella henselae.two immunocompetent patients with cat-scratch disease due to infection with bartonella henselae developed monoclonal and biclonal gammopathy. neither patient had evidence of any other known cause of plasma cell dyscrasia, and antibiotic eradication of bartonella henselae infection resulted in the prompt disappearance of the gammopathy. hence, cat-scratch disease should be added to the list of possible underlying disorders in individuals presenting with monoclonal and biclonal gammopathy.200312764550
lymphadenopathy at the medial epitrochlear region in cat-scratch disease.our objective was to describe the imaging features of lymphadenopathy at the medial epitrochlear region as frequently seen in cat-scratch disease (csd) and to compare these features with those seen in non-csd. ten patients (four males and six females) presented with a subcutaneous soft tissue mass at the medial epitrochlear region. three patients were younger than 15 years. magnetic resonance imaging was performed in all patients. all lesions turned out to be regional lymphadenopathy instead of ...200312764654
submacular exudates with serous retinal detachment caused by cat scratch present submacular exudates as a manifestation of cat scratch disease.200212778351
a study on forensic samples of bartonella spp antibodies in swedish intravenous heroin addicts.infection with bartonella, an emerging bacterial pathogen which often affects immunodeficient patients, has been reported in sweden over the past few years, with a high seroprevalence of b. elizabethae. a high prevalence of antibodies against b. elizabethae has also been found in urban intravenous drug users in the usa. using immunofluorescence, we retrospectively examined serum samples taken at autopsy from 59 swedish intravenous drug addicts from the stockholm area for evidence of antibodies a ...200312780526
asking the right question. 200312781538
bartonella quintana lipopolysaccharide effects on leukocytes, cxc chemokines and apoptosis: a study on the human whole blood and a rat model.bartonella quintana, an emerging gram-negative pathogen, may cause trench fever, endocarditis, cerebral abscess and bacillary angiomatosis usually with the absence of septic shock in humans. b. quintana lipopolysaccharide (lps), a deep rough endotoxin with strong reactivity in the limulus amebocyte lysate (lal)-assay, was studied in human whole blood and in a rat model. a significant (p<0.05) increase of interleukin-8 (il-8) concentration, comparable to the level induced by enterobacterial lps, ...200312781702
cat-scratch disease occurring in three siblings simultaneously.we report for the first time three siblings with cat-scratch disease occurring simultaneously. case 1 was an 8-year-old boy with enlarged supraclavicular lymph nodes and fever. case 2 was the 11-year-old sister whose presentation was a prolonged febrile illness. case 3 was a 13-year-old male adolescent with adenitis of the neck and thigh. all three patients were treated with rifampin with improvement of their symptoms.200312797315
bartonella quintana and mycobacterium tuberculosis coinfection in an hiv-infected patient with scratch disease (csd) is usually associated with bartonella henselae infection in patients with a history of cat exposure, but bartonella quintana may also be a cause of chronic lympadenopathy in patients with cat or flea contact. the lymph node histopathology of csd and tuberculosis may be indistinguishable. we report herein the first description of lymph node coinfection with b. quintana and m. tuberculosis in a 32-year hiv-infected woman. culture of lymph node biopsy material on columbia ...200312799150
characterization of the ftsz gene from ehrlichia chaffeensis, anaplasma phagocytophilum, and rickettsia rickettsii, and use as a differential pcr target.degenerate primers corresponding to highly conserved regions of previously characterized ftsz genes were used to pcr amplify a portion of the ftsz gene from the genomic dna of ehrlichia chaffeensis (ftsz(ech)), anaplasma phagocytophilum (ftsz(ap)), and rickettsia rickettsii (ftsz(rr)). genome walking was then used to amplify the 5' and 3' termini of the genes. the dna sequences of the resulting amplification products yielded open reading frames coding for proteins with molecular masses of 42.0, ...200312804116
epidemiology and impact of coinfections acquired from ixodes ticks.ixodes scapularis and other ticks in the ixodes ricinus complex may transmit multiple pathogens, but research on coinfections has been limited. coinfections occur with varying frequency in ticks, but single infections are more common than dual infections. the proportion of i. scapularis or i. ricinus ticks coinfected with both borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and anaplasma phagocytophila is generally low, ranging from < 1% to 6% in six geographic areas. a higher prevalence of tick coinfection (26 ...200212804168
what do we (not) know about the human bartonelloses?the human bartonelloses are a group of diseases with a rapidly increasing clinical spectrum. well known manifestations such as carrion's disease, trench fever, cat-scratch disease, and bacillary angiomatosis are examples of bartonella sp. infection. along with these diseases, recurrent bacteremia, endocarditis, septicemia, erythema nodosum, erythema multiforme, trombocytopenic purpura and other syndromes have been reported having been caused by bacteria of this genus. the infectious process and ...200312807686
occurrence of bartonella henselae and bartonella quintana in a healthy greek population.the purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of igm and igg antibodies against bartonella henselae and b. quintana in a healthy greek population using a commercially available immunofluorescent test (focus test). five hundred healthy individuals were divided by sex into four age groups and three groups according to contact with cats. igm antibodies were not detected in any of the subjects examined, while 99 (19.8%) and 75 (15%) were igg seropositive to b. henselae and to b. quintana ...200312812344
randomized open trial of gentamicin and doxycycline for eradication of bartonella quintana from blood in patients with chronic bacteremia.chronic bartonella quintana bacteremia is known to occur in homeless people exposed to lice. we present here the results of an open randomized trial performed to evaluate the efficacy of doxycycline in combination with gentamicin in the eradication of b. quintana bacteremia. from 1 january 2001 to 1 april 2002, homeless people with blood cultures positive for b. quintana were randomized to receive either no treatment (untreated controls) or a combination of gentamicin (3 mg/kg of body weight/day ...200312821469
cloning and characterization of an outer membrane protein (lip18) from helicobacter bizzozeronii.a recombinant lambda-zap ii phage was selected by screening a genomic library of helicobacter bizzozeronii (hb) using antibodies from a naturally infected cat. dna sequencing resulted an open reading frame containing 172 codons with a predicted molecular mass of 18 kda (lip18). the amino acid sequence showed 22.1, 55.2, 56.7 and 57.1% identity to peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein of helicobacter pylori, agrobacterium tumefaciens, bartonella bacilliformis, respectively. a peptidoglycan associa ...200312825349
a case of cat scratch disease neuroretinitis confirmed by polymerase chain scratch disease neuroretinitis is caused by infection by bartonella henselae. to demonstrate b. henselae infection, serologic examination is commonly used, but sometimes serologic examination is not adequate for correct diagnosis. here we present a case of cat scratch disease neuroretinitis confirmed by polymerase chain reaction in addition to serologic examination.200312842212
osteomyelitis caused by bartonella henselae genotype i in an immunocompetent adult woman.we report the first description of osteomyelitis due to bartonella henselae genotype i in an immunocompetent middle-aged woman. the diagnosis was established by serology, histopathology, and pcr analysis of osseous and lymph node tissues. the mycobacteria growth indicator tube inoculated with the lymph node aspirate was used for pcr analysis.200312843112
detection by immunofluorescence assay of bartonella henselae in lymph nodes from patients with cat scratch disease.laboratory diagnosis of bartonella henselae infections can be accomplished by serology or pcr assay on biopsy samples. the purpose of our work was to assess immunofluorescence detection (ifd) in lymph node smears using a specific monoclonal antibody directed against b. henselae and a commercial serology assay (ifa) compared with pcr detection. among 200 lymph nodes examined from immunocompetent patients, 54 were positive for b. henselae by pcr, of which 43 were also positive by ifd. among the 14 ...200312853405
identification of rickettsia spp. and bartonella spp. in ffrom the thai-myanmar border.during a survey for possible rickettsial vectors in villages of the central part of the thai-myanmar border from september 2001 to february 2002, four species of fleas were collected from common peridomestic animals. all fleas were tested by pcr to detect dna of bacteria of the genera rickettsia (glta and ompb genes) and bartonella (its and ftsz genes). sequencing of pcr-amplified products was done using glta fragments for rickettsia and ftsz fragments for bartonella: two genotypes related to ri ...200312860622
bartonella grahamii infecting rodents display high genetic diversity over short geographic distances. 200312860632
bartonella schoenbuchensis isolated from the blood of a french cow. 200312860633
clinical impact of persistent bartonella bacteremia in humans and animals.bartonella spp. are emerging vector-borne pathogens that cause persistent, often asymptomatic bacteremia in their natural hosts. as our knowledge progresses, it appears that chronic infection may actually predispose the host to mild, insidious nonspecific manifestations or induce, in selected instances, severe diseases. persistent asymptomatic bacteremia is most common in animals that serve as the main reservoir for the specific bartonella. in humans, these organisms are b. bacilliformis and b. ...200312860639
real-time pcr duplex assay for rickettsia prowazekii and borrelia recurrentis.rickettsia prowazekii, the etiologic agent for epidemic typhus, and borrelia recurrentis, the etiologic agent of relapsing fever, both utilize the same vector, the human body louse (pediculus humanus), to transmit human disease. we have developed an assay to detect both bacterial pathogens in a single tube utilizing real-time pcr. assays for both agents are specific. the r. prowazekii and b. recurrentis assays do not detect nucleic acid from r. typhi, r. canada, or any of eight spotted fever ric ...200312860643
genetic variation of bartonella henselae detected in lymph nodes from patients with cat scratch disease in slovenia. 200312860661
cat scratch disease with lymphadenitis, vertebral osteomyelitis, and spleen this report we describe a 30-year old male patient with vertebral osteomyelitis and spleen abscesses with cat scratch disease. the diagnosis was made on the basis of molecular detection of bartonella henselae either on lymph node biopsies or on bone biopsy, histology of the lymph node, serology using either our in-house microimmunofluorescence assay or a commercial kit (focus technologies). immunofluorescent detection was also performed directly on slide appositions using a monoclonal antibod ...200312860662
bartonella henselae and borrelia burgdorferi infections of the central nervous investigate the role of b. henselae in patients with symptoms suggesting neuroborreliosis, serum and cerebrospinal fluid samples were tested with serological and pcr methods. among 17 examined patients, in 12 cases borrelia burgdorferi infections were detected, in 1 case bartonella henselae infection was ascertained, and in two patients mixed b. burgdorferi and b. henselae infections were found. these results indicate that mixed infections should be taken into consideration in establishing di ...200312860663
seroprevalence of bartonella henselae and bartonella quintana infections in poland in 1998-2001. 200312860664
bartonella spp. antibodies in forensic samples from swedish heroin addicts.a high frequency of bartonella elizabethae seropositivity (39%) was recorded among intravenous heroin addicts in stockholm, sweden, who died from a lethal injection. some of the b. elizabethae-seropositive individuals also had antibodies to b. henselae houston-1, b. grahamii, and b. quintana, but none had antibodies to b. henselae marseille or b. vinsonii subsp. vinsonii. hepatitis was a frequent finding but no case had peliosis hepatitis. there was no case of endocarditis, but in three persons ...200312860665
prevalence of bartonella infections in slovenian intravenous drug users. 200312860666
erythroblast cells as a target for bartonella quintana in homeless people. 200312860677
immunofluorescence detection of bartonella bacilliformis flagella in vitro and in vivo in human red blood cells as viewed by laser confocal microscopy. 200312860693
studies on the identification of deforming factor from bartonella bacilliformis. 200312860696
experimental infection of human erythrocytes from alcoholic patients with bartonella quintana.bartonella spp. are found in the erythrocytes of their specific natural hosts and b. quintana bacteremia is associated epidemiologically with lice, alcoholism, and homelessness. the aim of our study was to compare the growth and the number of bacteria per erythrocyte in vitro in laboratory-infected red blood cells from alcoholic patients versus normal blood donor erythrocytes. enumeration of bacteria was performed either with plate counting or with a real-time pcr quantitative assay. number of b ...200312860697
case records of the massachusetts general hospital. weekly clinicopathological exercises. case 22-2003. a 22-year-old man with chills and fever after a stay in south america. 200312867613
characterization of new members of the group 3 outer membrane protein family of brucella spp.impairment of the omp25 gene in brucella spp. leads to attenuated strains and confers protection to the host. omp25 and omp31, whose functions remain unknown, were the first characterized members of group 3 outer membrane proteins (omps) (25 to 34 kda). recently, genomic and proteomic approaches identified five new putative members of this family, some of which are produced in b. melitensis or b. abortus. in the present study, using protein microsequencing, we identified new members of group 3 o ...200312874309
molecular characterization of the sucb gene encoding the immunogenic dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase protein of bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii and bartonella quintana.members of the genus bartonella have historically been connected with human disease, such as cat scratch disease, trench fever, and carrion's disease, and recently have been recognized as emerging pathogens causing other clinical manifestations in humans. however, because little is known about the antigens that elicit antibody production in response to bartonella infections, this project was undertaken to identify and molecularly characterize these immunogens. immunologic screening of a bartonel ...200312874367
diagnostic methods. current best practices and guidelines for identification of difficult-to-culture pathogens in infective is a serious, life-threatening disease. because treatment must often be adapted to the pathogen involved, rapid identification of the etiologic agent is critical to successful management of each patient. when difficult-to-culture pathogens are involved, routine microbiologic tests, including blood culture, may remain negative. because such cases may account for up to 31% of all ie cases, alternative diagnostic approaches are necessary. among the etiologic agents of culture-negative endocardit ...200312874894
first case in bulgaria of parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome associated with bartonella henselae. 200312875532
gene-sequence-based criteria for species definition in bacteriology: the bartonella paradigm.the definition of new species is currently based on polyphasic classification that includes both determination of phenotypic characteristics and dna-dna homology. however, none of these techniques is convenient for the rapid characterization of fastidious or non-culturable bacteria. using sequences available in the genbank database, we compared the similarities of gene fragments among the currently recognized bartonella species. this comparison led to both the definition of similarity values tha ...200312875815
[bacterial infections in patients infected by hiv].individuals infected by the human immuno deficiency are more prone to suffering certain bacterial infections in the course of their clinical evolution. the agents involved in these infections are: streptococcus pneumoniae, haemophilus influenzae, pseudomonas aeruginosa, salmonella spp and campylobacter spp, which occasion an increase in morbidity and mortality. with a lower frequency, but with an equal morbidity and mortality, infections have been found caused by rhodococcus equi, nocardia spp a ...199812891392
upper gastrointestinal bacillary angiomatosis causing hematemesis: a case report.a 38-year-old hiv-positive woman presented with massive hematemesis on initial admission to hospital. endoscopy revealed ulcerated nodular lesions in the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. the clinical impression was of kaposi's sarcoma. the stomach was biopsied when the patient re-presented, and another endoscopy was performed. the biopsy showed mucosal ulceration with a proliferation of vascular channels associated with neutrophils and clumps of purplish, granular bacterial colonies, which were ...200312894361
cat scratch disease presenting as orbital abscess and osteomyelitis.ocular manifestations of cat scratch disease are uncommon. the diagnosis is usually made on the basis of increasing bartonella henselae serum antibody titers. we report a child presenting with orbital abscess and osteomyelitis who was diagnosed with hepatosplenic cat scratch disease by detection of b. henselae dna in the orbital abscess fluid.200312904438
first isolation and detection by immunofluorescence assay of bartonella koehlerae in erythrocytes from a french cat. 200312904442
prevalence of bartonella infection among human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with fever.bartonella infection can be difficult to diagnose, especially when it manifests as bacteremia, which is usually accompanied by nonspecific symptoms, such as fever. therefore, we hypothesized that bartonella infection represents an underrecognized cause of febrile illness. to determine the prevalence of bartonella infection among patients presenting with fever, we evaluated 382 patients in san francisco. overall, 68 patients (18%) had evidence of bartonella infection detected by culture, indirect ...200312905141
molecular and immunological approaches to controlling parasitic infection. 200312906731
the role of the host immune response in pathogenesis of bartonella henselae.bartonella henselae can infect humans resulting in a wide range of disease syndromes including cat-scratch disease, fever with bacteremia, endocarditis, bacillary angiomatosis, and bacillary peliosis hepatis, among others. the nature and severity of the clinical presentation correlates well with the status of the hosts' immune system. individuals with impaired immune function, including hiv infection, progress to systemic infections more often. patients with intact immune function who become inf ...200312906736
bartonellosis.the role of bartonella species as pathogens in dogs and cats is being defined. diagnosis and treatment of bartonella infections of dogs and cats remain challenging. as new information regarding bartonella infections of companion animals becomes available, the understanding of the pathogenesis of these infections will improve. most bartonella species infecting dogs and cats are zoonotic, with b henselae the most important zoonotic species. b henselae bacteremia is common in domestic cats, and cat ...200312910745
canine borreliosis.a guild of organisms carried by the same vector (ixodes ticks) in lyme-endemic areas may be confounding the understanding of lyme disease in dogs. a new diagnostic method, the c6 peptide test for lyme, and serology and pcr testing for ehrlichia, babesia, and bartonella species will help to sort out seroprevalence and symptomatology caused by exposure to these agents or by coinfections. in addition, rickettsia, leptospira, mycoplasma species, and more could be involved in dogs diagnosed with a "d ...200312910746
the immunologic response of dogs to bartonella vinsonii subspecies berkhoffii antigens: as assessed by western immunoblot analysis.bartonella vinsonii subspecies berkhoffii is a recently recognized zoonotic pathogen that causes endocarditis, granulomatous rhinitis, and granulomatous lymphadenitis in dogs. isolation of b. vinsonii (berkhoffii) from blood or tissue samples is frequently unsuccessful; therefore, diagnosis is primarily dependent on serologic or molecular testing modalities. because previous canine serologic studies have used an indirect immunofluorescence assay (ifa), without western immunoblot (wi) confirmatio ...200312918816
a bacterial conjugation machinery recruited for pathogenesis.type iv secretion systems (t4ss) are multicomponent transporters of gram-negative bacteria adapted to functions as diverse as dna transfer in bacterial conjugation or the delivery of effector proteins into eukaryotic target cells in pathogenesis. the generally modest sequence conservation between t4ss may reflect their evolutionary distance and/or functional divergence. here, we show that the establishment of intraerythrocytic parasitism by bartonella tribocorum requires a putative t4ss, which s ...200312940985
molecular cloning and analysis of a region of the bartonella bacilliformis genome encoding nlpd, l-isoaspartyl methyltransferase and yajc homologs.the nlpd/lppb homolog of the human pathogen, bartonella bacilliformis, is an immunogenic 43-kda protein that is encoded by a 1206-bp open reading frame (orf-401). the regions flanking the nlpd/lppb gene of b. bacilliformis were sequenced to determine if it is located within the rpos operon, as it is in most bacteria. we report that the b. bacilliformis nlpd/lppb gene is located immediately downstream of pcm, a gene encoding a 25-kda protein, l-isoaspartyl protein carboxyl methyltransferase, that ...200312941162
detection of novel bartonella strains and yersinia pestis in prairie dogs and their fleas (siphonaptera: ceratophyllidae and pulicidae) using multiplex polymerase chain reaction.we developed a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay that simultaneously detects three types of flea-associated microorganisms. targets for the assay were sequences encoding portions of the glta, a 17-kda antigen, and pla genes of bartonella spp. strong et al., rickettsia spp. da rocha-lima, and yersinia pestis yersin, respectively. a total of 260 flea samples containing bloodmeal remnants were analyzed from fleas collected from abandoned prairie dog (cynomys ludovicianus) burrows at t ...200312943112
[bilateral retinal artery branch occlusions revealing bartonella grahamii infection]. 200312951187
isolated splenic cat scratch disease. 200312955654
rapid and efficient transposon mutagenesis of bartonella henselae by transposome technology.molecular genetics are difficult to perform in bartonella henselae, the causative agent of cat scratch disease and the vasculoproliferative disorders bacillary angiomatosis and bacillary peliosis. to elucidate the underlying bacterial pathogenic mechanisms, genetic manipulation of b. henselae is the method of choice. we describe how to perform transposon mutagenesis in b. henselae using transposome technology. b. henselae mutants revealed by this technique showed random transpositional insertion ...200312957381
[human bartonellosis or carrion's disease]. 195112996857
[blood parasites of the white mouse. ii. bartonella muris musculi schilling]. 195213006899
[applications of electron microscopy in dermatology]. 195213021710
[homage to dr. alberto l. barton]. 195213027827
[verruga peruana or carrion disease in children]. 195213031919
carrión's disease. i. studies on plants claimed to be reservoirs of bartonella bacilliformis. 195313065631
carrión's disease. ii. presence of bartonella bacilliformis in the peripheral blood of patients with the benign form. 195313065632
carrión's disease. iii. experimental infection of squirrels. 195313065633
[further research on bartonella bacilliformis. iii. experiments with rhesus monkeys and body lice on transmissibility of the disease]. 195313079109
[nosographic and clinical aspects of carrion's disease in children]. 195313100976
[verruga peruana or carrion's disease]. 195313101031
[new studies on bartonelle bacilliformis. 4. electron-optical study of blood smears containing bartonella bacilliformis]. 195313137391
treatment of bartonellosis with antibiotics. 195213139205
[demonstration and frequency of bartonellae in the blood of the rodents of the upper ubangi pertaining to the following species; mylomys cuninnghamei alberti, epimus rattus frugivorus, rattus mastomys coucha, louphuromys silkapusi, dasymys incomitus fuscus and teaterillus emini]. 195313150077
[the andean zones of diseases caused by phlebotomus]. 195413158857
observations on trypanosoma lewisi and grahamella sp. in the blood of rats from the hamakua district, island of hawaii. 195413202016
[increased susceptibility of splenectomized guinea pigs to infectious disease]. 195413206312
relationship between bartonella muris infection and acute radiation effects in the rat. 195413212130
bartonellaceae. 195513260099
[chemotherapeutic evaluation of organic arsenic preparation on bartonella infection in rats]. 195513276284
[not available]. 195513297091
[not available]. 195513298354
concerning the mechanism of bartonella anemia in splenectomized rats. 195613319769
grahamella (rickettsiales) in the common shrew sorex araneus. 195613322468
salmonellosis complication in human bartonellosis. 195613337733
[hemoglobin content in splenectomized albino rats infected by bartonella]. 195613353438
[encephalopathies in verruga peruana (carrion's disease)]. 195613372996
[not available]. 195613381510
[role of anemia in death in acute bartonellosis]. 195613381519
a complement-fixation reaction with haemobartonella muris and eperythrozoon coccoides. 195613387692
on a new hematozoic microbe resembling bartonella. 195613401433
Displaying items 1201 - 1300 of 2611