Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
locating corticospinal neurons by retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. | 1977 | 885197 | |
tectal projection of displaced ganglion cells in avian retina. | labeled displaced ganglion cells (dgc's) were observed in chick embryos (day 12 to 18) and hatchings following discrete tectal injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). average dgc diameter was 10 to 15 mu, approximately twice the size of orthotopic ganglion cells. six to 12 dgc's were found per 15 mu section. these findings conclusively demonstrate a tectal projection for the dgc. | 1977 | 885687 |
postnatal differentiation of cell body volumes of spinal motoneurons innervating slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscles. | distribution of cell body volumes of motoneurons innervating the soleus (slow-twitch or tonic) and medial gastrocnemius (fast-twitch or phasic) muscles was examined in adult cats and a series of kittens ranging from one to 140 days in age. to identify the soleus (sol) and the medial gastrocnemius (mg) motoneurons, each group of motoneurons was labeled differentially by utilizing retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase injected into the muscles. it was verified statistically that in ... | 1977 | 886025 |
[catalytic properties and thermostability of horseradish peroxidase covalently bound with sepharose by carbohydrate residues of the enzyme]. | a procedure for isolation of stabilized preparations of peroxidase, covalently bound with ah-sepharose 4b by the enzyme carbohydrate residues, which had been previously oxidized by iodine acid, is proposed. the catalytic properties and thermostability of soluble oxidized and immobilized peroxidase has been studied and a comparison of these properties with those of the native enzyme has been made. it has been demonstrated that the oxidation of the carbohydrate residues dose not affect eh km value ... | 1977 | 889967 |
projections from the inferior olive to the cerebellar nuclei in the cat demonstrated by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. | the method of intracerebral injections of horseradish peroxidase has been applied to demonstrate a projection from the inferior olivary nucleus to the intracerebellar nuclei in the cat. cells labeled by the transported enzyme can be observed in different regions of the olive according to the localization of the injection. the caudal half of the medial and dorsal accessory subdivisions, the dorsal cap and nucleus beta project to the fastigial nucleus. in the rostral half of the olive, the accesso ... | 1977 | 890443 |
origins of vagal preganglionic fibers to the sino-atrial and atrio-ventricular node regions in the cat heart as studied by the horseradish peroxidase method. | 1977 | 890451 | |
locus coeruleus-to-dorsal raphe input examined by electrophysiological and morphological methods. | in order to examine the hypothesis that the locus coeruleus (lc) projects directly to the nucleus raphe dorsalis (dr), electrical stimulation was applied to the lc of rats while recording from single neurons in the region of the dr. slow firing units of the dr were not influenced by the stimulation, although faster firing units in the nearby substantia grisea centralis (sgc) were. these latter cells become oscillatory in their firing rates during lc stimulation. in parallel studies a retrograde ... | 1977 | 890505 |
circular dichroism of turnip peroxidases. | circular dichroic (cd) spectra of two turnip isoperoxidases, p1 and p7, and of their derivatives were measured over the wavelength range of 200 to 650 nm. for the two isoenzymes, it was observed that although the visible and soret bands are located at similar wavelengths, their ellipticities are different. these results suggest that the active sites are similar but that differences do exist. the results are compared with those reported for japanese radish peroxidase a and horseradish peroxidase. ... | 1977 | 890576 |
location of feline trigeminal ganglion cells innervating maxillary canine teeth: a horseradish peroxidase analysis. | 1977 | 891695 | |
nuclear magnetic resonance studies of hemoproteins. interaction of horseradish peroxidase with indolepropionic acid. | 1977 | 891962 | |
retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase from the nucleus posterior medialis hypothalami to the hippocampus and the medial septum in the pigeon. | 1977 | 896046 | |
inner and outer hair cells, differential uptake of horseradish peroxidase: a preliminary report. | 1977 | 898511 | |
somatotopic and columnar organization in the corticotectal projection of the rat somatic sensory cortex. | single injections of tritiated amino acids into the first somatic sensory area (si) of the rat neocortex result in axoplasmically transported labeling of the stratum griseum intermidiale and stratum griseum profundum of the ipsilateral superior colliculus. the terminal labeling in these layers takes the form of multiple, column-like patches. the si projection is somatotopically organized with the face and head representations projecting to an extensive anterolateral part of the colliculus and th ... | 1977 | 902093 |
adult rat hepatocytes in primary monolayer culture. ultrastructural characteristics of intercellular contacts and cell membrane differentiations. | primary monolayer cultures were obtained in 60-mm petri dishes by incubating 3 x 10(6) isolated hepatocytes at 37 degrees c in dulbecco's medium supplemented with 17% fetal calf serum. the ultrastructure of monolayer cells was examined after various incubation periods. within 4 h of plating, the isolated spherical cells adhere to the plastic surface, establish their first contacts by numerous intertwined microvilli, and form new hemidesmosomes. after 12 h of culture, wide branched trabeculae of ... | 1977 | 903373 |
the connections of the trigeminal and facial motor nuclei in the brain of the carp (cyprinus carpio l.) as revealed by anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. | the connections of the rostral and caudal parts of the trigeminal and facial motor nuclei in the carp were studied with the horseradish peroxidase technique. following ionophoretic peroxidase injections in these motor nuclei, retrogradely labeled cells were observed together with anterogradely labeled motor cell processes. several cellular areas in thalamus, cerebellum and medulla oblongata were shown to project to the v and vii motor nuclei. labeled cells were found in the inferior lobe and the ... | 1977 | 903419 |
anatomical and neurobehavioral investigations concerning the thalamo-cortical organization of the rat's visual system. | the organization of thalamic afferents to the rat's visual cortex was investigated autoradiographically and through the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) following infections into striate and peristriate cortex. the results revealed that nucleus lateralis posterior (nlp) projects to a large peristriate cortical field that includes areas 18a, 7, and the anterior portion of area 18, and to a circumscribed temporal area corresponding to krieg's ('46a,b) area 20. the dorsal latera ... | 1977 | 903426 |
the nucleus corporis pontobulbaris of the north american opossum. | the nucleus of the pontobulbar body (pbu) in the north american opossum is located, for the most part, adjacent to the motor root of the trigeminal nerve. material prepared by degeneration and autoradiographic methods shows that the pbu receives projections from the facial motor-sensory cortex, red nucleus, spinal cord and cerebellum. the latter fibers probably take origin within the fastigial nucleus. each of the afferent connections ends in a restricuted part of the pbu, but there is considera ... | 1977 | 903428 |
a study of afferent input to the inferior olivary complex in the rat by retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. | 1977 | 903429 | |
an electron microscope study of motoneurones and interneurones in the cat abducens nucleus identified by retrograde intraaxonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. | 1977 | 903432 | |
the morphology of spinocervical tract neurones revealed by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase. | 1. the morphology of physiologically identified spinocervical tract neurones was studied using the intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase in anaesthetized cats.2. thirty-six spinocervical tract neurones were reconstructed from serial sections of the lumbosacral spinal cord, cut in either the transverse or longitudinal planes.3. horseradish peroxidase provided a more complete picture of the dendrites of spinocervical tract neurones than earlier experiments using procion yellow injectio ... | 1977 | 903910 |
chronic relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. studies in vascular permeability changes. | the vascular permeability in the nervous system to evans blue-albumin and horseradish peroxidase was studied in chronic relapsing eae in strain 13 and hartley guinea pigs. the disease was induced by single sensitization of immature animal and was characterized clinically by remissions and relapses. recent and old demyelinating plaques in the spinal cord were present. these showed an increased permeability to the protein tracers. the blood-brain barrier in these plaques are therefore disturbed an ... | 1977 | 906801 |
horseradish peroxidase acute ototoxicity and the uptake and movement of the peroxidase in the auditory system of the guinea pig. | when guinea pig cochlea was perfused in vivo with a solution of 1% horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in artificial perilymph, the enzyme was found in the basilar membrane, spiral limbus, some outer and inner hair cells and some supporting cells and it was gradually cleared away with time. acute signs of cell damage included swelling, vacuolization and diffuse labeling of some hair cells, but stereocilia remained normal in configuration. albino melanocytes of the spiral ligament were also damaged, and ... | 1977 | 906813 |
absorption of horseradish peroxidase by the principal cells of the large intestines of postnatal developing rats. | the absorption of horseradish peroxidase in the rat large intestine during the postnatal developing period was investigated by cytochemical and ultrastructural methods. in the ceca and ascending colons from 4-, and 5-day-old rats, intraluminaly injected peroxidase became localised on microvilli, in the intracytoplasmic network of the apical tubules and small vacuoles (tubulo-vacuolar system), in the large supranuclear vacuole, in the golgi apparatus, on the lateral and basal cell membranes of th ... | 1977 | 907196 |
[the reaction of holo-, apo- and coenzyme of the peroxidase to heating (author's transl)]. | the thermal reaction of the two components of the horseradish peroxidase--the apoenzyme and the prosthetic group--with that of the holoenzyme were compared. from this we conclude that the thermal inactivation of the peroxidase in aqueous solution is not caused by a change of the apoprotein alone, but rather by participation of the entire three-dimensional structure including the prosthetic group. spectrophotometric studies of the inactivation process in the holoenzyme revealed that the absorbanc ... | 1977 | 910551 |
protein transport across cerebral vessels during metrazole-induced convulsions. | the effects of pentylenetetrazole-induced convulsions on cerebrovascular permeability for horseradish peroxidase were studied in locally anesthetized, artificially respired, paralyzed cats. horseradish peroxidase circulated for 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 30, and 60 min and accumulated in medium-size, i.e., arterial or venous, blood vessel walls. cerebral neuropil was permeated earliest in thalamic nuclei including medial and lateral geniculate nuclei. no tight junctions containing horseradish peroxidase wer ... | 1977 | 910896 |
cytochemical localization of acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction by means of horseradish peroxidase-labeled alpha-bungarotoxin. | the cytochemical localization of acetylcholine (ach) receptors at the neuromuscular junction was investigated with a procedure utilizing alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-btx) labeled directly with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). following incubation of tissues in the conjugate and reaction for peroxidase, activity was observed on the junctional folds of the motor endplate. a uniform layer of reaction product approximately 15 nm thick occurred over the apical portions of the junctional folds. membranes at ... | 1977 | 912399 |
thalamic inputs to the rabbit visual cortex: identification and organization using horseradish peroxidase (hrp). | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) has been injected in visual cortical area 1 (v1, striate cortex) of 33 rabbits (16 received a unilateral injection, 17 bilateral injections) in order to identify its thalamic inputs and to determine their retinotopic organization. this study has shown that when hrp is injected into different portions of v1: 1. labeled cells are consistently seen in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (lgnd) and are always organized into horizontal columns arranged perpendicularly t ... | 1977 | 913515 |
adrenergic influences on the permeability of rabbit submandibular salivary glands to blood-borne horseradish peroxidase. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) administered close-arterially, has been found to enter rabbit submandibular saliva elicited by parasympathetic nerve stimulation. adrenalin, superimposed on parasympathetic nerve stimulation, increased the passage of hrp into the saliva. use of alpha- and beta-adrenoceptor agonists, either separately or together, and use of alpha- or beta-adrenoceptor antagonists together with adrenalin indicate that both alpha- and beta-receptor stimulation is necessary for this in ... | 1977 | 914650 |
vascular reactions to horseradish peroxidase in the guinea pig. | albino guinea pigs were given intradermal injections of the protein tracer horseradish peroxidase. in a 0.1 mm concentration the tracer did not increase vascular permeability to evans blue-labelled plasma proteins. in a 1 mm concentration, however, the peroxidase induced a local vascular leakage. this leakage was almost totally inhibited by pretreating the animals with acetylsalicylic acid, while antihistamine had only a weak inhibitory effect. we therefore believe that prostaglandins are import ... | 1977 | 914655 |
a perfusion method of incubation to demonstrate horseradish peroxidase in bone. | a perfusion method of incubation to show horseradish peroxidase in the bone of young mice is presented. after perfusion fixation, the incubation medium is perfused from the descending aorta into the entire lower half of the animal. from the vessels there is good penetration of the medium into all tissues. this allows the preparation of any one perfused bone to ground-, semithin-, and ultrathin sections. differences in peroxidase distribution in the entire bone suggest regional differences in vas ... | 1977 | 914657 |
uptake of horseradish peroxidase by sensory nerve fibres in vitro. | after 47 3/4 hours in vitro, organotypic cultures of dorsal root ganglia of rat were exposed to horseradish peroxidase at a concentration of 4 mg/ml of nutrient medium for 15 minutes. observations on the living nerve fibres revealed pinocytotic vesicles in the growth cones which were transported toward the perikarya for several hundreds of micrometer at a rate of 0-5-10 micrometer/min. electron microscopic sections displayed uptake of peroxidase into the growth cones by means of endocytosis. the ... | 1977 | 914707 |
circular dichroism studies on native and artificial horseradish peroxidases. | 1977 | 914868 | |
localization of acetylcholine receptors in central synapses. | the localization of cholinergic receptors in brain synaptosomes and in synapses of the midbrain reticular formation and hypothalamic preoptic nucleus has been demonstrated by means of a horseradish peroxidase-alpha-bungarotoxin (hrp-alpha-btx) conjugate. only a small proportion of the total number of synapses was reactive. axon terminals of reactive synapses contained primarily small clear vesicles, while synapses characterized by large numbers of dense core vesicles were unreactive. toxin-bindi ... | 1977 | 914895 |
subdivisions of the auditory cortex of the cat: the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase to the medial geniculate body and posterior thalamic nuclei. | 1977 | 915045 | |
peroxidase and gold complexes of lectins for double labeling of surface-binding sites by electron microscopy. | double labeling experiments were performed for visualization of the binding sites of concanavalin a and anti-ahel (the lectin from helix pomatia). the anti-ahel was labeled with the colloidal gold whereas the membrane bound concanavalin a was demonstrated by an affinity technique using horseradish peroxidase. the two markers used could be clearly distinguished electron microscopically. the specificity of the cell surface double labeling was demonstrated in the control experiments. a topological ... | 1977 | 915241 |
a sensitive histochemical method for light-and electron-microscopic demonstration of horseradish peroxidase. | 1977 | 915248 | |
evidence for adsorption of heterospecific host immunoglobulin on the tegument of schistosoma mansoni. | mice infected with schistosoma mansoni were immunized against human type b rh-positive (b+) rbc, bovine serum albumin, or horseradish peroxidase. adult parasites, recovered by perfusion, extensively washed, and incubated in their respective antigens, selectively bound to their tegumental surfaces only those antigens to which their murine host had been immunized. all controls supported the specificity of those reactions leading to the conclusion that adult s. mansoni in mice have the ability to a ... | 1977 | 915283 |
the identification of mossy fibres and their cells of origin in the normal and lurcher mutant mouse. | the behavioural mutant mouse lurcher survives to adult life as the heterozygote (lc/+) and shows a disorder of gait. the neurological lesion has been shown to involve degeneration of purkinje cells and inferior olivary neurones (caddy and biscoe 1976). it follows that the climbing fibre input is reduced and we wished to know if the mossy fibre input was also affected. heterozygote lurcher mutants were compared with the wild type in all experiments. mossy fibre glomeruli were identified in the ce ... | 1977 | 915533 |
technical considerations on the use of horseradish peroxidase as a neuronal marker. | 1977 | 917271 | |
ascending projections of presumed dopamine-containing neurons in the ventral tegmentum of the rat as demonstrated by horseradish peroxidase. | 1977 | 917282 | |
an enzyme-linked immunoassay of testosterone. | an enzyme-linked immunoassay of testosterone is described. the conjugation of testosterone with high specific activity horseradish per-oxidase and a highly sensitive assay for this enzyme having previously been studied, here we describe the immobilization of the anti-testosterone antibody and the development of assay conditions permitting the determination of 50 pg to 1.5 ng testosterone in one working day. in this work attention has been paid to keeping the assay method as simple as possible. t ... | 1977 | 919013 |
acute hypertension causing blood-brain barrier breakdown during epileptic seizures. | the influence of shortlasting (less than 1 min) epileptic seizures on the permeability to protein of the blood-brain barrier (bbb) was studied in rats. the protein tracer, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used as marker substance. monitoring arterial blood pressure (bp) and electroencephalogramme (eeg) seizures were induced electrically after hrp was given intravenously. following a single electroshock seizure slight staining of brain tissue was seen, while after 10 electroshock stimuli followed ... | 1977 | 920112 |
a horseradish peroxidase study of the origin of central projections to the rat olfaction bulb. | 1977 | 922489 | |
afferent connections of the nucleus raphe dorsalis in the cat as visualized by the horseradish peroxidase technique. | using a retrograde tracer technique with protein horseradish peroxidase (hrp), attempts were made to determine afferent projections to the nucleus raphe dorsalis (nrd). as a control, the injection of the hrp was also made into one of the following structures adjacent to the nrd: (1) mesencephalic periaque ductal gray; (2) nucleus linearis intermedius; and (3) third cranial nucleus. the present results indicate that the nrd, particularly is rostral part, receives direct projections arising from: ... | 1977 | 922504 |
ultrastructural tracer studies on the permeability of the malpighian tubule of the pill millipede, glomeris marginate (villers). | the electron-dense tracers ferritin, and iron-dextran, and the protein horseradish peroxidase, have been used to investigate the ultrastructural basis of permeability in the upper and lower segments of the malpighian tubules of glomeris marginata. all these materials were able to cross the basal lamina and enter the tubule lumen of the upper segment, and it was established that horseradish peroxidase was able to enter the channels which interrupt the apical junctions. in the upper segment, ferri ... | 1977 | 922820 |
[silymarin--an inhibitor of horseradish peroxidase (author's transl)]. | silybin and silychristin non-competitively inhibit the horseradish peroxidase in vitro. silydianin on the other hand is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme. | 1977 | 923693 |
effect of indole-3-acetic acid on the kinetics of horseradish peroxidase catalyzed scopoletin oxidation. | the kinetics of horseradish peroxidase catalyzed of scopoletin oxidation were observed to be sigmoidal. the apparent kms for scopoletin is 0.9 mm. inhibition of scopoletin oxidation by indole-3-acetic acid (iaa) appears to be non competitive. non competitive inhibition by iaa suggests a more significant role of the peroxidase protein matrix in regulating the activity of the heme moiety. | 1977 | 923704 |
penetration of systemically injected horseradish peroxidase into ganglia and nerves of the autonomic nervous system. | hrp given intravenously to rats and guinea-pigs passes within 5 minutes into the extracellular spaces of the superior cervical and coeliac ganglia, reaching the spaces between neurons and their associated satellite cells and the equivalent spaces between neuronal processes and satellite cells. the sympathetic nerve trunks have a blood-nerve barrier. the myenteric plexus does not contain blood vessels, but is permeable to tracer from the extracellular spaces of the adjacent muscle layers. | 1977 | 925724 |
selective enzymatic hydrolysis of nerve terminal phospholipids by beta-bungarotoxin: biochemical and morphological studies. | beta-bungarotoxin, a presynaptic protein neurotoxin isolated from the venom of the snake bungarus multicinctus, modifies release of neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction. the toxin has a potent phospholipase activity toward both natural membranes and phospholipid liposomes. studies of ionic requirements and selective chemical modification demonstrate that beta-bungarotoxin can only modify synaptic transmission under conditions in which the phospholipase is active. morphological studies ... | 1977 | 928454 |
tracer and freeze fracture observations on developing tight junctions in fetal rat thyroid. | the development of tight junctions in fetal rat thyroid from the sixteenth to the twentieth days of gestation was examined with conventional ultrastructural methods and freeze-fracture preparations. these results were compared with those obtained using lanthanum hydroxide and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracers. tight junctions appear to arise on the plasma membranes of fetal thyroid cells by the aggregation and fusion of linear particle chains which appear at several discrete sites on the plas ... | 1977 | 929574 |
electron microscopic labeling of intercellular spaces in isolated tissue specimens with horseradish peroxidase. | 1977 | 929637 | |
[ultrastructural studies on the tight junctions of epithelial cells of the rabbit ciliary and iridial process using horseradish peroxidase as a tracer and freeze etching technique (author's transl)]. | 1977 | 930763 | |
effect of indomethacin and atropine in experimental asthma in conscious guinea pigs. | pulmonary mechanics were measured in unanesthetized guinea pigs sensitized to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) before and during two aerosolized challenges of this antigen. during the first challenge the pulmonary resistance increased in all animals. prior to second challenge the animals received either atropine (0.2 mg/kg) or indomethacin (10 mg/kg) intraperitoneally. we found that during the second challenge the indomethacin group had an increase in pulmonary resistance slightly greater or similar ... | 1976 | 931927 |
peroxidase uptake by photoreceptor terminals of the skate retina. | the photoreceptors of dark-adapted skate retinas bathed in a ringer solution containing horseradish peroxidase (hrp) incorporate the tracer into membrane-bound compartments within the synaptic terminal of the cell; after 1 or 2 h of incubation, approx. 10-38% of the synaptic vesicles were labeled. the receptors appeared to be functioning normally throughout the incubation period, since electrical potentials of normal amplitude could be elicited in response to dimphotic stimuli. however, it was p ... | 1976 | 932103 |
demonstration of concanavalin a receptors on leptomonas pessoai cell memebrane. | leptomonas pessoai promastigotes cultivated in a synthetic medium were agglutinated with concanavalin a (cona). agglutination was predominantly of the flagellar-flagellar type, and was inhibited with sucrose or alpha-methyl-d-mannoside. cell surface polysaccharides and/or glycoproteins were demonstrated by several cytochemical methods at the fine-structural level. a con a-horseradish peroxidase-diaminobenzidine (dab) technic was used to detect con a receptors in the pellicular membrane of the fl ... | 1976 | 933086 |
choroid plexus absorption of horseradish peroxidase from the cerebral ventricles. | 1976 | 933261 | |
effect of angiotensin-induced hypertension on rat coronary arteries and myocardium. | acute hypertension has been produced in rats by the intravenous infusion of angiotensin amide for 4 hours. both control and hypertensive animals were injected intravenously prior to sacrifice with either horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or colloidal carbon. epicardial arteries and blocks of ventricular myocardium containing intramyocardial arteries and arterioles have been processed for electron microscopy. hrp appears to penetrate the endoethelium of epicardial arteries from control animals within ... | 1976 | 937512 |
binding of hydrogen donors to horseradish peroxidase: a spectroscopic study. | 1976 | 938055 | |
distribution of endogenous albumin in the rat glomerulus: role of hemodynamic factors in glomerular barrier function. | using an ultrastructural immunoperoxidase technique, the distribution of endogenous albumin in the rat glomerulus was delineated under normal and abnormal hemodynamic conditions. superficial glomeruli in anesthetized munich-wistar rats were rapidly fixed in situ by applying glutaraldehyde to the renal surface. fixed tissue slices were treated with anti-rat albumin fab fragments conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (hrp), and were then subjected to the graham-karnovsky ultrastructural peroxidase ... | 1976 | 940256 |
the sarcolemma of aplysia smooth muscle in freeze-fracture preparations. | smooth muscle cells in the sheath covering the visceral ganglion of aplysia californica were examined with the techniques of freeze-fracture and conventional electron microscopy. the sarcolemma of these muscle cell invaginates to form myriad caveolae that have an intrinsic marker within their membrane. this intrinsic structure of the caveolar membrane is revealed by freeze-fracture and consists of rows of large particles in the outer half and matching grooves on the complementary inner half of t ... | 1976 | 941133 |
descending inputs to caudal cochlear nucleus in cats: a horseradish peroxidase (hrp) study. | after hrp injections into the octopus cell area of the cat cochlear nucleus, only periolivary neurons of the superior olivary complex (soc) reacted. elongate neurons in the lateral periolivary nuclei (ipsilateral to the injection) and multipolar neurons in ventromedial periolivary regions (contralateral to the injection) contained granules. no neurons in the main soc nuclei or higher auditory nuclei reacted, despite a wide range of hrp concentrations. thus, neurons from the soc to the octopus ce ... | 1976 | 941860 |
the purification of horseradish peroxidase by affinity chromatography on sepharose--bound concanavalin a1,2. | 1976 | 942057 | |
hydroxylation of p-coumaric acid by horseradish peroxidase. the role of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. | 1. in the presence of dihydroxyfumarate, horseradish peroxidase catalyses the conversion of p-coumaric acid into caffeic acid at ph 6. this hydroxylation is completely inhibited by superoxide dismutase. 2. dihydroxyfumarate cannot be replaced by ascorbate h2o2, nadh, cysteine or sulphite. peroxidase can be replaced by high (10 mm) concentrations of feso4, but this reaction is almost unaffected by superoxide dismutase. 3. hydroxylation by the peroxidase/dihydroxyfumarate system is completely inhi ... | 1976 | 942369 |
correlations between immunoglobulin- and antibody-synthesizing cells during primary and secondary immune responses of rats immunized with peroxidase. | the development of cells synthesizing immunoglobulins without detectable antibody activity and of antibody-synthesizing cells was studied during primary and secondary immune responses of rats immunized with horseradish peroxidase. after primary immunization with peroxidase emulsified in freund's complete or incomplete adjuvant, the first antibody-producing cells appeared 4 days after injection. they were preceded by cells synthesizing igg and igm without antibody function, appearing 3 days after ... | 1976 | 944685 |
immunoelectron microscopic and immunochemical demonstrations of serum proteins in the alveolar lining material of the rat lung. | by means of antibodies labeled with horseradish peroxidase, autologous albumin and igg were visualized in electron microscopy on the alveolar epithelial surface of the rat lung, as a continuous cell coat, as free granular deposits, or associated with tubular myelin figures. these 2 proteins were detected by immunochemistry in alveolar washing. after ultracentrifugation of alveolar washing, they were still found in the phospholipid-rich precipitate fraction by immunization of rabbits and by immun ... | 1976 | 946160 |
blood-aqueous barrier in newborn and young rabbits. an electron microscopic study. | distribution of intravenously injected horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in the ciliary body of newborn and young (2 weeks old) rabbits was studied with the electron microscope. the reaction product was localized in all animals in the lumen of the blood vessels, in the perivascular area, in the surrounding connective tissue stroma and also in the epithelial cell layers. the peroxidase penetrated through the intercellular junctions of the pigmented cells to the intercellular space between the apical m ... | 1976 | 946358 |
the role of suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus in the production of circadian rhythm. | (1) action potentials were recorded from single neurons in suprachiasmatic nuclei of hypothalamus in urethane anesthetized male rat. the rate of firing ranged from less than 1 to over 10/sec but was generally 4-8/sec, and it varied from one cell to another in the same animal. (2) repetitive stimulation of optic nerve or light acting on the eye augmented the activity of approximately half of the the suprachiasmatic neurons examined (67 out of 159 cells) while 37 neurons (23%) showed clear inhibit ... | 1976 | 947493 |
leukocyte-platelet interaction. release of hydrogen peroxide by granulocytes as a modulator of platelet reactions. | because of the many potent biological capabilities of the blood granulocytes, and their contact with platelets in various physiologic and pathologic states, a possible interaction between granulocytes and platelets was investigated. platelets were purified by gel filtration and via a dialysis membrane were separated from suspensions of autologous granulocytes prepared by dextran sedimentation and resuspended in modified tyrode's buffer. after 20 min at 37 degrees c platelet aggregation was shown ... | 1976 | 947961 |
immunocytochemical localization of nerve growth factor (ngf) in the submandibular gland of adult mice by light and electron microscopy. | nerve growth factor (ngf) was localized in the submandibular gland of adult male mice by a direct immunocytochemical method using highly purified antibodies against ngf coupled to horseradish peroxidase. in light microscopic sections the reaction product was entirely confined to the cells of the secretory tubules. the acinar part of the gland was free of reaction product. this finding was confirmed by electron microscopy. within the cells ngf was localized exclusively in the apical secretory gra ... | 1976 | 949726 |
competitive enzyme-liked immunoassay with use of soluble enzyme/antibody immune complexes for labeling. i. measurement of human choriogonadotropin. | we described the principle of a new enzyme-immunoassay, competitive enzyme-liked immunoassay (celia), for quantitative measurement of soluble antigens and haptens. in the assay, binding of antibody to antigen-immunosorbent is competitively inhibited by the free antigen to be measured. the amount of first antibody bound to the immunosorbent is measured by an enzymatic technique in which a heterologous bridging antibody and a soluble antibody/enzyme immune complex are applied in sequence. the solu ... | 1976 | 949847 |
cortical cells projecting to the dorsal column nuclei of cats. an anatomical study with the horseradish peroxidase technique. | the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) has been used to label cortical neurons which give origin to descending projections to the dorsal column nuclei (dcn) in kittens and adult cats. hrp was injected unilaterally or bilaterally into the dorsal medulla at, or rostral to, the level of the obex, and, in most cases, retrogradely transported hrp was visualized in cortical neurons by incubation of serial 40 mum coronal or sagittal frozen sections. in the remaining cases, 1 mm corona ... | 1976 | 950388 |
vascular leakage in the dorsal root ganglia of the rat, studied with horseradish peroxidase. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was found to pass from ganglionic blood vessels into the extracellular space of dorsal root and vth nerve ganglia within 2 min of intravenous injection in the rat. by 5 min, the tracer had penetrated into perineuronal and periaxonal spaces. a brisk macrophage response occured, and these cells rapidly engulfed the tracer so that it has almost completely disappeared from the extracellular space 2-3 hr. fenestrated blood vessels, with and without diaphragms were seen wi ... | 1976 | 950578 |
[the influence of plasmocellular tumours on the humoral immune response in mice (author's transl)]. | syngeneic mice of the c3h/he strain have been inoculated with cells of the plasmocellular tumours x5563 and x5647, producing myeloma proteins of the igg and iga class respectively, and were immunized with (1) sheep red blood cells, (2) bovine serum albumin and (3) horseradish peroxydase. the immune responses of the various groups of mice were followed. the antibody activities towards all three antigens were decreased in mice carrying the igg producing tumour x5563. this effect was correlated wit ... | 1976 | 952495 |
[assay of the activity of horseradish peroxidase antibodies using ammonium sulfate technique (author's transl)]. | the antigen binding capacity (abc) of mouse and rabbit antisera to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was measured by the farr technique, originally introduced for bovine serum albumin. results obtained by this method are independent of other antibody interactions (precipitation, formation of immune complexes, effect on enzyme activity). commercially available hrp has variable solubility in ammonium sulfate solutions; almost 40% was precipitated at 50% saturation. accordingly, the fraction of hrp solu ... | 1976 | 952496 |
a study of the permeability barrier in epidermis and oral epithelium using horseradish peroxidase as a tracer in vitro. | small biopsies of skin, and of keratinized and non-keratinized oral mucosa were incubated with horseradish peroxidase, fixed and reacted to demonstrate peroxidase activity at the light and electron microscope level. in all tissues peroxidase extended through the intercellular spaces of the epithelium up to, but not into, the stratum corneum of keratinized, or the superficial layer of non-keratinized, tissue. this distribution corresponds to that seen in studies using the tracer in vivo where the ... | 1976 | 952748 |
the oxidation of dithiothreitol by peroxidases and oxygen. | horseradish peroxidase (, lactoperoxidase (, and the fragment of cytochrome c known as microperoxidase have been shown to catalyze the oxidation of reduced dithiothreitol in an oxygen-consuming reaction. evidence for horseradish peroxidase intermediates compound iii and compound ii has been observed, although ferroperoxidase was not identified during the course of the reaction. the stoichiometry has been extablished as 1 : 1 for oxygen consumed to dithiothreitol oxidized. cyste ... | 1976 | 953035 |
substituent effect on the oxidation of phenols and aromatic amines by horseradish peroxidase compound i. | a stopped-flow kinetic study shows that the reduction rate of horseradish peroxidase compound i by phenols and aromatic amines is greatly dependent upon the substituent effect on the benzene ring. morever it has been possible to relate the reduction rate constants of monosubstituted substrates by a linear free-energy relationship (hammett equation). the correlation of log (rate constants) with sigma values (hammett equation) and the absence of correlation with sigma+ values (okamoto-brown equati ... | 1976 | 954758 |
cat retinal ganglion cells projecting to the superior colliculus as shown by the horseradish peroxidase method. | 1. cat retinal ganglion cells projecting to the superior colliculus (sc) were detected in flat whole-mounts of nissl-stained retinas by means of unilateral intracollicular injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). 2. with the purpose of drawing a comparison between hrp-labeled ganglion cells and the remaining population of unlabeled ganglion cells, the latter were classified according to their perikaryal characteristics into three groups: large, medium and small ganglion cells. measurements of ... | 1976 | 954886 |
immunochemical studies of horseradish peroxidase. factors affecting the inhibition of enzyme activity by specific antibody. | 1976 | 955671 | |
horseradish peroxidase localization of masticatory muscle motoneurons in cat. | horseradish peroxidase has been injected into individual masticatory muscles in young and adult cats in order to determine the topography of the corresponding groups of motoneurons in the motor nucleus of the vth nerve. the results obtained show a clear dorsoventral somatotopic distribution; the superior muscles have their motoneurons located dorsally in the nucleus and the inferior muscles ventrally; the two main jaw closers, temporalis and masseter, are represented in the dorsal and central pa ... | 1976 | 957267 |
ultrastructural localization of concanavalin a in the perfused rat heart. | staining of the surface coat of heart capillaries and aorta was achieved by perfusing concanavalin a and phytohemagglutinin coupled to horseradish peroxidase through the rat heart. the binding of these lectins provides evidence for the presence of glycoproteins containing mannose, glucose, and n-acetylgalactosamine residues in the endothelial surface coat of rat aorta and heart capillaries. the binding of concanavalin a to capillary endothelium was further followed with radioautography of 125i-l ... | 1976 | 957601 |
an electron microscopic and cytochemical detection of concanavalin a receptors on the cell membrane of leishmania braziliensis guyanensis. | promastigotes of leishmania braziliensis quyanensis cultivated in the nnn medium agglutinate with concanavalin a (con a). the protozoon was agglutinated at different concentrations of con a. maximal agglutination was obtained with 150 mug/ml. three types of agglutination were observed: flagellar-flagellar, flagellar-body and body-body. cell surface polysaccharides, glycoproteins or glycolipids were demonstrated using the periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver proteinate technic. a con a-horserad ... | 1976 | 961000 |
increased permeability of cerebral vessels to horseradish peroxidase induced by ischemia in mongolian gerbils. | cerebral ischemia was induced by occlusion of the left common carotic artery in adult mongolian gerbils. the period of occlusion was 3, 6, or 18 h. horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was intravenously injected in animals with clear neurological signs 1 h release of the clip. the hrp was allowed to circulate for 5 min. fixation was carried out by perfusion with aldehydes. tissue, incubated for peroxidatic activity, from the left side of the brain was treated for electron microscopy. during the postisch ... | 1976 | 961382 |
reversible blood-brain barrier dysfunction to peroxidase after a small stab wound in the rat cerebral cortex. | small stab wounds were made in the rat frontal lobe. the animals were injected with horseradish peroxidase intravenously at different times after the injury in order to study the extravasation of this tracer. there was a leakage of peroxidase into the brain during the first 3 days after the injury. the route of passage from the vessel lumen into the brain was through disrupted blood vessels in the injured region. endothelial pinocytosis and formation of thin, trans-endothelial channel-like struc ... | 1976 | 961383 |
resonance raman evidence for fe (iv) in compound ii of horseradish peroxidase. | 1976 | 962956 | |
cytological observations of the ovarian epithelium in mammals during the reproductive cycle. | we have studied the ovarian epithelijm at various stages of the reproductive cycle in a number of mammalian species utilizing light microscopy, scanning microscopy, the freeze-fracture technique, transmission microscopy and by employing specialized tracers that use lanthanum and horseradish peroxidase. we found that the epithelial cells are joined by incomplete tight junctions, gap junctions, and desmosomes. the cytoplasmic matrix contains a large irregularly shaped nucleus, few microtubules, mi ... | 1976 | 966286 |
crush injury to peripheral nerve. an electron microscope study employing horseradish peroxidase. | electron microscope observations were made of rat peroneal nerve after crushing using intravenously injected horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as a tracer protein to indicate changes in vascular permeability. at 1/2 h and 2 d after the crush there was gross leakage of hrp from damaged capillaries at the site of injury but none from vessels above or below this. ultrastructurally vessels at the site of crush showed broken and separated endothelial cells. proximally and distally there was little abnorma ... | 1976 | 970115 |
cells of origin of entorhinal cortical afferents to the hippocampus and fascia dentata of the rat. | the pathway from the entorhinal cortical region to the hippocampal formation has previously been shown to be comprised of two sub-systems, one of which projects predominantly to the ipsilateral fascia dentata and regio inferior of the hippocampus proper, and a second which projects bilaterally to regio superior. the goal of the present investigation was to determine if these two pathways might originate from different cell populations within the entorhinal area. the cells of origin of these ento ... | 1976 | 972204 |
ultrastructural localization of immunoglobulins in skin of patients with dermatitis herpetiformis. | a multistep immunocytochemical method utilizing horseradish peroxidase as an immunologically bound marker was used to detect and localize iga deposits in skin of patients with dermatitis herpetiformis at the ultrastructural level. iga was found in the upper papillary dermis forming irregular aggregates in seemingly haphazard distribution. these aggregates were associated with microfibrillar bundles and with the microfibrillar component of the elastic tissue. iga was also detected on anchoring fi ... | 1976 | 972258 |
unit cell dimensions of crystalline horseradish peroxidase. | 1976 | 972399 | |
preparation and properties of horseradish peroxidase bound covalently to polystyrene beads. application in the semi-automatic determination of hydrogen peroxide with homovanillic acid as substrate. | 1976 | 973687 | |
uptake and transport of exogenous proteins by respiratory epithelium. | the tracer proteins, horseradish peroxidase and ferritin, placed in the trachea of guinea pigs were taken up by epithelial cells and transported to the extracellular space. the interval between the introduction of the tracer proteins into the lumen of the trachea and the morphologic demonstration of the porteins in the extracellular space or within the basal portion of the cells was between 30 and 60 minutes. the proteins were transported in vesicles and no penetration of the epithelial intercel ... | 1976 | 979161 |
reinnervation of dentate gyrus by homologous afferents following entorhinal cortical lesions in adult rats. | granule cells of the rat dentate gyrus which are denervated by unilateral destruction of the entorhinal cortex are reinnervated in part by proliferation of surviving pathways from the contralateral entorhinal cortex. the cells of origin of these lesion-induced projections were identified by retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase and were the same cell type which normally project to the ipsilateral dentate gyrus | 1976 | 982024 |
electron microscopic study on gut epithelium of the tench (tinca tinca l.) with respect to its absorptive functions. | few morphological differences are seen along the intestinal tract of the adult tench (tinca tinca l.) a stomachless freshwater teleost. however, three segments can be distinguished, when function and structure of enterocytes are studied. the enterocytes of the proximal segment are found to be concerned with dietary lipids absorption. in the cell, absorbed fats are seen in two inclusion bodies: lipid particles and lipid droplets. only lipid particles are involved in direct transport of absorbed f ... | 1976 | 982424 |
studies on intra-arterial cushions. ii. distribution of horseradish peroxidase in cushions at the origins of intercostal arteries in mice. | the distribution of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in intraarterial cushions at the origins of intercostal arteries was studied in mice 30 min after intravenous injection of the tracer. hrp is found to be evenly distributed in the extracellular space of the entire arterial wall. basal lamina material is penetrated by the tracer protein. this is not the case with collagenic fibrils, elastic material and intercellular granular deposits which occur regularly in cushions of adult mice but not in those ... | 1976 | 984469 |
ige-induced respiratory and circulatory changes during systemic anaphylaxis in the rabbit. | we studied systemic anaphylaxis induced by the administration of 200 mug of horseradish peroxidase into 11 anesthetized rabbits known to be producing anti-horseradish peroxidase antibodies only of the ige class. ventilatory changes included a transient, abrupt decrease in breathing frequency followed by increased minute ventilation; lung mechanical changes included decreased dynamic lung compliance and increased total pulmonary resistance; cardiovascular changes included pulmonary hypertension, ... | 1976 | 984586 |
characterization of the chromophores in horseradish peroxidase compounds i and ii using magnetic circular dichroism. | 1976 | 985498 | |
uptake of microperoxidase by segmenting rat ova in vitro. | uptake and incidence of microperoxidase (sigma) in the rat ova during cleavage at the 1-, 2-, 8-cell and blastocyst stages were studied after 30 min incubation with the enzyme (molecular weight of 1,900 and size of molecule of 2 nm). evidence was furnished of the presence of a small amount of reaction product of microperoxidase in the zona pellucida and its local concentration in some parts of the perivitelline space. the larger part of surface of the ovum, however, was free of microperoxidase. ... | 1976 | 986379 |
quantitative ultrastructural autoradiographic studies of iodinated plasma membranes of lymphocytes during segregation and internalization of surface immunoglobulins. | rat spleen lymphocytes were iodinated (125 i) with lactoperoxidase. quantitative autoradiographic studies on cells fixed immediately after iodination showed 19-24% of intracytoplasmic grains at 3hd and over from the plasma membrane. normalization of grain density distribution and comparison of resulting curves with the universal curve of grain scatter of 125 i showed that a significant percentage of intracytoplasmic grains (36%) originates from intracytoplasmic labeled sources rather than from s ... | 1976 | 986396 |
peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex. binding by mallory bodies in unfixed tissue. | an antigen-antibody complex of horseradish peroxidase, peroxidase-antiperoxidase (pap), was found to selectively bind to mallory bodies (mbs). specific pap binding to mbs was consistently demonstrated in liver sections from 14 patients with alcoholic cirrhosis and from one patient with hepatoma. mallory bodies in isolated fractions also bound pap. no structures stained with pap in six control sections. the pap-binding method is useful in the identification of mbs in situ and in isolated fraction ... | 1976 | 989279 |