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inhibition of the defense system stimulating interleukin-12 interferon-gamma pathway during critical illness.interleukin-12 (il-12) and interferon-gamma (ifn-gamma) exert protective effects during experimental endotoxemia through upregulation of cellular immunity and phagocytic functions. they are part of a positive regulatory feedback loop that enhances the production of the other. because critically ill patients show a marked suppression of t-cell and macrophage functions with a high susceptibility to infection, potential defects in the immunity/inflammation upregulating il-12 ifn-gamma pathway were ...19979057643
a superantigen-antibody fusion protein for t-cell immunotherapy of human b-lineage malignancies.the bacterial superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin a (sea) is an efficient activator of cytotoxic t cells when presented on major histocompatibility complex (mhc) class ii molecules of target cells. our previous studies showed that such sea-directed t cells efficiently lysed chronic b-lymphocytic leukemia (b-cll) cells. next, we made a mutated sea-protein a (seam-pa) fusion protein with more than 1,000-fold reduced binding affinity for mhc class ii compared with native sea. the fusion protein ...19979058731
synergistic effect of azithromycin on the phagocytic killing of staphylococcus aureus by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes.many macrolides have been shown to affect the interaction between bacteria and various immune defense mechanisms, such as chemotaxis, accumulation, and bioactivity within phagocytic cells. the interaction of azithromycin with human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmns) was studied in vitro and compared with the interactions between other macrolides and pmns. the opsonophagocytic killing of staphylococcus aureus was synergistically enhanced by azithromycin at concentrations below and above the mini ...19979063667
induction of cytosolic phospholipase a2 activity by phosphatidic acid and diglycerides in permeabilized human neutrophils: interrelationship between phospholipases d and a2.relationships between phospholipases are poorly understood, but phosphatidic acid (pa) and diglycerides (dgs), produced by phospholipase d (pld) and phosphatidate phosphohydrolase actions, might function as second messengers coupling cell stimulation to cellular responses. this study investigates the role of pld-mediated pa and dg formation in inducing phospholipase a2 (pla2) activity in intact human neutrophils (pmns) and in pmns permeabilized with staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin. pmns were l ...19979065750
bactericidal activity of 0.5% bupivacaine with preservatives on microorganisms in the human skin flora.the bactericidal activity of 0.5% bupivacaine with preservatives at body temperature and at room temperature is not known. we studied the bactericidal activity of 0.5% bupivacaine with 0.08% methyl para-oxybenzoate and 0.02% propyl para-aminobenzoate as preservatives and of the preservatives alone at 37 degrees c and at room temperature on two strains of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, two strains of methicillin-susceptible s. aureus, and one strain each of staphylococcus epidermidi ...19979089861
inhibitors and specificity of pseudomonas aeruginosa lasa.lasa is an extracellular protease of pseudomonas aeruginosa that enhances the elastolytic activity of pseudomonas elastase and other proteases by cleaving elastin at unknown sites. lasa is also a staphylolytic protease, an enzyme that lyses staphylococcus aureus cells by cleaving the peptidoglycan pentaglycine interpeptides. here we showed that the staphylolytic activity of lasa is inhibited by tetraethylenepentamine and 1,10-phenanthroline (zinc chelators) as well as excess zn2+ and dithiothrei ...19979092525
inhibition of intracellular growth of staphylococcus aureus by exposure of infected human monocytes to clarithromycin and azithromycin.the direct effect of clarithromycin and azithromycin on human polymorphonuclear leukocyte (pmn) functions and their intracellular activity against staphylococcus aureus, phagocytosed by human monocytes, were studied. the presence of both antibiotics, in the range of concentrations from 0.25 to 20 micrograms/ml, did not affect chemotaxis, opsonized-zymosan phagocytosis, respiratory burst measured by nitroblue tetrazolium reduction and phorbol myristate acetate-induced superoxide production, or th ...19979106013
plant immunomodulators for termination of unwanted pregnancy and for contraception and reproductive health.neem (azadirachta indica) seed and leaf extracts have spermicidal, anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. they are also immunomodulators that induce primarily a th1 type response. these properties are being exploited to develop two different useful methods of fertility control. neem extracts given orally at early post-implantation stage terminate pregnancy in rodents and primates. treatment has no residual permanent effect and fertility is regained in subsequent cycles. the mecha ...19979107574
human immunodeficiency virus gp120 inhibits interleukin-12 secretion by human monocytes: an indirect interleukin-10-mediated effect.interleukin-12 (il-12), a cytokine with in vitro and in vivo immunomodulatory effects, is produced mostly by activated monocytes and macrophages. to study the effect of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection on il-12 production, we investigated the expression of il-12 at mrna and protein levels by human monocytes preincubated with hiv-gp120. in these conditions, we show that monocytes have a decreased ability to express il-12 mrna subunits and to produce il-12 p40 and bioactive p70 protein ...19979108403
structures and biological activities of tobramycin-ticarcillin adducts.aminoglycosides and penicillins chemically interact when they are combined in vitro or in vivo. the resulting adducts are considered to be biologically inactive. the major adducts formed in he interaction between tobramycin and ticarcillin have been recently isolated in pure form in our laboratory. on the basis of mass, infrared, and proton magnetic resonance spectra, the major adducts appeared 10 be amides formed by an attack of the beta-lactam carbonyl group of ticarcillin by an amino group of ...19949120803
coagulase and protein a polymorphisms do not contribute to persistence of nasal colonisation by staphylococcus aureus.the nasal carriage rate of staphylococcus aureus was examined in a longitudinal study of 31 healthy danish volunteers. each person was classified as persistent (>8 positive cultures from 10 examinations), an intermittent carrier (50-80% positive cultures) or an ocassional carrier (positive cultures on 10-40% of ocassions only). one hundred and twenty strains from these persons were subjected to phage typing and random amplification of polymorphic dna (rapd) analysis. phage and rapd typing were i ...19979126823
ligation of mhc class i induces apoptosis in human pre-b cell lines, in promyelocytic cell lines and in cd40-stimulated mature b cells.a murine mab (bal-1) was previously shown to induce apoptosis when cross-linked on the cell surface of different b acute lymphocytic leukemia (all) and pro-myelocytic cell lines. the present study shows that bal-1 specifically recognizes the mhc class i (mhc-i). the apoptotic response was not dependent on the epitope specificity, since other anti-mhc-i antibodies, reacting with different monomorphic determinants of the alpha chain or beta 2-microglobulin, also induced apoptosis in these cells. h ...19979138021
infected false hepatic artery aneurysm after orthotopic liver transplantation treated by resection and reno-hepatic vein graft.vascular complications after liver transplantation are relatively rare. thrombosis of the host-transplant arterial anastomosis is the most frequently encountered vascular complication whereas only a few observations of infected anastomotic aneurysms, often leading to death by massive bleeding or loss of the transplant, have been reported. we report herein the case of a patient with an infected false anastomotic aneurysm of the hepatic artery associated with dissection of the celiac artery follow ...19979140607
one-way synergistic effect of low superantigen concentrations on lipopolysaccharide-induced cytokine production.lipopolysaccharides (lps) of gram-negative bacteria and superantigens of gram-positive bacteria are among the main causes of sepsis and septic shock. symptoms are initiated primarily by the release of endogenous mediators, especially cytokines. in the last few years, increasing evidence for the clinical relevance of mixed sepsis caused by coinfections with both types of bacteria has been found. therefore, we developed an in vitro mixed sepsis model investigating the effect of different superanti ...19979142652
bidirectional regulation of human b cell responses by cd40-cd40 ligand interactions.positive and negative effects of cd40 ligation on human b cell function were suggested by the observation that mab to cd40 ligand partially blocked the suppressive influences of anti-cd3-stimulated control cd4+ t cells, as well as the b cell stimulatory effects of anti-cd3 activated mitomycin c-treated cd4+ t cells. to examine the negative effects of cd40 ligation in greater detail, b cells were cultured with anti-cd3 activated mitomycin c-treated cd4+ t cells that expressed optimal levels of cd ...19979144474
necrotizing fasciitis of the periorbita and forehead. 19979146525
the binding of surface proteins from staphylococcus aureus to human bronchial mucins.colonization by staphylococcus aureus is frequently observed in obstructive lung diseases, particularly in cystic fibrosis. it has been shown that the bacteria bind to mucins, the main constituent of bronchial secretions. the binding mechanism, however, remains unclear. we have investigated the interactions of two strains of s. aureus, one mucoid and one nonmucoid, with human bronchial mucins. using a solution phase assay, the binding capacity of the two strains to radiolabelled bronchial mucins ...19979150316
the pattern of inflammation in rat sepsis due to enterotoxin-producing staphylococcus aureus: a comparison with ischemia-reperfusion injury.sepsis and trauma have similarities in their immunopathologic profiles. both conditions can result in multi-system organ failure which is sometimes associated with cytokine generation and inflammatory cell activation. furthermore, decreases in peripheral blood monocyte expression of hla-dr have been noted in both human sepsis and trauma. however, the magnitude, onset, and time course of such stimuli are often difficult to ascertain in human studies. thus, to study a more detailed in vivo immunol ...19969151199
lck-independent triggering of t-cell antigen receptor signal transduction by staphylococcal enterotoxins.superantigens (sags) activate t-cells in a manner specific to the vbeta region of the t-cell antigen receptor. stimulations by sags provoke drastic t-cell activation that leads to programmed cell death or the anergic state of responding cells. to characterize the signal transduction pathway initiated by sags, mutant lines derived from the human leukemic t-cell line jurkat were tested for their reactivities against prototypic sags, staphylococcal enterotoxins. the j.cam1.6 cell line, which lacks ...19979169445
in vitro assay of staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin a activity in food.staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin a (sea) is a leading cause of food poisoning. the current test for functional activity of sea requires monkeys or kittens. the major drawbacks of animal assays are lack of quantitation, poor reproducibility, low sensitivity, and high cost. in this report we describe and evaluate an alternative assay using t-cell proliferation to measure sea activity in food. human and rat lymphocytes proliferate in response to concentrations of sea as low as 1 pg/ml, well below ...19979172356
biological studies of bolax gummifera, a plant of the falkland islands used as a treatment of wounds.aqueous and dichloromethane extracts of bolax gummifera (lam.) sprengel (apiaceae), a plant of the falkland islands used as a treatment of wounds, were studied in order to support the ethnopharmacological information related to the medicinal use of this plant. the antimicrobial, antioxidant and red blood cells membrane stabilizing activities were analyzed. the antimicrobial bioassay was carried out using the test turbidity method (od 620 nm), the aqueous extract showing an 82% inhibition of stap ...19979174972
sequential binding of staphylococcal gamma-hemolysin to human erythrocytes and complex formation of the hemolysin on the cell surface.staphylococcal gamma-hemolysin consists of two protein components, f (or h gamma i) and h gamma ii. to elucidate the mode of action of gamma-hemolysin, we studied the binding order of f and h gamma ii to human erythrocytes and the cell-bound state of the two components. the binding of f to human erythrocytes preceded the binding of h gamma ii to the cells, and thereafter hemolysis occurred. western immunoblot analysis of the cell-bound gamma-hemolysin indicated that f and h gamma ii components f ...19979178562
involvement of cytoplasmic serine proteinase and cpp32 subfamily in the molecular machinery of caspase 3 activation during fas-mediated apoptosis.on stimulation by the fas ligand, the death receptor, fas, initiates a signal leading to apoptotic cell death. fas plays an important role in physiological cell death and is closely involved in various disease states. recent investigations have shown that caspase 3 plays a dominant role in the process of fas-mediated apoptosis. in the present study, we investigated the molecular machinery of caspase 3 activation in fas-mediated apoptosis. the results showed that fas-mediated apoptosis was accomp ...19979184075
the effect of quinolones on the intracellular killing of staphylococcus aureus in neutrophil granulocytes.the effect of ciprofloxacin, lomefloxacin, fleroxacin and ofloxacin on the intracellular killing of staphylococcus aureus in human neutrophil granulocytes was studied. each drug was tested in concentrations of 0.25, 1, 4, 16 and 64 times the mic and the intracellular killing was measured for up to 5 h of incubation. all four quinolones increased the intracellular killing in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. when compared at concentrations of 4 x mic, ofloxacin increased the killing sig ...19979184361
the apoptosis and proliferation of sac-activated b cells by il-10 are associated with changes in bcl-2, bcl-xl, and mcl-1 expression.interleukin-10 (il-10), a cytokine from mouse th2 cells and macrophage that inhibits il-2 and ifn-gamma production by th1 cells, has been reported to stimulate growth and differentiation of b cells activated by cd40 or antigen receptor crosslinking. our early observation revealed that il-10 had b cell growth factor (bcgf) activity in human b cells preactivated with sac or anti-ig. the responsiveness of the preactivated b cells to il-10 greatly increased when b cells were activated in the presenc ...19979184696
superantigen-induced lysis of melanoma cells.superantigens like the staphylococcus enterotoxin a (sea) can direct cytotoxic t lymphocytes expressing certain t cell receptor v beta regions to lyse mhc class ii-positive target cells. this superantigen-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (sdcc) has been extended to mhc class ii-negative tumour cells by targeting t cells via conjugates of a tumour-specific monoclonal antibody (moab) and a superantigen. in the present study the mhc class ii-negative human melanoma cell lines g361 and mari were test ...19979195560
differential induction of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in whole blood by bacteria: effects of antibiotic treatment.the in vitro production of interleukin-1beta (il-1beta), il-6, and the il-1 receptor antagonist (il-1ra) in whole blood upon stimulation with different bacterial strains was measured to study the possible relationship between disease severity and the cytokine-inducing capacities of these strains. escherichia coli, neisseria meningitidis, neisseria gonorrhoeae, bacteroides fragilis, capnocytophaga canimorsus, staphylococcus aureus, enterococcus faecalis, streptococcus pneumoniae, and streptococcu ...19979210662
assembly of staphylococcus aureus gamma-hemolysin into a pore-forming ring-shaped complex on the surface of human erythrocytes.staphylococcal gamma-hemolysin consists of hlg1 (or luk f) of 34 kda and hlg2 of 32 kda, which cooperatively lyse human erythrocytes. since gamma-hemolysin caused swelling of human erythrocytes prior to lysis, we studied pore-forming nature of the toxin by use of polyethylene glycols as osmotic protectants and determined the functional diameter of the pore. to elucidate the molecular architecture of the membrane pore formed by gamma-hemolysin, we solubilized the pore complex with 2% sodium dodec ...19979237657
molecular cloning and mrna expression of porcine interleukin-12.interleukin (il)-12 is a heterodimeric cytokine consisting of 35 and 40 kda subunits, produced primarily by phagocytic cells in response to bacteria or bacterial products. il-12 is important in the regulation of both innate and antigen-specific immunity through its stimulatory effects on nk cells and cytotoxic lymphocytes. reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction with primers derived from human sequence was used to clone the p35 and p40 subunits of porcine il-12. predicted amino acid sequ ...19979239844
in staphylococcus enterotoxin b (seb)-stimulated human pbmc, the lak activity of non-t cells might have a major role in the mechanism of glomerular endothelial cells' this study the seb-activated lak cytotoxicity was identified and characterized in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbmc). after 3 days of seb stimulation, the pbmc acquired a cytotoxicity against traditional lak targets, k-562 and daudi, beside that human glomerular endothelial cells (hgec) were effectively lysed. the magnetic separation of seb-stimulated cd5+ t cells revealed that the dominant lak cytotoxicity remained in the cd5- lymphocyte fraction. the major part of the seb-generated c ...19979241530
[tricuspid valve endocarditis. demonstration of a rare disease exemplified with 3 case reports].endocarditis of the tricuspid valve is a rare form of valvular endocarditis and occurs mainly in patients with special risk factors.19979244836
seb is cytotoxic and alters ec barrier function through protein tyrosine phosphorylation in vitro.we studied whether staphylococcal enterotoxin b (seb) has direct effects on endothelial cells (ec) in the absence of effector cells or their products. bovine or human pulmonary artery ec were grown to confluence on filters mounted in chemotaxis chambers. barrier function was assessed by placing [14c]bovine serum albumin in the chamber and sampling the lower well for 14c activity. seb exposures induced a significant (p < 0.001) dose- and time-dependent increase in albumin flux across both bovine ...19979252537
levofloxacin versus ciprofloxacin, flucloxacillin, or vancomycin for treatment of experimental endocarditis due to methicillin-susceptible or -resistant staphylococcus aureus.levofloxacin is the l isomer of ofloxacin, a racemic mixture in which the l stereochemical form carries the antimicrobial activity. levofloxacin is more active than former quinolones against gram-positive bacteria, making it potentially useful against such pathogens. in this study, levofloxacin was compared to ciprofloxacin, flucloxacillin, and vancomycin for the treatment of experimental endocarditis due to two methicillin-susceptible staphylococcus aureus (mssa) and two methicillin-resistant s ...19979257737
comparative sensitivity of 13 species of pathogenic bacteria to seven chemical germicides.the relative resistance of diverse human bacterial pathogens to commonly used germicidal agents has not been established.19979276546
interleukin-11 inhibits macrophage interleukin-12 is a heterodimeric cytokine produced by phagocytic and other cells with important physiologic and pathologic properties. regulated il-12 production is crucial for the generation of protective th1 responses to infectious agents. in contrast, il-12 excess contributes to the pathogenesis of a variety of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. to further understand the processes regulating il-12 production, we determined whether il-11 regulated monocyte/macrophage production of this cytokine mo ...19979278303
b cell subpopulations separated by cd27 and crucial collaboration of cd27+ b cells and helper t cells in immunoglobulin production.b cell immunoglobulin production is regulated by helper t cells through direct interaction and secreted cytokines. in the present study, we functionally analyzed cd27 in cord and peripheral blood b cells. adult peripheral blood b cells were separated into cd27+ and cd27- cells, which differed in their morphology. cord blood b cells did not express cd27, and cd27 expression on peripheral blood b cells increased with age. only cd27+ b cells had the ability to produce immunoglobulin, which was incr ...19979295047
greater omentum flaps and granulocyte transfusions as combined therapy of liver abscess in chronic granulomatous disease.we report the case of a 17-year-old boy with gp91phax-deficient chronic granulomatous disease who developed a liver abscess due to staphylococcus aureus. despite treatment with appropriate antibiotics and gamma interferon for three months as well as incision and drainage, the abscess persisted unchanged in size. after surgical debridement, the abscess cavity was filled with two pedunculated greater omentum flaps as a direct feeder road of granulocytes to the infectious focus. an average of 48.5 ...19979297520
[human specific transfer factor to staphylococcus aureus antigens].immunobiological properties of human specific transfer factor (tf) to staphylococcus aureus antigens were studied. it is shown that this tf activated human leucocytes in vitro as well as in vivo. antigen specificity of tf's immunomodulating effects is also shown. in vitro we used leucocyte migration inhibition test (iml), macrophage inhibition test (mpi) and rosette formation (e-ros). for testing in vivo we used delayed type hypersensitivity (dth) skin tests.19979303798
monocyte-dependent regulation of t lymphocyte activation through cd98.cd98 is a 125 kda heterodimer, which is strongly expressed on the surface of activated and proliferating cells. its expression is strikingly regulated during t cell differentiation and activation, but the role of cd98 during t lymphocyte responses is not yet understood. we report here that proliferation of resting peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) induced by lectin, superantigen (sag) or conventional antigens was blocked by anti-cd98 heavy chain (cd98hc) mab. in contrast, anti-cd98hc did ...19979310825
abrogation of in vitro suppression of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) replication mediated by cd8+ t lymphocytes of asymptomatic hiv-1 carriers by staphylococcal enterotoxin b and phorbol esters through induction of tumor necrosis factor alpha.cd8+ t lymphocytes of asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) carriers (ac) suppress hiv-1 replication in vitro. failure of host defense mechanisms and increased virus proliferation are associated with disease progression. the exact mechanisms inducing these changes at the advanced stage of the disease are still obscure. in this study, we searched for experimental conditions favoring the abrogation of the suppression of viral replication in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pb ...19979311836
production of interferon-alpha/beta by murine dendritic cell lines stimulated by virus and bacteria.the interferon-alpha and -beta (ifn-alpha/beta) producing ability of the two murine dendritic cell (dc) lines d2sc/1 and fsdc was studied. the d2sc/1 cells produced ifn-alpha and -beta when stimulated by herpes simplex virus (hsv), sendai virus (sv) or by the bacteria escherichia coli or staphylococcus aureus cowan i. precultivating (priming) d2sc/1 cells with recombinant ifn-beta or a combination of ifn-beta and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor increased production of ifn-alpha/ ...19979315110
vbeta-dependent stimulation of bovine and human t cells by host-specific staphylococcal enterotoxins.staphylococcus aureus isolates from bovine and ovine species produce unique molecular variants of type c staphylococcal enterotoxin (sec). the sec animal variants have greater than 98% amino acid sequence identity with sec1, a human-associated sec. the two sec animal variants have been designated sec(bovine) and sec(ovine) according to their corresponding host species. we showed previously that these toxins induce quantitatively different levels of t-cell stimulation in several animal species. t ...19979317006
extracellular matrix heparan sulfate modulates endothelial cell susceptibility to staphylococcus aureus.the ability of extracellular matrix heparan sulfate to alter the susceptibility of human endothelial cells to s. aureus was investigated. endothelial cells grown on extracellular matrix synthesized by s. aureus-infected endothelial cells were more susceptible to subsequent staphylococcal infection than endothelial cells grown on the extracellular matrix synthesized by untreated endothelial cells. endothelial cells were more susceptible to s. aureus infection when 1) grown on heparitinase-treated ...19979326454
serum inhibitory titers and serum bactericidal titers for human subjects receiving multiple doses of the antibacterial oxazolidinones eperezolid and phase i trials subjects received multiple doses of eperezolid (pnu-100592; formerly u-100592) and linezolid (pnu-100766; formerly u-100766), and steady-state samples were drawn at the projected peak and trough timepoints. serum inhibitory titer and serum bactericidal titer values were determined using single strains of staphylococcus aureus, enterococcus faecalis, and streptococcus pneumoniae. serum inhibitory titer values generally correlated with drug concentration in serum and inherent org ...19979327249
synthetic histatin analogues with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity.histatins are salivary histidine-rich cationic peptides, ranging from 7 to 38 amino acid residues in length, that exert a potent killing effect in vitro on candida albicans. starting from the c-terminal fungicidal domain of histatin 5 (residues 11-24, called dh-5) a number of substitution analogues were chemically synthesized to study the effect of amphipathicity of the peptide in helix conformation on candidacidal activity. single substitutions in dh-5 at several positions did not have any effe ...19979337848
influence of heparin coating on in vitro bacterial adherence to poly(vinyl chloride) segments.end-point attached, covalently bound heparin has been shown to be effective in preventing activation of the coagulation cascade by biomaterials. data concerning its possible influence on bacterial attachment and resistance to biomaterial-associated infection are, so far, lacking. in the present work, the in vitro adherence of staphylococcus aureus, staphylococcus epidermidis and escherichia coli, one isolate of each species, to plain poly(vinyl chloride) (plain pvc) and heparin coated poly(vinyl ...19979342649
staphylococcal culture supernates stimulate human phagocytes.phagocytes play a major role in host defense against staphylococci as well as in the pathophysiology of gram-positive septic shock. in gram negative sepsis, the main mediator, lps exerts its effects as easily suspendable mediator. in gram positive sepsis the main mediator is still not found, therefore we studied the interaction of soluble staphylococcal products with phagocytes. staphylococcus aureus supernates (sas) were harvested from several laboratory and clinical strains that were grown to ...19979343751
composition of staphylococcal bi-component toxins determines pathophysiological reactions.staphylococcus aureus produces numerous bi-component toxins, e.g., panton-valentine leukocidin (luk-pvl) and gamma-haemolysin, which consist of type s and f proteins. previous studies showed that luk-pvl induces inflammatory mediator release from human granulocytes that might reflect the in-vivo effects, e.g., dermonecrosis by luk-pvl. clinical isolates not only harbour the two genes coding for luk-pvl (s-protein: luks-pvl, f-protein: lukf-pvl) but also the three genes encoding gamma-haemolysin ...19979350200
detection of experimental infections with 99mtc-labeled monoclonal antibodies against tnf-alpha and interleukin-8.this study was designed to assess monoclonal antibodies (mabs) directed against tumor necrosis factor-alpha (tnf-alpha) (anti-tnf) or interleukin-8 (anti-il-8) as radioactive agents for the detection of staphylococcus aureus-or klebsiella pneumoniae-infected thighs in mice. at 5 min (acute infection) or 20 h (established) post-infection, 20 micrograms of the 99mtc-labeled mabs were injected. at various time intervals, the accumulation of the radiotracer in the infected thighs was assessed and ex ...19979352536
a novel wound dressing with an antibiotic delivery system stimulated by microbial infection.the aim of this study was to develop a new wound dressing with controlled release of antibiotics only in the presence of infection. in the first experiment using an infected dorsal pouch of rats, exudate containing proteinases from pouches contaminated with staphylococcus aureus or pseudomonas aeruginosa showed significantly higher hydrolytic activity toward boc-val-pro-arg-mca than that from noninfected wounds. the authors then developed a new type of wound dressing (agx), a drug delivery syste ...19979360167
effects of [norleucine27]growth hormone-releasing hormone (ghrh) (1-29)-nh2 administration on the immune system of aging men and women.aging in humans is associated with the decline of functional activities of the gh-insulin-like growth factor i (igf-i) axis and the immune system. because lymphocytes express gh-igf-i, as well as ghrh and their respective receptors, restoration of this axis in age-advanced individuals, by the administration of ghrh, may enhance immune cell function. this hypothesis was tested by a single blind randomized placebo-controlled trial of 5 months duration, in which healthy elderly subjects (10 women, ...19979360512
genetic analysis of equine methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) was used to determine genetic relationships among 15 methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) isolates from mares with metritis and from a stallion with dermatitis in hokkaido. all the 15 isolates showed phage pattern 6/47/54/75, coagulase type iv, and enterotoxin type a. the restriction endonuclease smai cut their genomic dnas into 15 or 16 fragments ranging in size from 8 to 630 kb. fourteen of the 15 isolates showed the same pfge pattern, wher ...19979362045
correlation between the release of il-2 and granule-associated dnase activity in human lymphomononuclear cells stimulated with immunomodulating peptides and proteins. role of different antigen-presenting cells.the authors have already described that a series of short peptides, modelled after sequences related to human extracellular matrix (ecm) proteins and sharing some common structural features, activate th1 clones through a process involving peptide presentation in hla-dr proteins. those peptides induce also lak- and nk-dependent cytotoxicity as well as activation of monocytes/macrophages present in human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (pbmc) populations. the release of interleukin 2 (il-2) and ...19979367541
inactivation of penicillin-induced staphylococcal l-forms by human serum high density penicillin-susceptible bacteria, penicillin causes growth of a small fraction of cells as wall-deficient forms if an appropriate osmoprotection is provided (unstable l-forms). a subfraction of human serum high density lipoprotein (hdl3) was shown to have the ability to inactivate unstable l-forms of staphylococcus aureus. the active principle was distinguishable from the well-documented trypanosome lytic factor 1 with respect to density, size, and other properties. this l-form cytotoxicity th ...19979368368
a leishmania protein that modulates interleukin (il)-12, il-10 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha production and expression of b7-1 in human monocyte-derived antigen-presenting cells.leif, a gene homologue of the eukaryotic initiation factor 4a was first described as a leishmanial antigen that induced a th1-type t cell response in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) from leishmaniasis patients. moreover, the interferon (ifn)-gamma production by pbmc was found to be interleukin (il)-12 dependent. herein, we characterize the effects of leif on cytokine production and expression of surface molecules by normal human monocytes as well as by monocyte-derived macrophages and ...19979368620
characterization of s-hexylglutathione-binding proteins of human hepatocellular carcinoma: separation of enoyl-coa isomerase from an alpha class glutathione transferase form.recent studies have revealed binding of mitochondrial enoyl-coa isomerase (eci) to s-hexylglutathione-sepharose, an affinity matrix used for purification of glutathione transferases (gsts), and the enzyme has been suggested to be identical with the alpha class form of gst with a subunit molecular mass of about 30 kda. in the present study, s-hexylglutathione-binding proteins of human hepatocellular carcinomas were characterized to examine their identity. supernatant fractions of carcinoma and su ...19979371703
regulation of b cell functions by c3a and c3a(desarg): suppression of tnf-alpha, il-6, and the polyclonal immune response.regulation of the humoral immune response by fragments of complement component c3 has been shown to play an important role in host defense. in this study, we investigated expression of the c3a receptor (c3ar) by human b cells and the effects of c3a and c3a(desarg) on igg, tnf-alpha, and il-6 production in staphylococcus aureus cowan strain i (sac)/il-2-activated b cells. here we report that tonsil-derived human b cells express a c3ar that is indistinguishable at both the protein (by flow cytomet ...19979379023
membrane cofactor protein (mcp or cd46) is a cellular pilus receptor for pathogenic neisseria.pili of neisseria gonorrhoeae and neisseria meningitidis mediate binding of the bacteria to human cell-surface receptors. we found that purified pili bound to a 55- to 60-kda doublet band on sds-page of separated human epithelial cell extracts. this is a migration pattern typical of membrane cofactor protein (mcp or cd46). mcp is a widely distributed human complement regulatory protein. attachment of the bacteria to epithelial cells was blocked by polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies directed ag ...19979379894
expression, purification, and inhibitory properties of human proteinase inhibitor 8in a previous report, the cdna for human proteinase inhibitor 8 (pi8) was first identified, isolated, and subcloned into a mammalian expression vector and expressed in baby hamster kidney cells. initial studies indicated that pi8 was able to inhibit the amidolytic activity of trypsin and form an sds-stable approximately 67-kda complex with human thrombin [sprecher, c. a., et al. (1995) j. biol chem. 270, 29854-29861]. in the present study, we have expressed recombinant pi8 in the methylotropic y ...19979398210
antibacterial activity of (+/-) 6-benzyl-1-(3-carboxypropyl) indane; a possible way to identify leading novel anti-h. pylori agents.magainin 2, isolated from the skin of the xenopus laevis, is an antimicrobial peptide which reacts directly with the biological membrane to lyse various bacteria from negative and positive microorganisms. in a previous report, we showed that (+/-)1-(4-aminobutyl)-6-benzylindane (pm2), which mimicked the conformation of the side-chains of a complementary unit on the amino acid sequence of magainin 2 analogs, expressed the in vitro antibacterial activity not only against helicobacter, pylori (atcc ...19979401733
a case of superantigen-related glomerulonephritis after methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) infection.a case in which the enterotoxins of staphylococcus aureus may have served as bacterial superantigens is presented. this 71-year-old man developed proteinuria and renal dysfunction after contacting pneumonia caused by methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa), coagulase type ii. the infection occurred after surgery for recurrent lung cancer. staphylococcus enterotoxins b, c, and tsst-1 were detected from the bacillus. ten days after the onset of pneumonia, proteinuria was noted; urinary ...19979403216
[comparative antimicrobial activity of rp 59,500 (quinupristin-dalfopristin), the first semisynthetic injectable streptgramin, against gram-positive cocci and other recent clinical pathogens].rp 59,500 (quinupristin-dalfopristin) is the first semisynthetic injectable streptogramin antimicrobial agent, which is a combination of quinupristin and dalfopristin in a 30:70 ratio. the components of rp 59,500 act synergically to provide bactericidal activity through action at different sites on bacterial ribosomes. in the present study, the antimicrobial activity of rp 59,500 was compared with those of four macrolides (erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin, roxithromycin). susceptibilit ...19979412874
nonoperative treatment for a ruptured pseudoaneurysm of the celiac trunk: report of a case.we report the case of a 67-year-old man in whom hemorrhage from a ruptured celiac trunk pseudoaneurysm, which occurred as a consequence of leakage at the site of gastroduodenostomy, was successfully controlled by transcatheter arterial embolization (tae) with stainless steel coils and n-butyl cyanoacrylate (nbca). the occurrence of a pseudoaneurysm of the celiac trunk associated with anastomotic leakage is etiologically rare. we compiled reports from the literature on tae for ruptured aneurysms ...19979413063
effects of tumor necrosis factor and pentoxifylline on icam-1 expression on human polymorphonuclear granulocytes.intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (icam-1) is a cytokine-inducible adhesion molecule, expressed on cells of multiple lineages at the site of inflammation. cytofluorometric analysis revealed that cd16-positive peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmns, neutrophils) expressed icam-1 on their surface, and it was upregulated by in vitro stimulation with tumor necrosis factor (tnf), gm-csf and staphylococcus aureus. the s. aureus-induced stimulation of icam-1 expression was inhibited by pen ...19979414135
effect of levofloxacin, erythromycin or rifampicin pretreatment on growth of legionella pneumophila in human monocytes.opsonophagocytic killing of some bacteria (staphylococcus aureus, pseudomonas aeruginosa) by phagocytes is enhanced by previous brief exposure of the organism to antibiotics. we studied the regrowth of legionella pneumophila previously pretreated with levofloxacin, erythromycin and/or rifampicin in human monocytes. the mic for the l. pneumophila isolate of levofloxacin, erythromycin and rifampicin was 0.03, 0.5 and 0.001 mg/l, respectively. growth of l. pneumophila from buffered charcoal yeast e ...19979421315
[colonization of the human nasal cavity with staphylococcus aureus]. 19979424455
hla class i-specific inhibitory receptors in human t lymphocytes: interleukin 15-induced expression of cd94/nkg2a in superantigen- or alloantigen-activated cd8+ t cells.a fraction of human t lymphocytes, predominantly cd8+, express receptors for hla class i molecules typical of natural killer cells (natural killer receptors or nkrs) that inhibit t cell receptor-mediated functions. herein, we analyzed possible mechanism(s) leading to the expression of nkrs by t cells responding to superantigens or allogeneic cells in vitro. we show that, in the presence of interleukin 15 (il-15), t cells (depleted of nkr+ cells) responding to toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 de novo ...19989448304
removal of cytokine inducing substances by polymyxin-b immobilized polystyrene-derivative fibers during in vitro hemoperfusion of 10% human plasma containing staphylococcus aureus challenge.staphylococcus aureus (s. aureus) is frequently isolated from blood cultures in the hospital setting. the pathogenesis of s. aureus bacteremia probably replicates mechanisms implicated in gram negative bacterial infections. cell wall components, such as peptidoglycans and lipoteichoic acids (lta), can trigger cytokine production. polymyxin-b (pmx-b) is a cationic peptide that binds endotoxin (et) and inhibits its activity. based on this principle, pmx-b was incorporated in polystyrene-derivative ...19989466501
design, synthesis, and application of a protein a mimetic.low-molecular-weight synthetic molecules that mimic the activity of native biological macromolecules have therapeutic potential, utility in large-scale production of biopharmaceuticals, and the capacity to act as probes to study molecular recognition events. we have developed a nonpeptidyl mimic for staphylococcus aureus protein a (spa). the specific recognition and complexation elements between the b domain (fb) of spa and the fc fragment of igg were identified from the x-ray crystallographic s ...19989487529
emerging infections in australia.over the last 10 years, novel infectious agents including equine morbillivirus, lyssavirus, barmah forest virus, rickettsia honei and two as-yet-unnamed bunyaviruses have been identified as causes of human disease in australia. previously described agents, such as japanese b encephalitis virus, dengue virus, ross river virus, orientia tsutsugamushi, rickettsia australis, burkholderia pseudomallei, mycobacterium ulcerans and trichinella pseudospiralis, have increased their geographical distributi ...19979494666
emerging pathogens for pneumonia in singapore.the death rate from pneumonia in singapore has increased steadily over the past decade. the emerging respiratory pathogens may have contributed to this increased mortality. new challenges have arisen from changes in the characteristics of the host and the susceptibilities of the various pathogens to antibiotics. there has been a 60-fold increase in the incidence of penicillin resistance in streptococcus pneumoniae, the major pathogen for community-acquired pneumonia (cap). gram-negative bacilli ...19979494674
clinically relevant concentrations of ethanol attenuate primed neutrophil bactericidal activity.acute alcohol intoxication is associated with an increased risk of infection in the injured patient. the impact of clinically relevant levels of ethanol (etoh) on neutrophil (pmn) bactericidal activity remains ill-defined. pmn priming optimizes microbicidal activity by enhancing oxygen radical production, degranulation, and adhesion molecule up-regulation. we hypothesized that clinically relevant levels of etoh attenuate these primed pmn responses critical to eradicate infection.19989498504
structural dichotomy of staphylococcal enterotoxin c superantigens leading to mhc class ii-independent activation of t lymphocytes.we have recently characterized an mhc class ii-deficient human cell line, sw480, that supports the proliferation of purified human t cells in the presence of the staphylococcal enterotoxin and superantigen sec1, but not the closely related isotypes sec2 or sec3. we now investigate the structural basis of this dichotomy and explore possible mechanisms that may account for it. differences in activity between sec1 and sec2 were not attributable to differences in biochemical modification, to differe ...19989498747
risks and prevention of contamination of dairy products.consumers and regulatory officials are becoming increasingly aware of the human health risk of the presence of micro-organisms or chemicals in the agricultural environment. providing 'on-farm food safety' programmes which address the daily management of the production unit with regard to animal health and well-being, public health and environmental health must be a top priority for agriculturalists and veterinarians. developing critical control point management (ccpm) procedures for animal and h ...19979501360
functional expression of adhesive peptides as fusions to escherichia coli expression system for studying epitopes of adhesion proteins based on fusion of gene fragments into flic(h7) of escherichia coli is described. we constructed the system by an in-frame insertion of dna fragments encoding one, two or three of the fibronectin-binding d repeats present in the fibronectin-binding protein a (fnbpa) of staphylococcus aureus, into the flic(h7) gene region encoding the variable domain of the h7 flagellin. the constructs were expressed by in trans complementation in th ...19979514121
binding of murine myeloma proteins of different ig classes and subclasses to fc-reactive surface structures in gram-positive cocci.twelve different murine myeloma proteins were tested for binding to seventy gram-positive strains belonging to group a, c and g streptococci and to staphylococcus aureus. group a streptococci, known to bind human igg, were incapable of binding any of eight murine igg immunoglobulins tested except for one strain that bound an igg2b myeloma protein. in contrast, group c and g streptococci interacted with murine immunoglobulins of subclasses igg2a, igg2b and igg3, and g strains also to a lesser ext ...19809537027
expression of hla-abc and -dr locus antigens on human kidney, endothelial, tubular and glomerular cells.the distribution of the major histocompatibility complex antigens on the various cellular structures of the human kidney was analysed by using a modified staphylococcus aureus cowan 1 method. conventional alloantisera and heterologous antisera raised against isolated molecules were used for the hla-abc antigens, whereas the hla-dr (ia) antigens were detected with heterologous antisera only. the hla-abc antigens were expressed on all types of kidney passenger leucocytes, on vascular endothelial c ...19809537058
characterization of early activation events in cord blood b cells after stimulation with t cell-independent activators.human neonates are immunologically immature, particularly in their humoral antibody responses to t cell-independent antigens, as exemplified by their increased susceptibility to infections with polysaccharide-encapsulated bacteria. to clarify the mechanism(s) underlying the unresponsiveness of neonates to polysaccharide antigens, we used an in vitro model with neonatal cord blood cells that has been shown to mimic surface ig-dependent signaling in the adult by t cell-independent antigens. we stu ...19989545004
[a case of multiple organ failure with massive intestinal bleeding caused by methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus in a postcystectomy patient--efficacy of mask continuous positive airway pressure training and intraarterial embolization].a 51-year-old man underwent radical cystectomy with tubeless cutaneous ureterostomy. methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) enteritis developed postoperatively. mrsa caused critical infections such as pneumonia and sepsis, which subsequently progressed to adult respiratory distress syndrome, massive melena and multiple organ failure. the patient was rescued by intensive management including mask continuous positive airway pressure, systemic vancomycin administration and intraarterial ...19989546132
intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and leukocyte function-associated antigen-3 provide costimulation for superantigen-induced t lymphocyte proliferation in the absence of a specific presenting molecule.bacterial superantigens can bind tcr in the absence of mhc class ii molecules and activate t lymphocytes when cocultured with certain class ii-deficient accessory cells. it has not been determined, however, whether these accessory cells provide direct costimulation to the t cell or serve to present superantigens via a nonconventional ligand. we have identified a human adenocarcinoma cell line, sw480, that assists in the activation of human t cells by the staphylococcal enterotoxins b (seb), c1 ( ...19989551895
staphylococcal enterotoxin d is a promiscuous superantigen offering multiple modes of interactions with the mhc class ii receptors.dimerization of mhc class ii molecules on the cell surface of human thp-1 monocytic cell line is a requirement for staphylococcal superantigen (sag)-induced cytokine gene expression. the capacities of various sag to induce this response are governed by their modes of interaction with mhc class ii molecules. staphylococcal enterotoxin a (sea), with its two binding sites, dimerizes mhc class ii molecules and subsequently induces cytokine gene expression in thp-1 cells. here, we demonstrate that st ...19989551975
regulation of chemokine gene expression in human peripheral blood neutrophils phagocytosing microbial pathogens.production of chemokines (chemotactic cytokines) by neutrophils is likely to be important in the regulation of inflammation and the control of infection. in this study we show that exposure of human neutrophils to various microbial pathogens leads to the production of both macrophage inflammatory protein 1alpha (mip-1alpha) and il-8. the bacterial microbes, salmonella typhimurium and pseudomonas aeruginosa, and staphylococcus aureus all strongly induced both il-8 and mip-1alpha secretion, wherea ...19989552003
large-scale preparation of the delta10 form of staphylokinase by in vitro processing of recombinant staphylokinase with purified human plasminogen.the authors have developed a rapid and convenient method for purification of a low molecular weight form (delta 10) of the bacterial plasminogen activator, staphylokinase. recombinant staphylokinase is expressed in escherichia coli, with an amino terminal extension that facilitated purification by immobilized metal-affinity chromatography. purified staphylokinase is treated with human plasminogen, and the resulting truncated form is purified using a combination of immobilized metal affinity chro ...19989554081
molecular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenicity.cautious optimism has arisen over recent decades with respect to the long struggle against bacteria, viruses, and parasites. this has been offset, however, by a fatal complacency stemming from previous successes such as the development of antimicrobial drugs, the eradication of smallpox, and global immunization programs. infectious diseases nevertheless remain the world's leading cause of death, killing at least 17 million persons annually [61]. diarrheal diseases caused by vibrio cholerae or sh ...19989562989
molecular cloning, expression, and characterization of dnak in streptococcus pneumoniae.dnak is known to be highly conserved in all species and is a major immunogen in streptococcus pneumoniae. to elucidate the role of dnak in s. pneumoniae, dnak was cloned in escherichia coli using a homologous dnak probe generated by pcr. the his-tagged dnak was overexpressed in soluble form and purified from e. coli. alignment of the deduced dnak amino acid sequence from nucleotide sequences of the cloned dnak revealed high homology with dnak analogs in e. coli (53%) and staphylococcus aureus (7 ...19989570114
a study on the aerobic intestinal microflora in patients with salmonellosis and shigellosis.human intestinal microflora provides substantial protection of the body against intestinal pathogens and affects the course and outcome of intestinal infections with diarrheal syndrome. we studied the aerobic intestinal microflora in 120 patients with salmonellosis and 60 patients with shigellosis. intestinal microflora was determined qualitatively assessing the relative share of e. coli and other aerobic representatives of the potentially pathogenic microorganisms. disturbances of the aerobic i ...19979575655
the staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidermidis transferrin-binding proteins are expressed in vivo during infection.staphylococci express a 42 kda cell-wall-associated protein which functions as a receptor for the mammalian iron-binding glycoprotein transferrin. to determine whether this transferrin-binding protein (tbp) is expressed during infection, staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidermidis were grown in vivo in chambers implanted intraperitoneally in rats. sds-page and western blotting of cell wall proteins prepared from staphylococci recovered directly from the chambers revealed the presence of ...19989579074
structure-function relationship of antibacterial synthetic peptides homologous to a helical surface region on human lactoferrin against escherichia coli serotype o111.lactoferricin includes an 11-amino-acid amphipathic alpha-helical region which is exhibited on the outer surface of the amino-terminal lobe of lactoferrin. synthetic peptides homologous to this region exhibited potent antibacterial activity against a selected range of both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. an analog synthesized with methionine substituted for proline at position 26, which is predicted to disrupt the helical region, abolished antibacterial activity against escherichia col ...19989596699
enhanced levels of staphylococcus aureus stress protein groel and dnak homologs early in infection of human epithelial cells.antibodies to staphylococcus aureus heat shock proteins (hsps) are present in the sera of patients with s. aureus endocarditis (m. w. qoronfleh, w. weraarchakul, and b. j. wilkinson, infect. immun. 61:1567-1570, 1993). although these proteins are immunogenic, their role in infection has not been established. we developed a cell culture system as a model to examine the potential involvement of staphylococcal hsps in the initial events of infection. this study supports a model in which a clinical ...19989596786
comparison of ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin using human corneal susceptibility levels.we compared the in vitro susceptibility of gram-positive bacteria to ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin using human corneal susceptibility levels.19989603384
epidemiosurveillance of antimicrobial compound resistance of staphylococcus intermedium clinical isolates from canine a retrospective study, 131 staphylococcus intermedius strains isolated from apparently healthy dogs, and 187 staphylococcus intermedius strains isolated from dog pyodermas in the clinical microbiology laboratory at the national veterinary school in nantes, during three successive periods: 1986-87, 1992-93 and 1995-96, were investigated and compared for their antimicrobial susceptibility. results indicated that 60% to 65% of the strains were susceptible to chloramphenicol and doxycyclin, 65% t ...19989611682
human polyclonal immunoglobulin labelled with technetium-99m via nhs-mag3: a comparison of radiochemical behavior and biological efficacy with other labelling methods.the aim of this study was to evaluate the radiochemical behavior, biological distribution, and localization in infection sites in mice of a human polyclonal immunoglobulin (hig) labelled with 99mtc by a novel mag3-labelling method. the resulting [99mtc]mag3-hig was compared with [99mtc]hig preparations radiolabelled directly via 2-mercaptoethanol (2-me) or stannous ion (sn) reduction and indirectly via 2-iminothiolane (2-im) conjugation. all preparations showed similar uv and radioactivity hplc ...19989639302
isolation and characterization of two bacteriocins of lactobacillus acidophilus lf221.lactobacillus acidophilus lf221 produced bacteriocin-like activity against different bacteria including some pathogenic and food-spoilage species. besides some lactic acid bacteria, the following species were inhibited: bacillus cereus, clostridium sp., listeria innocua, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus d. l. acidophilus lf221 produced at least two bacteriocins, acidocin lf221 a and acidocin lf221 b, which were purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation, ion-exchange chromatography, hydroph ...19989650259
localization of staphylococcus aureus in infected airways of patients with cystic fibrosis and in a cell culture model of s. aureus adherence.staphylococcus aureus causes chronic respiratory tract infections in patients with cystic fibrosis (cf). using immunofluorescence and scanning and transmission electron microscopy we located s. aureus in lung specimens of three infected cf patients, in a nasal polyp of one cf patient, and in a suspension cell culture system of primary nasal epithelial cells in vitro. very little of s. aureus was attached to the lung epithelium, whereas abundant s. aureus was detectable in the mucus of obstructed ...19989651183
detection of human serum antibody to encapsulated strains of staphylococcus aureus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay inhibition test.a specific and rapid enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) inhibition test was employed for detection of immunoglobulins to staphylococcus aureus (s. aureus) capsular polysaccharide in human serum. cap-sular polysaccharide antigens obtained from smith diffuse (capsular type 2), reynolds (capsular type 5), or becker (capsular type 8) strains of s. aureus were added to microplates coated with these strains. seventy-four patients with open fractures (31 serum samples from those with staphylococ ...19989654562
[experimental endocarditis. pathological anatomy of human endocarditis].experimental reproduction of human endocarditis in animal models has been based on the induction of structural lesions in valve endocardium using different methods. the primary lesion caused in this way is the so called non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis. its colonization is then induced by inoculation of microorganisms in the bloodstream. freedman's modified method has been the most widespread model of this type. it has mainly been performed in rabbits with inoculation of staphylococcus aure ...19989658942
in vitro activities of co-amoxiclav at concentrations achieved in human serum against the resistant subpopulation of heteroresistant staphylococcus aureus: a controlled study with vancomycin.the effects of concentrations that simulated those in human serum after a single intravenous dose of amoxicillin (2 g), amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (2,000 and 200 mg, respectively), or vancomycin (500 mg), on the viability and beta-lactamase activity of two isogenic (beta-lactamase and non-beta-lactamase producer) heteroresistant staphylococcus aureus strains were studied in an in vitro pharmacodynamic model. a reduction of > or = 97% of the initial inoculum was obtained with vancomycin and amox ...19989660985
[feasibility of determining occult blood using rapid serologic methods].the possibility of obtaining antibodies to human hemoglobin and erythrocytes and their use for the detection of hidden blood in different biological fluids was studied. the test system, based on the reaction of coagglutination with the use of protein a of staphylococcus aureus cowan 1 and magnetic sorbent, is proposed.19989662792
the efficacy of antimicrobial mouth rinses in oral health care.there is growing public recognition of the importance of oral health, as symbolized by the theme. "oral health for a healthy life" proposed for the 1994 world health day. in this report, the efficacy of antimicrobial mouth rinses, mainly listerine, was reviewed by three investigators who are working as a microbiologist, a microbiologist, a dentist, and a dental hygienist participating in oral health care. listerine, an antimicrobial mouth rinse, completely killed microorganisms in 10 to 30 secon ...19989663026
bullous pemphigoid associated with acute glomerulonephritis.we report an 82-year-old man who presented with bullous pemphigoid and who later developed an acute glomerulonephritis with the histopathological and immunofluorescence pattern of a postinfectious glomerulonephritis. antibodies directed against 230 and 180 kda bullous pemphigoid antigens were detected in the patient's serum by means of the immunoprecipitation technique. staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant s. aureus were isolated from the patient's skin. we consider that in this parti ...19989666836
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