
PMID(sorted ascending)
successful treatment with polymyxin b immobilized fiber of septic shock complicated by renal stone.we describe a patient with septic shock that was spontaneously complicated by calyceal diverticular calculus. the patient recovered from shock within a few days with treatment by extracorporeal elimination of endotoxin using a blood purification cartridge consisting of polymyxin b immobilized fiber. standard open nephrolithotomy was performed, and the patient was discharged from the hospital 2 months after admission.19989559848
results of quantitative cultures of urine by free catch and catheterization from healthy adult horses.quantitative urine cultures were performed on 11 male and 11 female healthy adult horses. urine was collected by free catch and catheterization using standard methods. results showed that all samples collected by free catch contained less than 20,000 colony-forming units (cfu)/ml. all samples collected by catheterization contained 500 cfu/ml or less. a significant difference was found between collection methods (p < .005), with catheterization having less contamination. in samples collected by f ...19989560762
in vitro interaction of the ihf-like proteins acinetobacter junii and proteus vulgaris with ihf sites.the ability of the ihf-like proteins of acinetobacter junii and proteus vulgaris to interact with the h' attp and pr' ihf sites of lambda dna was investigated. ihf from a. junii and p. vulgaris was found to bind the examined ihf sites in a way similar to ihf from escherichia coli as shown by gel mobility shift dna binding assays and footprinting analysis. the three ihf proteins bound to the pr' ihf site that overlaps the-35 region of that promoter and in vitro repression of transcription by each ...19989561747
does circumcision alter the periurethral bacterial flora?a prospective study of 25 boys who underwent circumcision for medical reason was performed. specimens of periurethral bacterial flora were taken before operation as well as 3 weeks after surgery, so that each boy acted as his own control. before circumcision, 13 (52%) harboured uropathogenic organisms (escherichia coli and other coliforms, enterococcus spp, proteus spp, pseudomonas spp, and klebsiella spp); after circumcision, none of the boys had uropathogens, the only organisms cultured from t ...19989563029
a mild form of proteus syndrome.proteus syndrome is a rare congenital hamartomatous syndrome. we report on the clinical and radiological appearances of a boy in order to illustrate the typical signs which include subcutaneous masses, in mild forms partial gigantism of hands and feet, hemihypertrophy, and bony abnormalities. we discuss how to make the definitive diagnosis on the basis of using a known rating scale, important aspects of differential diagnosis and clinical features, and diagnostic management.19989569327
surface characteristics of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria in an atomic force microscope image.bacterial images can be obtained rather easily with an atomic-force microscope (afm) in the magnification range of 5,000 to 30,000 times without any pretreatment of the specimens for such observations as chemical fixation, dehydration or staining. the bacterial shapes or the presence of flagella can be clearly recognized in these magnification ranges. in addition, we were also able to distinguish between gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria based on the specific wavy surface appearance of th ...19989570280
adhesion-dependent f-actin pattern in amoeba proteus as a common feature of amoebae and the metazoan motile cellsadhesion and movement of amoeba proteus are both dependent on the appropriate arrangement of the f-actin cytoskeleton and on the presence of the cell nucleus. in this study the f-actin organization was examined by routine fitc-phalloidin staining and confocal laser microscopy in intact amoebae and in their nucleated and anucleated fragments, at different levels of cell adherence to the substratum. in the adhering and migrating intact cells and nucleated cell fragments dot-like aggregates of f-ac ...19979570891
regulatory conservation and divergence of sigma32 homologs from gram-negative bacteria: serratia marcescens, proteus mirabilis, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and agrobacterium tumefaciens.the heat shock response in escherichia coli is mediated primarily by the rpoh gene, encoding sigma32, which is specifically required for transcription of heat shock genes. a number of sigma32 homologs have recently been cloned from gram-negative bacteria that belong to the gamma or alpha subdivisions of the proteobacteria. we report here some of the regulatory features of several such homologs (rpoh) expressed in e. coli as well as in respective cognate bacteria. when expressed in an e. coli del ...19989573192
[hinman syndrome: an entity to keep in mind]. 19979575130
[comparative studies on activities of antimicrobial agents against causative organisms isolated from patients with urinary tract infections (1995). i. susceptibility distribution].the frequencies of isolation and susceptibilities to antimicrobial agents were investigated on 704 bacterial strains isolated from patients with urinary tract infections (utis) in 11 hospitals during the period of june 1995 to may 1996. of the above bacterial isolates, gram-positive bacteria accounted for 29.8% and a majority of them were enterococcus faecalis. gram-negative bacteria accounted for 70.2% and most of them were escherichia coli. susceptibilities of several isolated bacteria to anti ...19979575353
[comparative studies on activities of antimicrobial agents against causative organisms isolated from patients with urinary tract infections (1995). ii. background of patients].clinical background was investigated on patients with urinary tract infections (utis) from whom 785 bacterial strains were isolated in 11 hospitals during the period from june, 1995 through may, 1996. 1. distributions of age and sex of patients and type of infections. among the patients examined, those with ages 50 years or older were the most frequent (males: 80.5%, females: 69.7%), and, among females, those with ages in the 20's were 12.6%. with regard to types of infections, more than a half ...19979575354
abscess formation within a parasagittal meningioma. case report.the authors present the case of a 78-year-old woman who developed right lower-extremity paralysis after a focal seizure. neuroradiological studies revealed a small parasagittal meningioma, which at the time of resection was found to contain a bacterial intratumoral abscess secondary to proteus mirabilis. this is only the second reported case of intratumoral abscess formation in a meningioma and the first such occurrence to be reported in an otherwise healthy, immunocompetent individual.19989576260
translocated intestinal bacteria cause spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in cirrhotic rats: molecular epidemiologic evidence.intestinal bacterial translocation is common in cirrhotic rats with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, and it is thought to play a major pathogenic role. there has so far been no evidence for clonality between bacteria isolated from intestine and ascites. this study aimed to use molecular epidemiology techniques to show that spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is due to translocated intestinal bacteria.19989580278
the role of gardnerella vaginalis in nonspecific vaginitis in intra uterine contraceptive device users.two hundred forty patients who had intra uterine contraceptive device (iucd) and manifested of nonspecific vaginitis were investigated for the presence of g. vaginalis. pure growth of this organism was obtained in 14(5.8%) cases while 116(48.3%) cases showed this organism in association with other organisms e.g. esch. coli (11.7%), klebsiella (9.2%), candida (9.2%), strept. faecalis (7.3%), proteus species (5.8%) and staph. albus (5%).19989581079
effect of adherence on antimicrobial susceptibility of pseudomonas aeruginosa, serratia marcescens, and proteus mirabilis.a simple method was used for testing the antibiotic susceptibility of adherent bacteria to plastic surfaces. pseudomonas aeruginosa, serratia marcescens, and proteus mirabilis cells adhering to the bottom of a plastic tissue culture plate were incubated in serially diluted antibiotic solutions. after 24-h incubation the solutions were removed and a fresh medium without antibiotics was added to each well. the viability of the cells was judged by their growth after a further 24-h incubation. in ou ...19989583277
aerobic and anaerobic bacteriology of otorrhea associated with tympanostomy tubes in children.the microbiology of in 55 ear aspirates obtained from 34 children with chronic otorrhea was studied. aspiration of the middle ear exudate was done immediately following removal of tympanostomy tube (tt). the middle ear aspirates and swab specimens of the external auditory canals were cultured for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. sixty-five isolates were recovered only from the middle ears, 73 only from the external ear canals, and 73 were present at both sites. analysis of the 138 middle ear isol ...19989583788
[selective screening of enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli depending on hemolysis on beutin's washed sheep blood agar plates].recently, beutin et al have studied hemolysin production in a large number of serologically diverse verotoxin (vt) producing escherichia coli (vtec) strains and found a close association between hemolysin production and vt production. this study was to examine whether hemolysin production on sheep blood agar can be used as an epidemiological marker for microbiological screening of enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli (ehec). in comparison of hemolysis on washed blood agar plates prepared in our la ...19989585695
[lithiasis in megacalyosis].to review our series of lithiasis associated with megacalyosis, a rare disease entity.19989586314
[the etiology of nosocomial infection in surgery: comparison of 2 years (1988 and 1996)].nosocomial infections (ni) make up an important problem in public health care. from an etiologic point of view they are characterized by their constant evolution over time. thus, the aim of this study was to know the etiologic variations of ni in the surgery departments of a university hospital.19989586365
[fluticasone propionate, corticosteroid for topical treatment].the aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of fluticasone propionate in various dermatoses and to present the data to non-dermatologists. the study was performed at the department of dermatology, university school of medicine in poznaƄ. the studied group consisted of 40 cases of various types of eczema, psoriasis vulgaris, dle, photodermatoses and morphea. fluticasone propionate cream or ointment was applied to lesional skin twice daily for 7-19 days. acute eczematous skin lesions sign ...19989591441
[the evaluation of cefmetazole in clinical use. the study group of cefmetazole in clinical use].to study the clinical effect of cefmetazole (cmz), we treated with cmz 1,926 patients with various infections involving the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract, skin and soft tissue and others. the marked effect rate was 56.5%, and the effect rate 33.7%. the sensitivity test of cmz was also performed in vitro. staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, staphylococcus epidermis, e. coli, s. typhi, b. salmonella, b. shigella, b. klebsiella pneumoniae, b. proteus, etc. wer ...19969592326
chromosomally encoded ampc-type beta-lactamase in a clinical isolate of proteus mirabilis.a clinical strain of proteus mirabilis (cf09) isolated from urine specimens of a patient displayed resistance to amoxicillin (mic >4,096 microg/ml), ticarcillin (4,096 microg/ml), cefoxitin (64 microg/ml), cefotaxime (256 microg/ml), and ceftazidime (128 microg/ml) and required an elevated mic of aztreonam (4 microg/ml). clavulanic acid did not act synergistically with cephalosporins. two beta-lactamases with apparent pis of 5.6 and 9.0 were identified by isoelectric focusing on a gel. substrate ...19989593136
interactions of beta-lactamases with sanfetrinem (gv 104326) compared to those with imipenem and with oral beta-lactams.sanfetrinem is a trinem beta-lactam which can be administered orally as a hexatil ester. we examined whether its beta-lactamase interactions resembled those of the available carbapenems, i.e., stable to ampc and extended-spectrum beta-lactamases but labile to class b and functional group 2f enzymes. the comparator drugs were imipenem, oral cephalosporins, and amoxicillin. mics were determined for beta-lactamase expression variants, and hydrolysis was examined directly with representative enzymes ...19989593145
cytochalasin-induced actin disruption of polarized enterocytes can augment internalization of bacteria.cytochalasin-induced actin disruption has often been associated with decreased bacterial internalization by cultured epithelial cells, although polarized enterocytes have not been systematically studied. in assays using confluent polarized ht-29 enterocytes, cytochalasin d appeared to increase internalization of wild-type salmonella typhimurium, proteus mirabilis, and escherichia coli. hela and hep-2 epithelial cells, as well as ht-29 and caco-2 enterocytes, were used to clarify this unexpected ...19989596696
an in-vitro study of carbapenem-induced morphological changes and endotoxin release in clinical isolates of gram-negative hundred clinical isolates, including escherichia coli, serratia marcescens, klebsiella pneumoniae, pseudomonas aeruginosa, proteus vulgaris and proteus mirabilis, were exposed to carbapenems (imipenem, panipenem, meropenem and biapenem) at 0.5 x mic for 3 h, then their morphology was examined and endotoxin release determined. ceftazidime, which induces filament formation, was used as a control. scanning electron microscopy showed that these carbapenems induced formation of spherical or ovoid ...19989598774
pediatric peripheral neuropathy in proteus syndrome.proteus syndrome is a rare congenital disorder comprised of subcutaneous and internal hamartomas, pigmented skin nevi, skull exostoses, hemihypertrophy, and macrodactyly of the hands and feet. a 5-year-old girl diagnosed with proteus syndrome presented with distal median compression neuropathy with the primary complaint of severe pain involving the left hand. surgical exploration of the hand revealed a lipofibromatous hamartoma of the median nerve. the transverse carpal ligament was released and ...19989600441
gigantism of the foot: our experience in seven cases.we report our experience in seven patients with congenital gigantism of the foot with the following diagnoses: neurofibromatosis (two), fibrolipomatosis (two), proteus syndrome (two), and idiopathic localized gigantism (one). our purpose is to introduce a new classification of foot gigantism, based on the concept of "neuroinduction." in our experience, intraoperative examination and subsequent histologic examination show consistently pathologic findings in the plantar nerve and its terminal bran ...19989600560
imipenem resistance in aerobic gram-negative bacteria.a prospective study was undertaken to observe the emergence of resistance to imipenem, if any, among aerobic gram-negative bacteria. a total of 736 isolates were tested during 1994-95 and less than 1% of them were resistant to imipenem, whereas the next year ('95-'96) the rate increased to 11 of the 903 isolates tested. the resistant isolates during '94-'95 were all stenotrophomonas maltophilia whereas the spectrum of resistant bacterial species increased in '95-'96 to include pseudomonas aerugi ...19989603633
efficacy and safety of norfloxacin 800 mg once-daily versus norfloxacin 400 mg twice-daily in the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women: a double-blind, randomized clinical trial.norfloxacin 400 mg twice-a-day has proven to be effective and safe in the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections (uti). since previous pharmacokinetic studies demonstrate the feasibility of using norfloxacin 800 mg once-daily, and this scheme is assumed to improve patient compliance, a double-blind randomized clinical trial was performed to compare the efficacy and safety of norfloxacin 800 mg once-daily (group a) versus norfloxacin 400 mg twice-daily (group b) in the treatment of a ...19989603637
[improvement of effectiveness of antibiotic therapy by pyrimidine derivatives in reparative regeneration of skin in rats].it was shown on noninbred albino rats with various affections of the skin that pyrimidine derivatives stimulated the skin reparative regeneration and increased the efficacy of antibiotic therapy of staphylococcus and proteus infected wounds. the therapeutic effect of 2-methyl-4-amino-6-oxypyrimidine was much higher than that of oxymethyluracil or methyluracil. the pyrimidine derivatives proved to be universal accelerators for reparative regeneration, were compatible with antibiotics and increase ...19989606492
antibacterial activity of peritoneal exudate in patients treated with 2 g cefotiam for surgical anti-microbial prophylaxis.the objective of this study was to investigate the presence of antibacterial activity in peritoneal exudate (pe) of patients treated with cefotiam (cft). cft (2 g) was administered as a 'single-shot' antimicrobial prophylaxis to 6 patients at the beginning of colorectal resection. samples of pe were collected from each patient on days 1, 2 and 3 after surgery. cft was detectable in the samples of day 1 for 5 of the 6 patients. the influence of pe on antibacterial activity of the antimicrobial dr ...19989612603
the proteus syndrome: cns manifestations.proteus syndrome is a complex hamartomatous disorder characterized by multiple, diverse, somatic manifestations. we present a case in which severe, evolving cns abnormalities were also exhibited. imaging findings at presentation included hemimegalencephaly, subependymal calcified nodules, and periventricular cysts. subsequently, dural sinus thrombosis developed. eight previously reported patients may also have had hemimegalencephaly. when neuroimaging studies show hemimegalencephaly in a child w ...19989613526
antimicrobial activity of 20 plants used in folkloric medicine in the palestinian area.ethanolic and aqueous extracts of 20 palestinian plant species used in folk medicine were investigated for their antimicrobial activities against five bacterial species (staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumoniae, proteus vulgaris, pseudomonas aeruginosa) and one yeast (candida albicans). the plants showed 90% of antimicrobial activity, with significant difference in activity between the different plants. the most antimicrobially active plants were phagnalon rupestre and micr ...19989613839
post-keratoplasty endophthalmitis caused by proteus mirabilis.a diabetic patient who underwent a triple procedure (penetrating keratoplasty, cataract extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation), developed endophthalmitis caused by proteus mirabilis. the source of infection was the infected donor cornea, which was imported from sri lanka. the organism was resistant to gentamicin, which was the only antibiotic present in the storage medium. on top of an aggressive antibiotic treatment regime (topical, systemic and intravitreal), exchange ...19989614531
[the immunotropic properties of rifampicin and their correction].the effect of rifampicin on antibody genesis depends on the dose, duration, and time of its administration in relation to the antigen, as well as on the character of immunosuppression. the antibiotic has no effect on delayed hypersensitivity and stimulates the activity of phagocytes, predominantly that of neutrophils. the effectiveness of rifampicin in experimental infection is maintained in treatment with cyclophosphane and azathioprine. when administered in combination with rifampicin and cyto ...19989621174
[therapeutic effect of cefluprenam on polymicrobial urinary tract infection associated with enterococcus faecalis, using the infectious urolithiasis model in rats].we examined the therapeutic effect of cefluprenam (cflp) on the polymicrobial urinary tract infection associated with infectious stones as compared to that of ceftazidime (caz), using the experimental polymicrobial urinary tract infection caused by proteus mirabilis (p. mirabilis), pseudomonas aeruginosa (p. aeruginosa) and enterococcus faecalis (e. faecalis). in order to form bladder stones in rats, a sterile zinc ring was implanted as a foreign body, followed by inoculating p. mirabilis e05106 ...19989621566
[nitazole--an antimicrobial substance].the antibacterial activity of protistocide drug nitazole has been revealed for the first time in the 80's at the laboratory of clinical microbiology of the mechnikov research institute of microbiology and immunology. unlike other imidazoles, such as metronidazole and tinidazole, nitazole acts as the inhibitor of growth of gram-positive facultative and obligate anaerobic microorganisms as well as gram-negatives except for pseudomonas aeruginosa and proteus. nitazole, as a main antimicrobial agent ...19989621693
in vitro activity and clinical evaluation of cefixime in urinary tract infection.thirty-five women with uncomplicated acute lower urinary tract infections proven by significant pre-treatment bacteriuria (> or = 10(5)cfu/ml) were treated with an oral dose of 100 mg cefixime twice a day for seven days. thirty five patients included in this study were checked for response to treatment on the last day of therapy, 7-14 days and 4 weeks post therapy. the clinical response and bacterial eradication rate for cefixime were 91.4 per cent (32/35). the infecting organisms, e. coli and p ...19989623027
beta-lactamases responsible for resistance to expanded-spectrum cephalosporins in klebsiella pneumoniae, escherichia coli, and proteus mirabilis isolates recovered in south africa.although resistance to the expanded-spectrum cephalosporins among members of the family enterobacteriaceae lacking inducible beta-lactamases occurs virtually worldwide, little is known about this problem among isolates recovered in south africa. isolates of klebsiella pneumoniae, escherichia coli, and proteus mirabilis resistant to expanded-spectrum cephalosporins recovered from patients in various parts of south africa over a 3-month period were investigated for extended-spectrum beta-lactamase ...19989624474
urinary bactericidal activity and pharmacokinetics of enoxacin versus norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin in healthy volunteers after a single oral an open, randomised monocentric crossover study in six male and six female healthy volunteers, the urinary antibacterial activity and pharmacokinetics of enoxacin, norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin were assessed. urine was collected up to 6 days, and venous blood samples up to 12 h, after a single oral dose of 400 mg enoxacin, 400 mg norfloxacin and 500 mg ciprofloxacin. enoxacin (250 mg/l) demonstrated the highest peak concentration (median) in the urine (0-6 h), followed by ciprofloxacin (237 m ...19989624541
a comparison between single-dose fosfomycin trometamol (monuril) and a 5-day course of trimethoprim in the treatment of uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection in women.this study is a comparison of the microbiological and clinical efficacy of single-dose fosfomycin trometamol therapy and a 5 day course of trimethoprim in the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infection in female patients. urine dip-slide samples were obtained from 547 female patients aged 18-65 by 22 general practitioners (gps) participating in the study from 21 centres in the uk. all patients were diagnosed as having a urinary tract infection by their gp on the basis of history and clin ...19989624542
microbiologic evaluation of cutaneous wounds in hospitalized dermatology patients.the purpose of this study is to identify predictability of wound flora which may be helpful in the selection of empiric antibiotic therapy of wound infections while awaiting the results of bacterial cultures. toward this end, results of an ongoing microbiologic surveillance of skin wound flora in hospitalized dermatology patients are presented. bacterial isolates cultured from patients with skin wounds admitted to a tertiary care dermatology inpatient unit were evaluated and comparison was made ...19989626006
median nerve compression in proteus syndrome.proteus syndrome is a multi-organ disorder, a prime feature of which is localized gigantism, usually clinically obvious. symptoms secondary to hypertrophy of nerves has not been previously recognized as a part of the syndrome.19989639645
gram-negative bacteremia in non-neutropenic patients: a 3-year review.the causative organisms, clinical manifestations, factors influencing prognosis, and other epidemiological characteristics of 81 episodes of bacteremia due to gram-negative organisms, in non-neutropenic patients, were studied retrospectively during a 3-year period (1992-1994) at the department of internal medicine of the university hospital of heraklion, crete, greece. the gram-negative bacteremia incidence was 2% and the overall mortality 12%. all 81 patients had fever; escherichia coli was the ...19989646106
escherichia coli and proteus mirabilis inhibit the perinuclear but not the circulating antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody reaction.perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (p-anca) are found in 48%-83% of serum samples from patients with ulcerative colitis (uc). their pathogenic role and initiating stimuli are unknown. in contrast to patients with vasculitides and anca reactivities, the antibodies in uc patients do not react with myeloperoxidase (mpo) or proteinase 3 (pr3). the aim of the present study was to investigate whether bacterial species of the intestinal tract and other sources could interfere with p-anca ...19989648994
the efficiency of different phenol-degrading bacteria and activated sludges in detoxification of phenolic leachates.phenolic composition, toxicity and biodegradability of three different phenolic leachates/samples was studied. samples a and c were the leachates from the oil-shale industry spent shale dumps at kohtla-järve, estonia. sample b was a laboratory-prepared synthetic mixture of 7 phenolic compounds mimmicking the phenolic composition of the leachate a. toxicity of these 3 samples was analyzed using two photobacterial test (biotox and microtox), daphnia test (daphtoxkit f pulex) and rotifiers' test (r ...19989650267
structure and cross-reactivity of the o-specific polysaccharide of proteus penneri strain 26, another neutral proteus o-antigen containing 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-l-glucose (n-acetyl-l-quinovosamine).a neutral o-specific polysaccharide obtained from the lipopolysaccharide of proteus penneri strain 26 was studied using sugar analysis and 1h and 13c nmr spectroscopy, including two-dimensional nmr techniques. the following structure of the trisaccharide repeating unit was established: -->6)-alpha-d-glcpnac-(1-->3)-alpha-l-quipnac-(1-->3)-alpha-d-glcp nac-(1--> where l-quinac is 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-l-glucose (n-acetyl-l-quinovosamine). cross-reactivity of the proteus penneri 26 anti-o serum ...19989654072
a mixed disulfide bond in bacterial glutathione transferase: functional and evolutionary implications.glutathione s-transferases (gsts) are a multifunctional group of enzymes, widely distributed in aerobic organisms, that have a critical role in the cellular detoxification process. unlike their mammalian counterparts, bacterial gsts often catalyze quite specific reactions, suggesting that their roles in bacteria might be different. the gst from proteus mirabilis (pmgst b1-1) is known to bind certain antibiotics tightly and reduce the antimicrobial activity of beta-lactam drugs. hence, bacterial ...19989655824
structure of the o-specific polysaccharide of proteus penneri strain 41 from a new proposed serogroup o62.o-specific polysaccharide of proteus penneri strain 41 was studied using 1h- and 13c-nmr spectroscopy, including two-dimensional cosy, heteronuclear 13c,1h-correlation (hetcor) and one-dimensional noe spectroscopy, and the following structure of a non-stoichiometrically o-acetylated hexasaccharide repeating unit was established:[structure: see text] where rglcnac is 2-acetamido-4-o-[(s)-1-carboxyethyl]-2-deoxyglucose. cross-reactivity of anti-p. penneri 41 o-serum with other p. penneri strains i ...19989657315
urinary excretion and bactericidal activities of a single oral dose of 400 milligrams of fleroxacin versus a single oral dose of 800 milligrams of pefloxacin in healthy volunteers.twelve healthy volunteers participated in this randomized crossover study to compare the concentrations and recovery levels of fleroxacin and pefloxacin in urine and to assess their bactericidal activities against 12 strains of urinary pathogens with different susceptibilities over a wide range of mics. the volunteers received a single oral dose of 400 mg of fleroxacin or 800 mg of pefloxacin. the mean cumulative renal excretion of unchanged fleroxacin, n-demethyl-fleroxacin, and n-oxide-fleroxa ...19989661000
management of animal bite injuries of the face: experience with 94 patients.because of the large number of bacteria in the oral cavity, animal bite wounds are generally contaminated, and their treatment is difficult because of the risk of infection, especially in extensive injuries. this report describes the management of a large series of patients and recommends treatment guidelines on the basis of the results.19989663574
bacterial adherence to self-reinforced polyglycolic acid and self-reinforced polylactic acid 96 urological spiral stents in vitro.the aim of this study was to evaluate the bacterial adherence to biodegradable self-reinforced polyglycolic acid (sr-pga) and self-reinforced poly-dl-lactic acid (sr-pla 96) spiral stents in vitro. they are used as temporary urethral stents in urology. gold-plated metal wire, polyurethane and latex were used as controls. materials were incubated up to 28 days in artificial urine, after which a bacterial suspension was added. after detaching by sonication the adhesive bacteria were analysed as co ...19989663740
further studies of transferable antibiotic resistance in strains of pseudomonas aeruginosa from four clinical settings in three countries.this paper describes transferability of antibiotic resistance determinants in clinical isolates of pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to imipenem, cefotaxime and ceftazidime obtained from different clinical settings in three different countries. two strains of enterobacteriaceae (escherichia coli k-12 and proteus mirabilis p-38) and two strains of p. aeruginosa (pao and ml) were used as recipient strains. the conjugative transfer of resistance was very specific, i.e. donor strains of p. aeruginosa ...19989669646
recurrent bilateral renal calculi in a tetraplegic 18-year-old male developed c-5 complete tetraplegia following a motor-cycle accident in may 1975. the neuropathic bladder was managed by an indwelling urethral catheter. he developed recurrent episodes of urinary infection with proteus species. in september 1975, an x-ray of the abdomen revealed small calculi in both the kidneys. in july 1976, he underwent transurethral resection of the bladder neck and division of the external urethral sphincter; subsequently, he was put on a penile sheath d ...19989670380
cloning and characterisation of the proteus mirabilis xerd gene.the xer site-specific recombination system is involved in the stable maintenance of replicons (certain plasmids and chromosomes) in escherichia coli and other bacteria by converting multimers into monomers. this system requires a cis-acting dna sequence (the chromosomal dif site or the cole1 cer site) and two trans-acting factors: the xerc and xerd recombinases, which belong to the lambda integrase family of tyrosine site-specific recombinases. in addition, in order to resolve plasmid multimers ...19989675854
tc-99m hmpao leukocyte and tc-99m nanocolloid scintigraphy in posttraumatic bone infection.posttraumatic osteomyelitis was investigated in 23 patients using nuclear medicine techniques. tc-99m hexamethylpropilene amine oxime (hmpao)-labeled leukocyte scintigraphy was performed in 11 patients, and tc-99m nanocolloid scanning was performed in the other 12 patients. the scintigraphic findings were compared with clinical, laboratory, radiologic, and bacteriologic results. the findings on leukocyte imaging were consistent with the clinical symptoms in 7 of 11 patients, with the laboratory ...19989676945
intravascular ultrasound diagnosis of aortic graft assess the value of intra-aortic ultrasound (us) for diagnosing intraprosthetic vegetations in atypical aortic graft infection.19989678551
mosaicism for a tandem duplication dup(1)(q12q22) in an 18 year old female.the clinical features and cytogenetic results of an 18 year old mentally handicapped female found to be a mosaic for a tandem duplication of chromosome 1 (46,xx,dup(1)(q12q22)/46,xx) are reported. the case is compared with the three previously described cases and possible mechanisms for the origin of the duplication are discussed. this patient was not found to have features of proteus syndrome which was previously reported in a subject mosaic for a tandem duplication involving chromosome (1)(q11 ...19989678707
3,6-diamino-10-methylacridan: uncharged precursor of acriflavine and its unique antimicrobial activity. 19989685231
cefepine vs. ceftazidime treatment of pyelonephritis: a european, randomized, controlled study of 300 pediatric cases. european society for paediatric infectious diseases (espid) pyelonephritis study group.cefepime has been used in clinical therapeutic trials for meningitis, serious infection and febrile neutropenia, comprising more than 800 pediatric patients. this agent has also been used in patients 12 years of age and older with uncomplicated and complicated urinary tract infections including pyelonephritis, but not in younger patients. in this study the safety and efficacy of cefepime were compared with those of ceftazidime for treatment of pyelonephritis in pediatric patients younger than 12 ...19989686732
molecular characterization of a tem-21 beta-lactamase in a clinical isolate of morganella morganii.a clinical isolate of morganella morganii, with reduced susceptibility to expanded-spectrum cephalosporins and aztreonam, was found to produce an extended-spectrum beta-lactamase with a pi of 6.4. the nucleotide sequence of the encoding gene was that of the gene encoding tem-21. this is the first molecular characterization of an extended-spectrum beta-lactamase in m. morganii.19989687421
bacteriology of burns.a retrospective study was undertaken at university college of medical sciences and guru teg bahadur hospital, delhi, to examine the bacterial isolates from the burns unit and to determine the antibiograms of the isolates to commonly used antimicrobial agents. a total of 600 pus samples from as many patients received, over a period of 5 years (june 1993-june 1997) yielded 920) isolates. pseudomonas spp. was the most common (36%) followed by staphylococcus aureus (19%), klebsiella spp. (15.54%), p ...19989688200
pathology of lipomatous lesions in proteus syndrome.proteus syndrome is an extremely rare, complex hamartomatous disorder with markedly variable clinical expression. we present a case of proteus syndrome with multiple disfiguring soft tissue masses that were present since early childhood. the lesions involved predominantly the right side of the body and included scoliosis, macrodactyly, and limited hyperostosis in the right foot. there was no evidence of cranial or skin lesions. the patient underwent multiple resections of soft tissue masses, inc ...19989688770
psoas abscess following extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy.different studies have reported renal effects like swelling of parenchyma, subcapsular and intracapsular haematoma and perinephric fluid collections. these effects were usually transient and by 2-3 months returned to normal. we report an early complication of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (eswl). a patient with solitary renal calculus who had eswl developed psoas spasm and became unwell with elevation of white cell count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. psoas abscess extending from re ...19989689709
[the effect of gentamycin on immunity in immunodeficiency and the action of immunomodulators].the effect of 3 and 6 mg/kg gentamicin on the immunity of intact mice and cyclophosphan- and azathioprine-induced immunodeficiency was studied. gentamicin deepens the severe suppression of antibody genesis against the background of cyclophosphan and azathioprine, inhibits the reaction of gzt in intact mice. the antibiotic does not prevent stimulation of aok production by methyluracil and prodigiosan, and does not change the effect of immunostimulators on gzt in immunosuppression. gentamicin has ...19989690079
terpenoid composition of the wound-induced bark exudate of commiphora tenuis from ethiopia.the bark of commiphora tenuis vollensen exudes a translucent, free-flowing odoriferous liquid upon wounding which was analysed by capillary glc and glc-ms. 42 mono- and sesquiterpenes were detected and 37 identified. the main components of the monoterpenoid fraction were alpha-pinene (60.8%), beta-pinene (8.8%), sabinene (6.3%), alpha-thujene (8.9%), limonene (5.5%), 3-carene (3.7%), beta-myrcene (1.8%), and beta-elemene (1.1%) constituting 97% of the oil. identified sesquiterpenoid components c ...19989690355
bulk acoustic wave bacterial growth sensor applied to analysis of antimicrobial properties of tea.a bulk acoustic wave (baw) bacterial growth sensor has been proposed for study of inhibitory effects of tea by continuous monitoring of disturbances in proteus growth in the aqueous extracts of various teas, e.g. green tea, fuzhuan brick tea, oolong tea, kudin tea, and black tea. the kinetic parameters, e.g. asymptote (a), maximum specific growth rate (microm), lag time (lambda), and generation time (g), accurately estimated by using the growth response model, have been first used to characteriz ...19989694687
identification of a novel transcription regulator from proteus mirabilis, pmtr, revealed a possible role of yjai protein in balancing zinc in escherichia coli.zinc is an essential trace element required for structural integrity and functional activity of numerous proteins, yet mechanisms by which cells regulate zinc concentration are poorly understood. here, we identified a gene from proteus mirabilis that encodes a 135-amino acid residue protein, pmtr (p. mirabilis transcription regulator), a new member of the merr family of transcription activators. transformation of escherichia coli with pmtr-carrying vectors specifically increases cell tolerance t ...19989694902
a swarming-defective mutant of proteus mirabilis lacking a putative cation-transporting membrane p-type atpase.the motile tnphoa mutant ic24 of proteus mirabilis u6450 generates an aberrant swarming colony, and was shown to be impaired in swarm cell differentiation, i.e. cell elongation and hyperflagellation, causing delayed and slower population migration across a solid growth medium. levels of transcript from the flagellin filament gene flic, the flagellar master operon flhdc, and the leucine-responsive regulatory protein gene lrp, a regulator of swarming differentiation, were reduced in ic24 mutant sw ...19989695928
encrustation of indwelling urethral catheters by proteus mirabilis biofilms growing in human urine.the encrustation and blockage of four types of urinary catheters was studied in a simple laboratory model of the catheterized bladder. pooled human urine was supplied to the bladder chamber at 0.5 ml/min. the bladder urine was inoculated with a clinical strain of proteus mirabilis that had been isolated from an encrusted catheter. the models were operated until the catheters blocked and atomic absorption spectrometry was used to assess the amounts of calcium and magnesium deposited on the cathet ...19989699143
effects of prophylactic antibiotics on endometrial flora in women with postcesarean determine the effect of prophylactic antibiotics on endometrial and endocervical microflora upon diagnosis of postcesarean endometritis.19989699764
which bacteria are found in belgian women with uncomplicated urinary tract infections in primary health care, and what is their susceptibility pattern anno 95-96?dysuria is a frequent reason for encounter in general practice and also gynaecologists and urologists will be frequently confronted with it. in female patients 1/2 to 2/3 of dysuric episodes are due to urinary tract infections. in nearly all cases therapy is started before the results of a culture is available. therefore it is very important to know which bacteria are most prevalent in the treated population, and what their susceptibility pattern is . because most available information is based ...19989701853
characterization of a monoclonal antibody and a cdna for polyubiquitin of amoeba proteus.a monoclonal antibody was obtained that reacts with many different proteins (14-200 kda) of amoeba proteus. by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy we found the antigens to be dispersed throughout the cytoplasm but were more concentrated in the nucleus. the antibody cross-reacted with proteins of tetrahymena, xenopus embryo, and mouse macrophages. using the antibody as a probe we cloned a cdna of 1.2 kb coding for ubiquitin in five repeats. amino acid sequences of ameba's polyubiquitin showed ...19989703679
lyme borreliosis.lyme borreliosis (lyme disease) is often said to be associated with "protean" manifestations, a reference to the ancient god proteus, who could assume many forms and thus elude his pursuers. this legendary quality has clouded our understanding of lyme borreliosis by giving borrelia burgdorferi infection a mythical aura of its own. this review shows that this illness, while incompletely understood, is far more palpable than proteus and is (in most cases) much more readily subdued. the clinical pr ...19989716075
evidence that aminoguanidine inhibits endotoxin-induced bacterial translocation.the role of inducible nitric oxide synthase (inos) in endotoxin-induced bacterial translocation was investigated by using its specific blocker aminoguanidine in 46 albino mice (25-35 g) allocated into four groups.19989718006
utilization of proteinase k-treated cells as lipopolysaccharide antigens for the serodiagnosis of helicobacter pylori infections.we have evaluated the use of proteinase k (pk)-treated cells isolated from helicobacter pylori as lipopolysaccharide (lps) antigens in an immunoblot assay and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the serodiagnosis of h. pylori infection. the sera from patients with chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer or gastric cancer, and from healthy adults with or without h. pylori infection were assayed with three commercial serodiagnostic kits (hm-cap, helico-g, and g.a.p. ii) and n ...19989719104
asymmetric reduction of racemic sulfoxides by dimethyl sulfoxide reductases from rhodobacter capsulatus, escherichia coli and proteus species.the enantioselective reduction of racemic sulfoxides by dimethyl sulfoxide reductases from rhodobacter capsulatus, escherichia coli, proteus mirabilis and proteus vulgaris was investigated. purified dimethyl sulfoxide reductase from rhodobacter capsulatus catalysed the selective removal of (s)-methyl p-tolyl sulfoxide from a racemic mixture of methyl p-tolyl sulfoxide and resulted in an 88% recovery of enantiomerically pure (r)-methyl p-tolyl sulfoxide. rhodobacter capsulatus was shown to be abl ...19989720047
a new bacteriophage typing scheme for proteus mirabilis and proteus vulgaris strains. 3. analysis of lytic properties.the lytic properties of 21 bacteriophages constituting a new typing set for proteus were examined in 507 proteus mirabilis and 29 p. vulgaris strains isolated from patients and healthy subjects. comparison of their morphological, serological, genetic and lytic properties showed that, in the myoviridae and podoviridae families, some phages were so closely related that the presence of all of them in the set was redundant. analysis of the lytic properties revealed that some of the bacteriophages we ...19989721605
a rapid method for determination of in vitro susceptibility to antibiotics with a bulk acoustic wave bacterial growth biosensor.a novel bulk acoustic wave (baw) bacterial growth biosensor was developed to study in vitro susceptibility by continuous monitoring of disturbances of bacterial growth at low antibiotic concentrations, followed by the accurate and rapid estimation of growth kinetic parameters and minimum inhibitory concentrations (mics). the susceptibilities of bacteria, e.g. escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, proteus vulgaris, pr. morganii and pr. mirabilis, to various antibiotics, e.g. penicillin, strept ...19989722998
novel genes that upregulate the proteus mirabilis flhdc master operon controlling flagellar biogenesis and screening for restoration of multicellular migration in a non-swarming but motile proteus mirabilis mutant lacking the fign facilitator of flagella assembly, we identified four distinct genes that, in trans and multicopy, increased flagella production and cell length. each of the genes upregulated expression of the flhdc master operon that controls flagellar biogenesis, cell division and swarming, not only in the mutant but also in the wild type. the genes were named umoa, umob, umoc and umod ...19989723914
transfer of resistance to oxy-imino-cephalosporins and of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase productions in klebsiella pneumoniae strains from infected this communication, we describe the occurrence of strains of klebsiella pneumoniae resistant to cephalosporins of all generations and to aztreonam due to their production of extended spectrum beta-lactamases (esbls), in two hospitals in slovakia. they were found to transfer the genetic determinants of resistance of cefotaxime, ceftazidime and aztreonam and of esbl production to suitable recipient strains of escherichia coli k-12 no. 3110 and proteus mirabilis p-38. six donor k. pneumoniae str ...19989728407
pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin after intravenous, intramuscular and oral administration in houbara bustard (chlamydotis undulata macqueenii).the in-vitro activity of enrofloxacin against 117 strains of bacteria isolated from bustards was determined. minimum inhibitory concentrations for 72% of the proteus spp., e. coli, salmonella spp. and klebsiella spp. (n = 61) and for 48% of the streptococci spp. and staphylococci spp. (n = 31) were < or = 0.5 microg/ml. the minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) of 76% of pseudomonas spp. (n = 25) was < or = 2 microg/ml. fourteen strains were resistant to concentrations > or = 128 microg/ml. the ...19989731951
bacterial isolates from california sea lions (zalophus californianus), harbor seals (phoca vitulina), and northern elephant seals (mirounga angustirostris) admitted to a rehabilitation center along the central california coast, 2 yr of bacteriologic culturing of 297 california sea lions (zalophus californianus), 154 harbor seals (phoca vitulina), and 89 northern elephant seals (mirounga angustirostris) stranded alive along the california coast, the most frequent isolates from inflammatory lesions in live animals were escherichia coli, streptococcus viridans, listeria ivanovii, beta-hemolytic streptococcus spp., and enterococcus spp. this is the first report of l. ivanovii isolation from a marine mammal. the common i ...19989732032
the serratia marcescens hemolysin is secreted but not activated by stable protoplast-type l-forms of proteus mirabilis.the outer-membrane protein shlb of serratia marcescens activates and secretes hemolytic shla into the culture medium. without shlb, inactive shla (termed shla*) remains in the periplasm. since proteus mirabilis l-form cells lack an outer membrane and a periplasm, it was of interest to determine in which compartment recombinant shla* and shlb are localized and whether shlb activates shla*. the cloned shlb and shla genes were transcribed in p. mirabilis stable l-form cells by the temperature-induc ...19989732437
activities of ll-37, a cathelin-associated antimicrobial peptide of human neutrophils.human neutrophils contain two structurally distinct types of antimicrobial peptides, beta-sheet defensins (hnp-1 to hnp-4) and the alpha-helical peptide ll-37. we used radial diffusion assays and an improved national committee for clinical laboratory standards-type broth microdilution assay to compare the antimicrobial properties of ll-37, hnp-1, and protegrin (pg-1). although generally less potent than pg-1, ll-37 showed considerable activity (mic, <10 microgram/ml) against pseudomonas aerugino ...19989736536
clinical trial of ototopical ofloxacin for treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media.a multicenter, open-label prospective trial was performed to determine the clinical and microbiologic efficacy of ofloxacin (oflx) otic solution in the treatment of subjects > or =12 years with chronic suppurative otitis media (csom) and a chronically perforated tympanic membrane in the infected ear(s). a total of 207 patients at 27 centers in the united states and central america received oflx 0.5 ml instilled ototopically twice daily for 14 consecutive days. the primary clinical end point was ...19989737834
[encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis].encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis (ecl) involving the scalp and cerebellum was observed without asymptomatic expression.19979740851
screening of 34 indian medicinal plants for antibacterial properties.a total of 34 plant species belonging to 18 different families, selected on the basis of folklore medicinal reports practised by the tribal people of western ghats, india, were assayed for antibacterial activity against escherichia coli, klebsiella aerogenes, proteus vulgaris, and pseudomonas aerogenes (gram-negative bacteria) at 1000-5000 ppm using the disc diffusion method. of these 16 plants showed activity; among them cassia fistula, terminalia arjuna and vitex negundo showed significant ant ...19989741889
acute and long-lasting changes in extracellular-matrix chondroitin-sulphate proteoglycans induced by injection of chondroitinase abc in the adult rat brain.lattice-like perineuronal accumulations of extracellular-matrix proteoglycans have been shown to develop during postnatal maturation and to persist throughout life as perineuronal nets (pns) in many brain regions. however, the dynamics of their reorganization in adults are as yet unknown. the aim of the present study was to examine the capability of pns for reconstitution after experimental destruction and to search for possible consequences of extracellular-matrix degradation for neurons and gl ...19989746136
comparative antibacterial effects of novel pelargonium essential oils and solvent extracts.the scented leaves of a number of pelargonium (geraniaceae) species and cultivars were extracted using steam distillation, petroleum spirit and methanol. the extracts were assessed for their antibacterial activity in vitro against staphylococcus aureus, proteus vulgaris, bacillus cereus and staph. epidermidis. the results indicated substantial antibacterial activity and suggested that pelargonium essential oils could be used as novel antibacterial agents. the methanolic and petroleum spirit extr ...19989750316
carbapenem-induced endotoxin release in gram-negative bacterial sepsis rat models.the carbapenem-induced endotoxin release was evaluated using experimental models of gram-negative bacterial sepsis in wistar rats. infections with escherichia coli, serratia marcescens, klebsiella pneumoniae, pseudomonas aeruginosa, proteus vulgaris and proteus mirabilis resulted in an increase of the plasma endotoxin concentration after treatment with ceftazidime and carbapenems including imipenem, panipenem, meropenem and biapenem. except for p. aeruginosa, the plasma endotoxin concentrations ...19989753002
comparative activity of piperacillin/tazobactam against clinical isolates of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing enterobacteriaceae.beta-lactam resistance on the part of the enterobacteriaceae causes serious therapeutic problems in our institutions due to their production of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (esbetals). we studied the in vitro activity of beta-lactam/beta-lactamase inhibitor combinations and third-generation cephalosporins and monobactams against 71 clinically relevant enterobacteriaceae which produced tem- and shv-derivative esbetals. of the single drugs and combinations tested, piperacillin/tazobactam prov ...19989755296
[increase in the frequency of norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin resistance of bacteria isolated from urine culture].to assess time trends in the frequency of norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin resistance of bacteria isolated from urine culture.19989755547
[the evaluation of cellular immunity in patients with allergy to pollen].the study comprised 180 patients with pollinosis, 30 patients with vasomotor rhinitis and 30 healthy male adults. the skin reactions of cellular immunity were determined by multitest cmi. the numbers of lymphocytes t and numbers of cd4 and cd8 lymphocytes were determined under influence of histamine or clemastinum and histamine or cimetidine and histamine. there were statistically significant decrease of percentage of cd8 lymphocytes in patients with pollinosis after addition of histamine. stati ...19979757694
[antibiotic sensitivity to isolated bacteria in pediatric urinary tract infections].of the childhood urinary tract infections, more than 50% are caused by escherichia coli (e coli), followed by proteus mirabilis (p mirabilis), klebsiella sp, other enterobacteria, enterococci, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and staphylococci. of e coli isolates, 50 to 60% are resistant to ampicillin (ampi-r), 10% being susceptible to amoxicillin + clavulanic acid (amc). for p mirabilis, ampi-r isolates are less frequent and more often susceptible to amc. klebsiella sp is resistant to ampicillin, 75% of ...19989759315
the effect of urease inhibitors on the encrustation of urethral catheters.encrustation and blockage of indwelling urethral catheters is primarily brought about by infection of the urinary tract by proteus mirabilis or other urease-producing species. the bacteria colonise the catheter forming a biofilm community within a polysaccharide matrix. the activity of the urease drives up the urinary ph and causes the crystallisation of calcium and magnesium phosphates in the biofilm. we have used a simple physical model of the catheterised bladder to investigate the ability of ...19989760002
structural and serological studies on a new acidic o-specific polysaccharide of proteus vulgaris o32.the following structure of the o-specific polysaccharide chain (o-antigen) of the proteus vulgaris 032 lipopolysaccharide (lps) was established by 1h-nmr and 13c-nmr spectroscopy, including two-dimensional noesy and h-detected 1h,13c heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence (hmqc) experiments: -->2)-alpha-l-rhapi-(1-->2)-alpha-l-rhapii-(1-->4)-beta-d-++ +galpa(i)-(1-->3)-beta-d-glcpnac-(1-->4)-alpha-d-galpa(ii)-(1-- >. in addition, an o-acetyl group was detected, which, most probably, is located ...19989760190
[bactericidal activity and capacity for selection of mutants resistant to imipenmen and meropenem in strains of proteus, morganella and providencia].to compare the bactericidal activity and frequency of mutation for meropenem and imipenem against proteus mirabilis, morganella morganii and providencia rettgeri.19989763741
proteus syndrome: diagnosis in adulthood.we describe a 24-year-old woman with many of the classical features of the proteus syndrome. in childhood she had undergone bilateral forefoot amputations because of massive bilateral cerebriform hypertrophy of the feet. other features include abnormally large fingers on one hand, a lymphangioma circumscriptum, an epidermal naevus, prominent venous varicosities and scattered lipomas. the disorder occurs sporadically and is thought to be secondary to a postzygotic mutation that survives by mosaic ...19989764165
gram-negative bacteria produce membrane vesicles which are capable of killing other bacteria.naturally produced membrane vesicles (mvs), isolated from 15 strains of gram-negative bacteria (citrobacter, enterobacter, escherichia, klebsiella, morganella, proteus, salmonella, and shigella strains), lysed many gram-positive (including mycobacterium) and gram-negative cultures. peptidoglycan zymograms suggested that mvs contained peptidoglycan hydrolases, and electron microscopy revealed that the murein sacculi were digested, confirming a previous modus operandi (j. l. kadurugamuwa and t. j. ...19989765585
Displaying items 10201 - 10300 of 15180