
PMID(sorted ascending)
course of trichinella spiralis intestinal phase in common vole (microtus arvalis pallas) and house mouse (mus musculus l.). 19695367755
studies on the immunological tolerance to trichinella spiralis infection in rats. 19695367756
cariometric studies of muscular fibre nuclei in white mice infected with trichinella spiralis. 19695367761
ultrastructural significances of the altered metabolism of muscle fibers infected by trichinella spiralis. 19695367762
experimental observations on the south african strain of trichinella spiralis. 19695392216
[a trichinella spiralis cyst with 9 larvae in its interior]. 19695408651
immunochemical study of the antigens of trichinella spiralis larvae. iv. purification by continuous-flow paper electrophoresis and column chromatography. 19705413001
mechanism of eosinophilia. i. factors affecting the eosinophil response of rats to trichinella spiralis.the phenomenon of eosinophilia was studied in rats using inoculation with trichinella larvae as the experimental stimulus. comparisons were made between the eosinophil response accompanying active infestation via the gastrointestinal tract and that resulting from parenteral inoculation of larvae or their products. a vigorous eosinophilia could be provoked by a single intravenous injection of intact parasites. in this circumstance the larvae lodged in the lungs causing an acute inflammatory react ...19705419271
pathophysiology of reinfection with trichinella spiralis in guinea pigs during the intestinal phase. 19705421090
structure of the esophagus of the infective juvenile and adult trichinella spiralis. 19705421091
in vivo transfer of 14c-4-cholesterol from mouse host to encapsulated trichinella spiralis larvae. 19705436259
[immunoelectromicroscopic studies on the antigenic structure of trichinella spiralis. i. antigenic activity of the t. spiralis carval cuticles]. 19705441566
a difference in the longevity and distribution of adult trichinella spiralis in two strains of laboratory mouse. 19705442080
reproductive potential and muscle distribution of trichinella spiralis in swine. 19705445385
effect of the methods of preparation on the diagnostic value of trichinella spiralis antigens. 19705447352
purification of the antigens of trichinella spiralis larvae by continuous-flow paper electrophoresis and column chromatography. 19705447353
efficacy of cambendazole against trichinella spiralis in mice. 19705459053
increased survival of swiss mice given sublethal infections of trichinella spiralis. 19705460510
decreasing prevalence of trichinella spiralis in dogs of iowa. 19705461088
a differential diagnostics of trichinella spiralis larvae during the microscopic examination of muscles of animals. 19705463147
[trichinella spiralis in the red fox (vulpes vulpes) in austria]. 19705467417
[diagnosis of a trichinella spiralis infection. (experimental results and experiences of the trichinosis epidemic in diez-lahn in the late summer of 1967)]. 19705467571
specific inhibition of morphogenesis in trichinella spiralis by insect juvenile hormone mimics. 19705475084
the effect of cambendazole on trichinella spiralis infections in mice. 19705476000
trichinella spiralis: diagnostic value of creatine kinase levels in rat and man. 19705499674
trichinella spiralis: fine structure of body wall with special reference to formation and moulting of cuticle. 19705503250
infectivity of the newborn larva of trichinella spiralis in the rat. 19705504535
studies on delayed (cellular) hypersensitivity in mice infected with trichinella spiralis. v. tests in recipients injected with donor spleen cells 1, 3, 7, 14, or 21 days before infection. 19705504536
studies on delayed (cellular) hypersensitivity in mice infected with trichinella spiralis. vi. results in recipients injected with antiserum or "freeze-thaw" spleen cells. 19705504541
studies with methyridine and trichinella spiralis. 2. the use of the drug to study the rate of larval production in mice. 19705505357
anti-trichinella spiralis activity of some 1-carbamoyl-3-methyl-2-pyrazolin-4,5-dione 4-arylhydrazones. 19715552229
output of larvae and life span of trichinella spiralis in relation to worm burden and superinfection in the mouse. 19715553445
effects on litter size and litter survival in swiss mice infected with trichinella spiralis during gestation. 19715553446
mechanism of eosinophilia. iv. the pulmonary lesion resulting from intravenous injection of trichinella spiralis. 19715560237
possible molting and maturation controls in trichinella spiralis. 19715568344
chemically mediated sexual attraction in trichinella spiralis. 19675582649
[value of various standardized antigens of trichinella spiralis evaluated by the intradermoreaction test]. 19675589817
[histochemical study of the trichinella spiralis cyst]. 19675614710
another record of trichinella spiralis in calcutta. 19675629433
fine structure of lymphocytes sensitized to trichinella spiralis antigen. 19685639701
changes in the efficacy of three anthelmintics during the maturation of a nematode (trichinella spiralis). 19685641034
the prophylactic effect of haloxon against experimental trichinella spiralis infections in rats. 19685679821
prevalence of trichinella spiralis in wild animals on two illinois swine farms. 19685689166
fecal transmission of trichinella spiralis in penned hogs. 19685690479
[experiments on the effectiveness of pyrantel tartrate against trichinella spiralis]. 19685693864
effect of immunosuppressive drugs (6-mercaptopurine and methotrexate) on resistance of chinese hamsters to the tissue phase of trichinella spiralis. 19685698690
[immunization against ascaris suum, ascaris lumbricoides and trichinella spiralis. ii. oral immunization against ascaris suum using adult ascarids, ascarid larvae stage 3 and 4, and fluid used for the preservation of adult ascarids]. 19685720329
diffusion chambers for inducing immunity to trichinella spiralis in mice. 19685726857
immunity to trichinella spiralis. 3. the longevity of the intestinal phase of the infection in mice. 19685750263
[dynamics of the pathomorphologic reaction in the muscle of swine infected with far-east natural trichinella spiralis strain]. 19685751506
comparison of digestion and xenodiagnostic techniques for recovery of trichinella spiralis. 19685757685
light infections produced in swine dosed with 5 to 100 capsulated larvae of trichinella spiralis. 19685757697
intestinal malabsorption of d-glucose in mice infected with trichinella spiralis. 19685757725
carbohydrates and lipids in trichinella spiralis larvae and their utilization in vitro. 19695764047
carbon dioxide fixation and phosphoenolpyruvate metabolism in trichinella spiralis larvae. 19695764048
the immunological response of mice infected with trichinella spiralis. biological and physico-chemical distinction of two homocytotropic antibodies. 19695770811
synthesis of radioactive trichinella spiralis larval antigen in vitro. 19695777440
trichinella spiralis: immune elimination in mice. 19695777446
[a case of lethal trichinellosis with trichinella spiralis larvae in the myocardium]. 19695790180
activity of parbendazole upon trichinella spiralis in mice. 19695790389
trichinella spiralis in the red fox (vulpes vulpes) in ireland. 19695796002
the search for trichinella spiralis in australia. 19695814652
[chronic focus of trichinella spiralis infection in the city area of poznaƄ]. 19695816770
studies on delayed (cellular) hypersensitivty in mice infected with trichinella spiralis. iv. artificial sensitization of donors. 19695822641
trichinella spiralis in mammals at mountain lake, virginia. 19695822642
trichinella spiralis in calcutta. 19655827196
[contribution to the study of experimental infection with trichinella spiralis]. 19645836091
[research on the constitution and specificity of trichinella spiralis antigens]. 19645836092
[research on the persistence of certain immunobiological reactions in trichinella spiralis infections]. 19645836093
studies with methyridine and trichinella spiralis. i. effect upon the intestinal phase in mice. 19655843284
incidence of trichinella spiralis in the polish population on the basis of post-mortem examinations. 19655843641
incidence of trichinella spiralis in some domestic and wild living animals in poland. 19655843642
[contribution to the study of the antigenic structure of trichinella spiralis larvae and experimental precipitins of rabbit]. 19655843643
comparative recoveries of adult worms from chinese and golden hamsters fed known doses of trichinella spiralis. 19655848822
absence of trichinella spiralis in brown rats (rattus norvegicus) in the philippines. 19655848827
a comparison of the infectivity and pathogenicity of trichinella spiralis strains from poland and kenya. 19655884423
[some histochemical changes in tissues of guinea-pigs infested with trichinella spiralis]. 19655895831
delayed hypersensitivity to larval antigens of trichinella spiralis. 19665910274
comparison of schistosoma mansoni, s japonicum, and trichinella spiralis antigens in skin tests on persons with schistosomiasis mansoni and haematobium. 19665917629
the intestinal phase of an experimental infection of chicks with trichinella spiralis. 19665926646
morphologic criteria for distinguishing the sex of trichinella spiralis larvae from muscle. 19665926647
electrophoretic studies of the antigen-antibody complexes of trichinella spiralis and schistosoma mansoni. 19665940328
comparative studies on geographical strains of trichinella spiralis. 19665955118
[about trichinella spiralis strains]. 19665955485
[development of trichinella spiralis larvae]. 19665955486
immunity to trichinella spiralis. i. the immunity produced by mice to the first four days of the intestinal phase of the infection. 19665962405
the fine structure of the intestine and hind gut of the larva of trichinella spiralis. 19665962407
delayed hypersensitivity to trichinella spiralis antigens in irradiated guinea pigs. 19665969114
resistance of mice injected at birth with extract of adult trichinella spiralis to subsequent infection. 19665969129
immunity to trichinella spiralis. ii. immunity produced by the adult worm in mice. 19665971587
[studies on the occurrence of trichinella spiralis in man in the netherlands]. 19665977703
vaccination against ascaris suum, ascaris lumbricoides and trichinella spiralis. i. peroral vaccination against ascaris suum, ascaris lumbricoides and trichinella spiralis with internal organs and musculature, infested with the larvae of the corresponding species. 19665987633
[on the trichinocide action of the phosphoric acid ester preparation s 1752 (bayer) on trichinella spiralis in experimentally infected mice]. 19665995373
[about strains of trichinella spiralis]. 19666005961
infections with trichinella spiralis passing from mother to filial mice pre- and post-natally. 19666006842
[study of changes in blood eosinophilia in rats experimentally infected by trichinella spiralis]. 19666013779
effect of hypothyroidism on resistance of mice to infection with trichinella spiralis. 19676017223
relationship between body weight and food and water intake in trichinella spiralis-infected guinea pigs. 19676026849
glucose malabsorption and intestinal histopathology in trichinella spiralis-infected guinea pigs. 19676026850
ferritin-conjugated antibody studies on the larvae of trichinella spiralis. 19676026852
Displaying items 901 - 1000 of 3079