Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
expression of the cameleon calcium biosensor in fungi reveals distinct ca(2+) signatures associated with polarized growth, development, and pathogenesis. | calcium is a universal messenger that translates diverse environmental stimuli and developmental cues into specific cellular and developmental responses. while individual fungal species have evolved complex and often unique biochemical and structural mechanisms to exploit specific ecological niches and to adjust growth and development in response to external stimuli, one universal feature to all is that ca(2+)-mediated signaling is involved. the lack of a robust method for imaging spatial and te ... | 2012 | 22683653 |
overexpression of wheat lipid transfer protein gene taltp5 increases resistances to cochliobolus sativus and fusarium graminearum in transgenic wheat. | the fungus cochliobolus sativus is the main pathogen of common root rot, a serious soil-borne disease of wheat (triticum aestivum l.). the fungus fusarium graminearum is the primary pathogen of fusarium head blight, a devastating disease of wheat worldwide. in this study, the wheat lipid transfer protein gene, taltp5, was cloned and evaluated for its ability to suppress disease development in transgenic wheat. taltp5 expression was induced after c. sativus infection. the taltp5 expression vector ... | 2012 | 22689341 |
the wor1-like protein fgp1 regulates pathogenicity, toxin synthesis and reproduction in the phytopathogenic fungus fusarium graminearum. | wor1 is a gene for a conserved fungal regulatory protein controlling the dimorphic switch and pathogenicity determents in candida albicans and its ortholog in the plant pathogen fusarium oxysporum, called sge1, is required for pathogenicity and expression of key plant effector proteins. f. graminearum, an important pathogen of cereals, is not known to employ switching and no effector proteins from f. graminearum have been found to date that are required for infection. in this study, the potentia ... | 2012 | 22693448 |
the amt1 arginine methyltransferase gene is important for plant infection and normal hyphal growth in fusarium graminearum. | arginine methylation of non-histone proteins by protein arginine methyltransferase (prmt) has been shown to be important for various biological processes from yeast to human. although prmt genes are well conserved in fungi, none of them have been functionally characterized in plant pathogenic ascomycetes. in this study, we identified and characterized all of the four predicted prmt genes in fusarium graminearum, the causal agent of fusarium head blight of wheat and barley. whereas deletion of th ... | 2012 | 22693618 |
functional analyses of the nitrogen regulatory gene area in gibberella zeae. | fusarium head blight caused by gibberella zeae is a prominent disease of cereal crops that poses serious human health concerns due to the contamination of grains with mycotoxins. in this study, we deleted an orthologue of area, which is a global nitrogen regulator in filamentous fungi, to characterize its functions in g. zeae. the area deletion resulted in an inability to use nitrate as a sole nitrogen source, whereas urea utilization was partially available. the virulence of δarea strains on wh ... | 2012 | 22702217 |
transcriptome analyses during fruiting body formation in fusarium graminearum and fusarium verticillioides reflect species life history and ecology. | fusarium graminearum and f. verticillioides are devastating cereal pathogens with very different life history and ecological characteristics. f. graminearum is homothallic, and sexual spores are an important component of its life cycle, responsible for disease initiation. f. verticilloides is heterothallic, and produces only modest numbers of fruiting bodies, which are not a significant source of inoculum. to identify corresponding differences in the transcriptional program underlying fruiting b ... | 2012 | 22705880 |
characterizing heterogeneity of disease incidence in a spatial hierarchy: a case study from a decade of observations of fusarium head blight of wheat. | a multilevel analysis of heterogeneity of disease incidence was conducted based on observations of fusarium head blight (caused by fusarium graminearum) in ohio during the 2002-11 growing seasons. sampling consisted of counting the number of diseased and healthy wheat spikes per 0.3 m of row at 10 sites (about 30 m apart) in a total of 67 to 159 sampled fields in 12 to 32 sampled counties per year. incidence was then determined as the proportion of diseased spikes at each site. spatial heterogen ... | 2012 | 22713079 |
fgvelb is associated with vegetative differentiation, secondary metabolism and virulence in fusarium graminearum. | the velvet complex containing vea, velb and laea has been showed to play critical roles in the regulation of secondary metabolism and diverse cellular processes in aspergillus spp. in this study, we identified fgvelb, a homolog of aspergillus nidulans velb, from fusarium graminearum using the blastp program. disruption of fgvelb gene led to several phenotypic defects, including suppression of aerial hyphae formation, reduced hyphal hydrophobicity and highly increased conidiation. the mutant show ... | 2012 | 22713714 |
characterization of the four gh12 endoxylanases from the plant pathogen fusarium graminearum. | four putative gh12 genes were found in the fusarium graminearum genome. the corresponding proteins were expressed in escherichia coli, purified, and evaluated. fgsg_05851 and fgsg_11037 displayed high activities towards xyloglucan (v(max) of 4 and 11 micronmol/min, respectively), whereas fgsg_07892 and fgsg_16349 were much less active with this substrate (0.081 and 0.004 micronmol/min, respectively). however, all four of these enzymes had a similar binding affinity for xyloglucan. xyloglucan was ... | 2012 | 22713989 |
identification, characterization and mapping of differentially expressed genes in a winter wheat cultivar (centenaire) resistant to fusarium graminearum infection. | fusarium head blight (fhb), predominantly caused by fusarium graminearum, is a destructive disease that poses a serious threat to wheat (triticum aestivum l.) production around the world. a suppression subtractive hybridization (ssh) cdna library was constructed from f. graminearum infected spikes of a resistant belgian winter wheat variety centenaire, exhibiting type ii resistance to fhb. forty-three differentially expressed transcripts were identified and classified in different categories acc ... | 2012 | 22718510 |
modelling mycotoxin formation by fusarium graminearum in maize in the netherlands. | the predominant species in maize in temperate climates is fusarium graminearum, which produces the mycotoxins deoxynivalenol and zearalenone. projected climate change is expected to affect fusarium incidence and thus the occurrence of these mycotoxins. predictive models may be helpful in determining trends in the levels of these mycotoxins with expected changing climatic conditions. the aim of this study was to develop a model describing fungal infection and subsequent growth as well as the form ... | 2012 | 22725695 |
isolactarane and sterpurane sesquiterpenoids from the basidiomycete phlebia uda. | three new sesquiterpenoids, named udasterpurenol a, udalactarane a, and udalactarane b, as well as the known compounds hyphodontal and sterpuric acid have been isolated from the basidiomycete phlebia uda. these compounds represent the first natural products described from this species. the structures were elucidated by nmr spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. udalactaranes a and b were isolated as mixtures with their respective epimeric acetals. these mixtures inhibited the spore germination of t ... | 2012 | 22746380 |
interactions of fusarium species during prepenetration development. | interspecies interactions between fusarium avenaceum, fusarium culmorum, fusarium graminearum, fusarium poae, and fusarium tricinctum were studied during early growth stages of isolates on model surfaces. additionally, germination and germ tube growth of the pathogens were studied on attached and detached wheat leaves at 10 °c and 22 °c. two-species interactions between fusarium isolates during germination and germ tube growth were assessed after 8 hours of incubation. all species except f. tric ... | 2012 | 22749170 |
cocultivation of phytopathogenic fusarium and alternaria strains affects fungal growth and mycotoxin production. | a laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the influence of cocultivation of toxigenic fusarium (f.) and alternaria (a.) fungi with respect to growth and mycotoxin production. | 2012 | 22776416 |
subcellular targeting of an evolutionarily conserved plant defensin mtdef4.2 determines the outcome of plant-pathogen interaction in transgenic arabidopsis. | the medicago truncatula gene encoding an evolutionarily conserved antifungal defensin mtdef4.2 was cloned and characterized. in silico expression analysis indicated that mtdef4.2 is expressed in many tissues during the normal growth and development of m. truncatula. mtdef4.2 exhibits potent broad-spectrum antifungal activity against various fusarium spp. transgenic arabidopsis thaliana lines in which mtdef4.2 was targeted to three different subcellular compartments were generated. these lines we ... | 2012 | 22776629 |
antifungal activity of phenyl derivative of pyranocoumarin from psoralea corylifolia l. seeds by inhibition of acetylation activity of trichothecene 3-o-acetyltransferase (tri101). | antifungal activity of petroleum ether extract of psoralea corylifolia l. seed, tested against fusarium sp. namely, fusarium oxysporum, fusarium moniliforme, and fusarium graminearum, was evaluated by agar well diffusion assay. the chromatographic fractionation of the extract yielded a new phenyl derivative of pyranocoumarin (pdp). the structure of the pdp was confirmed using spectroscopic characterization (gc-ms, ir, and nmr), and a molecular mass of m/z 414 [m-2h](+) with molecular formula c(2 ... | 2012 | 22778547 |
tri12 based quantitative real-time pcr assays reveal the distribution of trichothecene genotypes of f. graminearum and f. culmorum isolates in danish small grain cereals. | quantitative real-time pcr assays, based on polymorphisms in the tri12 gene of the trichothecene pathway, were developed to identify and quantify the trichothecene genotypes producing 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol (3adon), 15-acetyl-deoxynivalenol (15adon) or nivalenol (niv) in the fusarium graminearum species complex, fusarium culmorum, fusarium cerealis and fusarium pseudograminearum. these assays were applied on a total of 378 field samples of cereal grain of wheat, barley, triticale, rye and oats ... | 2012 | 22781579 |
sublethal concentrations of azoles induce tri transcript levels and trichothecene production in fusarium graminearum. | the effect of sublethal concentrations (below the recommended field doses) of propiconazole and tebuconazole on the amount of tri transcripts and accumulation of trichothecenes by three fusarium graminearum isolates of 3adon, 15adon, and niv chemotypes was examined on yeast extract sucrose agar (yes) medium. rt-qpcr analyses showed higher tri4, tri5, and tri11 transcript levels in cultures of all three f. graminearum isolates supplemented with sublethal concentrations of azoles as compared to th ... | 2012 | 22788662 |
mitochondrial carnitine-dependent acetyl coenzyme a transport is required for normal sexual and asexual development of the ascomycete gibberella zeae. | fungi have evolved efficient metabolic mechanisms for the exact temporal (developmental stages) and spatial (organelles) production of acetyl coenzyme a (acetyl-coa). we previously demonstrated mechanistic roles of several acetyl-coa synthetic enzymes, namely, atp citrate lyase and acetyl-coa synthetases (acss), in the plant-pathogenic fungus gibberella zeae. in this study, we characterized two carnitine acetyltransferases (cats; cat1 and cat2) to obtain a better understanding of the metabolic p ... | 2012 | 22798392 |
[diversity and antimicrobial activities of actinomycetes from pesticide-contaminated spots in shandong peninsula]. | in order to study diversity and find antimicrobial activities of actinomycetes from pesticide-contaminated spots in shandong peninsula. | 2012 | 22799208 |
characterization of novel trichoderma spp. isolates as a search for effective biocontrollers of fungal diseases of economically important crops in argentina. | monoconidial cultures of 33 isolates of trichoderma from buenos aires province, argentina were characterized on the basis of twenty eight morphological, physiological and biochemical features. all of them were screened for proteinase, endochitinase and β-1,3 glucanase activity. universally primed pcr (up-pcr) and inter-simple sequence repeat (issr) techniques were used to examine the genetic variability among isolates, which resulted in 127 bands for the total number of isolates. these results w ... | 2011 | 22805919 |
fusarium graminearum tri12p influences virulence to wheat and trichothecene accumulation. | the gene tri12 encodes a predicted major facilitator superfamily protein suggested to play a role in export of trichothecene mycotoxins produced by fusarium spp. it is unclear, however, how the tri12 protein (tri12p) may influence trichothecene sensitivity and virulence of the wheat pathogen fusarium graminearum. in this study, we establish a role for tri12 in toxin accumulation and sensitivity as well as in pathogenicity toward wheat. tri12 deletion mutants (tri12) are reduced in virulence and ... | 2012 | 22835271 |
overexpression of nrps4 leads to increased surface hydrophobicity in fusarium graminearum. | the plant pathogen fusarium graminearum is the infamous cause of fusarium head blight worldwide resulting in significant losses of yield and reduced grain feed quality. it also has the potential to produce a range of small bioactive peptides produced by the non ribosomal peptide synthetases (nrpss). most of these are unknown as f. graminearum contains 19 nrps encoding genes, but only three have been assigned products. for the first time, we use deletion and overexpression mutants to investigate ... | 2012 | 22862913 |
integrated metabolo-proteomic approach to decipher the mechanisms by which wheat qtl (fhb1) contributes to resistance against fusarium graminearum. | resistance in plants to pathogen attack can be qualitative or quantitative. for the latter, hundreds of quantitative trait loci (qtls) have been identified, but the mechanisms of resistance are largely unknown. integrated non-target metabolomics and proteomics, using high resolution hybrid mass spectrometry, were applied to identify the mechanisms of resistance governed by the fusarium head blight resistance locus, fhb1, in the near isogenic lines derived from wheat genotype nyubai. | 2012 | 22866179 |
transposition of the miniature inverted-repeat transposable element mimp1 in the wheat pathogen fusarium culmorum. | high-throughput methods are needed for functional genomics analysis in fusarium culmorum, the cause of crown and foot rot on wheat and a type b trichothecene producer. our aim was to develop and test the efficacy of a double-component system based on the ability of the impala transposase to transactivate the miniature inverted-repeat transposable element mimp1 of fusarium oxysporum. we report, for the first time, the application of a tagging system based on a heterologous transposon and of splin ... | 2012 | 22897438 |
peroxisome function is required for virulence and survival of fusarium graminearum. | peroxisomes are organelles that are involved in a number of important cellular metabolic processes, including the β-oxidation of fatty acids, biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, and detoxification of reactive oxygen species (ros). in this study, the role of peroxisomes was examined in fusarium graminearum by targeted deletion of three genes (pex5, pex6, and pex7) encoding peroxin (pex) proteins required for peroxisomal protein import. pex5 and pex7 deletion mutants were unable to localize the ... | 2012 | 22913493 |
transgenic arabidopsis thaliana expressing a barley udp-glucosyltransferase exhibit resistance to the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol. | fusarium head blight (fhb), caused by fusarium graminearum, is a devastating disease of small grain cereal crops. fhb causes yield reductions and contamination of grain with trichothecene mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol (don). don inhibits protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells and acts as a virulence factor during fungal pathogenesis, therefore resistance to don is considered an important component of resistance against fhb. one mechanism of resistance to don is conversion of don to don-3-o-gl ... | 2012 | 22922639 |
involvement of fgerg4 in ergosterol biosynthesis, vegetative differentiation and virulence in fusarium graminearum. | the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway is well understood in saccharomyces cerevisiae, but currently little is known about the pathway in plant-pathogenic fungi. in this study, we characterized the fusarium graminearum fgerg4 gene encoding sterol c-24 reductase, which catalyses the conversion of ergosta-5,7,22,24-tetraenol to ergosterol in the final step of ergosterol biosynthesis. the fgerg4 deletion mutant δfgerg4-2 failed to synthesize ergosterol. the mutant exhibited a significant decrease in m ... | 2013 | 22947191 |
a conidiation-related gene is highly expressed at the resting urediospore stage in puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. | the production and germination of asexual spores in a diverse group of fungi play a crucial role in their infection cycles. these processes are regulated by a set of genes, namely, conidiation-related genes, involved in the production, morphological characteristics, and differentiation of conidia. in this study, we identified and characterized the pscon1 gene, which is the first conidiation-related gene identified in puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (pst). sequence analysis revealed that psco ... | 2013 | 22961642 |
genetic diversity and mating types of fusarium culmorum and fusarium graminearum originating from different agro-ecological regions in turkey. | fusarium culmorum and f. graminearum are the major pathogens for dryland root/foot-rot and head-blight diseases in economically important grain crops. this study was aimed at the molecular characterization of fusarium spp. isolates, which have been collected from cereal fields in three agro-ecological regions in turkey. genetic diversity has been analyzed by generating rflp markers from the intergenic spacer (igs) region of ribosomal rna. the selection of restriction enzymes for igs-rflp studies ... | 2013 | 22961691 |
functional analyses of individual mating-type transcripts at mat loci in fusarium graminearum and fusarium asiaticum. | members of the fusarium graminearum species (fg) complex, which are homothallic ascomycetous species, carry two opposite mating-type (mat) loci in a single nucleus for controlling sexual development. we investigated the roles of three (mat1-1-1, mat1-1-2, and mat1-1-3) and two (mat1-2-1 and mat1-2-3) transcripts located at both loci in representative fg complex species (f. graminearum and fusarium asiaticum). in self-fertile f. graminearum strains, the transcript levels of mat1-1-1, mat1-2-1, an ... | 2012 | 22998651 |
blue light (470 nm) effectively inhibits bacterial and fungal growth. | blue light (470 nm) led antimicrobial properties were studied alone against bacteria and with or without the food grade photosensitizer, erythrosine (ery) against filamentous fungi. leuconostoc mesenteroides (lm), bacillus atrophaeus (ba) or pseudomonas aeruginosa (pa) aliquots were exposed on nutrient agar plates to array 1 (ar1, 0·2 mw cm(-2)) or array 2 (ar2, 80 mw cm(-2)), which emitted impure or pure blue light (0-300 j cm(-2)), respectively. inoculated control (room light only) plates were ... | 2012 | 23009190 |
α-fucosidases with different substrate specificities from two species of fusarium. | two fungal-secreted α-fucosidases and their genes were characterized. fofco1 was purified from culture filtrates of fusarium oxysporum strain 0685 grown on l-fucose and its encoding gene identified in the sequenced genome of strain 4287. fofco1 was active on p-nitrophenyl-α-fucoside (pnp-fuc), but did not defucosylate a nonasaccharide (xxfg) fragment of pea xyloglucan. a putative α-fucosidase gene (fgfco1) from fusarium graminearum was expressed in pichia pastoris. fgfco1 was ~1,800 times less a ... | 2013 | 23011349 |
chlorogenic acid and maize ear rot resistance: a dynamic study investigating fusarium graminearum development, deoxynivalenol production, and phenolic acid accumulation. | fusarium graminearum is the causal agent of gibberella ear rot and produces trichothecene mycotoxins. basic questions remain unanswered regarding the kernel stages associated with trichothecene biosynthesis and the kernel metabolites potentially involved in the regulation of trichothecene production in planta. in a two-year field study, f. graminearum growth, trichothecene accumulation, and phenolic acid composition were monitored in developing maize kernels of a susceptible and a moderately res ... | 2012 | 23035912 |
aflatoxins, fumonisins, and trichothecenes: a convergence of knowledge. | plant pathogenic fungi aspergillus flavus, fusarium verticillioides, and fusarium graminearum infect seeds of the most important food and feed crops, including maize, wheat, and barley. more importantly, these fungi produce aflatoxins, fumonisins, and trichothecenes, respectively, which threaten health and food security worldwide. in this review, we examine the molecular mechanisms and environmental factors that regulate mycotoxin biosynthesis in each fungus, and discuss the similarities and dif ... | 2013 | 23078349 |
the defense response in arabidopsis thaliana against fusarium sporotrichioides. | 2012 | 23110430 | |
mycotoxins in the environment: ii. occurrence and origin in swiss river waters. | thirty-three different mycotoxins were surveyed over nearly two years in a typical swiss wastewater treatment plant (wwtp), as well as in swiss midland rivers. out of these, 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol, deoxynivalenol (don), nivalenol (niv), and beauvericin (bea), were detected. don was quantified in all wwtp effluent grab samples with a maximum concentration of 73.4 ng/l, while the lowest concentration was observed for bea with 1.3 ng/l. niv was detected in about 37%, the other three compounds in 9 ... | 2012 | 23148526 |
c-fos immunoreactivity in the pig brain following deoxynivalenol intoxication: focus on nucb2/nesfatin-1 expressing neurons. | deoxynivalenol (don), produced by the cereal-contaminating fusarium fungi, is a major trichothecene responsible for mycotoxicoses in farm animals, including swine. the main effect of don-intoxication is food intake reduction and the consequent body weight loss. the present study aimed to identify brain structures activated during don intoxication in pigs. to this goal, we used c-fos staining which constitutes a useful approach to identify activated neurons. we showed that per os administration o ... | 2013 | 23164930 |
the fghog1 pathway regulates hyphal growth, stress responses, and plant infection in fusarium graminearum. | fusarium head blight (fhb) caused by fusarium graminearum is a destructive disease of wheat and barley worldwide. in a previous study of systematic characterization of protein kinase genes in f. graminearum, mutants of three putative components of the osmoregulation map kinase pathway were found to have distinct colony morphology and hyphal growth defects on pda plates. because the osmoregulation pathway is not known to regulate aerial hyphal growth and branching, in this study we further charac ... | 2012 | 23166686 |
2d difference gel electrophoresis reference map of a fusarium graminearum nivalenol producing strain. | fusarium graminearum is widely studied as a model for toxin production among plant pathogenic fungi. a 2d dige reference map for the nivalenol-producing strain 453 was established. based on a whole protein extract, all reproducible spots were systematically picked and analyzed by maldi-tof/tof, leading to the identification of 1102 protein species. the obtained map contributes to the annotation of the genome by identifying previously nondescribed hypothetical proteins and will serve as a referen ... | 2013 | 23172383 |
synthesis and antifungal activity of n-(substituted pyridinyl)-1-methyl(phenyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1h-pyrazole-4-carboxamide derivatives. | a series of n-(substituted pyridinyl)-1-methyl(phenyl)-3-trifluoromethyl-1h-pyrazole-4-carboxamide derivatives were synthesized. all target compounds were characterized by spectral data (¹h-nmr, ¹³c-nmr, ir, ms) and elemental analysis and were bioassayed in vitro against three kinds of phytopathogenic fungi (gibberella zeae, fusarium oxysporum, cytospora mandshurica). the results showed that some of the synthesized n-(substituted pyridinyl)-1-methyl-3-trifluoromethyl-1h-pyrazole-4-carboxamides e ... | 2012 | 23201640 |
factors influencing deoxynivalenol accumulation in small grain cereals. | deoxynivalenol (don) is a mycotoxin produced by the plant pathogenic fungi fusarium graminearum and f. culmorum. these and other closely related fungi cause a disease known as fusarium head blight (fhb) in small grain cereals. other mycotoxins produced by fhb-causing fungi include nivalenol, t-2 toxin, and zearalenone. ingestion of mycotoxin-contaminated food and feed can lead to toxicosis in humans and animals, respectively. don is the predominant and most economically important of these mycoto ... | 2012 | 23202310 |
identification of novel qtl for resistance to fusarium head blight in a tetraploid wheat population. | most tetraploid durum wheat (triticum turgidum l var. durum) cultivars are susceptible to fusarium head blight (fhb). this study reports novel quantitative trait loci (qtl) associated with fhb resistance. a backcross recombinant inbred line (bcril) population was developed from the cross bgrc3487/2*dt735, and 160 lines were evaluated for resistance to fusarium graminearum schwabe (teleomorph gibberella zeae (schwein. petch) in field trials over 3 years (2008-2010) and to a f. graminearum 3-acety ... | 2012 | 23231604 |
antifungal screening of endophytic fungi from ginkgo biloba for discovery of potent anti-phytopathogenic fungicides. | many endophytic fungi have been found to synthesize bioactive compounds to defend host plants against pathogenic organisms. here we performed anti-fungal bioassay of 80 endophytic fungi isolated from ginkgo biloba. fifteen endophytes were active against at least one of the selected fungi, fusarium graminearum, sclerotinia sclerotiorum and phytophthora capsici, using the agar diffusion method. the most bioactive strain cdw7 was identified as chaetomium globosum by microscopic examination and its ... | 2013 | 23240805 |
fusarium graminearum infection and deoxynivalenol concentrations during development of wheat spikes. | fusarium head blight (fhb) affects whole spikes of small grain plants, yet little is known about how fhb develops following infection, or about the concentration or progression of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (don) in non-grain spike tissues. fusarium mycotoxin levels in whole small-grain spikes are of concern to producers of whole-crop silage, as well as users of straw containing chaff for animal bedding or winter livestock rations. a 2-year field experiment was performed in kinston, nc to reve ... | 2013 | 23252971 |
in planta stage-specific fungal gene profiling elucidates the molecular strategies of fusarium graminearum growing inside wheat coleoptiles. | the ascomycete fusarium graminearum is a destructive fungal pathogen of wheat (triticum aestivum). to better understand how this pathogen proliferates within the host plant, we tracked pathogen growth inside wheat coleoptiles and then examined pathogen gene expression inside wheat coleoptiles at 16, 40, and 64 h after inoculation (hai) using laser capture microdissection and microarray analysis. we identified 344 genes that were preferentially expressed during invasive growth in planta. gene exp ... | 2012 | 23266949 |
multiplex real-time pcr method for detection and quantification of mycotoxigenic fungi belonging to three different genera. | cereal crop plants are colonized by many fungal species such as aspergillus ochraceus and penicillium verrucosum, which produce ochratoxins, and fusarium graminearum, which produces trichothecene mycotoxins. a multiplex real-time pcr method using taqman probes was developed to simultaneously detect and quantify these mycotoxigenic fusarium, penicillium and aspergillus species in cereal grains. primers and probes used in this method were designed targeting the trichothecene synthase (tri5) gene i ... | 2012 | 23278665 |
production of fusarielins by fusarium. | fusarielins constitute a relative unexplored group of secondary metabolites, which have been isolated mainly from unidentified aspergillus and fusarium strains. in the present study we show that the ability to produce fusarielins is restricted to a few fusarium species. among the 15 analyzed species fusarielins were identified only in extracts from fusarium graminearum and fusarium tricinctum. the influence of different carbon sources on fusarielin biosynthesis was examined and the results showe ... | 2012 | 23290226 |
loop-mediated isothermal amplification-based detection of fusarium graminearum. | molecular biological detection and quantification of fungal dna targets today relies mainly on the -application of the polymerase chain reaction (pcr). however, this well-recognized technique necessitates the use of highly purified dna, in a well-equipped lab environment by trained personnel. the method has therefore considerable restrictions when it comes to on-site testing applications for phytopathogenic, mycotoxigenic, and medically relevant fungi and yeasts. as opposed to pcr, molecular bio ... | 2013 | 23296895 |
genome-wide transcriptional responses of fusarium graminearum to plant cell wall substrates. | we report a genome-wide transcriptomic study of fusarium graminearum grown on four different substrates based on plant cell wall components. about 5% of the genes were differentially expressed in at least one condition. analysis of upregulated cell wall-degrading enzymes highlights a sharp growth medium-specific adaptation process. in particular, the nature of the polysaccharides available for fungal growth induced a specific transcriptional response aiming at the targeted enzymatic degradation ... | 2013 | 23311999 |
a new di-o-prenylated flavone from an actinomycete streptomyces sp. ma-12. | a new di-o-prenylated flavone, named 7,3'-di-(γ,γ-dimethylallyloxy)-5-hydroxy-4'-methoxyflavone (1), was isolated from the culture broth of the endophytic actinomycete streptomyces sp. ma-12 isolated from the root of the semi-mangrove plant myoporum bontioides a. gray. the structure of 1 was determined by comprehensive spectroscopic methods, including 1d and 2d nmr experiments (cosy, hmqc, and hmbc). primary bioassays showed that 1 at concentration of 0.25 mm had moderate inhibitory activity aga ... | 2013 | 23323861 |
rna-seq analysis reveals new gene models and alternative splicing in the fungal pathogen fusarium graminearum. | the genome of fusarium graminearum has been sequenced and annotated previously, but correct gene annotation remains a challenge. in addition, posttranscriptional regulations, such as alternative splicing and rna editing, are poorly understood in f. graminearum. here we took advantage of rna-seq to improve gene annotations and to identify alternative splicing and rna editing in f. graminearum. | 2013 | 23324402 |
cystathionine gamma-synthase is essential for methionine biosynthesis in fusarium graminearum. | methionine (met) plays an important role in various cellular processes in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. cystathionine gamma-synthase encoded by str2 gene is a key enzyme in met biosynthesis in saccharomyces cerevisiae. in this study, we identified fgmetb, a homologue of s. cerevisiae str2, from fusarium graminearum using the protein basic local alignment search tool (blastp) program. the fgmetb deletion mutants were unable to grow on fructose gelatin agar (fga) medium containing so(4)(2-) as ... | 2012 | 23332829 |
hydroxylation of lithocholic acid by selected actinobacteria and filamentous fungi. | selected actinobacteria and filamentous fungi of different taxonomy were screened for the ability to carry out regio- and stereospecific hydroxylation of lithocholic acid (lca) at position 7β. the production of ursodeoxycholic acid (udca) was for the first time shown for the fungal strains of bipolaris, gibberella, cunninghamella and curvularia, as well as for isolated actinobacterial strains of pseudonocardia, saccharothrix, amycolatopsis, lentzea, saccharopolyspora and nocardia genera. along w ... | 2013 | 23333587 |
in vitro study on the effect of saccharomyces cerevisiae strains on growth and mycotoxin production by aspergillus carbonarius and fusarium graminearum. | the effect of saccharomyces cerevisiae rc008 and rc016 strains, previously selected based on their aflatoxin b₁ mycotoxin binding ability and beneficial properties, against aspergillus carbonarius and fusarium graminearum under different interacting environmental conditions was evaluated. in vitro studies on the lag phase, growth rate and ochratoxin a/zearalenone and don production were carried out under different regimens of a(w) (0.95 and 0.99); ph (4 and 6); temperature (25 and 37 °c) and oxy ... | 2012 | 23334096 |
effect of essential oil from fresh leaves of ocimum gratissimum l. on mycoflora during storage of peanuts in benin. | the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of essential oil from fresh leaves of sweet fennel (ocimum gratissimum) on mycoflora and aspergillus section flavi populations in stored peanuts. aspergillus, fusarium and mucor spp. were the most common genera identified from peanuts at post-harvest in benin by using a taxonomic schemes primarily based on morphological characters of mycelium and conidia. the isolated fungi include aspergillus niger, a. parasiticus, a. flavus, a. ochraceus, fusari ... | 2012 | 23334722 |
a fusarium graminearum xylanase expressed during wheat infection is a necrotizing factor but is not essential for virulence. | fusarium graminearum is the fungal pathogen mainly responsible for fusarium head blight (fhb) of cereal crops, which attacks wheat spikes, reducing crop production and quality of grain by producing trichothecene mycotoxins. several cytohistological studies showed that spike infection is associated with the production of cell wall degrading enzymes. wheat tissue, as in other commelinoid monocot plants, is particularly rich in xylan which can be hydrolyzed by fungal endo-1,4-β-xylanase. the fg_036 ... | 2013 | 23337356 |
complexation of copper(ii) with chitosan nanogels: toward control of microbial growth. | pure chitosan nanogels were produced, used to adsorb copper(ii), and their antimicrobial activities were assessed. the complexation of copper(ii) with chitosan solutions and dispersions was studied using uv-vis spectrometry. the adsorption capacity of chitosan nanogels was comparable to that of chitosan solutions, but copper(ii)-loaded nanogels were more stable (i.e. no flocculation was observed while chitosan solutions showed macroscopic gelation at high copper concentration) and were easier to ... | 2012 | 23399164 |
synthesis, antifungal and antibacterial activity for novel amide derivatives containing a triazole moiety. | plant fungi (e.g., pellicularia sasakii, gibberella zeae, fusarium oxysporum, and cytospora mandshurica and phytophthora infestans) and bacteria (e.g., ralstonia solanacearum) are extremely difficult to manage in agricultural production. the high incidence of plant mortality and the lack of effective control methods make p. sasakii and r. solanacearum two of the world's most destructive plant pathogens. pathogenic fungi and bacteria are responsible for billions of dollars in economic losses worl ... | 2013 | 23402603 |
fine-scale heterogeneity in crossover rate in the garnet-scalloped region of the drosophila melanogaster x chromosome. | homologous recombination affects myriad aspects of genome evolution, from standing levels of nucleotide diversity to the efficacy of natural selection. rates of crossing over show marked variability at all scales surveyed, including species-, population-, and individual-level differences. even within genomes, crossovers are nonrandomly distributed in a wide diversity of taxa. although intra- and intergenomic heterogeneities in crossover distribution have been documented in drosophila, the scale ... | 2013 | 23410829 |
trichothecene genotypes of fusarium graminearum from wheat in uruguay. | gibberella zeae (schwein.) petch (anamorph f. graminearum schwabe) is the primary causal agent of fhb of wheat in uruguay. in the last decade, f. graminearum has produced destructive epidemics on wheat in uruguay, causing yield losses and price discounts due to reduced seed quality. strains of f. graminearum clade usually express one of three strain-specific profiles of trichothecene metabolites: nivalenol and its acetylated derivatives (niv chemotype), deoxynivalenol and 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol ... | 2013 | 23414559 |
serum cation profile of broilers at various stages of exposure to deoxynivalenol. | the present experiment was carried out to investigate if levels of serum cations in broilers are modulated differently at various stages of exposure to deoxynivalenol (don). male broiler chicks at 7 days of age were fed a basal diet (0.27 mg of don; 0.01 mg of zearalenone/kg), or either a low don diet (1.68 mg of don; 0.15 mg of zearalenone/kg) or a high don diet (12.21 mg of don; 1.09 mg of zearalenone/kg) produced using extracts from fusarium graminearum cultures. blood samples from the birds ... | 2013 | 23430398 |
selection of lactic acid bacteria to promote an efficient silage fermentation capable of inhibiting the activity of aspergillus parasiticus and fusarium gramineraum and mycotoxin production. | to select lactic acid bacteria with potential silage inoculant properties. the bio-control activity against mycotoxicogenic fungi and the presence of antibiotics resistance gene were also evaluated. | 2013 | 23437822 |
isolation and characterization of new p-terphenyls with antifungal, antibacterial, and antioxidant activities from halophilic actinomycete nocardiopsis gilva yim 90087. | a new p-terphenyl 1 and a novel p-terphenyl derivative 3 bearing a benzothiazole moiety were isolated from halophilic actinomycete nocardiopsis gilva yim 90087, along with known p-terphenyl 2, antibiotic novobiocin 4, cyclodipeptides 5-13, and aromatic acids 14 and 15. their structures were elucidated on the basis of the interpretation of spectral data and by comparison of the corresponding data with those reported previously. the p-terphenyl 1 showed antifungal activity against the three pathog ... | 2013 | 23441911 |
characterization of the sterol 14α-demethylases of fusarium graminearum identifies a novel genus-specific cyp51 function. | cyp51 encodes the cytochrome p450 sterol 14α-demethylase, an enzyme essential for sterol biosynthesis and the target of azole fungicides. in fusarium species, including pathogens of humans and plants, three cyp51 paralogues have been identified with one unique to the genus. currently, the functions of these three genes and the rationale for their conservation within the genus fusarium are unknown. three fusarium graminearum cyp51s (fgcyp51s) were heterologously expressed in saccharomyces cerevis ... | 2013 | 23442154 |
fusarium graminearum and its interactions with cereal heads: studies in the proteomics era. | the ascomycete fungal pathogen fusarium graminearum (teleomorph stage: gibberella zeae) is the causal agent of fusarium head blight in wheat and barley. this disease leads to significant losses of crop yield, and especially quality through the contamination by diverse fungal mycotoxins, which constitute a significant threat to the health of humans and animals. in recent years, high-throughput proteomics, aiming at identifying a broad spectrum of proteins with a potential role in the pathogenicit ... | 2013 | 23450732 |
whole genome association mapping of fusarium head blight resistance in european winter wheat (triticum aestivum l.). | a total of 358 recent european winter wheat varieties plus 14 spring wheat varieties were evaluated for resistance to fusarium head blight (fhb) caused by fusarium graminearum and fusarium culmorum in four separate environments. the fhb scores based on fhb incidence (type i resistance)×fhb severity (type ii resistance) indicated a wide phenotypic variation of the varieties with blue (best linear unbiased estimation) values ranging from 0.07 to 33.67. genotyping with 732 microsatellite markers re ... | 2013 | 23451238 |
extracellular β-fructofuranosidase from fusarium graminearum: stability of the spray-dried enzyme in the presence of different carbohydrates. | microbial enzymes have been used for various biotechnological applications; however, enzyme stabilization remains a challenge for industries and needs to be considered. this study describes the effects of spray-drying conditions on the activity and stability of β-fructofuranosidase from fusarium graminearum. the extracellular enzyme β-fructofuranosidase was spray dried in the presence of stabilizers, including starch (capsul) (sc), microcrystalline cellulose (mc), trehalose (tr), lactose (lc) an ... | 2013 | 23489014 |
insight into mycoviruses infecting fusarium species. | most of the major fungal families including plant-pathogenic fungi, yeasts, and mushrooms are infected by mycoviruses, and many double-stranded rna (dsrna) mycoviruses have been recently identified from diverse plant-pathogenic fusarium species. the frequency of occurrence of dsrnas is high in fusarium poae but low in other fusarium species. most fusarium mycoviruses do not cause any morphological changes in the host but some mycoviruses like fusarium graminearum virus 1 (fgv1) cause hypovirulen ... | 2013 | 23498910 |
a novel virus in the family hypoviridae from the plant pathogenic fungus fusarium graminearum. | a double-stranded (ds) rna element, sized at approximately 13 kb pairs, was purified from a field isolate, hn10, of fusarium graminearum. the coding strand of the dsrna was 13,023 nucleotides (nt) long (excluding the 3' poly(a) tail) and was predicted to contain two discontiguous open reading frames (orf a and orf b). the 5' proximal orf a of 531 nt encoded a protein of 176 amino acids (aa), and a blast search showed it to be similar to the putative papain-like protease domains encoded by valsa ... | 2013 | 23499998 |
type ii myosin gene in fusarium graminearum is required for septation, development, mycotoxin biosynthesis and pathogenicity. | type ii myosin is required for cytokinesis/septation in yeast and filamentous fungi, including fusarium graminearum, a prevalent cause of fusarium head blight in china. a type ii myosin gene from the chinese f. graminearum strain 5035, isolated from infected wheat spikes, was identified by screening a mutant library generated by restriction enzyme-mediated integration. disruption of the myo2 gene reduced mycelial growth by 50% and conidiation by 76-fold, and abolished sexual reproduction on whea ... | 2013 | 23507542 |
comparative secretome analysis of fusarium graminearum and two of its non-pathogenic mutants upon deoxynivalenol induction in vitro. | to understand early events in plant-pathogen interactions, it is necessary to explore the pathogen secretome to identify secreted proteins that help orchestrate pathology. the secretome can be obtained from pathogens grown in vitro, and then characterized using standard proteomic approaches based on protein extraction and subsequent identification of tryptic peptides by lc-ms. a subset of the secretome is composed of proteins whose presence is required to initiate infection and their removal fro ... | 2013 | 23512867 |
aggressiveness of fusarium species and impact of root infection on growth and yield of soybeans. | fusarium spp. are commonly isolated from soybean roots but the pathogenic activity of most species is poorly documented. aggressiveness and yield impact of nine species of fusarium were determined on soybean in greenhouse (50 isolates) and field microplot (19 isolates) experiments. root rot severity and shoot and root dry weights were compared at growth stages v3 or r1. root systems were scanned and digital image analysis was conducted; yield was measured in microplots. disease severity and root ... | 2013 | 23514263 |
transcriptome-based discovery of pathways and genes related to resistance against fusarium head blight in wheat landrace wangshuibai. | fusarium head blight (fhb), caused mainly by fusarium graminearum (fg) schwabe (teleomorph: gibberellazeae schwble), brings serious damage to wheat production. chinese wheat landrace wangshuibai is one of the most important resistance sources in the world. the knowledge of mechanism underlying its resistance to fhb is still limited. | 2013 | 23514540 |
permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 december 2012-31 january 2013. | this article documents the addition of 268 microsatellite marker loci to the molecular ecology resources database. loci were developed for the following species: alburnoides bipunctatus, chamaerops humilis, chlidonias hybrida, cyperus papyrus, fusarium graminearum, loxigilla barbadensis, macrobrachium rosenbergii, odontesthes bonariensis, pelteobagrus vachelli, posidonia oceanica, potamotrygon motoro, rhamdia quelen, sarotherodon melanotheron heudelotii, sibiraea angustata, takifugu rubripes, ta ... | 2013 | 23521844 |
functional analysis of the β2 -tubulin gene of fusarium graminearum and the β-tubulin gene of botrytis cinerea by homologous replacement. | resistance to carbendazim and other benzimidazole fungicides in botrytis cinerea and most other fungi is usually conferred by one or several allelic mutations in the β-tubulin. carbendazim resistance in fusarium graminearum, however, differs from that in b. cinerea and other fungi in that f. graminearum has two β-tubulins (fgtub1 and fgtub2) rather than one, and the resistance is conferred by mutations in the β2 -tubulin. in a previous study, the β1 -tubulin of f. graminearum (fgtub1) was replac ... | 2013 | 23529820 |
genomic predictability of interconnected biparental maize populations. | intense structuring of plant breeding populations challenges the design of the training set (ts) in genomic selection (gs). an important open question is how the ts should be constructed from multiple related or unrelated small biparental families to predict progeny from individual crosses. here, we used a set of five interconnected maize (zea mays l.) populations of doubled-haploid (dh) lines derived from four parents to systematically investigate how the composition of the ts affects the predi ... | 2013 | 23535384 |
functional characterization of two clusters of brachypodium distachyon udp-glycosyltransferases encoding putative deoxynivalenol detoxification genes. | plant small-molecule udp-glycosyltransferases (ugt) glycosylate a vast number of endogenous substances but also act in detoxification of metabolites produced by plant-pathogenic microorganisms. the ability to inactivate the fusarium graminearum mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (don) into don-3-o-glucoside is crucial for resistance of cereals. we analyzed the ugt gene family of the monocot model species brachypodium distachyon and functionally characterized two gene clusters containing putative orthologs ... | 2013 | 23550529 |
reconstruction of the biosynthetic pathway for the core fungal polyketide scaffold rubrofusarin in saccharomyces cerevisiae. | fungal polyketides include commercially important pharmaceuticals and food additives, e.g. the cholesterol-lowering statins and the red and orange monascus pigments. presently, production relies on isolation of the compounds from the natural producers, and systems for heterologous production in easily fermentable and genetically engineerable organisms, such as saccharomyces cerevisiae and escherichia coli are desirable. rubrofusarin is an orange polyketide pigment that is a common intermediate i ... | 2013 | 23557488 |
4-methyl-7-hydroxycoumarin antifungal and antioxidant activity enhancement by substitution with thiosemicarbazide and thiazolidinone moieties. | according to literature data, thiosemicarbazide and thiazolidinone moieties should enhance biological properties of coumarin. antioxidant, metal-chelating and antifungal activities of all compounds were investigated and compared to the activity of the starting material, 7-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin, and were proven to possess potent antioxidant and antifungal activity. in general, thiosemicarbazides showed higher scavenging activity towards dpph and galvinoxyl radicals than did 4-thiazolidinones a ... | 2013 | 23561135 |
synthesis and antifungal activities of novel nicotinamide derivatives containing 1,3,4-oxadiazole. | pant diseases in agriculture are extremely difficult to control, which bring about for billions of dollars in economic losses worldwide each year; nicotinamide derivatives has attracted more and more attention in the field of pesticide due to their broad bioactivities. in an effort to discover new molecules with good antifungal activity, a series of nicotinamide derivatives containing 1,3,4-oxadiazole were synthesized and bio-assayed. | 2013 | 23561596 |
sanitary factors and mycotoxin contamination in the argentinian wheat crop 1993/94. | in argentina, due to climatic conditions, fusarium head blight (fhb) caused by fusarium graminearum, affected the 1993/94 wheat crop. to evaluate the severity of this disease, samples of wheat where gathered from four zones of the wheat area. sanitary conditions and mycotoxin contamination were determined. one zone (iin) was intensely affected by fhb with 90% of samples in grade iii (bad quality). no samples were grade i (good quality). the other zones were less affected falling into grade i or ... | 1997 | 23604824 |
pathogenicity of fusarium graminearum schwabe isolates from poland towards seedlings of cereal species. | ten isolates offusarium graminearum schwabe originating from diseased cereal plants and kernels were tested for pathogenicity to various cultivars of wheat, rye, triticale and oats. the isolates varied greatly in their pathogenicity to the seedlings of the species, and were most pathogenic to rye and triticale, less pathogenic to barley and wheat and least pathogenic to oats. | 1987 | 23605008 |
influence of water activity on deoxynivalenol accumulation in wheat. | the influence of water activity (aw) on deoxynivalenol accumulation in wheat at 25°c was studied. gnotobiotic grains were conditioned at different aw levels, inoculated with a toxigenic fusarium graminearum strain, and incubated for ten weeks. the highest accumulation of deoxynivalenol (1130 ug/kg) was detected at aw 0.980. at aw 0.945 and 0.925 the maximum quantities of toxin accumulated were 113 ug/kg and 93 ug/kg respectively. deoxynivalenol was not detected in the substrate at aw 0.900. resu ... | 1999 | 23605122 |
production of fusarenon-x, nivalenol, and zearalenone by gibberella zeae isolates, and their toxicity in fibroblasts and rats. | three isolates ofgibberella zeae, the perfect stage offusarium graminearum, were isolated from ground corn cultures obtained from taiwan in 1985 and identified asgibberella zeae l-1, g. zeae i-5, andg. zeae l-7. the isolates were grown on a solid rice medium and extracts prepared with 75% aqueous methanol. the extracts were examined for toxicity in the following systems: (1) cytotoxicity to cultured normal human diploid skin fibroblasts and mouse fibroblasts; and (2) toxicity to rats of unextrac ... | 1988 | 23605160 |
fungi associated with rice at entre rios province, argentina. toxigenic capacity offusarium graminearum andmicrodochium nivale isolates. | a mycological survey was carried out on rice samples harvested in 1997 and 1998 from entre ríos province, belonging to the main production area of argentina. the relative density and isolation frequency of the prevalent fungi were statistically compared between locations and harvest seasons. the genusalternaria was the most prevalent component of the internal seedborne mycoflora in the two harvest seasons. fungi belonging to the generaphoma, fusarium, microdochium, penicillium andaspergillus wer ... | 2001 | 23605679 |
on-farm experiments over 5 years in a grain maize/winter wheat rotation: effect of maize residue treatments on fusarium graminearum infection and deoxynivalenol contamination in wheat. | over the course of 5 years, different maize residue treatments were conducted on 14 zero tillage on-farm sites in switzerland to evaluate their effect on the development of fusarium head blight (fhb) and the contamination with the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (don) in winter wheat grains and wheat straw following grain maize. two experimental series with three and five different treatments were carried out, respectively. fusarium graminearum (schwabe) was the predominant fhb-causing species with an ... | 2011 | 23605700 |
molecular mechanisms of deoxynivalenol resistance in the yeastsaccharomyces cerevisiae. | the production of trichothecene toxins is a suspected virulence mechanism of several plant pathogenic fungi. this hypothesis has been confirmed forgibberella zeae (fusarium graminearum) by gene disruption experiments, suggesting in turn, that resistance against the fungal toxin is a relevant component offusarium resistance of the host plant. our goal is therefore to identify molecular mechanisms of trichothecene resistance. using yeast as a model system we have found the following resistance mec ... | 2001 | 23605752 |
analysis of double-stranded rna and virus-like particles in trichothecene-producing strains offusarium graminearum. | double-stranded rnas (dsrnas) have been found in two isolates of the plant pathogenic fungus fusarium graminearum which produce trichothecene mycotoxins. the isolates 8.2 and 19.2 had dsrnas in the size of about 2.0 kb and 6.0 kb, respectively, which were associated with capsid proteins and persisted within the cytoplasm of the infected host cells as encapsidated virus-like particles (vlps). the dsrnas contained in the vlp pellets were the same size as the dsrna isolated in total nucleic acid pr ... | 2001 | 23605755 |
impact of aggressiveness of fusarium graminearum and f. culmorum isolates on yield parameters and mycotoxin production in wheat. | plant-associated isolates from fusarium graminearum and f. culmorum were inoculated on wheat in field experiments in 2007 and 2008 to ascertain their influence on fungal colonization of the ears, as well as mycotoxin contamination (deoxynivalenol, don; nivalenol, niv; zearalenone, zea) and yield parameters in the mature crop after inoculation with or without irrigation. the isolates were assigned to four different groups of aggressiveness on the basis of pathogenic symptom development and mycoto ... | 2011 | 23605800 |
transcript profiling of the phytotoxic response of wheat to the fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol. | deoxynivalenol (don) is a trichothecene mycotoxin commonly produced by fusarium graminearum and f. culmorum during infection of cereal plants, such as wheat and barley. this toxin is a fungal virulence factor that facilitates the development of fusarium head blight (fhb) disease. wheat cultivar (cv.) remus is susceptible to don; the toxin causes premature bleaching of spikelets and inhibits root growth. this study used custom-made wheat cdna arrays to analyse the effect of don on the transcripto ... | 2011 | 23605803 |
biosynthesis, isolation, purification and seperation of zearalenone, deoxynivalenol and 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol. | fusarium graminearum kf-376 isolate was found to be able to form simultaneously three toxic metabolites: zearalenone (ff-2), deoxynivalenol (don) and 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (15-acdon). toxins were extracted with methanol - water 3:1 (v/v) and purified by liquid chromatography on charcoal - kieselgel 60 column (preliminary) and aluminiumoxid 90 column. final separation of the metabolites was achived on kieselgel 60 - aluminiumoxid 90 column. | 1991 | 23605897 |
chemotaxonomic diagnostics: combining sucrose-water agar with tlc to discriminate fusarium graminearum 3-acetyl-don and 15-acetyl-don chemotypes. | twelve randomly-selected isolates of fusarium graminearum that produce 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol (3-adon) or 15-acetyl-deoxynivalenol (15-adon) were screened by thin-layer chromatography (tlc) for their ability to produce adon and zearalenone (zea) mycotoxins when grown on water agar containing different concentrations of sucrose. the results showed the ability of the f. graminearum 3-adon chemotype population to produce don and zea at a lower concentration range of sucrose (5-7%) compared with th ... | 2011 | 23605932 |
impact of moisture, host genetics and fusarium graminearum isolates on fusarium head blight development and trichothecene accumulation in spring wheat. | the impact of moisture on the development of fusarium head blight (fhb) and accumulation of deoxynivalenol (don) in fusarium-infected wheat was examined. the field experiments were designed as split-split-plot with five replicates. main plots were durations of mist-irrigation [14, 21, 28 and 35 days after inoculation (dai)]; sub-plots were wheat cultivar; and sub-sub-plots were f. graminearum isolates differing in aggressiveness and don production capacity. the wheat cultivars 'alsen' (moderatel ... | 2011 | 23605982 |
effect of plant water deficit on the deoxynivalenol concentration in fusarium-infected maize kernels. | in current climate change scenarios, mean air temperatures and summer droughts are expected to increase over the long-term average in large parts of europe. these changes will strongly affect the growth and health of cultivated plants. in a field experiment in 2009 and 2010 in rain-out shelters, the consequences of plant water availability under three water regimes on the severity of fusarium ear rot, deoxynivalenol (don) contamination and yield of maize were investigated. water was provided exc ... | 2012 | 23606194 |
comparative analysis of fungal genomes reveals different plant cell wall degrading capacity in fungi. | fungi produce a variety of carbohydrate activity enzymes (cazymes) for the degradation of plant polysaccharide materials to facilitate infection and/or gain nutrition. identifying and comparing cazymes from fungi with different nutritional modes or infection mechanisms may provide information for better understanding of their life styles and infection models. to date, over hundreds of fungal genomes are publicly available. however, a systematic comparative analysis of fungal cazymes across the e ... | 2013 | 23617724 |
a novel gene, gea1, is required for ascus cell-wall development in the ascomycete fungus fusarium graminearum. | the ascomycete fungus fusarium graminearum is a devastating plant pathogen for major cereal crops. ascospores are produced via sexual reproduction and forcibly discharged from mature perithecia, which function as the primary inocula. perithecium development involves complex cellular processes and is under polygenic control. in this study, a novel gene, gea1, was found to be required for ascus wall development in f. graminearum. gea1 deletion mutants produced normal-shaped perithecia and ascospor ... | 2013 | 23619001 |
the fusarium graminearum virulence factor fgl targets an fkbp12 immunophilin of wheat. | wheat scab, caused by the fungal pathogen fusarium graminearum is a devastating disease worldwide. despite an extensive and coordinated effort to investigate this pathosystem, little progress has been made to understand the molecular basis of host-pathogen interactions, for example how the pathogen causes disease in plant. recently, a secreted lipase (fgl1) has been identified from the fungus and shown to be an important virulence factor; however, the intrinsic function of fgl1 in plant is unkno ... | 2013 | 23648486 |
genetic characterization of fusarium graminearum and f. culmorum isolates from turkey by using random-amplified polymorphic dna. | five fusarium graminearum and 12 f. culmorum isolates, primarily pathogenic species of fusarium head blight, were obtained from naturally infected wheat from various agro-ecological regions of turkey. genotyping of the isolates was carried out using random-amplified polymorphic dna (rapd). sixty-five 10-mer oligonucleotide primers were used to amplify the rapd markers. among them, 50 primers produced strong and reproducible dna amplicons. the remaining primers generated either insufficient or no ... | 2013 | 23661459 |
cellular development associated with induced mycotoxin synthesis in the filamentous fungus fusarium graminearum. | several species of the filamentous fungus fusarium colonize plants and produce toxic small molecules that contaminate agricultural products, rendering them unsuitable for consumption. among the most destructive of these species is f. graminearum, which causes disease in wheat and barley and often infests the grain with harmful trichothecene mycotoxins. synthesis of these secondary metabolites is induced during plant infection or in culture in response to chemical signals. our results show that t ... | 2013 | 23667578 |