
PMID(sorted ascending)
penetration resistance of dental injection needles.a laboratory test of the sharpness and penetration resistance of different brands of dental needles was undertaken. both properties are essential when pain during injection is discussed. using a strograph in combination with a piece of stretched chamois leather resembling the mucous membrane, graphs were obtained for each needle tested and evaluated with reference to maximum penetration resistance at the actual point of puncture and to the smoothness of the further insertion through the leather. ...1979120860
[comparative study of the dissemination of gastrointestinal nematodes in domestic ruminants (ovis aries and capra hircus) and wild ruminants (capra ibex and rupicapra rupicapra in the western mountain regions]. 1978553264
extraintestinal development of eimeriid coccidia in pigs and chamois. 1978569195
[first results of an investigation on trichinosis in wildlife in france (1976--1977) (author's transl)].201 red foxes, 18 brown rats, 1 muskrat, 1 red squirrel, 1 wood mouse, 8 hares, 3 rabbits, 2 wild boars, 4 roe deers, 1 chamois, 3 reindeers (for farming) were examined by peptic digestion to detect trichinosis. eight foxes captured in the east and south-east of france were found infested by this parasite.1978742806
leptospiral antibodies in wild living animals from north tyrol.the authors examined serologically 623 wild living animals (22 species) from north tyrol for the incidence of leptospirosis. positive reactions (mal) in the titre 1: 100 and more were found in 4.5% of the animals examined; the serotypes concerned were these: icterohaemorrhagiae, sorex-jalna, castellonis or arboreae, grippotyphosa, bratislava, pomona, sejroe, saxkoebing. positive reactions were obtained with the sera of sorex araneus, erinaceus europaeus, putorius putorius, vulpes vulpes, cervus ...1976780229
[sarcosporidiosis of the myocardium in hoofed game].in a histological examination of the hearts of 290 head of hoofed game sarcosporidiosis was found in 34 p. c. of the investigated cases. in the european deer it was found in 11.1 p. c., in the sika deer in 3.9 p. c., in the virginia deer in 12.5 p. c. (eight investigated animals, of which one was positive), in fallow deer in 10.8 p. c., in roe-deer in 78.7 p. c., in moufflon in 28.2 p. c. and in chamois in 75 p. c. (four animals, three of which were positive). pathological changes of the myocard ...1976820041
[importance of the fox (vulpes vulpes) in the transmission of sarcosporidiosis from the steinbock (capra ibex) at the gran paradiso national park].sarcosporidiasis is a very common infection of steinbocks (capra ibex) and chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) of gran paradiso national park, italian western alps, frequently with serious cardiac involvement. no dogs or cats are allowed inside the park, to the contrary foxes (vulpes vulpes) are present every where, near steinbocks and chamois, and eat on the bodies of dead animals. feces of vulpes vulpes were collected in the same area, where the infected capra ibex used for the following experiment ...1975823518
the lungworm spiculocaulus austriacus (gebauer, 1932) dougherty and goble, 1946 in chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) in switzerland. 1977918533
spontaneous aorta and coronary lesions in mountain mammals. ii. the chamois (rupicapra rupicapra).the study of the aorta and coronary arteries from 25 chamois shot in their mountain natural habitat allowed the observation that this animal is more exposed to liposclerotic lesions than other wild herbivorous mammals which live in the plain or at low altitudes. this observation is supported by both the frequency of the lesions (found in the coronary arteries of 14 animals and in the aorta of 10) and their morphologic and histochemical features. the author discusses the possible role of the rela ...2016996427
[protostrongylus (protostrongylus) rufescens boevi, a new subspecies, parasite of the respiratory apparatus of chamois].a nematode parasitic of bronchial system of rupicapra rupicapra (chamois) of parco nazionale del gran paradiso (italian western alps) is described and the name protostrongylus (protostrongylus) rufescens boevi subspecies nova, is proposed.19761032329
[irregularity of spicules of the genus spiculocaulus schulz, orlow and kutass, 1933].the accurate measurement of the length of the spicules of 100 male specimens of a lung nematode belonging to a species of the genus spiculocaulus collected from trachea and bronchi of chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) of parco nazionale del gran paradiso--italian western alps--shows that the spicules are constantley inequal: the left spicule is the longer. the original description of the species spiculocaulus austriacus (gebauer, 1932) found in trachea and bronchi of rupicapra rupicapra from austria ...19761032333
[sex cycle in the chamois (rupicapra rupicapra)]. 19761035981
blood vessels and excretory apparatus of the kidney in some wild animals.on 110 preparations of the kidney in some wild animals (hare, fox, wolf, bear, boar and chamois), the blood vessels and the excretory apparatus were studied by dissection, injection-corrosion and microscope. only the bear has a markedly split kidney, whereas the kidneys of the other animals are unsplit. in the fox there is an obvious split of the renal artery into anterior and posterior branches which supply the anterior and posterior portion, respectively, of the renal parenchyma, being separat ...19751136706
isolation of mycoplasma conjunctivae from chamois and sheep affected with kerato-conjunctivitis. 19751163177
[diffusion of pulmonary nematoda in the steinbock (capra ibex) and the chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) at the gran paradiso national park and the di valdieri reservation].the results obtained in a survey on the diffusion of pulmonary nematodes in 13 steinbocks (capra ibex) and 71 chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) of the parco nazionale del gran paradiso, and 49 chamois of the riserva di valdieri, italian western alps, are reported. the following species of nematodes were identified: spiculocaulus austriacus, protostrongylus rufescens, protostrongylus hobmaieri in steinbocks; protostrongylus rupicaprae, protostrongylus hobmaieri, protostrongylus refescens,protostrongy ...19751233401
[intersexuality in hornless xx-goats: pathological findings in 2 young pseudobucks, 3 young bucks with urethral diverticula and 2 pseudohermaphroditic kids].dealing with the subject "polled goats intersexuality", whose problems are discussed, we studied the pathology of 7 3-month old xx-kids: 2 pseudomales, 3 males with urethral diverticulum (1 animal with 2 u.d.), and 2 testicular pseudohermaphrodites. four horned male kids of comparable age were used as control. urethral diverticula, seen now and then in local breeds, i.e. in "chamois-colored" mountain goats, saanen, and toggenburg goats, are rather unknown and only sporadically reported abroad. i ...19921609259
[bacterial studies on the occurrence of mycobacterium paratuberculosis in fecal samples of zoo ruminants].mycobacterium (m.) paratuberculosis was isolated from fecal samples of 3 (21.4%) from 14 mouflons, of 10 (20.4%) from 49 dwarf goats, of 5 (14.3%) from 35 cameroon sheep and of 1 (9.1%) from 11 alpine ibex. m. paratuberculosis could not found by cultural method in fecal samples of 22 pinzgauer goats, of 15 bantengs, of 9 wild goats, of 9 skuddens, of 6 four-horned sheep, of 3 red-head sheep, and of 1 chamois. from all 19 animals with cultural positive fecal samples complement binding antibodies ...19921622380
allozyme divergence and phylogenetic relationships among capra, ovis and rupicapra (artyodactyla, bovidae).genetic divergence and phylogenetic relationships between the chamois (rupicaprini, rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra) and three species of the caprini (capra aegagrus hircus, capra ibex ibex and ovis ammon musimon) have been studied by multilocus protein electrophoresis. dendrograms have been constructed both with distance and parsimony methods. goat, sheep and chamois pair-wise genetic distances had very similar values. all the topologies showed that capra, ovis and rupicapra originate from the sa ...19911774188
[involution and redevelopment of the mammary gland in goats. histological-histochemical studies after a lactation time of 8-10 months].7 chamois-coloured mountain goats were used to investigate histologically and histochemically the processes of involution and redevelopment of the mammary gland after a lactation period of 8 to 10 months. tissue specimens were obtained by incision biopsy at drying-off two months prepartum and afterwards in intervals of 8-16 days up to parturition. the findings of this investigation were compared with results of two former investigations, in which involution and proliferation of the gland were st ...19911896838
antimicrobial resistance and production of toxins in escherichia coli strains from wild ruminants and the alpine marmot.escherichia coli strains isolated from 81 fecal samples from red deer (cervus elaphus), roe deer (capreoulus capreoulus), chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) and alpine marmot (marmota marmota) living in the stelvio national park, italy, were examined for antimicrobial resistance and production of toxic factors. direct plating of specimens on media containing antimicrobial drugs allowed us to isolate resistant strains of e. coli from 10 of 59 (17%) specimens examined by this technique. nine of 31 spec ...19912067054
organochlorine residues in adipose tissue of chamois from the catalan pyrenees, spain. 19902108744
broncho-pulmonary helminths of chamois (rupicapra rupicapra parva) captured in north-west spain: assessment from first stage larvae in faeces and lungs.the bronchopulmonary helminths of 66 chamois (49 males and 17 females), captured in various parts of the cantabrian mountain range (n. w. spain) in the autumn of 1983, and in the summer and the autumn of 1984, were studied. the animals were adult and aged between 2 and 16 years. the lungs, trachea and faeces from the last section of the intestine were taken from each animal individually. the trachea and pulmonary larval nodules were dissected. first stage larvae (l-i) were obtained from finely c ...19902221758
isolation of brucella melitensis biovar 3 from a chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) in the southern french alps.systemic brucellosis caused by brucella melitensis biovar 3 was identified in a chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) near the parc national des ecrins in the southern french alps (france). clinical signs included orchiepididymitis, polyarthritis, blindness and various neurological signs; necropsy findings included numerous calcified foci in testis, epididymis, kidney, subcutaneous connective tissue and brain. brucella sp. were identified in brain by indirect immunofluorescence and b. melitensis biovar ...19902304191
mastomys natalensis or mastomys coucha. correct species designation in animal experiments.haemoglobin electrophoresis and chromosome analysis indicate that the widely used multimammate rat (chamois coloured) as experimental animal belongs to the species mastomys coucha (smith, 1836) and not, as commonly assumed, to mastomys natalensis (smith, 1834).19902382103
[treatment of contagious ecthyma in chamois].the infection with ecthyma contagiosum in chamois and the successful treatment with hexachlorocyclohexane are reported.19852416095
adenocarcinoma and carcinoid developing spontaneously in the stomach of mutant strains of mastomys natalensis.neoplastic and nonneoplastic lesions developing spontaneously in antral and fundic mucosae of stomachs of mutant chamois-coloured z (130 animals) and y (67 animals) strains of mastomys aged 18 to 24 months were examined histologically and histochemically. the z strain developed both antral lesions (hyperplasia 29.2%; dysplasia 23.8%; adenocarcinoma 17.7%) and fundic carcinoid(s) (72.3%). the antral lesions were limited to the lesser curvature near the pyloric ring. macroscopically, adenocarcinom ...19892512742
[presence of epithelial crypts in the chamois (rupicapra rupicapra l.) epididymis. preliminary note].the authors refer the presence of epithelial crypts in the epididymis of chamois, previously described only in the bull by nicander, in the camel by singh, in the cat by arrighi and in the roe-buck by gentile et al. these crypts consist of cavities bored into the epithelium lining the epididymis and are rounded by the epithelial cells which are, sometimes, squamous and thin. some crypts open into the lumen of the epididymis, some others crypt are filled with floccular, gelatinous material and, a ...19892611017
[legal regulations and practical application of studies of slaughtered game animals and their meat].meat regulations also involve game inspection. the previous publications on the one hand dealt with the regulations and their practice concerning game intended for slaughter, especially the control of fences and the gaining of meat. on the other hand regulations concerning game hunted for food (deer: red deer, sika deer, fallow deer, roe deer; horned ungulates: european mouflon, chamois; wild boar; european hare; european rabbit; game such as badger and raccoon) and regulations to be observed by ...19892617520
the experimental receptivity of helicella (helicella) itala and cepaea nemoralis (mollusca, helicidae) to larvae of muellerius sp. and neostrongylus linearis (nematoda, protostrongylidae) from chamois (rupicapra rupicapra).two batches of helicella (h.) itala (adult specimen) and two of cepaea nemoralis (adult and young specimens) were experimentally infected with larvae i (l-i) of muellerius sp. and neostrongylus linearis obtained from the lungs and faeces of rupicapra rupicapra. in assess larval development, the number and percentage of the total number of larvae (l-i + l-ii - l-iii) per mollusc were studied, together with the number and percentage of l-iii per snail and the days on which the different larval sta ...19892755936
[legal foundation and practical execution of slaughtering and meat examination of game animals].meat regulations also involve game inspection. on the one hand the previous publications dealt with the regulations and their practice concerning game intended for slaughter, especially the control of fences and the gaining of meat. on the other hand regulations concerning game hunted for food (deer: red deer, sika deer, fallow deer, roe deer; horned ungulates: european mufflon, chamois; wild boar; european hare; european rabbit; game such as badger and raccoon) and regulations to be observed by ...19892763282
serological survey of herpesvirus infections in wild ruminants of france and belgium.the presence of antibodies against bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv-1), bovid herpesvirus 6 (bhv-6), herpesvirus of cervidae type 1 (hvc-1), reindeer herpesvirus, bovine herpesvirus 2 (bhv-2) and bovid herpesvirus 4 (bhv-4) was investigated in wild ruminants of france and belgium between 1981 and 1986. there were no animals serologically positive for bhv-4. antibodies against bhv-2 were demonstrated in roe deer (cervus capreolus) (less than 1%) and chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) (1%) in france. animals ...19882836635
[neoplasms of the gallbladder in chamois of the maritime alps]. 19883194746
[legal fundamentals and practical accomplishments of abattoir and meat research in mammalian game animals].meat regulations also involve game inspection. the previous publication mainly dealt with the regulations and their practice concerning game intended for slaughter. the following publication deals with game hunted for food (deer: red deer, sika deer, fallow deer, roe deer; horned ungulates: european mufflon, chamois; wild boar; european hare; european rabbit) and also game such as the badger and the raccoon.19883222786
[problems of pathology in the chamois and ibex of the alps]. 19873303322
nucleolus-organizer regions and heterochromatin in three species of staining and a counterstain-enhanced fluorescence technique (chromomycin a3/distamycin a/dapi staining = cdd-method) have been applied to ibex (capra ibex l.), chamois (rupicapra rupicapra l.) and bison (bison bison l.) chromosomes. chromomycin a3 visualization led to a well defined r-banding pattern along the chromosome arms and to a clear demonstration of centric heterochromatic bands of variable size. the nucleolus organizer regions (nors) were found in the telomeric regions of the chr ...19873505226
morphological variations in nematode parasites after a radioactive fall out: preliminary results.preliminary results from a survey of abomasal parasites of wild ruminant rupicapra rupicapra are reported. the study was carried out after the fall out of radioactive contamination from the nuclear accident at chernobyl (may 1986) and showed the high prevalence of teratologic forms in representatives of ostertaginae (3.1% of the entire population of male worms).19873508512
estimating erosion of phenotypic variation in a french goat population.a survey was made on a sample of 45 flocks of the goat population in provence france in 1982. the sample included 56 male goats and 757 breeding females within a 30 km radius of the town of forcalquier (alpes-de-haute-provence). the visible phenotypic profile was established for the following characters: ear length, ear curling, ear erectness, presence of horns, type of horns, presence of wattles, presence of beard, length of hair, hair coat pigmentation pattern, type of eumelanin in hair, pigme ...19873680926
gastrointestinal nematode infections in wild ruminants rupicapra rupicapra and dama dama: influence of density and cohabitation with domestic ruminants.the distribution of gastrointestinal nematodes in different populations of wild ruminants has been studied with regard to density of the animals and the presence of domestic ruminants in the habitat. the degree of parasite overdispersion among the hosts has been examined in the hypothesis of a negative binomial model of distribution. the results show that the density has a greater weight than cohabitation with domestic ruminants, in destabilizing the host-parasite relationship.19853870641
faecal bacteria of wild ruminants and the alpine marmot.faecal samples from 60 red deer (cervus elaphus), 13 roe deer (capreolus capreolus), 7 chamois (rupicapra rupicapra), 41 alpine marmot (marmota marmota) and soils mixed with deer faeces from the stelvio national park were examined for campylobacter sp. and salmonella sp. with negative results. the same material, especially deer faeces, was a habitat highly suitable for yersinia sp.: y. enterocolitica (two biotypes) was isolated twice, y. kristensenii (two serotypes) was isolated 19 times, y. fre ...19853898557
[sheep pox (ecthyma contagiosum) in chamois]. 19644284127
contribution to the diagnosis and morphology of the causative agent of infectious sheep pox (ecthyma contagiosum) of chamois]. 19644284128
nematodirus davtiani alpinus subsp. n., gastrointestinal nematode from steinbock, capra ibex, and chamois, rupicapra rupicapra, of the parco nazionale del grain paradiso, italian western alps. 19744470172
[transmission of eimeria yakimoffmatschoulskyi from the chamois to sheep and goats]. 19744478942
[carpal and tarsal synovial grooves in rupicapra rupicapra and capra ibex. morphological and histological findings]. 19734775091
[studies of the diffusion of gastrointestinal nematodes in steinbock (capra ibex) and chamois (rupicapra rupricapra) of gran paridiso national park]. 19734802749
[involution of chamois, red deer and roe deer mammae]. 19715165645
[infectious chamois blindness]. 19705312230
[new findings on blindness in chamois]. 19695391744
the chromosomes of the chamois (tribe rupicaprini simpson). 19705412044
[dermatophilus congolensis, the agent of streptotrichosis in chamois]. 19675627202
[report on the course of chamois blindness in graubunden 1966]. 19675628624
infection by microsporum gypseum in the chamois (rupicapra rupicapra). 19685689595
[structural differences in the body core of the horn of the chamois in the two sexes]. 19685719775
[lungworm infection of deer and chamois in various regions of switzerland]. 19685753382
[comparative microscopic anatomy of the urinary bladder of various domestic and wild ruminants].the authors focus their interest on the microanatomical differences between urinary bladders of some domestic (sheep and cattle) and wild ruminantia (roe and chamois). sixteen urinary bladders of the following species have been studied by azan, masson and weigert staining methods: three urinary bladders of ovis aries (l.) and bos taurus (l.) drawn from animals of both sexes; seven urinary bladders drawn from female of capreolus capreolus (l.); three urinary bladders from both sexes specimens of ...19846497980
[composition of the gastrointestinal nematode population in the chamois (rupicapra rupicapra l.) in relation to variations in the environment in some zones of the central alpine arc]. 20036544397
[on the genus nematodirus ransom 1907 (nematoda: trichostrongyloidea)].n. roscidus railliet, 1911, from dama dama (italy); n. abnormalis may, 1920, from ovis aries, capra hircus and rupicapra rupicapra (france, italy, australia); n. lanceolatus ault, 1944, from ovis aries (iran); n. europaeus jansen, 1972, from capreolus caperolus and ovis musimon (first record) (france); n. davtiani alpinus biocca, balbo & costantini, 1974, from rupicapra rupicapra (italy); n. rupicaprae biocca, balbo & costantini, 1983, from rupicapra rupicapra (france); n. ibicis biocca, balbo & ...19836673643
[cell content of milk in lactating chamois-colored mountain goats]. 19836844905
[two new species of the genus nematodirus, parasites of steinboks and chamois: nematodirus ibicis sp. n. and nematodirus rupicaprae sp. n].two new species of the genus nematodirus are described. the nematodes were collected from the gastro-intestinal tract of steinboks (capra ibex) and chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) of parco nazionale del gran paradiso (italian western alps). the names nematodirus ibicis sp. n. and nematodirus rupicaprae sp. n. are proposed.19826926928
[gastrointestinal helminths of wild ruminants: observations on the chamois (rupicapra rupicapra l.) in the val belviso reserve].the results obtained in a survey on the gastrointestinal helminths of 32 chamois of the riserva of valbelviso on the alpi orobie are reported. all the animals were infested: the species identified with more frequence were o. circumcinta, m. marshalli, n. filicollis. of great significance was the diffusion of n. filicollis, compared with other species of this genus, typical of the wild ruminants; oe. radiatum, never previously observed in chamois, was also found. these results show that the promi ...19826926937
[comparative studies about food selection of chamois and reddeer with special regard to the rumen microbes and the fermentation in the reticulorumen (author's transl)]. 19817009352
[biodiversity and similarity between the nematode parasite communities of domestic and wild ruminants].the analysis of the bibliografical information concerning to the nematode parasite communities of domestic and wild ruminants, permitted to obtein the following values of maximum diversity index, bovidae: 4.88 bits; cervidae: 4.33 bits and cameliae: 3.69 bits. the highest values of this index within each family of host wee 5.75 bits. 5.49 bits and 4.32 bits for ovis aries (bovidae), capreolus capreolus (cervidae), lama pacos and camelus dromedarius (camelidae), respectively. the families of para ...19937483967
adrenocortical zonation in chamois-coloured mastomys, praomys coucha.body and adrenal weights, and histology of the adrenal cortex were examined in the chamois-coloured mastomys (praomys coucha) at inbred generations 3 to 10. body and adrenal weights were consistently larger in males than in females, although the adrenal to body weight ratios tended to be lower before 50 days of age and were clearly higher after. distinct sex differences were found in the adrenal cortex. the whole cortex and the zona reticularis were thicker in males and the zona reticularis beca ...19957603010
lung nematodes of chamois in the low tatra national park, slovakia.chamois (rupicapra rupicapra tatrica) in the low tatra national park are largely infected with the lungworms muellerius capillaris and m. tenuispiculatus and sporadically with dictyocaulus viviparus. the mean number of first stage larvae (l1) per gram of faeces collected at chamois stands over the years 1981-1988 varied between 28.2 (+/- 11.9) and 61.6 (+/- 35.9). the degree of infection in chamois herds was significantly higher in the spring and autumn months, except for the spring of 1981, tha ...19947706685
a dna fingerprinting band associated with the susceptibility to cae virus-induced arthritis in goats.caprine arthritis-encephalitis (cae) virus-induced arthritis can be found in all swiss goat breeds and it has been shown that there is a genetic pre-disposition for this disease. the 10 toggenburg, 32 chamois coloured and 40 saanen goats, specially selected for this study, were naturally infected with cae virus. within each breed there was an equal distribution between clinically healthy animals and animals suffering from arthritis. in the case of the saanen goats, a dna fingerprint band generat ...19948076168
polishing sequence for titanium using dental armamentarium: a pilot study.with the increasing use of titanium in dentistry, the methods for maintenance, particularly the polishing sequence, have become especially important. thirty test samples of commercially pure grade 2 titanium were sandblasted with 110 microns aluminum oxide at 60 psi to establish a baseline surface roughness. two samples were exposed to each of 15 different polishing sequences. scanning electron photomicrographs of the polished samples were taken at x100 and randomly assigned identification numbe ...20198242014
functional, spectroscopic and structural properties of haemoglobin from chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) and steinbock (capra hircus ibex).the functional and spectroscopic properties of chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) and steinbock (capra hircus ibex) haemoglobin (hb) have been studied with special reference to the action of allosteric effectors and temperature. moreover, the amino acid sequences of the n-terminal segments of the alpha- and beta-chains have been determined. the present results indicate that chamois and steinbock hbs display a low affinity for o2, which appears to be modulated in vivo by cl- ions rather than 2,3-bisph ...19938257425
[pathologic features of a case of systemic brucellosis due to brucella melitensis biovar 3 in a chamois (rupicapra rupicapra)].a case of systemic brucellosis caused by brucella melitensis biovar 3 was identified in a chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) in the southern french alps. clinical signs included bilateral orchiepididymitis and keratoconjunctivitis, polyarthritis, and neurological signs; pathological findings confirmed an ulcerative keratitis, orchiepididymitis with calcified or necrotic foci and serofibrinous and hemorrhagic polyarthritis. the kidney cortex showed calcified nodules and infarctions. a small focus of c ...19938364757
cerebral coeneurosis in chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica).two cases of cerebral coeneurosis in chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) from catalonia (northeastern spain) are described. this disease, of which few cases have been reported, may, in fact, be relatively frequent. although the characteristic symptom of the disease in sheep is circling, that symptom was not observed in this study. chamois may act as a host within the sheep-shepherd-dog cycle, but is probable that red fox (vulpes vulpes) also acts as a definitive host.19958546018
polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis: a simple method for species identification in food.the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) technique was applied to meat species identification in marinated and heat-treated or fermented products and to the differentiation of closely related species. dna was isolated from meat samples by using a dna-binding resin and was subjected to pcr analysis. primers used were complementary to conserved areas of the vertebrate mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb) gene and yielded a 359 base-pair (bp) fragment, including a variable 307 bp region. restriction endonu ...19958664595
genetic regulation of border zone formation in female mastomys (praomys coucha) adrenal cortex.the unique border zone between the zona fasciculata and z. reticularis of the female adrenal cortex is formed in the wild-colored inbred mastomys (praomys coucha) strain, mwc, but never in the chamois-colored inbred strain, mcc. this clear strain-specific trait was genetically analyzed using f1, f2, and backcross progenies produced between mwc and mcc. reciprocal crosses gave no significant differences in the phenotypic ratio of f1 or f2 progeny. border zone formation was detected in 0% of f1 fe ...20038742820
the epizootiology of sarcoptic mange in chamois, rupicapra rupicapra, from the italian eastern alps.sarcoptic mange is the most severe infection in chamois in the eastern alps. this study analyses and discusses data from two mange foci in the foresta demaniale di tarvisio (ne italy). the first impact of mange on naive host populations was dramatic, with mortality rates of over 80%. the chamois herds were decimated, but they recovered quite fast and two later epizootics were observed to have a far less severe impact on the chamois population. intervals between successive waves lasted 10 to 15 y ...19958778664
application of dna fingerprinting to population study of chamois (rupicapra rupicapra).hypervariable minisatellite dna probes 33.15 and 33.6, originally developed for studies in human populations, were used to study genetic variation in chamois (rupicapra rupicapra). the mean number of bands per individual was 25 for probe 33.15 and 15 for probe 33.6. the average band frequency was 0.33 for both probes. the mean similarity was 0.44, greater than that reported for human and natural populations and close to values found in domestic populations of mammals. this lack of variability co ...19968894052
are more passes better? safety versus efficacy with the pulsed co2 laser.whether greatly increasing the number of passes with the pulsed co2 laser compromises safety or enhances effectiveness is unknown. intuitively speaking, more passes should produce a greater depth of injury with better removal of wrinkles but greater likelihood of scarring. a chamois color has been said to signal laser penetration of the reticular dermis and has been recommended as an end point for safe treatment. isolated case reports and anecdotal stories suggest that the potential for scarring ...19979385968
molecular genetic analyses of parapoxviruses pathogenic for humans.the current members of the genus parapoxvirus are orf virus (orfv), bovine papular stomatitis virus (bpsv), pseudocowpoxvirus (pcpv) and parapoxvirus of red deer in new zealand (pvnz). bpsv and pcpv are maintained in cattle while orfv is maintained in sheep and goats, but all three are zoonoses. only the recently reported pvnz has yet to be recorded as infecting humans. tentative members of the genus are camel contagious ecthyma virus, chamois contagious ecthyma virus and sealpoxvirus. the separ ...19979413523
epizootiology of sarcoptic mange in a population of cantabrian chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica parva) in northwestern may of 1993, an epizootic of sarcoptic mange (sarcoptes scabiei) was detected in the chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica parva) population of the cantabrian mountains in northwestern spain. the epizootic initially spread across an area inhabited by some 1600 chamois. mortality was lower than reported for other populations of ungulates. the maximum number of animals were affected from february to may. four red deer (cervus elaphus) and a roe deer (capreolus capreolus), were diagnosed with sarcoptic m ...19979477502
isolation of brucella melitensis from alpine ibex.eleven alpine ibex (capra ibex) and 27 chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) from gran paradiso national park (italy) were examined in march 1996. a 7-yr-old ibex buck had thick-walled carpal joints and enlargement of the right testicle characterized by necrosis and fibrosis. microscopically, testicular lesions were characterized by large areas of necrosis, fibrosis with irregular aggregates of macrophages and lymphocytes, and scattered foci of suppuration. specimens of the carpal bursae and testicle we ...19989577795
report of a case of pyogenic arthritis associated with actinomyces pyogenes in a chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica).a case of pyogenic arthritis associated to an actinomyces pyogenes infection in a chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) is described. the animal was a 5-year-old female that had been seen alone in a wooded area close to a small town in november 1995, and was lame on one front limb. one month later, it was seen again in a nearby area. its lameness had worsened and it knuckled on both front limbs while eating. its nutrition status had worsened considerably. on 8 january 1996 the animal was found dead. it ...19989640106
immunohistochemical study of normal and mange (s. scabiei var. rupicaprae) infested chamois (rupicapra rupicapra l.) skin.the immunohistochemical study of chamois (rupicapra rupicapra l.) skin showed that a limited number of available monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies expressed reactivity with skin cell components. these included cytokeratins, vimentin, desmin, neuron-specific enolase and s-100 protein with almost the same distribution pattern as already described in the skin of humans and animals. antibodies used for labelling skin-associated lymphoid tissues and other cells with the immunologic function in hum ...19989652147
protostrongylid nematode infection of chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) at the bauges massif (french alps).from 1979 to 1985, protostrongylid infections (small lungworms) of chamois were studied at the bauges hunting reserve, in the western alps. fifty-two chamois were necropsied on 24 sites and lung nematodes identified to species. from june to november 1985, a more detailed study was undertaken on four sites where chamois were the only ruminants. first-stage larvae excreted in feces and infection of snails intermediate hosts were monitored. the protostrongylid species were, arranged in decreasing o ...19989746285
a survey of the gastro-intestinal nematodes of roe deer (capreolus capreolus) in a mountain habitat.two hundred and twenty one roe deer from a xeric inner-alpine valley in italy were investigated along four yearly cycles for the presence of gastro-intestinal nematodes. road kills were the main source of this material. spiculopteragia spiculoptera and ostertagia leptospicularis, with their "minor" morphs s. mathevossiani and o. kolchida, were the dominant abomasal species, whereas nematodirus europaeus was the only dominant species in the small intestine; therefore, species composition was typi ...19979802084
impact of abomasal nematodes on roe deer and chamois body condition in an alpine environment.abomasal helminths were examined from 101 roe deer and 43 chamois, shot or found-dead, in the period july-november 1993-95, in the parco naturale paneveggio pale di san martino (italian eastern alps). twelve helminth species were observed in both roe deer and chamois. for both host species, discriminant analysis, using the abundance of each parasite species in the hosts, failed to distinguish between subjects from each of the three study years. for 44 roe deer and 27 chamois data on body weight, ...19979802085
fibroblastic osteosarcoma in a chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica parva). 199910074665
detection and identification of mycoplasma conjunctivae in infectious keratoconjunctivitis by pcr based on the 16s rrna gene.a specific pcr assay based on unique sequences of the rrs genes (16s rrna) of mycoplasma conjunctivae was developed for direct detection and identification of this pathogen from clinical material. dna from eye swabs was amplified after a simple lysis step by either a single pcr with the m. conjunctivae specific primer pair mcor1 and mcof1, or by a nested pcr with the mycoplasma genus specific primer pair moligen1-l and 16uni-r in the first step and mcor1 and mcof1 in the second step. the specifi ...199910337239
lung nematodes of chamois, rupicapra rupicapra tatrica, from the tatra national park, slovakia.a larvoscopic examination of faeces collected from localities inhibited by chamois in the tatra national park (tanap) in 1997 demonstrated the presence of the lung nematodes muellerius spp. (likely to be m. tenuispiculatus and m. capillaris) and neostrongylus linearis. the overall prevalence of lung nematodes in chamois herds in tanap was 48.4% with prevalences of 45.6% and 11.9% for muellerius spp. and n. linearis, respectively. no significant differences in lung nematode prevalences were obser ...199910526420
effect of emanciation on liver histology of alpine chamois during winter.with the aim of describing the effect of severe feed restriction on the liver histology, morphometrical analysis of liver sections of 10 alpine chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) was performed. five animals were found dead during the winter season 1995-96 and five were collected during the hunting season 1996. hepatocyte nuclear size was measured in squared micrometers using image-pro plus software. a significant decrease in the mean size of the nuclei of hepatocytes in emaciated chamois, as compared ...199910574538
mycoplasma conjunctivae infections in chamois and ibexes affected with infectious keratoconjunctivitis in the italian alps. 199910606022
identification of nematodirus species (nematoda: molineidae) from wild ruminants in italy using ribosomal dna markers.the sequence of the second internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal dna was determined for four species of nematodirus (nematodirus rupicaprae, nematodirus oiratianus, nematodirus davtiani alpinus and nematodirus europaeus) from roe deer or alpine chamois. the second internal transcribed spacer of the four species varied in length from 228 to 236 bp, and the g + c contents ranged from 41 to 44%. while no intraspecific sequence variation was detected among multiple samples representing three of t ...199910616927
puncture resistance and tensile strength of skin simulants.this study aims ultimately to quantify the force needed to penetrate human tissue. the results will reduce the subjectivity of expert opinion in stabbing incidents. they will also aid clinicians in assessing the severity of injury and help prevent the unnecessary deaths which can occur when this is not fully appreciated. tensile tests were performed to identify suitable skin simulants with synthetic chamois and pigskin as candidate materials. quasi-static penetration experiments were also perfor ...199910635698
rapid communication: nucleotide sequence of chamois, alpine ibex, and red deer trna(lys) and atpase8 mitochondrial genes. 199910641890
lung-tissue extract as an alternative to serum for surveillance for brucellosis in chamois.serological surveys are the most-used way to study diseases in free-ranging wild animals. however, the difficulty in obtaining a sufficient number of suitable serum samples is a major problem. to resolve this problem, we investigated the possibility of using lung-tissue extract in place of blood serum for searching for antibodies against brucella abortus. antibodies titres against b. abortus was tested from blood serum and lung-tissue extract from 112 chamois and 99 cattle. although in complemen ...200010673058
effects of sarcoptic mange on serum proteins and immunoglobulin g levels in chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) and spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica).three groups of chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) and three groups of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) were established to study the effects of sarcoptic mange on serum proteins and immunoglobulin g (igg) levels. the first group of chamois consisted of 22 healthy pyrenean chamois (r. pyrenaica pyrenaica) from a non-infested area, the second group consisted of 20 healthy cantabrian chamois (r. p. parva) from an area where sarcoptic mange has been reported since 1994 and the third group consisted of 16 ...200010714470
mitochondrial dna from myotragus balearicus, an extinct bovid from the balearic islands.dna was extracted from teeth and bones of myotragus balearicus, a bovid that evolved in isolation on the balearic islands (western mediterranean) from the end of the miocene, becoming extinct 4,000 years bp, after the arrival of humans in the islands. the numerous morphological apomorphies of myotragus, most strikingly its dwarfism, frontal eyes, and ever-growing incisors, obscure its phylogenetic relationships with extant bovids. therefore, the recovery of genetic information from myotragus is ...200010750053
is the newly described vietnamese bovid pseudonovibos spiralis a chamois (genus rupicapra)?the "linh duong" (pseudonovibos spiralis), a newly described vietnamese bovid, has been shown to be related to the caprinae on the basis of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequencing from horn fragments. to integrate the greatest available biodiversity we performed a new phylogenetic analysis including all genera of caprinae. unexpectedly, pseudonovibos is found to be robustly associated with rupicapra, and closer to the alpine than to the pyrenean chamois. several clues led us to interpret ...200010798196
immune responses to mycoplasma conjunctivae in alpine ibex, alpine chamois, and domestic sheep in switzerland.the humoral immune response of three alpine chamois (rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra), two alpine ibex (capra ibex ibex) and three domestic sheep naturally affected with infectious keratoconjunctivitis (ikc), and four ibex and two sheep experimentally infected with mycoplasma conjunctivae was analysed. in addition, the local immune response to m. conjunctivae was analysed using conjunctival washes from chamois and sheep. immunoblot analysis of sera using whole cell antigens of m. conjunctivae reve ...200010813608
report of a case of bronchopneumonia associated with moraxella bovis isolation in a chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica).a case of fibrinopurulent bronchopneumonia associated with moraxella bovis infection in a chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) is described. the animal, a 4-month-old female, was referred by the staff warden of the national game reserve of freser-setcases (catalonia, north-eastern spain). the animal was in good general condition and was found 4 h before death. on necropsy the lungs were congested and oedematous, with haemorrhagic areas in the cranial and middle lobes. the microscopic lesions were those ...200010829577
host specificity of abomasal nematodes in free ranging alpine ruminants.abomasums from 641 alpine wild ruminants representing five different species (cervus elaphus, capreolus capreolus, rupicapra rupicapra, capra ibex, ovis musimon) and from 19 domestic sheep (ovis aries) from alpine areas were examined in order to investigate the host-specificity of abomasal helminths. nine out of 20 helminth species were found in at least five different host species. a discriminant analysis was able to significantly discriminate the hosts on the basis of their helminth community ...200010842002
[occupational exposure to metallic mercury in the dentist's office of a public primary health care clinic in the city of são paulo]this paper discusses occupational exposure to metallic mercury among dentists and dental assistants, focusing on biological evaluation, effects on heaith, and environmental evaluation. methods included visits to the clinic, hazard maps, urinary and environmental mercury measurements, and evaluation of health status. results for the environment and work processes showed that mercury vapor concentrations impregnating surfaces and piping varied from 0.001 to 0.051 mg/m3 in air; occupational exposur ...199710886855
detection of space-time clusters and epidemiological examinations of scabies in this paper some methodological approaches towards the detection of temporal, spatial and space-time clusters are presented and discussed in context with epidemiological factors of scabies in chamois. this presentation comprises in particular the use of the scan test (wallenstein, 1980) for the detection of temporal clusters and the tests developed by knox (1964) and mantel (1967) for the testing of spatiotemporal interactions. between 1952 and 1998 a total of 1689 cases of scabies in chamois ...200010936546
immunoglobulin g class identification from wild ungulates by cross-reactivity with antisera to domestic species of spanish ungulates were tested for the presence of homologous immunoglobulin g (igg) with a gel-diffusion test using bovine, ovine, caprine and porcine igg antisera. homologous ovine and caprine igg were detected in sera from chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica), spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica), mouflon (ovis orientalis musimon), red deer (cervus elaphus), fallow deer (dama dama) and roe deer (capreolus capreolus). homologous porcine igg was detected in wild boar (sus scrofa) s ...200011014063
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 401