
PMID(sorted ascending)
ventilatory and circulatory o2 convection at 4000 m in pigeon at neutral or cold temperature.awake domestic pigeons, either maintained at 22 degrees c (series i) or acutely exposed at 2 degrees c (series ii), were studied in a hypobaric chamber at 140 m and at various stages during a 4-week exposure to 4000 m. steady-state pulmonary ventilation (vg) and breathing pattern (vt, fr), oxygen consumption (mo2), o2 concentrations and pressures in the arterial (a) and mixed venous blood (v), hematocrit (ht) and acid-base status in arterial blood, systolic blood pressure and heart frequency (fh ...197614365
isolation of a new avian paramyxovirus from a rock pigeon (columba livia).a hemagglutinating agent identified as paramyxovirus was isolated from the respiratory organs of a rock pigeon captured in hokkaido, japan. the virus was serologically distinct from the known members of genus paramyxovirus. of the 160 pigeons collected in hokkaido, 6 possessed the antibodies to the virus. the virus was designated as paramyxovirus/pigeon/otaru/76.197944936
ornithocheyletia hallae smiley, 1970 (acarina: cheyletidae) as the cause of pruritus in a racing pigeon. 1978100896
haemoproteus columbae: course of infection, relapse and immunity to reinfection in the pigeon.studies were performed on the course of infection, relapse, and immunity to reinfection in 11 young pigeons infected with the avian malaria parasite haemoproteus columbae kruse. the prepatent period in our experiments varied between 22 and 37 days. the intensity and length of the initial infection period showed wide variations. during this period an initial periodicity of gametocyte production of about 12 days with peaks at about 6-8 and 18-20 days after patency was observed. the various modes o ...1978104464
seasonal study of the adrenal gland of some indian avian species.adrenal glands of eight indian species of birds, namely columba livia, passer domesticus, corvus splendens, acridotheres tristis, acridotheres ginginianus, milvus migrans, francolinus pondicerianus and bubulcus ibis were examined during the sexually active and inactive phases of their annual reproductive cycles. excepting a ginginianus and m. migrans, among members of either sex of the remaining six species the weight of the adrenal gland increases during the period of sexual activity. histologi ...1976135472
sex-steroidogenesis in adrenal of caponized domestic pigeon columba livia. 1978155655
the effect of cadmium chloride on sex-steroidogenesis in the pigeon, columba livia. 1979159196
[isolation of the causative agent of ornithosis from gamasid mites].a microorganism was isolated from gamasoid mites (ornithonyssus sylviarum) collected in nests of blue rock pigeons by means of blind passages in white mice and chick embryos. the studies of its morphological, cultural, and antigenic properties and pathogenicity for laboratory animals permitted to identify it as the causative agent of ornithosis. it is suggested that the possibility of infection of ectoparasites is determined to a considerable extent by the degree of activity of the infectious pr ...1979160679
adrenocorticotropic hormone, glucose and displacement activities in pigeons.the possibility that displacement activities might be consequences of stress-induced humoral responses was investigated. adrenocorticotropic hormone and glucose were injected into the brain ventricles of unrestrained domestic pigeons. acth leads to an increased frequency of yawning and headshaking and glucose to a decrease in arousal. it is concluded that these behavioural responses correspond partly with the displacement activities shown by birds. the role of the cerebrospinal fluid as a mediat ...1976178122
peptide specificity of receptors for angiotensin-induced thirst in the pigeon columba livia [proceedings]. 1976190380
failure of interocular transfer in the pigeon (columba livia).pigeons were trained on a modified jumping stand to discriminate a circle from a triangle using only one eye. testing with the naive eye revealed no evidence of interocular transfer. this failure of transfer was also observed under more stringent testing using reversal learning. the results are discussed in terms of a selective attention model for panoramic vision.1977203961
[comparative study of phospholipids in the neurons and glial cells of the brains of mammals, birds and reptiles].studies have been made on total content of phospholipids and relative content of various phospholipid families in neuronal and glial fractions obtained from the brain cortex of albino rat and brain hemispheres of the pigeon columba livia and tortoise testudo horsfieldi, as well as in oligodendroglial fraction of centrum semiovale and corpus callosum of the brain of rabbits. it was shown that in all the animals studied, the total glial fraction is approximately twice as rich in phospholipids as t ...1978208327
olfactory thresholds of pigeons (columba livia), quail (colinus virginianus) and chickens (gallus gallus). 1975236143
parental investment, mate choice, and mate quality.current theory in sexual selection is extended to predict within-sex variability with regard to selectivity towards mates in different mating systems. generally, the sex that invests more in the care of each offspring should be more selective of mates than the sex investing less. within each sex, individuals of low male quality should be less selective than individuals of high quality, but there should be less variation in selectivity among individuals of the sex investing more. when only one se ...1977269407
cholesteryl esters of pigeon (columba livia) aortas as a function of age. 1977299623
the trigeminal system in the pigeon (columba livia). i. projections of the gasserian ganglion.the central projections of the gasserian ganglion were investigated in the pigeon, columba livia. lesions were placed in the ganglion either by direct surgical exposure or stereotaxically, and following survival times of one to four days, the brains stained with the fink-heimer method. the main group of central axons bifurcate to form distinct ascending and descending branches, the tractus trigemini ascendens (tta) and the tractus trigemini descendens (ttd). a smaller tract also courses caudally ...1978308067
diurnal variation in circulating levels of free fatty acids and growth hormone during crop gland activity in the pigeon (columba livia).1. circulating levels of free fatty acids (ffa) and growth hormone (gh) were measured over a 24 hr period during the crop gland cycle of domestic pigeons (columba livia). 2. plasma ffa levels showed a marked circadian rhythm (p less than 0.004) with the peak level (considerably higher than that previously reported in nonbreeding pigeons) occurring at approximately 2400 hr. 3. it is suggested that these elevated levels reflect the increased demands for energy during incubation and crop "curd" pro ...1978318279
serum lipoprotein profiles of young atherosclerosis-susceptible white carneau and atherosclerosis-resistant show racer pigeons.1. newly-hatched atherosclerosis-susceptible white carneau and atherosclerosis-resistant show racer pigeons (columba livia) had significantly lower (p less than 0.01) alpha/beta serum lipoprotein ratios than 6-week, 3-month, or 6-month old pigeons of the corresponding breed, as determined by densitometric analysis of polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoretic profiles. 2. differences in alpha/beta serum lipoprotein ratios were not observed between the two breeds at any age studied.1978318322
light and electron microscopic identification of pituitary cells containing growth hormone and prolactin in the pigeon [columba livia], using the immunoglobulin-enzyme bridge technique. 1977324864
[enfections of the intestine of carrier-pigeons]. 1977325685
effect of oral hypoglycemics on blood sugar level, adrenal medulla & cytology of the endocrine pancreas in pigeon columba livia. 1977352922
isolation of citrate-positive variants of escherichia coli from domestic pigeons, pigs, cattle, and horses.twenty-seven isolates of citrate-positive variants of escherichia coli were obtained from domestic pigeons, pigs, cattle, and horses. with the exception of citrate utilization, all isolates closely resembled typical e. coli in their biochemical reactions. these isolates were multiply resistant to antibiotics in in vitro susceptibility tests. transfer experiments of multiple-drug resistance to the e. coli k-12 strain showed that all citrate-positive isolates from domestic pigeons, pigs, and cattl ...1978358923
gross characterization of acid phosphatase in the preen gland of pigeon columba livia gmelin. 1978359467
detection of conjugative r plasmids conferring chloramphenicol resistance in escherichia coli isolated from domestic and feral pigeons and crows.a total of 87 domestic pigeons of 2 lots and 184 feral pigeons of 15 lots were examined from 1975 to 1977 for the presence of drug-resistant (especially chloramphenicol resistant) escherichia coli. 20 (23.0%) of the domestic pigeons of the 2 lots, and 39 (21.2%) of the feral pigeons of 5 lots (33,3%) showed resistant e. coli. usage of selective media containing chloramphenicol, streptomycin or tetracycline resulted in the increase in isolation frequency of resistant e. coli excepting one lot of ...1978366994
intracranial self stimulation from endbrain nuclei in the pigeon (columba livia). 1978368825
schizogony in haemoproteus columbae fill in some of the gaps in our knowledge of schizogony of haemoproteus columbae kruse, transmission experiments involving inoculation into pigeons (columba livia gmelin) of sporozonites from salivary glands of the hippoboscid fly pseudolynchia canariensis (macquart) were carried out. we were unable to detect prepatent schizonts or to observe schizogonic development when infection became chronic. schizonts were mainly confined to lung tissue. observations of parapatent schizonts were made in ...1977410922
observations on the subgenus argas (ixodoidea: argasidae: argas). 17. argas (a.) polonicus sp. n. parasitizing domestic pigeons in krakow, poland.argas (a.) polonicus sp. n. is described from males, females, nymphs, and larvae from the steeple tower of st. mary's church, karkow, poland, where it feeds on domestic rock pigeons, columba livia gmelin. this species is related to the widely distributed eurasian a. (a.) vulgaris filippova and to certain other species of the eastern area of the palearctic faunal region; it differs distinctly from a. (a.) reflexus (fabricius) of western europe. comparative study under the light microscope. and es ...1979448591
experimental life cycle of ascaridia columbae in intravenously infected pigeons, columba livia.the fate and routes of migration of infective larvae of ascaridia columbae were studied in intravenously (i.v.) infected pigeons. larvae were able to complete a trachael migration, and arrived at the small intestine where they established a patent infection. granulomas were observed and histopathologically described in the lungs of i.v. infected birds.1979448604
steroid synthesizing cellular sites in the ovary of the domestic pigeon columba livia (gmelin): a histochemical study.the ovary of the domestic pigeon, columba livia, has been assayed histochemically for the localization of delta 5-3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (delta 5-3 beta-hsdh), 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17 beta-hsda), 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11 beta-hsdh), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (g6p-dh) and nadh-diaphorase activities during different periods of the reproductive cycle. delta 5-3 beta-hsdh, 17 beta-hsdh, 11 beta-hsdh, g6p-dh and nadh-diaphorase activity was found ...1979457438
the ornithodoros (alectorobius) capensis group (acarina: ixodoidea: argasidae) of the palearctic and oriental regions. o. (a.) coniceps identity, bird and mammal hosts, virus infections, and distribution in europe, africa, and asia.ornithodoros (alectorobius) coniceps (canestrini 1890), which was briefly described from adult specimens from st. mark's cathedral, venice, italy, has been a confusing taxon. we redescribe and illustrate the adult and immature stages from st. mark's cathedral (topotypes) and elsewhere, list criteria to distinguish this species from others in the o. (a.) capensis complex, and provide data for 36 collections, chiefly from nest sites of wild and domestic pigeons in humid, rocky situations, and from ...1979480069
optokinetic nystagmus and the accessory optic system of pigeon and turtle.optokinetic nystagmus (okn) response functions were obtained in pigeon (columba livia) and turtle (chrysemys picta) before and after electrolytic lesions of the accessory optic nuclei (aon). postlesion retinal input to the aon was evaluated using standard autoradiographic techniques. bilateral destruction of aon in both pigeon and turtle did not abolish okn, but was correlated instead with a reduction in okn frequencies at high pattern velocities. a difference was observed between species with r ...1979487063
origin, course and terminations of the rubrospinal tract in the pigeon (columba livia).the red nucleus and its spinal projections in the pigeon (columba livia) have been studied using both normal and experimental material. the cytoarchitecture of the nucleus is described on the basis of nissl-stained sections and reveals an organization generally similar to that of mammals. the large neurons (40-50 mum) tend to be located dorsomedially and ventrolaterally at more caudal nuclear levels, while the small- and medium-sized neurons (15-35 mum) predominate at rostral levels. however, ne ...1979489796
food preferences in the pigeon (columba livia). 1979493392
effect of testosterone and thyroxine on corticosterone and transcortine plasma levels in different bird species.effect of testosterone and thyroxine on corticosterone and transcortine plasma levels has been investigated in photostimulated (18l--6d) peking duck, domestic pigeon, japanese quail and cock. in all these bird species corticosterone and transcortine plasma levels increased following castration, while restitution with testosterone decreased them in the castrated animals. thyroidectomy and thyroxine supplements in thyroidectomized birds failed to influence plasma corticosterone and, apart from coc ...1979495129
fibrinolysis in the pigeon (columba livia).the presence of plasminogen activator in the euglobulin fraction of pigeon plasma, was demonstrated by conspicuous lysis on unheated fibrin plates; human as well as bovine fibrin were susceptible to lysis. the presence of free plasmin in euglobulin fraction was indicated by lysis on heated fibrin plates.1979505408
[arterial monoaminocytes of the base of the brain in vertebrates].by falck's method monoaminocytes of the arteries in the encephalon base were studied in teleostei (anarhichas lupus, eleginus navaga, leuciscus brandti liza soiuy in amphibians (rana temporaria, rana semiplicata, bufo bufo), in reptiles (testudo horsfiedli, trionyx chinensis) and in birds (blue rock pigeon, hen). specific and individual peculiarities in chromaffinocyte, labrocyte and melanophore distribution were revealed in the vertebrate cranial arteries. in all the animals studied chromaffin ...1979518336
stereological analyses of the structure of mitochondria in pigeon skeletal muscle.the mitochondria in type-i and -ii muscle fibres in the pectoralis major muscle of the pigeon (columba livia) have been analysed using stereological techniques not previously applied in muscle biology. mitochondrial volume fractions (vv) were estimated in different regions of each type of muscle fibre using randomly orientated sampling sectors within fibre profiles. these sectors were sub-divided into smaller sampling regions to provide accurate data on the intracellular distribution of mitochon ...1979519715
the nucleus of the basal optic root in the pigeon: an electron microscope study.the ultrastructure of the nucleus of the basal optic root in an avian species (columba livia) was investigated. the ectomamillary nucleus (emn) in which terminates the basal optic tract reveals three types of neurons: 1) small round neurons bearing a scanty cytoplasm in organelles, 2) medium-sized neurons, spindle-shaped with a dense population of organelles and 3) large multipolar neurons with well developed perikaryal elements. some of these neurons have their inner plasma-membrane which fuse ...1979526019
[limbic lesions and ingestion of food in columba livia]. 1979533335
contrasting dna sequence organisation patterns in sauropsidian genomes.the genomic dna organisation patterns of four sauropsidian species, namely python reticularis, caiman crocodilus, terrapene carolina triungius and columba livia domestica were investigated by reassociation of short and long dna fragments, by hyperchromicity measurements of reannealed fragments and by length estimations of s1-nuclease resistant repetitive duplexes. while the genomic dna of the three reptilian species shows a short period interspersion pattern, the genome of the avian species is o ...1979533670
[comparative and quantitative ultrastructural study of the olfactory organs of four strains of domestic pigeons].1. by counting the axons per micron 2 on electronmicrographs of cross-sectioned olfactory nerves and multiplying this number by the area of the cross-sectioned nerves, the number of olfactory receptors was determined in 4 breeds of domestic pigeons including homing pigeons. 2. the total number of olfactory receptors varied between 3.0 and 7.4 . 10(6). it significantly depended on the body size of the pigeons. there was no evidence for differences in the number of olfactory receptors between the ...1979545932
electrophysiological investigation of the archistriato-hypothalamic pathway in the pigeon (columba livia). 1978567341
steroid-synthesizing cells in the embryonic and adult gonads of the domestic pigeon, columba livia (gmelin). 1979573719
[importance and distribution of serological findings of ornithosis-psittacosis in semi-domestic pigeons].ornithosis-psittacosis is a widely distributed disease in birds throughout the world. a serological study by the complement-fixation test and a few isolation of chlamyqia were performed on feral pigeon population of antwerpen city. the incidence of positive cases in antwerpen averages 58.51 %. for each serum, a serological index (s. i.) was calculated with regard to the intensity of immunological response in different dilutions: s. i. seems to suggest an endemic status of the disease in antwerpe ...1977579614
effect of iodide & hypertonic salt solutions on hypothalamic neurosecretory cells & thyroids of the pigeon columba livia gmelin. 1977598877
effect of high & low doses of clomid on the ovary, diencephalic ependyma & thyroid in the pigeon columba livia (gmelin). 1977614192
ultrastructure of simple sensory corpuscles in the domestic pigeon [proceedings]. 1978640543
lipid droplets in the lining epithelium of the crop of columba livia.presence and distribution of lipid were studied in the lining epithelia of three regions of the pigeon (columba liva) crop: lateral lobes, median region near the cervical esophagus and median region near the thoracic esophagus. during the resting phase of the 'milk gland', insulated lipid droplets were observed within the lining epithelium of the three regions studied. on the other hand, during the activity of the 'milk gland' (under action of exogenous prolactin and in natural incubation), only ...1978645345
prosencephalic pathways related to the paleostriatum of the pigeon (columba livia).afferent connections of the avian paleostriatal complex were traced by means of anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the paleostriatum augmentatum (pa), a cell field comparable to mammalian caudate nucleus and putamen, was found to receive projections from a distinct population of elencephalic neurons in the temporal-parietal-occipital (tpo) and lateral cortical (cdl) areas of the neostriatum. tpo neurons, in turn, were found to receive projections from the contr ...1978647399
[dermatophytosis in domestic pigeons (columba livia f. domestica)]. 1978651943
spectral sensitivity of the red and yellow oil droplet fields of the pigeon (columba livia). 1978672999
the isolation of an atypical mycobacterium from three wood pigeons with tuberculosis-like lesions.cultural and biological tests were carried out on the livers and spleens of three wood pigeons. acid-fast organisms were observed in histological sections and smears taken from tuberculosis-like lesions in the organs. biological tests revealed that all the isolates sensitised the guinea pig to avian tuberculin. one was pathogenic for chickens while the remaining two were non-pathogenic. all were non-pathogenic for rabbits and domestic pigeons. the organisms could not be cultured on conventional ...1978674851
[comparative study of the fatty acid makeup of the neuronal and glial cell phospholipids in the brain of reptiles, birds and mammals].studies have been made on fatty acid composition of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol and sphingomyelin from the neurons and glial cells of the brain of rats, pigeons (columba livia) and tortoises (testudo horsfieldi). it was shown that fatty acid composition of the phospholipids investigated in both cellular fractions of tortoises differs from that of rats and pigeons. within the same animal, fatty acid composition of homologous phospholipid ...1978676578
[maturation of the retinal structures in the ontogeny of mammals].using various neurohistological, electronmicroscopic, cytochemical and electrophysiological techniques, studies have been made on the development of peripheral visual pathways in human subjects and some homoiotherm animals (pigeon columba livia, cats, rabbits). heterochronous maturation of the conducting pathways in the retina was observed. the data obtained on rabbits suggest that heterochronous maturation of the receptors accounts for heterochronous differentiation of various elements within t ...1978676593
histochemical observations on 3alpha- and 17beta- hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in extra gonadal tissues of feral blue rock pigeon columba livia (g.). 1978680827
[adrenergic and cholinergic components of the innervation of the arteries of the base of the bird brain].by means of falck's and koelle's methods adrenergic and cholinergic structures were studied in the arteries in the cerebral basis of blue rock pigeons and of hens, white leghorn stock. the number of nerve transmitters was estimated per 1 mm2 of the vessel surface. the arteries of the basis in pigeon brain are surrounded with developed adrenergic and cholinergic nerve plexuses, their density decreasing in the following order: nasal branch of the internal carotid artery, middle, nasal cerebral and ...1978687125
effect of prolactin on testis of the domestic pigeon columba livia (gmelin). 1978711251
forebrain projections of the pigeon olfactory bulb.the olfactory system of the pigeon (columba livia) was examined. our electrophysiological and experimental neuroanatomical (fink-heimer technique) data showed that axons from the olfactory bulb terminated in both sides of the forebrain. the cortex prepiriformis (olfactory cortex), the hyperstriatum ventrale and the lobus parolfactorius comprised the uncrossed terminal field. the crossed field included the paleostriatum primitivum and the caudal portion of the lobus parolfactorius, areas which we ...1978722790
dna sequence organisation in avian means of renaturation kinetics of dna of the three avian species cairina domestica, gallus domesticus and columba livia domestica the following major dna repetition classes were observed: a very fast reannealing fraction comprising about 15% of the dna, a fast or intermediate reannealing fraction that makes up 10%, and a slow reannealing fraction of about 70%, which apparently renatures with single copy properties. --comparing the reassociation behaviour of short (0.3 kb) and long (greater th ...1978743901
studies on the biosynthesis of pancreatic glucagon in the pigeon (columba livia).the biosynthesis of glucagon was studied in microdissected pigeon pancreatic, islets. [3h]-tryotophan and [3h]leucine were incorporated into big and little glucagon. no precursor-product relationship was evident between big and little glucagon after radioactive pulsechase and immunoreactive chase incubations. radioactive and immunoreactive little glucagon and immunoreactive big glucagon were actively secreted and the synthesis of both glucagons was inhibited by high concentrations of glucose. [3 ...1976782450
cryptococcus neoformans in the crops of pigeons following its experimental administration.cryptococcus neoformans (5 x 10(6) yeast cells) was given per os to 10 pigeons (columba livia) proved to be free (crops and excreta) of c. neoformans prior to experimentation. the yeast was recovered from the droppings of 9 pigeons the day after ingestion but was still present in the droppings of 1 pigeon on the 22nd day after ingestion. the crop was much more constantly positive than the droppings and for a much longer time since positive in 9 pigeons on the first day it was still positive in 2 ...1976793055
seasonal occurrence of haemoproteus columbae kruse and its vector pseudolynchia canariensis bequaert.seasonal prevalence of haemoproteus columbae and its vector pseudolynchia canariensis in the feral pigeon (columba livia) population of detroit, michigan has been studied for 5 years. the greated prevalence of h. columbae infection occurs during fall and winter and is lowest during the spring, correlating with changes in the vector population.1975803576
[temporary sterilization of domestic pigeons turned wild]. 1975806190
the inability of surgical bursectomy in the newly hatched period to affect antibody formation in the pigeon (columba livia).surgical bursectomy was performed in newly hatched pigeons within 24 hours of hatching. the effect of bursectomy on the immune responsiveness was evaluated by studying antibody formation to sheep red blood cells (srbc) and brucella abortus organisms and by the presence of serum immunoglobulins after immunoelectrophoresis. surgically bursectomized pigeons responded as well to srbc and brucella as did the non-bursectomized controls. there was no statistically significant difference in the geometri ...1975810416
[use of the feral pigeon (columba livia) to monitor atmospheric lead pollution].pigeons living in cities show a large accumulation of lead in their bodies. the lead concentration in their lungs and bones varied according to the pollution level of their territory caused by automobile gas exhausts.1975813896
[a comparative electron microscopic study of the peripheral blood leukocytes of vertebrates].the ultrastructure of leukocytes of the peripheral blood was studied in representatives of classes of fishes (cyprinus carpio), amphibia (rana redibunda, bufo bufo), reptiles (testudo horshfield), birds (columba livia) and mammals (rattus norvegicus). the granules are characterized by homogeneous or heterogeneous matrix. the granules of special leukocytes (turtle) and pseudoesinophils (pigeon) have larger dimensions than those in neutrophils of other animals. the matrix of the eosinophil granule ...1975818982
visual wulst influences on the optic tectum of the pigeon.the influence of the visual wulst on the optic tectum of columba livia were studied. analysis of the surface field potential evoked by optic nerve stimulation showed that it is composed of two presynaptic waves (pr1 and pr2) a negative monosynaptic wave (n) and a late, positive component (p) due to activation of deeply located neurons. single shock visual wulst stimulation elicited a surface-positive field potential the depth profile of which showed that it is due to the activation of neurons of ...1977851846
steroidal control of catechol hormone production in the pigeon, columba livia. 1977852615
homing experiments on birds. part x. the influence of a total eclipse of the sun on orientation and speed of return in carrier pigeons (columba livia l.). 1977852616
seasonal changes in the endocrine pancreas and blood glucose level of columba livia. 1977852620
[input-oupput relations and model of a rotation reflex of the pigeon columba livia (author's transl)]. 1977861300
measurement of evaporative water loss in small animals by dew-point hygrometry.this paper presents the procedures and equations to be utilized for measurement of evaporative water loss (mw), by use of the dew-point hygrometer, in small animals exposed to air containing water vapor in an open-flow system. the system accounted accurately for the water evaporated from a bubble flask. in addition, hygrometric measurements of pulmocutaneous mw in pigeons (columba livia, mean mass 0.31 kg) agreed closely with simultaneous gravimetric measurements, utilizing a desiccant in the sa ...1977893300
some aspects of spermiogenesis in the domestic pigeon. 1977917459
effects of seasonal and social factors on testicular activity and hormone levels in domestic pigeons.testicular morphology and plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone (lh), testosterone, progesterone, and estradiol-17beta were compared in paired (n = 8) and unpaired (n = 7) racing pigeons killed in december. the birds were housed mixed together under natural lighting conditions in two unheated lofts which contained no nesting facilities, in kiel (54 degrees n), germany. the paired birds had been paired for at least two months. testicular weights and diameters of tubules were significantly ...1976939963
effect of cannabis & opium on the testis of the pigeon columba livia gmelin. 1976955684
evidence against the response-shift account of hyperstriatal function in the pigeon (columba livia).pigeons with hyperstriatal lesions and unoperated controls were given minimal or extended side-key pretraining prior to acquisition of a position discrimination. operated birds were impaired following extended, but not minimal, pretraining. the birds then acquired a simultaneous color discrimination with posiversals of the color discrimination, operated birds were impaired, and this was primarily due to an exaggeration of perseverative responding to the former positive stimulus. analysis of choi ...1976956467
[feral domestic pigeons as a hygienic problem in big cities--the situation in magdeburg]. 1976960806
[mycobacterial intestinal disease in woodpigeons (columbia palumbus) (author's transl)].during and shortly after the second world war, an infection bearing a resemblance to avian tuberculosis was observed in woodpigeons in denmark and great britain. these birds had been found dead or been shot. the patogenic agent, however, could not be isolated by the usual methods. in the netherlands, the disease was also detected in woodpigeons and occasionally in psittacine birds. the histological changes bore a resemblance to those observed in johne's disease. detailed bacteriological and expe ...1976982412
ornithosis in domestic pigeons gone wild in bratislava. 1976987103
ornithosis in domestic pigeons gone wild in bratislava. 1976987114
the fine structure of the endogenous stages of eimeria labbeana. 4. microgametogenesis.the fine structure of the microgamonts and microgametes of eimeria labbeana from the columnar epithelial cells of the ileal mucosa of experimentally infected pigeons, columba livia, has been described and compared with that of similar stages in other species of eimeria. the microgamonts averaged 8.0 x 10.0 mum (6.7-8.4 x 9.0-11.4 mum), had a maximum number of 27 nuclei each (0.8-1.0 x 1.0-1.3 mum), and showed various stages of mitotic nuclear divisions without the appearance of detectable mitoti ...1976997718
effect of clomid on thyroids, diencephalic ependyma & subependymal cells in ovariectomized pigeon columba livia (gmelin). 19761024979
[histochemical studies of oxidative enzymes in the gastric mucosa of sheat-fishes, frogs, tortoises and pigeons].oxyntic cells of gastric glands of the sheat-fish silurus glanis, frog rana temporaria, tortoise agrionemis horsfieldi and pigeon columba livia exhibit intensive reactions on dehydrogenases of lactate, alpha-ketoglutarate, glutamate, succinate, malate and glucose-6-phosphate which indicate high energy metabolism necessary for the production of hcl by these cells. cytoplasm of these cells is stained for the presence of nucleic acids, which may be associated with the other function of the oxyntic ...19751082694
candid albicans associated with the gastrointestinal tract of the common pigeon (columbia livia).candida albicans was cultured from the upper gastrointestinal tract of 44% and from the lower alimentary tract in 6% of 50 common pigeons (columba livia). thirty per cent of samples of pigeon droppings collected from different locations were positive for the yeast. the colony forming units for positive samples ranged from 2 times 10-2-2-8times 10-6 per g dry feces. the percentage of antigenic groups a and b for the strains of c. albicans isolated was approximately the same as for strains isolate ...19751091996
fine structure of the endogenous stages of eimeria labbeana. i. the first generation merozoites.the fine structure of the 1st generation merozoites of eimeria labbeana from the ileal mucosa of artificially infected pigeons (columba livia) was investigated and described. the 1st generation merozoites which appeared between 36-48 hr after infection averaged 4.4 times 2.1 mum in size. the 3-membraned pellicle was irregular in texture and harbored a single micropore, and many micropore-like invaginations. closely apposed to the inner pellicular membrane were seen 22 microtubules, each 22-25 ...19751117437
[immunization of pigeon (columba livia dom.)]. 19751131159
an electron microscope study of the retino-receptive layers of the pigeon optic tectum.the fine structure of the superficial layer of the optic tectum of the pigeon, columba livia, has been examined both in normal animals and after unilateral eye removal. optic afferent terminals distributed throughout sublaminae iia-f, are principally concentrated at three depths in the retinoreceptive zone. at first, degeneration of optic afferent terminals occurs as swelling of synaptic vesicles and accumulation of neurofilaments and later as dense degeneration. there appear to be several class ...19751150929
effects of short and long term exercise on intracellular glycogen and fat in pigeon an attempt to determine the functional role of the component broad white and narrow red fibre types during activity, the pectroalis muscle of the adult pigeon (columba livia) was electrically stimulated in situ after anaesthetizing the birds with sodium pentobarbital. for examination of the effect of short term exercise, the pectoral muscle of one side was stimulated through the innervating brachial plexus, using an electronic stimulator for 1 hr, and a biopsy sample was taken from the stimul ...19751152305
[feral domestic pigeons in large cities]. 19751164387
a cytoarchitectonic analysis of the spinal cord of the pigeon (columba livia).the spinal gray of the pigeon is described cytoarchitectonically to establish a foundation for anatomical and physiological studies of the pigeon spinal cord. the material includes segments from the high cervical cord through the lumbosacral enlargement, and nine cellular layers are described. in addition to this laminar organization, various distinct cell groups such as the dorsal magnocellular column, column of terni, marginal cells and lobes of lachi are described. layers i-iv occupy the head ...19751165324
spinal terminal fields of dorsal root fibers in the pigeon (columba livia).this paper describes the spinal pattern of brachial and lumbosacral dorsal root terminations in the pigeon. these are presented within the framework of the cytoarchitectonic analysis of the preceding report (leonard and cohen, '75). at the level of dorsal root section and immediately adjacent sections dense terminal fields were evident throughout the ipsilateral dorsal horn (layers i-v), including the substantia gelatinosa. however, degeneration in the substantia gelatinosa was prominent only wi ...19751165325
interhemispheric projections of the optic tectum in pigeon.the anatomical patterns of intertectal pathways in pigeon (columba livia) were studied with modifications of the nauta-gygax silver technique following discrete unilateral tectal lesions. no homotopic connections between the two optic tecta were found. the data do not support an anatomical basis for the behavioral observation of interhemispheric reversal of left-right mirror-image patterns in monocularly trained pigeons. degenerated fibers of passage were identified in the tectal commissure, the ...19751174935
the retino-thalamo-hyperstriatal pathway in the pigeon (columba livia). 19751182505
trigeminal nerve and eating in the pigeon (columba livia): neurosensory control of the consummatory responses.electrophysiological, neurobehavioral, and cinematographic techniques were used to study the role of the trigeminal nerve in the neurosensory control of eating. analaysis of single-unit data recorded in the pigeon's trigeminal ganglion indicates that the trigeminal nerve provides somatosensory inputs from the oral region that signal the location and movement of food and monitor the extent of mouth opening. trigeminal deafferentation, although it does not affect pecking or swallowing, severly imp ...19751184792
responses of sympathetic postganglionic neurons to peripheral nerve stimulation in pigeon (columba livia). 19751193200
effect of virulent trichomonas gallinae on the band-tailed pigeon.nine trichomonas-free band-tailed pigeons (columba fasciata fasciata) trapped in colorado died from experimental infection with jones' barn trichomonas gallinae 7.1 days (av.) post-inoculation. three experimentally infected domestic pigeons (c. livia) used as controls died 5.7 days (av.) post-inoculation. three band-tailed pigeons from colorado naturally infected with avirulent t. gallinae. trichomonads obtained from a fatal case of trichomoniasis in a band-tailed pigeon from california killed a ...19751195487
[infestation of carrier pigeons with obligatory ectoparasitic arthropods spp. in germany]. 19751200966
avian febrile response.the febrile response of the pigeon (columba livia) was characterized for comparison with our present day understnading of mammalian fever. 2. when injected with live pasteurella multocida the birds became febrile and died. 3. varying doses of dead bacteria produced a complex dose-dependent febrile response. 4. antipyretics effectively attenuated the febrile response to dead bacteria. 5. the similarities of reptilian, avian and mammalian fever suggest a common origin and perhaps a similar adaptiv ...19751204628
inhibition of spermatogenesis in the pigeon, columba livia gmelin, following the administration of methallibure (ici 33828): a confirmation. 19751218908
[cerebellum of birds: quantitative and comparative study of the purkinje cells (author's transl)].the quantitative and comparative analysis of the purkinje cells indicates the higher mean linear density in the anterior lobe, with regard to posterior lobe, in the cerebellum of the dung cook, gallus gallus. likewise the mean linear density of the purkinje cells in that species, was significantly higher than that estimated in the cerebellum of the pigeon, columba livia. the relationship between these quantitative differences and the type of locomotion, the walk, predominant in the dung cock is ...19751219926
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