
PMID(sorted ascending)
purification and properties of drosophila virilis texmelucan l-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. 19763351
biochemical differences between cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase allozymes of drosophila virilis.two allozymes (mdhf and mdhs) of cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase of drosophila virilis were partially purified and their biochemical properties were compared. mdhf has a ph optimum of 9.75 and mdhs one of 9.25 for malate oxidation. optimal ph for oxaloacetate reduction is 6.75 and 8.0 for mdhf and mdhs, respectively. the km value for oxaloacetate of mdhs is approximately twice as that of mdhf. no differences were found with respect to thermostability and km's for malate, nad+, or nadh. these re ...197942384
the characterization of multiple forms of kynurenine formidase in drosophila melanogaster.two enzymic forms of kynurenine formamidase (ec from drosophila melanogaster were separated and partially purified by ph fractionation, (nh4) 2so4 fractionation and sephadex g-75 gel filtration. the enzymes were also separated by deae-cellulose ion-exchange chromatography and distinguished by their different rates of thermal inactivation. the multiple forms are termed formamidase i and formamidase ii. the molecular weight of formamidase i as measured by sephadex g-75 chromatography is 6 ...197550862
nuclear proteins. iv. deficiency of non-histone proteins in condensed chromatin of drosophila virilis and mouse. 197766151
genetics of esterases in drosophila. vi. gene system regulating the phenotypic expression of the organ-specific esterase in drosophila is shown that the gene controlling the synthesis of the organ-specific s-esterase of drosophila virilis ejaculatory bulbs is located on the second chromosome (at approximate position 192.1 +/- map units). the cells of the genital imaginal disks are determined for the synthesis of s-esterase 10-12 hr after the second molt. the organ-specific esterase can be detected after adult emergence only. it is preceded by an increase in rna content and by enhancement of rna synthesis in the cells of the ...1999103540
a 9.6 kb intervening sequence in d. virilis rdna, and sequence homology in rdna interruptions of diverse species of drosophila and other diptera.a large proportion of the 28s ribosomal rna genes in drosophila virilis are interrupted by a dna sequence 9.6 kilobase pairs long. as regards both its presence and its position in the 28s gene (about two thirds of the way in), the d. virilis rdna intervening sequence is similar to that found in d. melanogaster rdna, but lengths differ markedly between the two species. degrees of nucleotide sequence homology have been detected bewteen rdna interruptions of the two species. this homology extends t ...1998110456
evoluation of drosophila mitochondrial dnas. analysis of heteroduplex molecules.we have mapped the single block of non-homologous sequences and measured the extent and distribution of base-pair substitutions within the homologous sequences in drosophila melanogaster: drosophila virilis heteroduplex mitochondrial dnas (mtdnas). of the 4.8 kilobases long, unusually (a + t)-rich region in d. melanogaster mtdna, only 0.5 kilobases can react with related, but not identical sequences in d. virilis mtdna, while the rest (4.3 kilobases in the long arm of a heteroduplex loop) is rep ...1979114222
cloning of the replication origin from drosophila virilis mitochondrial dna. 1979118756
correlation between phosphorylated h1 histones and satellite dnas in drosophila virilis.drosophila virilis dna contains satellites i, ii, and iii. d. novamexicana dna contains satellite i. d. virilis h1 histone contains subfractions a, b, c, d, and e; d. novamexicana h1 contains subfractions a, b, and c. therefore, satellites ii and iii might be correlated with h1d and h1e. to test the validity of this correlation, the h1 histones of polytene nuclei, which contain less than 1% satellite dna, were analyzed. polytene nuclei of d. virilis contain substantially decreased levels of h1c ...1978273248
satellite dna, h1 histone, and heterochromatin in drosophila virilis. 1964277346
ecdysone-induced changes in glycoprotein synthesis and puff activities in drosophila virilis salivary glands.during five hours after the injection of alpha-ecdysone into the hemolymph of d. virilis late third instar larvae the formation of larval glycoproteins in the salivary glands is terminated and the synthesis of a different set of glycoproteins which is characteristic for the prepupal gland is initiated. the data presented suggest that products from early puffs inhibit the formation of larval glycoproteins while the induction of late puffs may be responsible for the appearance of prepupal glycopro ...1979456202
anomalous electrophoretic mobility of drosophila phosphorylated h1 histone: is it related to the compaction of satellite dna into heterochromatin?in embryonic nuclei of drosophila virilis, 45% of the dna is satellite, and congruent to 50% of the h1 histone is phosphorylated. in polytene salivary gland nuclei, less than 1% of the dna is satellite, and less than 10tion. the phosphorylated h1's migrate 4% slower than the unphosphorylated h1's on sds-acrylamide gels. the mobility difference may arise because the phosphorylated and unphosphorylated h1's have different conformations in sds. this putative conformational difference could be essen ...1979461184
absence of cytosine methylation at c-c-g-g and g-c-g-c sites in the rdna coding regions and intervening sequences of drosophila and the rdna of other insects.cytosine residues in c-g dinucleotides are frequently methylated in eukaryote dna. in dna of the dinoflagellate c. cohnii, the sequence c-mec-g-g apparently renders hpa ii (c-c-g-g) incapable of digesting whole cell dna in general, and rdna in particular. msp i, which also recognizes c-c-g-g but cleaves irrespective of methylation, degrades c. cohnii dna and produces rdna segments of 10.2 to 1.4 kb. we have applied this hpa ii/msp i test to unfractionated dna, and to rdna and the rdna intervenin ...1979493131
detection and location of three simple sequence dnas in polytene chromosomes from virilis group species of vitro synthesized rnas complementary to the three satellite dnas of drosophila virilis have been used in a series of in situ hybridization experiments with polytene chromosomes from virilis group species. gall and atherton (1974) demonstrated that each of the satellites of d. virilis is comprised of many repeats of a distinct, seven base pair long, simple sequence. with few exceptions, copies of each of these simple sequences are detected in the chromocenters of all virilis group species. thi ...1979510073
[age specificity of the effect of 5-bromdeoxyuridine on the differentiation and spectra of chromosomal puffs in the salivary glands of drosophila virilis sturt. ii. alteration of the puff spectrum in salivary gland chromosomes].the expressivity and temporal patterns of function of the various puff groups are changed, when larvae of drosophila virilis are kept on budr containing medium during different periods of their larval development, as compared with the control animals kept on budr-free media. the magnitude of the effect depends on the stage at which the treatment is conducted; the larvae of the 3rd instar are more sensitive to budr. the effect of budr becomes considerably lower by the end of the 3rd instar period ...1977598701
a simple method for the computation of first neighbour frequencies of dnas from cd spectra.a procedure for the computation of the first neighbour frequencies of dna's is presented. this procedure is based on the first neighbour approximation of gray and tinoco. we show that the knowledge of all the ten elementary cd signals attached to the ten double stranded first neighbour configurations is not necessary. one can obtain the ten frequencies of an unknown dna with the use of eight elementary cd signals corresponding to eight linearly independent polymer sequences. these signals can be ...1978673843
glucosamine metabolism in drosophila salivary glands. separation of metabolites and some characteristics of three enzymes involved.the conversion of fructose 6-phosphate to mucopolysaccharide precursors was studied in extracts of drosophila virilis salivary glands. 1. methods for chromatography of sugar phosphates were adapted and modified to allow routine separation and quantitation of radioactivity of the metabolites from milligram amounts of tissue. anion exchange chromatography was performed on dowex 1-x8 employing steps of increasing ammonium formate. final isolation of each compound was achieved by various thin-layer ...1978718999
[nuclear apparatus and the differentiation of the larval salivary glands in drosophila virilis. ii. changes in rna and protein synthesis in ontogeny]. 1978724203
sensitivity of excitable and inexcitable membranes to alpha-dihydrograyanotoxin ii.a variety of excitable and inexcitable preparations have been examined for their sensitivity to the depolarizing action of alpha-dihydrograyanotoxin ii. alpha-dihydrograyanotoxin ii was effective in producing membrane depolarization in giant axons from the crayfish (procambarus clarki) and sartorius muscle fibers from the frog (rana pipiens) and the salamander (taricha torosa). the toxin-induced depolarization was reversed by lowering the external sodium concentration. high concentrations of tet ...1978727243
the sequence dependence of circular dichroism spectra of dna duplexes.the three satellite dnas of drosophila virilis, that approximate to poly d(caaacta)-poly d(tagtttg), poly d(taaacta)-poly d(tagttta), poly d(caaatta)-poly d(taatttg), the satellite dna of drosophila melanogaster that approximates to poly d(aatat)-poly d(atatt), the synthetic dna duplexes, poly dg-poly dc, poly d(at)-poly d(at), poly d(aat)-poly d(att), poly d(aac)-poly d(gtt), poly d(tac)-poly d(gta) and the block copolymer d(c15a15)-d(t15g15) all have circular dichroism spectra consistent with ...1975809757
genetics of esterases in drosophila. iv. slow-migrating s-esterase in drosophila of the virilis group.a slow-migrating beta-esterase (s-esterase) is described which has been detected in drosophila montana, drosophila imeretensis, and some stocks of drosophila virilis when mixtures of alpha- and beta-naphthyl acetate are used as substrates in histochemical reactions after electrophoresis. sexual dimorphism for s-esterase has been demonstrated. this esterase is contained in male genitalia only, predominantly in the ejaculatory bulb (waxy plug). it appears 3-4 days after emergence of flies. in hybr ...1976816350
factors influencing the yield of satellite dna in extractions from drosophila virilis and drosophila melanogaster adults and embryos.the application of different dna extraction methods to identical batches of drosophila virilis and drosophila melanogaster flies or embryos has revealed that the ionic strength of a homogenization medium is of critical importance if chloroform extractions are performed. the low yield of satellite dna after homogenization in low salt buffers is less severe if edta is included in the buffer. phenol extraction procedures result in no such differential behavior of satellite and main band dna, but un ...1976817748
evolution of 5s ribosomal rna genes in the chromosomes of the virilis group of drosophila.drosophila melanogaster 5s ribosomal rna labeled with 125i was used as an in situ hybridization probe to localize complementary sequences in chromosomes of species in the drosophila virilis group. whereas virilis, the ancestral species, has two different 5s gene loci, the derived species show only one of these loci; in the two lines that have evolved from virilis it is the opposite locus that is conserved. the possible events leading to such an arrangement are discussed.1976824108
localization of constitutive heterochromatin in the chromosomes of drosophila virilis. 1977837732
genetics of esterases in drosophila. v. characteristics of the "pupal" esterase in d. virilis.from analysis of the properties of the "pupal" esterase (p-esterase) in drosophila virilis, it is concluded that it is heat stable, its electrophoretic detection depends on culture density, its expression is stage specific, and it is not a variant of esterase 2. it was also demonstrated that p-esterase, like esterase 6, is activated by injections of the juvenile hormone into larvae. heat treatment of heat-resistant d. virilis stocks led to decreased activities of the juvenile hormone dependent e ...1977880212
a cytochemical study of ribonucleic acid distribution in the spermatogenic cells of drosophila virilis. 1977891266
[content of repeating nucleotide sequences in late replicating regions of drosophila virilis chromosomes]. 1977902570
[age specificity of the effect of 5-bromdeoxyuridine on the differentiation and puff spectrum of the salivary gland chromosomes of drosophila virilis sturt. i. relationship between the viability of individuals and induction of new puffs and the period of action of 5-bromdeoxyuridine].5-bromodeoxyuridine (budr) influences the differentiation of the imaginal discs, larval viability and the chromosome puffing throughout the larval development. the differentiation of imaginal discs is more sensitive during the early 3rd instar. "cryptocephal" phenocopy appeared if the larvae were reared in the budr medium till the late 2nd instar. 2nd and 3rd instars are critical for the larval viability. during the period of the middle 3rd instar budr induced the complete spectrum of the newly ...1977914031
[nuclear apparatus and differentiation of salivary glands of larvae of drosophila virilis. 1. change in dna and rna content in different cell structures at the stage of secretion formation].changes in the content of dna, rna and secretion products have been studied in chromosomes, nucleoli and cytoplasm of the salivary gland cells in the iii instar larvae d. virilis. the dna content doubles twice: 20--30 and 30--40 hrs after the second moult. the first doubling is followed by the intensive formation of secretion products. the rna content increases from 30 hrs in chromosomes and twice in nucleoli: from the beginning of ii instar till 20 and from 40 till 50 hrs. the maximum rna conte ...1976934592
conformations of satellite dnas.x-ray fiber diffraction studies of satellite dnas from gecarcinus lateralis, drosophila virilis and mus musculus, all of which have highly repetitious base sequences but with different degrees of sequence complexity, reveal only classical polynucleotide duplex structures in contrast to some highly repetitious synthetic dnas.1976995639
electron microscopic analysis of dna replication in main band and satellite dnas of drosophila virilis. 19761011257
[viability at different stages of development and early embryogenesis of drosophila virilis and d. littoralis and their hybrids].the low percentage of larval hatching both in the initial lines and the hybrids of direct and back crosses was shown to be due to the low fertilizability of eggs. a study of early embryogenesis, up to the gastrulation, has shown that the f1 hybrids (female d. virilis x male d. littoralis) develop at a lesser rate than both the parental species. some embryos of these latter attain the stage of blastoderm syncytium for 2 hrs whereas the hybrid embryos attain only the stage of polynuclear syncytium ...19761023085
[study of temperature-sensitive mutations in the virilis group of drosophila. 4. phenogenetics of a temperature-sensitive mutation affecting the development of imaginal discs in drosophila virilis sturt].the phenogenetics of a new temperature-sensitive mutation diskless-ts (dl-ts, 2nd chromosome) has been studied in d. virilis. the rearing of larvae from the 1st instar at the temperature 31 degrees resulted in the complete or partial arrest of the development of imaginal discs and, consequently, the death of larvae prior to the pupation, at the prepupa stage. the change of temperature from 25 to 31 degrees during the second half of development in the 3rd instar affects the differentiation of ima ...19761026867
[rna synthesis in embryogenesis of drosophila virilis].the synthesis of different rna fractions labelled by 3h-uridine has been studied at different developmental stages in drosophila virilis by means of thermal phenol extraction and chromatography on oligo-alphat-cellulose. there are two periods of intensive synthesis of poly-a containing (messenger) rna in the course of embryogenesis. the former (6--12 hrs) is the period of gastrulation and stomodeum development and the latter (15--21 hrs) is the period of intensive differentiation of larval organ ...19761026876
role of the female genotype in the formation of structural anomalies in the organs of drosophila virilis female times d. litoralis male hybrids.the role of the female genotype of drosophila virilis in the formation of structural anomalies of the organs in the progeny after crossing with d. litoralis males was studied. the frequency of appearance and the character of the anomalies are shown to depend on the genotype of the original maternal line.19751114355
sequence of expression of paternal and maternal esterases in the ontogeny of drosophila virilis.the order of appearance of the parental fractions of the enzyme in ontogeny was investigated in hybrids between laboratory strains of drosophila virilis differing in the electrophoretic mobility of certain esterases. activity of the esterases was shown to persist at a low level during most of embryogenesis and to increase toward its end, especially after emergence. at the 16th-20th hour of embryonic development the maternal fractions are accompanied by the manifestation of paternal fractions of ...19981114356
some peculiarities of the expression of exterases in larvae and adult individuals of drosophila was discovered that certain isoenzymes of esterases in drosophila virilis are represented by fast and slow subfractions. in various inbred lines, pecularities are observed in the distribution of activity between these subfractions, so that in adult individuals of some lines, the fast subfraction is the most active, and in others the slow subfraction. during the process of ontogenesis, a redistribution of activity between the two subfractions is observed.19751124427
underreplication of satellite dnas in polyploid ovarian tissue of drosophila virilis.the satellite dnas of drosophila virilis have been examined in diploid and polyploid tissues by isopycnic ultracentrifugation and thermal denaturation experiments. previous work has established that the satellite dnas are underreplicated in the polytene chromosomes of the salivary glands of d. virilis. the results of the present experiments demonstrate that this underreplication also takes place in the ovaries which contain nurse cells and follicle cells. these tissues are polyploid but do not s ...19751132282
differential replication of satellite dna in polyploid tissues of drosophila virilis.satellite dna amounts were examined in adult tissues of drosophila virilis, a species whose dna contains three prominent satellites. satellite amounts in dna from six of the seven tissues were lower than in dna from diploid (adult brain) tissue. satellite amounts in adult ovary dna, however, were equivalent to or greater than diploid levels. when dna from pupal ovaries was examined, a 30% increase in satellite amounts over diploid levels was found. an rna-dna hybridization experiment showed that ...19751132286
[changes in the chromosomal puff spectrum of drosophila virilis salivary glands exposed to 5-bromodeoxyuridine]. 19751132304
effect of bromodeoxyuridine on redundancy of ribosomal rna cistrons of drosophila virilis. 19751143349
the organization of interphase chromatin in drosophilidae: the self adhesion of chromatin containing the same dna sequences.cytological evidence is presented which shows that for drosophila virilis and samoaia leonensis at least, each satellite dna is condensed into a distinct heterochromatic mass during interphase. this is seen as just one example of a general phenomenon in which chromatin containing a particular dna sequence binds to other chromatin containing the same sequence. it is proposed that dna sequence specific proteins can account for this phenomenon.19751175457
organisation and evolution of drosophila virilis heterochromatin. 19751178055
[a change in the puff spectrum during development of drosophila virilis].the puff spectrum has been studied in the salivary gland chromosomes of d. virilis from 48 hrs of the 3rd larval until the gland lysis. 142 puffs were observed in the d. virilis genome. among them, 43% were observed at all developmental stages and other puffs were unstable: 47.1% appear at a certain stage and degrade or remain until the gland lysis; 9.9% are characterized by the "pulse" activity, i.e. they appear at a certain stage, degrade and reappear. the number of newly appeared puffs exceed ...19751215002
[puff expression in relation to genotype].the studies of genotype influence on puff size in salivary gland chromosomes of drosophila virilis (stocks 9, 101, 142, 151) and d. texana (the stock 123) reveal significant differences between the species concerning the structure of puff in the 3-c-6 region at the stage of puparium formation. in reciprocal f1 hybrids the size of the puff was intermediate in comparison with parental forms having a slight maternal effect. the differences in puff size in the 5th chromosome between interspecific hy ...19971218725
esterase gene frequency differences and linkage equilibrium in drosophila virilis populations from different ecological order to study the gene frequency and linkage equilibrium in natural populations, about 5740 chromosomes of drosophila virilis flies from eight natural populations were analyzed by the null strain method for two linked esterase loci. the frequencies of these esterase genes appear to depend on habitat characteristics rather than on geographical distribution. the populations kept a high degree of linkage equilibrium among them (d-.005).19751232025
the study of genic variation by electrophoretic and heat denaturation techniques at the octanol dehydrogenase locus in members of the drosophila virilis group.heat denaturation studies of three different electrophoretic allozymes of octanol dehydrogenase were performed from 10 species of the drosophila virilis group. a total of 18 alleles were discovered, and in 3 species in which electrophoretic studies indicated that the locus was monomorphic, heat denaturation showed that the locus was polymorphic. we show that electrophoretic studies underestimate the number of alleles at this locus by a factor of 2.6 in these species. the results are discussed in ...19751232029
the in situ formation of dna-dna duplexes of drosophila virilis satellite dna.the dna of drosophila virilis brains and imaginal discs was labeled in vitro to a specific activity of 6 x 10(-5) dpm/mug, using an organ culture medium. the dna was fractionated on neutral and alkaline csc1 gradients and the heavy strands of satellite i annealed in situ to denatured polytene chromosomes from squash preparations of larval salivary glands. nuclease s1 from aspergillus oryzae was used to digest the unpaired ssdna, resulting in a distinct labeling of the alpha-heterochromatin in th ...19761253642
genetic basis of reduced eyes in the hybrids of drosophila virilis phylad species.structural anomalies were detected in f1 and backcross hybrids of drosophila virilis and three of its sibling species drosophila novamexicana, drosophila americana texana and drosophila americana americana. similar but not identical anomalies have been described in d. virilis x d. lummei hybrids. f1 (d. virilis x d. novamexicana) hybrids had only slight disorders in the abdominal cuticula, but 5.3% of the first backcross generation hybrids had reduced eyes. eye defects in the second generation w ...19921295856
ulysses transposable element of drosophila shows high structural similarities to functional domains of retroviruses.we have determined the dna structure of the ulysses transposable element of drosophila virilis and found that this transposon is 10,653 bp and is flanked by two unusually large direct repeats 2136 bp long. ulysses shows the characteristic organization of ltr-containing retrotransposons, with matrix and capsid protein domains encoded in the first open reading frame. in addition, ulysses contains protease, reverse transcriptase, rnase h and integrase domains encoded in the second open reading fram ...19921318387
[isolation of a sequence with characteristics of a mobile element from drosophila virilis cells]. 19921334829
comparative studies of drosophila antennapedia genes.the antennapedia (antp) homeotic gene of drosophila melanogaster controls cell fates and pattern formation in the epidermis, nervous system and mesoderm of thoracic segments. its expression is controlled at the levels of transcription, alternative rna splicing, polyadenylation and translation. two nested antp transcription units extend over 103 kb and produce sixteen different transcripts. we have compared the antp genes of drosophila virilis, drosophila subobscura and d. melanogaster to determi ...19921358753
characterization of the progeny of x-ray irradiated males from two drosophila virilis strains differing in genetic instability.significant effects of x-ray treatment on the increase in the number of phenotypic variations, two visible mutations, and chromosome aberrations were found in the progeny of irradiated males from the d. virilis laboratory stock that is capable of hybrid dysgenesis syndrome induction. this effect is much more pronounced than in the progeny of irradiated males from strong wild-type strains studied. a correlation between genetic instability and chromosome radiosensitivity was outlined. the mechanis ...19921378553
characterization of the reverse transcriptase of 1731, a drosophila melanogaster retrotransposon.the nucleotide sequence of 1731, a retrotransposon cloned from the genome of drosophila melanogaster, reveals a structural similarity with the proviral form of the retroviruses including a pol-like gene containing a putative reverse-transcriptase(rt)-coding sequence. diverse parts of that sequence were subcloned and expressed in escherichia coli. it has been demonstrated that the expression of the rt-like sequence, when translated, gives rise to peptides displaying enzyme activity characteristic ...19921385119
loss of a paternal chromosome causes developmental anomalies among drosophila hybrids.hybrids between drosophila virilis and d. lummei suffer from developmental anomalies. previous reports also suggest that these hybrids lose the d. lummei sixth chromosome early in development. genetic and cytological data presented here confirm the loss of the microchromosome from both the soma and the germ-line of these hybrids and provide strong evidence that this loss causes the hybrid developmental anomalies.19921428956
heterochromatin protein 1, a known suppressor of position-effect variegation, is highly conserved in drosophila.the su(var)205 gene of drosophila melanogaster encodes heterochromatin protein 1 (hp1), a protein located preferentially within beta-heterochromatin. mutation of this gene has been associated with dominant suppression of position-effect variegation. we have cloned and sequenced the gene encoding hp1 from drosophila virilis, a distantly related species. comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence with drosophila melanogaster hp1 shows two regions of strong homology, one near the n-terminus (5 ...19921461737
[a study of genetic polymorphism of isozymes in natural populations of drosophila virilis in east china].a study of genetic variation at est-alpha, est-beta, a my, acph and alpha-gpdh loci in local samples of hefei, wuhu, jiujiang, nanchang, changzhou, fuzhou and quanzhou drosophila virilis population is presented. the employment of standard techniques of polyacrylamide electrophoresis and agarose electrophoresis reveals that the former three loci are highly polymorphic in all these populations. according to the allelic frequency of the 5 loci, a genetic distance between the above-mentioned populat ...19921524853
point mutations in the drosophila hairy gene demonstrate in vivo requirements for basic, helix-loop-helix, and wrpw domains.the drosophila pair-rule gene, hairy (h), encodes a nuclear basic helix-loop-helix (bhlh) protein that regulates embryonic segmentation and adult bristle patterning. in both cases, the h protein behaves as a transcriptional repressor. in this study, we determined the molecular nature of 12 h alleles. one mutation maps within the hlh domain, consistent with h function requiring homodimerization or heterodimerization with other hlh proteins. a second mutation lies in the basic domain, suggesting t ...19921588951
interspecific comparison of the transformer gene of drosophila reveals an unusually high degree of evolutionary divergence.the transformer (tra) gene of drosophila melanogaster occupies an intermediate position in the regulatory pathway controlling all aspects of somatic sexual differentiation. the female-specific expression of this gene's function is regulated by the sex lethal (sxl) gene, through a mechanism involving sex-specific alternative splicing of tra pre-mrna. the tra gene encodes a protein that is thought to act in conjunction with the transformer-2 (tra-2) gene product to control the sex-specific process ...19921592233
structure of drosophila virilis glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene and a comparison with the drosophila melanogaster gene.the complete glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene of drosophila virilis isolated by screening with alpha gpdhm cdna of the adult fly was sequenced. the gene contains eight exons spread over a total of approximate 8 kb dna. its exon/intron organization is identical to that of d. melanogaster. a single transcription initiation site was determined by primer extension. the stop codons are located at the 3' end of each of the exons 6 to 8. tata and caat boxes are present upstream of the transcript ...19921610907
[tyrosine hydroxylase activity in drosophila virilis in normal conditions and under heat stress]. 19911725146
conserved dna binding and self-association domains of the drosophila zeste protein.the zeste gene product is involved in two types of genetic effects dependent on chromosome pairing: transvection and the zeste-white interaction. comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence with that of the drosophila virilis gene shows that several blocks of amino acid sequence have been very highly conserved. one of these regions corresponds to the dna binding domain. site-directed mutations in this region indicate that a sequence resembling that of the homeodomain dna recognition helix is ...19921732733
molecular evolution and phylogeny of the drosophila virilis species group as inferred by two-dimensional electrophoresis.systematic relationship among the 12 species of the drosophila virilis species group, and drosophila robusta, were investigated by the use of two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-de). a total of 389 protein characters (about 200 loci) were scored and analyzed both phylogenetically and phenetically. the resulting phylogeny was found to be largely concordant with the current views of evolution among these species based on other independent morphological, chromosomal, electrophoretic, and immunologic ...19911774789
[metabolism of juvenile hormones in drosophila virilis image under normal conditions and under heat stress]. 19911804628
unusual drosophila virilis stress-puff at 20cd: cytological localization of a heat sensitive locus and some peculiarities of the heat shock response.using a series of chromosome aberrations a heat shock (hs) inducible site of the drosophila virilis heat shock puff 20cd has been cytologically localized in the distal 20c subdivision: the hs puff was not observable in chromosome 2 carrying the df(2)ebtg-52 deficiency; the bands in the proximal 20d subdivision could not autonomously be activated by hs in aberrant chromosomes that have this deficiency or the in(2)ebpc-19 inversion. an electron microscopy (em) analysis of the successive stages of ...19911816172
species-specific differences in tissue-specific expression of alcohol dehydrogenase are under the control of complex cis-acting loci: evidence from drosophila hybrids.differences in the expression of alcohol dehydrogenase in the hindgut and testis of adult drosophila virilis, d. texana, d. novamexicana and d. borealis flies were observed. these heritable differences do not arise due to chromosomal rearrangements, since the polytene chromosome banding patterns did not reveal any such gross chromosomal rearrangements near the adh locus in any of the tested species. analysis of the interspecific hybrids revealed that these differences are controlled by complex c ...19911820022
[alteration in the content of biogenic amines in two stocks of drosophila virilis and their hybrids in ontogenesis and under heat stress].the levels of dopamine and serotonin in two stocks of d. virilis and their f1 hybrids throughout ontogenesis and under heat stress (for 60 min at 32 degrees c) were examined. sharp increase in dopamine levels was reported under pupariation and with emergence of adults; alterations in serotonin levels were not so obvious. the concentration of dopamine in adults was shown to be considerably higher (more than twice) in the stock 147 than that in the stock 101. significant increase of dopamine quant ...19911879682
wrinkling of the eye in hybrids between drosophila virilis and drosophila lummei is caused by interaction of maternal and zygotic genes.hybrids of drosophila virilis females and drosophila lummei males have visible developmental anomalies in external adult structures. reciprocal hybrids are normal, and the anomalies are not found in other interspecific f1 hybrids of the virilis subgroup. antibiotic treatments with ampicillin, streptomycin and tetracycline did not cure the syndrome. the genetic basis of the wrinkling of the compound eye was analysed in detail. both male and female f1 progeny of d. virilis mothers were affected, i ...19911880047
organizational analysis of elav gene and functional analysis of elav protein of drosophila melanogaster and drosophila virilis.drosophila virilis genomic dna corresponding to the d. melanogaster embryonic lethal abnormal visual system (elav) locus was cloned. dna sequence analysis of a 3.8-kb genomic piece allowed identification of (i) an open reading frame (orf) with striking homology to the previously identified d. melanogaster orf and (ii) conserved sequence elements of possible regulatory relevance within and flanking the second intron. conceptual translation of the d. virilis orf predicts a 519-amino-acid-long ribo ...19911903840
interspecific comparison of the unusually repetitive drosophila locus mastermind.the mastermind gene of drosophila melanogaster encodes a novel, highly repetitive nuclear protein required for neural development. to identify functionally important regions we have initiated an interspecific comparison of the gene in drosophila virilis. mastermind transcription and genomic organization are similar in both species and sequence analysis reveals significant conservation in a major cluster of charged amino acids. in contrast, extensive variation is noted in homopolymer domains that ...19911904096
analysis of the promoter region of the housekeeping gene dmrp140 by sequence comparison of drosophila melanogaster and drosophila analyze the transcriptional control regions of drosophila melanogaster household genes, we have characterized the promoter of the gene coding for the second-largest subunit of rna polymerase ii (dmrp140). analysis of cdna revealed that the coding region of the protein extends beyond the originally assumed transcription start point (tsp) and deduced translation start codon [falkenburg et al., j. mol. biol. 195 (1987) 929-937] and that the tsp determined previously corresponds to an intron/exon ...19911905256
sterility of male and female hybrids of drosophila virilis and drosophila lummei.the sterility of interspecific hybrids between the sibling species drosophila virilis and d. lummei was tested in reciprocal f1s and different second generation combinations of cytoplasm, sex chromosomes and autosomes. males with motile sperm and females with at least one mature egg were scored as fertile. when d. virilis was the mother, about 5 per cent of the f1 male progeny was sterile, the reason being that the x of d. virilis was weakly incompatible with the heterozygous second, fourth and ...19911917547
analysis of the promoter region of the housekeeping gene dmrp140 by sequence comparison of drosophila melanogaster and drosophila virilis. 20071937028
evolution of gene position: chromosomal arrangement and sequence comparison of the drosophila melanogaster and drosophila virilis sina and rh4 genes.the seven in absentia (sina) gene of drosophila encodes a nuclear protein required for normal eye development. in drosophila melanogaster, the sina gene is located within an intron of the rh4 opsin gene. we examine here the nucleotide sequences and chromosomal arrangements of these genes in drosophila virilis. an interspecies comparison between d. melanogaster and d. virilis reveals that the protein-coding sequences of the sina and rh4 genes are highly conserved, but the relative chromosomal pos ...19911946441
structural and functional comparisons of the drosophila virilis and drosophila melanogaster rough genes.we have isolated the homeobox gene rough (ro) from drosophila virilis. comparison of the predicted amino acid sequences of the d. melanogaster and d. virilis rough proteins reveals that domains of high conservation, including the homeodomain, are interspersed with highly diverged regions. stretches of significant sequence conservation are also observed in the 5' promoter region and in the introns. the d. virilis rough gene rescues the rough mutant phenotype and is properly regulated when introdu ...19901974051
interspecific comparisons of the structure and regulation of the drosophila ecdysone-inducible gene e74.the drosophila melanogaster e74 gene is induced directly by the steroid hormone ecdysone and is a member of a small set of "early" genes that appear to trigger the onset of metamorphosis. the gene consists of three overlapping transcription units encoding two proteins, e74a and e74b, which possess a common c terminus. according to the ashburner model for ecdysone's action, an e74 protein product potentially functions as a transcriptional activator of "late" genes as well as a repressor of early ...19912016053
[an "unusual" stress-activated drosophila virilis 20cd puff: cytologic localization of the thermostable locus and characteristics of the reaction to heat shock].using a series of chromosome aberrations heat shock (hs) inducible site of 20cd drosophila virilis hs puff was cytologically localized in distal 20c subdivision: the hs puff was not observed in chromosome 2 carrying df(2)eb deficiency; the bands in proximal 20d subdivision are unable to provide autonomous activation by hs in aberrant chromosomes having this deficiency or the in(2)eb inversion. electron microscopical analysis of successive stages of 20cd development showed the hs puff to be initi ...19912037255
[an analysis of the protein product of the tissue-specific gene est-s in drosophila virilis]. 19912055151
species differences in the temporal pattern of drosophila urate oxidase gene expression are attributed to trans-acting regulatory changes.the drosophila melanogaster urate oxidase (uo)-encoding gene is expressed in the third-instar larva and adult. in contrast, the drosophila pseudoobscura uo gene is only expressed in the adult, whereas the drosophila virilis uo gene is expressed only in the third-instar larva. uo activity in these three drosophila species is detected exclusively within the malpighian tubules. by using p-element mediated germ-line transformation, uo genes from d. pseudoobscura and d. virilis were integrated into t ...19912062830
chromosomal rearrangement in(2)ty and linkage maps of the second chromosome of drosophila virilis.a chromosomal rearrangement in(2)ty, found in a natural population of drosophila virilis, was examined cytologically, and its genetical characterization was carried out by the use of some marker isozymes and visible marker loci. from the interspecific hybridization between d. virilis and d. americana or d. texana, we deduced that the origin of in(2)ty was from a member of a closely related species of virilis.19912064801
the genetic basis of a species-specific character in the drosophila virilis species group.the genetic basis of the species-specific dorsal abdominal stripe of drosophila novamexicana was examined. the dorsal stripe is present in d. novamexicana and absent in all other members of the drosophila virilis species group. interspecific crosses between d. novamexicana and genetically marked d. virilis revealed that all four of the autosomes (except the tiny dot chromosome, which was not marked) and the sex chromosomes (the x and y chromosome effects could not be disentangled) showed a signi ...19912071018
[effect of individual chromosomes on sex behavior of drosophila].dependence of intensity of drosophila virilis male sexual behaviour on age-related differences was studied. most active proved to be those age periods which correlated with the time of s-esterase elevated activity. courtship displays were compared in strains 101 and 160, interstrain differences correlating with the s-esterase activity level. as s-esterase plays an important role in fertilization, this relationship seems to be non-random. it is quite possible that the level of s-esterase activity ...19902079205
conservatism of sites of trna loci among the linkage groups of several drosophila species.the sites of seven trna genes (arg-2, lys-2, ser-2b, ser-7, thr-3, thr-4, val-3b) were studied by in situ hybridization. 125i-labeled trna probes from drosophila melanogaster were hybridized to spreads of polytene chromosomes prepared from four drosophila species representing different evolutionary lineages (d. melanogaster, drosophila hydei, drosophila pseudoobscura, and drosophila virilis). most trna loci occurred on homologous chromosomal elements of all four species. in some cases the number ...19902107332
developmental anomalies in drosophila hybrids are apparently caused by loss of microchromosome.hybrids produced by crossing drosophila virilis females to d. lummei males suffer from many developmental anomalies; the reciprocal hybridization yields normal offspring. genetic analysis reveals that these anomalies involve a maternal effect: whether or not an individual will show an anomaly depends upon his mother's nuclear genotype. several lines of evidence suggest that the proximal cause of the anomalies is the elimination of the d. lummei microchromosome (chromosome 6) from hybrids. loss o ...19902111301
interspecific comparison of a drosophila gene encoding fmrfamide-related order to identify functionally important regions of a neuropeptide gene in drosophila melanogaster, we have studied its occurrence in related species and have characterized the structure of a homologous gene in drosophila virilis. the melanogaster gene encodes a precursor that contains 13 neuropeptides related to the molluscan tetrapeptide fmrfamide (nambu et al., 1988; schneider and taghert, 1988). using the melanogaster gene as a probe in southern blot analysis, related sequences were detec ...19902113087
comparison of the sevenless genes of drosophila virilis and drosophila melanogaster.the sevenless gene of drosophila melanogaster encodes a transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor required for normal eye development. we report here the isolation and dna sequence analysis of the sevenless gene from drosophila virilis. the predicted amino acid sequences of the sevenless proteins from these two species, which diverged approximately 60 million years ago, are compared.19902115169
discrepancy in divergence of the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes of drosophila teissieri and drosophila yakuba.restriction sites were compared in the mitochondrial dna (mtdna) molecules from representatives of two closely related species of fruit flies: nine strains of drosophila teissieri and eight strains of drosophila yakuba. nucleotide diversities among d. teissieri strains and among d. yakuba strains were 0.07% and 0.03%, respectively, and the nucleotide distance between the species was 0.22%. also determined was the nucleotide sequence of a 2305-nucleotide pair (ntp) segment of the mtdna molecule o ...19902115928
simple human dna-repeats associated with genomic hypervariability, flanking the genomic retroposons and similar to retroviral sites.earlier we found a human hypervariable genomic region (gvr). the dna hybridization probe isolated from this region detects multiple hypervariability of restriction dna fragments from genomic loci. the sequencing data suggest that the genomic instability and variability are associated with tandem dna repeats. the dna hybridization probe contains two families of simple dna repeats designated as 'apo' and 'tau'. the (tc)n-rich family of dna 'tau'-repeats bears some similarity to the simple transcri ...19902159624
a long terminal repeat-containing retrotransposon is mobilized during hybrid dysgenesis in drosophila virilis.a hybrid dysgenesis syndrome similar to those described in drosophila melanogaster occurs in drosophila virilis when a laboratory stock is crossed to a wild strain collected in the batumi region of georgia (u.s.s.r). mutations in various loci obtained during these crosses are presumably induced by the insertion of dna sequences. we have cloned an induced white mutation and characterized the insertion sequence responsible for the mutant phenotype. this sequence is a 10.6-kilobase (kb) transposabl ...19902175908
[the characteristics of the progeny of irradiated males from 2 lines of drosophila virilis differing by the level of genetic instability]. 19902226154
genetic analysis of variation in the number of primary spermatocytes per cyst in drosophila virilis.two experiments were performed with the aim of clarifying the genetic basis of variation in the number of primary spermatocytes per cyst in the b12 strain of drosophila virilis and identifying the chromosome responsible for the variation. first, crosses between b12, showing a mean cell number of 11.81, and strain tk with a mean of 7.91, were performed. from the results obtained, it was considered that there were two factors, i.e., a recessive gene and certain modifiers, which shifted the cell nu ...19902248785
a hybrid dysgenesis syndrome in drosophila virilis.a new example of "hybrid dysgenesis" has been demonstrated in the f1 progeny of crosses between two different strains of drosophila virilis. the dysgenic traits were observed only in hybrids obtained when wild-type females (of the batumi strain 9 from georgia, ussr) were crossed to males from a marker strain (the long-established laboratory strain, strain 160, carrying recessive markers on all its autosomes). the phenomena observed include high frequencies of male and female sterility, male reco ...20062249761
viability of first and second generation hybrids of drosophila virilis and drosophila lummei.f1 hybrids of d. virilis and d. lummei survived significantly worse than the parents. when d. virilis was the mother, larger proportion of hybrids failed to emerge from pupal case, but overall survival rate of reciprocals was about the same. viability of different heterospecific combinations of sex chromosomes and autosomes was studied in backcrosses. all the sex chromosomes survived well on the background of all-heterozygous autosomes. hemizygous x was reciprocally subvital with homozygous alie ...19902292491
genes from two intermoult puffs in drosophila virilis polytene chromosomes are differentially transcribed during larval development.genes from two drosophila virilis intermoult puffs were isolated by microcloning. from puff 16a on the x-chromosome a 2.9 kb dna fragment was obtained, which hybridizes with three transcripts. two of them represent the mrnas for larval glue proteins. they are found in different abundancies in third larval instar salivary glands, but also in minor amounts in midgut and in fat body. in puff 55e on chromosome iii two genes were identified. they are transcribed exclusively in salivary glands during ...19902351068
glue protein genes in drosophila virilis: their organization, developmental control of transcription and specific mrna degradation.the gene lgp-1, which is localized in the intermoult puff 16a of d. virilis polytene chromosomes, encodes the major larval glue protein igp-1. the gene consists of two exons interrupted by a short intron. in the 5' flanking region of lgp-1, we find putative ecdysone receptor binding sites and two proximal conserved sequence motifs which are possibly involved in gene regulation. the amino acid sequence deduced from the dna sequence reveals a relationship to the 68c glue protein family of d. melan ...19902351069
expression of dispersed 36 bp sequences in drosophila virilis.a major fraction of mobile dispersed elements described in drosophila virilis (pdv elements) consists of tandem 36 bp repeats. these repeat units were cloned into puc19 and used as a hybridization probe. dna blotting showed that these 36 bp repeats in the d. virilis genome are included in rather large (5-6 kb) structural and probably functional domains. the 36 bp repeat units in the d. virilis and d. lummei genomes exist in three different orientations relative to one another, i.e. tail-to-tail, ...19892470555
[primary structure of the transcription initiation region of the esterase s gene of drosophila virilis].the transcription initiation region of the gene for tissue-specific esterase s of d. virilis has been analysed. by means of high-resolution s1-mapping we located a set of transcription initiation points, two of them being major ones. the position of the major start points, but not the efficiency of their usage, does not depend on age, sex or strain of the flies. the transcription initiation region is sequenced. the region contains various motifs characteristic for eukaryotic promoters.19882472143
in situ hybridization analysis of chromosomal homologies in drosophila melanogaster and drosophila virilis.twenty-four biotin-labeled recombinant-dna probes which contained putative unique-sequence drosophila melanogaster dna were hybridized to larval salivary-gland chromosomes of d. melanogaster and drosophila virilis. all probes hybridized to d. melanogaster chromosomes at the expected sites. however, one probe hybridized to at least 16 additional sites, and one hybridized to one additional site. thirteen probes hybridized strongly to d. virilis chromosomes, four hybridized weakly and infrequently, ...19892499517
a neuron-specific enhancer of the drosophila dopa decarboxylase least two cis-regulatory elements are necessary for correct neuron-specific expression of the drosophila melanogaster dopa decarboxylase gene, ddc. in addition to a previously described proximal element located approximately 60 bp upstream of the mrna start site, we have now characterized a distal approximately 600-bp dna fragment, extending from -1019 to -1623 bp, which possesses enhancer-like properties and is essential for normal neuron-specific expression. immunofluorescent labeling of ne ...19892501149
comparison of the gap segmentation gene hunchback between drosophila melanogaster and drosophila virilis reveals novel modes of evolutionary change.we have cloned and sequenced a large portion of the hunchback (hb) locus from drosophila virilis. comparison with the drosophila melanogaster hb sequence shows multiple strong homologies in the upstream and downstream regions of the gene, including most of the known functional parts. the coding sequence is highly conserved within the presumptive dna-binding finger regions, but more diverged outside of them. the regions of high divergence are correlated with regions which are rich in short direct ...19892504581
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 542