Nucleotide Sequences

Host(sorted ascending)
potentilla pulchellaCanada: Northwest Territories, Victoria Island, Minto Inlet, Head of Minto Inlet, end of eastern most inlet (N arm), coastal saline flat459929974
potentilla pulchellaCanada: Northwest Territories, Victoria Island, Ulakhaktok, Adjacent to Kings Bay, across water from 'Old Holman', N side of Uluhaktok459929976
potentilla pulchellaCanada: Northwest Territories, Victoria Island, Minto Inlet, Coast on S side of river delta at head of N arm of Minto Inlet459929978
potentilla pulchellaCanada: Northwest Territories, Axel Heiberg Island, Mokka Fiord459929980
potentilla pulchellaCanada: Northwest Territories, Banks Island, De Salis Bay459929984
potentilla pulchellaCanada: Northwest Territories, Victoria Island, Ulakhaktok, Adjacent to Kings Bay, across water from 'Old Holman', N side of Uluhaktok459929990
potentilla pulchellaCanada: Northwest Territories, Victoria Island, Minto Inlet, Head of Minto Inlet, end of eastern most inlet (N arm), coastal saline flat459995021
potentilla pulchellaCanada: Northwest Territories, Victoria Island, Ulakhaktok, Adjacent to Kings Bay, across water from 'Old Holman': N side of Uluhaktok459995023
potentilla pulchellaCanada: Northwest Territories, Victoria Island, Minto Inlet, Coast on S side of river delta at head of N arm of Minto Inlet459995025
potentilla pulchellaCanada: Northwest Territories, Axel Heiberg Island, Mokka Fiord459995028
potentilla pulchellaCanada: Northwest Territories, Mainland Northwest Territories, Paulatuk, East of Paulatuk, adjacent to Darnley Bay459995032
potentilla pulchellaCanada: Northwest Territories, Banks Island, De Salis Bay459995036
potentilla pulchellaCanada: Northwest Territories, Victoria Island, Ulakhaktok, Adjacent to Kings Bay, across water from 'Old Holman': N side of Uluhaktok459995043
potentilla pulchellacanada: northwest territories, cape bathurst, camp1328826504
Displaying items 1 - 14 of 14