Nucleotide Sequences

Country(sorted ascending)
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483909
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483919
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483935
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483937
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483947
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483951
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484177
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484181
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484221
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484233
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484237
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484243
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484259
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484291
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484313
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484315
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484325
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484329
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484331
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484333
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484335
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484339
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484341
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484345
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484357
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484363
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484369
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484385
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484387
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484391
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484397
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484399
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484403
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483899
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483897
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483895
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483893
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483881
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483869
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483849
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483817
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483813
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483797
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483787
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483783
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483779
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483757
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483749
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483739
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483733
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483729
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483727
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483715
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483703
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483685
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483679
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574483663
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484417
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484437
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484445
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484449
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484451
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484485
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484503
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484511
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484555
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484563
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484591
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484593
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484617
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484627
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484649
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484663
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484671
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484687
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484693
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484709
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484711
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484713
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484737
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484761
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484765
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484769
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484771
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484827
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484833
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484843
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484859
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484869
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484887
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484893
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484935
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484971
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484977
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484979
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574484989
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574485005
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574485015
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574485049
cobitis lutheriSouth Korea: the Mankyeong River574485065
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 204