bos indicus

Scientific Name
  • bos indicus
Alternative Names bos primigenius indicus, zebu, zebu cattle, achham, bachaur, barzona, beefmaster, bonsmara, boran, bosindicus, braford, brangus, canchim, droughtmaster, gelbray, gir, gudali, guzerat, hallikar, kankrej, kherigarh, khillari, nelore, ongole, rath, senepol, simbrah, zebus, bos taurus indicus, indicus bos, a zebu, dairy zebu, beef zebu, pet zebu, domestic zebu, domesticated zebu, karan fries, kenwariya, orma boran, umblachery, abyssinian shorthorned zebu, adaptaur, african boran, africangus, amrit mahal, ankole-watusi, australian braford, australian brangus, australian charbray, australian friesian sahiwal, australian milking zebu, azerbaijan zebu, beefmaker, belmont red, brahmousin, butana and kenana, charbray, coste�o con cuernos, dwarf lulu, jamaica hope, kangayam cow, karan swiss, madagascar zebu, mandalong special, punganur cow, red brangus, red fulani, red sindhi, selembu, tabapu�, vechoor cow, wangus, white fulani
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NCBI TaxId 9915
NCBI Rank species
NCBI Division mammals
Categories 2
Recursive Carriers 1
Recursive Cargos 229
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