Cargos (from vitivirus) Carried by vitis vinifera

NameOur RankOur DivisionNCBI DivisionNCBI RankTaxId
grapevine virus aspeciesviruses and viroidsvirusesspecies35288
grapevine virus bspeciesviruses and viroidsvirusesspecies35289
grapevine virus dspeciesviruses and viroidsvirusesspecies51617
grapevine virus especiesviruses and viroidsvirusesspecies516956
grapevine virus fspecies  species1221437
grapevine virus gspecies  species2022475
grapevine virus hspecies  species2045345
grapevine virus ispecies  species2052157
grapevine virus jspecies  species2093496
grapevine virus kspecies  species2016034
Displaying items 1 - 11 of 11