Cargos (from polerovirus) Carried by cucurbita moschata

NameOur RankOur DivisionNCBI DivisionNCBI RankTaxId
beet western yellows virusspeciesviruses and viroidsvirusesspecies12042
cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virusspeciesviruses and viroidsvirusesspecies91753
luffa aphid-borne yellows virusspecies  species1462682
melon aphid-borne yellows virusspeciesviruses and viroidsvirusesspecies471717
pepo aphid-borne yellows virusspecies  species1462681
pepper vein yellows virusspeciesviruses and viroidsvirusesspecies909827
suakwa aphid-borne yellows virusspeciesviruses and viroidsvirusesspecies646010
Displaying items 1 - 7 of 7