Cargos (from human papillomavirus) Carried by homo sapiens

NameOur RankOur DivisionNCBI DivisionNCBI RankTaxId
human papillomavirusspeciesviruses and viroidsvirusesspecies10566
human papillomavirus unidentified type (rtrx1)no rankviruses and viroidsvirusesno rank37755
human papillomavirus unidentified type (rtrx2)no rankviruses and viroidsvirusesno rank37756
human papillomavirus unidentified type (rtrx3)no rankviruses and viroidsvirusesno rank37757
human papillomavirus unidentified type (rtrx4)no rankviruses and viroidsvirusesno rank37758
human papillomavirus unidentified type (rtrx5)no rankviruses and viroidsvirusesno rank37759
human papillomavirus unidentified type (rtrx6)no rankviruses and viroidsvirusesno rank37760
Displaying items 1 - 7 of 7