Tree View


Diseases included in EID2 Database. You can browse to specific Disease via the tree view or the grid below. The grid allows you to filter (click funnel), sort (click on column name) or page (click on page numbers below).

astrovirus enteritisA08.32
aspergillosis, unspecifiedB44.9
aseptic meningitis in leptospirosisA27.81
ascariasis, unspecifiedB77.9
ascariasis with other complicationsB77.89
ascariasis with intestinal complicationsB77.0
ascariasis pneumoniaB77.81
arthropod-borne viral fevers and viral hemorrhagic feversA90 -A99
arthropod-borne viral encephalitis, unspecifiedA85.2
arthritis due to lyme diseaseA69.23
arenaviral hemorrhagic fever, unspecifiedA96.9
arenaviral hemorrhagic feverA96
anthrax, unspecifiedA22.9
anthrax sepsisA22.7
anogenital herpesviral infection, unspecifiedA60.9
anogenital herpesviral [herpes simplex] infectionsA60
anogenital (venereal) wartsA63.0
angiostrongyliasis due to parastrongylus cantonensisB83.2
american trypanosomiasisB57.6
ameboma of intestineA06.3
amebic nondysenteric colitisA06.2
amebic lung abscessA06.5
amebic liver abscessA06.4
amebic cystitisA06.81
amebic brain abscessA06.6
amebiasis, unspecifiedA06.9
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosisB44.81
african trypanosomiasis, unspecifiedB56.9
african trypanosomiasisB56
adenovirus infection, unspecifiedB34.0
adenovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.0
adenoviral meningitisA87.1
adenoviral enteritisA08.2
adenoviral encephalitisA85.1
acute viral hepatitis, unspecifiedB17.9
acute pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulatiB39.0
acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosisB38.0
acute pulmonary blastomycosisB40.0
acute poliomyelitis, unspecifiedA80.9
acute poliomyelitisA80
acute paralytic poliomyelitis, wild virus, indigenousA80.2
acute paralytic poliomyelitis, wild virus, importedA80.1
acute paralytic poliomyelitis, vaccine-associatedA80.0
acute paralytic poliomyelitis, unspecifiedA80.30
acute nonparalytic poliomyelitisA80.4
acute miliary tuberculosis, unspecifiedA19.2
acute miliary tuberculosis of multiple sitesA19.1
acute miliary tuberculosis of a single specified siteA19.0
acute meningococcemiaA39.2
acute hepatitis eB17.2
acute hepatitis b without delta-agent with hepatic comaB16.2
acute hepatitis b without delta-agent and without hepatic comaB16.9
acute hepatitis b with delta-agent without hepatic comaB16.1
acute hepatitis b with delta-agent with hepatic comaB16.0
acute hepatitis bB16
acute hepatitis aB15
acute gastroenteropathy due to other small round virusesA08.19
acute gastroenteropathy due to norwalk agentA08.11
acute epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (enteroviral)B30.3
acute delta-(super) infection of hepatitis b carrierB17.0
acute chagas' disease without heart involvementB57.1
acute chagas' disease with heart involvementB57.0
acute and fulminating melioidosisA24.1
acute amebic dysenteryA06.0
active stage of trachomaA71.1
actinomycotic sepsisA42.7
actinomycotic meningitisA42.81
actinomycotic encephalitisA42.82
actinomycosis, unspecifiedA42.9
abdominal actinomycosisA42.1
�� unspecifiedA52.10
Displaying items 1201 - 1282 of 1282