Tree View


Diseases included in EID2 Database. You can browse to specific Disease via the tree view or the grid below. The grid allows you to filter (click funnel), sort (click on column name) or page (click on page numbers below).

meningococcemia, unspecifiedA39.4
chronic meningococcemiaA39.3
acute meningococcemiaA39.2
waterhouse-friderichsen syndromeA39.1
meningococcal meningitisA39.0
meningococcal infectionA39
scarlet fever, uncomplicatedA38.9
scarlet fever with other complicationsA38.8
scarlet fever with myocarditisA38.1
scarlet fever with otitis mediaA38.0
scarlet feverA38
whooping cough with pneumoniaA37.91
whooping cough without pneumoniaA37.90
whooping cough with pneumoniaA37.81
whooping cough without pneumoniaA37.80
infectious canine tracheobronchitisA37.8
whooping cough with pneumoniaA37.11
whooping cough without pneumoniaA37.10
whooping cough with pneumoniaA37.01
whooping coughwithout pneumoniaA37.00
whooping coughA37
diphtheria, unspecifiedA36.9
other diphtheritic complicationsA36.89
diphtheritic conjunctivitisA36.86
diphtheritic cystitisA36.85
diphtheritic tubulo-interstitial nephropathyA36.84
diphtheritic polyneuritisA36.83
diphtheritic radiculomyelitisA36.82
diphtheritic cardiomyopathyA36.81
cutaneous diphtheriaA36.3
laryngeal diphtheriaA36.2
nasopharyngeal diphtheriaA36.1
pharyngeal diphtheriaA36.0
other tetanusA35
other tetanusA35
obstetrical tetanusA34
obstetrical tetanusA34
tetanus neonatorumA33
tetanus neonatorumA33
listeriosis, unspecifiedA32.9
other forms of listeriosisA32.89
listerial endocarditisA32.82
oculoglandular listeriosisA32.81
listerial sepsisA32.7
listerial meningoencephalitisA32.12
listerial meningitisA32.11
cutaneous listeriosisA32.0
mycobacterial infection, unspecifiedA31.9
other mycobacterial infectionsA31.8
disseminated mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex (dmac)A31.2
cutaneous mycobacterial infectionA31.1
pulmonary mycobacterial infectionA31.0
infection due to other mycobacteriaA31
leprosy, unspecifiedA30.9
other forms of leprosyA30.8
lepromatous leprosyA30.5
borderline lepromatous leprosyA30.4
borderline leprosyA30.3
borderline tuberculoid leprosyA30.2
tuberculoid leprosyA30.1
indeterminate leprosyA30.0
other bacterial diseasesA30 -A49
leprosy [hansen's disease]A30
zoonotic bacterial disease, unspecifiedA28.9
other specified zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classifiedA28.8
extraintestinal yersiniosisA28.2
cat-scratch diseaseA28.1
other zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classifiedA28
leptospirosis, unspecifiedA27.9
other forms of leptospirosisA27.89
aseptic meningitis in leptospirosisA27.81
leptospirosis icterohemorrhagicaA27.0
erysipeloid, unspecifiedA26.9
other forms of erysipeloidA26.8
erysipelothrix sepsisA26.7
cutaneous erysipeloidA26.0
rat-bite fever, unspecifiedA25.9
rat-bite feversA25
melioidosis, unspecifiedA24.9
other melioidosisA24.3
subacute and chronic melioidosisA24.2
acute and fulminating melioidosisA24.1
glanders and melioidosisA24
brucellosis, unspecifiedA23.9
other brucellosisA23.8
brucellosis due to brucella canisA23.3
brucellosis due to brucella suisA23.2
brucellosis due to brucella abortusA23.1
brucellosis due to brucella melitensisA23.0
anthrax, unspecifiedA22.9
other forms of anthraxA22.8
Displaying items 1001 - 1100 of 1282