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Diseases included in EID2 Database. You can browse to specific Disease via the tree view or the grid below. The grid allows you to filter (click funnel), sort (click on column name) or page (click on page numbers below).

varicella [chickenpox]B01
varicella meningitisB01.0
varicella encephalitis and encephalomyelitisB01.11
varicella myelitisB01.12
varicella pneumoniaB01.2
varicella keratitisB01.81
other varicella complicationsB01.89
varicella without complicationB01.9
zoster [herpes zoster]B02
zoster encephalitisB02.0
zoster meningitisB02.1
postherpetic geniculate ganglionitisB02.21
postherpetic trigeminal neuralgiaB02.22
postherpetic polyneuropathyB02.23
postherpetic myelitisB02.24
other postherpetic nervous system involvementB02.29
zoster unspecifiedB02.30
zoster conjunctivitisB02.31
zoster iridocyclitisB02.32
zoster keratitisB02.33
zoster scleritisB02.34
other herpes zoster eye diseaseB02.39
disseminated zosterB02.7
zoster with other complicationsB02.8
zoster without complicationsB02.9
measles complicated by encephalitisB05.0
measles complicated by meningitisB05.1
canine distemperB05.10
measles complicated by pneumoniaB05.2
measles complicated by otitis mediaB05.3
measles with intestinal complicationsB05.4
measles keratitis and keratoconjunctivitisB05.81
other measles complicationsB05.89
measles without complicationB05.9
rubella [german measles]B06
rubella with neurological complication, unspecifiedB06.00
rubella encephalitisB06.01
rubella meningitisB06.02
other neurological complications of rubellaB06.09
rubella pneumoniaB06.81
rubella arthritisB06.82
other rubella complicationsB06.89
rubella without complicationB06.9
viral wartsB07
plantar wartB07.0
other viral wartsB07.8
viral wart, unspecifiedB07.9
other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classifiedB08
vaccinia not from vaccineB08.011
orf virus diseaseB08.02
pseudocowpox [milker's node]B08.03
paravaccinia, unspecifiedB08.04
other orthopoxvirus infectionsB08.09
molluscum contagiosumB08.1
other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified unspecifiedB08.20
other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified due to human herpesvirus B08.21
other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classifieddue to human herpesvirus B08.22
erythema infectiosum [fifth disease]B08.3
enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthemB08.4
enteroviral vesicular pharyngitisB08.5
parapoxvirus infection, unspecifiedB08.60
bovine stomatitisB08.61
other parapoxvirus infectionsB08.69
yatapoxvirus infection, unspecifiedB08.70
tanapox virus diseaseB08.71
yaba pox virus diseaseB08.72
other yatapoxvirus infectionsB08.79
other specified viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesionsB08.8
unspecified viral infection characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesionsB09
unspecified viral infection characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesionsB09
other human herpesvirusesB10
other human herpesvirusesB10 -B10
human herpesvirus encephalitisB10.01
other human herpesvirus encephalitisB10.09
human herpesvirus infectionB10.81
human herpesvirus infectionB10.82
other human herpesvirus infectionB10.89
acute hepatitis aB15
viral hepatitisB15 -B19
hepatitis a with hepatic comaB15.0
hepatitis a without hepatic comaB15.9
acute hepatitis bB16
acute hepatitis b with delta-agent with hepatic comaB16.0
acute hepatitis b with delta-agent without hepatic comaB16.1
acute hepatitis b without delta-agent with hepatic comaB16.2
acute hepatitis b without delta-agent and without hepatic comaB16.9
other acute viral hepatitisB17
acute delta-(super) infection of hepatitis b carrierB17.0
other acute viral hepatitiswithout hepatic comaB17.10
other acute viral hepatitis with hepatic comaB17.11
acute hepatitis eB17.2
other specified acute viral hepatitisB17.8
acute viral hepatitis, unspecifiedB17.9
Displaying items 701 - 800 of 1282