Tree View


Diseases included in EID2 Database. You can browse to specific Disease via the tree view or the grid below. The grid allows you to filter (click funnel), sort (click on column name) or page (click on page numbers below).

other specified intestinal helminthiasesB81.8
other specified infestationsB88.8
other specified helminthiasesB83.8
other specified fluke infectionsB66.8
other specified cestode infectionsB71.8
other specified bacterial intestinal infectionsA04.8
other specified bacterial foodborne intoxicationsA05.8
other specified bacterial diseasesA48.8
other specified bacterial agents as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.89
other specified arthropod-borne viral feversA93.8
other specified acute viral hepatitisB17.8
other sites of candidiasisB37.89
other shigellosisA03.8
other sexually transmitted chlamydial diseases unspecifiedA56.00
other sexually transmitted chlamydial diseasesA56
other severe and complicated plasmodium falciparum malariaB50.8
other sepsisA41
other secondary syphilitic conditionsA51.49
other secondary syphilis of skinA51.39
other schistosomiasisB65.8
other salmonella infectionsA02
other rubella complicationsB06.89
other rickettsiosesA79
other retrovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.39
other respiratory tuberculosisA15.8
other pulmonary aspergillosisB44.1
other protozoal intestinal diseasesA07
other protozoal diseases, not elsewhere classified unspecifiedB60.10
other protozoal diseases, not elsewhere classifiedB60
other predominantly sexually transmitted diseases, not elsewhere classifiedA63
other postherpetic nervous system involvementB02.29
other parapoxvirus infectionsB08.69
other orthopoxvirus infectionsB08.09
other neurological complications of rubellaB06.09
other neurologic disorders in lyme diseaseA69.22
other nervous system involvement in chagas' diseaseB57.49
other mycoses, not elsewhere classifiedB48
other mycobacterial infectionsA31.8
other musculoskeletal tuberculosisA18.09
other mumps complicationsB26.89
other mosquito-borne viral feverswith other neurologic manifestationA92.32
other mosquito-borne viral feverswith other complicationsA92.39
other mosquito-borne viral feverswith encephalitisA92.31
other mosquito-borne viral fevers unspecifiedA92.30
other mosquito-borne viral feversA92
other mosquito-borne viral encephalitisA83.8
other miliary tuberculosisA19.8
other meningococcal infectionsA39.89
other melioidosisA24.3
other measles complicationsB05.89
other manifestations of yawsA66.7
other malaria, not elsewhere classifiedB53.8
other late congenital syphilitic oculopathyA50.39
other late congenital syphilis, symptomaticA50.59
other late congenital neurosyphilisA50.49
other intestinal helminthiases, not elsewhere classifiedB81
other intestinal escherichia coli infectionsA04.4
other infestationsB88
other infectious diseasesB99 -B99
other infectious diseaseB99.8
other human herpesvirusesB10
other human herpesvirusesB10 -B10
other human herpesvirus infectionB10.89
other human herpesvirus encephalitisB10.09
other hookworm diseasesB76.8
other herpesviral infectionB00.89
other herpesviral disease of eyeB00.59
other herpes zoster eye diseaseB02.39
other helminthiasesB83
other gram-negative sepsisA41.59
other gonococcal infectionsA54.89
other gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tractA54.09
other gonococcal genitourinary infectionsA54.29
other gonococcal eye infectionA54.39
other genitourinary symptomatic late syphilisA52.76
other forms of tularemiaA21.8
other forms of sporotrichosisB42.89
other forms of plagueA20.8
other forms of paracoccidioidomycosisB41.8
other forms of nocardiosisA43.8
other forms of listeriosisA32.89
other forms of leptospirosisA27.89
other forms of leprosyA30.8
other forms of erysipeloidA26.8
other forms of cryptococcosisB45.8
other forms of coccidioidomycosisB38.89
other forms of chromomycosisB43.8
other forms of blastomycosisB40.89
other forms of bartonellosisA44.8
other forms of aspergillosisB44.89
other forms of anthraxA22.8
other forms of actinomycosisA42.89
other fluke infectionsB66
other filariasesB74.8
other escherichia coli [e coli] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.29
other enterovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.19
other ehrlichiosisA77.49
other echinococcosisB67.99
other early skin lesions of yawsA66.2
other early congenital syphilis, symptomaticA50.09
Displaying items 501 - 600 of 1282