
kudoa iwatai and two novel kudoa spp., k. trachuri n. sp. and k. thunni n. sp. (myxosporea: multivalvulida), from daily consumed marine fish in western japan.infection of marine fish by certain myxosporean species of the genus kudoa results in unsightly cyst formation in the trunk muscle or post-mortem myoliquefaction, causing a great economic loss to aquaculture industries, capture fisheries, and fish dealers. in addition, consumers encountering unsightly kudoa cysts in fish fillets believe them to be unknown foreign materials acquired during processing. to identify prevalent kudoa spp. encountered in daily life by the japanese population, fresh fis ...201021053015
kudoa iwatai (myxosporea: multivalvulida) in wild and cultured fish in the red sea: redescription and molecular phylogeny.gilt-head sea bream, sparus aurata l., the mediterranean's most important mariculture species, has been cultured for the last 30 yr in eilat (israeli red sea). kudoa sp. was the first myxosporean parasite reported from this species. in recent years, an increase in prevalence in both land-based and sea-cage facilities in eilat has been observed. infections with the same kudoa species appeared in cultured european sea bass dicentrarchus labrax (l.) and grey mullet mugil cephalus in the same farms, ...200516419765
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