
PMID(sorted descending)
multivalvulid myxozoans from eastern australia: three new species of kudoa from scombrid and labrid fishes of the great barrier reef, queensland, australia.three new species of kudoa, each having 6 polar capsules, are described from the somatic muscle of fishes collected on the great barrier reef, queensland, australia. kudoa grammatorcyni n. sp. was observed in the shark mackerel grammatorcynus bicarinatus. spores are stellate in apical view, width (all measurements in microm) 8.62 (8.03-8.95); thickness 8.14 (7.63-8.68); suture width 7.7 (7.24-8.16); length 6.54 (6.32-6.71); polar capsule length 3.68 (3.55-3.82); polar capsule width 1.72 (1.65-1. ...200516419761
grammatorcynicola n. g. (bucephalidae: dolichoenterinae) from grammatorcynus spp. (scombridae) on the great barrier reef, australia.a new trematode genus, grammatorcynicola n. g. (bucephalidae: dolichoenterinae), and two new species, g. brayi n. sp. and g. nolani n. sp. from the intestines of the scombrids, grammatorcynus bicarinatus and gr. bilineatus respectively, are reported from the great barrier reef, australia. grammatorcynicola n. g. is placed in the dolichoenterinae, as the pharynx is in the anterior quarter of the body, the caecum is tube-like and extends to the posterior quarter of the body, the cirrus-sac is smal ...200515980962
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