
schistosome dermatitis in the swan estuary, western australia.the avian blood fluke, austrobilharzia terrigalensis (trematoda: schistosomatidae), is recorded in western australia for the first time, and is implicated as the cause of dermatitis among users of the swan estuary in perth. quantitative data provided by a questionnaire sent to affected people showed that infection occurred from november to march in the shallows throughout the "middle" estuary and that children from five to 14 years old were most frequently affected. most cases of dermatitis were ...1979449750
the bird schistosome austrobilharzia terrigalensis from the great barrier reef, australia.austrobilharzia terrigalensis from egretta sacra and larus novaehollandiae at heron island, great barrier reef, is described. the prosobranch snail planaxis sulcatus is the natural intermediate host of a. terrigalensis at heron island. the life-cycle of a. terrigalensis was worked out using naturally and experimentally infected planaxis sulcatus and experimentally infected chickens. experiments to produce a dermatitis with cercariae of a. terrigalensis were negative. austrobilharzia terrigalensi ...1977888509
studies on austrobilharzia terrigalensis (trematoda:schistosomatidae) in the swan estuary, western australia: frequency of infection in the intermediate host population. 19836832883
death of schistosome cercariae during penetration of the skin. i. penetration of bird skin by austrobilharzia terrigalensis. 19685643560
skin penetration by cercariae of the bird schistosome austrobilharzia terrigalensis: the stimulatory effect of cholesterol. 19695393720
skin penetration by cercariae of the bird schistosome austrobilharzia terrigalensis: the stimulatory effect of cholesterol. 19695357329
studies on austrobilharzia terrigalensis (trematoda: schistosomatidae) in the swan estuary, western australia: observations on the biology of the cercaria. 19836874225
studies on austrobilharzia terrigalensis (trematoda: schistosomatidae) in the swan estuary, western australia: infection in the definitive host, larus novaehollandiae. 19836874226
life cycle of austrobilharzia terrigalensis johnston, 1917. 195613378889
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