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[studies on reservoirs and wild vectors of trypanosoma cruzi. xlvii. natural infection of the mustelid, galictis vittata braziliensis (thunberg, 1820) by t. cruzi]. 19715005699
ticks (acari: ixodida) on wild carnivores in brazil.the present study reports field data of ticks infesting wild carnivores captured from july 1998 to september 2004 in brazil. additional data were obtained from one tick collection and from previous published data of ticks on carnivores in brazil. during field work, a total of 3437 ticks were collected from 89 cerdocyon thous (crab-eating fox), 58 chrysocyon brachyurus (maned wolf), 30 puma concolor (puma), 26 panthera onca (jaguar), 12 procyon cancrivorus (crab-eating raccoon), 4 speothos venati ...200516082932
serologic survey of brucellosis in captive neotropical wild carnivores in northeast brazil.abstract. this study reports the detection of antibodies against brucella abortus and b. canis in wild neotropical carnivores kept in captivity in three zoos in northeastern brazil. a total of 42 serum samples were examined, 17 from coatis (nasua nasua), eight from crab-eating raccoons (procyon cancrivorus), three from crab-eating foxes (cerdocyon thous), three from hoary foxes (lycalopex vetulus), two from little spotted cats (leopardus tigrinus), five from tayras (eira barbara), two from great ...201222779245
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