
analysis of endocrine disruption in southern california coastal fish using an aquatic multispecies microarray.endocrine disruptors include plasticizers, pesticides, detergents, and pharmaceuticals. turbot and other flatfish are used to characterize the presence of chemicals in the marine environment. unfortunately, there are relatively few genes of turbot and other flatfish in genbank, which limits the use of molecular tools such as microarrays and quantitative reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qrt-pcr) to study disruption of endocrine responses in sentinel fish captured by regulatory age ...200919270792
do flatfish feed like other fishes? a comparative study of percomorph prey-capture kinematics.the kinematics of prey capture in two bilaterally asymmetrical pleuronectiform flatfish species (pleuronichthys verticalis and xystreurys liolepis) and two symmetrical percomorph species (lepomis macrochirus, a centrarchid, and cheilinus digrammus, a labrid) were compared to test the hypothesis that flatfish have distinct prey-capture kinematics from those quantified for other percomorph fishes. size-matched individuals of both flatfish species were video-taped feeding using a high-speed video s ...19979344970
two new species of lepeophtheirus (copepoda: caligidae) parasitic on fishes from southern california waters.two new species of lepeophtheirus are described and illustrated based on a collection from the orange county sewer outfall, california. they are: l. remiopsis sp.nov. from the branchial cavities and external body surfaces of parophrys vetulus girard, hippoglossina stomata eigenmann & eigenmann, pleuronichthys verticalis (jordan & gilbert), chitonotus pugetensis (steindachner), and porichthys notatus (girard); and l. rotundipes sp.nov. from the external body surfaces and occasionally the gill cav ...1979481904
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