
resistance to rust ( puccinia psidii winter) in eucalyptus: mode of inheritance and mapping of a major gene with rapd markers.rust is one of the most-damaging eucalypt diseases in brazil and is considered a potential threat to eucalypt plantations worldwide. to determine the mode of inheritance of resistance in the eucalyptus grandis- puccinia psidii pathosystem, ten full-sib families, generated from crosses between susceptible and resistant trees, were inoculated with a single-pustule isolate of the pathogen and rust severity was scored. the observed segregation ratios in segregating families suggested major gene cont ...200314504745
selection of endogenous genes for gene expression studies in eucalyptus under biotic (puccinia psidii) and abiotic (acibenzolar-s-methyl) stresses using rt-qpcr.abstract:201020181283
glyphosate reduces urediniospore development and puccinia psidii disease severity on eucalyptus grandis.recent studies have shown the effects of glyphosate drift on decreasing rust intensity on eucalyptus grandis plants. however, the effects of the herbicide on puccinia psidii initial development are unknown. in this study the systemic action of glyphosate on rust severity was evaluated on eucalyptus plants maintained under greenhouse conditions. urediniospore germination and apressorium formation on detached leaves and on water agar medium, previously treated with glyphosate, were also evaluated.201121370395
permanent genetic resources: development of microsatellite markers for the guava rust fungus, puccinia psidii.we developed and characterized 15 polymorphic microsatellite markers present in the genome of the guava rust fungus, puccinia psidii. the primers for these microsatellite markers were designed by sequencing clones from a genomic dna library enriched for a simple sequence repeat (ssr) motif of (ag). all these 15 primer pairs successfully amplified dna fragments from a sample of 22 p. psidii isolates, revealing a total of 71 alleles. the observed heterozygosity at the 15 loci ranged from 0.05 to 1 ...200821585788
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