
larval habitats of malaria vectors and other anopheles mosquitoes around a transmission focus in northwestern thailand.we sampled 199 bodies of water for anopheles larvae around a malaria-endemic village near mae sot, thailand, over 2 years. anopheles dirus species a and d occurred in 54 small, well-shaded, stream and temporary ground pools. the larval habitat of species d is reported for the first time. anopheles minimus species a occurred in 8 samples from slow-moving streams, in 8 from rice fields, and in 2 from ground pools. anopheles pseudowillmori occurred in one sample from a ground pool, in 3 from stream ...19958825502
review of insecticide resistance and behavioral avoidance of vectors of human diseases in thailand.physiological resistance and behavioral responses of mosquito vectors to insecticides are critical aspects of the chemical-based disease control equation. the complex interaction between lethal, sub-lethal and excitation/repellent ('excito-repellent') properties of chemicals is typically overlooked in vector management and control programs. the development of "physiological" resistance, metabolic and/or target site modifications, to insecticides has been well documented in many insect groups and ...201324294938
species composition, seasonal occurrence, habitat preference and altitudinal distribution of malaria and other disease vectors in eastern is increasingly recognized that climate change can alter the geographical distribution of vector-borne diseases (vbds) with shifts of disease vectors to higher altitudes and latitudes. in particular, an increasing risk of malaria and dengue fever epidemics in tropical highlands and temperate regions has been predicted in different climate change scenarios. the aim of this paper is to expand the current knowledge on the seasonal occurrence and altitudinal distribution of malaria and other dise ...201425430654
a review of the mosquito species (diptera: culicidae) of bangladesh.diseases caused by mosquito-borne pathogens remain an important source of morbidity and mortality in bangladesh. to better control the vectors that transmit the agents of disease, and hence the diseases they cause, and to appreciate the diversity of the family culicidae, it is important to have an up-to-date list of the species present in the country. original records were collected from a literature review to compile a list of the species recorded in bangladesh.201627770829
malaria ecology along the thailand-myanmar border.malaria in southeast asia frequently clusters along international borders. for example, while most of thailand is malaria free, the border region shared with myanmar continues to have endemic malaria. this spatial pattern is the result of complex interactions between landscape, humans, mosquito vectors, and malaria parasites. an understanding of these complex ecological and socio-cultural interactions is important for designing and implementing malaria elimination efforts in the region. this art ...201526437860
malaria control in bhutan: a case study of a country embarking on elimination.abstract: background: bhutan has achieved a major reduction in malaria incidence amid multiple challenges. this case study seeks to characterize the bhutan malaria control programme over the last 10 years. methods: a review of the malaria epidemiology, control strategies, and elimination strategies employed in bhutan was carried out through a literature review of peer-reviewed and grey national and international literature with the addition of reviewing the surveillance and vector control recor ...201222230355
the dominant anopheles vectors of human malaria in the asia-pacific region: occurrence data, distribution maps and bionomic precis.abstract: background: the final article in a series of three publications examining the global distribution of 41 dominant vector species (dvs) of malaria is presented here. the first publication examined the dvs from the americas, with the second covering those species present in africa, europe and the middle east. here we discuss the 19 dvs of the asian-pacific region. this region experiences a high diversity of vector species, many occurring sympatrically, which, combined with the occurrence ...201121612587
genetic diversity and population structure of plasmodium falciparum in thailand, a low transmission country.the population structure of the causative agents of human malaria, plasmodium sp., including the most serious agent plasmodium falciparum, depends on the local epidemiological and demographic situations, such as the incidence of infected people, the vector transmission intensity and migration of inhabitants (i.e. exchange between sites). analysing the structure of p. falciparum populations at a large scale, such as continents, or with markers that are subject to non-neutral selection, can lead t ...200919602241
anopheles pseudowillmori is the predominant malaria vector in motuo county, tibet autonomous region.malaria is endemic in linzhi prefecture in the tibet autonomous region (tar), but the vector for malaria transmission had never been identified.200919291287
a checklist of the anopheles mosquito species (diptera: culicidae) in bhutan.the present paper records, for the first time, the anopheles fauna of bhutan, determined from surveys conducted from 2007 to early 2018. adult mosquitoes were collected mainly on cattle bait and occasionally in human landing catches. collections of immature stages were performed in various aquatic habitats. larvae were preserved or reared to adults. identification was based on morphological characters using available keys. a total of 30 species were identified, including nine species of subgenus ...201830213615
geometric morphometrics approach towards discrimination of three member species of maculatus group in thailand.members of the maculatus group are important malaria vectors in the border regions of thailand. however, the role of each species in malaria transmission remains unclear because of their highly similar morphologies, making them difficult to be differentiated. whereas an. pseudowillmori may be identified by the color pattern of some scales on abdomen and wings, the distinction between an. maculatus and an. sawadwongporni relies on the wings only. scales are labile structures, as they may be accid ...201930710534
anopheles (cellia) maculatus group: its spatial distribution and molecular characterization of member species in north-east india.anopheles (cellia) maculatus is considered a group of at least nine formally named species. faced with the difficulty of correct morphological identification due to overlapping characters, several member species of the an. maculatus group are known to play important role in malaria transmission in the oriental region. current assemblage, distribution and vectorial importance of the member species within the maculatus group is far from clear in the north-eastern region of india. our study encompa ...201222771401
spatio-temporal patterns of malaria infection in bhutan: a country embarking on malaria the verge of elimination of malaria in bhutan, this study was carried out to analyse the trend of malaria in the endemic districts of bhutan and to identify malaria clusters at the sub-districts. the findings would aid in implementing the control activities. poisson regression was performed to study the trend of malaria incidences at district level from 1994 to 2008. spatial empirical bayesian smoothing was deployed to identify clusters of malaria at the sub-district level from 2004 to 2008.201121496285
prevalence of asymptomatic malaria and bed net ownership and use in bhutan, 2013: a country earmarked for malaria elimination.with dwindling malaria cases in bhutan in recent years, the government of bhutan has made plans for malaria elimination by 2016. this study aimed to determine coverage, use and ownership of llins, as well as the prevalence of asymptomatic malaria at a single time-point, in four sub-districts of bhutan.201425190579
where chloroquine still works: the genetic make-up and susceptibility of plasmodium vivax to chloroquine plus primaquine in bhutan.bhutan has made substantial progress in reducing malaria incidence. the national guidelines recommend chloroquine (cq) and primaquine (pq) for radical cure of uncomplicated plasmodium vivax, but the local efficacy has not been assessed. the impact of cases imported from india on the genetic make-up of the local vivax populations is currently unknown.201627176722
[ecological behavior comparison between anopheles pseudowillmori and a. willmori in villages with malaria outbreaks in motuo county, tibet autonomous region].to understand the ecological behaviors of anopheles pseudowillmori and a. willmori in medium or high altitude areas of motuo county, tibet autonomous region, and their transmission potential for malaria.201324358742
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