
interspecific hybridization and apomixis between phytophthora capsici and phytophthora tropicalis.phytophthora capsici and the closely related phytophthora tropicalis infect different hosts that have documented overlapping geographical distributions. phytophthora capsici attacks annual vegetable hosts whereas p. tropicalis has been recovered from woody perennial hosts. our objective was to test whether interspecific hybridization is possible and to characterize the resulting progeny. crosses were made between p. capsici (lt263) from pumpkin to p. tropicalis from rhododendron (lt232) and to p ...200819202845
phytophthora tropicalis on hedera helix and epipremnum aureum in polish greenhouses.phytophthora tropicalis was isolated from hedera helix and epipremnum aureum showing discoloration of leaves, necrosis of shoot base, spread upwards and on roots. the species was detected from 7/8 plants of hedera and 3/4 of epipremnum. additionally botrytis cinerea, fusarium avenaceum and rhizoctonia solani were recovered from some of diseased plants. p. tropicalis caused leaf necrosis of 13 plant species and tomato seedlings. the quickest spread of necrosis was observed on leaves of peperomia ...200617390874
single-strand-conformation polymorphism of ribosomal dna for rapid species differentiation in genus phytophthora.single-strand-conformation polymorphism (sscp) of ribosomal dna of 29 species (282 isolates) of phytophthora was characterized in this study. phytophthora boehmeriae, phytophthora botryosa, phytophthora cactorum, phytophthora cambivora, phytophthora capsici, phytophthora cinnamomi, phytophthora colocasiae, phytophthora fragariae, phytophthora heveae, phytophthora hibernalis, phytophthora ilicis, phytophthora infestans, phytophthora katsurae, phytophthora lateralis, phytophthora meadii, phytophth ...200312892637
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