
in ovo cultivation of microphallus primas (trematoda: microphallidae) metacercariae to ovigerous adults and the establishment of the life-cycle in the laboratory.this investigation reports for the first time the establishment of a trematode life-cycle in the laboratory using in ovo cultivation of the adult stage. microphallus primas metacercarial cysts were removed from carcinus maenas crabs and chemically excysted. using a modification of the technique developed by fried (1962) the released metacercariae were grown in fertile hen's eggs to ovigerous adult flukes. these were removed from the under surface of the chorio-allantoic membrane of chick embryos ...19911780184
helminth fauna of the yellow-legged gull larus cachinnans in galicia, north-west spain.thirty-six helminth species were found in 324 gulls examined during june 1994 to february 1996 from different localities of galicia: 25 trematodes (brachylaima sp., brachylecithum microtesticulatum, cardiocephaloides longicollis, cryptocotyle lingua, cryptocotyle concavum, diplostomum spathaceum, echinostephilla virgula, galactosomum phalacrocoracis, gigantobilharzia acotylea, gymnophallus deliciosus, gynaecotyla longiintestinata, himasthla elongata, himasthla quissetensis, knipowitschiatrema ni ...200516336721
morphological and molecular study of microphallus primas (digenea: microphallidae) metacercaria, infecting the shore crab carcinus maenas from northern portugal.the present study describes the anatomy and surface topography of the metacercaria of microphallusprimas (jägerskiöld, 1909) infecting the shore crab carcinus maenas (l.) in aveiro estuary, northern portugal. the metacercaria species identification resulted from the combined use of morphological and molecular data, particularly the 28s rdna gene. the metacercariae encysted preferentially in the host's hepatopancreas and also in the gonads. isolated cysts were present in two distinct forms, spher ...201121539138
a study of the mechanisms by which the cercariae of microphallus primas (jag, 1909) stunkard, 1957 penetrate the shore crab, carcinus maenas (l).this study established the mechanisms by which microphallus primas cercariae penetrate the crab carcinus maenas in which they form metacercarial cysts. light and electron microscopy were used to investigate cercarial features and to follow the fate of cercariae released in close proximity to crabs. it was shown that cercariae were carried in respiratory currents into crabs' branchial chambers where each enveloped itself in a transparent penetration cyst on the gill lamellae. when cercariae were ...200516174417
ultrastructural study on the spermiogenesis and spermatozoon of the metacercariae of microphallus primas (digenea), a parasite of carcinus maenas.the thread-like spermatozoon of the crab parasite microphallus primas was studied by electron microscopy. a survey of the head region of the spermatozoon reveals three features hitherto unknown in platyhelminthes spermatozoa. the first is the aberrant inclusion of the nucleus within one of the two axonemes, limited to the head end region. the second is the coexistence, in the same axoneme, of two patterns, 9 + 0 (doublets without dynein arms) and 9 + "1". the third is the presence of a layer of ...19902310565
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