
[the dynamics of white-backed woodpecker (dendrocopos leucotos) distribution in the north of the lower volga region].several depressions were identified in the dynamics of white-backed woodpecker (dendrocopos leucotos) distribution in the southern part of the range in the volga region, which were due to anthropogenic deforestation over large areas. one of the last destabilizations occurred in the first half of the 20th century when the southern limit of the breeding range receded northward by 100-300 km. gradual afforestation in the region resulting from ameliorative measures stabilized the limits of the breed ...200717665650
lead poisoning in woodpeckers in sweden.lead poisoning was demonstrated in two gray-headed woodpeckers (picus canus) and one white-backed woodpecker (dendrocopus leucotos) in sweden; they had liver lead levels between 9.4 and 26.2 mg(-1) wet weight. at necropsy one gray-headed woodpecker showed signs of emaciation and the other one had severe traumatic injuries, caused by a cat. the white-backed woodpecker died in the transportation box during a translocation program. the source of the lead could not be determined, but it was suspecte ...199910574536
[animal predation and dispersal of sorbus pohuashanensis fruits and seeds].sorbus pohuashanensis is an important non-timber tree species in northeast china. there are two approaches for its fruit- and seed dispersal, i. e. , natural dispersal and animal dispersal. in this paper, a field observation was conducted to study the characteristics of animal predation and dispersal of s. pohuashanensis fruits and seeds, and the effects of the predation and dispersal on the natural regeneration of the tree species. during the fruit-ripening stage of s. pohuashanensis in 2008 an ...201021328960
quantifying the indicator power of an indicator species.biodiversity indicator species are needed for classifying biotopes and sites for conservation, and a number of methods have been developed for determining indicator species for this purpose. nevertheless, in addition to site classification, there is sometimes a need to define an indicator species that indicates the occurrence of another species. for example, when a species of interest (target species) is difficult to detect or identify, a reliable indicator species can function as a tool that sa ...200919627324
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