
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
cryptosporidia associated with rotavirus and an escherichia coli in an outbreak of calf scour. 19806254229
new emerging viral developments in the field of viral transmission from animal to man can be divided into four areas of study. first are the new viral zoonoses such as diseases caused by rotaviruses, lassa virus and the animal orthopox viruses which will be more prevalent after the cessation of mandatory vaccination against smallpox. secondly are the numerous ubiquitous viruses, such as adeno and herpesviruses, which in healthy animals lead only to clinically inapparent infections. a typical example of the thi ...19806254232
shift in the prevalent human rotavirus detected by ribonucleic acid segment differences.rotavirus was purified from nine patients hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis from october to december, 1978, in mexico city. analysis of their ribonucleic acids by gel electrophoresis showed the presence of two distinct patterns (2s and 22) which had been observed in 1977, but which now were found in a very different proportion: the pattern called 2s, observed in only 11% (6 of 52) of the patients in 1977, was found in 90% (8 of 9) of the patients in 1978. improvements in the electrophoreti ...19806247273
different polypeptide composition of two human rotavirus types.human rotaviruses, which are placed into two groups according to their ribonucleic acid patterns obtained by gel electrophoresis, were characterized both by polypeptide components from purified virions and by polypeptides translated from their denatured ribonucleic acids in rabbit reticulocyte lysates. viruses assigned to different groups differed in the electrophoretic migration of the second largest of the polypeptides which compose the inner shell; polypeptides that had been synthetized in vi ...19806247284
escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin in feces and intestines of calves with diarrhea.two experiments were conducted to evaluate detection of escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin (st) in the feces of calves as a method for implicating e coli in neonatal calf diarrhea. the first experiment evaluated the use of the infant mouse test for detection of st in the feces of calves with naturally occurring diarrhea. simultaneous identification of bovine enteropathogenic strains of e coli (eec) and of other infective agents implicated in neonatal calf diarrhea was attempted in these sa ...19806254411
isolation of pig rotavirus in france. identification and experimental infections.rotavirus had been demonstrated in france, in diarrheic pig faeces by electron microscopy and elisa. field isolates were pathogenic for hd piglets and antigenically related to american osu rotavirus as demonstrated by protective feedings experiments.19806254431
seroepidemiology of rotavirus infection in rural bangladesh.a prospective seroepidemiological study of rotavirus infection was performed in children in a village in rural bangladesh. ninety-three percent of the children had detectable antibodies during the study, and there were 66 significant rises in titer occurring in 57 of the 85 children. antibody titer rises occurred in older children and younger children with equal frequency. nine children (11%) had evidence of multiple infections during the 16-month period. winter infections were most frequent, al ...19806247368
an outbreak of rotavirus infection in a long-stay ward of a geriatric outbreak of rotavirus infection in elderly patients in a long-stay ward of a geriatric hospital is described. virus was detected in 7/15 (47%) symptomatic individuals. four members of staff were among those affected. the findings emphasise the need for electron microscopy to be used in the initial investigation of outbreaks of diarrhoea in all age groups.19806247370
epidemiology of acute gastroenteritis in early childhood in kenya. v. an inverse relationship between the peak age-incidence and the waning of rotavirus maternal antibodies. 19806250785
epidemiology of acute gastroenteritis in early childhood in kenya. vi. some clinical and laboratory characteristics relative to the aetiological agents. 19806254746
rotavirus infection in young children in the highlands of papua new guinea.rotavirus infections were detected by electron microscopy examinations in 54 of 66 children (82%) with acute gastroenteritis which necessitated admission to hospital during april to july, 1979, in the highlands of papua new guinea. longitudinal epidemiological studies may confirm rotavirus infections to be more important aetiolgical agents of childhood gastroenteritis in this region than in many other countries studied to date.19806252422
'new' enteric infections. 19806253980
approaches to immunization of infants and young children against gastroenteritis due to rotaviruses.recent studies have shown that in developed countries rotaviruses are the single most important etiologic agents of acute gastroenteritis that requires hospitalization of infants and young children. although deaths from gastroenteritis are, in general, infrequent in the developed countries, an effective rotavirus vaccine would clearly be of benefit to reduce the heavy toll of morbidity from gastroenteritis due to rotavirus. in the developing countries the impact of diarrheal diseases is staggeri ...19806251528
[neonatal diarrhoea in calves (author's transl)]. 19806252651
[antibodies to rotavirus in human milk (author's transl)].116 human milk specimens taken from 36 women during the first 10 days after delivery were investigated for antibodies against rotavirus by crossimmunoelectrophoresis. antibodies were detected in 37 specimens from 24 women, the antibody titers proved to be lower than the serum antibody titers. antibody concentrations in the colostral and transitory milk samples declined continuously during the 10 days after delivery. women with high serum antibody titers against rotavirus possessed antibodies in ...19806252721
factors contributing to postweaning diarrhoea in a large intensive piggery.some aspects of postweaning diarrhoea (pwd) in a piggery during the first week after early weaning were investigated. a haemolytic enterotoxigenic strain of e. coli (o149:k88:h10) was regularly recovered from piglets with pwd while rotavirus was demonstrated on a number of occasions. prior to weaning piglets were either free of, or shed very few, haemolytic e. coli in their faeces. however, all piglets were excreting haemolytic e. coli between 5 and 7 days after weaning. the role of rotavirus in ...19806252883
diarrhoea in unweaned piglets associated with rotavirus and coccidial infections. 19806255671
rapid diagnosis by electron microscopy of nonbacterial gastroenteritis in children. 19806244887
escherichia coli and rotavirus infections in four-week-old gnotobiotic piglets fed milk or dry food.a haemolytic enteropathogenic e. coli (wg) and pig rotavirus were isolated from a field case of postweaning diarrhoea in pigs. four-week-old gnotobiotic piglets fed on milk diet were found to be extremely susceptible to infection with wg e. coli. piglets were less susceptible to the infection immediately after the diet was changed from milk to dry food, and were almost completely resistant 4 days after the change to dry food. there was no difference in the clinical response to infection with wg ...19806252884
attachment of sa-11 rotavirus to erythrocyte receptors.treatment of human group o and sheep erythrocytes with receptor-destroying enzyme rendered them inagglutinable by simian rotavirus sa-11. the erythrocyte receptors were also removed by periodate oxidation and markedly reduced by incubation with a high concentration of trypsin, but they were not altered by infectivity-enhancing concentrations of trypsin, p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, or sodium sulfite (na2so3). hemagglutinating activity of the virus particles was destroyed by periodate oxidation at 3 ...19806253396
course of rotavirus gastroenteritis in a closed community.there were 3 outbreaks of rotavirus gastroenteritis accompanied by milky-white stools in a closed community of 21 children in japan during a 2-year period. several different clinical courses were observed as a result of clinical, serological, and virological observations.19806246843
detection of rotavirus by serological trapping on antibody-coated electron microscope grids.a serological trapping technique for detecting rotaviruses is described which involves coating electron microscope grids with protein a and specific rotavirus antiserum. the presence of a layer of antibodies on the grid increases the number of rotavirus particles that can be visualized. thirty-five crude fecal extracts from infants suffering from diarrhea were examined by the serological trapping technique and by standard electron-microscopy. when the specimens were deposited on antibody-coated ...19806252237
rotavirus-like, calicivirus-like, and 23-nm virus-like particles associated with diarrhea in young pigs.virus particles morphologically similar to caliciviruses and rotaviruses were detected by electron microscopy (em) in the intestinal contents of a 27-day-old diarrheic nursing pig. a third small spherical 23-nm virus-like particle was also observed. calicivirus-like particles averaged 33 nm in diameter. similar to rotaviruses, rotavirus-like particles were present as single-capsid 55-nm forms or double-capsid 70-nm particles. most gnotobiotic pigs orally exposed to samples containing these three ...19806252238
four-layer radioimmunoassay for detection of adenovirus in stool.a four-layer antispecies radioimmunoassay (ria) was developed for the detection of adenovirus in stool specimens. polystyrene beads were used as the solid phase, anti-adenovirus guinea pig immunoglobulin (1 microgram per bead) was used as the primary antibody, anti-adenovirus rabbit immunoglobulin (16 micrograms/ml) was used as the secondary antibody, and 125i-labeled sheep anti-rabbit immunoglobulin was used as the indicator antibody. a highly purified, crystallized adenovirus type 2 hexon anti ...19806253516
electron microscopy detection and characterization of viral particles in dog stools.a number of apparently normal dog stool samples, randomly collected on the sidewalks of paris were examined by electron microscopy. the study revealed the presence of viral particles in 27 cases. morphological criteria lead to the characterization of rotavirus in 2 specimen, coronavirus in 7 and parvovirus in 5. rotavirus particles appeared always alone while coronavirus and parvovirus particles were present together in 5 cases. similar particles have been implicated in animal and human gastroen ...19806254477
summer diarrhoea in african infants and children.of 70 black south african infants and children with acute summer diarrhoea, 30 (43%) were infected with enteropathogenic serogroups of escherichia coli (epec), 13 (19%) with enterotoxigenic gram-negative bacilli, 12 (17%) with salmonella sp., 6 (9%) with shigella sp., and 3 (4%) with rotaviruses. 13 (19%) patients were infected simultaneously with more than one enteropathogen, and no pathogen was detected in 22 (31%). in addition, 6 (15%) of 41 unselected patients were excreting campylobacter fe ...19806257185
management of acute infectious diarrhea. 19806254722
establishment of rotavirus persistent infection in cell culture. brief report.inoculation of the rabbit kidney cell line (rk13) with simian rotavirus sa11 resulted in persistently infected (carrier) cultures. a small percentage of these cells produced infectious virus (> 25 passages) and trypsin treatment enhanced virus production.19806252868
rotavirus infection. 19806253532
an epidemic of rotavirus-associated gastroenteritis in a nursing home for the elderly.92 cases of acute gastroenteritis were registered among 256 individuals during an outbreak in a nursing home for the elderly, the majority of patients being between 70 and 90 years of age. most cases appeared in 4 of the 8 wards; 66% of the inmates of these wards became ill. characteristic symptoms were initial nausea and vomiting followed by diarrhoea and low fever. a number of patients were severely ill. one patient died. rotavirus infection was diagnosed by virus detection and/or antibody tit ...19806254138
changes of the rotavirus concentration in faeces during the course of acute gastroenteritis as determined by the immune adherence hemagglutination test.concentrations of rotavirus were studied in serially sampled faecal specimens from 55 patients with acute gastroenteritis, utilizing the immune adherence hemagglutination (iaha) test. rotavirus antigen was detected in 45 (82%) out of 55 cases. in the faeces which were positive for rotavirus antigen, the concentrations reached their maximum titer shortly after the onset of the illness and diminished gradually until the 9th day.19806254777
comparison of human rotaviruses isolated in mexico city and in santiago, chile, by electrophoretic migration of their double-stranded ribonucleic acid genome segments.during the period october to december 1979, rotaviruses were obtained from infants and young children hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis in mexico city and were compared by analysis of the migration of their double-stranded ribonucleic acid (rna) genome segments in gel electrophoresis. comparison of the results of this analysis and of those of similar studies carried out in 1977 and 1978 showed that the two rotavirus electropherotypes designated 2s and 21 have been continuously present and ...19806254887
[rotavirus gastroenteritis in children (a review of the literature)]. 19806252693
[rotavirus in infantile diarrhea (author's transl)]. 19806254124
rotavirus antibody in chickens as measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent blocking assay.the antibody titer of 202 chickens to sa-11 rotavirus was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent blocking assay. the chickens were from 15 separate flocks on six farms. the titer was detectable (1:18 or greater dilution) in 43% of the chickens. the wide variation in infection rate between flocks on individual farms (0% to 90%) indicated there is probably not significant transmission of the virus between flocks on the farm. significant differences in numbers of serotest-positive birds were fou ...19806254403
susceptibility of nonhuman primate species to infection by simian rotavirus sa-11.enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay examination of sera from three nonhuman primate species demonstrated the presence of antibody reacting with simian rotavirus sa-11 and calf rotavirus c486. the occurrence of this antibody in sera from adult, wild-caught animals suggests natural rotovirus infection. the occurrence of antibody was highest in the chimpanzee and declined, respectively, in the rhesus macaque and in the squirrel monkey. inoculation of three infant rhesus macaques, a nursery-reared chi ...19806254409
oral rehydration therapy for treatment of rotavirus diarrhoea in a rural treatment centre in november 1977, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detecting rotavirus antigen was introduced in the laboratory of a rural treatment centre in bangladesh. during the next 40 days rotavirus without other pathogens was found in the stools of 216 (45%) of 480 children under age 5 years who visited the centre with a gastrointestinal illness. 188 (87%) of these children were treated with oral rehydration alone, using the solution currently recommended by the world health organisation, while 2 ...19806254447
prevention of murine rotavirus infection with chicken egg yolk immunoglobulins.passive protection of infant mice against murine rotavirus was achieved with use of immunoglobulins from the eggs of chickens. immunoglobulins were obtained by vaccinating hens with simian rotavirus, collecting the eggs after a high level of immunoglobulins was reached in the hen's serum, and isolating the water-soluble fraction from these eggs. the water-soluble fraction was then given twice daily to three-day-old mice to protect them from infection with murine rotavirus. the protection was fou ...19806255039
studies on neonatal calf diarrhoea caused by rotavirus: transmission of the disease and attempted vaccination of colostrum-deprived calves.mild to severe scouring could be produced in colostrum-deprived calves with tissue culture-adapted rotavirus and feacal material from field cases of calf diarrhoea. the feaces of experimentally infected calves contained rotavirus for at least 3 days. pathogenic bacteria were presented in one calf only and this calf also showed the most severe gastroenteritis. eight calves were vaccinated with a live rotaviral calf diarrhoea vaccine and subsequently challenged with infective rotavirus. mild scour ...19806256698
[demonstration of enteropathogenic escherichia coli strains and rotaviruses in fecal samples from calves with diarrhea]. 19806258362
investigation of immunoperoxidase-labelled rotavirus in tissue culture by light and electron microscopy.a tissue culture-adapted strain of bovine rotavirus, grown in calf kidney monolayers, has been examined by light and electron microscopy after immunoperoxidase labelling. some of the characteristic problems associated with pre-embedding methods have been demonstrated. preparative techniques involving pretreatment of infected cells with a detergent followed by a detergent/fixative combination have enabled virus antigen to be labelled while maintaining satisfactory ultrastructural preservation.19806255085
canine viral enteritis: prevalence of parvo-, corona- and rotavirus infections in dogs in the netherlands.after a brief review of the present knowledge about canine viral enteritis, the role played by parvoviral, coronaviral and rotaviral infections in contagious diarrhoea in dogs in the netherlands is discussed. for this purpose a serologic survey, pathologic findings in dogs, and the demonstration of parvoviral antigen with an immunofluorescence test and with a newly developed haemadsorption-elution-haemagglutination assay (heha) are presented. it is concluded that infections with canine parvoviru ...19806255629
rapid random-donor screening for the selection of viral antibody-containing blood donations.we describe a 3 1/2 year trial in which we used immunofluorescence to detect and titrate antibody to six common viruses in normal healthy blood donors drawn at random from west and south east scotland. the trial was designed to allow selection of blood donations rich in specific antiviral antibody for inclusion in the plasma pool which would, in turn, be used for the preparation of specific antiviral immunoglobulin. the results show the natural frequency of occurrence of antibody to different vi ...19806255854
scanning electron microscopy of intestine of gnotobiotic piglets infected with porcine rotavirus.the development of intestinal lesions caused by the porcine rotavirus were studied in six day old gnotobiotic piglets by scanning electron microscopy. the onset of diarrhea followed an incubation period of 17 to 31 hr. the first detectable lesion was observed in the ileum at 12 hr postinfection, a few hours before the onset of diarrhea. at this time enterocytes appeared swollen and began to separate from each other. seventeen hours after the onset of diarrhea, lesions were quite severe jejunum a ...19806256040
a simple method for the purification of 5-aminosalicylic acid. application of the product as substrate in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa).commercially available 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-as) was recrystallised in the presence of na2s2o5. a completely colourless solution was obtained when the purified product was dissolved at a concentration of 1 mg/ml in a phosphate buffer containing edta and h2o2. no significant increase in absorption was found upon storage for 18 h at 4 degrees c. a 8-fold increase in sensitivity of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of rotavirus antigens was demonstrated by using the modified ...19806256447
the action of alcohols on rotavirus, astrovirus and enterovirus. 19806182233
hospital acquired rotavirus infection in adults. who is at risk? 19806182234
negative contrast electron microscopic techniques for diagnosis of viruses of veterinary importance.negative contrast electron microscopy (ncem) was utilized as a routine tool in the diagnosis of viral infections of domestic and wild animals. viruses identified by this technique were observed in infected culture systems or clinical specimens from several species including horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, cats, pigs, deer, rocky mountain bighorn sheep, antelope, and several avian species. viruses were identified by ncem based on their size, morphology, and symmetry and consisted of adenoviruses, he ...19806157508
weak susceptibility of rotavirus to bovine interferon in calf kidney cells.bovine, virus-induced interferon was titred in primary embryonic calf kidney cells, using three challenge viruses: reovirus type 3, vesicular stomatitis virus (serotype indiana), and a french isolate of bovine rotavirus (tr) adapted to grow in tissue culture. rotavirus repeatedly displayed a very weak susceptibility to interferon as compared to the other two viruses.19806155896
acute diarrheal infections in infants i. bacterial and viral causes.this first article of a 2-part series examined the epidemiology, therapy, and prospects for immunoprophylaxis of diarrheal infections in infants. 3 main strains of escherichia coli can be identifiied with the etiology of infantile diarrhea: enterotoxigenic e. coli, invasive e. coli, and enteropathogenic e. coli. viral agents may also be the etiological agents. specific pathogens can be identified in 55-85% of cases of infantile diarrhea today; in the 1960s, only 25-34% of cases could be ident ...19806243608
proteolytic enhancement of rotavirus infectivity: biology mechanism. 19806244698
effects of environmental variables and soil characteristics on virus survival in soil.because of the increasing emphasis placed upon land application as a means of wastewater disposal, it is important to evaluate the influences of different factors upon virus survival in soil. the objective of this study was to measure the effects of various environmental variables on virus persistence. test samples of soil were placed in vials, and the soil was wetted with suspensions of virus in either distilled water, unchlorinated secondary sewage effluent, or mixtures of effluent and water. ...19806257161
[serodiagnosis of rotavirus infections in gastroenteritis of infants].we report the use of the line immunoelectroosmophoresis (lieop), a modification of the immunoelectroosmophoresis (ieop), for the serodiagnosis of rotavirus infection, in comparison with the complement fixation test. we tested 17 paired and 29 single sera from hospitalized children affected by acute gastroenteritis; rotavirus had been searched in the stools both by electron microscopy and ieop. the lieop showed seroconversion in all the 11 cases with positive stools and also in 5 out of 5 patient ...19806257253
the role of trypsin in plaque formation by simian rotavirus sa-11.the role of trypsin in plaque production by simian rotavirus sa-11 monolayers of ma-104 cells are investigated. initial trypsin treatment of the virus alone or its presence only during the early phases of virus-cell interaction was found to be insufficient for plaque production by the virus. presence of trypsin (5 microgram/ml) in the agar overlay throughout the five day incubation period was essential for the optimal development of the virus plaques. production of plaques by the incorporation o ...19806256042
rotavirus concentration from cell culture harvests: trypsin treatment followed by 80- to 150-ml amount of calf or simian rotavirus-containing cell culture harvests of ma-104 cells were treated with 50 microgram of trypsin per ml and hydroextracted overnight (4 degrees c) with polyethylene glycol 6,000. the concentrate was resuspended in 8 to 10 ml of tryptose phosphate broth and plaque assayed. between 85 and 97% of the input virus could be recovered with a concentration of up to 15-fold.19806257163
[cross-over electrophoresis on cellulose acetate. a new method for rapid diagnosis of rotavirus infection].a new application of crossing-over electrophoresis on cellulose acetate (c.o.e.) in diagnosis of rotavirus infections is described. the results are compared with those obtained in electron microscopy (e.m.). the main reasons for application of c.o.e. to routine virological diagnosis of rotavirus infections are exposed.19806257254
rotavirus in newborn nurseries: negative results from honolulu and the new hebrides. 19806254908
[seroepidemiologic survey of the spread of rotavirus infection in a milan population].the increasing evidence of involvement of rotaviruses in the etiology of viral gastroenteritis prompted us to carry on a seroepidemiological survey on the population of milan. the aim was to get informations on the extension of the circulation of these agents in our population. utilising a commercial antigen prepared with the "oslo" bovine strain, c.f.a. were titrated in sera from 575 healthy subjects (age 0 to > 60 years). of them 232 were children under 4 years of age homogeneously distributed ...19806257252
the effect of human milk fractions on rotavirus in relation to the secretory iga content.human milk from healthy norwegian women was fractionated by ammonium sulphate precipitation and gel filtration. the protein content, lactoferrin and secretory iga were measured. specific antirotavirus iga, detected by indirect immunofluorescence was found in one out of five milk samples before fractionation, while a more concentrated immunoglobulin fraction from the other four milk samples contained such iga. before fractionation, 3 of 5 milk samples neutralized human rota-virus infection of llc ...19806246713
the clinical response of gnotobiotic calves, pigs and lambs to inoculation with human, calf, pig and foal rotavirus isolates.the infectivity, pathogenicity and immunogenicity of 5 human, 6 calf, 2 pig and 2 foal rotavirus isolates were studied in gnotobiotic calves, piglets and lambs. three of the human isolated produced subclinical infection in newborn gnotobiotic piglets and the piglets developed neutralising antirotavirus antibody. when challenged with pig rotavirus 2 weeks later, the piglets did not develop diarrhoea, but rotavirus was detected in the faeces. in contrast, piglets inoculated with the other 2 human ...19806257218
[rotavirus enteritis in children].recent clinical experience with twelve cases of rotavirus gastroenteritis has enabled us to review this subject. after a historical introduction and a review of the literature, two patients are described in detail. the clinical and laboratory data of all the twelve children are reviewed and compared with cases reported in the literature. these observations suggest several conclusions: the disease is very contagious. the patients present with diarrhoea lasting a few days, vomiting and fever. they ...19806257626
rotavirus infections in calves: efficacy of oral vaccination in endemically infected herds.a commercially available modified live reovirus-like (rotavirus) vaccine proved innocuous in calves deprived of colostrum and protected one out of three calves against challenge 72 h after vaccination. the vaccine was evaluated in two dairy herds in the 1977 calf season. no significant differences were observed in the incidence rates or severity of undifferentiated neonatal calf diarrhoea or rotavirus-associated late diarrhoea between calves given a placebo (76) and vaccinated (74) calves in the ...19806258203
measurement of immunoglobulin a, g, and m class rotavirus antibodies in serum and mucosal secretions.a solid-phase, enzyme-linked immunospecific assay for measurement of different immunoglobulin classes of human rotavirus antibodies is described. the antigen, which was adsorbed directly to polyvinyl microtiter plates, consisted of a clarified cell culture stock of the simian rotavirus sa 11. the assay was sensitive and reproducible and could readily be calibrated to determine concentrations of each class of antibody. the assay was applied to measurements of rotavirus antibodies in serum, colost ...19806260831
[features of gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus]. 19806259011
a two-year study of bacterial, viral, and parasitic agents associated with diarrhea in rural bangladesh.enteric pathogens associated with diarrhea were studied for two years at a diarrhea treatment center in rural bangladesh. enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) was the most frequently identified pathogen for patients of all ages. rotavirus and etec were isolated from approximately 50% and approximately 25%, respectively, of patients less than two years of age. a bacterial or viral pathogen was identified for 70% of these young children and for 56% of all patients with diarrhea. most etec isola ...19806257795
rotavirus and non-bacterial infantile gastroenteritis in kuwait.the role of rotavirus in non-bacterial gastroenteritis in kuwait was investigated. employing electronmicroscopy (em) and enzyme-linked-immuno-sorbent-assay (elisa) techniques, the virus was detected in the stools of 42 of 274 (15.3%) infants with the disease. a statistically significant association (p less than 0.05) was found between virus excretion and age since 37 of 42 (88.1%) of rotavirus positive cases were aged 2-12 months. 57.1% of all rotaviruses detected were among specimens collected ...19806259070
[rotavirus infections in general medical practice]. 19806259573
[rotavirus infections in the province of ancona. sero-epidemiological studies]. 19806264870
epidemiology of acute diarrheal disease. 19806259574
comparison of enzyme-immunoassay and radioimmunoassay for detection of human rotaviruses and adenoviruses from stool enzyme-immunoassay (eia) using polystyrene beads as the solid phase, guinea pig anti-rotavirus or anti-adenovirus immunoglobulin as primary antibody, rabbit anti-rotavirus or anti-adenovirus immunoglobulin as secondary antibody, and horseradish peroxidase-conjugated swine anti-rabbit immunoglobulin as indicator antibody, has been developed for the detection of human rotavirus and adenovirus antigens from stool specimens. a comparison of the developed eia and radioimmunoassay (ria) used previo ...19806262339
[etiologic and epidemiologic study of viral etiology of diarrhea in children]. 19806258339
longitudinal study on rotaviruses in stool samples during the first year of life. 19806258366
rotavirus infection in young gambian village children. 19806259780
coproantibody response to rotavirus infection.during three months after a family outbreak of diarrhoeal disease, rotavirus-specific immunoglobulins of the iga, igg and igm classes were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in faecal extracts from the four people involved. shortly afterwards, sequential extracts were obtained from another infant after a proven rotavirus infection. rotavirus infection was diagnosed by electron microscopy in three of the patients from whom acute-phase faecal samples were obtained, and all five patients ...19806259502
rotavirus infections in calves in dairy herds.neonatal calf diarrhoea was studied in 115 calves of one dairy herd from january 1976 to june 1977. two syndromes could be distinguished: a mild and short lasting 'early diarrhoea' within the first three days of life and a usually more severe 'late diarrhoea' from the fourth to the 14th day of life. the latter type of diarrhoea occurred almost exclusively during the first half of the year. thirty-four out of 45 calves with late diarrhoea excreted rotaviruses, whereas only one of 34 calves with e ...19806258202
[rota- and coronaviruses associated with neonatal calf diarrhea: identification of viruses by immunoelectron microscopy, histological and clinical studies]. 19806258224
detection by electron microscopy of caliciviruses, astroviruses and rotavirus-like particles in the faeces of piglets with diarrhoea. 19806258286
transfer of antirotaviral antibodies from mothers to their infants.levels of rotavirus-specific immunoglobulin g (igg), iga, igm, and secretory immunoglobulin in maternal and cord serum, colostrum and milk, and infants' stools were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in 92 mothers and their infants. although antirotaviral igg, iga, and secretory immunoglobulin were present in most maternal sera, only igg crossed the placenta. all samples of colostrum and milk tested contained antirotaviral secretory immunoglobulin and iga except those of two women in ...19806260832
gastroenteritis with special reference to rotavirus. 19806261552
mucosal cell shedding in rotavirus infection. 19806261729
non bacterial gastroenteritis. 19806262231
pathogenesis of rotaviral enteritis in gnotobiotic pigs: a microscopic study. 19806261614
rotavirus infection in foals.fecal samples from 86 foals with diarrhea were examined by electron microscopy during a 2.5 year period. of these, 26 (30%) were positive for rotavirus. all of the cases were found in epizootic areas. the disease was produced in an experimental foal by inoculation via stomach tube of a bacteria-free fecal filtrate containing rotavirus. examination of postmortem tissues from the duodenum and jejunum of 2 naturally infected foals and an experimentally infected foal revealed replicating virus in th ...19806261616
rotavirus serotypes by serum neutralisation.a neutralisation test using cell culture and indirect immunofluorescence was applied to isolates of rotavirus from 55 patients with gastroenteritis, in order to determine serotypes. frequent cross-reactions were observed, but subsequent statistical analysis confirmed the existence of at least three distinct serotypes. some results, not sufficient for analysis, suggest that at least five serotypes probably exist. it is suggested that two or more viral polypeptides might be involved in neutralisat ...19806262451
enhanced production of infectious rotavirus in bsc-1 cell cultures by various factors in the presence of absence of trypsin.bovine rotavirus infectivity for continuous green monkey kidney (bsc-1) cells was enhanced in hypertonic medium and following incorporation of cortisol, retinoic acid and vitamin b12 into the cell culture maintenance medium. the virus yields produced under these conditions were similar whether obtained in the presence or absence of trypsin. infectivity titres were increased following the incorporation of trypsin in the maintenance medium throughout the infection cycle but remained unchanged afte ...19806262438
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection and identification of coxsackie b antigen in tissue cultures and clinical enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) has been developed for the identification of coxsackie b antigens. this assay was capable of identifying and distinguishing all six coxsackie b serotypes at concentrations one hundredfold to ten thousandfold less than could be detected by complement fixation (cf) systems. in addition, the coxsackie b elisa correctly identified the presence of coxsackie b antigen in 19 of 21 tissue culture fluids and five of nine rectal swab specimens. two additional r ...19806262456
[complement fixation test in the identification of human rotavirus]. 19806262902
etiology of summer diarrhea among the navajo.the etiology of diarrhea in children and adults on the navajo indian reservation was investigated in august 1975. fifty-six ill individuals and 37 controls were included in the study. shigella was most commonly associated with diarrhea, and was isolated from 32% of ill children and adults. fifty percent of shigella isolates tested were resistant to ampicillin. heat-stable enterotoxin-(st)-producing organisms were associated with noninflammatory diarrhea in adults (27% of these cases had st-produ ...19807406112
rotavirus infections in infancy. 19807427619
[studies of carbohydrate absorption in clinically healthy and diarrheal calves].reported in this paper are results obtained from functional and morphological studies into absorption of carbohydrates by clinically intact and diarrhea calves. in that context, the xylose-stress test was used for functional determination of enteral absorption. diarrhoea, caused in the calves by several pathogens, such as rotavirus, escherichia coli, and salmonella dublin, led to significant impairment of carbohydrate absorption in the gastro-intestinal canal. however, glucose absorption was not ...19807447599
new concepts in viral gastroenteritis.the use of negative contrast electronmicroscopy of stool suspension in the investigation of the aetiology of childhood gastroenteritis has led to the recognition of a number of candidate viral agents. there is convincing evidence that rotavirus is the single most important cause of community acquired gastroenteritis, and is responsible for some nosocomial outbreaks. the epidemiology of rotavirus acqusition, differential clinical susceptibilities of young and older infants, pathogenesis of diseas ...19807390621
an outbreak of rotavirus infection among adults in a cardiology ward. 19807185915
handwashing to prevent diarrhea in day-care centers.diarrhea has been recognized as a frequent health problem among children enrolled in day-care centers. thus, we evaluated the effect of a handwashing program in two day-care centers (hwc) on the incidence of diarrhea among children when compared to children in two control centers (cc). after the program was begun, the incidence of diarrhea at the hwc began to fall and after the second month of the study was consistently lower than that at the cc. the incidence of diarrhea in the hwc was approxim ...19817211827
intestinal glucose transport in acute viral enteritis in piglets.1. we studied intestinal glucose transport in pigs during the acute and convalescent phases of an invasive viral enteritis, transmissible gastroenteritis. 2. when diarhoea was severe 40 h after experimental infection, net absorption of glucose, na+ and water, measured by marker perfusion in the jejunum, was reduced; the enhancement of na+ and water absorption in response to increasing perfusate glucose concentrations up to 120 mmol/l was diminished compared with the response observed in control ...19817249553
diarrhea due to cryptosporidium infection in artificially reared lambs.severe diarrhea which lasted 7 to 12 days occurred in 40 of 48 artificially reared lambs within 5 to 12 days of birth, and 16 of them died. of 16 diarrheic fecal samples examined, 10 contained cryptosporidium oocysts and 1 contained rotavirus, but no other known enteropathogen was detected. upon histological examination, cryptosporidia were found in the ilea of three affected lambs, and in one of them, villous atrophy and fusion, with epithelial cross-bridging between villi, were present in dist ...19817263849
[studies on the aetiology of neonatal diarrhoea in veal calves (author's transl)].a herd of sixty-two veal calves was studied to determine whether there was a relationship between neonatal diarrhoea and infections with rotavirus, bovine coronavirus, salmonella and k99-positive e. coli. examination of the animals was negative for salmonellosis. clinical findings and serological testing did not suggest that k99-positive e. coli was a factor in aetiology. bovine coronavirus was isolated from the faeces of a small number of calves, only a few of which were affected with diarrhoea ...19817324021
role of salmonella arizonae and other infective agents in enteric disease of lambs.fecal samples from 545 diarrheic lambs on 12 ranches in southern idaho and western montana were examined for potential enteric pathogens. on 3 of the 12 ranches, enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, salmonella typhimurium, or s dublin was implicated as the etiologic agent. rotavirus and coronavirus were identified on 1 ranch and rotavirus alone on another. salmonella arizonae serotype 26:30 was isolated from the feces of diarrheic lambs on 6 of the 12 ranches in this study. pregnant ewes from 1 of ...19817332118
baby pig diarrhea caused by outbreak of coccidiosis on two belgian farms is described. diarrhea started in piglets at 9 or 10 days of life. zero to three pigs died per litter. the morbidity rate varied from 70 to 90 per cent. histological examination of the intestines revealed shortening of villi and different stages of the life cycle of coccidia were seen in the enterocytes. virological examination was negative for corona-, corona-like, and rotavirus. a haemolytic e. coli strain was isolated in one case. as for treatme ...19817245172
monitoring infectious diseases using routine microbiology data. ii. an example of regression analysis used to study infectious gastroenteritis.routine data used to study infectious diseases may contain biases which obscure trends. a 16-year series (up to 1968) of routine laboratory data was used to study patterns of incidence of infective gastroenteritis for which no laboratory diagnosis could be made. an artificial pattern was detected. this arose because gps tended to refer a greater proportion of their patients during dysentery epidemics. multiple regression analysis was used to separate out this effect so that the underlying trends ...19817007491
escherichia coli in gastroenteritis of children in auckland, new zealand.a study of stool escherichia coli in 60 children with gastroenteritis and 18 control children was carried out in auckland, new zealand in 1977. toxigenic strains, heat labile and heat stable, predominated in the stools of only three children, all of whom had concomitant rotavirus. classical enteropathogenic e. coli (epec) were found in patients and controls. only one patient had many epec in the stool (086.h2), they were variably toxigenic and rotavirus was also present. no toxigenic serotype wa ...19817031126
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