
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
effect of osteopontin on diarrhea duration and innate immunity in suckling mice infected with a murine rotavirus.we studied the role of osteopontin (opn) in host responses against rotavirus (rv) infection. opn knockout (opn-ko) suckling mice were more susceptible to rv (strain ew) infection and showed prolonged diarrhea duration compared to wild-type (wt) suckling mice. opn in the small intestine of wt mice was expressed after 48 h post-infection. on day 2 postinfection, mrna levels of interleukin-1beta, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interleukin-15 in opn-ko mice were lower than in wt mice, although mrn ...200919327001
first molecular detection of group a rotaviruses in drinking water sources in beijing, china.the most prevalent group a rotavirus found in the diarrheic children was also determined in drinking water sources including raw water, treated water and tap water in beijing, and then the possible contamination contributions to tap water for human consumption were discussed in this study. a total of 26 raw water samples, 77 treated water samples and 143 tap water samples in beijing were collected for analysis of group a rotavirus from april 2006 to august 2007. according to the results, it was ...200919330275
prevention of rotavirus disease: updated guidelines for use of rotavirus vaccine.this statement updates and replaces the 2007 american academy of pediatrics statement for prevention of rotavirus gastroenteritis. in february 2006, a live oral human-bovine reassortant rotavirus vaccine (rv5 [rotateq]) was licensed as a 3-dose series for use in infants in the united states. the american academy of pediatrics recommended routine use of rv5 in infants in the united states. in april 2008, a live, oral, human attenuated rotavirus vaccine (rv1 [rotarix]) was licensed as a 2-dose ser ...200919332437
rotavirus disease and prevention through vaccination.rotavirus is the most common cause of acute infectious gastroenteritis in children and is associated with substantial morbidity in the united states and morbidity and mortality in the developing world. two orally administered vaccines, a live bovine reassortant vaccine (rv5; licensed in 2006) and a live attenuated human vaccine (rv1; licensed in 2008), are now being used in a universal infant vaccination program in the united states. there is already ecologic evidence and data from post-licensur ...200919333083
full genomic analysis of a human group a rotavirus g9p[6] strain from eastern india provides evidence for porcine-to-human interspecies transmission.deduced amino acid sequence and phylogenetic analyses of a group a rotavirus g9p[6] strain (designated as mcs/13-07), detected from a 3-year-old child in eastern india, revealed a vp8* closely related to porcine p[6] strains (p[6] sublineage 1d), and the vp7 clustered with g9 lineage-iii strains. to our knowledge, this is the first report of human p[6] strain clustering in sublineage id. thus, to further characterize the evolutionary diversity of strain mcs/13-07, all gene segments were analyzed ...200919333549
existing antiviral vaccines.the innovation of vaccines has allowed for one of the greatest advancements in the history of public health. the first of the vaccines have been the antiviral vaccines, in particular the smallpox vaccine that was first developed by edward jenner in 1796. this article will review vaccination for the following viral diseases: measles, mumps, rubella, polio, hepatitis a, hepatitis b, influenza, rotavirus, rabies, monkeypox, smallpox, japanese encephalitis, and yellow fever.200919335723
first detection of p[6],g9 rotaviruses in hungary--an imported strain from india?eurorotanet was launched to monitor rotavirus strain prevalence during and after introduction of rotavirus vaccines in europe. in early 2007, we detected p[6],g9 rotaviruses to appear in hungary, representing the first documented occurrence of this strain in our surveillance area. epidemiologic data suggested that this strain was introduced from india.200919335818
novel approach for detection of enteric viruses to enable syndrome surveillance of acute viral gastroenteritis.acute gastroenteritis is one of the most common diseases worldwide, with viruses, particularly noroviruses, being the leading cause in developed countries. in the netherlands, systematic surveillance of gastroenteritis outbreaks of suspected viral etiology was established by the national institute for public health and the environment in 1994. since 2002, the total number of outbreaks reported has been increasing, and with that comes the need for sensitive assays that can be performed quickly. i ...200919339472
a longitudinal cohort study in calves evaluated for rotavirus infections from 1 to 12 months of age by sequential serological assays.using an immunocytochemical staining assay involving six different recombinant baculoviruses with each expressing one of the major bovine rotavirus vp7 (g6, g8 and g10) and vp4 (p6[1], p7[5] and p8[11]) serotypes, we analyzed igg antibody responses to individual proteins in archival serum samples collected from 31 calves monthly from 1 to 12 months of age during 1974-1975 in higley, arizona. seroresponses to vp7 and vp4, as determined by a fourfold or greater antibody response, were not always e ...200919343476
global etiology of travelers' diarrhea: systematic review from 1973 to the present.fifty-one published studies of travelers' diarrhea (td) were examined to look for regional differences in pathogens identified. enterotoxigenic e. coli was detected in 1,678/5,518 (30.4%) of td cases overall, with rates in latin america/caribbean (l. america), africa, south asia, and southeast asia of 1,109/3,302 (33.6%), 389/1,217 (31.2%), 153/499 (30.6%), and 36/500 (7.2%), respectively (p < 0.001). enteroaggregative e. coli was the second most common agent in l. america, found in 166/689 (24. ...200919346386
[acceptance and safety of vaccines].as a result of decreasing willingness to be vaccinated some diseases, which seemingly had been eradicated, may reappear. one example for this is the increase of measles cases in the united kingdom since the 1990s after a decrease of immunization rate in response to a subsequently discredited publication suggesting a link between the triple measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and autism. as the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases decreases, vaccine safety dominates personal risk-benefit anal ...200919353475
shared and group-specific features of the rotavirus rna polymerase reveal potential determinants of gene reassortment restriction.rotaviruses (rvs) are nonenveloped, 11-segmented, double-stranded rna viruses that are major pathogens associated with acute gastroenteritis. group a, b, and c rvs have been isolated from humans; however, intergroup gene reassortment does not occur for reasons that remain unclear. this restriction might reflect the failure of the viral rna-dependent rna polymerase (rdrp; vp1) to recognize and replicate the rna of a different group. to address this possibility, we contrasted the sequences, struct ...200919357162
integrin alphavbeta6 and mediators of extracellular matrix deposition are up-regulated in experimental biliary atresia.biliary atresia (ba) is a progressive obliteration of the extrahepatic bile ducts resulting in hepatic fibrosis. the underlying mechanisms have not been defined. we used an animal model of ba to evaluate mediators of extracellular matrix (ecm) processing to determine which factors may be involved.200919084240
rotavirus vp7-gene selection during coinfections in caco-2 cells.a previous rotavirus epidemiological survey in córdoba, argentina, revealed an unusually high frequency of mixed g-type infections (41.5%). the genotype distribution of those mixed infections showed that the most prevalent g-type combinations were g1+g4 (65.0%), g1+g2 (12.5%), g2+g4 (3.1%) and g1+g9 (2.5%). in the present study we analyzed the competitive growth in caco-2 cell cultures of strains from the most frequent rotavirus g-type coinfections in order to explain some aspect of the dynamic ...200919084615
molecular characterization of rotaviruses, noroviruses, sapovirus, and adenoviruses in patients with acute gastroenteritis in thailand.outbreaks of viral gastroenteritis occur worldwide including thailand. unfortunately, there is limited information since etiologic agents have not been identified in several outbreaks of nonbacterial gastroenteritis. the genotype of enteric viruses causing acute gastroenteritis in thailand was determined using reverse transcription-multiplex polymerase chain reaction and dna sequencing. from january 2006 to february 2007, stool samples were collected from patients with acute gastroenteritis of a ...200919107961
characterization of genotype p[9]g12 rotavirus strains from argentina: high similarity with japanese and korean g12 strains.the circulation of the unusual p[9]g12 strains was previously reported in suburban buenos aires, argentina and in far eastern asian countries. to examine genetic relationships of these strains the genes coding vp7, vp4, and nsp1 from two argentine, one japanese and one korean p[9]g12 isolates were sequenced and their overall genome relatedness was determined by liquid hybridization. in addition, liquid hybridization was used to compare this group of strains to the previous g12 isolates l26 and s ...200919107963
phylogenetic analysis of rotaviruses with predominant g3 and emerging g9 genotypes from adults and children in wuhan, china.prevalence and phylogenetic relatedness of rotaviruses causing diarrheal diseases in children and adults were analyzed in wuhan, china. during a period between june 2006 and february 2008, group a rotavirus was identified in 24.9% (280/1126) and 7.6% (83/1088) of specimens taken from children and adults, respectively. g3p[8] was the most frequent genotype in both children (66.3%) and adults (62.7%), followed by g1p[8] (20.3% and 26.2%, respectively). g9 was detected in specimens from six childre ...200919107964
genetic diversity and zoonotic potential of human rotavirus strains, 2003-2006, hungary.rotavirus strain surveillance is being conducted in many countries before and after introduction of newly licensed vaccines to assess the impact of the vaccines on rotavirus strains. here we describe a strain surveillance study in the budapest area of hungary (2003-2006) based on rna profile analysis, genotyping by multiplex pcr and nucleotide sequencing. among 1,983 g-typed rotaviruses we identified g1 (22%), g2 (4.8%), g3 (3.5%), g4 (18.5%), g6 (1.1%), g8 (<0.1%, n = 1), g9 (42%), and g12 (3.4 ...200919107981
sialic acid dependence in rotavirus host cell invasion.we used nmr spectroscopy, molecular modeling and infectivity competition assays to investigate the key interactions between the spike protein (vp8(*)) from 'sialidase-insensitive' human wa and 'sialidase-sensitive' porcine crw-8 rotaviruses and the glycans of gangliosides g(m1) and g(d1a). our data provide strong evidence that n-acetylneuraminic acid is a key determinant for binding of these rotaviruses. this is in contrast to the widely accepted paradigm that sialic acids are irrelevant in host ...200919109595
probiotics as prevention and treatment for critically appraise evidence on probiotic use for prevention and treatment of diarrhea in children and adults.200919114770
rotavirus vaccines and pathogenesis: 2008.rotaviruses cause life-threatening gastroenteritis in children throughout the world. the burden of disease has resulted in the development of two live, attenuated vaccines that are now licensed in many countries. this review summarizes new data on these vaccines, their effectiveness, and remaining challenges including new data on the rotavirus enterotoxin, a potential antiviral target.200919114772
early-life rotavirus and norovirus infections in relation to development of atopic manifestation in infants.the increase in incidence of atopic diseases (ads) in the developed world over the past decades has been associated with reduced exposure of childhood infections.200919032360
cholangiocytes as immune modulators in rotavirus-induced murine biliary atresia.biliary atresia (ba) is a progressive disease characterized by bile duct inflammation and fibrosis. the aetiology is unknown and may be due to a virus-induced, autoimmune-mediated injury of cholangiocytes. cholangiocytes are not only targets of injury but may also modulate hepatic inflammation. the aim of this study was to determine the immune profile of murine cholangiocytes and the ability to function as antigen-presenting cells (apcs) in culture with rhesus rotavirus (rrv), poly i:c (viral mi ...200919040538
characterization of vp7 and vp4 genes of rotavirus strains: 1990-1994 and 2000-2002.a total of 90 rotavirus-positive faecal specimens collected from patients hospitalized with diarrhoea in 1990-1994 (n=77) and 2000-2002 (n=13) were investigated for vp7 and vp4 genotypes. the specimens included 21 typable and 69 non-reactive or multireactive rotavirus strains as monitored by monoclonal antibody-based serotyping elisa. genotyping was carried out by multiplex pcr/sequencing using primers specific for both vp7 and vp4 genes. the contribution of common genotypes (g1p[8], g2p[4], g3p ...200919046475
acute gastroenteritis caused by multiple enteric pathogens in children.of 303 children hospitalized with acute non-bloody, non-mucoid diarrhoea, 69 (22.8%) had polymicrobial infection, including 52 (17.2%) multiple viral infection and 17 (5.6%) viral and bacterial co-infection. rotavirus had the most important role in both categories; thus the control of rotavirus infection is crucial for maintaining children's health in taiwan.200919046476
role of astrovirus in intussusception in nigerian infants.intussusception (is) is a form of intestinal obstruction in which a segment of the bowel prolapses into a more distal segment. viral infections, mostly adenovirus, enteroviruses, human herpesvirus and epstein-barr virus are reported in 20-50% of childhood cases of is. between january and july 2004, six stool specimens collected from infants 0- to 8-months old diagnosed and admitted for is were investigated for the presence of rotavirus, astrovirus and adenovirus antigens. astrovirus antigen was ...200919052076
toll-like receptor and innate cytokine responses induced by lactobacilli colonization and human rotavirus infection in gnotobiotic pigs.toll-like receptors (tlr) play an important role in the recognition of microbes by host sentinel cells that leads to the subsequent innate and adaptive immune responses. in this study, we evaluated the patterns of tlr2-, tlr3- and tlr9-expressing antigen presenting cells (apcs) in spleen and blood of gnotobiotic (gn) pigs after colonization with a mixture of two strains of lactic acid bacteria (lab), lactobacillus acidophilus and lactobacillus reuteri or infection with the virulent human rotavir ...200919054578
seasonality of rotavirus disease in the tropics: a systematic review and date little conclusive evidence exists on the seasonality of rotavirus incidence in the tropics. we present a systematic review and meta-analysis on the seasonal epidemiology of rotavirus in the tropics, including 26 studies reporting continuous monthly rotavirus incidence for which corresponding climatological data was available.200919056806
molecular characterization of group c rotaviruses detected in children in c rotavirus (gcrv) infection has been described worldwide in children and adults either as sporadic cases or large outbreaks of gastroenteritis but gcrv epidemiology is still unclear.200919059000
tight junctions as targets of infectious agents.the epithelial barrier is a critical border that segregates luminal material from entering tissues. essential components of this epithelial fence are physical intercellular structures termed tight junctions. these junctions use a variety of transmembrane proteins coupled with cytoplasmic adaptors, and the actin cytoskeleton, to attach adjacent cells together thereby forming intercellular seals. breaching of this barrier has profound effects on human health and disease, as barrier deficiencies ha ...200919059200
genotypic distribution of rotavirus strains causing severe gastroenteritis in gyeonggi province, south korea, from 2003 to 2005.rotavirus was present in 1,367 of 7,060 stool samples (19.4%) collected in gyeonggi province of south korea from 2003 through 2005. the predominant genotypes were confirmed as g4/p2a[6] (19.0%) followed by g3/p1a[8] (15.6%), g2/p1b[4] (9.3%), and g1/p1a[8] (6.5%). the predominant types of rotavirus by year were g3/p[8] in 2003, g4/p[6] in 2004, and g1/p[8] in 2005. the prevalent rotavirus genotypes changed constantly from 2003 to 2005.200919066711
nitazoxanide vs. probiotics for the treatment of acute rotavirus diarrhea in children: a randomized, single-blind, controlled trial in bolivian previous studies, nitazoxanide has demonstrated a cytoprotective effect against rotavirus, reducing the duration of diarrhea in comparison to placebo. we designed a randomized, single-blind, controlled trial in order to assess the effectiveness of nitazoxanide and probiotics in comparison with a control group.200919070525
rotarix: a rotavirus vaccine for the world.single rotavirus infections have been reported to protect humans against subsequent illnesses caused by both homotypic and heterotypic rotaviruses. on the basis of these observations, a g1p[8] strain of human rotavirus named 89-12 was attenuated by multiple passages in cell culture and was developed into a vaccine candidate (herein referred to as the rix4414 vaccine). this vaccine is currently licensed in >100 countries worldwide, many of which have a universal recommendation for all infants. th ...200919072246
characterization of novel vp7, vp4, and vp6 genotypes of a previously untypeable group a rotavirus.rotavirus is the most common cause of acute gastroenteritis among infants and young children throughout the world, but rotavirus cases in developing countries account for nearly all of the approximately 600,000 annual deaths. we studied the epidemiology of rotavirus in 22 rural communities in northern coastal ecuador over a five-year period. from 250 rotavirus positive stool specimens, the percentage that could not be rt-pcr genotyped for vp4 and vp7 was 77% and 63%, respectively. the possibilit ...200919131083
detection, genetic characterization, and quantification of norovirus rna from sera of children with gastroenteritis.norovirus (nov) infection is thought to be confined to the intestines, whereas many reports suggest antigenemia and viremia occur during rotavirus gastroenteritis.200919131272
viral etiology and incidence associated with acute gastroenteritis in a 5-year survey in gyeonggi province, south korea.acute gastroenteritis caused by viruses is one of the leading causes of childhood morbidity.200919131274
estimated mortality and hospital admission due to rotavirus infection in the who european 2006 two rotavirus vaccines were licensed for use in young children in europe. this study aimed to estimate the mortality and hospital admissions due to rotavirus in children aged <5 years in the who european region using data from routine sources and published literature. we grouped 49/52 countries in the region by their world bank gross national income (gni) per capita. we obtained for children aged <5 years: populations, hospital discharges for diarrhoeal disease, estimated mortality rates ...200919134232
is rotavirus contributing to an increase of diarrhoea in a region of spain?diarrhoeal illnesses are the most frequent of notifiable diseases in aragon. physicians notify diarrhoea cases with presumed infectious origin on a weekly basis. following an increase in 2005-2006, we aimed to identify the responsible organism(s) in order to inform control measures. we described seasonality of diarrhoea notifications for 1998-2004 and 2005-2006. we calculated correlations between diarrhoea notifications and enteric pathogens diagnosed in two aragonese laboratories, and applied l ...200919134236
rotavirus-associated encephalopathy with a reversible splenial lesion.the case is reported of a 2-year-old boy with a rotavirus-induced mild encephalopathy that presented as transient intensified signal on the splenium of the corpus callosum. the boy also experienced persistent diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and sudden disturbance of consciousness. although cerebrospinal fluid analysis did not manifest pleocytosis, electroencephalography demonstrated global diffuse slow waves and cranial magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated intensified signal on the splenium of the ...200919135631
giardia duodenalis assemblages associated with diarrhea in children in south india identified by pcr-rflp.giardial diarrhea in a birth cohort of 452 children in an urban slum in south india was characterized. of the 155 episodes that occurred in 99 children, 73% were acute diarrhea. children with better educated mothers and a toilet at home had lower odds of acquiring giardial diarrhea, whereas low socioeconomic status and drinking municipal water were associated with greater risk. children with co-infections tended to have a slightly longer duration of diarrhea (p = 0.061) and showed significantly ...200919141832
novel human rotavirus genotype g5p[7] from child with diarrhea, cameroon.we report characterization of a genotype g5p[7] human rotavirus (hrv) from a child in cameroon who had diarrhea. sequencing of all 11 gene segments showed similarities to > or =5 genes each from porcine and human rotaviruses. this g5p[7] strain exemplifies the importance of heterologous animal rotaviruses in generating hrv genetic diversity through reassortment.200919116059
serotype g12 rotaviruses, lilongwe, assess diversity of rotavirus strains in lilongwe, malawi, we conducted a cross-sectional study of children with acute gastroenteritis, july 2005-june 2007. serotype g12 was identified in 30 (5%) of 546 rotavirus-positive fecal specimens. the g12 strain possessed multiple electropherotypes and p-types, but their viral protein 7 sequences were closely related, indicating that reassortment has occurred.200919116060
g2 strain of rotavirus among infants and children, determine g and p genotypes, we performed nested pcr on 307 rotavirus specimens collected in dhaka, bangladesh, during 2004-2005. g2 (43.3%) was detected at the highest frequency, followed by g4 (19.5%), g9 (13.7%), g1 (12.7%), and g3 (2.6%). p[8] was the most predominant genotype (53.2%), followed by p[4] (42.9%).200919116061
rotavirus genotype distribution after vaccine introduction, rio de janeiro, brazil.brazil introduced rotavirus vaccination in march 2006. we studied 133 rotavirus-positive fecal samples collected from february 2005 through december 2007. genotype g2p[4] was found in 1.4% of samples in 2005, in 44% in 2006, and in 96% in 2007. rotavirus detection rate decreased from 38% in 2005 to 24% in 2007 (p = 0.012).200919116062
new advisory committee on immunization practices guidelines for rotavirus vaccine allow more children to receive vaccine. 200919117843
eukaryotic viruses in wastewater samples from the united states.human fecal matter contains a large number of viruses, and current bacterial indicators used for monitoring water quality do not correlate with the presence of pathogenic viruses. adenoviruses and enteroviruses have often been used to identify fecal pollution in the environment; however, other viruses shed in fecal matter may more accurately detect fecal pollution. the purpose of this study was to develop a baseline understanding of the types of viruses found in raw sewage. pcr was used to detec ...200919124584
rotavirus vaccine rix4414 (rotarix): a review of its use in the prevention of rotavirus gastroenteritis.rotavirus vaccine rix4414 is an oral vaccine composed of a monovalent, live, attenuated, human rotavirus strain of g1p[8] type. rix4414 vaccination in infants aged 6-17 weeks at enrolment provided protection against rotavirus gastroenteritis (rvge) of any severity and high-level protection against severe rvge requiring hospitalization in large, randomized clinical trials conducted in a wide range of geographic regions. protective efficacy was evident over the period (2 months) between the first ...200919127963
season of birth and risk of rotavirus diarrhoea in children aged <5 years.this study investigates whether a child's risk of rotavirus diarrhoea is associated with season of birth in england and wales, countries where rotavirus infections are highly seasonal. poisson regression models were fitted to weekly counts of laboratory-confirmed rotavirus infections from children aged <5 years born between 1998 and 2007. in the first year of life, the risk of a laboratory-confirmed rotavirus infection was significantly higher for children born in summer compared with winter [re ...200919144248
[clinical characteristics of children with rotavirus infection presenting with vomiting as main manifestation]. 200919149929
[research advance in the association between rotavirus infection and cytokines]. 200919149931
severity and age of rotavirus diarrhea, but not socioeconomic conditions, are associated with rotavirus seasonality in venezuela.rotavirus (rv) epidemiology presents differences between developing and developed countries among which are seasonality, age at first infection, variability of strain in circulation and severity of disease. since, in venezuela, we have distinct seasonal patterns of rv occurrence, we examined the epidemiological profile of rv disease associated to these differences by analyzing data from previous studies conducted in venezuela. data were collected from children <5 years of age with diarrhea seen ...200919152395
seasonal shifts of group a rotavirus strains as a possible mechanism of persistence in the human population.this article demonstrates how the seasonal predominance of a new rotavirus strain in asuncion, paraguay is correlated with a wide spectrum of age groups of children infected in that given season. therefore, this study provides new evidence to support the idea that seasonal shift of rotavirus strains is a possible mechanism used by the virus to evade herd immunity (acquired by the population due to previous infections) and, thus, ultimately persist in that population.200919152398
are human p[14] rotavirus strains the result of interspecies transmissions from sheep or other ungulates that belong to the mammalian order artiodactyla?a limited number of human g6p[14] rotavirus strains that cause gastroenteritis in humans have been isolated in europe and australia. the complete genome sequences were determined for five of these human strains--b10925-97 (isolated in belgium in 1997), 111/05-27 (italy, 2005), pa169 (italy, 1987), mg6 (australia, 1993), and hun5 (hungary, 1997)--and their genetic relatedness to animal rotavirus strains was evaluated by sequencing the complete genome of the sheep rotavirus ovr762 (g8p[14]; spain, ...200919153225
hospitalizations for nosocomial rotavirus gastroenteritis in a tertiary pediatric center: a 4-year prospective study.although rotavirus is the most common cause of gastroenteritis worldwide, data regarding nosocomial rotavirus gastroenteritis (nrvge) are limited. our objectives were to study the rates, seasonality, epidemiology, and clinical features of nrvge.200919155098
drug approvals: '08 in review. rotavirus vaccine, live, oral (rotarix). 200919155881
decline in cases of rotavirus gastroenteritis presenting to the children's hospital of philadelphia after introduction of a pentavalent rotavirus vaccine.a pentavalent rotavirus vaccine for infants became available in the united states in february 2006. by 2007, vaccination rates nationwide were estimated to be approximately 50%. we studied the effectiveness of the vaccine in a real-world setting outside of a clinical trial. all children presenting to the children's hospital of philadelphia with acute gastroenteritis have been monitored for the presence of rotavirus antigen in the stool by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa [followed by gen ...200919158283
cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination in vietnam.rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrhea leading to hospitalization or disease-specific death among young children. new rotavirus vaccines have recently been approved. some previous studies have provided broad qualitative insights into the health and economic consequences of introducing the vaccines into low-income countries, representing several features of rotavirus infection, such as varying degrees of severity and age-dependency of clinical manifestation, in their model-based an ...200919159483
successful co-administration of a human rotavirus and oral poliovirus vaccines in bangladeshi infants in a 2-dose schedule at 12 and 16 weeks of of oral live-attenuated human rotavirus vaccine rix4414 (rotarix) and oral polio vaccine (opv) was assessed. healthy infants were randomised to receive 2-doses of either: rix4414 or placebo co-administered with opv (12 and 16 weeks of age); or rix4414 or placebo given 15 days after opv. after vaccination, 56.5-66.7% of rix4414 and 18.6% of placebo recipients had seroconverted for rotavirus iga. no significant differences between rix4414 groups with or without opv co-administrat ...200919162114
meeting of the diarrhoeal and enteric vaccines advisory committee, october 2008--executive summary. 200919165967
from fossil to fetus: nonhemorrhagic germinal matrix echodensity caused by mineralizing vasculitis--hypothesis of fossilizing germinolysis and gliosis.subventricular echodensities medioventral to the caudate nucleus near the caudothalamic groove are regular ultrasonographic findings in preterm infants with germinal matrix hemorrhages. the transformation into pseudocysts is termed germinolysis. interestingly, identical ultrasonographic findings are rarely even reported for near-term infants. we examined 5 cases of near-term infants presenting with various localized subventricular echodensities after various noncerebral infections (intra-amnioti ...200919168817
clinical characteristics of benign convulsions with rotavirus gastroenteritis.convulsions sometimes occur in infants and toddlers with mild gastroenteritis. we retrospectively investigated the hospital records of 106 patients admitted to our hospital who had rotavirus gastroenteritis from february 2002 to april 2008. there were 23 patients with convulsions, including 13 with benign convulsions, 9 with febrile seizures, and 1 with epilepsy. gastroenteritis in patients with benign convulsions was mild from the viewpoint of body weights and serum creatinine concentrations on ...200919168832
etiology of acute gastroenteritis in three sentinel general practices, austria 2007.we studied the etiology of acute gastroenteritis in a village with a total population of approximately 6,000. this is the first study in austria that has investigated a broad range of pathogens recovered from an unselected population of patients who had consulted general practitioners because of gastroenteritis.200919148576
meeting of the immunization strategic advisory group of experts, november 2008--conclusions and recommendations. 200919149014
norovirus in a dutch tertiary care hospital (2002-2007): frequent nosocomial transmission and dominance of giib strains in young children.we report a retrospective analysis of norovirus (nov) infections occurring in patients of a tertiary care hospital during five winter seasons (2002/03 to 2006/07). data were compared with national surveillance data and with corresponding data for rotavirus. between july 2002 and june 2007, faecal specimens from 221 (9.0%) of 2458 hospital patients with diarrhoea tested positive for nov. the incidence in children varied from 2.52 per 1000 admissions in 2004/05 (when testing began to be performed ...200919147255
'sialidase sensitivity' of rotaviruses revisited. 200919148170
[vaccination schedule of the spanish association of pediatrics: recommendations 2009].based on the available evidence, we, the vaccine advisory committee (cav) of the spanish association of pediatrics (asociación española de pediatría, aep), provide information about and comments on vaccine-related innovation during 2008. modifications to the vaccine schedule for 2009 are also discussed. the importance of the recommendation of administration of a varicella booster at start of school (3-4 years of age) is highlighted according to the technical specifications of one of the vaccines ...200919174124
pathophysiology of diarrhea in calves.infectious diarrhea in calves is most commonly associated with enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, cryptosporidium parvum, rotavirus, coronavirus, or some combination of these pathogens. each of these agents leads to diarrhea through either secretion or malabsorption/maldigestion, though the specific mechanisms and pathways may differ. specific pharmacologic control and treatment are dependent on gaining a greater understanding of the pathophysiology of these organisms.200919174281
the studies on the aetiology of diarrhoea in neonatal calves and determination of virulence gene markers of escherichia coli strains by multiplex pcr.the purpose of this study was to determine aetiological agents of diarrhoea in neonatal calves and to investigate virulence gene markers of escherichia coli strains isolated from calves by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr). eighty-two diarrhoeic calves and 18 healthy calves were used as subjects. faeces were taken from the rectums of all the calves and were subjected to bacterial culture. antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was performed to detect rotavirus, coronavirus and ...200918771515
evaluation of rapid assays for the detection of bovine coronavirus, rotavirus a and cryptosporidium parvum in faecal samples of calves.rapid immunochromatographic assays for detecting infections with bovine coronavirus (bcv), rotavirus a and cryptosporidium parvum in calf faeces were evaluated using as gold standards a reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (bcv and rotavirus) and a sedimentation-flotation technique (c. parvum). rapid tests for the detection of bcv and rotavirus showed a high specificity (96.4% and 95.3%, respectively), but a relatively low sensitivity (60.0% and 71.9%, respectively). sensitivity and s ...200918778958
formulation, characterization and evaluation of rotavirus encapsulated pla and plga particles for oral vaccination.polylactide (pla) and polylactide-co-glycolide (plga) particles entrapping rotavirus (strain sa11) were formulated using a solvent evaporation technique. to minimize denaturation of viral antigen during the emulsification process, serum albumin was used as a stabilizer. use of nahco(3) and sucrose during the primary emulsification step resulted in uniform stabilized particles entrapping rotavirus. sonication during the primary emulsion and homogenization during the secondary emulsion process res ...200918608800
rotavirus diarrhea in bovines and other domestic animals.rotavirus diarrhea is the major cause of death of millions of children in developing countries besides causing economically significant malady in neonates of many domestic animals. in neonates, the infection is non-viremic, have very short incubation period, and manifests profuse diarrhea and severe dehydration. concurrent infection with secondary pathogens may augment the disease severity. diarrhea occurs due to virus-mediated destruction of absorption efficient enterocytes, activation of enter ...200918622713
rotavirus infection in small bowel transplant: a histologic comparison with acute cellular rejection.pediatric small bowel transplant recipients are susceptible to diarrhea due to rejection or infectious enteritis, particularly of viral etiology. the most common causes of viral enteritis in this setting are rotavirus, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus, and epstein-barr virus. this study is the first to compare the histologic findings of rotavirus infection with acute cellular rejection in small bowel transplant biopsies. three patients with small bowel transplants had rapid stool antigen test-proven ...200918684006
efficacy of high-dose lactobacillus rhamnosus gg in controlling acute watery diarrhea in indian children: a randomized controlled evaluate the effective dose of lactobacillus rhamnosus gg (lgg) as probiotic in acute watery diarrhea (awd) in indian children.200918813028
[sensitivity and specificity of the vikia rota-adeno immuno-chromatographic test (biomérieux) and the elisa ideia rotavirus kit (dako) compared to genotyping].the performances of two diagnostic tests for rotavirus infection in stool samples were evaluated during a prospective study in children of less than 36 months in child-care centers of lyon from november 2004 to may 2005. the vikia rota-adeno immuno-chromatographic test (biomérieux) and the elisa ideia rotavirus kit (dako) were compared with a referral method, the genotyping. fifty-seven stool samples were collected and analyzed by rt-pcr. the virus genome was detected in 29 samples. the most fre ...200918838230
rotavirus vaccines: opportunities and challenges.each year rotavirus gastroenteritis episodes in young children cause more than 500,000 deaths and 2.4 million hospital admissions worldwide. vaccine development became a priority when improved personal hygiene and living standards failed to significantly reduce this disease burden. rotavirus vaccines were developed mimicking natural immunity by protecting against severe gastroenteritis in young children, which would otherwise lead to health-care attendance, hospitalization or even death. license ...200918838873
unexpected substitution of dominant rotavirus g genotypes in french hospitalized children over five consecutive seasons.the study was designed to evaluate the circulation of group a rotaviruses in french hospitalized children, and to detect unusual strains. this prospective study was conducted from 2001 to 2006 in children consulting for acute diarrhea at the pediatric emergency department in three french university hospitals. the rotaviruses were detected by rapid test and genotyped by rt-pcr on the basis of their outer capsid proteins vp4 (p-type) and vp7 (g-type). the stools from 757 children were analyzed. g1 ...200918855026
monitoring the rate of hospitalization before rotavirus immunization in italy utilizing icd9-cm regional databases.recently, two rotavirus (rv) vaccines were licensed in italy, rendering rv illness a vaccine preventable disease. to assess the rv hospitalization rate in italy, a study focused on the regional hospital discharge forms (hdd) databases was carried out.200918802404
prospective study of etiologic agents of acute gastroenteritis outbreaks in child care investigate the etiology of outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis (age) in children attending childcare centers (cccs) in north carolina between october 2005 and march 2007.200918783794
cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination: exploring caregiver(s) and "no medical care'' disease impact in estimate the cost-effectiveness of universal childhood rotavirus vaccination in belgium, taking into account the impact of caregiver burden and the burden of sick children for whom no medical care is sought ("no medical care'' ).200918948433
rotavirus infection increases the risk of bacteremia in children with nontyphoid salmonella evaluate whether there is any impact of rotavirus infection on nontyphoid salmonella (nts) gastroenteritis, a total of 207 diarrheal children who had positive stool culture for nts and also a stool examination for the rotavirus antigen were retrospectively analyzed. according to the positivity of the stool rotavirus antigen, patients were divided into two groups and compared with regard to demographic data, clinical features, laboratory findings, and complications. the results showed that the ...200918949496
brucella spp. lumazine synthase as a bovine rotavirus antigen delivery system.brucella spp. lumazine synthase (bls) is a highly immunogenic decameric protein. it has been previously evaluated as a carrier to increase the immunogenicity of peptides fused to its n-termini. vp8 is a sialic acid binding domain of rotavirus external capsid protein vp4, which is involved in virus adhesion to host cells. in this work, the c486 bovine rotavirus (brv) vp8 core protein (vp8d) was fused to the structure of bls with the aim to produce an enhancement of the immune response against brv ...200918973781
effects on sialic acid recognition of amino acid mutations in the carbohydrate-binding cleft of the rotavirus spike protein.the rotavirus spike protein vp4 mediates attachment to host cells and subsequent membrane penetration. the vp8(*) domain of vp4 forms the spike tips and is proposed to recognize host-cell surface glycans. for sialidase-sensitive rotaviruses such as rhesus (rrv), this recognition involves terminal sialic acids. we show here that the rrv vp8(*)(64-224) protein competes with rrv infection of host cells, demonstrating its relevance to infection. in addition, we observe that the amino acids revealed ...200918974199
phylogeny of g9 rotavirus genotype: a possible explanation of its origin and evolution.g9 rotavirus genotype was isolated in the 1980s and re-emerged without a clear explanation in the mid-1990s as one of the most frequently occurring genotypes with distinct genetic and molecular characteristics.200918977689
contemporary prevalence of infectious agents in laboratory mice and rats.periodic health screening of rodents used in research is necessary due to the consequences of unwanted infections. one determinant of the risk of infection for any given agent is its prevalence; other factors being equal, a prevalent agent is more likely than a rare one to be introduced to a research facility and result in infection. as an indicator of contemporary prevalence in laboratory populations of rats and mice, the rate of positive results in the samples received at a major commercial ro ...200919015179
structured surveillance of infectious intestinal disease in pre-school children in the community: 'the nappy study'.the incidence and causes of infectious intestinal disease (iid) in children aged <5 years presenting to general practitioners (gps) were estimated. during a 12-month period, soiled nappies were collected from children presenting with symptoms suggestive of iid in a network of 65 gps located across england. molecular methods were used to detect a range of enteric pathogens including viruses, bacteria and parasites. genotyping was performed on rotavirus and norovirus isolates. a total of 583 nappi ...200919017426
concentrating rotaviruses from water samples using monolithic chromatographic supports.rotaviruses are the leading cause of diarrhoea in infants around the globe and, under certain conditions they can be present in drinking water sources and systems. ingestion of 10-100 viral particles is enough to cause disease, emphasizing the need for sensitive diagnostic methods. in this study we have optimized the concentration of rotavirus particles using methacrylate monolithic chromatographic supports. different surface chemistries and mobile phases were tested. a strong anion exchanger an ...200919019382
the burden of rotavirus gastroenteritis in children presenting to a paediatric hospital.the aim of this study was to determine the burden, management and outcomes of rotavirus infection in young children presenting to a tertiary paediatric hospital in sydney, australia. all laboratory-confirmed cases of rotavirus in children aged <5 years were identified and medical records reviewed. in 2004, 80 children aged <5 years presented to the hospital with rotavirus gastroenteritis confirmed by stool testing. infants aged <24 months comprised 75% of cases, with more males than females affe ...200919021924
broadly reactive taqman assay for real-time rt-pcr detection of rotavirus in clinical and environmental samples. are enteric pathogens responsible for a significant burden of disease, especially in children, through person-to-person transmission and exposure to contaminated food and water. in the present study, a taqman probe-based real-time reverse transcriptase (rt) polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay was developed and validated for sensitive and specific detection and quantification of rotavirus for the routine screening of clinical and environmental samples. the assay primers and probes w ...200918951923
molecular epidemiology of rotavirus infections among children hospitalized for acute gastroenteritis in shanghai, china, 2001 through 2005.rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrhea in children in the world. knowing the prevalence and genotypes of these infections is important for implementing vaccination programs.200919010730
risk factors for nosocomial rotavirus infection in a paediatric hospital: the potential role for rotavirus vaccine analyze the incidence and risk factors (rf) of nosocomial infection (ni) in a paediatric teaching hospital, a retrospective cohort study was conducted in salvador, brazil. the centres for disease control and prevention definitions were used. the detection of the rotavirus antigen in stool was performed using a rapid latex agglutination test. the study group comprised 2978 admissions that accounted for 32,924 patient-days. the incidence of ni was 8.3/1000 patient-days and 9.2/100 admissions. o ...200919014989
detection and characterization of waterborne gastroenteritis viruses in urban sewage and sewage-polluted river waters in caracas, venezuela.the detection and molecular characterization of pathogenic human viruses in urban sewage have been used extensively to derive information on circulating viruses in given populations throughout the world. in this study, a similar approach was applied to provide an overview of the epidemiology of waterborne gastroenteritis viruses circulating in urban areas of caracas, the capital city of venezuela in south america. dry season sampling was conducted in sewers and in a major river severely polluted ...200919028907
molecular characterization of vp4, vp6, vp7, nsp4, and nsp5/6 genes identifies an unusual g3p[10] human rotavirus unusual strain of human rotavirus g3p[10] (cmh079/05) was detected in a stool sample of a 2-year-old child admitted to the hospital with severe diarrhea in chiang mai, thailand. analysis of the vp7 gene sequence revealed highest identities with unusual human rotavirus g3 strain cmh222 at 98.7% on the nucleotide and 99.6% on the amino acid levels. phylogenetic analysis of the vp7 sequence confirmed that the cmh079/05 strain formed a cluster with g3 rotavirus reference strains and showed the cl ...200919031442
the detection and molecular characterization of human g12 genotypes in south africa.the last decade has seen an increase in the detection of rotavirus strains other than g1-g4 emerging or even predominating in some settings. the performance of the current rotavirus vaccines against unusual or rare circulating rotavirus serotypes cannot be predicted and continuous monitoring of wild type rotaviruses will remain a priority. routine molecular rotavirus surveillance conducted in the gauteng province, south africa during 2004, resulted in the detection of strains that could not type ...200919031449
analysis of the vp6 gene of human and porcine group a rotavirus strains with unusual subgroup specificities.full-length vp6 amino acid sequences of human and porcine rotaviruses with subgroup (sg) (i + ii) and sg non-(i + ii) were analyzed in comparison with those of sg i and sg ii. in human rotaviruses, the strains in the same sg shared a very high degree of amino acid identity, ranging from 97.4% to 99.4% for sg i, 95.9% to 100% for sg ii, and 99.4% to 100% for sg non-(i + ii), while viruses in different sgs shared somewhat lower sequence identity at 90.4-93.1%. conserved amino acids that distinguis ...200919031468
nosocomial gastroenteritis in children with and without rotavirus infection. 200919034059
rotavirus architecture at subnanometer resolution.rotavirus, a nonturreted member of the reoviridae, is the causative agent of severe infantile diarrhea. the double-stranded rna genome encodes six structural proteins that make up the triple-layer particle. x-ray crystallography has elucidated the structure of one of these capsid proteins, vp6, and two domains from vp4, the spike protein. complementing this work, electron cryomicroscopy (cryoem) has provided relatively low-resolution structures for the triple-layer capsid in several biochemical ...200919036817
update on rotarix: an oral human rotavirus vaccine.worldwide, rotaviruses are the single most important agents of severe gastroenteritis in infants and young children. globally, it is estimated that every year rotavirus gastroenteritis causes more than 125 million episodes of diarrhea and nearly 527,000 deaths, mainly in developing countries. the development of new effective and safe rotavirus vaccines was recognized as the most effective intervention strategy that could yield a significant impact on the burden of rotavirus disease. rotarix is a ...200919943758
vaccines for enteric diseases: update on recent developments.the 5th international conference on vaccines for enteric diseases (ved) attracted more than 250 delegates, mainly from industrialized countries. a total of 56 papers were presented and 46 posters were displayed to update recent developments in the field of enteric diseases and vaccine development. this 3-day event enabled academic research institutions, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, and international donors to get a sense of what has been going on since the last ved conference in 2007. t ...200919943760
booster vaccinations: can immunologic memory outpace disease pathogenesis?almost all current vaccines work by the induction of antibodies in serum or on the mucosa to block adherence of pathogens to epithelial cells or interfere with microbial invasion of the bloodstream. however, antibody levels usually decline after vaccination to undetectable amounts if further vaccination does not occur. persistence of vaccine-induced antibodies usually goes well beyond the time when they should have decayed to undetectable levels because of ongoing "natural" boosting or other imm ...200919933727
molecular characterization of a human group c rotavirus detected first in turkey.the present study was done to find out the prevalence of group b and c rotavirus infections in children with diarrhea presented at two major hospitals in ankara, turkey. group b rotavirus was not found in any samples. one of 122 samples was positive for group c rotavirus. phylogenetic analysis of genes for nonstructural protein nsp4, and structural proteins vp4, vp6, and vp7 confirmed the human origin of this strain. similar to other human group c rotaviruses, one n-glycosylation site was predic ...200919916043
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