
[composition of the neutral lipids and their fatty acids from whale brains. ii. brains from finnwhales (balaenoptera physalus)]. 19685748460
lipids of the fin whale (balaenoptera physalus from north atlantic waters. iv. fin whale milk. 19685646315
[cerebral neurofibroma in the fin whale, balaenoptera physalus]. 19685690457
investigations on the melanophore-stimulating hormones in the hypophysis of the finback whale (balaenoptera physalus). 19676072473
the skin of the whale (balaenoptera physalus). 19676062786
lipids of the fin whale (balaenoptera physalus) from north atlantic waters. ii. fatty acid composition of the liver lipids and gas-liquid chromatography evidence for the occurrence of 5,8,11,14-nonadecatetraenoic acid. 19655862811
studies on fin whale pancreatic proteases. 3. properties of purified fin whale anionic chymotrypsin. 19705465657
a comparative morphometric analysis of the optic nerve in two cetacean species, the striped dolphin (stenella coeruleoalba) and fin whale (balaenoptera physalus).a comparative study was made on one mysticete (the fin whale, balaenoptera physalus) and one odontocete species (the striped dolphin, stenella coeruleoalba) by measuring several morphological characteristics seen in cross sections of the optic nerve. we found that the two cetacean nerves share a number of specializations that distinguish them from the optic nerve of terrestrial mammals. fiber density is approximately two-fold lower than in land mammals. a corresponding increase in the cross-sect ...200611417805
fiber spectra of spinal nerve roots in cetacea (balaenoptera physalus). 196414244074
isolation of finback whale oxytocin and vasopressin. 196414118277
[ontogenesis and functional morphology of the eye of the finback whale, balaenoptera physalus linnaeus (cetacea, mysticeti, balaenopteridae)]. 196414193475
extractives from muscle meat of balaenoptera physalus (linnaeus). 196314099010
comparative studies on cartilage aminopolysaccharide sulphates. i. polysaccharides from shark, skate, dogfish and fin whale. 196313931111
[the neurohypophysial hormones of mammals: isolation and characterization of oxytocin and vasopressin from whale (balaenoptera physalus l.)]. 196314104121
tumours in whales. iii. granuloma malignum (hodgkin's disease) in the fin whale balaenoptera physalus). 196224547010
physiological measurements on a live whale.temperature, respiration, and electrocardiographic measurements were made on a stranded 45-ft. finback whale. this proved to be a practical means of getting physiological information on the large cetaceans.196014404341
the carotid body of a half term finwhale (balaenoptera physalus [l.]). 196013720565
electron-microscopic study of finback whale myoglobin crystals. 195913644255
[wall structure of the inferior vena cava in adult finback whale]. 195514387132
[pituitary hormone content in the fin whale balaenoptera physalus l..]. 201413246257
the component acids of mild fats of balaenoptera physalus (finner whale). 195313093692
on the cervical vertebrae and their articulations in fin-whales. 187217230951
some points in the anatomy of a great fin-whale. 187117230915
successful euthanasia of a juvenile fin whale.a stranded juvenile fin whale was successfully euthanized with an intravenous injection of sedative and cardioplegic drugs. veterinarians may face a number of serious difficulties if called to perform this task, and advance preparation is required for successful euthanasia of these animals.200111272456
multiple levels of single-strand slippage at cetacean tri- and tetranucleotide repeat microsatellite loci.between three and six tri- and tetranucleotide repeat microsatellite loci were analyzed in 3720 samples collected from four different species of baleen whales. ten of the 18 species/locus combinations had imperfect allele arrays, i.e., some alleles differed in length by other than simple integer multiples of the basic repeat length. the estimate of the average number of alleles and heterozygosity was higher at loci with imperfect allele arrays relative to those with perfect allele arrays. nucleo ...19999872967
relationship between organochlorine contaminants and mixed function oxidase activity in skin biopsy specimens of mediterranean fin whales (balaenoptera physalus).the relationship between organochlorine contaminants (pcbs and ddts) and mixed function oxidase, benzo(a)pyrene monooxigenase activity (bpmo), was investigated in skin biopsy specimens from fin whales (balaenoptera physalus) of the mediterranean sea. skin biopsy material, sampled by a non invasive technique, is suitable for a wide range of chemical and biomarker analysis. in this study pcbs and ddts were evaluated in subcutaneous blubber and mfo activity in epidermis. an interesting correlation ...19989753763
population genetic structure of north atlantic, mediterranean sea and sea of cortez fin whales, balaenoptera physalus (linnaeus 1758): analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear loci.samples were collected from 407 fin whales, balaenoptera physalus, at four north atlantic and one mediterranean sea summer feeding area as well as the sea of cortez in the pacific ocean. for each sample, the sex, the sequence of the first 288 nucleotides of the mitochondrial (mt) control region and the genotype at six microsatellite loci were determined. a significant degree of divergence was detected at all nuclear and mt loci between north atlantic/mediterranean sea and the sea of cortez. howe ...19989633102
the mechanical properties of fin whale arteries are explained by novel connective tissue designs.the aortic arch and the descending aorta in the fin whale (balaenoptera physalus) are structurally and mechanically very different from comparable vessels in other mammals. although the external diameter of the whale's descending thoracic aorta (approximately 12 cm) is similar to that predicted by scaling relationships for terrestrial mammals, the wall thickness:diameter ratio in the whale (0.015) is much smaller than the characteristic value for other mammals (0.05). in addition, the elastic mo ...19968788091
heavy metals in two populations of north atlantic fin whales (balaenoptera physalus).concentrations of cadmium, copper and zinc have been analyzed in muscle, liver and kidney tissues of fin whales (balaenoptera physalus) from two locations in the north atlantic, iceland and spain. the concentrations of zinc in the muscle and that of cadmium in the liver and the kidney were significantly higher in fin whales from iceland. other differences between whales from the two areas concern the dynamics of cadmium in the organism. these findings support the hypothesis that fin whales from ...199615091422
blue and fin whales observed on a seafloor array in the northeast pacific.calling blue and fin whales have been tracked using relative travel times and amplitudes from both direct and multipath arrivals to a seafloor array of seismometers. calls of three fin whales swimming in the same general direction, but several kilometers apart, are believed to represent communication between the whales because of signature differences in call character, an alternating call pattern, and coordination of call and respiration times. whale call tracks, call patterns, call character, ...19957642810
systematics of cetaceans using restriction site mapping of mitochondrial dna.phylogenetic analysis of 14 cetacean species, including members from two baleen whale families and three toothed whale families, was undertaken using restriction site mapping of mitochondrial dna and using cladistic and distance measures to infer phylogenies. the amount of between-taxa sequence divergence inferred from the data was lower than expected from the standard interpretation of the fossil record, but more consistent with some recent estimates of sequence divergence in cetacean mitochond ...19957620632
reproductive transfer and variation of body load of organochlorine pollutants with age in fin whales (balaenoptera physalus).the body load of tddt (p,p'ddt + o,p'ddt + p,p'dde + p,p'tde) and polychlorinated biphenyls (sum of congeners) was estimated for 169 fin whales to study age and sex-related variation and to calculate the quantity of these compounds transferred to offspring through reproduction. blubber was the body compartment containing the greatest quantities of organochlorines, but its relative contribution to total load was lower than in other cetaceans because in fin whales muscle and bone are also signific ...19947811111
arterial mechanics in the fin whale suggest a unique hemodynamic analysis of the dimensions of the aortic tree and the mechanical properties of arterial wall tissues in the fin whale (balaenoptera physalus) is presented. the aortic arch is greatly expanded, having an internal radius at an estimated mean blood pressure (13 kpa) that is 2.5 times greater than that of the descending thoracic aorta. at this pressure, the elastic modulus of the arch wall (0.4 mpa) is 30 times less than that of the descending aorta (12 mpa). consequently, even though some capaci ...19948092327
20-hz pulses and other vocalizations of fin whales, balaenoptera physalus, in the gulf of california, mexico.low-frequency vocalizations were recorded from fin whales, balaenoptera physalus, in the gulf of california, mexico, during three cruises. in march 1985, recorded 20-hz pulses were in sequences of regular 9-s interpulse intervals. in august 1987, nearly all were in sequences of doublets with alternating 5- and 18-s interpulse intervals. no 20-hz pulse sequences of any kind were detected in february 1987. the typical pulse modulated from 42 to 20 hz and its median duration was 0.7 s (1985 data). ...19921474220
evidence that fin whales respond to the geomagnetic field during migration.we challenge the hypothesis that fin whales use a magnetic sense to guide migration by testing for associations between geophysical parameters and the positions where fin whales were observed over the continental shelf off the northeastern united states. monte carlo simulations estimated the probability that the distribution of fin whale sighting was random with respect to bottom depth, bottom slope and the intensity and gradient of the geomagnetic field. the simulations demonstrated no overall ...19921431731
sex hormone concentrations in blood serum from the north atlantic fin whale (balaenoptera physalus).blood serum concentrations of testosterone and progesterone were measured in postmortem samples taken at sea from 814 fin whales (balaenoptera physalus) caught during the summers (june-september) of 1981-1989. the ages of 781 of these animals were also assessed. the testosterone concentrations in samples from 352 males averaged 2 nmol/l; 41 samples had concentrations of 0.1 nmol/l or lower and 34 of these came from whales aged between 2 and 14 years and showed a gaussian type of age distribution ...19921402548
energy absorption from ocean waves: a free ride for cetaceans.flukes of cetaceans are capable of absorbing energy from ocean waves for propulsion. the extent of this energy absorption is demonstrated by considering the flukes of an immature fin whale, balaenoptera physalus. in a fully developed seaway corresponding to a wind speed of 20 knots (around beaufort force 5) and at a low swimming speed, of 2.5 m s-1, this whale was able to absorb up to 25% of its required propulsive power in head seas and 33% of propulsive power in following seas. consequences of ...19901974063
propulsion of a fin whale (balaenoptera physalus): why the fin whale is a fast swimmer.measurements of an immature fin whale (balaenoptera physalus), which died as a result of entrapment in fishing gear near frenchmans cove, newfoundland (47 degrees 9' n, 55 degrees 25' w), were made to obtain estimates of volume and surface area of the animal. detailed measurements of the flukes, both planform and sections, were also obtained. a strip theory was developed to calculate the hydrodynamic performance of the whale's flukes as an oscillating propeller. this method is based on linear, t ...19892570423
the 20-hz signals of finback whales (balaenoptera physalus).the 20-hz signals of finback whales (balaenoptera physalus) were analyzed from more than 25 years of recordings at a variety of geographic locations on near-surface hydrophones close to whales and on deep hydrophone systems. these signals were composed of 1-s pulses of sinusoidal waveform with downward sweeping frequency from approximately 23 to 18 hz at variable source levels up to 186 db (re: 1 micropa at 1 m), usually with slightly lower levels for the pulses at the beginning and end of seque ...19873429729
taxonomy and distribution of a crassicauda species (nematoda: spirurida) infecting the kidney of the common fin whale (balaenoptera physalus linné, 1758).nematode parasites were found in the kidney of common fin whales (balaenoptera physalus linné, 1758) captured in the north atlantic ocean (denmark strait area). these were identified as crassicauda boopis baylis, 1920, on the basis of morphologic and morphometric descriptions of this species' posterior end. the cephalic end of this parasite was described for the first time, however, and was indistinguishable from that of crassicauda pacifica margolis and pike, 1955, a species whose posterior por ...19854032150
structure and biological activity of finback-whale (balaenoptera physalus l.) heparin octasaccharide. chemical, carbon-13 nuclear-magnetic-resonance, enzymic and biological studies.finback-whale (balaenoptera physalus l.) heparin was partially digested with a purified heparinase and an octasaccharide with high affinity for antithrombin iii was isolated from the digest by gel filtration, followed by affinity chromatography on a column of antithrombin iii immobilized on sepharose 4b. this octasaccharide possessed high inhibitory activity for factor xa in the presence of antithrombin iii, but was essentially inactive for thrombin-antithrombin iii reaction. the anticoagulant a ...19827126178
fractures of the radius and ulna in a skeletally immature fin whale. 19817253092
radio tracking of a fin whale (balaenoptera physalus).a tagged whale of the genus balaenoptera was intermittently tracked by radio for 27.8 hours over a distance of about 145 kilometers. data on breathing and movement show that during that time the whale took 58 breaths in 130 minutes and traveled 20 kilometers at more than 9 kilometers per hour. precise measurements of such parameters and of other features of the life history of great whales, which travel long distances over the high seas, often in groups, are now possible through radio tagging.197817813491
phylogeny of neurophysins: complete amino acid sequence of whale (balaenoptera physalus) msel-neurophysin. 1978639997
differences in the fatty acid compositions of blubber fats from northwestern atlantic finwhales (balaenoptera physalus) and harp seals (pagophilus groenlandica). 19715133341
lipids of the fin whale (balaenoptera physalus) from north atlantic waters. i. fatty acid composition of whole blubber and blubber sections. 19655862810
gamma emitters in a fin whale. 196414248705
Displaying items 201 - 247 of 247