
PMID(sorted ascending)
locomotor activity rhythms in homing pigeons (columba livia). 19705498036
hygromycin-b induction of trichomoniasis in pigeons (columba livia). 19705503015
[on factors limiting the resistance to fatigue in the racing pigeon (columba livia gm.). ii. changes caused by dehydration in the blood protein pattern of the racing pigeon]. 19705517479
[on factors limiting the resistance to fatigue in the racing pigeon (columba livia gm.). i. hematocrit changes (pcv) caused by lack of water and by the contest]. 19705517487
the spectral sensitivity of single units in the nucleus rotundus of pigeon, columba livia.responses to diffuse monochromatic light were recorded from single units in the diencephalon of pigeon. units were both excited and inhibited by light stimulation. intensity-response functions based on latency measures to the first spike after stimulation were used to generate action spectra. one class of spectral sensitivity functions presumably from rods, showed peak sensitivities near 500 nm: these functions were unaffected by changing criterion values used to generate the functions. a second ...19715544800
the immune response of the pigeon (columba livia). 19715545143
[bilateral asymmetry of the long bones of the extremities of the pigeon columba livia and the parrott amazona amazonica]. 19675586166
the effect of reserpine on the female reproductive system of the domestic pigeon. 19685709547
[thalidomide and evolution of osseous callus in relation to folliculin treatments. radiological observations in columba livia gm]. 19685719781
two types of optomotor response in the domestic pigeon. 19685722039
[comparison of the orientation and home range capacities of various age groups in carrier pigeons]. 19685730079
[topographically dependent biapical and slanted circle divisions in the initial orientation of dispatched carrier pigeons]. 19685730086
the ascending auditory pathway in the pigeon (columba livia). ii. telencephalic projections of the nucleus ovoidalis thalami. 19685749228
a new species of philophthalmus (trematoda: philophthalmidae) from the orbital cavity of the pigeon, columba livia (gmelin) in india. 19685753413
sensory corpuscles in the beak skin of the domestic pigeon. 19695802135
a specific visual projection area in the hyperstriatum of the pigeon (columba livia). 19695807769
a new species of cotugnia (cestoda davaineidae) from the domestic pigeon in india. 19695814150
influence of hyperthyreoidization on the pigmentation of some phenotypes of the domestic pigeon. 19655858962
the spectral sensitivity of the pigeon (columba livia). 19655862758
the occurrence of psittacosis virus complement-fixing (cf), noncomplement-fixing (ncf) and neutralizing (n) antibodies in domestic pigeons. 19655892276
[influence of thalidomide on the evolution of the osseous callus and endosteal ossification in columba livia gm]. 19665972608
[microscopic and histochemical studies on the kidney of columba livia aberratio domestica l]. 19665988094
[experimental ascariasis in the pigeon (columba livia) caused by ascaridia columbae (gmelin 1790): research on the capacity of the larvae of ascaridia columbae exposed, in the embryonated egg stage, to various levels of ionizing radiations (10000 r-20000 r-40000 r of co 60), to develop to adult helminths]. 19665999035
dna replication patterns of the sex chromosomes of the pigeon (columba livia domestica). 19666006218
tetrameres sp. (nematoda: spiruridae) found in pigeons (columba livia) in kansas and oklahoma. 19676069467
the organization of the ascending auditory pathway in the pigeon (columba livia). i. diencephalic projections of the inferior colliculus (nucleus mesencephali lateralis, pars dorsalis). 19676076249
[hematological changes caused by treatment with thalidomide in columba livia gm. ii. thalidomide and number of cells in peripheral blood after bloodletting]. 19676077434
neurotransmitter effects on release of prolactin and growth hormone in vitro from pituitary glands of the pigeon, columba livia.single pigeon anterior pituitary glands were incubated with or without a hypothalamus in media containing various drugs. release of prolactin and growth hormone was quantified by an electrophoretic-densitometric method. the hypothalamus stimulated release of both prolactin and growth hormone from the pituitary gland. dopamine did not affect hormone release from pituitary glands incubated alone, but inhibited hypothalamus-stimulated release of prolactin and augmented hypothalamus-stimulated relea ...19826120986
erythrocytic phosphates and flying activity in birds.1. the intraerythrocitary organic phosphates in different avian species (sturnus vulgaris, apus apus, gallus gallus domesticus, coturnix coturnix japonica and columba livia) were analyzed by ionic exchange chromatography. the chromatograms of these species revealed the presence of adp, atp, gtp, ipp and inorganic phosphate. 2. the main organic phosphates (atp and ipp) and the inorganic phosphate were also evaluated, directly, in other specimens. the ipp levels were very similar in all species; h ...19836132731
cutaneous water evaporation--i. its significance in heat-stressed a comparative study on avian cutaneous evaporation, two species of phasianidae, japanese quail coturnix coturnix japonica and chukar partridge alectoris chukar, and three species of columbidae, palm dove streptopelia senegalensis, collared turtle dove streptopelia decaocto and rock pigeon columbia livia, were investigated. the skin resistance to vapor diffusion (rs) and cutaneous water loss (cwl) were studied in these birds exposed to air temperatures (ta) between 20 and 52 degrees c. the ski ...19836136378
cutaneous water evaporation--ii. survival of birds under extreme thermal stress.two birds, the pigeon (columba livia) and the partridge (alectoris chukar), differing in their habits and flight ability were compared with regard to their ability to survive extreme high air temperatures (ta's). during 270 min survival tests birds were exposed to ta's between 45 and 60 degrees c and low relative humidities. the pigeon was observed to be unique in its ability to survive 270 min of exposure to 60 degrees c while regulating tb at 43.8 degrees c. the partridge could not survive 270 ...19836136379
day/night differences in pineal indoles in the adult pigeon (columba livia).day/night differences in concentrations of 5-hydroxy and 5-methoxy indole metabolites in the pineal gland of the pigeon are described. a simultaneous determination of 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin), 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, 5-hydroxytryptophol, n-acetyl-5-hydroxytryptamine (n-acetyl serotonin), 5-methoxyindoleacetic acid, 5-methoxytryptophol, tryptophan, indoleacetic acid and melatonin was accomplished using a recently developed procedure employing high-performance liquid chromatography with ...19846146462
drinking and changes in blood pressure in response to precursors, fragments and analogues of angiotensin ii in the pigeon columba livia.1. the pigeon drank as vigorously in response to intracranial injection of synthetic renin substrate and angiotensin i as to angiotensin ii. 2. mammalian renin injected into the brain caused the water-replete pigeon to drink but it was a less effective dipsogen than in the mammal. as in the mammal, renin-induced drinking was slower in onset and continued for longer than angiotensin-induced drinking. 3. the converting enzyme inhibitor sq 20881 attenuated drinking in response to intracranial renin ...19816164784
hyperstriatal-tectal projections in the pigeon (columba livia) as demonstrated by the retrograde double-label fluorescence technique.hyperstriatal-tectal connections were investigated in the pigeon by mapping retrogradely labeled neurons in the hyperstriatum following the injection of different fluorescent tracers (fast blue, nuclear yellow, evans blue) either bilaterally or unilaterally into distinct portions of the tectum. the projections were found to arise from the hyperstriatum accessorium (ha) of the wulst, were essentially ipsilateral and topographically organized with respect to the dorsoventral and lateromedial plane ...19836194861
substance p-containing pathways to avian sympathetic preganglionic neurons: evidence for major spinal-spinal circuitry.the origin of substance p-like immunoreactivity (spli) in the neuropil of sympathetic preganglionic neurons (spns) was investigated in pigeon (columba livia). previous investigators had suggested that a major spli-containing projection to spns arose from caudal brainstem (johansson, o., t. hokfelt, b. pernow, s. l. jeffcoate, n. white, h. w. m. steinbusch, a. a. j. verhofstad, p. c. emson, and e. spindel (1981) neuroscience 6: 1857-1881; gilbert, r. f. t., p.c. emson, s. p. hunt, g. w. bennett, ...19846206212
immunoreactive opsin in the pineal organ of reptiles and birds.the presence of opsin was investigated with light microscopic immunocytochemistry in pinealocytes of reptiles and birds (emys orbicularis, pseudemys scripta elegans, lacerta agilis et viridis, gallus domesticus, columba livia, melopsittacus undulatus, serinus canaria, taeniopyga punctate). the outer segments of pinealocytes selectively bound antiopsin antibody as revealed by indirect immunocytochemical techniques, indicating the occurrence of a rhodopsin-like photopigment in these structures. th ...19826213109
differences in muscle spindle structure between pigeon muscles used in aerial and terrestrial locomotion.muscle spindle density (number of spindles per gram of muscle) of all 29 muscles of the forearm and leg of the domestic pigeon was evaluated by counting receptors in van gieson-stained serial cross sections. extra- and intra-fusal fiber-type profiles were determined from histochemical preparations. muscles of the leg had on the average significantly more avian slow-twitch oxidative extrafusal fibers (22.5 vs. 0.8%) and slower contraction times than muscles of the forearm, but fiber-type profiles ...19836227230
[toxoplasmas of wild warm-blooded animals in turkmenia].antibodies to toxoplasma in the reaction of indirect hemagglutination were found in 8 species of mammals and 2 species of birds. carriage of antibodies to toxoplasma in house mouse, common fox, bald coot , and rock-dove was first recorded from turkmenia . analysis of the infection with toxoplasma according to species, habitat of antibodies carriers, their ecology, age, sex and season of investigation is given.19846233524
effects of lethal dose of gamma-irradiation on intestinal enzymes of the pigeons columba livia intermedia strickland. 19806259054
short-term modulation of domestic pigeon (columbia livia l.) behaviour induced by intraventricular administration of acth.the behavioural responses induced in adult domestic pigeons by intraventricular injections of 0 to 6 iu of acth 1-39 are reported. the frequency of 10 different behaviour patterns was recorded for 90 min after administration of the peptide. the effect that was induced was complex, the frequency of some patterns increasing (yawning, headshaking, body shaking, wing-flapping), or some others decreasing (feeding, one-wing stretching, eye closing) or remaining unchanged (preening). the frequency of s ...19816267843
[incidence of ornithosis-psittacosis and herpetic infections in carrier pigeons and psittacines in belgium]. 19816273985
pigeon herpes encephalomyelitis virus in egypt.a virus was isolated in egypt from brain and liver collected from domestic pigeons suffering from nervous disorders. the morphological and biophysical properties of the virus were consistent with it being a member of the family herpetoviridae. antigenically the virus was closely related to if not identical with pigeon herpes encephalomyelitis virus.19826281951
the primary vestibular projection to the cerebellar cortex in the pigeon (columba livia).the cerebellar cortex of the pigeon receiving direct vestibular afferents was delineated by anterograde transport of [3h]-amino acids injected into the vestibular nerve. labelled mossy fiber rosettes in the granular layer were concentrated in lobule x (nodulus) and to a lesser extent, in the ventral portion of lobule ixd (uvula and paraflocculus). a few solitary labelled rosettes were also found in more dorsal portions of lobule ix, as well as in the anterior lobe between lobule ii and iv. the l ...19836308074
[method of extracting brain proteolipids].from the whole brain of animals representing 5 classes of vertebrates--mammals (macaca rhesus and albino rat), birds (the pigeon columba livia), reptiles (the tortoise testudo horsfieldi), amphibians (the frog rana temporaria) and fishes (the trout salmo irideus), as well as from myelin preparations of mammals (dog, rabbit and rat) proteolipids have been isolated by emulsion--centrifugation method. it was shown that extraction procedure results in the loss and destruction of several proteolipid ...19846335333
avian wildlife reservoir of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni, yersinia spp., and salmonella spp. in norway.cloacal swabs from 540 wild-living birds were cultured for campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni, yersinia spp., and salmonella spp. the carrier rates detected were as follows: c. fetus subsp. jejuni, 28.4%; yersinia spp., 1.2%; and salmonella spp., 0.8%. all birds were apparently healthy when captured. c. fetus subsp. jejuni was isolated from 11 of the 40 bird species examined. among birds inhabiting the city of oslo, the highest isolation rate was found in crows (corvus corone cornix) (89.8%), fol ...19836338824
transport of proteins into mitochondria: a high conservation of precursor uptake and processing system.ornithine transcarbamylase (ec of rat (rattus norvegicus var. albus) liver, a urea cycle enzyme, is synthesized extramitochondrially as a larger precursor which is transported posttranslationally into mitochondria and processed to the mature enzyme. the precursor synthesized in vitro was taken up and processed to the mature enzyme by isolated pigeon (columba livia var. domestica) liver and frog (rana catesbeiana) liver mitochondria. carp (cyprinus carpio) liver mitochondria could also p ...19836347507
genetic properties of conjugative r plasmids in escherichia coli and salmonella isolated from feral and domestic pigeons, crows and kites.a total of 62 conjugative r plasmids detected in 48 escherichia coli and 19 conjugative r plasmids in 16 salmonella strains from domestic (carrier and emerald) and feral pigeons, crows (japanese jungle crows and carrion crows) and black kite, were examined for genetic properties. out of the 62 e. coli r plasmids examined for fertility inhibition (fi), 29 (46.8%) were fi+, and the remainder were fi-. among the 62 r plasmids, 16 (25.8%) were classified into incompatibility (inc) group fii, 15 (24. ...19836359777
comparative localization of neurons containing ovine corticotropin releasing factor (crf)-like and neurophysin-like immunoreactivity in the diencephalon of the pigeon (columba livia domestica).neural elements immunoreactive for ovine corticotropin releasing factor-like immunoreactivity (ocrf-li) were shown to be present in the diencephalon of the pigeon by using peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemistry. the external zone of the anterior median eminence contains a rich network of varicose ocrf-li fibers in close proximity to the pituitary portal capillaries. perikarya reactive for ocrf-li were found in several regions known to innervate the median eminence and gave rise to axons w ...19846384281
naloxone treatment attenuates food but not water intake in domestic pigeons.satiated as well as 24 h food-deprived pigeons showed an attenuated consumption of food in response to peripheral injection of the opiate antagonist naloxone. the minimal effective amount of the drug was found to be 1.5 mg in satiated birds and 0.5 mg in fasted birds. the anorexic effect of naloxone was observed for no longer than 3 h in both situations, and it did not differ at doses of either 1.5 mg or 5 mg of the antagonist. by contrast, doses of up to 5 mg of naloxone failed to depress the w ...19846420821
extrapulmonary gas exchange enhances brain oxygen in pigeons.blood in mouth, nose, and eye tissues of birds cools by evaporation, then flows to a cephalic vascular heat exchanger, the ophthalmic rete. there, acting as a heat sink, blood from the evaporative surfaces cools arterial blood flowing counter-current to it toward the brain. the brain thus remains cooler than the body core. data for unanesthetized domestic pigeons (columba livia) suggest that in addition to losing heat, blood perfusing the evaporative surfaces also exchanges oxygen and carbon dio ...19846436975
the effect of pinealectomy on plasma levels of gonadotrophins and growth hormone in the pigeon (columba livia). 19846443698
light- and electron-microscopic demonstration of immunoreactive opsin in the pinealocytes of various antibody to opsin isolated from rod outer segments of the frog retina was applied in light- and electron-microscopic immunocytochemical studies to the pineal organ of various vertebrates (cyprinus carpio, carassius auratus, rana esculenta, emys orbicularis, pseudemys scripta elegans, lacerta agilis and viridis. gallus domesticus, columba livia, melopsittacus undulatus, serinus canaria, taeniopyga punctata, didelphis virginiana, erinaceus roumanicus, myotis myotis, rabbit, rat, cat).19816458362
observations on the subgenus argas (ixodoidea: argasidae: argas). 19. description of the larva of the palearctic cormorant parasite a. (a.) macrostigmatus.larvae of 19 of the 21 species of the argas subgenus argas are already described. one of the two exceptions is a. (a.) macrostigmatus; we describe the larva of this species from wet nests of the crested cormorant, phalacrocorax aristotelis, from corsica, france. as in the adult and nymphal stages, this larva has an uncovered haller's organ, a character shared in palearctic members of this large genus only with a. (a.) polonicus, a central european parasite of rock pigeons. available larval sampl ...19846470892
a quantitative approach to cytoarchitectonics. ix. the areal pattern of the hyperstriatum ventrale in the domestic pigeon, columba livia f.d.a map of the areal pattern of the hyperstriatum ventrale in the domestic pigeon (columba livia f.d.) is proposed. this map is based mainly on the distribution of the grey level index which has been characterized using an automatic image analyzer. twelve areas are described. they are classified into two groups (hvm 1-6, hvl 1-6) which are defined by a different range of grey level indices. three of these areas show topographic relationships to primary projection areas in the neighbouring neostria ...19846476405
avian paramyxovirus type 1 infection of racing pigeons: 3 epizootiological considerations.during july to december 1983 birds in 192 racing pigeon lofts were confirmed as infected with paramyxovirus type 1 virus on the basis of disease signs alone when contact with infected cases was known (10) or with supporting serology (130), virus isolation (eight) or both (44). these outbreaks were mainly concentrated in south wales (89) and dorset (40). in all, 29 counties of great britain were involved. in the majority of outbreaks (69 per cent) activities associated with racing were strongly i ...19846485232
stimulation of crop sac and pituitary lactotrophs after intraventricular administration of dermorphin in pigeons.the effects of dermorphin, a new potent opioid peptide, on structural and ultrastructural changes in the crop sac and in pituitary lactotrophs were assessed in pigeons (columba livia). a single administration of dermorphin into the third cerebral ventricle (1 microgram) and the same dose repeated for 3 consecutive days both produced maximal crop sac stimulation, as documented by the presence of milk-like material as well as by scanning and transmission electron microscopy of crop sac mucosa. in ...19846489737
opiate antagonists stereoselectively attenuate the consumption of food but not of water by pigeons.three experiments were performed to evaluate the influence of the two opiate antagonists, naloxone hcl (nal) and mr 2266, on the ingestive behavior of domestic pigeons. in the first and second experiments, these drugs were administered at 3 doses (0.25, 1 and 4 mg) to non-deprived and to 24 hr-fasted pigeons, respectively. measure of the food and water consumption of the birds for up to 6 hrs post-injection revealed that as compared to control values, administration of both antagonists attenuate ...19846504949
photopic spectral sensitivities of the red and the yellow field of the pigeon retina.the spectral sensitivities of the red field and the yellow field in the retina of the homing pigeon (columba livia) were determined on the basis of erg responses. between 450 and 550 nm the relative spectral sensitivity of the yellow field turned out to be higher than that of the red field. the results are in agreement with spectral sensitivity data, obtained by behavioural threshold procedures.19846506476
estriol-induced changes in ovary and oviduct of the domestic pigeon columbia livia gmelin. 19846510963
electrophysiological evidence for central nervous connections of the pigeon's pineal the pigeon, columba livia, single unit electrical activity was recorded from 110 cells in the pineal gland. all the cells were classified according to their responses to single shock stimulation of the habenular nuclei and, of these units, 42 cells were subsequently classified according to their response following stimulation of the optic chiasma. cells were either activated, inhibited or unaffected by the stimulus. no antidromic responses to the stimulation of either site were observed. habe ...19846518397
evidence that naloxone attenuates the consumption of food by domestic pigeons through a central influence.three experiments were performed on domestic pigeons deprived of food for 24 hr to determine whether the anorexic influence of naloxone, which is observed in this species, results from a central effect of this drug. injections were given 15 min before the delivery of food, and repeated measures of the consumption of food were obtained during the next 20 min. the systemic administration of either 2 or 10 mumol of naloxone, but not of equimolar amounts of quaternary naloxone, that does not travers ...19846521852
immunological responsiveness of the pigeon (columba livia) following neonatal bursectomy.pigeon squabs in two separate experiments were surgically bursectomized ( bsx ), surgically sham bursectomized ( sbsx ), or maintained as non-surgical controls (con). surgical procedures were performed within 2 hr of hatching. primary and secondary hemagglutinin (ha) responses, as well as mercaptoethanol sensitive (me-s) and resistant (me-r) levels, to sheep red blood cells (srbc) were quantitated. bsx did not reduce ha responses, nor me-s and me-r levels.19846609849
increase in oxygen consumption induced by selective spinal cord cooling in the exercising pigeon.six domestic pigeons with chronically implanted spinal thermodes were exercised on a treadmill at neutral ambient temperature. during the exercise the spinal cord was cooled to 34.7 +/- 0.4 degrees c (mean +/- s.e.m.). oxygen consumption of the pigeons increased from 28.3 +/- 2.1 to 61.2 +/- 3.7 ml x min-1 x kg-1 due to exercise per se, and superimposed cooling of the spinal cord during exercise induced an additional increase in oxygen consumption to 84.9 +/- 4.5 ml x min-1 x kg-1. the result de ...19836634384
probability learning in pigeons (columba livia) is not impaired by hyperstriatal lesions.three experiments investigated the effects of hyperstriatal lesions on spatial and visual probability learning in pigeons. the lesions did not affect choice accuracy although they did reduce positional responding on error trials in the visual task. the results gave support to a perseverative, as opposed to an attentional, interpretation of the lesion effects. increasing intertrial interval in the visual task resulted in decreased accuracy in both lesion and control groups, and the absence of a d ...19836634995
the retinal binocular field of the pigeon (columba livia: english racing homer).an ophthalmoscopic reflex technique has shown that in sedated pigeons maximum retinal binocular field width occurs approximately 20 degrees above the bill. the binocular field has a maximum width of 27 degrees and extends vertically by 130 degrees (90 degrees above the bill, 40 degrees below it). both the bill and cere intrude into the binocular field. maximum optical binocularity also occurs approximately 20 degrees above the bill. the plane containing the optic axes of each eye coincides with ...19836636551
a study of some of the ascending and descending vestibular pathways in the pigeon (columba livia) using anterograde transneuronal autoradiography.a mixture of tritiated proline and fucose was injected into the endolymph of one of the membranous labyrinths of each of 5 white king pigeons (columba livia). the membranous labyrinth was resealed and the animals were allowed to survive for 15 days. brains and upper parts of the spinal cords were sectioned and processed by standard autoradiographic procedures. clear labeling was noted in structures usually associated with both the ascending auditory pathways and the ascending and descending vest ...19836640331
optokinetic nystagmus in the pigeon (columba livia). ii. role of the pretectal nucleus of the accessory optic system (aos).in birds, the accessory optic system (aos) includes two nuclei: the nucleus ectomamillaris (nem) and the pretectal nucleus superficialis synencephali (nss). the role of the nss in the production of a horizontal optokinetic nystagmus (okn) was studied in the pigeon, by comparing the okn before and after a unilateral lesion of this nucleus. the lesions were performed either by electrolysis or by local application of kainic acid (ka); the ka lesions gave more stable modifications of the okn than th ...19836641857
optokinetic nystagmus in the pigeon (columba livia). iii. role of the nucleus ectomamillaris (nem): interactions in the accessory optic system (aos).the accessory optic system (aos) in birds is composed of two structures: the nucleus superficialis synencephali (nss), essential for the production of an optokinetic nystagmus (okn) in the temporo-nasal direction (slow phase) for the eye contralateral to the nucleus, and the nucleus ectomamillaris (nem), or nucleus of the basal optic root (nbor). the objectives of the present work were: (1) to study the importance of the nem for the horizontal okn, (2) to study the interactions between the nss a ...19836641858
long descending projections of the hypothalamus in the pigeon, columba autoradiographic analysis was performed on the descending projections of nucleus periventricularis magnocellularis (pvm) of the hypothalamus in the pigeon. a pvm-medullospinal pathway was observed coursing posteriorly through the lateral hypothalamus, ventrolateral midbrain tegmentum, and into the spinal lemniscus (ls) in the ventrolateral pons and medulla. in the pons, some fibers course dorsomedially from ls and terminate at the lateral border of the locus coeruleus. at medullary levels, fi ...19836643721
vertebrate host specificity and experimental vectors of plasmodium (novyella) kempi sp. n. from the eastern wild turkey in iowa.vertebrate host specificity, experimental laboratory vectors, and a description of plasmodium (novyella) kempi sp. n. from eastern wild turkeys (meleagris gallopavo silvestris vieillot) in iowa are presented. plasmodium kempi is infective for domestic turkeys, bobwhites (colinus virginianus), chukars (alectoris graeca), guinea fowl (numida meleagris), peacocks (pavo cristatus), and canaries (serinus canaria), produces a transient infection in mallards (anas platyrhynchos) and domestic geese (ans ...19836644918
clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of flumequine after intravenous, intramuscular and oral administration in pigeons (columba livia).the in-vitro activity of flumequine against 157 strains of bacteria isolated from birds was determined. the minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) of 96.3% of the enterobacteriaceae, proteus spp. and yersinia pseudotuberculosis studied (n = 135) was less than or equal to 1 microgram/ml. pharmacokinetics of flumequine in pigeons (columba livia) was investigated after intravenous, intramuscular and oral administration. from the blood disappearance curves after i.v. bolus injection (10 mg/kg body w ...19836668641
diurnal variations of melatonin and n-acetylserotonin in the tissues of quails (coturnix sp.), pigeons (columba livia), and chickens (gallus domesticus).the levels of melatonin and n-acetylserotonin in the pineal, serum, retina, and brain of quails (coturnix sp.), pigeons (columba livia), and chickens (gallus domesticus) were studied. the birds were kept under a photoperiod of 12 hr light and 12 hr dark for a minimum of 5 days before they were decapitated at midlight or middark under a 25 w red light. melatonin and n-acetylserotonin in the pineal, serum, retina, and brain samples were extracted and determined by radioimmunoassay. it was found th ...19836684071
drinking in response to intracarotid administration of angiotensin in the pigeon (columba livia). 19846701179
afferent connections of nervus facialis and nervus glossopharyngeus in the pigeon (columba livia) and their role in feeding behavior.the afferent connections of the facial nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve in the pigeon have been studied with the fink-heimer i method after ganglion lesions. the nucleus ventrolateralis anterior of the solitary complex and an indistinct cell group s vii medial to the nucleus interpolaris of the descending trigeminal tract are the terminal fields for facial afferents. the n. ventrolateralis anterior also receives an important projection from the distal glossopharyngeal ganglion. other projection ...19846713168
the auditory threshold of the pigeon (columba livia) by heart-rate conditioning. 19846717607
modulation sensitivity and functional organization of the receptive field of ganglion cells in the pigeon (columba livia).modulation sensitivity functions ( msfs ) of retinal ganglion cells of the pigeon were determined by recording action potentials from their end branching in the optic tectum as response indicator. the inverse fourier transformation of a msf is taken to represent the receptive field sensitivity function approximating the receptive field profile of a ganglion cell.19846728430
a trigeminal sensorimotor circuit for pecking, grasping and feeding in the pigeon (columba livia).a combination of autoradiographic and histochemical tracing procedures was used to identify telencephalic structures, linking the sensory and motor components of the trigeminal system in the pigeon. in addition to the nucleus basalis, these structures include trigeminal projection areas in the frontal and caudal neostriatum both of which project upon the intermediate archistriatum . archistriatal output reaches premotor areas in the lateral (parvocellular) reticular formation via a descending pa ...19846733461
the neural substrate for the pupillary light reflex in the pigeon (columba livia).the neural substrate of the pupillary light reflex in the pigeon was investigated using anatomical, stimulation, and lesion techniques. in birds, as in mammals, the sphincter pupillae muscle (which constricts the iris) is innervated by cells in the ciliary ganglion (pilar and tuttle, '82). these cells are in turn innervated by cells in the edinger-westphal nucleus (ew) (cowan and wenger, '68; narayanan and narayanan, '76; lyman and mugnaini, '80). the efferent link of the pupillary light reflex ...19846747033
short-term & prolonged actions of testosterone on preen gland of the male domestic pigeon columba livia gmelin. 19826757116
acute lead poisoning of the pigeon induced by single, intraperitoneal administration of lead acetate.a single dose of lead acetate (either 30 mg/kg or 150 mg/kg) was intraperitoneally (i.p.) administered to adult feral pigeons, columba livia var and the effects of calcium disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate (cana2edta), (0, 150, 300, 600 mg/kg), administered i.p. twice a week in the ensuing period were observed. lead acetate caused dose related mortality and decreases in weight, hematocrit and delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity (ala-d). acute toxicity of lead acetate in the pigeon ...19806786266
the intermediate host spectrum in a sarcocystis species of birds.the life cycle of an avian sarcocystis has been completed in the laboratory, originating with naturally infected icterids and passing alternately between opossums (didelphis virginiana) and experimentally infected birds. to determine the intermediate host range, six avian species, including canaries (serinus canarius), zebra finches (poephila guttata), budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus), pigeons (columba livia), chickens (gallus gallus), and guinea fowl (numida meleagris), were inoculated ora ...19826811715
[fatty acid patterns of crop milk and depot fat in domestic pigeons]. 19836830576
visually guided pecking in the pigeon (columba livia).high-speed cinematography was used (1) to analyze the sequence of head movements made by pigeons pecking at small visual targets and (2) to determine where on the retina the target fell at different points in the sequence. in both key-pecking for food reward and normal feeding, the decision to peck the target was made during a head fixation that occurred over 80 mm from the surface on which the target was located (as measured from the center of the eyes). once the decision to peck had been made, ...19836831201
paleostriatal lesions in the pigeon (columba livia) potentiate classical conditioning: evidence from fixed-interval responding, free operant go-no-go discrimination, and alternation.the paleostriatum augmentatum was the major site of interest for four experiments in which pigeons were given bilateral electrolytic lesions. experiment 1 investigated the effects of lesions on key pecking for reinforcement on a 1-min fixed-interval schedule. the lesions were found to increase total response rates, but response timing was not disrupted in paleostriatal pigeons. in experiment 2, naive subjects were given variable-interval baseline training and, in contrast to the results of exper ...19836849682
experimental infection of columba livia with paramyxovirus yucaipa.the town pigeons (columba livia) were inoculated intranasally with a yucaipa-like virus (ploc/senegal/273/77). they were then surveyed for virus production in the cloaca over a 10 day period. the virus could be isolated at two, three and four days after inoculation.19836878893
tracing of sensory neurones and spinal motoneurones of the pigeon by injection of fluorescent dyes into peripheral nerves.the projection of peripheral sensory and motor nerves was investigated in the pigeon (columba livia) by means of retrogradely transported fluorescent dyes. two combinations of fluorescent tracers were used that could be identified within the same cell when excited by light of 405 nm: 1) propidium iodide and bisbenzimide, which label the cytoplasm orange and the nucleus blue, respectively; 2) fast blue, which labels the cytoplasm blue, and nuclear yellow, which labels the nucleus (especially the ...19836883441
visceral representation within the nucleus of the tractus solitarius in the pigeon, columba livia.this study describes the distribution of organ-specific populations of vagal afferent fibers within the nucleus of the solitary tract (nts) in the pigeon. the central projections of vagal sensory neurons were visualized by the centripetal and trans-ganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase from either the central cut ends of peripheral vagal branches or from hrp injection sites in peripheral vagal target tissues. this paper also includes a detailed description of the cytoarchitectural organ ...19836886066
[ultrastructural changes in pineocytes of the carrier pigeon (columba livia) subjected to the effect of artificial magnetic field oscillations. i. nucleolar ectopia]. 19816897880
[ultrastructural changes in pineocytes of the carrier pigeon (columba livia) subjected to the effect of artificial magnetic field oscillations. ii. nucleolar changes]. 19816897881
mebendazole treatment of stomach-wall worm in the racing pigeon. 19816908993
probable mode of action of cortisone on the preen gland of the pigeon columba livia gmelin. 19817030938
laminar distribution of the cells of origin of the descending tectofugal pathways in the pigeon (columba livia). 19827056890
organization of ascending auditory pathways in the pigeon (columba livia) as determined by autoradiographic methods.a mixture of tritiated proline and fucose was injected into the labyrinthine endolymphatic space of 5 white king pigeons (columba livia). using standard autoradiographic techniques, we observed transsynaptic labeling in ascending auditory pathways to the level of the mesencephalon. auditory system structures, ipsilateral to the injection site, which labeled heavily were the cochlear nerve, the magnocellular and angular nuclei, and the superior olive. those ipsilateral structures which were sligh ...19827059826
the localization of vasotocin and neurophysin neurons in the diencephalon of the pigeon, columba livia.vasotocin (vt)- and neurophysin (np)-synthesizing neurons were demonstrated by immunocytochemistry in the diencephalon of the pigeon, columba livia. three diencephalic regions contain vt-np cells: (1) periventricular preoptic area and hypothalamus, including nucleus periventricularis magnocellularis (pvm); (2) lateral preoptic area and hypothalamus; and (3) dorsal diencephalon. the immunoreactive cells in each of these three regions were divided into groups based on cytology and topography. no d ...19827061740
method of determining the osmotic fragility curves of erythrocytes in birds.the osmotic fragility of erythrocytes in 3 species of birds (gallus gallus domesticus, coturnix coturnix japonica, columba livia) and the rat was determined. the results of this study point to a smaller osmotic fragility. birds, with elliptical erythrocytes, have a lower osmotic fragility than species with round erythrocytes, like most of the mammals.19827062710
associative influence on the foraging behavior of pigeons (columba livia).in a laboratory simulation of foraging conditions, pigeons maintained ad lib weight by treadle pressing for lengthy periods of access to grain in a 24-hr live-in environment. localized visual signals produced by treadle pressing evoked approach and pecking behavior if they signaled impending food presentation (pavlovian first-order conditioning) or the presentation of an established signal for food (pavlovian second-order conditioning). these findings imply a role for associative mechanisms in t ...19827069376
transient aphagia produced following bilateral destruction of the lateral hypothalamic area and quinto-frontal tract of chicks.six groups of broiler chicks, gallus domesticus, sustained bilateral lesions to specific neural structures residing in the lateral hypothalamic and thalamic areas. in contrast to past data reported for the albino rat, the pigeon, columba livia and barbary dove, streptopelia risoria, bilateral destruction of the chick lateral hypothalamic area (lhy), quinto-frontal tract (qf), and stratum cellulare externum (sce) resulted in transient aphagia and rapid recovery of lost body weight. similarly, bil ...19827079336
regulation of brain temperature in pigeons: effects of corneal convection.the effect of direct ventilation of the eyes on cooling in the brain was investigated in domestic pigeons (columba livia, mean mass 0.27 kg) with thermocouples chronically implanted in the hypothalamus and anterior eye chamber. during conductive heating in still air body-brain temperature difference (delta t) was 2.6 degrees c. during exclusive ventilation of ocular surfaces, with air flowing at about flight speed, delta t increased to 3.5 degrees c and returned to preventilation values on cessa ...19827081481
the feeding system of the pigeon (columba livia l.). 19827090874
trichomonas gallinae infections in the ringdove (streptopelia risoria).twenty trichomonas-free ringdoves (streptopelia risoria) were intubated with trichomonas gallinae derived from pigeons (columba livia). by 15 days post-intubation (dpi) five doves had t. gallinae-type lesions (cankers) in the pregastric portion of the digestive system, and six doves had t. gallinae present without lesions. sixteen trichomonas-free ring doves were infected using t. gallinae from axenic cultures. by 21 dpi four doves had t. gallinae lesions and died, and one dove had t. gallinae p ...19827097875
Displaying items 401 - 500 of 2008