[host range of drosophila melanogaster c virus among diptera and lepidoptera (author's transl)]. | the host range of the c picornavirus of drosophila melanogaster was studied, using numerous strains of drosophila together with four other genera of diptera and two species of lepidoptera. c virus was injected into the different hosts and serially passaged in them. the extracts from each passage were biologically assayed on virus free d. melanogaster. four different situations were found. 1) a high level of multiplication leading, in 45 strains of drosophilidae, to the early death of the hosts. ... | 1976 | 823856 |
evidence for a genetic duplication involving alcohol dehydrogenase genes in ceratitis capitata. | an adh duplication is described in the medfly ceratitis capitata. evidence is presented for two separate adh1 and adh2 structural loci mapping at a distance of 0.49 recombination unit from each other. by deletion mapping the adh region has been cytologically located near the free end of the left arm of the second chromosome within an area between 2c;3a segments of the polytene chromosome. the genetic analysis of the region around adh has identified seven neighboring genes (acon1, mpi, est6, aox, ... | 1992 | 1520253 |
genetic variability and gene flow in geographical populations of ceratitis capitata (wied.) (medfly). | two african populations of ceratitis capitata (kenya and réunion isl.) and two mediterranean ones (sardinia and procida isl.) have been studied for genetic variability at 25 loci by electrophoresis. wright's fst, slatkin's nm* gene flow estimator, nei's distance (d) together with measures of variability such as h, p, a have been used to compare the population from kenya with the other three. parameters using gene frequencies (fst, d, nm*) indicate the presence of substantial geographic heterogen ... | 1991 | 1774191 |
l-dopa decarboxylase in ceratitis capitata white puparia and human: a comparative study. | 1. l-dopa decarboxylase (ddc) from ceratitis capitata and from human kidney have been purified by the same methodology. 2. both enzymes show mol. wts of 100,000, consisting of two identical mol. wt subunits and solely decarboxylate l-dopa. 3. in the presence of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-htp) only the ddc activity from human kidney is remarkably reduced. 4. addition of exogenous coenzyme is essential only for human ddc activity. 5. polyclonal antibodies, raised against ddc purified from insects or h ... | 1990 | 2253486 |
chlorocyclohexane insecticides and male medfly attractants: similar stereospecificity for neuroactivity and interactions with a housefly [35s]t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate binding site. | [35s]t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate [( 35s]tbps) undergoes saturable specific binding to a membrane preparation from housefly thoraxes and abdomens with apparent kd and bmax values at equilibrium of 0.17 microm and 2.2 pmol/mg protein at 20 degrees c. lindane is more potent than three other isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane as a toxicant for houseflies and in displacing [35s]tbps from this housefly membrane preparation. this correlation of similar stereospecificity for neuroactivity and interact ... | 1985 | 2581106 |
queensland fruit fly virus, a probable member of the picornaviridae. | a picornavirus was isolated from various life stages of the queensland fruit fly, dacus tryoni. this virus, queensland fruit fly virus (qffv) has virions with a diameter of 30 nm and a sedimentation coefficient of 178 s. one third of the particles in preparations were empty capsids or natural top component (ntc) with a sedimentation coefficient of 95 s. the buoyant density (rho) of virions and ntc in cscl was 1.34 and 1.30 g/ml respectively; small amounts of a dense component (rho = 1.45 g/ml) w ... | 1988 | 3133998 |
purification and characterization of a ribonuclease specific for poly(u) and poly(c) from the larvae of ceratitis capitata. | a specific ribonuclease was detected and purified to homogeneity from six-day-old larvae of the insect ceratitis capitata and its homogeneity was checked by analysis in polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. the nuclease specifically degrades poly(u) and poly(c) whilst it fails to do so with other single-stranded homopolyribonucleotides. the enzyme has a ph optimum in the region 7-9 and relative molecular mass of about 25,000. the effect of this ribonuclease on the integr ... | 1987 | 3569265 |
an inapparent infection with a probable picornavirus in several stocks of laboratory reared and naturally occurring populations of dacus oleae gmel. pupae in greece. | pupae from several stocks of wild and laboratory reared olive fruit fly, dacus oleae, were fractionated by a series of steps designed to identify occluded and nonoccluded viruses. two different size of particles were isolated, the smaller of which contained a single-stranded rna molecule of about 2.8 x 10(6). this small rna virus was found to inapparently infect a ceratitis capitata continuous cell line. | 1987 | 3657601 |
malathion and malaoxon: histopathology reexamination of the national cancer institute's carcinogenesis studies. | in the early 1970s the national cancer institute (nci) studied malathion and the oxygen analog, malaoxon, for possible carcinogenicity in rats and mice. the results from these long-term studies were reported in three nci technical reports with the conclusions that neither chemical was shown to be carcinogenic in rodents. in response to the renewed public health interest and concern about the increasing use of malathion in agriculture and especially its use to eliminate mediterranean fruit fly in ... | 1985 | 3996335 |
construction of phylogenetic trees by pattern recognition procedures. | the sequence of a protein can be graphed as a discrete function and a cross-correlation between any two such number sets produces a similarity score. the scores are used to prepare a phylogenetic tree involving hierarchical cluster analysis, non-linear mapping, and minimal spanning routines. changes are suggested in the sequences of cytochrome c's from mediterranean fruit fly, locust, and rattlesnake. the method is faster than existing procedures and does not require human intervention at any st ... | 1980 | 6250297 |
regulatory mechanisms of fatty acid isomers on adenylate cyclase activity from ceratitis capitata brain. | the regulatory properties of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids on membrane-bound preparations of adenylate cyclase from ceratitis capitata brains have been investigated. saturated long-chain fatty acids do not exhibit any significant modification of the enzyme activity of the enzyme preparations but the presence of one, two or three double bonds in the 18c chain provokes an inhibitory effect. binding of oleate and linoleate to the membrane enzyme preparation is non-specific and simply stoich ... | 1984 | 6521731 |
active polypeptide fragments common to prokaryotic, eukaryotic, and mitochondrial dna polymerases. | with a procedure that allows the renaturation of the dna polymerase catalytic activity in situ after sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, we have compared the active polypeptides present in extracts from organisms covering a wide evolutionary range from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, namely: escherichia coli, oryza sativa, daucus carota , neurospora crassa, dictyostelium discoideum, saccharomyces cerevisiae, ceratitis capitata, leucophaea maderae , xenopus laevis, rat tissues and human lymphoblas ... | 1982 | 6765191 |
fluorescence of histones h1. a tyrosinate-like fluorescence emission in ceratitis capitata h1 at neutral ph values. | we have examined the fluorescent properties of histones h1, and of some peptides derived from them, from calf thymus and from the fruit fly ceratitis capitata. the fluorescent emission spectrum of folded histone h1 from c. capitata at neutral ph is characterized by a maximum at 303 nm and a shoulder at 340 nm. the overall quantum yields of fluorescence do not increase upon folding, although the fluorescence of the single tyrosyl residue of calf h1 is enhanced when the protein folds. as expected, ... | 1983 | 6848503 |
effects of palmitoyl-coa on the structure-function of the fatty acid synthetase complex from ceratitis capitata. | 1. the effects of palmitoyl-coa on the structure and enzyme activity of the fatty acid synthetase from the insect ceratitis capitata have been examined. 2. the acyl-coa derivative increases the helical content of the protein from 45 to 60% and inhibits the enzyme activity of the complex. 3. bovine serum albumin, calf thymus histone h1 and phospholipids protect the enzyme from the inactivation by palmitoyl-coa. phospholipids increase also the ellipticity at 220 nm in the enzyme complex. 4. the re ... | 1982 | 7173488 |
structural studies on histones h1. circular dichroism and difference spectroscopy of the histones h1 and their trypsin-resistant cores from calf thymus and from the fruit fly ceratitis capitata. | a peptide containing the globular region of the histone h1 from the fruit fly ceratitis capitata has been isolated after limited tryptic digestion of insect h1. the composition of this trypsin-resistant core resembles that of the homologous peptide from calf thymus h1, although the insect h1 core possesses one cysteine, two tyrosines, one histidine, and more isoleucine and less glycine and leucine than the calf thymus h1 core. circular dichroism measurements indicate that all the fragments that ... | 1980 | 7190838 |
the biosynthesis of glucose containing insect lipid linked oligosaccharide and its possible role in glycoprotein assembly. | microsome enriched ceratitis capitata extracts synthesized a glucosylated lipid linked oligosaccharide. its properties were closely related to those of the previously described insect mannosylated dolichyl diphosphate oligosaccharides and almost the same as those of the rat liver dolichyl-diphosphate-(glcnac)2-(man)9-(glc)1-3. the saccharide moiety of the latter was transferred to an unknown endogenous protein-like acceptor by the fly extracts. these represent the first evidence of a protein gly ... | 1980 | 7464828 |
analysis of mitochondrial dna and development of pcr-based diagnostic molecular markers for mediterranean fruit fly (ceratitis capitata) populations. | a 2.99 kb mtdna fragment containing two variable restriction endonuclease sites (ecorv and xbai) was subcloned and sequenced from the mediterranean fruit fly (ceratitis capitata). this fragment represents approximately one-fifth of the entire mitochondrial sequence. the sequence was aligned with the comparable region from drosophila yakuba and anopheles gambiae, resulting in 81.8% and 76.7% identity at the nucleotide level, and 77% and 67.7% identity, respectively, at the amino acid level. the s ... | 1995 | 7742977 |
partial n-terminal sequences of larval cuticular proteins from the dipteran ceratitis capitata. | the partial amino acid sequences ranging in length over 17-30 residues from the n-terminus, have been obtained for nine cuticular proteins of ceratitis capitata. sequence similarities indicate that the proteins belong to a family which is related to cuticular proteins isolated from flexible cuticles of drosophila melanogaster, manduca sexta, sarcophaga bullata and hyalophora cecropia. | 1995 | 7759285 |
bioproduction of an extract from penicillium funiculosum thom with activity against ceratitis capitata and tetranychus urticae. | the bioproduction conditions of a crude extract from a strain of penicillium funiculosum thom, which shows activity against ceratitis capitata and tetranychus urticae, have been optimized. the efficacy degree was 95% (c. capitata) and 100% (t. urticae), according to abbot. this is the first report on the pesticide activity of an extract from p. funiculosum against these species. the best yields were obtained when p. funiculosum was grown in raulin-thom medium at ph 6.5 with sucrose candy as the ... | 1993 | 7763929 |
in vitro translation of an intact mrna coding for a poly(u), poly(c) specific ribonuclease isolated from six-day-old larvae of ceratitis capitata by a modified extraction procedure. | intact ribonucleic acid was prepared from six-day-old larvae of ceratitis capitata, by enriching the guanidinium thiocyanate extraction procedure with a specific mixture for the active ribonuclease inhibition. rna obtained by this means was then used as a source for the identification of mrna coding for poly(u), poly(c) specific ribonuclease. the isolated poly(a+) rna was translated in a cell-free protein synthesizing system. the presence of a poly(u), poly(c) ribonuclease among the newly synthe ... | 1994 | 7849623 |
cdna sequence and expression of the ceratotoxin gene encoding an antibacterial sex-specific peptide from the medfly ceratitis capitata (diptera). | ceratotoxins are antibacterial 3-kda molecular mass amphiphilic peptides isolated from the female reproductive accessory glands of the medfly ceratitis capitata. they are physiologically related to bee melittin and show amino acid sequence homology with magainin peptides. in this paper, we report the complete sequence of cdna coding for ceratotoxin a and the expression of the gene during the life cycle of the insect. experimental data show that the ceratotoxin is a gene expressed exclusively in ... | 1995 | 7890755 |
malathion and malaoxon environmental levels used for exposure assessment and risk characterization of aerial applications to residential areas of southern california, 1989-1990. | between august 1989 and july 1990, california conducted a mediterranean fruit fly eradication project in southern california which included repeated aerial applications of malathion bait to urban areas where approximately 1.6 million people resided. concern about the safety of these applications prompted the california department of health services to prepare a risk assessment. the current work presents the estimates of environmental levels of malathion and malaoxon, derived from mass deposition ... | 1994 | 7894268 |
assessment of exposure to malathion and malaoxon due to aerial application over urban areas of southern california. | the state of california conducted aerial applications of malathion (ma) bait over urban areas in the southern california air basin in order to eradicate the mediterranean fruit fly (ceratitis capitata). concern about the potential human health effects of this activity prompted a risk assessment conducted by the california department of health services. estimates of potential human exposures to ma and its primary breakdown product, malaoxon, (mo) are based on assumptions of daily human activities ... | 1994 | 7894269 |
a prokaryotic dnaa sequence in drosophila melanogaster: wolbachia infection and cytoplasmic incompatibility among laboratory strains. | using oligonucleotide primers derived from the aligned polypeptide sequences of several prokaryotic dnaa genes, we amplified from drosophila melanogaster dna a 557 bp fragment containing a single open reading frame. the predicted peptide sequence shows a significant similarity to previously characterized protein sequences that are encoded by the dnaa genes of several prokaryotes. the dnaa sequences are also detectable by pcr in dna from drosophila simulans and nasonia vitripennis flies which are ... | 1994 | 7894745 |
the role of dityrosine formation in the crosslinking of cut-2, the product of a second cuticlin gene of caenorhabditis elegans. | a second cuticlin gene, cut-2, of the nematode caenorhabditis elegans, has been isolated and its genomic and cdna sequences determined. the gene codes for a component of cuticlin, the insoluble residue of nematode cuticles. conceptual translation of cut-2 reveals a 231-amino acid secreted protein which, like cut-1, begins with a putative signal peptide of 16 residues. the central part of the protein consists of 13 repetitions of a short hydrophobic motif, which is often degenerated with substitu ... | 1994 | 7935621 |
controlled-release panel traps for the mediterranean fruit fly (diptera: tephritidae). | solid, controlled-release dispensers containing 2 g of the synthetic attractant trimedlure now are used in jackson traps to detect the mediterranean fruit fly, ceratitis capitata (wiedemann). panel traps consisting of trimedlure mixed in a sticky substance and spread on the surfaces of a plastic panel are used to delineate the limits of discovered insect infestations in california. we describe the development of controlled-release, polymeric panels that prolong release of trimedlure and a highly ... | 1994 | 7962949 |
mutation "white pupae" in the integument of ceratitis capitata affects both defense and melanogenesis. | studying defense and melanogenesis processes in the cuticle of the "white pupae" (wp) and "dark pupae" (dp) mutant strains of ceratitis capitata, we showed that both processes function equally well only in the cuticle of dp mutants, as in the wild-type cuticle. the cuticle of wp mutants lacks the ability to form escherichia coli aggregates and to melanize in vivo. however, in this mutant, tyrosinase and dopachrome conversion factor activities, as well as melanin content and nonself-recognition p ... | 1994 | 8001698 |
the sequence and expression pattern of the calliphora erythrocephala yolk protein a and b genes. | the yolk protein genes (yps) are expressed in a temporal, tissue- and sex-specific fashion in drosophila melanogaster. here we report the sequence of two related genes in calliphora erythrocephala. the predicted calliphora yolk protein (yp) sequences are well conserved, especially at the c-terminal end when compared to those of d. melanogaster and ceratitis capitata. database searches with the calliphora yolk protein b (ceypb) sequence identify the vertebrate lipase similarity reported for the y ... | 1994 | 8007002 |
defense and melanization depend on the eumelanin pathway, occur independently and are controlled differentially in developing ceratitis capitata. | a defense mechanism in the hemocytes and cuticle of developing ceratitis capitata has been demonstrated (marmaras and charalambidis, 1992; marmaras et al., 1993a; marmaras et al., 1993b). to elucidate further the mechanism and the regulation of defense reactions, we studied this process in relation to melanization in the major larval tissues, in two distinct developmental stages; the feeding and wandering larval stages. the results demonstrate that defense reaction depends on reactive tyrosine d ... | 1994 | 8069330 |
resolution of populations of the mediterranean fruit fly at the dna level using random primers for the polymerase chain reaction. | we have used the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and the random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) method to identify dna polymorphisms that can be used as genetic markers to characterize populations of the mediterranean fruit fly, ceratitis capitata. in this study, rapd markers have been used to resolve genetic variability between populations of this major agricultural pest species. the populations analyzed represent either laboratory stocks or wild collections originating from different geograph ... | 1994 | 8200514 |
genetic maps of the sheep blowfly lucilia cuprina: linkage-group correlations with other dipteran genera. | linkage data and revised genetic maps for 72 autosomal loci in lucilia cuprina are presented. comparison of the linkage relationships of biochemically and morphologically similar mutations in ceratitis capitata, drosophila melanogaster, and musca domestica supports the hypothesis that the major linkage elements have survived relatively intact during evolution of the higher diptera. the relationship of the linkage groups of the mosquito aedes aegypti to these species is less clear. | 1993 | 8349126 |
defense mechanisms in insects: certain integumental proteins and tyrosinase are responsible for nonself-recognition and immobilization of escherichia coli in the cuticle of developing ceratitis capitata. | a defense mechanism in the cuticle of developing c. capitata was demonstrated using an in vitro system consisting of isolated cuticular tyrosinase from c. capitata, cuticular tyrosinase-free proteins, tyrosine, and e. coli. the simultaneous presence of the above components resulted in the formation of large immobilized e. coli aggregates. by contrast, omission of any of the above components failed to produce such aggregates. in other words, e. coli retained their mobility and viability. the resu ... | 1993 | 8358071 |
differential effects of fluoride and a non-hydrolysable gtp analogue on adenylate cyclase and g-proteins in ceratitis capitata neural tissue. | we have examined the effects of fluoride on guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (g-proteins) in neural membranes from the dipterous ceratitis capitata. fluoride effects on the gs-protein were monitored by determining adenylate cyclase activity and cholera toxin-catalysed adp-ribosylation whereas those on the g(o)-protein were studied by measuring adp-ribosylation with pertussis toxin. data are discussed in relation to the effects of a non-hydrolysable gtp analogue. g-protein activatio ... | 1993 | 8452756 |
the novel antibacterial peptide ceratotoxin a alters permeability of the inner and outer membrane of escherichia coli k-12. | ceratotoxins are antibacterial 3-kda amphiphilic peptides isolated from the female reproductive apparatus of the medfly ceratitis capitata. the antibacterial activity of a chemically synthesized ceratotoxin a (ctx a) has been investigated. ctx a was mainly active against gram-negative organisms, and it had a lytic effect on nongrowing escherichia coli k-12. data showed that ctx a alters both the outer and the inner membrane of e.coli k-12 cells. | 1996 | 8661687 |
the hobo transposable element excises and has related elements in tephritid species. | function of the drosophila melanogaster hobo transposon in tephritid species was tested in transient embryonic excision assays. wild-type and mutant strains of anastrepha suspensa, bactrocera dorsalis, b. cucurbitae, ceratitis capitata, and toxotrypana curvicauda all supported hobo excision or deletion both in the presence and absence of co-injected hobo transposase, indicating a permissive state for hobo mobility and the existence of endogenous systems capable of mobilizing hobo. in several str ... | 1996 | 8807305 |
molecular clock or erratic evolution? a tale of two genes. | we have investigated the evolution of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gpdh). the rate of amino acid replacements is 1 x 10(-10)/site/year when drosophila species are compared. the rate is 2.7 times greater when drosophila and chymomyza species are compared; and about 5 times greater when any of those species are compared with the medfly ceratitis capitata. this rate of 5 x 10(-10)/site/year is also the rate observed in comparisons between mammals, or between different animal phyla, or betwee ... | 1996 | 8876205 |
repetitive peptide motifs in the cuticlin of ascaris suum. | the cuticle of parasitic nematodes is composed of extracellular structural proteins. over 90% of these proteins are collagenous molecules in the basal and median layers of the cuticle. the outermost layers of the cuticle, the epicuticle, is composed of non-collagenous proteins, that represent the structural surface of nematodes. in ascaris these proteins have been termed 'cuticlins'. while cuticular collagens have been well studied by both biochemical and genetic means, knowledge of the molecula ... | 1996 | 8885222 |
transposable elements and gene transformation in non-drosophilid insects. | this review summarizes recent data on the development of non-drosophilid insect transformation systems. the discussion focuses on one particular approach to developing transformation systems that relies on the use of short inverted repeat-type transposable elements analogous to that employed for drosophila melanogaster transformation. representatives from four families of short inverted repeat-type transposable elements have been shown to either act as non-drosophilid gene vectors or to have the ... | 1996 | 9014324 |
genotoxicity of malathion in human lymphocytes assessed using the micronucleus assay in vitro and in vivo: a study of malathion-exposed workers. | the aerial application of malathion, a widely used organophosphate insecticide, has raised public concerns about potential adverse health effects. we therefore studied micronucleus formation in human lymphocytes as a biomarker of genotoxicity both in vitro and in vivo. lymphocytes were cultured either as whole blood or after ficoll isolation and treated with malathion in doses from 5 to 100 micrograms/ml for 48 h. a significant increase in micronucleated cells (47.5/1000 versus 16.0/1000 in dmso ... | 1997 | 9025795 |
what demographers can learn from fruit fly actuarial models and biology. | historically demographers have viewed the results of actuarial studies of nonhuman species, particularly those on invertebrates such as fruit flies, as largely irrelevant to investigations on human populations. in this paper i present life table data from large scale studies on the mediterranean fruit fly, and show that they provide important insights into fundamental aspects of mortality relevant to human populations: the trajectory of mortality at older ages, sex mortality differentials, the c ... | 1997 | 9074829 |
five major subfamilies of mariner transposable elements in insects, including the mediterranean fruit fly, and related arthropods. | we have used a pcr assay to screen 404 insects and related arthropods for mariner elements using primers corresponding to amino acids conserved between the mariner elements of drosophila mauritiana and a moth, hyalophora cecropia. potential mariner elements were detected in sixty-three species, representing ten insect orders as well as a centipede and a mite. phylogenetic analysis of the pcr fragment sequences from thirty species identifies five major subfamilies of mariners. many species have r ... | 1993 | 9087550 |
conservation of hexamerin endocytosis in diptera. | in cyclorrhaphan diptera at least two different types of haemolymph proteins exist which belong to the class of hexamerins. in the last larval instar of calliphora vicina, the highly aromatic hexamerin, arylphorin, and the second hexamerin, pii, make up about 90% of haemolymph proteins. both of these proteins are selectively taken up by the fat body cells at the end of larval life and share a common membrane-bound receptor. in addition, hexamerins and possible hexamerin receptors of calliphora v ... | 1997 | 9108239 |
isolation and characterization of pleurocidin, an antimicrobial peptide in the skin secretions of winter flounder. | antimicrobial peptides are found in both myeloid cells and mucosal tissues of many vertebrates and invertebrates. these peptides are predicted to operate as a first-line host defense mechanism exerting broad-spectrum activity against pathogenic bacteria, fungi, parasites, and enveloped viruses. we report the characterization of a novel 25-residue linear antimicrobial peptide found in the skin mucous secretions of the winter flounder (pleuronectes americanus). this peptide was purified through mu ... | 1997 | 9115266 |
developmental regulation of yolk protein gene expression in anastrepha suspensa. | a partial cdna clone for the 48,000 dalton yolk polypeptide gene from anastrepha suspensa was isolated from a cdna expression library using a yolk polypeptide antibody probe and hybridization to the drosophila melanogaster yolk protein 1 gene. the sequenced dna has greatest homology to the yolk protein genes from ceratitis capitata, d. melanogaster, and calliphora erythrocephala and, similar to these genes, shares amino acid sequence domains with those from lipases. rna hybridization studies ind ... | 1997 | 9243791 |
the white gene of the tephritid fruit fly bactrocera tryoni is characterized by a long untranslated 5' leader and a 12kb first intron. | a 300 bp fragment from exon 6 of the white gene of bactrocera tryoni was used to screen a b. tryoni genomic library. one positive (approximately 14 kb) insert contained exons 2-6 of white by nucleotide and amino acid sequence similarity to the white genes of d. melanogaster (o'hare et al., 1984; pepling & mount, 1990). lucilia cuprina (garcia et al., 1996). ceratitis capitata (zwiebel et al., 1995) and anopheles gambiae (besansky et al., 1995). a white 5' cdna fragment containing exons 1, 2 and ... | 1997 | 9359576 |
presence of antibacterial peptides on the laid egg chorion of the medfly ceratitis capitata. | female reproductive accessory glands of the medfly ceratitis capitata produce a secretion with antibacterial activity mainly ascribed to ceratotoxin peptides. to study whether the secretion from the accessory glands of the female protects the eggs and early larva from microbes, we examined whether ceratotoxins and other accessory gland components could be found on the egg surface. this was found to be the case; a water-soluble material with the same protein and antibacterial pattern as that of t ... | 1997 | 9398621 |
comparison of mtdna variants among mediterranean and new world introductions of the mediterranean fruit fly ceratitis capitata (wied.). | restriction enzyme cleavage sites of mitochondrial dna (mtdna) from the mediterranean fruit fly (ceratitis capitata) were found to vary among mediterranean and new world populations. a restriction map for six populations (one from greece and five from the new world) is constructed for the mediterranean fruit fly. six diagnostic restriction enzymes (ecori, ecorv, haeiii, hindiii, ssti, xbai) are assigned three geographically distinct main types, ci, cii, and ciii. | 1997 | 9559093 |
phagocytosis of escherichia coli by insect hemocytes requires both activation of the ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase signal transduction pathway for attachment and beta3 integrin for internalization. | insect hemocytes in response to lipopolysaccharide (lps) of gram-negative bacteria facilitate binding and internalization of either cell-associated or cell-free lps (charalambidis, n. d., foukas l. c., and marmaras v. j. (1996) eur. j. biochem. 236, 200-206). an early event in lps signaling in hemocytes involves protein tyrosine phosphorylation (charalambidis n. d., zervas c. g., lambropoulou m., katsoris p. g., and marmaras v. j.(1995) eur. j. cell biol. 67, 32-41). here we report further data ... | 1998 | 9614082 |
characterization of acidic ribosomal proteins from three developmental stages of the medfly ceratitis capitata. | acidic proteins extracted with 0.5 m nh4cl and 50% ethanol from ribosomes of the medfly ceratitis capitata showed two major bands of mw 15 and 17 kd after sds electrophoresis. isoelectrofocusing of acidic proteins resolved two groups of bands at ph 4.5 and 3.5. similar patterns were observed both from the acidic ribosomal protein fraction and from total ribosomes, treated with rnase. treatment with alkaline phosphatase reduced the number of bands with a shift to a higher pi, indicating dephospho ... | 1998 | 9679664 |
isolation and expression of the genes encoding the acidic ribosomal phosphoproteins p1 and p2 of the medfly ceratitis capitata. | the genes of the acidic ribosomal proteins p1 and p2 (ccp1 and ccp2) of the medfly ceratitis capitata were isolated from a genomic library using homologue dna probes prepared by pcr. sequencing and characterization of the two genes revealed strong similarities of the encoded amino acid sequence to the homologous proteins of drosophila melanogaster and other eukaryotic species. the predicted amino acid sequences of the ccp1 and ccp2 proteins shared an almost identical carboxyl terminal sequence o ... | 1999 | 9931511 |
identification and characterization of a putative sevenless homologue in the malaria vector anopheles gambiae. | tyrosine kinase sequences were identified and characterized in anopheles gambiae, the major vector of malaria in subsaharan africa. one of these sequences has the characteristics expected for a homologue of the drosophila sevenless gene, which is necessary for r7 photoreceptor cell fate determination in the developing compound eye. the putative anopheles sevenless gene homologue is located in a telomeric region of the x chromosome and is expressed in the head of late larval and pupal stage mosqu ... | 1999 | 10380111 |
genetic relationships of populations and the origins of new infestations of the mediterranean fruit fly. | a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (pcr-rflp) approach based on the variation in intron sequences of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (zw) gene was used to assess genetic variability in 26 populations and infestations of the mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), ceratitis capitata. beginning with the exon-primed intron-crossing pcr (epic-pcr) method to amplify introns of this gene, five alleles were identified on the basis of dna sequence variants. several of t ... | 1999 | 10447866 |
cloning and characterization of ccecr. an ecdysone receptor homolog from the mediterranean fruit fly ceratitis capitata. | in order to understand the role that 20-hydroxyecdysone plays during development of the mediterranean fruit fly ceratitis capitata (medfly), a major agricultural pest, we have cloned a ceratitis ecdysone receptor (ccecr) and studied its expression and its binding properties to an ecdysone response element. using the conserved dna binding region of the drosophila melanogaster ecdysone receptor (dmecr) b1 cdna as a probe, we isolated a medfly cdna clone containing the coding region, a part of the ... | 1999 | 10504412 |
the ribosomal p-proteins of the medfly ceratitis capitata form a heterogeneous stalk structure interacting with the endogenous p-proteins, in conditional p0-null strains of the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae. | the genes encoding the ribosomal p-proteins ccp0, ccp1 and ccp2 of ceratitis capitata were expressed in the conditional p0-null strains w303dgp0 and d67dgp0 of saccharomyces cerevisiae, the ribosomes of which contain either standard amounts or are totally deprived of the p1/p2 proteins, respectively. the presence of the ccp0 protein restored cell viability but reduced the growth rate. in the w303ccp0 strain, all four acidic yeast proteins were found on the ribosomes, but in notably less quantity ... | 2000 | 10637325 |
cloning and characterization of the ribosomal protein ccp0 of the medfly ceratitis capitata. | the gene of the ribosomal protein ccp0, the third member of the ribosomal p-protein family of the medfly ceratitis capitata, was identified by genomic and cdna sequence analysis. it codes for a polypeptide of 317 amino acids and its predicted amino acid sequence shows great similarity to the p0 proteins of other eukaryotic organisms. the ccp0 gene was expressed in escherichia coli and the 34-kda recombinant protein was identical to the p0 protein of purified medfly ribosomes. both proteins react ... | 2000 | 10672071 |
porphyrins and related compounds as photoactivatable insecticides. 3. laboratory and field studies. | the exposure of populations of ceratitis capitata (fruit fly), bactrocera oleae (olive fly) and stomoxis calcitrans (house fly) to a bait containing mumolar concentrations of porphyrin-type photosensitizers resulted in a significant accumulation of the porphyrin by the insects and a consequent development of photosensitivity upon exposure to visible light. the photoinsecticidal activity appeared to increase with increasing hydrophobicity of the porphyrin molecule: thus, the amphiphilic dicationi ... | 2000 | 10687383 |
isolation and sequencing of a cdna encoding for a ribonuclease from the insect ceratitis capitata. | two overlapping clones encoding for a ribonuclease from six-day-old larvae of the insect ceratitis capitata (cc-rnase) have been isolated by immunoscreening a cdna library and by 5' race. the sequence of the cc-rnase cdna contains an open reading frame of 414 nucleotides encoding for a precursor protein of 138 amino acids long with a putative signal peptide consisting of 19 amino acids. the calculated m(r) of the mature protein was found to be 13.7 kda. multiple alignments of the deduced amino a ... | 2000 | 10696591 |
acquisition of a potential marker for insect transformation: isolation of a novel alcohol dehydrogenase gene from bactrocera oleae by functional complementation in yeast. | the alcohol dehydrogenase genes make up one of the best studied gene families in drosophila, both in terms of expression and evolution. moreover, alcohol dehydrogenase genes constitute potential versatile markers in insect transformation experiments. however, due to their rapid evolution, these genes cannot be cloned from other insect genera by dna hybridization or pcr-based strategies. we have therefore explored an alternative strategy: cloning by functional complementation of appropriate yeast ... | 2000 | 10732677 |
sunlight-activated insecticides: historical background and mechanisms of phototoxic activity. | several photosensitizing agents, which are activated by illumination with sunlight or artificial light sources, have been shown to be accumulated in significant amounts by a variety of insects when they are administered in association with suitable baits. the subsequent exposure of such insects to uv/visible light leads to a significant drop in survival. of the photosensitizers tested so far, xanthenes (e.g. phloxin b) and porphyrins (e.g. haematoporphyrin) appear to be endowed with the highest ... | 2000 | 10899458 |
perimeter trapping strategy to reduce mediterranean fruit fly (diptera: tephritidae) damage on different host species in israel. | to evaluate the perimeter trapping strategy as a control method, field tests were conducted in three different host species of the mediterranean fruit fly, ceratitis capitata (wiedemann), in israel. dry traps baited with a three component food-based synthetic attractant that were hung in the peripheral rows of a plum, a pear, and a persimmon orchard, caught female c. capitata (up to 20.1, 1.4, and 4.1 female c. capitata per trap per day, respectively). fruit damage, estimated at harvest, indicat ... | 2000 | 10902321 |
field infestation of rambutan fruits by internal-feeding pests in hawaii. | more than 47,000 mature fruits of nine different varieties of rambutan (nephelium lappaceum l.) were harvested from orchards in hawaii to assess natural levels of infestation by tephritid fruit flies and other internal feeding pests. additionally, harvested, mature fruits of seven different rambutan varieties were artificially infested with eggs or first-instars of mediterranean fruit fly, ceratitis capitata (wiedemann), or oriental fruit fly, bactrocera dorsalis (hendel) (diptera: tephritidae) ... | 2000 | 10902340 |
sequence and transcription patterns of 60s ribosomal protein p0, a diapause-regulated ap endonuclease in the flesh fly, sarcophaga crassipalpis. | we have isolated and sequenced a 1308bp clone from a pupal brain cdna library of the flesh fly, sarcophaga crassipalpis, showing 97% amino acid (aa) sequence similarity to ceratitis capitata 60s acidic ribosomal protein p0 (ccp0) and 93% aa sequence similiarity to drosophila melanogaster p0 (dmp0). dmp0 is a multifunctional protein necessary for efficient protein translation of the 60s ribosome as well as dna repair via ap3 endonuclease activity. in this study, we observed that s. crassipalpis p ... | 2000 | 11024299 |
parasitoids of medfly, ceratitis capitata, and related tephritids in kenyan coffee: a predominantly koinobiont assemblage. | arabica coffee was sampled from two sites in the central highlands of kenya (rurima, ruiru) and one site on the western side of the rift valley (koru). three species of ceratitidine tephritidae, ceratitis capitata (wiedemann), c. rosa karsch and trirhithrum coffeae bezzi, were reared from sites in the central highlands, and an additional species, c. anonae graham, was recovered from the western-most site. ten species of parasitic hymenoptera were reared from these tephritids. the parasitoid asse ... | 2000 | 11107253 |
the drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase gene may have evolved independently of the functionally homologous medfly, olive fly, and flesh fly genes. | cdnas for alcohol dehydrogenase (adh) isozymes were cloned and sequenced from two tephritid fruit flies, the medfly ceratitis capitata and the olive fly bactrocera oleae. because of the high sequence divergence compared with the drosophila sequences, the medfly cdnas were cloned using sequence information from the purified proteins, and the olive fly cdnas were cloned by functional complementation in yeast. the medfly peptide sequences are about 83% identical to each other, and the corresponding ... | 2001 | 11230533 |
synthesis and mobilization of glycogen during metamorphosis of the medfly ceratitis capitata. | there are no recent reports focusing on insect glycogen metabolism that take the advances made in mammalian and yeast systems into account. moreover, little is known about glycogen synthesis and degradation during insect metamorphosis. the biosynthesis and mobilization of insect glycogen were measured during the larva to adult transition in the medfly, ceratitis capitata. the glycogen accumulated by larva decreased to reach almost undetectable levels at the beginning of the pupation process. his ... | 2001 | 11469792 |
early detection and population monitoring of ceratitis capitata (diptera: tephritidae) in a mixed-fruit orchard in northern greece. | population monitoring of the mediterranean fruit fly,ceratitis capitata (wiedemann), was studied in 1998 in a mixed-fruit orchard in northern greece, using international pheromone mcphail traps (ipmt) baited with the female targeted attractants ammonium acetate, putrescine, and trimethylamine, and jackson traps baited with the male specific parapheromone trimedlure. special emphasis was placed on detecting the low initial adult population resulting from surviving overwintering larvae as early as ... | 2001 | 11561860 |
field evaluation of a phototoxic dye, phloxine b, against three species of fruit flies (diptera: tephritidae). | the xanthene dye phloxine b (d&c red #28) bait was sprayed against fruit flies in mango orchards in 1996 and 1997. the flies used for testing were mexican fruit fly, anastrepha ludens (loew), west indian fruit fly, anastrepha obliqua (macquart), and mediterranean fruit fly, ceratitis capitata (wiedeman). results of the experiments indicate that the toxic efficacy of phloxine b against these fruit flies is as good as that of malathion-bait sprays. results also indicate that type of protein used w ... | 2001 | 11777044 |
bacteria associated with the oesophageal bulb of the medfly ceratitis capitata (diptera:tephritidae). | extracellular gram negative bacteria were found to be commonly associated to the oesophageal bulb of ceratitis capitata with klebsiella oxytoca and enterobacter agglomerans as the most common species. all the isolates tested in vitro, except one, were sensitive to the antibacterial material present on the medfly laid egg surface. | 2002 | 11815856 |
transcriptional heterochrony of scute and changes in bristle pattern between two closely related species of blowfly. | temporal shifts in the expression of regulatory genes, relative to other events taking place during development, can result in changes in morphology. such transcriptional heterochrony can introduce dramatic morphological changes that involve rather few genetic events and so has the potential to cause rapid changes during evolution. we have shown previously that stereotyped species-specific bristle patterns on the notum of higher diptera correlate with changes in the spatial regulation of scute e ... | 2002 | 12453458 |
genetic sexing strains in medfly, ceratitis capitata, sterile insect technique programmes. | the introduction of genetic sexing strains (gss) into medfly, ceratitis capitata (wiedemann), sterile insect technique (sit) programmes started in 1994 and it was accompanied by extensive evaluation of the strains both in field cages and in open field situations. two male-linked translocation systems, one based on pupal colour, wp, and the other based on temperature sensitivity, tsl, have been used in medfly sit programmes and they have quite different impacts on mass rearing strategy. in strain ... | 2002 | 12484522 |
sex determination in flies, fruitflies and butterflies. | sex determination mechanisms, differing in their modality, are widely represented in all the various animal taxa, even at the intraspecific level. within the highly diversified class insecta, drosophila has been used to unravel the mechanistic molecular and genetic interactions that are involved in sex determination. indeed, the molecularly characterized genes of the drosophila sex determination hierarchy x:a > sxl > tra > dsx have been fruitful starting points in the cloning of homologous genes ... | 2002 | 12484523 |
genetic differentiation, gene flow and the origin of infestations of the medfly, ceratitis capitata. | the genetic structure of natural populations of the economically important dipteran species ceratitis capitata was analysed using both biochemical and molecular markers. this revealed considerable genetic variation in populations from different geographic regions. the nature of this variation suggests that the evolutionary history of the species involved the spread of individuals from the ancestral african populations through europe and, more recently, to latin america, hawaii and australia. the ... | 2002 | 12484532 |
molecular phylogeny of tephritid fruit flies in the bactrocera tau complex using the mitochondrial coi sequences. | we compared sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase i gene of eight species of the bactrocera tau complex using bactrocera dorsalis, bactrocera pyrifoliae, ceratitis capitata, anopheles gambiae, and locusta migratoria as outgroups. a 639-bp variable region was sequenced. the sequence divergence between species in the b. tau complex ranged from 0.06 to 28%, and up to 29% between the complex and its tephritid outgroups, b. dorsalis and c. capitata. according to the phylogenetic relations ... | 2003 | 12669803 |
insecticidal activity of penitrems, including penitrem g, a new member of the family isolated from penicillium crustosum. | penitrem g (7), a new indole-diterpenoid compound, has been isolated together with the already known mycotoxins penitrems a-d (1-4) and f (6) from the mycelium of penicillium crustosum thom. the structure of penitrem g was established on the basis of spectroscopic data. in addition, paspaline (8), another indole-diterpenoid mycotoxin that has not been previously described in this fungus, was also isolated. these compounds were tested for insecticidal activity against the hemipteran oncopeltus fa ... | 2003 | 12670149 |
the ceratotoxin gene family in the medfly ceratitis capitata and the natal fruit fly ceratitis rosa (diptera: tephritidae). | ceratotoxins (ctxs) are a family of antibacterial sex-specific peptides expressed in the female reproductive accessory glands of the mediterranean fruit fly ceratitis capitata. as a first step in the study of molecular evolution of ctx genes in ceratitis, partial genomic sequences encoding four distinct ctx precursors have been determined. in addition, anti-escherichia coli activity very similar to that of the accessory gland secretion from c. capitata was found in the accessory gland secretion ... | 2003 | 12714984 |
age-specific mortality and reproduction respond to adult dietary restriction in drosophila melanogaster. | adult dietary yeast modulates mortality rate and reproduction of the mediterranean fruit fly, ceratatis capitata. in the medfly, a sugar-only diet leads to low mortality rates and reduced reproduction; addition of dietary yeast increases both mortality and egg laying. in drosophila melanogaster low availability of dietary yeast is known to increase life span and reduce the rate of reproduction. despite these similarities, because of differences in experimental design it remains unclear whether a ... | 2001 | 12770153 |
effect of soil temperature and moisture on survival and infectivity of metarhizium anisopliae to four tephritid fruit fly puparia. | the infectivity of 4 isolates of metarhizium anisopliae to puparia of ceratitis capitata treated as late third-instar larvae in unsterilized soil was investigated in the laboratory under controlled temperature and moisture. at 20-30 degrees c, mortality in puparia was highest at water potential of -0.1 and -0.01 mega pascal (mpa) and lowest at water potential of -0.0055 and -0.0035 mpa in all the isolates. in wetter soil however, isolates icipe 20 and 60 caused significantly higher mortality tha ... | 2003 | 12788285 |
cc rnase: the ceratitis capitata ortholog of a novel highly conserved protein family in metazoans. | complementary dna encoding a protein, designated cc rnase, was isolated from the insect ceratitis capitata. deduced amino acid sequence analysis demonstrates that the cc rnase has strong sequence homology with other uncharacterized proteins predicted from est sequences belonging to different animal species, therefore defining a new protein family, which is conserved from caenorhabditis elegans to humans. phylogenetic analysis data in addition to extensive homolog searches in all available comple ... | 2003 | 12799437 |
native and introduced host plants of anastrepha fraterculus and ceratitis capitata (diptera: tephritidae) in northwestern argentina. | wild or commercially grown, native and exotic fruit were collected in 30 localities in the tucumán province (nw argentina) from january 1990 to december 1995 to determine their status as hosts of anastrepha fraterculus (wiedemann) and/or ceratitis capitata (wiedemann), the only two fruit fly species of economic and quarantine importance in argentina. a total of 84,094 fruit (3,466.1 kg) representing 33 species (7 native and 26 exotic) in 15 plant families were sampled. we determined the followin ... | 2003 | 14503581 |
effects of diet, ginger root oil, and elevation on the mating competitiveness of male mediterranean fruit flies (diptera: tephritidae) from a mass-reared, genetic sexing strain in guatemala. | the release of sterile males is a key component of an areawide program to eradicate the mediterranean fruit fly, ceratitis capitata (wiedemann), from guatemala and southern mexico. the objective of our study was to assess the effects of adult diet, exposure to ginger root oil (zingiber officinale roscoe), and elevation on the mating competitiveness of the sterile males used in an areawide program. sterile males were maintained on a protein-sugar (protein-fed) or a sugar-only (protein-deprived) d ... | 2003 | 14503584 |
pathogenicity of metarhizium anisopliae (metsch.) sorokin and beauveria bassiana (balsamo) vuillemin, to three adult fruit fly species: ceratitis capitata (weidemann), c. rosa var. fasciventris karsch and c. cosyra (walker) (diptera :tephritidae). | the pathogenicity of two isolates of beauveria bassiana and 12 of metarhizium anisopliae towards adult fruit flies, ceratitis capitata and ceratitis rosa var. fasciventris was tested in the laboratory. fruit flies were exposed to dry conidia evenly spread on velvet material covering the inner side of a cylindrical plastic tube. all isolates tested were pathogenic to both species of fruit flies. mortality ranged from 7 to 100% in c. capitata and from 11.4 to 100% in c. rosa var. fasciventris at 4 ... | 2003 | 14682465 |
a multistate outbreak of salmonella enterica serotype newport infection linked to mango consumption: impact of water-dip disinfestation technology. | fresh produce increasingly is recognized as an important source of salmonellosis in the united states. in december 1999, the centers for disease control and prevention detected a nationwide increase in salmonella serotype newport (sn) infections that had occurred during the previous month. sn isolates recovered from patients in this cluster had indistinguishable pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) patterns (which identified the outbreak strain), suggesting a common source. seventy-eight pati ... | 2003 | 14689335 |
inability of ceratitis capitata (diptera: tephritidae) to overwinter in the judean hills. | the overwintering potential of the mediterranean fruit fly, ceratitis capitata (wiedemann) (diptera: tephritidae), in cold winter areas within its northern distribution is a key element in understanding its ecology. recent studies have suggested that although originating in tropical africa, the fly has become adapted to the cold weather that prevails within its northernmost areas of distribution. we address the question of whether the mediterranean fruit fly has expanded its overwintering range ... | 2004 | 14998125 |
patterns of variation within and between greek populations of ceratitis capitata suggest extensive gene flow and latitudinal clines. | four natural greek populations of mediterranean fruit fly, ceratitis capitata (wiedemann), was studied for genetic variability at 25 enzyme loci. the comparison of polymorphism within and between populations shows two loci with high between-population heterozygosity (ht) and very high fixation index (f(st)) values, suggesting the presence of balancing selection. the gradual decline of common allele frequency of the polymorphic loci tested indicated that latitudinal clines are present in greece. ... | 2004 | 15279309 |
wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility as a means for insect pest population control. | biological control is the purposeful introduction of parasites, predators, and pathogens to reduce or suppress pest populations. wolbachia are inherited bacteria of arthropods that have recently attracted attention for their potential as new biocontrol agents. wolbachia manipulate host reproduction by using several strategies, one of which is cytoplasmic incompatibility (ci) [stouthamer, r., breeuwer, j. a. j. & hurst, g. d. d. (1999) annu. rev. microbiol. 53, 71-102]. we established wolbachia-i ... | 2004 | 15469918 |
on the origins of medfly invasion and expansion in australia. | as a result of their rapid expansion and large larval host range, true fruit flies are among the world's most important agricultural pest species. among them, ceratitis capitata has become a model organism for studies on colonization and invasion processes. the genetic aspects of the medfly invasion process have already been analysed throughout its range, with the exception of australia. bioinvasion into australia is an old event: medfly were first captured in australia in 1895, near perth. afte ... | 2004 | 15548296 |
effect of probiotic adult diets on fitness components of sterile male mediterranean fruit flies (diptera: tephritidae) under laboratory and field cage conditions. | the aim of the current study was to investigate the effect of probiotic adult diets, i.e., adult diets containing viable symbiotic intestinal bacteria, on the pheromone-calling activity, mating success, life expectancy, and survival of mass-reared male mediterranean fruit flies, ceratitis capitata (wiedemann), as an avenue for improving the field performance of sterile males in release programs to eradicate, suppress, or prevent spread of wild populations. the effect of inoculation of two standa ... | 2004 | 15568345 |
capture of mediterranean fruit flies (diptera: tephritidae) in dry traps baited with a food-based attractant and jackson traps baited with trimedlure during sterile male release in guatemala. | captures of the mediterranean fruit fly, ceratitis capitata (wiedemann), in jackson traps baited with trimedlure were compared with captures in cylindrical open-bottom dry traps baited with a food-based synthetic attractant (ammonium acetate, putrescine, and trimethylamine). tests were conducted in guatemala during a sterile male release program in an area where wild flies were present in low numbers. more wild and sterile females were captured in food-based traps, and more wild and sterile male ... | 2004 | 15666775 |
in vivo bioinsecticidal activity toward ceratitis capitata (fruit fly) and callosobruchus maculatus (cowpea weevil) and in vitro bioinsecticidal activity toward different orders of insect pests of a trypsin inhibitor purified from tamarind tree (tamarindus indica) seeds. | a proteinaceous inhibitor with high activity against trypsin-like serine proteinases was purified from seeds of the tamarind tree (tamarindus indica) by gel filtration on shephacryl s-200 followed by a reverse-phase hplc vidac c18 tp. the inhibitor, called the tamarind trypsin inhibitor (tti), showed a mr of 21.42 kda by mass spectrometry analysis. tti was a noncompetitive inhibitor with a ki value of 1.7 x 10(-9) m. in vitro bioinsecticidal activity against insect digestive enzymes from differe ... | 2005 | 15913299 |
mediterranean fruit fly as a potential vector of bacterial pathogens. | the mediterranean fruit fly (ceratitis capitata) is a cosmopolitan pest of hundreds of species of commercial and wild fruits. it is considered a major economic pest of commercial fruits in the world. adult mediterranean fruit flies feed on all sorts of protein sources, including animal excreta, in order to develop eggs. after reaching sexual maturity and copulating, female flies lay eggs in fruit by puncturing the skin with their ovipositors and injecting batches of eggs into the wounds. in view ... | 2005 | 16000820 |
effect of combined insecticide sprays and sanitation techniques on population dynamics of ceratitis capitata (diptera: tephritidae) in the central mountains of israel. | we conducted an environmental manipulation study over a 7-km2 area to examine the effect of different control levels on the population dynamics of ceratitis capitata (wiedemann) (diptera: tephritidae) in the central mountains of israel. adult male monitoring was carried out from spring to fall during 1988-1991 and year-round from 1994 to 2001. from 1995 to 1997, we manipulated the study area, imposing different levels of control by using a combination of insecticide sprays, tree pruning and remo ... | 2005 | 16022301 |
the effect of diet, sex and mating status on longevity in mediterranean fruit flies (ceratitis capitata), diptera: tephritidae. | dietary restriction (dr) extends lifespan in a range of model organisms such as yeast, flies and worms suggesting it is a 'public' mechanism for longevity extension. lifespan extension has also been reported in the mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), ceratitis capitata in response to various types of dietary manipulation, however, the responses can be complex. there are also reported differences in the responses of medfly and drosophila melanogaster longevity to dr, but it is not clear to what ext ... | 2005 | 16139979 |
field response of mediterranean fruit fly (diptera: tephritidae) to ceralure b1: evaluations of enantiomeric b1 ratios on fly captures. | (-)-ceralure b1 (ethyl-cis-5-iodo-trans-2-methylcyclohexane-1-carboxylate), a male attractant for the mediterranean fruit fly, ceratitis capitata (wiedemann), is significantly more attractive than trimedlure (tert-butyl esters of 4(5)-chloro-2-methylcyclohexane-1-carboxylate), the current standard male attractant used in detection programs. this article reports studies that compare the effectiveness of racemic ceralure b1, mixtures of racemic ceralure b1 and pure (-)-ceralure b1, and trimedlure ... | 2005 | 16156563 |
trends in lipid and protein contents during medfly aging: an harmonic path to death. | survival and egg-laying trends were investigated in mediterranean fruit flies (ceratitis capitata) adults maintained on a sucrose-only diet, or on a full diet that consisted of a 3:1 sucrose and yeast hydrolizate mixture. in addition, we followed the total individual lipid and protein contents of aging flies in a cohort. survival trends and life expectancy parameters at eclosion for males and females on full diet and for males on sucrose only were very similar. in contrast, the mortality of fema ... | 2005 | 16235257 |
effect of trypsin inhibitor from crotalaria pallida seeds on callosobruchus maculatus (cowpea weevil) and ceratitis capitata (fruit fly). | a proteinaceous trypsin inhibitor was purified from crotalaria pallida seeds by ammonium sulfate precipitation, affinity chromatography on immobilized trypsin-sepharose and tca precipitation. the trypsin inhibitor, named cpati, had m(r) of 32.5 kda as determined by sds-page and was composed of two subunits with 27.7 and 5.6 kda linked by disulfide bridges. cpati was stable at 50 degrees c and lost 40% of activity at 100 degrees c. cpati was also stable from ph 2 to 12 at 37 degrees c. cpati weak ... | 2005 | 16426854 |
cloning and structural characterization of the 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase locus of the medfly ceratitis capitata and the olive fruit fly bactrocera oleae. | the pentose phosphate cycle is considered as a major source of nadph and pentose needed for nucleic acid biosynthesis. 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6pgd), an enzyme participating in this cycle, catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of 6pgd to ribulose 5-phosphate with the subsequent release of co(2) and the reduction of nadp. we have determined the genomic sequences of 6pgd of two species of tephritidae, the medfly ceratitis capitata and olive fruit fly bactrocera oleae, and constructed a ... | 2006 | 16459157 |
redressing the sex imbalance in knowledge of vector biology. | the recent development of transgenic mosquitoes that are resistant to infection by the plasmodium malarial parasite is a promising new tool in the fight against malaria. however, results of large-scale field releases of alternatively modified mosquitoes carried out during the 1970s and 1980s suggest that this approach could be difficult to implement in the field. these past attempts to control mosquito populations largely floundered as a result of our insufficient understanding of the behavioura ... | 2005 | 16701369 |
a new minos vector for eye-specific expression of white+ marker in ceratitis capitata and in distantly related dipteran species. | the genetic transformation of insects by transposable elements is based on the use of selectable genetic markers required to identify transgenic individuals. conserved regulatory sequences can be used to develop single constructs capable of adequate expression of a marker, across a range of different species. we present evidence that the drosophila gbs regulatory element (glass-binding site), derived from the rh1 rhodopsin gene, is able to drive in vivo eye-specific expression of a ccwhite+ tran ... | 2006 | 16756553 |
worker exposure and a risk assessment of malathion and fenthion used in the control of mediterranean fruit fly in south australia. | in 2001, an outbreak of mediterranean fruit fly in adelaide was controlled by south australian government workers applying organophosphorus insecticides (ops) to domestic gardens. residents made claims of adverse effects associated with allegations that worker application practices were poor and led to contamination of homes, residents and pets. the concerns led to a parliamentary enquiry, the suspension of op applications for fruit fly control, and the investigation of alternative methods of co ... | 2007 | 16914134 |
long aculeus and behavior of anastrepha ludens render gibberellic acid ineffective as an agent to reduce 'ruby red' grapefruit susceptibility to the attack of this pestiferous fruit fly in commercial groves. | treating mexican grapefruit with gibberellic acid (ga3) before color break, significantly delayed peel color change and increased peel puncture resistance, but it did not reduce grapefruit susceptibility to mexican fruit fly, anastrepha ludens (loew) attack under natural conditions. despite ga3 treatments, larval infestation levels increased with higher fruit fly populations, which also increased as the season progressed. late in the season, infestation levels were even higher in ga3-treated fru ... | 2006 | 16937671 |